Newspapers / Asheville Citizen (Asheville, N.C.) / July 29, 1917, edition 1 / Page 11
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THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, ASHEVILLE, N. 0., JULY 29, ltnT. : i - . , , Sotiety News of Asheville and Surrounding Towns 10IIG TOiilG STAINS SXI.1T. AS LATEST Hendersonville Waynesville Morgan ton Rutherford College Statesville Continued from Pair Seven.) myrtle In pretty bowla decorated the living room. Miss Margaret Howard and Mr. R. L. Downs were married Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock at the bride' home near' Statesville. Miss Beula Davidson, of Greenville, S. C wearing a whit voile dree wa maid of honor. The b'rldo wot a gown of cream colored crepe de chine. Dr. Cham. Anderson,: pastor' of the nrst Baptist church of Statesville assist ed by Rev. P. D. "Sberrlll, of Char lotte, performed the marriage cere mony. After the oeremony thero were refreshments. Later Mr. and Mrs. Downs left for their future horn near Taylorsvlll in Alexander coun ty. . Mrs. Mao. Long was hostess to the Why Not club recently; br'djre was played at several table. Mlsj Anes Tones, who ma le the highest icore, was presented a bea-Klful landscape, painted by Mr. Mac. Lonjj who I an r-.-t-kt of recogniMo. merit Miss Jouct. of Durham, and Aaron Clark, o.' Jar lsonvllle, F were among the out-of-town guest present. . Ice cream, cake- and mint were served. Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Lillie Presnell and Lieut. R, H. Turner Thursday evening, July 2t, Mlsa Presnell apd Mr.'. Turner motored with several of their friends to Salisbury, the mar riage taking place there. Later they left for a bridal trip to be spent in Western North Carolina .Lieut. Turner is a member of the local mili tary company and will leave with hi company for the training camp at an early date. Mr. Paul J. Rhodes and Mis Cecil Rhode, of Henderaonvllle, are visit ing - Mr. Rhodes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Steele. Mr. 8ol Simons and her son, Mr. Leon Simons, of Baltimore, are pending a few days at , Wrlghtsvtlle Beach. Mrs. D. H. Turner has arrived from Camden, Ala., to visit her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Miller. Mrs. E. O. Gatther has returned from a week' stay in Asheville. . Mis Ola Warner ha returned to Hickory after visiting '.Miss Bessie, Hick here for two weeks. Mrs. Chas. Anderson and little son, Percy, have gone to Nashville, Tenn., for a month' stay. - Mlsa Annie Click la In Henderaon vllle for an Indefinite stay. Mr. and Mr. P. L. Hennessa, of Shelby spent a few days recently with Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Clark. Miss Connie Troutman, after a short stay In Washington city, will visit her sister, Mrs. J. Frank Slgmon, In Napanee, Ind. Mlsa Diary NelU QhMM ha gone to Llnoolnton to spend several- weak. Mrs. B. M-'Garrlaon and little son, B. M. Jr., Miss Marls Sherrtll and Arleene Mitchell have gone to John son City.. Tana, to vllt friend. M1M LouU and Evelyn Walker, who -have been visiting friend here, have returned to their home in John con City. Mr. and Mr. W. P. Howard hay returned to Rusaellville, Ky., after visiting their daughter, Mrs. J. D. Ramsey. Mrs. Kenneth Chapman and little on have returned to Norfolk, Vs., after visiting Mrs. Geo, W. Dotson hero. '.''' MARION, July IS. Mlase Mary and Sarah Hudglns have a their guest at a house party Mis France Wood of High Point, Ml Mary Douglas Gay of Albemarle, Mlsa Perey Lane of Fremont, Mia Virginia Fois tune of Asheville, Miss Annie Lyde Adams of Sevier and Mis Dorothy Jones of Nashville, Term. In honor of their guests