i 7 . THE ABHEVTTJ.K CITIZEN. TUESDAY, JULY 24, 191T. Social and Personal ft -r 8 Mr Urrr Hinikani and Mr Jamae MaoRsa war jnmi h-eta last eveniai M a danrinar parly which took plec I Mr. Hariahom'e home on I'earann 4rtv. Dunn, the evening punch wa ir4 Dancing whlMi laeiat iw'il af ter midnight va enjovrd hv rb fol lowing ypung fnlke Mi 1 il Ken Rati, MIm Iol Oeorra. Mi" Nanml ewbark. Mlaa K.l:sat.eth Kitnhetley Ulm Uty Tryon Meriwether. M Fiorina Roland. MUa l,nuie roeion, Mlaa Karhanna Kaulknar M : Brewnell. Mlaa r1lth Monre Paulina Moore, Mla Cam I'aekard. of Taiaa. Mw Mildred raulkner Mlaa Katharine Arn;aet M:a leahel Mansard. Ml Kngenia Karlev. Ml" Martha Falrlav. Mle Wllmoth Vo. fond. Mlaa fwirnthv I ' W r and her guest. Mlaa Flenerov Mim fjeneia Khoadea, Mlaa .lane i'nnie M Tasrothy Cotton. Mlaa Ixuvlnta pent. Hiss 0uan Brown. Mr KVihurh liar tnoa, Mr Frank Rloa Mr. Kuin Ceston. Mr. Kdwln Ia1. Mr Roy Jordan, Mr Rot Olenn. Mr Alton RoMnarm. MV. Parry Tomlln. M . Chartan French To ma Mr. wmiarn Remold. Mr. Pavld Klmberley, M Rlohard Minn. Mr Houaton Arho rest, Mr. Edwin Rurdlok. Mr Rog Martwwttiar. Mr. Horac Millar, Mr Chart aa Lam. Mr Bretney Smith. Mr JrtlJiM Martin. Mr. Junlna Horner. Mr William Healer. Mr. Raid Rnaaall, tr Ranry ftvn, Mr. Charle Bradford Mr. William Bourne. Mr. Oeorga Pugh and Mr. Francl Tumbiill Vlpa Aim Hawaii wfll ntertln with a bridge party on Wadnaadav af tarnoon at her home on Vance street Mlaa Mm an Waavrr will anlarUIn at bar noma on Chetrtnut airaat on Friday afternoon with a hrldira parly In compliment to Mr. Baxter Ba nd Mr. Jarae Mortimer, of Darl ington, & C The "Wharwa" card club mli fhl afternoon with Mlaa Anna Rankin at Bar home on Orangw street ' The regular Tuesday night dinner sane at tha Ma or will be held thla evening; and dancing will be enjoyed from o'clock until 11 o'clock. Sev eral dinner parties hare been arrang ed prwnoua to the dance. J jt Mlaa DeTIa Frtaby entertained with a surprise -J-tr for Mlaa France Mur ray on Saturday enrner at her home on French Broad avenue. After num aroua camea ware playsd, Mlaa Frtoby erred her tuaata with a dellctoua Ice eouraa. Tha aruetta Included: Ml ' Vtna Harmon, Mlaa Opal Crook. Mlaa Beaaia Murray, mis Alma, Murray, ' Mlaa Ober Crook, Mr. Clyde Bradley, ' Mr. Oua Johnson, Mr. Clarence Mr Veal, 1ST. Earl Denton, Mr. Rich mond Boyden, Mr. Roy Roberta. Mr. Carr Ball. Mra. Annie Bradley and atr. ana Airs. j. Ajinan. mm Helen Manrf. of KnoxvUle. Tenn who la tha aueat of Mrs. M Fttxfru-h Teairue, will be tha chief Kest at a brtdre luncheon flvan on uraday by Mra. H. D. Caratarphan, of Charlotte, who la spending; the uramer. In Asbevllle. The party will lake place at the Battery Park hotel. Mlaa .Kadtarlna Beadlea will be tiostasa thla afternoon at Tier home :in Charlotte street entertaining In honor of Mra. Cheater P. Monroe with aa auction bridge party. J Jt Annotm cement has been made of una marrtae-e of Mlaa Amelia Knob lauch, daua-hrar of Mr. and Mra. j Henry O. Knoblauch, of Weat Ahe vllla and Mr. J. F. Fox. of Blltmore. J. Tha wedding took place on Saturday I X. erenlnr the ceremony being per. tor appntn'mant Pr Vorburn trad naiad from tha l'n.n i of Virginia mia aprini and r.fll4 a poaillnn to whuh ha had lrn appointed, for tha fi.llnwinf fmr aa instructor m tha mrdnal dapartmrnt of tha I'm araity if Vionin, owing to lha naad f mrdual men In tha navy. ' r r Tha following a nnounramenl