THE ASHE: THE WEATHKR LOCAL SHOWERS CITIZEN WANT ADS BRING RESULTS - VOL. XXXm, NO. 295. ASHEVILLE, N. O, TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 14, 1917. PRICE FIVE CENTS BOTHSIDES-REST GENERAL DEBATE ON WAR TAX BILL What We May Expect PACIFIC PART OW SPECHISS1 Come Officially "as Com rades in Gigantic Strug gle" Is Declared. ffOVfS THAT tM I UTTU HAfib OF HfitfHi JUST MOW MAY CLOSE TODAY Little Infantry Activity on Will All Be in Camps at Republican Senators Speak ILLE CITIZEN FIRST INCREMENT JAPANESE PREPARAT OF DRAFTED ARMY FORMQRF FIGHTING IN TRAINING SOON Flanders Front for WholeDay. GERMAN EFFORT ON Various Places Early in October. in Favor of Revised Revenue Measure. ) AISNE REPULSED Russians and Roumanians Forced to Give Ground in East. Inftartry fighting on the western front and especially In Flanders, ha not been marked during the last twenty-four hours. In southern Moldavia the Teuton drive against the Russians and Rou manians progresses. Preparing for Battle. In Flander th Ariglo-French and German troops apparently are resting In preparation for further Infantry activity. The Germans can- hardly permit the '. British to 'hold the Im portant salient east of Tpres and be tween Ptlkem and Hollebeke without 11 ret making additional efforts to straighten out their front. By widen lng the salient, Field Marshal Haig adds to the Insecurity of the Germans from Dlxmude to. the coast as well as the front southward toward Lens. French troops again have repulsed German efforts along the Aisne front. Sunday night and on Monday the Teu tons tried to re-capture the ground lots to the French south of Allies. The French threw back aU the attacks. East of the positions the French took the offensive and succeeded In mak ing a small -advance.' 'Elsewhere on the French front the artillery fighting continues violent.. .- f , Forced to Retire. The Russians and Roumanians hav ing been forced to give up the Foks-hanl-Marsechtl line and retire to the Sereth river. Field Marshal von Mackensen has captured Pantsiu, a railway town west of Marasechtl. By taking the town the Teutons probably have cut the railway line north,' Im perilling the ,j Russians , and Rou manians fighting in western Moldavia around Ocna aa the railroad north from Marasechtl Was one ot their two means of obtaining supplies and re inforcements. ; German airplane which raided the southeast eqast of England Sunday apparently had London as " their ob jective, but the prompt .defense by British airplanes and anti-aircraft guns compelled them to abandon that plan. In the pursuit two of the- raid ers were brought down by British air men. Berlin admits the- loss of one machine and Amsterdam 'reports that a German airplane was forced to land tn Dutch territory Sunday, evidently while returning from England. Five Americans and fourteen others were killed when the British steamer City of Athens struck a mine last Fri day near cape . Town, soutn Africa. Four of the Americana lost were mis sionaries. The American bark Chris tian Jias been sunk off the Azores by German submarine. The crew -was .landed safely. GEORGE NIGOLL BARNES 'S Appointment Has Approval of All Other Labor Members. CRISIS IS SOLVED. LONDON, Aug. It. A day of great political excitement m London con cluded tonight with the announce ment that George Nlcoll Barnes, minister of pensions, had been ap pointed to replace Arthur Henderson as labor member or tne war cabinet. The appointment, according, to a aeml-offlclal statement, has the . ap proval of all the other labor mem bers of the government. , Thus, the crisis which seemed to threaten the existence of the govern ment was at least temporarily solved and unless unexpected developments occur there will be no appeal to the country. , - -' The government announced to par liament today that the ministers had decided not to grant passports to dele gates to the Stockholm international socialist congress, thereby '-falling in line with other allied governments in this respect. It Is hot doubted that this decision will be accepted by the major section of the country-and by the newspapers. - : Mr. Henderson In the , house of commons today made, an impassioned defence of his position In the conflict that has arisen between himself and prime Lloyd-George. He entered into great detail on the recent event tut still left mnch mystery- regarding his relations with the premier since his mtara from Russia. ... . t Mr. Henderson's supporters contend that the entire misunderstanding has arisen through the government hav ing previously railed to make a de oisive line on the Stockholm confer ence.. - ' Mr. Henderson Impressed the house considerably by showing that the question of his visit to Paris was the subject of a special cabinet meeting and much sympathy was aroused in his behalf by his having been kept waiting for an hour outside the doors of a cabinet meetlr.