22 THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, ASITEVILLE, N. C, 0CT0BEB14, 1917. THAT STARVATION Wants :-a Wants :C'., .fir JJHU.V. '; i i . '. p i ' - 'n ! POSITIONS WANTED. POSITION m housekeeper by prao- ueai middle aired woman. Hotel experience. Reference; also poll tion in widower"! family where there are children. No objection to leaving ihe city. Oood reference by a middle aged woman. Also a, posl tion a practical nurse, either - tubercular, or on who is nervous, Address Mrs, O. M. B.. or phone 04. - P8906-U WANTED. i BOARDERS WANTED. POSITION WANTED By colored man. - All-round man In the follow ing positions: Furnace man, fen eral housework, floor waxer and polisher, yardman: in fact, any po sition where ' careful work is de sired. Address Isaao Gist, care of citizen, or Phone 695. P8916-11-7 ublie Accountant and Auditor Regular are) special audits, books .opened and. closed; discrepancies ascertained. - . J. W. Jones. 4-5 Law Building. 8775-7-8 CHICAOO MARKETS.' CHICAGO. Oct 11. Sharp new breaks In grain and provision values today were onset only vo a moaemie vm or w ' end covering on the part of short. Ideal weather for owing the oorn crop did muoh to put the bulls at a disadvantage. Oorn closed firm, but So. to 1(4 oenta - lower with December 1.127s to 1.11 i May 1.09 to l.Ovfc. Oat finished a shade off to Uo. up. The outcome In provisions ranged from unonangea ogure to a seioaca oi no, Cnmin and Drovlalona CORN ; J Close. Xeoember v,4,i.. 4. .. .v l.lljl May,.... , IMM OATS December ................. .. .6814 May October ......................... .41.60 January .........................44.69 Si.11 January , .... ,.. .X1.06 . HIBrt ' ..: - ; 'v. ,.. ' October ....'........,.............17.11 January .il.SS Cash Oraln. Oorn No. 1 yellow l.K691(H; No. I yellow l.M01-tyS No. 4 yellow, nominal. Oats No. wfilte .J9H0.4O; standard ' .MW.UM. " - Livestock. Hoi strong. Bulk 17.M1140; light K.40il8.K5; mixed l.8fi18.76! heavy 1.76U.7; roughs 1.7617.00; pigs 11.7! 'eit.Sft. ; Catus weak; native steers 110017.60; western steens 4.25O14.S0; stookers and feeders .tSOU.M: cow and heifers l.l(0 1186: oalve t.tOAlt.OO. U Wfl To!k: wtn I.00O11.M; Jambs ; NSW YOWK CATTLE. NB7W TORK, Oct. It. Beeves, no trad' tog. - ,,SStv'.rc..,Pt tsi ady; veall 11.D0O 17.00; culls 11.00. ... w Hheep and lambs steady: sheep 1.00(1 11.60; kunb 16.00H.a; ouhs 11.(0. 'HoV. i?wi'i.,taU n(1 JPsnneylvanla wii ir.wv.i, rougn xi.sv, NEW YORK DRV OOODS. NEW TORK. Oot. 11. OoMnn mnila 7i,i iimrv wumy were very nrm. Trading was quiet because of a short day after the holiday. ' Wool goods were very firm. Burlana were uimeltlari hv Mnnrt of government ooatrol of jute supplies. Linens were very Ann sjid are growing NEW YORK MONEY. NEW TORK. Oct. 11 Marranflla mm SHOihi; terllhg 0 day bills 4.71H; com merclal 60 day bills on ban i.1f 1 nnm. merclal 60 day bill 4.70; demand 4.76 i4: cables 4.71 7-14, Bar sUver HK. Mexican dollars as. . , . of federal reaerva hanka mim fhmn 11t 000,000 during the past week, sending the unmi 10 a new nign reoora o( a,4146, CLEARIN0HOUSB BANKS. ' i NEW TORK. Oct. U The antiwl kok. dltkm Of the dearlnarhou hank anil trust companies for the week of five daya Niuwe mai mey noia fua.48i,zv reserve in excess or lerw requirements. This is an Increase of 1 18,493,74) from last week. Clarence De Mar. former Marathon tltleholder. made a remarkable "come- back" when he won the