from rot lag a aa Aaaadale aeaue for tae aaaaua. Mlaa f niilbrool u aa artist, having obtaiaed UlUacuoo la assist cark. Mr aad Mra Oeddlng Cuahmaa aad lhair ,mall daugblar wlU ralum thla weak to their noma at Aiken at tar apandiog a fortnight in tba city. Mr. William Coarad and Mr. Orover I Mr.Valr. of Wlnaton-ttalam. are in . Aehavitle for a abort alar before go . ing to Tfiado where they will Join a Khun panj. Mr John Kale has returned le Win. amn-tiaatin after a brief stay In Aaha. villa Mra W H Hunt, of AahaNtlle la panding tha ramaindar of the turn mar at Kanuga Ika LEMONS BRINQ OUT THE HIDDEN BEAUTY Make) Uile lotion for very Unit eat gne) Juat eae far yeurealf. Vf 1 , . I ....I.I l f tt tha A'lanu i onatllution ni tha an- i . . ' . . ' ' . ... ,V' V garrmanl of Mlaa liuil.rl (ilninn to Viola I Mr Hrnrv H Tdnipkina la of In'ar- Mlaa aal In Aahllla whara Mlaa Roblnaon j apanda har aummara ' "Mr and Mra Hov "ohliaon lit- nounra tha anragfmant nf thair ' .lauchtw luatiri to Mr ltnrv Math ona Tornpa rm the dita of tha wad ' ' ng to ta nnnoijn.ad la'ar t'n lloliin'on la tha rtdar of tha two lovr. l.tngh'ara of Mr n. Mra Hft..n aon. and ia aa hainvad aa aha la popu lar In anrial Ufa Mar rhararar dia poaitlon and gantlanaaa era raflarted In a beauty of refined dellrary, and a roiintnanra of eweafeaf wnmanllnaaa. na RnMnaon la a graduate of tha Notre Pama convent. Baltimore, and her bi-lht mind and talent have hean cultivated under tha bawt mas ter, Mr Tompkina la a graduate of Yale, and la at present In the officer,' training ramp. Fort McPheraon, hav ing offered hi eervlree to. hi, roun. trv before ha left collage He la the aon of tha lata Judge Henrv P Tomp kins who vu a gallant confederate officer, a man of acholarly arcom pllahment, etrpeclallr In bl profaaalon of the law. and a cltlaen of nigh rank Hla mother wa the beautiful Mia, Nora Talmar. of Waahtngton. Oa ; a rrnddaughter of the late Oahrlel Tocmbs. of Oevnrl: a grand niece of Oeners.1 Rohert Toomba " I ftrmed by Juetlce of the Peace John i u, wnnesidea. Tha Mlaslon Brudy circle of the Haywood atreet church will meet thta afternoon at 8:80 with Mra. C. Burt at her home on South French Broad avenue, T " , Of tntareat to the many friend of Dr. Charles g. Norburn I the fact that Secretary Daniel ban recom mended him to the president for an- X polntment a assistant Rurgeon of the navy, with the rank of first lieutenant, having paused hla examination at Nor folk and Philadelphia and qualified Mrs. H Xi Hiilllnger and her son. Mtr Paul Hiilllnger. of Braden fown. Fla.. have arrived In the city and will spend (everal weeks here. Judge and Vrs. A. T Cornwefl. of Bradentnwn. Fla.. arrived In Aahe villa yirtTdar for a atay of several weeka before going to New Tork. Mrs K, R. Richard, of Macon, fla. la rn the city for the aunrmar. Mr. B. H. McClure goe today to Auguata. Ol. where he will spend eome time with hi grand mother. Mr. Edward Atkinson la rn Ahevin from Baltimore for a few daya. Mr. E t,. Coiijwr. of Birmingham Ala., la In the city for a brief day. Mr. Farrar Parker spent Sunday and Monday with hla parenta. Dr. and Mra. J. M. Parker, at their home on Ed rem on t road. Mr. Parker 1, at the officers training camp at Ogle thorpe. Mr. George Vol part returned yea terdav from an extended btulnesa trip north Inoludlng St Louis arid other point. Mr. C-ordan Pruden and Mr Sidney Pruden. of Oreenaboro, were In the city