m large number of the young peopls of ths town were enter tained Tuesday night at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. D. 3. Hudglns. About forty guests were present to participate In the games and festivities of th. evening. . Mis Marjorls Whits has as her guests -Misses Sarah Fhlfer of Spar tanburg, 8. C Katherine Gorman of Salisbury, Bessie and Luna Amler of Winston-Salem and Erma Etaw of Greensboro. ' ' ' Miss Maude Rankin 'or uastoma a Mia Nellie Blanton. They have been the recipients of many social honors during' the week. Miss E. 8. Grace of CItroneU, Fla., and Miss Helen Alford of Tallahassee, Fla., are guests of Mr. W. T. Morgan. Miss Elisabeth M. Dana of Wor cester helped ' to pay : her expense through Smith college by cobbling hoes.;,.' .; ' - v ' Ths favorite hototoy of Princess Mary of BtLgland ts to collect photo graphs of aviator. r- .)... .-. OUT HAVE It's Unnecessary La Creole Darkens It Evenly -No Dye, . No matter how gray your hair, pre maturely gray,- faded, bleached, treaked with gray, all you need to do is to apply to your hair and scalp the famous La Creole Hair Dressing. This Is a very pleasant experience, and after a few applications you will bs delighted to observe ail your gray hair gradually turn to an even beauti ful dart shade. La Creole acta on root, making hair nd.sclp healthy, reviving ths color glands so all your gray hair Is naturally darkened and entire head of hair becomes : soft. fluffy, Jong, thick and ; or , an even beautiful. soft, daik shad." Also stops dandruff and falling hair leaving rour hair fafctoatlnr and abundant. without oven a .trace of array how. lng. Sold on money-back guarantee. 11 for a big b'oitls. at Smith's Drug ' Store, Asheville, or sent prepaid by Van Vleet-4Mnsf!ld Drug Co., Mem phis. TeoBndvUTf :j Lenoir GBAY HAIR HHNXXEmSONVIULE, July H. The boys of the local coast artillery company, who have been mobilised since Wednesday, have been shower ed with attentions all this week, t The ladles of the city tendered them a banquet on Tuesday night at which many bright toasts and witty speeches were made, and a general good time reigned supreme. On Thursday night the second street dance took place in front of the Kentucky Home and was largely attended by home people and visitors. This second' out-door hop nearly equalled in attendance and brilliance the famous first on Inaugurated at the Shrinera' convention July Fourth. The street was filled with merry dan cer throughout the evening and every attention wa shown the sol dier boys. The ladles of the Woman's National league gave a masquerade last night which eclipsed all former dance In beauty. Before the masqueradera put In their appearance, Mlsa DfVorak, of Cleveland, O., and Mr. Shelby Charles, of Winston J3lem gave exhibitions of fancy skating which were marvel of grace and skill. Dancing began at 10 o'clock and continued -until a late hour. There were many clever and beautiful costumes .among which the most noticeable were tile Flower Girl, a Turkish Maiden,, an Egyptian Maid en, the Jester. The most striking cos tume in the party was that worn by Mrs. W. W. Sims,' of Savannah, Ga. and was made entirely of copies of The Hendersonville Evening Hustler. The skirt wa made of frill of uni formly cut fancy shaped pieces as was also the draped bodice. The deep girdle wa composed of two heavy headlines, "The Evening Hustler." The whole was a most unique con ception and was more noticed and commented upon than any other rep resentation on the floor. The Casino was elaborately deco rated In a profusion of bright Power for- which Laurel park is- justly fa mous, and also In many red, white