Brockton Marathon In record time. In thia event ue Mar defeated a trio of star distance runners, comprising Vllllr i.yronen. Arthur Roth and Bill Kennedy. Because of the shortage of heln Va. sar college .girls are taking turn waning on raDies, cutting the a-rass and taking care of the dormitories and other department. RESERVE BANKS. Washington" oot. 11. t ni.h t trust oompanlea and state banks to loin federal reserve system Increased resources GOOD ROADS REDUCE COST OF LIVING t i . .i , By P. Q. HOLDKN. fpv OOB roads from the fnrra to the market place mean small loads, Slow II P and ezpeniive transportation, which In torn mean laerasaed coat of fT tha producta of the farm to the consumer. - , . j Two mllea an hour with less than a quarter of a toad would bt (he limit on th,ls road, not to mention the wear and tear m the man, the team harness, and the wagon, and the loss of time. , si- & t-M ii a t - nk fit i mm-e 1 0 4 CV-1 4.-' ,-9 if? , - v s v,ftYA V-JJrJ . " : The above picture was taken In Alabama. Similar roads are to be found In fcvery state. Good roada will lncreaae land values, bring about better living; tamdlnona, Improve educational advantages, and solve to a large' extent many ftroblema of the coat of living. a. . i ' f Hi i n . w .w. ,a :. STREET CAE SCHEDULE In Effect June T. tfMT. ZILLJCO AND RETrrHN S'ftn -ik minutes until 11:00 p. m. DEPOT VIA SOUTHSIDB AvENtTB 10 a. m. and every 16 minutes until 1:16 l. nk, men every ij minuies until 1:41 p. m., then every 15 minute until 11:00 U. III. DEPOT VIA FRENCH BROAD aVTJ! NUE 6:00 a. nv and every is minutes unm u:uu p. m. MANOR 6:00 a. m. and every is min utes until 11:00 p. m. CHARLOTTE STREET TERMINUS 6:00 a, m. and every IS minute until 11:00 p. m.; 11:10 car runs throurh; re turn leaves end of car line at 11:00. PATTON AVENUE :00 a. m. and every 16 minutes until 11;00 p. m. EAST STREET 6:00 a. m. and every IS minutes until 11:00 p. m. GRACE. VIA MERRtMON AVHOTm :vu a. m., men every it minutes until i.vv p. m. BILTMORE 6:00 a m.. and then every IS minutes until M:00 p. m., last car. DEPOT AND WEST A8HEVILLB VIA SOUTHSIDE AVENUE 8:10 a. m.. and every ab niiuuiea uimi xr;vv p. m. Sunday Schedule Differ in the Follow. inp r-arxiQuiara Car leaves Sauare for Manor S-oa a n. arrive Square 6:16 and 1:10, then every au liijnuioa uuui o . v. Cars leave Square for Depot via South side avenue 6:10, 6:46, 4: 40. 4:16, 4:10. 7:00, 7:10, 1:00 and 1:10 a. m.. Cars leave Bquare lor jvput via, r rvnen riroaa ave Sue 6:18. 1:10, 4:46. 7:18, 7:46 and l:; Car for Depot leaves Square 8:45 a) m both Southstde and French Broad. First car leaves the Mquare for Char lotte street at J -00 a. m . and every 10 minutes until 1:10; next 8:46. First car leavee the Square for River side 8:10, next 8:45. drat car leaves the Sonar fnr txr... i HI- . .i ft 4.AI. . J... va. AvnaviiiB ,.w, iiqai a.av. ryuiTiON WANTED By young, single man, with twelve years' ex perience In commissary or store. Prefer commissary work. Address W. Q , care Cltlsen. P163I-4-14 WANTED By woman 40 yeara old. borne in family of two or three. - 8tnall wages expected. Address Miss May Nicholas, Qlen Rock Station, AhevllU. P9017-14-7 TOUNO LADY just out of business college desires position as stenog. rapher , or bookkeeper. Also can do extra work at home. Addrea PF., care Cltlsen. P8014-0-80 WANTED Toung married man ex perienced in dry goods, groceries, eta, wants position; exempt