- and the fact that he first learned through the col vmna ef an evening newspaper that Jiis resignation bad been accepted, ARMY WILL BE MOVED IN THREE DIVISIONS Conditions of Crops Sur rounding Camps Will Be Considered. WASHINGTON, Aug. !. The eft- tire 687,000 men composing the first increment of the army dnaft forces will be under training early In Octo ber. Under orders issued today the first thirty per cent of the quota of each district will begin entratnment for cantonments September S; the next thirty per cent September 15; and another thirty per cent Septem ber SO. The remaining ten per cent will be mobilised as soon after that date as possible. The plan to assemble the new forces In three increments distributes the task of furnishing, supplies and equipment through September. It will also prevent serious shortages in any camp, and will give the new of ficers from the training camps time to familiarize themselves with their duties gradually before responsibility for a great body of men falls on them. Kaon Camp's Quota. The order Issued today means that about 12,000 men will reach each of the sixteen cantonments soon after September E. They will first be ex amined, physically by army doctors and finally accepted or rejected. This will take some time and the men will have to be furnished with temporary quarters and rationed while awaiting examination. If the full quota were assembled at on time, great confusion would result. Presumably the first Increment will have been organised Into skeleton companies, battalions or regiments be fore the second arrives. , In farming , communities, local boards now will arrange lists of those to .fill the first Increment with local crop conditions In , mind. Men en gaged '. In- harvesting ' work and who otherwise would go. with the first third of the quota will be passed over to the second or third as may be neces sary. ',. - ,: Reviewing the question of discharge for. dependent' relatives. General Crowder Issued a supplemental ruling today holding that persons should not be discharged because of dependents resident abroad. ' Objects of Law. That conscientious objectors to war are not to be excused entirely from serving the country was made clear In another .ruling by the provost marshal. holding that such persons snouia be sent to the mobilization camps along with others drafted, to be assigned later to non-combatant branches of the services. - It is presumed they will serve in the quartermasters crops, the medical corps or other units not em ployed in actual combat. Only in rare cases are railway mail clerks to be exempted. Today the (Continued on Pace Two.) ADDITIONAL EMPTIES WILL BE DISTRIBUTED TO Designed to Facilitate the Prompt Movement of Grain. MANY SENT SOUTH. WASHINGTON, Aug. IS. To fa cilitate the prompt movement or grain and food 'products, as well aa munitions, the ear service commission of the railway board, has ordered the immediate, distribution, of nearly 21, 600 additional empty cars among the line operating in the soutn, tne mia This makes a total oi -more man inn. ooo mntv cars ordered moved in the last two months from one railroad to another, regardless or ownership. to mobilise In various parts or the country a sufficient number to handle the abnormal government and com mercial trafne produced by war con ditions. ' More than two-thirds or tne car ordered to the district that need them will be supplied by the Penn sylvania system. . . . "To - protect the vegetable and southern watermelon crops," the com mission announced, "more -than 6,000 car have been sent to the Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic, the Central of Georgia, the Seaboard Air line, the Atlantic Coast line and other roads operating in the southeast. - ' "Meanwhile, hundred of ear are belna- rushed dally to . the lumber states of the south to take ' care of the tremendous movement of lumber to the army cantonments and ship building yard. '... "In addition to tn demand ror lumber,- the war ha practically doubled the orders for phosphate rock during the past three months. , This product, which Is essential to the op eration of sulphuric acid plant and the manufacture of munitions is also used as a foundation for fertiliser. In the past the coastwise vessels car ried a large volume of It, but with the reduction in the number