and blue draperies and flag,: Clever finger had created a large moon whose face hid the power of electric ity and shed a soft light rivalling that of the original and during the even ing the many varl-colored lights were shut off and dancing was enjoyed "by the light of the moon" and made an entrancing picture. Punch wa served by the ladle of the league throughout the evening. A great crowd witnessed the gay af fair and the evening was marked down as one which will stand out among the many brilliant one for which Hendersonville is noted. Miss Jack Neely, of Asheville, Is visitiivg Miss Katherine Goodman at East flat Rock". Mis Jewel Womble, who has been spending some time- with her aunt, Mrs. W. F. Womble, at the Methodist parsonage, left yesterday for Lenoir, N. C, to visit her sister, Mr. Aber nathy, before returning to her home at Goldston, N. C. Miss Mary Thomas, of Florence, S. C, is the guest of Misses Thelma and Sarah Ward at Glendale Garden. Mls Martha Cardwell, of Para gould, Ark.,, who ha spent several summer St FJat Rock but who is summering at Montreat this year, is spending a week with Miss Lila Fish er, and Miss Annie Mae Walker. Mrs.. T. 8. Rector, of Asheville, and her sister. Mrs. Douglas Rector, of Lynchburg, Vs., are the guests of the former's daughter, Mrs. J. M. Deal, of East Flat Rock. Mrs. T. R. Watkins has arrived from her horns at Greenville, 8. C to spend some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Smith at Laurel park. . . Mr. and Mrs. H. E. ZePass and family, of Spartanburg, are spending two weeks in camp Just below Flat Rock on the Spartanburg highway and are enjoying camp life Immensely, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Downing, of Greenville, "6. C are week-end vis itors In Hendersonville. - Mrs. S. K- Pratt, of Greenville, Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gartlngton for a few days. Mrs. Pratt Is Mr. Garllngton's sister. Montreat MONTRSEJAT. July M. (Mr. and Mrs. Crosby Adams left on Thurs day for Chicago, where they will hold their annual summer class for teach ers of music Mr. and Mrs. Adams will be absent for several weeks. Rev. and Mrs, Slier, who have been visiting relative in Whlttler, . N. C for a week have returned to Mon treat. Mrs.- M. H. Finney from . Che raw, a. C is the guest of Mrs. W. F. Stev enson. Mrs. Samuel Burts from Spartan burg, 8. C with her children are at the , Whallon . cottage for the sum 'mer. Mrs. Burts is to lecture dally at ths Sunday school conference next Vsek. - Mr. Harry MlcHer, Mrs. W. 8L Hancock, Sxv of Brooksvllls, Fla., land Mrs.T. F. Hancock, of Blrmlng tham, Ala., ar at ths Townasnd cot tage for ths season. Mr. P. McKay Williams, of Fayette vnie, is the guest of Mrs, M. E. Mar. tin. Miss Frances M. Bowman is at her toottags for ths summer. Miss Bow man, a principal of ths Normal school wfll also winter her. The Red Cross meeting on Thurs day was ths largest In attendance and work of the season. Mrs. Archer and Mrs. Gilchrist each read interesting (articles, to ths busy workers, after twhich Mrs. Archer asked for the "pet economy" of each present. Many In teresting suggestions on economy were imadet Hickory Lodge Is a center for Red Cross workers. Ths Miss Green are .enthusiastic and are loyally support- Ad in their efforts by many of ths 'guests, and much work is accomplish ed' by thenu - ; .Miss Helen Baker is' spending ths week-end in Richmond, Vs. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mattlson. littls idaushter. and Miss Addle Mauldln, of Anderson, B. C, ar occupying the (Norwood cottage lor in summer. Miss Elisabeth and Mr. Fred Led better -are guests of Mr. J. I Mattl son. iMra 3. A. Hamilton and Elisabeth, her little daughter, have arrived at their cottage for the summer. , Miss Marguerite Willis, who ha a olano studio in Okmulagee. Okla., is spending th summer with- her par- ens. Dr. and Jtrs. tt u. wuiia, in us 1 Bryan cottage. , . . . .' l I.I A - The National American Women Suffrage -association - will, - meet .- la Washington la December to glvs ths concluding push to ths Federal Wt man suffrage amendment. -V ' Ths Paris underground railways now employ .women as car couplers wucnmes-., " . ; WAYINESVTLLB. July f !. Mrs. Faucett- Swiff, a popular bride of the season was guest of honor at a very attractive bridge and rook party giv en by Miss Georgia Miller at hef home on Haywood street Friday af. ternoon. Sweet peas were used a decorations. Among those present besides the guest of honor were: Mr. Pelos Crary, Mrs. Thackston, MrsHllllard Atkins, Miss Nannette Jones, Miss Alice Qulnlah, Miss Blanche Williams, Miss Nan Kill lan, Miss Eetello Kelly, Miss Bettie Hyatt, Miss Lillian Allen, Miss Frances Robeson, Miss Dollie Lee, Miss Dorothy Mussell, and Miss Mary New. A salad course . was served. Miss Hilda Way entertained very charmingly Tuesday evening at her home on Main street complimentary to her guest. Miss Blancho Williams, of Tarboro, and Mr. and Mrs. Faucett Swift. The house was beautifully decorated in sweet peas and dahlias Miss Way received her guests in a handsome gown of orchid taffeta with silver trimmings. Miss Williams wore a becoming 'gown of turquols blue with silver trimmings and Mrs. Swift a nlle green : charmeuse with rose bud trimming. Among those , present besides the honor guests we're: Mr. and Mrs. Hllliard Atkins, Mr. and Mrs. Lowry Lee; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Way, Misses Jennie Ray, Dorothy Mussell, Bettie Hyatt, Dollie Lee, Jessie Moody, Nan Killtah, Alice Qulnlan, Bessie Ray, Messrs, Carl Wil liams. Buel Hyatt. David Miller Ward Hilton, Julian Chisolm, David Willi, Edwin Tate, Henry ncrnayen win Coble, Robert Holman, and James Qulnerly. A salad and Ice course was served. . Mis Harriet Boone entertained a number of her friend last Thursday afternoon with a birthday party "t the home of her rrandmother, Mrs. J. K. Boone, on Pigeon road. Games were palyed on the lawn and later during the afternoon refreshments were served. Among those present were: Mary Abbel, Mary Howell. Mary Tucker. Lucy Tate, uorotny Seaver, Lucy Freeman, Dorothy Mc Cracken, Dorothy Thomas, Elsie Tate, Isabelle Ferguson, Sarah Elmore, Corrtnne. Cleme, Anna Lawrence, Lena Boyd, Louise Howell, Lizzie Mc cracken, Janet Qulnlan. Hiancne Rodger. Hattie McCracken, Lizzie McCracken, Janle McCracken, Josie Siler, Margaret Blackwell, Virginia Rotha, Helen Dickson, Everett Mitch ell. Robert Hardin. Horace Duckett, Harry Justice, Paul Blackwell, Cur tis Logan, ana Kogers juoone. Miss Isabella Davis entertained a number of her' friend Friday after noon with a dance at the Gordon pavtlllon. Those present were: Misses Theodora Carraway. Francis Denton, Thomaslns Howell; Luclle Bradv of Miami, Lois Thelsey Brlggs, Eleanor Bushnell, neien way noason, jams Pritchett, Elisabeth zui Mary Quln lan, Helen Simons, Elisabeth Burwell, Natalie Atkinson, Janle Reeves. Messrs. Howard, Hoyt and Richard Covington, Mlnthon Reed. Charles Pritchett. Hurh Campbell. John and Ned Hodson, Melvln Reeves and John Swift, Punch was served during trie afternoon. (Miss Blanche Williams, of Tarboro, Is ths attractive guest of Miss Hilda way. Miss EVelyn Abel, who 1 in train ing at Johns Hopkins hospital at Bal timore, is spending her vacation at home with Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Abel. Mr. Leonard Hayes, who for the riant vpar has been working in Phil adelphia,' is spending severs) daVs here at the home or his granamomer, Mrs. John Tull. Mr. Hayes has en listed in the United States navy and Is daily expecting orders to report for duty. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Howell, Jr., motored to Asheville On Thursday for a stay of several days. On their return they win open their nanosome home on Woolsey Heights for ths summer. Mr. and Mrs. Parker R. Anderson, Of Washington, D. C, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cols for some time. One of ths most enjoyable affairs given for Mrs. Faucett Swift wa the luncheon on Tuesday with Mr. Will Hyatt a hostess. The dining ropm was decorated with -a profusion of flagsi The luncheon table gave' a brilliant effect with its red. whits and blus draperies and flags. In ths en--ter of ths table was a mtniatare tent which was found to contain ifU of linen for the honoree. Those preient were: Mesdames Hllliard B. Atkins, Jack Way, William Jadobs, of Siar tanburg, Misses Sadie Llscomb', J of Gaffney, S. C.,- Nannette Jones, Dol lie Lee, and Dorothy Mussell. (Mr. Branner Gilmer very charm ingly entertained with an auction party in compliment to her sister, Miss Allls Semmes, of Memphis. Af ter an interesting game Miss Blanche Williams, of Tarboro, was found to hold ths highest score of the girls and Mr. McKenie of the men. Thtss present -were: Misses Bess Ray, Miss Blanche Williams an. Miss Hi da Way. Mr. Frank Ray. Mr. Bonnets, of Now Tork, Mr. McKenls nd Jfr. Fatio Dunham. - , .- ! On Friday afternoon of last wttk little Miss Louis Green celebrated her tenth birthday with a lovely party with about li of her little friends present Games were played durlig ths afternoon after which refresh ment wr served. -i Ths Haywood Whits Bulphtr 8r rings hotel which for, many years has been the chief social center f ths summer season was ths scene n Tuesday evening of a brilliant af fair which was the occasion of tie opening ball. This dancs is antici pated each year with great enthusi asm by, all who attended. During ths winter extensive improvement have been mads in ths entire lower floor, ' Ths lobby, reception room an! ball room 'never looked more attrao tivs than on Tuesday with the elabor ate decorations of greenery and field daisies. Music was furnished by the comoetent hotel orchestra. About IE couples wors present ' , Remarkable Remarks. rTVom the New York Independent) (Ex-King Constantino The Greek people lovs their king.' "'"" ' , Maximilian Harden Hundreds of thousands live today more lavishly than In peace times. Lawrence Terrycontrary, to gen. sral belief curious freaks are not tolerated by any reputable show man. Jeannette Rankin Any city of It. 000 or mors that has no woman in its police force is considered archaic Helen Rowland A widow knows It ! .vuur easier to sit up for one nan to corns horns than to sit up and wait for a let of men to go home. than to stt up and wait for-a lot of men to go home. . Gerard Hauptmann Ths epithet Hub.? is coined by peopls who, them selves ' Huns, find themselves disap pointed in their criminal attempt on ths lifs of a sound snd valorous race hcause'thls race knows how to parry a fearful blow with still mors fearful. MO RIG ANTON, July z. -In honor of Mjss Mary Moran, of Winston Salem, Mrs. S. Frlsard entertained at a bridge party on Tuesday morning the following guests: Mesdames W. E: White, L. B. McKoy, A. W. Hobble. Howard Bowen, A. C. Aver-. J:. E. D. Alexander, Wagan, Lawrence Er wln, Fred LSXton. I. T. Avery, E. Frlsard and Misses .anle Pearson. Ruth McNaughton, and Annie Gor don. An ice course was served. As a compliment to the Tlllett Avery wedding party Mis Catherine Ervin was hostess on Friday afternoon of last week. The guests were met at the front door by Mrs. E. D. Alex ander, Misses Sarah Claywell, Mary Moses and Mary Moran. In the hall were: Mrs. I. p.