from draft Phone 1457, Friday or Sat urday PH981-11-J BY YOUNG married man experienced in tea ana coffee, retail grocery and merchandise business. Expert checking clerk also. Address Box TIP. - 8839-H-l YOUNO LADY stenographer wants position. Now employed, desires change, over, two years' experience. r. t. box t. P17T1-7 THERE has always been a precedent ior associating a department of tn- 'surance and bonding with the -real) estate buslnesa Frankly, we have nesitateoT to do go. For nearly S years we have halted. A number of banks have this feature identi fied with their buslnesa Of course, f competition isn t - crossing aworda Sometimes, it leads to crossing wires, however.- panics are great publio Institutions; helpful to an In-1 caicuiaDie degree in civic Detter- ,7"l'n" upDuiiding an that leads COMMUNITY HOUSE FOR WOMEN to material, social and moral oroa-l a mmi9i.t . x, vmutn land Ave. New aad modern. Just eomoleted. In AshevHWa most Ideal location. Entire new furnishing. Steam beat, private baths, hot and cold running water in each room. The most up-to-date boarding bouse In Aahevtlle. - Cart In per son to ewe this place and see how pieasea yon win be. one piock from car Una. It minute walk to post ornce. ivo tuhereuiar people taken. Rate made for room with or with out board. Single or suit of rooma. YW-U-tt re in a community. W are strong ior the Dan Us. We now think that It la "good buslnesa" In our .real estate profession to add the related lines. We have not always been of tnis opinion. We have to "live and learn." Insurance Is a form of pro tection all of us must have. Pro tection to real property la essential. Absolutely necessary. We have so much property committed to our care, for sale, for rent and manage ment, that we are glad to announce the better equipment and greater Dullness facilities. Mr. William H. Harrison has been Installed as man ager of this new department. We will tell you something of our com panies In a few daya W would like a share of your business and we hope we can be of service to you. Henry T. Sharp Co. American Bank Building. And Wells Bldg., W. Aaheville. 14-1 A CHRISTIAN HOME. Centrally located, . where every ap polntment will be conducive to health, comfort and good cheer. Bright, sunny rooma. double and single, with board, 18.00 and up. ward per week. Special terms given for parties spending winter. Unimpeachable references given and required. Address . Community House, Citizen office. 9008-14-1 EXPERIENCED intelligent house keeper for lady or elderly couple wno live simpiy, nererences. B., care Cltlsen. PS696-4-' fObixiON wanted by lady, expert enced, typewriting bookkeeping. general office work. Address S04 woodtin. Phone 1448. Poou.u. WANTED Work around . private nome nnng rurnace, by colored man. prefers staying on place. R, H.. care Citizen. TflMi m.t.uitn.1., nonest colored woman wants position as plain cook and general nouse work, email family. rnone ua. r'U01-14- SALESMAN Young man of thlrtv. two years, have business and .sales experience. Box J 15, Ashevllle, NURSING by hour or longer by ex penencea nurse. . Telephone 8270 or address I. Z., care Cltlsen. ' P863fl-?