THE SUNDAY CITIZEN. ASIIEVILLE, N, C, OCTOBER 14, 1917. BAKED A HOE-CAKE, AND SET A FROG TO MIND IT got to Knittin' and the Lizzard Come and Stole it. The Frog You don't hear these old nursery rhymes any more because the old South ern "Mammy" has about passed away. Some of these days; however, a magnificent mon ument will be erected to those faithful old souls who played such an important role in the early life of the Southern people. And mark it down right here In less than twenty-five years the South will lead the nation. It has already made a beginning. The South has more sentiment, more legends, more fond memories 'of its honorable ancestry than any section, of the Union And Robert E. Lee, said: "When the Southern people realize the importance of saving, no people on earth will equal them." We are not desirous of designation, the South or North Carolina or Bun combe County or Asheville as a world unto itself But it is the land wherein we live and from which we are fed and we believe in it We have helped to build it up. We have added to its homes and its best citizenship. We think it a good place in which to live and we want other folks to know it. We are builders. . We build up. We don ft tear down We are selling a good deal of 5 Non-taxable Semi-annual Dividend Bear' ing Stock Cashable on three months' notice any April or October. WE INVITE INVESTIGATION. SeriesNow Open We Have Put Into Asheville Homes Nearly Three Million Dollars Come in Now. There Never Was a Better Time to Save. BLUE RIDGE BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION J. R RANKIN, President ROBERT S. JONES,: Vice-President EDWIN L. RA K. Secretary-Treasurer . Stock Now Selling "WE BUILD HALF THE WOMES ERECTED IN ASHEVILLE" No. 1 Hayxvood Street Asheville Boy Surgeon on Flagship of Atlantic Fleet I : . i - v - - ; u ? ' .,. vt - ., , ; i - y i .y1 s. v f ' 7 ! v ' , - a . - , ' . v a f , i mw, f ,- J if " I 5 '.:''- ' p-'vV.:..-. . i f K - ! t i " i r f' .x . n, , l."..'! ;t' ii' v ' " Z--"''- J1 DR. CHAS. S. NORBURN, Former Asheville Boy With Atlantic? Squadron. An interesting; war-tim letter has been received from a former Asheville boy. Dr. Charles 8. Norburn, . wboae achievements in order-to serve his country have been of a rather remark able nature. Dr. Norburn is now sur pltal work in Philadelphia for the navy iJr. Norburn was ordered aboard the flag: ship of the Atlantic fleet whose whereabouts is o course unknown. Dr. Norburn is also a graduate of .the University of North Carolina. The fol But I am right here and it is wonder ful. A beautiful great battleship, not as large as the super-dreadnoughts, but which goes with and will fight with them. Unless you have been on one of this size you have no idea, just can't conceive how immense and sub stantial looking it all is. Just a float ing world boiled down to the essentials and housed in steel. Tou can very easily get lost, I often do, but keep on going until I come to some land mark. Instead of the tent, here Is my nice little room, about 7x16. Walls, roof and deck made from plate steel, painted light green. The deck (floor) is steel, of course, covered with dull brownish red, composition linoleum, painted on. The door is s sliding one, like a railwaydoor, but I never shut it. Its place Is taken by heavy dark green draperies. Beautirul. Solid in color. The same hangings are about a little nook in which coats are kept, and also at the side of the head of my bed where I keep bath robe and slippers. The furniture looks like a Pullman car furniture, dark, heavy quartered oak matching the floor. Bunk across the end, built In. Slide under it for shoes. Dandy nice desk, very heavy, drawers reflected light, and covered with green xeit. ;igeon-noie, eto. on the other side is a lavatory. Oak slab four feet wide against wall with nickel plated fixtures projecting; ten different ones. Wash basin folding up Into it, 1 within range, unlea tatfi detailed to a dressiiig station on tQeL deck. The guns are wonderful, and the doctors are hot considered non-combatants, either, as we are Issued a 45 Colt automatic, which we keep as long as we are assigned to the ship. PENSIONS FOR CIERGY. The chief merits of the scheme as worked. out by Bishop .Lawrence, by! his expert actuarial advisers and by' eminent business men are in Its cover- j ing of the accrued liabilities or the church as a whole, so . that every clergyman now In the church Is elig ible to the benefits. It puts the onus of future