yeaterdat n route to Wayneaville to apend a few weeka. Mr. Robert Martin arrived yester day from Greensboro for a atay of a few day with relative, before Joining the ambulance corp which will be called out July IS. Mr. Julian Price, of Oreenaboro. gency manager of the Jefferson Standard Life Insurance company, 1 ttendlng (he aesidons of the 100.000 club being held here this week. Mr. Price Is accompanied by hla daughter, Mlaa Kathleen Price, and Ml, Irene Qrrmsley. Mr, and Mrs A. L. Brooks, of Greensboro, are gtmsts at the Manor. Mlsa Tnsi Ardrey Is arwndlng a short time with her sister, Miss Claire Ard rey, at Rock Hill, S. C. Mr. Herman P. 'Wray. of Macon. Oa., has arrived at her summer place at Chlmnev Rock to spend the re mainder of the season. Mrs. Phllbrook and her daughter. Miss Phllbrook. have come from Cleveland, Ohio, and have taken a eevaral waeka. Mlaa Marianne Img and Mia Vir ginia lng. of Sltataat Ilia. are tha surat of Mrs Rohey flin In tha city fof Kim time M-- Arthur Amhler arrived yeatar rfax af'ernoon from Akron Ohm. a hera ha haa hren for the paat month and la with hla parents. Pr and Mra hae I' Amtikr, at thalr home on Merrtmnn avenue. Mlaa Virginia Peyton, of High Point, I, the gueat of Mrs. J. P. Wheeler for aeveral weeka. Mlaa ora MrPuffle and Mlaa Char lotta MrPuffle. of Fayattevllle. are apendtng apme time visiting relatives In Anhavllle. a. Mlaa Iicy Pan!! Wlngard. of Les tngtnn. R f , la In Aahrville for a aiay of several weak Mlaa Fmlll Campbell ha, returned to her home on B It m o re avenue from Mnrehrad lty where h (pent aev eral weeks. M'.aa Fnne Brooks Is pendlng aome Urn vlalllng Mlaa Viata Harrra at Klkln. N. C. Mlaa Mabel MrKea and M!s Marv Alice McKee. daughter of tha late Mr W P. McKee. of Ahevll have arrived from Kentucky and are the guest of thalr aunt. Mrs H C Coop, er. at her home on North Frenrn Broad avenue. Mia Fxum Meare ha returned from spending the week-end with Mlaa Virginia Randolph at Black Mountain. Mis Etta Black la the gueat of friends In Aahevlll for leveral week Mlaa Black arrived from her horn at Houaton. Trias, the lagt of last week. An attractive akin wins admiration In octal life and in buainaae the girl or woman whose fai a and band how vne of ronatant care enjoy a tra. niendoue advantage over thoae who do not realise the vsJue of a healthy skin and a spotless romplrnon At the cost of a auisll Jar of or dinary co" Id rream one can prepare a full quarter pint of n.e moat wonder ful lemon akin anftanrr and complri- l ion heautifler. by iitng h juice of two fraah lamnna into a hotile con taining threat ounrea nf orchard white fare ehould be takrn to etrain the Julre through a fine rlorh so nn lemon pulp get, in. then thla lotion will keep fresh for months F.verv woman J knows that lemon Juice la tiacd to bleach and remove n h hlemifhra aa frrrklea. eallnwnee ml tan and ia the ideal akin .firn-r amooihrnrr and beautlfler .. Juat try it r,et three ouncaa if orchard white at anv pharmacy and two lemona from tha grocer and make up a quarter pint of thla sweetly fra grant lemon lotion and majaaag It dally Into tha far, neck, anna and hand It naturally ahnuld help to aoften. freshen, bleach and bring rut the soaea and b auty cf aiy akin. AdvL Low Cost Menu Omelet Mlas Ruth Brown ha returned to her iiimmtr place at Arden after apendlng a number of weeka at Char, leaton, S. C. Mr. S J. Lawrence has returned from a stay