-14 TWO colored girls want position as cook. Kererenoe. Apply 21 Grail P8880-9 WANTED Position as nurse, lady's maia, wanress or maid. 87 Hill Bti '.r v;:n,r. P8414-2J-1S -- SPECIAL. W;: : ? VETERINARIAN. f DR. M. M. LEONARD. Phone 8804. Ashevllle, N. C. 8B7-l-tf ASHEVILLB VETERINARY Hos pital, newly opened, 2 Blltmore ave. Phone 1689. - Bpeclal attention given to small animals. Dr. Stephns and Dr. Ben. 8918-12-10 WILL make and trim hats at home very reasonably. , Have had first class experience this fall. Will also do sewing neatly. 109 K Asheland Ave. 8846-9-T First oar leaves Square for Blltmore 1:10 a m. and every 80 minutes until :oo n'rtack. With ths above exceptions, Sunday aohedulea commence at 9:00 a. nv -a continues same as week days. On evening when entertainments are In progress at the Auditorium the last hid on an line win oe rrom entertain. j:i"-fV,."..."u"r ura' M HIGH CLABtf SHOE REPAIRING. .Car leaves square co meet wo. 15. nlrht : u,v" duoh WINTER CABBAGE PLANTS All Wrietle, 11.40 per 1,000; 500 for 90c; 5,000 for $1.15. Large plants. Prompt shipment.' Manllns O. Ay cock, Wedgefleld, 8..C. P8994-14-1 PRACTICAL Gardener and Florist Planting all kinds of ornamentals. Also take charge of Fruit Orchard. Address, O. Camplche, Blltmore, N. C, R-2. ' -- 9004-14-80 ROHMS AND Chard in unusually desirable, ceatrally located, private home; , 1 shaded lawn, pleasant porches; house elevated above street . and no buildings near. Rooms light airy and attractively '. furnished. Private bath. If desired. Wholesome food in plenty, proper ly cooked. We cater to Individual ap- . petite. No tuberculosis patients taken. 168 Woodfin street. flR-tI-tf THE A VON MORE 107.1 fl9 TTavwnnrl Rt Ur(re7 air rooms;" wltn or witnout "Datn. tawe unex celled; rates, S8 to $15 per week; conveniently located. fhone 990. tTet-t-io, BON AIR. 66 Ashland Ave. iik phone . 8i and Special fall and winter rates, we will call for them and pay you I vi a j ; 1 spot cash for them. 44 Blltmore f lefsani BurTounain&B. excei- Ave. i-tt lent meals. Close inJ Phone 2291. ' . HELP WANTED. THOUSANDS a-overnment war Posi tions open. $100 month. Examine, tion everywhere. List free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 174H, Rochester. N. Tr- PI477-88-10 WANTED--Teachers for Wake Coun. ty schools, opening about November ' 1. Edgar W. Knight, Superinten dent, Raleigh, N. C. 8980-1 t-T WANTED At once, a combination bookkeeper and Stenographer. Ap- ply Box 75.- 8917-11-7 M A ! B. WANTED AT ONCE One hundred (100) laborers to go to Lake Toxaway, N. C. $2.00 . . -sat ww n per aay; raiiroaa jod. ti. a. i 'Millard Company, Aaheville, S " XT I . . 8890-11-T WE NEED TEACHERS Unpre cedented demand specially men. Every class of work. Ladles for grade, high school and principal, shlpa Special enrollment offer. Southern Teachers' Agency, Colum. bla, 8. C. P8995-14-V DON'T THROW IT AWATI THAT SUIT OF CLOTHES Sell It to us, and by so doing you will place It where some needy man can pur chase hla suit at small cost. Hun. dreds of people cannot buy new wilta Look over your ' discarded clothes and pick out what you would MEN We guarantee to teach you the barber trade. Complete courae ana No. 1 set of tools, $26.50. Paying position In our chain of shopa At lanta Barber College, 11 South Pryor St, Atlanta, Ga. P8997-14-1 A SALESMAN to represent a line of popular price clothing for an east ern house, - to represent Ashevllle and vicinity. Only those who have J , had road experience need apply. y N. P., care Cltlsen. P9019-14- .) MAN TO DRIVE Ford delivery truck. Must apply In person. - Must be willing to work and take oare of truck. Do not want boy. O. D. Allison, J26 Merrlmon ave. - 