THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, ASHEVILLE, N, C, JULY 29, lSlTr r? You Are Inwted Social and Personal 1. Mr. Dan W. Johnston entertained , last evening at hr home on oumoar land circle w4th dancing pany. hav ing a her ohlaf guests, the MSM Threadoraft, of Portsmouth, va ana , Miss Virginia Fields, of Fulton. Ky. The house wa cl oared for danolng which tw enjoyed until lit hour when a delicious lo course was servd in th dining room, which wu attrao ' uviiy arranged with sweet pea and nasturtiums. Mrs. Johnston' gueat list incIuded.Th Mlsae Threadoraft, Alias Field. Mr. and Mr. Thread craft, Mr. and Mra. N. T. Robinson, Mia Marlon Robinson, Mln Kathleen Huddleato la Junior regimental eur. good with th Fifteenth Engineering corps, and will leave for Franc early In August. Mr. Huddlaston will visit bar moth on Panola street in Sep tember.. , . JM Jm Governor and Mrs. Lock Craig ntertalned at their home In Grov park during the weak with a dinner In Honor of the judge ox th Circuit conn 01 jappeaia. Jl Ji Mr. aad Mrs. W. H. Sumner, of Fletcher, entertained ' ten of their friends at a delightful snipper party on Wednesday eve nine at tn tea rillM T-tl.rwh Harndon. Miaa IAL ii. um mnA inf. Rfltt Worn. I room at Skyland. A in rt rtiirhaTn. Vffaa RIlBaftafh Rain 1 J of Portmouth, Va. Miss Eleanor l Mr, Herbert Brown was boat at a Warner, of Tampa i Miss Moore, ofnppr party riven during the week vtckabur. Miss.: Mr, isswtn uoo wumrj stuu. btiwi war Rick, of Fulton. Ky.i Mis Kathleen Morris. Miss Mildred Faulkner, Mia JLOuls Jackson, Miss Margaret Jc eon. and Mia Minnie Jackeon, Mis Jatrette Hones. IMlss Elisabeth Hones, Mia Brownie Jones; of Bwannanoa; Mr. V. Russell, Mr. Lane Oaston, Mr. W, Boyd. Mr. Robert Qrlndataff, Mr. niin .T-knn Mr. Rn Glenn. Mr. Eastham Ware. Mr. Arthur Nash, of Atlanta; Mr. Roy Stokaly, Mn Bin Brown. Mr. Btave MOBntry.Bir. jnm buarh Harmon. Mr. Larry Hartshorn, Mr. James McOary, Mr. John Oral Morris. Mr. J. Dana, Jar, Momer Peenlea. of Savannah. Oa.1 Mr. Wal lace Egbert, f Blaok Mountain, Mr. n. Alexander, of BiaoK Mountain, Mr. Charlie Weatall, Mr. Jama "Reader, Jr., of Xnoxrlllet Mr. Parry Tomlln, Mr. A, Hudson, Mr. Leftwtoh Ramsey, Mr, Threadcrsfl and Mr. Kooinson. , J J ' On of tb moat Interesting aratits or the past wee was a onines enter- tatnmant arnuwed by Mia Bertna r. j Beale, orranlaer and chairman for i Western North, Carolina of the Na- i tionai juearue xor woman's mrron Mrs. Gary-Lee, who has lived in China for twelve years, rurnianea tn eoa : tumaa wbieh sho had brought with K her from China, tiring to the dosen , men, woman and children who assist- d Mrs. Gary-&e the cmnese evtmos phera which pervaded the whole n- tartamxnenfc The oatertaiwnent ws van for th ttaneflt of the Western Mortal Carolina branch' of th National Learue for Woman's Benrtte, ana au money . mad for this branch of the lea rue is used to pay (r registration blanks, literature, postac and all necessary runnlnff expanses connected with the leagu tn this soonon ox the vtat. Tho rarular eaturday odght dinner dane ftvan. by the manacement or , Orovo Park Inn was enjoyed by the truest at the inn and a number of Ajihrriue- dactvenne; sa The new Italian rohastra played splendid ' iMIwJaoqTfe Smith, of Wnsoa. W. CL truairt of Mis Louts Aifcogast was prettily complimented by hex hostess yesieraay ariernoon, ua juvogasi n tertalnlnr with an . auction bride puwt her homo on Montford ave nue. Sprlne flower and potted Plant war th ehiof decoration , In the drawing room where th four table war arranffed for plajrln;. Miss Mary iMoor woointnro maa top cor and wa given an artUrUo tolt tlnar bag;. ' The consolation went to Mis PauHn Moor and was also a kndttinr foam. Miss Jacqu Smith re ceived a oreton slipper bar a ruest piire. Playing nwrai anas smith, Mis Paulina Moor, Mis Caro Pack- rd, of Taxaa; ; Mis- Isabel Haexard, Mis EMmfeeth Merrlmon, Miss