of a few weeks at Tate Spring, Va. Mra. H. H Oarrleon and Ml Agnes Anderson, of Cincinnati. Ohio, are the guest of Mr. Charle 8 Bryant at her horrie on Cullowhee treet. Mrs Colle Cannon ha returned to her home at Oak Ridge. N. C. after visiting frlenda In the city. Mra R. W. Powell and daughter, Mis Sadie Bean, of Johnston, S C. are visiting Mr. W. C. Blalock on Ashland avenua, M1s Alma Brltt. wbo has been visiting In Johnston. S C. ha re turned to her home on Blanron street. Breakfast. Sliced TUnanaa Coffee tauH'heon. New Nut Bread Crecy Soup Sliced Orangea Sponge rake Tea Toast I Dlr"' VX A B cm March: aeytj sa y ii tyk ii i fft ii aafwi Jhass Dresses are Cjreat bargains Lace and Em- .$ $ $ 4.95 6.95 8.95 .$10.95 .$13.95 .$15.95 $25.00 Summer Suits 30.00 Summer y Suits 35JX) Summer . r Snfts ....... 139.50 Summer Suits Voilles, Oreandies, Batistes and Nets broidery trimmed. $ 7,50 Summer Dress, Voille and Gingham $10.00 Summer Dress, Voille and Gingham $12.50 Summer Dress, Voille and Organdy $15.00 Summer Dress, Voille, Organdy and Net. . $20.00 Summer Dress, Voille, Organdy and Net,, $25.00 Summer Dress, Voille, Organdy and Net , All sizes, white and colored. SUMMER COAT SUITS AT HALF PRICE Silk Jersey, Wool Jersey, Kbaki-Kool, Pongee. Satin and Taffeta. Colors: Copen, Chartreuse, Rose, Gold, Tan, Light Blue, Kelly Oreen, White, Navy and Black. $45.00 Summer Suits $50.00 Siunmer Suits $15.00 Summer Suits $15.00 Khaki-Cloth Suits $12.50 $15.00 $17.50 $19.75 $22.50 $25:00 $ 7.50 .$ 7.50 . ANOELUS SILKS FOR KIMONAS A new Silk and Cotton Fabric in beautiful colors and butterfly dp signs. Especially adapted for kimonas. Priced at, per yard 85c BrrakfsM. Bread Pudding Butte thick elicee of bread and pour over two cupa of milk mixed with two well Leaten egr. a quarter of a cup of sugar and a little cinnamon. Bake In a slow oven. Luncheon. Nut Bread Beat one egg. add half a run of a user, a cud of milk, half a cup of chopped nut, two cup flour, and two traapoona of baking powder. Turnlnto a pan. let rlae twenty mln- utea and bake In a moderate oven. Crecy Roun Melt two tableepoon of butter, add the same of flour and, when blended, add two cuna of milk. and boll until thick Thin to the con itency of cream with hot milk, then add a cup of maahed carrots and season. AT THE 'MOVIES' Mim Florence Oudrer. of Ctandler is visiting her alater. Mr. J. W. Brad ley. at canton. Mr. and Mr. W. T Caldwell Hickory, are the guest of Mra. Cald well a parent. Rev. and Mra. J. M Hawkins, at Acton. Professor H. 1 King, of Woolgev. went to tlreer. 8 C. vesterdav to at tend a reunion of hi company to be neid today at Brushy Creek rhuerh at wTilor. place the company was or gantied In the year 1861. The com pany 1 Company F. 1 S. C. V. Mr. R. C. Crowell and Mrs. R. T.. Thrash, of Acton, are visiting the! aons, Mr. Robert J. Cronvell and Mr Oale Thrash nt the officers' training camp at r on t igietnorpe. Mrs. A. F. Hlck. of Morranton. the guest of Mra. Robert Erwln. Is Further Reductions r on Summer Dresses Prices Now $3.95, $4.95, $8.95 Special sale includes gingham, linen, voiles, novelty cottons and combinations. White and colors. Sizes 16 to 46. . One rack of dresses formerly priced at $4.95 values ' $6.50 and $7.50 are now priced .