8940-U-tf WANTED Any amount of Well graded Irish potatoes, TWO OR THREE permanent board- . . ... M km In nHv.la tlMm naatjin nnma. In best residential section, one door from car line, ' close in. - Large, dry onions and canned toma toes and beans. . Western Pro duce Co.: 90 Lexington Ave. ' M-SS-tf 8230-16-80 I MEN AND WOMEN 281 good .40. acre farms In Minnesota will be given Free in exchange for a little, work. Address, F-3 4, Box 27, Glrard, Kans. tt P8987-14-1 WANTED To uy anything and everything second hand. Also Jew elry of all kinds, leather suit cases, handbags, furniture, musical In struments, etc., eta Will call if no tified. M. Zagelr, - Gen'l Delivery, Ashevllle, N. C. 829-I0-tf sunny rooms and excellent table. Rpeclal winter rates. Well people only. Phone f84. - 894-4-tf MEN LEARN BARBERING quickly. Lighter work, better pay, more jobs. Earn . .while learning. -- Positions waiting. Write Moler Barber Col lege, Atlanta!Oa.P8 $10-20-80 WILL BUT YOUR LOGS. ak. chest nut, poplar, etc on board cars, or alongside any good road within 6 miles of Blltmore. Blltmore Saw Mill, office Technical Bldg.,' or P. u. ox 8s. Asnevtue. ci. u. 8808-20-tf 156 BROADWAY Convalescents wanted. Nice lanre. well ventilated rooma, oonneetlng FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN, sleeping porches and baAhs. Can accommodate five. Everything homelike. Lots of reservation. Prices $8.00 to $12.00. P74M-18-10 WANTED Old false teeth. Don't matter If broken. 1 pay $2.00 to I 115.00 per Bet. Send by parcel post and receive check "by return mall. L. Wazer. 2007 S. Fifth' Street, Philadelphia. Pa. ' P86S8-29-80 WANTED To buy one seven- passenger standard make car. Must be in, first class mechanical condi tion. . Will be at the Langren hotel Tuesday afternoon. L. B. Odell. . 9088-14-$ WANTED Old raise teeth; don't mat ter If broken. 1 pay $2 to $16 per set. Send by parcel post and re ceive check by return mall. F. Terl, 40$ N. Wolfe St.. Baltimore. Md. P8645-2-20 CHESTNUT POLES WANTED High prices paid. Cash at siding. Poles average about $15.00 per cord. Write for specifications and prices. Ersklne Pole Co., Weavervllle, N. C. 87$9--0 BOARD by young man in private family. Must be reasonable and quiet. Prefer home where there Is young lady. Write full particulars to N. R., care Cltlsen. P8962-18-8 WANTED-Save the price of a new suit by having your last rail suit dyed to another color we'll make It look like a new one. JVC. Wllbar, Phono 8f9, 29-f THE MARCELLUS 5 Marcellus street, (near Merrlmon Ave. car line. Two large cheerful rooms with private bath. Only well peo ple taken. Miss Emllle W. Vaughn. Phone 2210. 8988-H-7 THE .RICHELIEU -20 N. French Broad Avenue Inquire for special winter rates. Southern exposure and steam heat. Phone 1892. 8895-4-80 BOARDERS WANTED Single and double rooma dose In. Table board a specialty. Rates reasonable. " Under new. management. 9S Col lege St. Phone 2761. P8884-10-T DESIRABLE rooms with board In i private family, suitable for one or ', two people. Southern exposure, hot' water heat, Merrlmon section. Phone 3098. . ,7894-29-80 WILLARD, 57 SPRUCE ST. A most comfortable house, connect ing rooms, private baths, steam heat. Phone 840. P8872-10-80 SPLENDID BOARD Choicest rooms , In widow's private home. Oarage. Near Manor. 207 Charlotte St. Phone 8285. ' ' P9804-T-80 MODERN HOME HOTEL 32 Broad way. Steam heated rooms, hot and cold water. Home cooking. Phone 2016. 