Mary Moore Woolrldjro, Miss Dorothy Parlrar, Miss Rebeoea Cushlnf, of Fletcher; Mis flarah McLeod, Mis Rmlly Bourne, Mis Katharine Horner Mis Helen Cheesborourh, Mis Mary Frances fihuford. Miss Esther Oudfrer. Miss Lillian Fletcher, and MU Elsie Ajexanaer, Th Cotratry club 1 maldnr prP ratron for a dinner dance to b given at th club house durlnr August Th exact flat will te announced later, Jl Jl Mr. Albert H. Afalon rT a birth flay dinner party last evening1 at the Manor for Mr. Maione. Cover war set for drht at a beautifully appoint ed dinner table. . Jl Jl ' : - Th T. W. A. of the First Baptist , cnurck had a most noyaibi meetlnr of last Friday evening at th horn of Mrs. Chester Brown. - J Ofr. and Mr. J. P. MaeXaln an nonnr the marriage of thalr daugh ter, Miss Helen MacLatn, to Dr. Jar rett Huddlaston, th waddlnr taktnr nlace at Washington, Julv it. Mrs. Huddlaston was reared in Ashavllle, .where sha tia many frlanda Bh sraduated from the Emergency Train ing school at Washington last year, since which time she ha been with th Naval hospital at Norfolk. Dr. laid for alrhi. Jf Jl Th Country club ts daao was well attended yesterday by the mem ber and th visitors In th olty. Th main room Where oanoinr was amov ed durlnr th hour of f until 1:10 o'clock, was wall filled with enthusias tic dancers, a number of tables of bridg was enjoyed by those who did not car for danolng. Mrs. Thomas P. Cheaborougn poured tea. r sf Mr. Eugene C Ward is entertaining a small bona party of a week at the Rod and Oun club at Black Mountain, In the party are Mr. J. H. Way and Miss Hilda Way. of Wayneavillet Mia Alice Haaaard, of this city; Mia Blanch Williams, of Tarboro; Mr. Qulnlan, of Orlando, Fla. Mr. Frank Ray. of Waynesville. and Mr. Verne Rhoades, ox Ash evil he. .. jm Jl Mr. Dana W. Johnston wfTi bntr. tain durlnr th weak at her borne on Cumberland olrol with a knitting J J Kiss Hulda Hattemor ntrtatnd the CHria Card olub yesterday at her noma en uumoeriand avenue. J Jl M embere of Esther chapter. Order mastarn tnar. win entertain with social avwnlng at the Masonic temple Tuesday night, for the member of I th ohaipta and vlslttng members of xn order, vocai and instrumental selection will be rendered, and re freshment will b served. Hri'L If. Martin and be sn. Mr. Needham Martin, of Mobile. Ahv, are visiting Mrs. Frank Hendrtok at her bom on Haywood street. Btr. John Reynold, wife of Dr. Jonn jwynoid and children, of Mus- Koare, oxianoma. are visiting her sis ter, Mrs. B. H. Sumner Woolsey. Dr. Keyncia .1 expected later on Mr, Wiinani Coleman 1 spending a row cars in cnattanoora with bis bother, James M. Coleman, who 1 attending the officers' training camp ai .fori ugiexnorp. 9ttn W. T. Dnncan left last n rht for a visit with his brother-in-law, J. J. Britt, wbo is trasnlng at Fort Ogle. tnorp. Miss Eva Rtngbe,' wbo has been attondlns? the summer school for teachers at Knoxv He, Tana., ha re turned to ner nom at it Montford avnu. . t.fti )v:' 1 .K '- . - Sr. A G o .Our new Display Room for fixtures is com plete. A customer has all ready told us that it is the prettiest showroom in town, but we want you , to pass on it. The plan was to show our Fixtures as they would appear in the home. ,We believe we have succeeded. Come in and give us your opinion la c One of the Triangle Girls in "Flu-Flu" at the Audi- toriuzn Aug. 10 and Aug. 11. BUM EfMhia Lunsford mVtl return to her bom today on Annandale street from the Mission hospital whore h nas been in. Mia Mary Whit of Pensacola. Fla.. will arrive in August to spend sev eral weeks. Mis Pearl Freeman and Silas Janet Freeman and Miss Celeste Octmrn. of Winston-Salem, are guests of friends m th city. -s ' t MvYoepb Purfcee and her grand daughter. Miss Allison Durkee, of New Orleans, are at 51 Merrlmon avenue for th summer. Ohio, and Mr. Arthur W. Hooker, also or Cleveland, are guest at urove park inn lor some time. Mia Eleanor Warner, of Tampa, Fla., is visiting friends in the city lor several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Terry, of Col ombia. 