$3.95 The $6.95?iack values up to $12.50 is now marked $4.95 Dresses at $10.95 and $12.95 values up to $25.00 are now marked $8.95 There is still a very good selection, but thov will go rapidly at these prices. Alterations are extra on reduced garments exchanges or4 returns allowed. -no 11 Pattern Ave. Phone 78. Mr and Mrs. F. J. Carr have re- turned to their home at New Tork citv after visiting Mr. Carr' mother, Mra. ,Ionai Carr. Mr. Oscar Rand, of Montgomery Ala.. Is spending some time with Mra Carrie Cnxr Mitchell on ChurCh street. M1ss Dorothy Osaton. of Uttle Rock. Ark.. Is srrendlnr he summer with her parents. Mr. and Mr. T. P, OaMon. at Candler, with relatlvee. Mr. Henry Falrlev and Miss Clem Fairley. of Rockingham, have arrived in the cltv for the remainder of the aeason Vr Henrv Fairley, Master H. Fairlev Jr . and the Mioses Kath ervne. Porothv. .Teanettc and Elsie I Falrlev will arrive the end of the week by motor. j Mr and Mrs. Frank Edward Spain I have arrived from Birmingham, Ala., and are spending several days in the city. Mrs. Frnest Waddler has returner! to her home after a visit with friends at Knoxville. Miss Grace Brown, of Knov111e. Tcnn . I the guest of frlenda In Ashe- yllle for a few weeks. Mr and Mrs R O. Bradley, of Charlotte, N C. arrived yesterday to spend a short while In Ashevllle. Mr. and Mrs. Charle W. Tlllett, Jr.. who were married Saturday at Morcantnn n re guests at Grove Park Inn for several days. Mr .T W. Garety. of Charleston, S. C.. Is In the city for a short stay. Miss parsh Orr la spending a few days with friends at Greensboro, en route to Roanoke and Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs AMen Howell, Jr., will ret irn to their home a Waynes vllle this week after spending a few days '.n the city. Dr and Mr. Panleht have returned to their home at Tarwell. after spend ing aome time In the city. Mrs S H Slack has returned to her home after spending a month with her parent. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wilkins at Athens Mrs.. N. J. P'.ack returned to Ashevllle with Mrs. Slack and will spend three week In the city. AT THE STB. A NT). Ethel Barrymore pleased her many admirers and added new ones to lier llt yesterday when she was seen at the Strand in the Metro play, "The Greatest Power." This production will be hown again today. This 1 a patriotic picture, and the gun crew oj the First Battery field artillery, of tfie New York national guard, assisted In the prod Jetton. A nnrtlon of the T'ntted 8tatea fleet la shown and methoda of foreign ple exposed. Aside from It patriotic Im portance. "The Greatest Power," is one of the tronget, most exciting stories seen In a long time. It has action, suspense, love, achievement all the qualities that go toward making a really superior feature for the screen. Deal's orchestra will accompany the picture again today with appro priate music. AT THE GAXAIX. Having recently appeared a a debutante, an abused wife of a wealthy man. and aa "Sapho," Pauline Frederick, one of the greatest emo tional actresses of the screen, has turned her attention to a lowlier role that of an office scrubwoman. At first thought this would seem to be an unwise choice for the dainty, faa- tldlous Pauline Frederick cut tnose who saw it yesterday realize that It ranks amone the beet of her career. The name of the picture Is "The Iyjve That Lives." and will be anown ai the Galax again today. The sacrifice of the mother 1 mar- velouslv depicted by Pauline Fred erick and In the last scene she rises to truly sublime heights or artistry. She aids her son to carrv