-Jeter and Mrs. Mary Powe Starrett The receiving line was composed of Miss Frvln, the bride-elect and honoree. Miss Avery, Mis Edith Avery, Mrs. S. J. Ervin, Mr. C. W. Tlllett Miss St John, Mr. W. E. White, Miss Josephine Thomas Miss Ada Vlele, Mrs. U B. McKoy, Miss Annie Graham, Miss Kate Gra ham, Miss Maude Bunn, Mr. Frank Winslow, Mis Mary Ervin and Miss Rosalie Asbury. Mrs. Lawrence Er win, Mrs. Robert Davis and Mis Ruth (McNaughton asked the guests Into the dining room, where Ice cream and cake wers served by Misses An nie Spaiahour, Adelaide Caldwell, Laura Tlllett Louise Starrett and Eunice Erwln. Little MIsscj Jean Alexander and Jean Ervin served mint. A largo number called during the receiving hours, 5 to 7 o'clock. The Wednesday Afternoon em broidery club met this week with Mr. W. T. Clark. The hostess was assist ed by Mis Evelyn Mull In serving sandwiches and tea. In honor of her house-ruest Mrs. W. J. Brittaln. of Spartanburg, Mr. Annie Reld entertained the Embroid ery club Thursday afternoon, in ad dition to regular club members Mrs. Reld had as Invited guests airs. Tea Laxton, of Charlotte Mrs. W. E. White, of Graham, Mrs. L. B. Mc Koy, of Charlotte, Miss Mary Moran, of Winston-Salem, Mrs. Paul Hogan, of New Orleans, Mrs. B. D. Alexander and Miss. Musa Marbut Sandwich, a and tea were served. Mrs. Ben Howard returned Monda from a visit to Asheville and Wayn Se ville. Miss Mary Shuolng Is ths guest oi Mrl. Columbus Andrews In Lenoir. Mrs. A. M. Ingold and Miss Edith Swift are spending the week on Mon treat. Mis Nora Nell Ford, or etatesviije, is the guest of Miss Ethel Wilson. Mrs. Paul Hogan and little son. of New Orleans, are here to spend sevsral months with Mrs, Jennie .Hogan. . .. . Miss Mamie bus jonnson, or cuca orv. scent ths past week with her aunt, Mr. R. F. Goodsojv , t Mr. W. H. Keoaisn, o. waaesooro, is visiting hsr parents, Mr. and Mr. S. Huffman. , Mr. T. P. Moors and T. r, Moore, Jr., ar ths guests of Mrs. Wilson Tate. Mlsse Louise Hollows- and Mar garet Newland have returned from a visit to Lenoir, Little Mis Elisabeth Cordoning Of Asheville, 1 visiting .littls Miss An nie Leslie. ' fi". . Mrs. Will Alexander spent several days during ths week with relative in Marion. Mrs. Howard Bowen and little Mies Elizabeth Bowen, of Birmingham, Ala., are visiting Mr. A. C. Avery, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Rhyne and chil dren, of Knoxvllle, Tenn., are here on a visit to relatives and' friends. Mr. and Mrs. Carson Deal, of High Point spent Sunday with Mr. Deals' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Deal. Mrs. Latnbeth Coburn, of Omaha, Neb., arrived Tuesday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ervin. Mr. David Clark, of Charlotte, who had been the guest of Mrs. Ern est Erwln, left Monday ior jiaca Mountain. (Mr. Bessie Coffey has returned from a visit to hsr daughter, Mrs. W. C. Knox, in Chattanooga, Tenn. trnf - jr. a. Fleet head master of Fleet School, Flat Rock, spent Sunday hero as ths guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. Lazarus. r ' ' Editor R. B, Carmlehaol and son, Ralph, of Winston-Salem, ar ths guests this weeK oi jiev, ana tin. B.-Williamson. ' Mrs. S. L. Holllngsworth, Of Au gusta, Ga., is visiting hsr brothsr, W. R. Marbut , ... . " - imim Lois Kerley. of Durham. 