8840-8-S0 $129 monthly. - Experience unnecessary, eight . hour day. permanent posi tions. Railway, care Citlsen. P8I81-14-21-J8-4 a WANTED Job compositor and com-. blnaton hand and machine man. Observer Printing House, ' Char lotte, N. C. 8958-18-t WANTED Boys to carry Cltlsen routes. Must be hustlers. Apply Citizen office between 3 and 4 p. to. 20-tf WANTED A first-class barber at St. . Charles Barber shop. No. 7 Hay-" wood street. Phene 804. 8985-11-8 WANTED AT ONCE, 20 la. borers. S. I. Bean. .12-tf f a M a l m. ' - LADIES Fascinating "home business tinting Postcards, pictures, etc.. spare time for profit 15 on 100 no canvassing; samples 10c. . Par ticulars free. Artint, 17-B, (1 Meserole Street, Brooklyn, N. T. P8993-14-1 SOLDIERS-SAILORS need sock. Good money made at home knitting hosiery. Machines furnished on . time. We pay fixed rates for mak ing fhe goods. Wheeler, Inc., 117 Madison, Chicago. P8989-14-1 MAKE $15.00 TO $25.00 weekly mall in circulars. No experience requir ed; we supply circulars. Write for particulars now.' Dixie Mailing Co., ' Dept. I, Jacksonville, Fla. P8978-14-1 3 ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, WOMEN TO SELL guaranteed hosiery rvw 1 1 (- hnliaa.lt aanlvia, A O TTI tu I na - . ...... TWO large rooms . with kitchenette, unfurnished. No sick. Don't wish rooms where sick has been. An swer quick. Address X., Citizen. ' 9026-14-tf Smoked Salmon, Kosher Bologna, Vienna, Postrama, Dill Pickles, nn crean: otner delicatessen B. Pearlman, 58 Woodfin St. Phone $$ ' ' - 8813-7-tf FOR RENT Three extra nice suits of furniture, piano, etc Very cheap to ngm party, rnone 651 or call Gladstone Hotel. P8964-13-8 NOTARY PUBLIC 3. M. LORICK, ? doors from city ticket ornce. rnone 1841 8549-29-3 SHOE REPAIRING BOWDEN PHONE 1817 684-17-tf train. 10 minutes before sohedula ar sjouneed arrival. "The Olhtchfleld Route" Carolina, Cllnchlleld A Ohio Rv. Carolina, CUnchfleld & Ohio-Railway ' of South Carolina. EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER $, 1J17. Eastern Standard Time Southbound- Lv Elkhorn City, Ky. Fremont, Va. . . . . Dante, Va, St. Paul, Va. Sneers Ferry. Va. . Ar. Johnson City Lv. Johnson City Ar. Erwln, Tenn. .... Lv. Erwln, Tenn Kona, N. C Altapass, N. C. ... Mt. Mitchell, N. C. Marion, N. C. .... Bostic. N. C Ar, Spartanburg, 8. C. Northbound Lv. Spartanburg, S. C. Bootlc, N. C. . . . . . Marlon. N. C ", Mt. Mitchell, N. C Altapass, N. C. Kona, N. C. ....... Ar. Erwln, Tenn. ...... Lv. Erwln, Tenn Ar. Johnson City ...... Lv. Johnson City ...... Speera Ferry, Va... St. PauI.Va. Dante, Va. ....... Fremont, Va. . . r. . Ar. Elkhorn City, Ky. . Pans. Pass. 2.10 2.S 8.S3I 8.S0 S.55J 6.15 .43 4.501 7.40 9.01 10.16 S.SO 4.45 8.15 8.67 $.00 10.501 19.171 1 2.31 1.07 S.00 8.62 10.17 11.40 11.46 12.25 12.S5 2.04 2.45' 2.51 4.00 6.00 6.05 11.00 12.07 1.05 i.sa 2.20 2.0$ 4.30 4.25 5.12 .15 e.45 a.ia 8,4 Shop. I E. Pack So 8743-8-80 EXPERT Watch fitted. H. M. St. Repairing glasses Frost. 