support on the churches and the laity and na on. assessments drawn from already scanty clerical 1nnmM It mi t tha whalR Ihiia nn I thu nlan. nt luntifA anil' fair nlnv and not on that of charity; and at once sets clerical workers free from the haunting terror of an impecunious senescence, either for themselves or for their widows, if they chance to be believes. Self-respect will grow, pro fesslonal prestige will mount, Indif ference to death and peril will be in- Ahnv tenslfled if they come in the path of this is case with mirrored front. There , clerical duty now that there is some are Ave llcrhTs in the rnnm T iraon security for loved ones; and high- them burning all day, for of course ' rrade, ambitious youth will be more none of the cabins have port holes and I likely to choose the clerical calling, it is dark as pitch without them. Can since it has a Juster status and fairer turn them all off with one push of the standard of enlistment. Lastly, the button after I am in bed. Also. hv : laity will be relieved from the inter- button which summons my boy. There!mJttent begging of a charitable cause. FIRST BAPTIST CHXJRCH. Rev. W. F. Powell, pastor. Sunday school, :85. Morning services. 11:00. Evening services, 8:00. a.- p.nniM' nnlnn. 7:00. The pastor will speak of "The Price of Love." at the morning services. The evening service will be the sixth of a aeries of sermons on the . ,mt- ih ammect inou .l... .r, m-.. mitt, He" ranumi.u. - - - children are assured of estra incomes Sh!"ttNger8 and visitors cordially wel The consequences of the changed I mrJ pecuniary status of the clergy will be cmea- moral and spiritual. Bishop Lawrence i pruvrvi'T RTRKKT METHODIST SOIV DMUIVi , . A.u. ii w mavrw . v. ........ - . . ..v - - geon on the flag ship of the Atlantic I lowing extracts form a recent letter squadron and from this responsible I from this Asheville boy will interest post writes letters gicanng win en-: mr miu khuw mm buu uu uium thusiasm concerning tha privilege he i Interested in details of existing condl fevls the service -of-his country to be I tlons:, ;' and giving such details of his sur-1 'The First Battalion of Marines left roundlngs and occupation as are per-a.nd took three-of the doctors, so-till mttted by the existing censorship. In others came in I had strenuous duties. order to demonstrate his patriotism by service Dr. Norburn applied for a posi tion in the navy and white yet a stu dent at tha University of Virginia was, okrtng to his merit In J scholarship, gladuated ahead of time with the de cree of doctor of medicine. In offering his services to the navy he relinquish ed an appointment as instructor In the University of Wisconsin, which posi tion was to be assumed following his graduation from the university of Vlr rinla. - He then took the physical, and mental examinations for- the United Btatea navy and passing so brilliantly in the mental was accepted In view of Was on as officer of the day for forty hoars at a stretch, night and , day. Slept 'in a little room next to the office, but was up and down until I didn't do much of it. The Job was not so much medicine as official, signing papers, de tailing men, eto. Thought I would get off at noon at the end of the forty hoars and rest a while. When I was handed orders to report Immediately to the bureau of navigation. And as I was going, given verbal orders to take four hospital corpsmen to help deliver an insane patient to the naval hospital at Washington. WelL I did. caused me to miss my sleeper is a blower about 8 inches in dia meter which blows fresh air in all the time, also an electric fan at the head of my bed which I run most of the time. At night the boy asks what time I wish to be called, lays out my pajamas, calls me In the morning at T:30, say, asks what I will have for breakfast, and departs. I proceed to wonderful shower. No mora cold Potomac for me at Ave a. m. Then descend Into the ward room where my oreaaiast is ready oy this time, and servea . xne DreaKfast consists of eholce of four or five fruits, any cereal, eggs, anyway, exo., ate. xne ward room is about seventy feet long, fixed up nicely with piano, pictures, troph ies, books, etc., and some tables at one ena. two other large tables with green covers and heavy curved back leather chairs about them. At meal time, these are drawn out and out to geiner in a long taoie with the chairs down the sides. About eighteen offl cers eat there, and the table is waited on by nine Philippine, we