8. C. are In 'Ashevllle1 for a brief stay. Mr. Rtchard Stockton, of Winston- Balem. arrived yesterday to spend a few day in th olty, , Mr. W. W. Turnbull. 1 at Kansas City for a brief stay. Mrs. Robert Henry and ber small son, of Oreenvllle, and Mrs., Granville Taylor and her little daughter, of this olty, are spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Brawley at their summer place at Flat Rock. Miss Elisabeth Cowan returned to ber home on Haywood street yester day after spending several days with friends at Montreat. Mr. Henry Attenbrand has returned to New York City after a brief stay In Ashevllle. Mr. and Mr. Leon Berry, of Toms River, N. J., are among the guests at urov rare inn. Mrs. Winiam Porter at their home! "Warsaw " ! Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Gill, of New Orleans, are In Ashevllle for an In definite stay. Mr. Laura W. Cheek left yesterday for Marion, N. C, where she will visit friends and relatives. Mr. B. R. Black, of Atlanta, Ca. Is In Ashevllle for a short stay. Miss Emllv ' Btevena. of New Or. leans. Is spending the season In Ashe- vine. : Mis Llllt Lytl has returned tb ber bom at Old Fort after visiting rela tives In Ashevllle. v, - t , Mrs. J, C Thompson has returnad to ber heme in the city after visiting friends at Old Fort Mr. Walter f oodwaV and her daughter. Miss Goodman, of Salisbury, are th guests of friends In Ashevllle for several weeks. Mr. C B. Bryant; Mr. and Mrs. R. C Low and Mis Sarah Mellon, all of coar I one, motored! to Ashevlll to spend the week-end. They are guests at Grove Park inn. Mis Browne Jones, of Swannanoa. la In tb city for a short stay. Mrs. A. B. Hecfcer, of Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. Gorge J. Derth. of Houston. Texas, are guest In Ashe ville for the season. Miss Said Lipscomb and Miss Jessie Lipscombei of Gaffney, B. C, are th guest of Miss Margaret cowan at her home on Haywood street. The Misses Llpscombe are frequent visitors In the city and have many friends here. Hi k WE have just received from Xew York a most interesting group . of Advance Fall Models in Women's Apparel "We hasten to place them on display for your in spection, and to indicate to you the trend of Autumn fashions. - " ' You will be delighted to note the artistic simplicity of the new styles, their charm and beauty and be comingness. . aajr-rW WkW -M KjsY m M W 11 Pattern Ave. Phone 78. Miss Corrle Miller and mother. Mr. Eller Miller, left yesterday for a visit to Cornelia and Tuiuia Fails, Ga. Mis Llllte Llttman, of Canton, N. C, was the guest of Miss Ethel Henry for the week-end, i . Miss Ethel Lee Henry motored to Canton, N. C, where she will spend some time with the Misses Llttman. Mrs.' Lea Canter and ber son. Mr. Lea Canter, of Muncle, Ind., are ex pected to arrived shortly to spend some time with Mrs. uanters mother. Mrs. Little, at the Battery Park hotel. Rev. W. B. Sams and Mrs. Sams, of Balnbridge, Ga- and Rev. and Mrs. Harold Thomas, of Charleston, S. C, left yesterday for their homes after pending a few days with Dr. and Mrs..G. C. Battle on Hillside street. Mrs. Ben Price and Mrs. Bruce Price have returned to their borne at Marion after visiting their n1ee, Mrs. Jack Edward j, on Bartlett street. Mrs. Johnson Hagood, of Charles. ton. S. C, who Is spending the season In Ashevllle, is now at Washington City for an indefinite stay. Mr. Foster Wilson, of St. Louis, and miss Kuia roster are spending the summer montns in the city. Mis Kearney, of Norfolk. Vs.. Is spending an indefinite stay tn Ashe- vine. Mrs. A. Austin has returned from Mew York City, where she has been spending some time. Mr. Price and bis daurtiter. Miss Kathleen Price, have returned to their home at Greensboro after spendln a week at the Battery Park