of vessels used for freight purpose along the coast practically all of this traffic has. been ' diverted to - the Atlantic rail- road. A a result it has been neces- sary to send thousands of oar into the SiatcJos." - BILL IS TEMPORARY IN ITS OPERATION Tax System of Country Will Be Revised Again After War. WASHINGTON, Aug. 13. General debate In the senate on the war tax bill is expected to close tomorrow. Chairman Simmons of the finance committee announced late today that only two more senators had signified their intention of speaking nnd that he would move to take up the com mittee amendments as soon as they have been, heard. Republicans Support Bill. Senators Penrose and McCuraber, republican members of the com mittee, spoke at length during the day In support of the bill, which they declared had been revised In a non partisan spirit. Senator Penrose said that while h had votO'l against the ' revenue measures since the I.ret-ent administration came into power because they marked a de parture in the I'ncal policy of the tJnited Statos of largely abandoning the tariff as 'lie source of revenue nnd resorting to direct taxation the situation is 'iifTerent now and the American government has never hesi tated to raise revenue by direct taxa tion and loans when required to do so by a state of war. The tax payer must bear In mind, be said, that the bill is temporary In its operation and that when the war Is over the whole tax system of the country will be re vised. . , " Will Need Tariff. After the war, Senator Penrose said, the United f tates more tbn ever would need a high protective taxi f to maintain tt industrial prosperity- . The Pennsylvania senator harply criticised the administration for delay In settling controversies with manu facturers, declaring relentless prose cution of the war was being held up and that an element .of uncertainty as to the amount of revenue to be de rived had been Injected Into con sideration or the tax bill. ; Senator McCumber predicted war of at least four years and an ex penditure of forty billion dollars. Ho said the bill was Just thebegtnnlng of the taxss which must be levied but declared . that the future nnprtl.m. should pay the greater part of the cost as me present one will furnish the men and supply them wltn the ma terials which will be necessary to crush the German autocracy. - During the debate Senator Reed made another attack upon Herbert C. noover, asserting that the food ad ministration's statement of hi olan to control wheat, flour and hrniM ine decree oi a dictator. PUNS FOR CONTROLLING Wheat Control Board Will Be Announced When President Approves. WILL FIX PRICES. WASHINGTON. Aug. IS. Plain for controlling the distribution of wheat and for regulating the manufacture and sale of flour were completed to- uay oy me rooa administration. Creation of wheat control board will be announced as soon as president Wilson has approved its personnel. This board, comprising officials of the food administration and leading men from the grain and milling industries will be made responsible for putting into effect measures anncinced last night by the food administration. Regulations governing the control of wheat from the time It leaves the producer until it reaches the baker will go Into effect September. 1. In fixing a price to be paid produc ers for wheat, the food administra tion. It was said todav, will seek to give the farmer a fair price and at the same time name a figure which will permit the public to rexelve bread at a price much below that now prevailing. License will be srantad to flour mills only on condition that they charge a fair and reasonable price for their product. As soon as the wheat and flour in dustries - have been out under regu lation the food administration nlans to extend Its control to bakeries, hoi lr- to reduce the price now paid fnW bread. - There is no nt nlan to put cereals other than wheat tinder Immediate control, althourh sus-ar soon may be under government super. vision. .. ... . - v- - .... The price of the 11T crop of wheat to the farmer will be fixed by a 'com mittee of which President Garfield. of William college, will be chair. man. Congress set a price of 12 on the 1I1S crop. . . . .r ' THE WEATHKR. ' WASHINGTON, Aug. 1 J. Forecast for orth Carolina: - Fatr Tuesday except shower in mountain 'district. JVednesday, probably showers. DISTRIBUTION OF WHEAT SEMl-OfFlCIAL EXISTENCE OF TELEGRAM SENT THROUGH GERARD Slate Departmental Washington Ambassador Gerard in the Kaiser's Own HandwritingKaiser Claimed England i Promised to Be Neutral If War Were Declared BERLIN, Aug It, (Via