get splen did fare; several courses . even for lunch: baked squab. craDe fruit' al ready cut out to facilitate handling, and a band that "breathe fitfully musio oi tne spneres " all day. Some of the men play chess, all play cards, bridge, cribbage, eta ' The officers are very nice, and I like my superior medi cal office a great deal. The "sick boy" Is a dandy; Isola tion ward, dispensary ward, etc. Then there Is a very, nice operating room which they have Just moved into a room behind armor. Of course, the other , rooms and the ones we live in are not. There is not much doing in the sick line. When In port, there is an inspection of food coming aboard. At sea, there to not much doing. There are about a dosen patients. Sick call at 8:10 a. m, and 7:00 p: m. The doc tors have to lecture once in two weeks to hospital men, and Instruct them the band in little drills, but it is being said now that the last are useless, for in battle every water tight door will be closed and there will be no going down or ajort. 2Nouiing will work-but the guns. And we will be down in. the third deck with a dosen water-tight great steel doors closed between as and, the main deck. Even the ventlla- and it this asoecial merit ' despite certain and so I waited until 10:10 p. m. and tors are stopped. So I am afraid I tthysical deficiencies.. Following hos- took a day coach and didn't slean a bit. wouldn't see much, even If we do sea Every congregational budget hereaf ter will take Into account the Item of a clerical pension Just as much as it does a clerical salary From "Pen sions In Church Budgets," by George Perry Morris in the American Re view of Reviews for October, U17. Among the new motor-fafnilnir lm plements Is one which turns the soil and at the same time shreds all vege table matter, thus serving a a plow and narrow. GRAY HAIR? WHITE, FADED? Vis If Anxious to Have Beauti. ful Dark Hair Again and Look Young. Read This. There Is no occasion for you to look prematurely old with gray or faded hair. Before going to bed, rub Into your scalp and wet all your hair with La Creole Hair Dressing. This Is not dys, but a harmless , preparation that revives the color glands of nature. Soon you will be delighted to observe all your gray hair turn to an even, beautiful dark. shads, without even a trace of gray showing, but La Creole makes all your hair healthy, . fluffy. soft,' evenly dark and' lustrous! This makes you look ; younger,' Don't be fooled by cheap preparation Get a big bottle of the old reliable La Creole. Bold by smith's Drug Store or sent. express prepaid, for 11.20, by Tan Tleet Drug Co If emphla. Tennv CHURCH, Rev. Don Atkins, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. J. H. Weaver, superintendent. Sunday school song service, ,o, conducted by C. H. Bartlett. Morning services, 11:00. Junior Bpworth league, 8:00. Senior Epworth league, 0:80. Evening services, T:80. Prayer meeting, Wednesday 7:80. Visitors welcome. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL. North French Broad. Rev. F. W. Stanton, pastor. Sunday school and morning ser vices will be combined in a rally day service, beginning at :45. Epworth league, 7:00. ; ; iivnlnT services. 8:00. Prayer meeting, Wednesday even ing. ST. MARY'S PARISH. Charlotte street. Rev. Charles Mercer Hall, pastor. Nineteenth 8unday after Trinity. Uaaa 9n MmmUnlOIl. 8 1 0 0. Solemn mass and sermon, 11:00. Cathecism, 4:00. v Solemn evensong and sermon. 1:00. Rev. Father Huntinsrton. Suoerior of the Order of the Holy Cross will speax at ii:uu ana o:o. ' Dally services, Sunday, 9:00, other days, 7:30. Friday, 6:00 and 8:00 p. m. I . ,n i . BETHEL METHODIST. Rev. J. O. Ervln, pastor. Sunday school, :30. Morning services, 11:00. Evening services. 7:80. ' Junior Epworth league, Wednesday. :u. CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER. Riverside road. Rev. Willis O. Clark, pastor. Sunday school, 8:30. Special service,; ;S0. CENTRAL METHODIST CHURCH. Dr. Chas. W. Byrd, pastor. ' Sunday school, 9:46. . Morning services, 11:00. Evening services, 7:80. Senior Epworth league, 8:80. Frances Burkhead .Mission study class.. Monday at -4:00, at the home of Stewart Rogers, 86 North Liberty street. - Meeting of the board of stewards. Tuesday, 7:80, at the church. Prayer service, Wednesday, T:80. Business Women's circle. Thursday evening, 7:80. Young People s Mission study class and business meeting, Monday, 8:80, at the home of Miss Helen Hunnl cutt, 86 Grove street FIRST COJfGREOATIONAD CHURCH. Rev. J., B. Thrall, pastor. Sunday school. 