16 Church 8717-5-30 Gene Delmont, the . Southern featherweight, lsanxious to hook up in a clash with any New England boxer before a Boston club. Dally. A. M. Light faced type. P. M. Heavy faced type. Patrons are requested to apply - to 4 A section of good road made by Houston county convicts a boat tea miles fmn nnrhan. Alabama. nnnvirt labor mat th nmBtv tin llttla raah nMtr. .Tha road commlsalonera paid only for the clothe and food and the aalary of oYJaTftn o?radds ,n,orm0n gnarus. xam maiiwjiaeai oi copvici iaoor la roaa Duiicung is pracucea in biu i chas. T. MANDEL, ktatea, ' . ' . Cenerat Passenger Agent. Want Ad Rates (Consecutive Insertions) 1 Insertion I Insertions 6 Insertions 1 Inner. Ions 14 Insertions le per worv, 3c ptu word 1c per word 4o per word To per word 31 Insertions 10c per word It Insertions lie per word - FOR EXAMPLE): A t$-word ad costs Si cents for one Insertion. $ Insertions $s cents, s Insertions 76 cents; ' T Insertions $1.04, 14 inser tions $1.7u, 31 insertion - $2.50. $0 Insertions $3.04. Position Wanted Ads are ' 14 the above rates, Want Ads not ru:. on con secutive days are strictly one cent per word for eah In scrtlon. No Want Ad taken of less ' than 1$ words. ' - Want Adi are payable . advance. Citizen Want Ads Bring Results WANTED to borrow $4,500.00 for three or four years, 5 per cent., Im proved property In Grove park. Ad dress P. O. Box 884, City. 8941-12-8 WANTED 3 or 4-room unfurnished flat, with sleeping porch, for light housekeeping. Address H. L. M., care Cltlsen. P9020-14-5 WANTED Small perfection oil heat er. Must be In good- condition. Will pay $1.60. Address P. O. Box 884, city. 9021-14-1 . for light house-keeping. 48 High- iana street, J. k. ureen. 899-14-8 PALMETTO HOME Table board to five or six young men. Reasonable rates. Phone 1654, 97 College St. 8895-11-7 WANTED Boarders at 44 North French Broad. 38. 00. to $8.00 per weK. iso sick ratten, rnone ?884. 8275-19-tf SLEEPING PORCH, large room adi joining, hot water heat. Grove Park, Convalescents taken. Phone 2748. P9008-14-7 to wearer. Salary $15.00 full time: 25c an hour spare time. Enormous Christmas trade. Experience un necessary. International Mills, Nor ristown. Pa P8972-14-1 WANTED A stenographer with some knowledge of bookeeping and gen eral office work. Prominent position. Phone 618, during office hours. Night phone 1144. 8747-8-tf GIRLS Now is the time to learn Mil linery, a complete and thorough) course $20.00. Ideal Millinery School. 98 H White Hall St Atlanta, Oa. P8998-14-1 ROOMS AND BOARD at reasonable $20.00 WEEKLY made writing names ior Man uraer wouees. No can vassing. Particulars for stamp. The Guide Co., Memphis, Tenn. ' P8977-14-1 rates. 418 Southside block from station. Ave. One 9024-14-7 WANTED Sundrled and evaporated apples. Correspondence solicited. J. E Harris, Morristown, Tenn, P8852-9-30 WILL BUY or exchange, old can celled foreign and U. S. postage stamps. Address R. A., Citizen. P9007-14-1 TO RENT Two or three furnished or unfurnished, furnace . heated rooms for light housekeeping. Phone 2604. 8961-13-3 FEW GUESTS in private home. No sick taken. House heated. 5 Aston place. "Phone 8192. 4)91-29-tf BOARDERS or rooms for light house keeping In an Ideal suburban home. Phone 2688. 1276-19-28 MRS. R. A. SPAKE Close to station. Rooms and meals. . Reasonable rates. 423 Depot St. 9023-14-7 2 ROOMS and : board both reason able. Mrs. Sneed, 173 Blltmore. v 9023-14-3 WHITE GIRL OR woman for short season, to take care of child and help light work. , Apply 12 Pcal St.. upstairs. P9009-14-I ? FARMS. WANTED To rent, four or five-room unfurnished cottage. Close in. Must have range. Phone 995. 