Amsterdam). The ' semi-official Nord ' Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung denies the exist ence of thelegranl alleged by James W. Gerard, the former American am bassador at Berijn, to have been sent by Emperor .William to .President Wilson la-,A.uguit;il. ; "when 'the German emperor.,! quoted as having asserted that ? Belgium's neutrality "had to fee violated; by Oernianv on telegram, which Jiast reached Berlin by way of. Switzerland) has the em peror saying, that King George sent him . word --through th ' emperor's brother. Prince Henry,, that - Great Britain would remain neutral If war broke out on the continent involving Germany and France and Austria and Russia. The Nord Deutsche Allege- Mneine Zeitung says: " bucn Telegram.- "We are in a position to say that ho such telegram from the ' emoeror exists.. It is true that Mr. Gerard was given an audience on August 10, 1914, In order to arlve him an opportunity of placing. President Wilson's offer f mediation before tne emperor. - . ' "The president's personal message to the emperor read as from the offi cial head of one of the powers which signed The Hague convention and said: "I feel it to be my right and my duty in accordance with Article III of the convention to declare to you in a spirit of truest friendship that I would welcome any opportunity to act In the interests of European peace, whether now or at any other time that might be better fitted, to render you and all concerned service which give me satisfaction and Joy.' "This, proposal was - mad at the time when the armies of both sides had already crossed the frontier and when It seemed out of the question to call a halt to events.- The- em peror could, therefore, only have his thanks conveyed to President Wilson for his offer and thereby remark that while the present moment was too early for mediation by the neutral powers the president' friendly . pro posal might later be returned to. Explained War. 'The emperor then conversed for some time further with Mr. Gerard and explained to him the event that led up to the outbreak of war. The emperor particularly pointed the am biguous disloyal attitude . of . Great Britain.'" ''":" j"'' '' "Mr. Gerard's statements in hi memoir appear, to be a reproduction of this conversation. , . - ( , "Possibly' during the conversation SEVENTEEN .KILLED WHEN TROLLEY CARS COLLIDE Meet ; at High Speed in Head-on Collision : ' Straight Track. , ; ' on NORTH BRANTORD. Conn-' Aug. II. Seventeen persons ..were killed and n award of two score ' Injured. some probably fatally when two trol ley car, on th Shore Line Electric railway met , head-on at high speed a short distance from the local sta tion late today. Both car were of haavv nnnmtruetlon and th force Of the impact locked them together in a mass of twisted Iron and steel and splintered wood. Both cars were well filled with ; passengers and most of the dead were women. Few of the bodies have been Identified thus far. Th injured were rushed to New Haven hospitals. - Most of the per sons killed lived m Guilford, Madison, Saybrook and nearby towns.; One of the seriously injured to Lennard 8.. Hotchklss. a banker, of New Haven, whose two sons were kill ed in collision of expres trains at North Haven on the New Tork, New Haven and Hartford railroad about two years ago. The accident which Is considered one or ine worst -,oi i kind In the history ot New England, occurred on a stretch of straight I wgji. track between two curve. GERMAN PAPER DENIES TO PRESIDENT Answers the Charge By Publication of the Telegram, Given to the emperor wrote a memorandum for the ambassador so that he might not announce anything to ' Washington that would be incorrect. In that case It would b'e a matter of reoord des tined to assist Mr. Gerard's memory but it would not be a communication from the emperor to President Wil son." - ' wnjj issitb EXPiiASAnoir. COPENHAGEN. Aug. 18. The Cologne Gasette says that the German srovernment will Issue soon an exrla- han n hv Xhnneror William President Wilson in August 1914. and mentioned in the memoir ef James W. Gerard, the former Am bassador at Berlin. The Gasette pub lishes the text of the emperor's tele gram as given to the nubllo by Mr, Gerard. . --' THE TELRGRAM. . WASHINGTON, Aug. II. The Ger man emperor telegram to President Wilson, given to Ambassador Gerard in tha emneror own handwriting. was made public officially by the state department today for the first time. It follows: "Berlin, Via Copenhagen.. "Dated August 14, 1914. "Received August 18, 7. SO p. m. "Secretary of State, Washington, August 14, S p. m. ' "The following was communicated personally to me by the emperor In writing: , "Private and confidential., " 'For the nresident personally. 