10:00 at the home tof the. pastor, 889 Merrimon avenue. Morning services, T. M. CL A. Mat ' torium, 11:00, sermon by Rew J. ft, 1 Williams. ' BALM GROVE MgTrtOPISjV-. , West Asheville. i " Rev. S. T. Barbour, paatofh Teachers' council, 9:16. ' Sunday school, 1:45. Morning services, 11.00, Msmaa tJ ; Rev. J. H. Bradley. Junior league, 1:00. Senior league, t:4(. Evening services, filO, Mrnoa Rev. J. L. Crook. Get-together-mass meUnt Wed nesday, Jf v . . :.. :, .-. j ' ' TRimTlf EPISOOPAIi. Ti. , Corner Aston and Church street Rev. Willie O. Clark. t Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity. Holy oommunlon, 1:00. " Morning prayer and sermon. 11:09,, Sunday school, 1:41. Evening prayer and sermon, 1:00, HAYWOOD STREET METHODIST "' . CHURCH. . .,' . Sunday school, 940 a, m. Preaching by pastor. 11 a. m. and ' 7:46 p. m. - ' t Morning subject, 'The Prodigal Boat Lost" Evening subject. "Tha Prodigal Bon Found." , Junior league, 1:80 p. m. - Senior league. 8:46 o. m addressed ? by Miss Stella Fassoett deaconess" who has had If years' experience in evangelistic work and apeaka as an , expert ... Kev. w. I Dawson, pastor evan gelist, comes to preach and to lead in -these evangelietio services, which wilt continue one week. COMING ATTRACTIONS (The following press notice are furntehed by tbo advance agents ot the attractions to which they refer and do not necessarily - reflect- tha views or opinions of this paper. Whew The Cltiwn, of Its own knowledge, knows that an attraction Is meritor ious It will say so elsewhere.) - : z AT THE ABBITOHW"" r -' T "Ben Hur" Monday ana u ues- y day nights. October 22 and 28. "BE3f HUR.". . Klaw and Erlangers massively ornate spectacle of "Ben Hur" Is the Important announcement for a limited nrasement of two , nights, Monday and Tuesday, October 22 and 21. William Young, who made the dra matisation of General Lew Wallace s great novel, has succeded In the pro duction of a drama which not only re ,t. .hint fldnlity to the book, but which does not offend the most devout Christian Prof Edgar Stlllman Kelley i... h.ihtened ths solemnity of "Ben Hur" with musta that is a positive de tignt to the sax. Tao slaga gettlngs provided by Klaw and Erianger have never been surpassed in this country. The picture of the "Star of Bethle hem," the city of Jerusalem from the terrace garden of the "Palace of Hur," the interior of a Roman galley, the "Grove of Daphne," the "Fountain of Castalla," tha chariot race, the vale of Hlnman and the Mount of Olives, are remarkable exhibits of the -best scenio art To these are added some wonderful effects In lighting, as In the Star of Bethlehem, and in the stage mechanics as in the famous chariot race. The contrivance used to make the chariot race cost lit, 000. Eight horses race In full view of the nude ence. . "Ben Hur" will be at the Auditor ium for two performances only. Elisabeth Gurley Flynn, who is re garded as one of ths dominating fac tors In the I. W. W. movement, began her career at the age or sixteen by appearing as a soap box socialist ora tor In New York and uttering learned things regarded as far beyond her year , SETEIf SENTENCE SERVONS. Asthma Sufferers I will send von a 11.99 bottle of my Ouaranteed Remedy for Asthma, on trial. Send no tlsHed. money. Fay after taxing, ii Remedy gives quk-a relief. Has cured manv after everythlns else failed. Mention nearest express office. Address GEORGE D. HOOVER, Mfg. Pharmacist. Dept 219. Dee Moines. Iowa. Advt ' There is no greater wisdom than well to time the beginnings and on sets of things. -Lord Bacon. A fat kitchen makes a lean will. Franklin. . , . . . ,-i V There are nettles everywhere. But smooth green grasses are more common still: The blue of heaven is larger than th' - cloud. . . E. B. Browning. - This world has been led more b footprints than guide-boards. H. A. - Porter. . . . . , , e - e -. . Make the true use of those afflic tions which His hand, mercifully severe hath been pleased to lay upog thee. nAttsrbury. , Vv-- But noble souls, through dust -and . heat . ! - Rise from disaster and defeat The stronger. . ; Longfollow. Peace of mind must come in Its own time, as the waters settle them selves into clearness, as well as quietness; you can no more niter your mind Into purity than you can compress It into calmness; you must keep - it pure If you would have It Dure, and throw no stones mto it If yon would fcave it quiet, Ruskin.