hotel. Miss Kfttherln' Lumpklns. of Co lumbia, S. C, will arrive tomorrow to spend some time with her sister. Mrs. uugene Glenn, at her home on Starnes avenue. Miss Dollle Hyman, of Newbern, N. O., Is the guest of Miss Louise Arbogast. Miss Susan Shoe,- of Cincinnati, Is the guest of Miss Beulah Corcoran for several weeks. Miss Ruth Turnbull left Friday for Columus, Ohio, where she will visit friends for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Granger, of Atlanta, Ga., are .spending a short while in the city. Mrs. 8. C. Jenkins has returned from a short visit to her sister. Miss K. T. Cornish, at her home at Saluda. Miss Carolyn Hackney of Lexington, is visiting Miss Virginia Peyton for a few weeks. Miss Eupenia Fairley and Miss Martha Fairlev have returned to their home at Laurenberg, N. C. after visiting Mrs. J. P. MacRae at her home on Watauga street . Mrs. John Alden Hines. Mis KIIm. beth Wallace and Miss Seotma -Wi lli 31 r if t i X V ) Patton Ave. "THE PLACE FOR ARTISTIC FIXTURES." Opposite the PostofOo. , IT 51 M. ds W. Indian Coal always meets with the approval of the one wbo pay th bills and tends the fires. Have you tried this clean, free burning and satisfaction giving coaiT It not, it's time you did. Orders filled promptly In any quantity and size, ,at price you have bean paying for a quality no better if a good. Use Your Phone When yon pbxmo your order to us yon may res aenauud that ft will receive the same careful attention a though yon personally had called In our store. Tweed & Collins Oor. College and Market Sta, Phone asis-asiT. : Miss Katberln Woo drew, wbo bas been spending soma time with friend at Baltimore, has arrived to spend the season with her mother, Mrs. James Woodrow, at her bom at Mar Hill. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. MeCroskey and Miss MeCroskey, of Cincinnati, Ohio, are guests at No. SI Merrlmon avenue for the season. Mr. Dick Reeves bas returned to hi home at Charleston, S. C.. after spend ing1 several days with friends In Ashe, villa. Mrs. H. H. Crawford, of Dallas, Texas, ts the guest of bar daughter, Mrs. ' James Coleman, t ber home 'Willanow.' Mrs. William Uouglu of Jacksonville, Fla., Is also visiting Mrs. Coleman. Miss AUx Field, of Knoxvlll. Tenn., Is with Miss Mary Mltlender on Pear son drive for a short time. Mtss Anna O. Hunter, of Savannah, Ga., wbo is spending the summer at Audubon Lodge at Skyland. Is re covering from a long illness. i Mr. land Mrs. Artbtar PenTV of Jacksonville, Fla., with their son. Mr. Arthur Perry. Jr.. are spending th season at Busbee ball. Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Memmlnger arrive v tomorrow from Atlanta, to spend tb remainder of the season. HLT. A ... ILTm av 1 -f vtft aTAjt .U 1 . iVI .11.11 ... i .w.- for New Tork City, where he was called on account of Illness In bis famtlv. Mr. Murrav will return to the city In several day. Miss Elinor Ftounrov. wbo bas been visiting Mtss Dorothy Parker on Edsremont road, lert yesterday for Virginia, where she will spend two weeks. .. -, . - Mrs. William Coleman and ber children, of Whltmlre. 8. C, have ar rived Iq vUlt Mxs. Thad Coleman and Continued on Next Page.) HAS A CURE . FOR PELLAGRA New and Popular : Flu Flu Sundae i IValker'sDrugStore Phones I S3 and 1S3. H. Redwood & Co. Lots of seasonable goods vary cheap now and in Bret-rat i styles. Many items in Ladles Cloth are llttl over ; Half Price and a few of them, also Hat and Colored Parasols, are below Half Price. Men's Straw Hats and Panamas are Just Half Prio. On Lot of Palm Beach Coats and Trousers are now only f : the suit. I See our Hair Switches at f l.SS, t2.9S and tS.IS. Beour worn enema lor single oeos na lor cots, lust to Hand. They are very scares and very Oear. we regret to say. Also secure some Bed Quilts, Table Damask and Towels not mieh pvor I si 1)19 lowest of old price. Tb advance oa all three Is serious. Parrie