out a faint Inr eMrl from a. fire, watches them es cape to happiness and safety a the flames creeD ever nearer and nearer, a light of such happiness flashes over her face that the humble scrbwoman seems completely transfigured. Prof. Holltngswortn will accompany the picture today with appropriate music on the pipe organ. A USEFUL GIFT FOR A "GUARDSMAN" IN CAMP Khaki Encased Outfits Trench Mirror with Comb and file, set $1.00 Men's Sewing Outfit, complete, set. Writing Pad and Sewing Outfit combined Men's Small Sewing Outfits Writing Tablets with Pencil Holders Hair Brushes with Trench Mirror Khaki Collar Bag Khaki Case for Toilet Articles Complete Fitted Khaki Cases $1.25 $1.75 75c 75c $1.25 $1.00 $4.50 .$4.50 to $7.50 loillll M. W. Indian Coal alwaya meets with tha approval of tha one who paya tha bill and tanda tha fire. Have you tried thla clean, free burning and satisfaction giving coalT.If not. If time you did. ,Ofd'era filled promptly In any quantity and else, at prices you have bean paying for a quality no better If as good. THE WELCOME PLATE GARDNER'S POUND CAKE ' Tha cake that linger with a flavhr and memories o mother. There's None Quite So Good 35c pound Try It today praise it tomorrow. Tweed & Collins Cot. College and Market 6ts. Phones 2616-2817. AT THE PRINCESS. Local playgoer will have their first opportunity to see Sir Jonn Mare, England s most ceieoraiea cmmcitr actor, when "Caste," Ptje vitagrapn blue ribbon feature 1 presented at the Princess today. Also this mark the first and only time that the actor- knlght ever appeared before A mo tion picture camera. So loner has Sir John played the part of Eocles. the fun-loving old rep robate In 'Taste." the- character has become one of the classic of the stage, and In deciding to aaapr tne famous play to the screen the Vita- graph company determined to get him for the part Sir John, who ranks with Irving, Tree, Barrett and other great artists who hav made Eng land's sta.ee history, wa loathe alt first to appear In film. He had the same prejudice against motion, pic ture that producers have bad to over come whenever they first suggested to great stars of the legitimate stage that they po60 for the screen. However,' It wa pointed out to Sir John that he owed It to posterity and the stage to have his art perpetuated and ho agreed to make tne picture No matter where the Beda finish, Cincinnati will still love the Matty for trimming the Giants twice In one afternoon. THE BEST RANGES Like Statesmen and Poets, Are BORN CHAS. L. SLUDER CO. 20 South Pack Square Best in Kitchen Furniture. Phone 1509. THE WILSON HENDERSONVTLLE, N. C. Second Ave. and Church St. Refined Homelike Service for the Discriminating. Rate on Application. MRS. E. O. WlIiSON, Prop. How to Stop Loss of Hair and Start New Growth MrE. AGHTS. The Vew Tork Gown Builder. Dress makers furnished by the day. 9H Blltmore Ave. Phone !6l. tf. A home built In Grove Park can be sold at a profit rather than at a loss. "Ptona Jttt, U. If your hair I thinning out, prema- nrelv irrav hrlttla. lifeless, full of dan druff anil your head Itches like mad It's a pretty sure sign the dangerous aanarun germ is htisv on your scalp and quick ac tion must he taken to save what hair you have and start a new growth. Don t wait until tha hair root Is dead, for then nothing can help yon, but get from your druggist about four ounces of Pa risian Kace and apply as directed It don't