"r'-'v ,4 ' rHE ABBEVILLE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 0, 1917 . . . . . i . BOs BLACK DO? KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT The Langren EUROPEAN ' MODERN Absolutely Fireproof and Up to Date Located in the heart of the shopping center, in the midst of all theatre and dose to the best garages. GUY S. LAVENDER, Mgr. in 1 Shoe Polish" is riiade for every For Black Shoe "2 in 1 Black" J and "2 in 1 Black Combination", and liquid): for White. Shoes. 1 White Cake" (cake) and 1 White LiauicT riiauid)! for Shoes. "2 in 1 Tan" (paste) and i 1 Tan Combination' tDaata.arui liquid). DALLEY CO. of New York, Inc. BUFFALO, N. Y, t 1 AETHELWOLD HOTEL BBJCTAKD, M. C UBM. a. B. KUTO, Prop. Headquarters for Commercial Men. Modern. Free sample room. Free ear to aUttoa. Opea raw round. Bates, $3.80 ta It.St. (paste IP' "2 in m F If "2 in JTi. ; IK J, li ;'f',-5Upper ; Time ' , ' That's the coziest time of the whole day HfflyS '"HflJ for father. SJipper and pipe and a book IffilMKf U A . 't "'; and he Perfection Oil Heater to keep the f I f f J 1 sSsd ftw ' drafts away and add an extra touch of com- ff W'p't It If t y j ilTt '.' .fortThe Perfection is good-looking, sturdy, f 'ft i l ifl'f'l ; reliable, and inexpensive both to buy and to f&tSiJs . H XTnr nA i o kAA AAA L " I t J4 M $ 'J? I , f I FAT it with Aladdin Security Oil, dean, dear 'rsL&lf If ' 5fA' ; ! , 1 11 bmmlnr fcL Eight hours of comfort from a gallon. ' J ' XkmJK ' f ; : H STANDARD OIL COMPANY : t Norfolk, V, Ma l Ouu-toiton. V. ' Akl -Tt Tl II l - , EkfcwoaA. Va, CiwrlMtao. 8. Si 2 fl"5a 1 lA J'l " - - I 's: a- ' . . I-:-1 . 1 . . ..ft , ..... i J (ir intWsfii' iTmm :,nm fm.M nM . Vt li iiiHiu I f '?ii I:HMN M VIOLENT BREAK IN N. V. COTTON. NEW TORK. Nov. S. A hrp early advance on bullish ginning firurea waa followed by a violent break In cotton to day with the tone very much unsettled during the afternoon owing to the un favorable view of political development in Russia. The market opened ateady at an ad vance of 8 to It potata on the cenaua report showinar 7.150.254 bales ginned prior to November 1 against 8.623,863 last year and 7,878.885 two yean ago. The trade had antlclrjated a report or aoout 7,250,000 balea, and the smaller ginning Indicated for the last period, evidently served to Increase confidence in the smaller Interests of the croc. Trade In- teresta were active buyers and there wal coverings on the advance which carried the active months about 48 to 49 points net higher during the middle of tne morn ing. There was Increased southern sell ing around these figures which checked the upward movement, but offerings were very well absorbed, and the ton steady until receipts of press advices reporting that 'the Kerensky government had been deposed. The sharp break In the stock ma rice t increaaea nervousness in oouon, and there was active selling for Wall street, and local account For a time prices broke rapidly, then the market steadied on the bullish average of south ern spot newa and a more optimistic view of the Italian situation with last prices snowing prices of zu or zt points irom ins lowest. Ginning figures were considered as supporting crop estimates of around 10,750,000 bales excluding llnters. Cotton futures: Ooen. High. Low. Close. December 27.50 27.86 27.17 27.19 January 28.80 27.17 26.45 28.70 March 26.4 1 26.78 26.02 26.28 May 26.20 26.57 25.85 26.10 July 25.85 26.28 25.65 25.82 Spot quiet. Middling uplands 28.86. NEW YORK CATTLE. NEW TORK, Nor. 8. Beeves steady. Steers 10.000114.60: heifers (.28: fair to good cows t.007.75. Calves