'One. The Royal Highness Prince Henry was received by His Majesty, King George V In London who era powered .him to transmit to me verb ally that England would remain neu tral if war broke out on the continent Involving Germany and France, Aus tria and Russia. This . massage was telegraphed to me by my brother from London after his conversation with His , Majesty, the king and re peated verbally on the twenty-ninth Ju!7.,Two My ambassador In London transmitted a message from Sir Ed ward Grey to Berlin saying that only in case France was likely to ba crushed England would interfere. " 'Three. On the thirtieth my am bassador in London reported that Sir Edward Grey in the course Of a private (sic) conversation told him that If the conflict remained localised between Russia not , Servia- and Austria, England would not move but If we mixed in the fray she would take quick decisions and grave ma neuvers, in other words, if 1 loft n.y ally, Austria, in the lurch to tight alone England would not touch me. PHIPPS AND M'CQY CASES Attorneys for Defendants Will File Demurrers to Several Indictments. BIO STONE OAP, Va.,' Aug. II. When the United State District court convened here today, Judge Henry C. McDowell presiding, it wa announced that the cases of John Walter i-blpp and William Vernon McCoy, indicted on charges of treason and anarchy and open defiance of the federal gov ernment, would not be called until to morrow morning.. It la said that at torney for th defendant mill , 1 demurrer to tho Indictments - to morrow, and if these are ovsrruied th case will be tried on their merit. Many witnesses have been summoned by both side and it to expected that both prosecution and defense will be ready for trial. ;.-:' 'McCoy and Phlpps are accused ef having "declared war" ; against the government and to have attempted to incite tne mountaineers noi oni iu . i.. i M V..a VM bmmimIam. 1akiH- rfWIM .Im arui vui ani vx 'ss- wnr and to eels their proBsrur. BY THE KAISER Counter to Message. " Tour. This communication being directly counter to the king's message to me, I telegraphed to his majesty on the twenty-ninth or thirtieth thanking him for his kind message through my brother and begging him to use all hi power to keep Franoe and Russia, his allies, from making any warlike preparation calculated to disturb my work on mediation, stating that I was in constant com munication with his majesty the esar. In, the evening the king kindly an swered that he naa oraerea nis gov er nmsnt to use every . possible In fluenoo with H allies to repudiate taking any provocative measure. At the same time hi majesty asked me I should transmit - to Vienna the British proposal that Austria wa to take Belgrade and a few other Servian town and a atrip of country as a main mis (sic) to make sure that the Servian promises on paper eno'iid be fulfilled in reality. This proposal was in the same moment telegraphed to me from Vienna for London quit in ' conjunction with the British pro posal; besides ' I had telegraphed to hi majesty the -ecarthe same a an idea of mine before I received the two communication from Vienna and London.. A both were of the same opinion I immediately transmitted the telegram vice versa to Vienna and London. I felt that I was able to tide the question over and was happy at th peaoful outlook. " "Five. While I wa preparing a note to hi majesty the czar the next morning to Inform him that Vienna, London and Berlin were agreed about the treatment of affairs I received the' telephone message from hi ex cellency the chancellor ''that in the night before the czar had given the order tq mobilise the whole of the Russian army, Which was of. course also meant against Germany; where as up till then the southern armies had been mobilised against Austria. , " 'Six. tn a telegram from London my embassador Informed mo ; he understood British government would guarantee neutrality of France . and wished to know whether Germany would refrain from attack. I tele graphed to his majesty the king per sonally that mobilisation . being al-' ready carried out could not be stopped, , but If his , majesty could guarantee with his armed forces the neutrality of Franco I would' refrain from attacking her, leave her alone and employ . my forces elsewhere. His majesty answered that he thought my. offer was based on a misunder standing and as far aa I can make out Sir Edward Grey never took my offer Into serious consideration. He ' (Continued on Page Two.) LABOR