cost much and there la nothing ou could use that's any oetter. it was w Ranrhnn h (Kmoui Pari spec ialist, who discovered that aanarurr ana falling hair are caused ny a microoe then came the discovery of the value of the genuine Parisian 8ge (liquid form) to destrov this germ and prevent further loss of hair and the formation of dan druff Ton will surely be aelignteo witn he first application, tor your nair .win h. krihi.ii,in all Itchln cease ana your acalp feels cool and comfortable. A few massages wltn ranaian that rA ....,ii ned to destro' t he germs that cause dandruff to form, and very soon you should be able to e the new hairs coming In. Parisian Bag la a favorite dressing with discriminating women because It la delicately perfumed, doe not etaln or atreak the hair and make It lustrous, oft and fluffy. Be sure you get Parisian Sag (Glroux ). for this brand ha the guarantee of Perfect satisfaction or money returned printed n. ..-c smiths Drue Store. oaa auDDly you. 4dvt. Half Price No wonder we old a big lot of Straw Hats yesterday. Half price make mighty cheap headgear. Pome excellent style 1n La dies' Hats Half Price and much below Half Price. The same kind of figure on Colored Parasols and aome good styles left a yet Hair Switches $!.!, $3.95 and $4.95 opened yesterday and now on sale. Novelties In Early Fall Skirt Wool and also Silk Just to hand. R G. and Lady Ruth Cor sets In large variety opened lately, pleae remember. Brilliant Light Weight Sweat ere: purple, nlle. Copenhagen blue, -malie, white. old rose, black and Ladles Voile and Gabardine Summer urease Just placed at Clearing Out Prices, Men' Good Palm Beach Coat nd Trouaer only $5 the ult. A big stock of Dry Goods. Clothe. Shoe. Hat. Rug. Trunks and Butterlck Pattern. H. REDWOOD & CO. THE LEXINGTON PIANO Wa have two styles $200nd $225 $5. Oo' down and $1.50 per week. No interest. FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE For tha Best In Pianos, Edlsons and Vlctrolas. Phone 206. 76 Patton Ave. MRS. DAXE Hairdressing Parlor Marlnello System. For correct Treatment of Hair and Scalp. Shampooing and Mani curing; Face, Hand and Arm Mas sage, Electrolytic or Plain; Pimple and Blackhead Treatment. Marlnello Preparations. 86 Haywood St. 'Phone 16T1 Mi Cruie'fMp Human Hair GfestfShen Goods and Toilet PrfeiWrajlons. Superior' accommodattota for Shampooing, Scalp Treatment, Facial Massage and Manicuring. S3 Haywood S- Phone 1. ASHEVILLE COMFORT SHOP Our Face and Scalp Treat ments are scientifically ad ministered with hygienic care. Manicuring, Shampooing, Marcel Waving. Courteous attention. Try u. Cor. Patton Are. and Church St. 912 Dhromor Bldg. Phone 2286. DHtmore Ice Cream Fifty Cents ... THE QUART, DELIVERED WalkersDrugStore Phones I S3 and 132. MASSEUR Victor Sehrwald Phone 2342. Recommended by th Leading Phyalclana of Ashevllle, , Tha dally output of the twelve Brit ish national projectile - factoriea which have, a yet. developed, would fill a train one mile long composed of 400 trucks and requiring eight engine pull i Dramatic Recital Boston School of Expression Benefit of the Rector's Aid Society's PARISH HOUSE FUND ' Battery Park Hotel July 25, 8:30 Admission . . . . 25c Hairdressing Parlor SWEDISH AND MAGNETIC MASSAGE Gray hair restored without dye. Permanent waving. Popu-. lar prices. MRS. MCOT Phone TS3, ' Opposite T8 Patton Ave. d 6

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