9033-14-3 WANTED A second hand office desk. Must be cheap. Apply to H. R, C, P. O. Box 657. P8948-13-3 TO BUY second hand, one each roll top, standing and flat desk. Ad dress P. O. Box 80S. P8959-13-2 WANTED 100 loads Washington road. of dirt at 76 P9030-14-S BARBER SHOPS. Palace Barber Shop. . ENTRANCE through Barbae'? new store or 48 W. College street. The most modern and sanitary shop In Aaheville. Automobile perking space In front. Children's hair cut-J ting a specialty. Six chairs with ex pert banbera ' 8474-26-10 WE MAKE a specialty of children's hair-cutting. . St Charles . Barber Shop, 7 Haywood St Phone 94. 108-0-tf.. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. The Southern, serves the tatitn. Published as information not guaranteed. EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 23, 1917 Eastern Time. Trains Arrive From No. 9 Jackson ille. Savannah, ' Columbia and Charleston 2:19 'p.m. No. 11 Richmond, Norfolk, New - xorK, rniiadejpma, uai- 1 tlmore 1:40 p.m. I No. 12 Chattanooga, Knoxvllle, . ! M e n p n 1 s, Cincinnati, 1 Louisville and St. Louis. 3:15 n.m. No. 15 New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington.. 10:66 a.m. No. 11 Murphy, waynesviflu.;.. 6:10 n.m. No. 20 Murphy, WayaesvUle ... l:o p. to. No. HGoldsboro, Raleigh, ureen.iDoro B a, 16 acres, $400.-18 acres, 3-room house, $600. 65 acres, $1,600. Cords chest nut, acldwood, $1,500.00. Other larger farms. T J. Curran, Fletch er, N. C. - 8864-10-tf FOR SALE, or. will exenange for property In Ashevlllo, $ good firms. O. M. Coston, phones $18 or i$72. 708-7-tf 125 acres, $6,000; 215 acres, $13,000: 68 acres, $3,400. F. P. Ingle, 9 Revel Bldg. 6543-20-tf Drminuuiw .. ... ....... , No. 27 Charleston, Columbia and Spartanburg ., 8:10 p.m. No. 28 Cincinnati, C h 1 e a g o, " Memphis. New Orleans, Birmingham ....... .....10:S0 a.m. No. 25 Salisbury and the East. , 2:40 a.m. No. 41 Spartanburg, Atlanta, Maoon, Montgomery as New Orleans .ll;ii No. 103 Bristol. . Knoxvllle and Chattanooga .10:35 p. m. -.alna Dsnsrt For 1 Columbia, Savannah. , Jacksonville, ' Atlanta, Charleston and Wll-. ' mtngton' ................ 4:10 p.m. No. 11 Knoxvllle, Chattanooga, M e m p h 1 a Cincinnati, Louisville and St. Louis 2;65 n,m. ISO. 1- mciimunu. .vituib, a.w- cal eaat ...r.. , 1:56 pun. No. 11 New York. Philadelnbia. " xr..U,nv.A mr.A - a., a toting between Thomas R. Tweed and N w?vnesvllle. Murphy"". 8:S0 am John M. Collins, trading and doing aN u 'Wayneovtlle, Murphy . . 4:10 p.'nv retail grocery ousiness, corner 01 -oi-.no. Z2 Kaieign ana uoiomkiv. . SMa.m. lege and Market Streets, Ashevllle, N. No. 31 Knoxvllle. Chattanooga, C, has been dissolved,' the said Thos. Birmingham New Or- R. Tweed having sold bis interest to f .Thlclgof.1. 1:10 p nv NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. , To All Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given to the public that the partnership heretofore ex- hereafter will be conducted In his name. This the 6th day of October. 1917. . . THOMAS R. TWEED, , JOHN M. COIaUNJL and Srartanhunr .......10:49 a na. No. 38 Salisbury and east 4:9 a.m No. 42 Spartanburg !: a.m. No. 101 Bristol, Knoxvllle and Chattanooga 1:19 a.ai. Trains aad 14 operated la two aee. Special Messenger Service Per Want Ads Western Union ; , or Postajl If you have a Want Ad for The Citizen and cannot bring It to the office ; Phone '80 and we win send a messenger to your house. ' Pay the messenger accord, tag to the rates shown by the published card. Want Ads are cash in advance. Citixen Want Ads Bring Results T7-t-14-$l- ,

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