1 visiting Prof, and Mrs. A. C. Ker ley. - Mr. J. I. CaldwslL city Editor, of ths Charlotte News, Is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. John McCamsbell. t the state hospital. Joining hsr daugh ter. Miss Adelaide Caldwell, who cams up TOT thS TUieu-Avery marriage. Marvin ecaite, a wnufr rwawi of Morranton. how of Pittsburg. Pa., 1 spending some Urn with friends hers. : Hickory TrrrrKOfRT. julv r. Tb marriage of Mr. Grover H. Huffman, of this place, and Mis Estell Morgan, of Cleveland, which took place on Fri day evenins of last week at ths Mat- US WUIISOU ugiinw, raviuouua, was announced yesterday. They will b at horn In Hickory after August 1. Mrs. Huffman is a graduats nurse, a very attractive young lady and a daughter of Mrs. J. V Morgan, of Cleveland. Mr. Huffman is manager of the Hotel Huffry of this place, and a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Huff man. Hs graduated several years ago from Lenoir college and spent soms time in - the Lutheran ' Theological seminary at Columbia, 8. C. with the intention of entering the ministry. Hs gavs this up, however, to take charge of ths hotel on account of his fa thers' falling health. . Mlsa Ola Warner- entertained with a Red Cross sewing party Thursday morning in honor or Miss Marguerite Ericsson, of Btltmore, house guest of Mrs. A. Bourbonnals and Miss Greta Wesen. Each gusst mads pillows or ths Rsd Cross. Miss Doris Hutton reoelved a ereps de chine handker chief for making ths bsst pillow, and the aruest of honor .was presented Hrlth a ereps ds chine handkerchief. ,Th hostess, assisted by xter mother. Mrs. H. W. Warner, serve a a sana wlch course with mints. - Ths invited ruests- were Misses Marguerite Br esson, Greta Wesen, Sadis Mensies, Selea Springs, Miriam Whltener, Ports Hutton, Catherine Shuford and Irs. A. Bourbonnals. ' - - , iTh Rsd Cross auxiliary hsr has decided to retain its present status mtil ths snd .of ths year and then, I! the conditions demand doing so, it ill be enlarged and mads a chaptsr. His Lizzie Withers poon ha returned f-om Greensboro where she was a guest of Mis Alice Witherspoott for vral days. RtrntETOFORD COLLEGE, July IS. Mn Hugh Hall, agent of the South ern Railway company at Bridge-water, N. C, was in ths city a fsw days sines. Mlsa Gent Rutherford, daughter of Mr. B. M. Rutherford, mail agent ton the Southern railroad. Is visiting Mrs. Walter Britt at Ashevtll. Ml Llllle Morris, one of the Mor gan ton graded school teachers, daugh ter of Mr. Geo. Morris, has returned home after several weeks' sojourn at Charlotte and other southern cities. Mr. W. E. Le fevers and wife, of Brldgewater, N. C, were here Sunday visiting his parents. Messrs. Clyde Edwards and T71 -sees Hlnes, two of last years' students at Rutherford college, ar visttlns- in ths city. Miss Julia Aubrey, who is spending the summer at Rutherford college, went to Charlotte on business several days last week. Mrs. Deck Bstsa. of AahsvUla, who has been spending soma tlm with her sister-in-law, Miss Jodie Estes, has returned home. Mr. Ed. Estes, ons of ths Southern 'power engineers at Brldgewater, N. ., spent Sunday with his slater, Miss tfodle Estes. , Henry Edwards, of SPnston, N. C, l)rother of the late Rev. T. H. Ed ward, of Rutherford college, is spend ing th summer her tor his health. . Mrs. Henry Johnson, of Enslev. 