CONVENTION IS OPENED AT SALISBURY James F. Barrett, of Ashe- ' . . . . t i - ville, Delivers Principal -Address at Meeting. SALT9BTTRT, Aft?, 11. With rep resentative In attendance" from al most all section of North Carolina the state federation of labor opened Its annual convention here today. W. E. Shuping of Salisbury ia president and M. . Meadows ot Ashevilie is secretary. At the opening session raver was offered by Dr. Byron Clark and address of welcome was given by Mayor Walter H. woodson. The re sponse was by James F. Barrett, of Ashevilie. . Mr. Barrett - represented Samuel Oompers, president of the American Federation of Labor. He declared that the publto la beginning to appreciate organised labor and that no business will be contracted at this convention except that looking to tha advancement ot the members in their family and the children of men soon to be ruling citizens of the stats and it ia desired that they be fitted for this Important duty. . - There was a publlo meeting tonight In community building addressed by Mr. Barrett. The delegates present at htllt fAllf tflmiUflfl ma Trie bans ia North Carolina. . , , : A iuibwviu - - w-w- , WAR PREPARATIONS IMPRESS VISITORS Believe That Activity in This Country Means Earlier Peace. A PACIFIC FORT, AUg. II. Jl Japanese mission to the United States arrived her today and pro .la IryimA iYtmt ttfl mtwiki..- Mm. r9 flcially "aa comrade tn a gigantlo i struggle which Involve the liberties ; and the sacred right of mankind." "W are here," declaiad Viscount ' K. , Ishii. ambassador 'extraordinary . and plenipotentiary, responding to an ; aa areas oi welcome xrom-mo mavor. "a th representative, ot Japan, on a miMlnn of. frlAnriaMn n4 wnnA -farm W com a allle la a common ! cause. . . ; " . Meaning to Japan. , Tonight h adverted to this nation's . war panoply . and It meaning to Japan. 2: "We are particularly glad to be here Just at this tim," h said, "when all , America to showing a eourage, pa- trlotlsm, energy and whole-hearted : seal. Naturally Japan I interested In your preparation. , We are glad to see them. Not 'a sensible person in T Japan sees anything in your prpar- atlon but great benefit to both eoun- "We have always had confidence senss and broad vision of Americana. We are glad pf your preparation on ' land and ea because we believe they mean an earlier peace." . .v t . Breckinridge Longv third assistant secretary of state, and Cavin McNab, an attorney sent, front'" Washington, with representatives of the army and navy, boarded 'the liner bringing the mission as she made port. A United States battleship-" circled , the vessel until the mission was put aboard a launch, shore bound. - ' uemnonm oi weirome. The real ceremonies of welcome be gan at the landing place. . Masse of '. . troop at "present arms" lined, the street while the Japanese anthem wa played. : Line of trooper rode be- -side the automobile which escorted . the mission to the city hall, where ap- mission presented by th mayor to th people.- When Vlacount Ishii . made his declaration of alliance and friendship, the cheering became thun- - derous as the crowd caught the sig nificance of his - utterance, and the vlsoount. who had been reading in a moderate vole from his ' manuscript. continued in vigorous tones: "This, perhaps, la neither the time nor the place for a detailed oxoositlon of th plan and hopes which have in spired our mission," he Said. - "It ia ' sufficient that you see In our presence (Continued on Page, Two. SEDITIOUS STATEMENTS IS Will Be Tried for Violation of Recently Passed Espionage Act. HELD WITHOUT BOND., , . RALEIGH, Aug. 1 . Charged with uttering seditious statement and flag rant violation of the act of espion- . age, act of congress, Kev. H. F. Wolf, of Franklin county, will be given preliminary hearing Friday afternoon before the United State commission- J er here. Deputy United State Marshal " Sturdevant, who heard the ; preacher . in one of his discourse, being th . principal witness against him. - He to ' charged to have denounced ' federal -officer from the president down' and to have declared that ' the. mesne slacker would be those who deserted their wives and children And went to " France to be shot in the back,; Wolf term himself "prophet preacher."' and to -a native-blooded though nt- -urallxed German. 'He 1 being held., without ball. THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN ;-, Circulation Yesterday .' Gry . - Suburban -Country Net paid .' v '. 1 1.362 Service . ' 216 Unpaid j. . 82 Tpu1 ,11.660 4.840 t. 4.930 1.S92

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