Nichols, Laurel, Miss., writes: Seems to me if I had not obtained your remedy when I did I would not have lived much longer. I am glad you dis covered this wonderful remedy that will mire Pellagra. When I began taking Baughn's Pcllasrra Remedv mv weight was 60-odd pounds: now it is 90-odd. 1 would like to have this published and sent to sufferers of Pellagra." This Is published at her request. If you suffer from Pellagra or know ot any one who suffers from Pellagra, It Is your duty to consult the resourceful Baughn, who has fought and conauered the dread ed malady right in the Pellagra Belt ot Alabama. The svnlDtoms hands red Ilka aim. burn, skin peeling off, sore mouth, the Hps, throat and tonsrue a flaming red with much mucus and choking; Indiges tion and nausea; either diarrhoea or constipation. There Is hope. If vou have Pellagra you can be cured by Baughn's Pellagra Remedy. Get big free book on Pellagra. Address American Compound ing Co.. Box 2075. Jaaoer. Ala., remem bering monev is refunded In any case where the remedy (alls to cure. Advt I ASHE VILLE COMFORT SHOP Our Kace and Scalp Treat- Iments are scientifically ad ministered with hygienic care. Manicuring, Shampooing, Marcel Waving. Courteous attention. Try u. Cor. Patton Ave. and Church St. SJ12 Dnrumor Bldg. Phone 2280. Hairdressing Parlor SWEDISH AND MAGNETIC MASSAGE Gray balr restored without dye. Permanent waving. Popu lar prices. MRS. M'COT Phono 75S. Opposite 78 Patton Ave. Asheville's Beautiful Sunset Mountain Take the Auto Bus In front of Smith's Drug Store to the summit. Good road and picturesque scenery tne whole way, including the mag nificent Grove Park residences. Country club, golf link and Grove f aric lnr The drlv all th way t. the top Is an ever changing sue cession of mountain view. Fro the peak a panorama unfolds be for you. First" th town below. then a long sweeping valley rlsln slowly to the neighboring summit uut to the hortxon swe ep rangi upon range where hangs the deli cat blue tint which characteriz these mountains. . Auto leaves Smith's Drug Store :30 a. m it a. z.-so p. m. an 4:00 p. m. Fare, $1.00 a round trip. - Mrs. Dale's Hairdressing Parlor MARTVELLO SrSTHX Woman's Exchange Building 36 Haywood Street. Shampooing Hair Singeing Hair Dyeing Hair Bleaching. Manicuring Hand and Arpv Massage Hair Goods Electrolytic Face Mas sag Instantaneous Face- Bleachf Pimple and Blackhead Treatment Antiseptic Hot Oil for the Scalp : Prismatic Ray for Face and Scalp Tar Tonio for Falling Hair Dry and Oily Scalp Treatment MASSEUR . Victor Sehrwald Phone 2342. .Recommended by the Leading Physicians of Ashevllle. Miss Cruise's Shop Human Hair Goods, Shell Goods and Toilet Preparation. , Superior accommodation for Shampooing, Scalp Treatments, Facial Massage and Manicuring; XS Haywood R. Pnon 1. Combing mad up Into Switches, Curl and Puff . , Marinello Preparations We carry a complete line of Marinello Skin Soaps, Creams, Skin Foods, Powders and Toilet .Waters. For appointments phone 1671r THE BEST RA1TGES v. : , Like Statesmen and Poet, An . BORN CHAS. L.SLUDER CO. SO South Pack Square. V . .. . Phone ISO. Boat In Kitchen Furniture. MAIL YOUR KODAK FILMS TO The Gift Shop . WAYNEtVILLC, N. C. Esstmsn rilme. Kodaks, Supplies and Kodak Finishing to any part af the Mountains Postpaid. THE AtTGTJST VIOXOB RECORDS Also Columbia Records Com and Hear Them at FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE For the Best In Pianos, Edlsons and Vlctrolas. Phone 20ft. 78 Patton Avev Any Way- ' (Indianapolis News.) . They were discussing th Joke about getting down off an elephant "How do you get down?" asked the pokesmlth for th fourth time. "Ton climb down." , ' . "Wrong!" '"Xov, trsasfl hi aide aad gild down." - ' .: "Wrong!- N "You take a ladder and get down,' Wrong!" -Well, you tak th trunk line down." .: "No; notfluite. , Ton don't get dow off an elephant; yon get H a fop," P.