8. KX, 1 visiting her. sister, Mrs. Wseden. iMr. p. M. Rutherford, ons of the Southern mall agents, is at horns on his vacation. Miss Louis Jsnsan returned home Saturday after spending th week-end wifu' Jblss Plott of Bufola. Conduotor Ivsy Johnson, and wife and children, of Asheville, ar visit ing his mother Mrs. Sall)s Johnston. miss Ruth JEstep, of Philadelphia. Is visiting her grandmother. Ir. Morris, of Columbia, has been at horn for a weeks' stay with hi -parents. rrof. M. T. Hinshaw. president of Rutherford college, has returned. for a short stay after several weeks' ab scence. Mlsse Saills May and Katherine Wilson have returned from Catawba, N. Cm where they have been visiting for some time. Mrs. J. B. Lowrance. of Catawba, Nr C-, spent ths wsek-end here with their parents. Rev, and Mrs. o. wll. son. : Mr. Eurilas Bright is out again after being oonflned to his room for several oay witn nines. Rev. g. a. Holderby, of Robblns- ville, N. C, cam in SaturCay to rant or buy a house preparatory to mov ing his family hers. Mies Annie C. luck is visiting Miss Mattis Harbison,, of Glen Alpine, N. ' . : i:'.,., uxur, joarry i easen, ea uoonneeper is s 1 ' ; .i r::; - cv ' . f - f ' ?w 1 N - . I it - ..""2'" BMSSlSJKSSSSl "" miiiiii'' ' f 1 " Tho tat tanfc ta M fbrms-appears -est fsjarurs f tm Sktrts Tha new tuaie almost nsvor-oxtsads an of th way arovad tho figura It ta somotimos tot oa oaly sveross th btek and sides st a skirt. I The secrot f snooess ta Basking a tunie skirt is to allow a grsaj kmount of material. ThetVs hot a bltof sola la a skimpy ovssdraporj of the Erwln cotton mills, of Dur ham. N. C. together with his family. are spending soms time with Mrs. Moore, sister of Mr. Jensen. Mis Blanch JJelllnger is visiun her grandparents, Rev. Robert Aber nethy and wife. Miss Lena Glass, of Morranton, Is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Glass this wsek. TOVS SOO YEARS OLD, . fimmwsBrORY. Mass., July II. Ths elaborate preparatlatis for ths celebration , of Sherwsburv's JOflth birthday wcra completed today, Th celebration will be. ushered In tomor ires when you want them; better service than ever. At any of the places listed below you will find help to fcood motoring, prompt, thorough and economical. There is no wasted time to pile up the bills against you, and as a further saving to you, we keep always a large stock of Tires and Tubes They give you the safe, lux urious ride and Most Miles per Dollar. That is why we recommend them.. We know values. We choose care fully, serve promptly and thoroughly. Command us, any of us, any time. CENTRAL GARAGE PHILLIPS TIRE COMPANY RICHBURG MOTOR COMjPANY STETSON TIRE COMPANY 5. - J row with special anniversary services in all. the churches. .Ths program for" ths remainder of the week will In"' etude special entertainments and car- nival on Monday, illumination of the entire townchip. by .. bonfire and--' searchlights , on Tuesday, a big Civic parade on Wednesday, and a histor-) leal pageant on Thursday. " ' v? '. . . !-'.;;.. x Mrs. Amy D. Wlnshlp, St years old?1 Is taking higher courses in botany,' soology and Greek history . in thj university school. of Wisconsin summery I ' ' " ' "I ' . . , ..: V'. - . . "" !! .. . ' :'.. . .;. ; " . ::: -1 s . '. ' . . . oh ... jti - - - T : . ' ,-.: ; 1 " i ' III r ....' --..' - - - ; 1 ' ,,''. '."'. . . ? . . m m - ' J , .-.. ' .':i..'. "." "J H -',-" - - -f.,:--; u ' ". ' - ''l . : v r . ". '.- ,11 ''.' ::: ; ' . v III ."J . ' ::: ! ? ., - , a! ' - - " ....... ' ' : " " : i ''.'.'.) '-I ' : ... . ' ;.- -S .-' ' " " '.' ' - - r .. ' - - "' : ' .,'; : -1. . ; ; . a ... -rr .1 .' . : i ,' 1 9 ..'.''. . - f 1 ' " " , V " Jt ' - '.; .. i .1.'- . "' .. ' . ' - " ' . .- . " " . , T . r ... 4 - ' - ; . . ; ; ... . , ... . . n . ... " " ' . -I
Asheville Citizen (Asheville, N.C.)
Standardized title groups preceding, succeeding, and alternate titles together.
July 29, 1917, edition 1
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