steady; veals 11.50016.00; culls .0011.00; fed calves 8.0010.00. Sheep and lambs steady. Sheep 7.000 11.00: culls 6.0006.50; lambs 14.00017.50; culls 12.50. Hogs steady. Hoga 17.00017.25; pigs 16.50; roughs 16.00. NEW YORK PRODUCE. . NEW steady TORK, Nor. centrifugal 6.90; 8. Raw sugar molasses 6.02. dv: Butter aulet: cheese firm. Spot coffee quiet; Rio 7's 7; Santos 4's AD DECLINE ON N. Y. MARKET. . m W IUKK. NM fi D,M,. . i enced their worst decline of the yearto lfiXlSi " . '" on revival of i... 1 F"TUea largely Dy the latest political crisis in Ruseda. Bonis alio were fffi1.10 n u,nuBual s-ree and remit S.USlT anl tabHhed lowest records since the war. An echo y' " Biecuon ana its possible RSS"? "?2n "Torate Issues was furn by the extreme weakness of local iuf w br?ke evry. affecting 7 . ynmiinvnce, sucn as American Telephone and Western Union The session mwniui with 2LiiC5. boUrmnt. as suggested by T?1 .enrllJ " substantial ad vance. Shippings featured the earlv ri. 01 : the the duatry. Aai gains were ruthless! uie am aavicea rmn. .k. I. . . " LilD '7" V"" nmiy before the end of the first hour selling in enormous volume continued up to the final hour """" covering Drought about wiitui.i j. rmuyenea oi I to 4 points. Tliese were again largely lost in a fresh . . . iiiwiuhii jubi oeiore tne lew. Ian close. Buuraara mis and the most favored inouaanes were again the features of wmjui. am the Pacifies. WAr "2!Um were heaviest features or the bona market. Th r.iwrf i. t..u at par. but the 8'. fell from 99.61 to the wuviauuu vi vv.an. Bond aalea Pr ralue, aggregated 4.875,0v07 ' Unltdd StaXtM AOllfWin mnA -.I--m a and 4 s declined hi per cent, on li ' ' NEW YORK STOCK LIST. CT PPers ana steels, e Utter being moderately stimulated by e more setUed conditions in that In st ry. " Tl salns vm mihiftuiv . j . . . irom fetrograd. ax onDDrAjrcK. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THB ' ORDINANCE PASSED MAT 28, HIT, ENTITLED - "AN - ORDI- , KAKCB PROVIDING FOR THE? , ISSUANCE OF STREET BONDS OF THE CITT OF" ASHEVIIXB : AND FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PRINCIPA1. AND INTEREST THEREOF," WItEREAS, ander ths provisions of Chapter 282, Private Laws 1(11, the Board of Commissioner passed a res olution on the J6th day of October, 1817. ordering the improvements of tne following streets and alleys or por tions uiereox, to-wit: Cheroke grt.-...iry "harlotte Street to Terrace Road. : College Street From Poplar Street to Clt Limits. - Victoria Road From Biltmore Avenue to Connelly's Entrance, " .West Haywood . Street From Patton Avenue to Buxton - .Street; ; and, ; 'i.--y,: WHEREAS, the resolution ordering the aaid Improvements has directed that the same shall consist of con truotlng the surface of said streets and alley or portions thereof, and in some cases of constructing or recon- atMicttng curbs, gutters and drains as . weu as arainage tne surface or all , aaid improvements to be of sheet phalt laid on a solid foundation, or of . concrete ' not . - less tnan six incnes , Uiick; and WHEREAS at least one-fourth of . the cost of each and all of said Im . provements a ha 11 be amcsecd against via property nenented thereby; and WHtKEAS the City Engineer has reported his estimate of the cost of , aaid Improvements and the incidental - expenaee in connection therewith, - from which It appears that the cost thereof, exclusive of the cost of such improvements to be made by the street railway or railroad companies. shall be approximately the sum of Tweniy-nevwn Thousand Eight Hun dred Sixty-Six and 47-100 ($27,866.47) Dollars; and. WHEREAS it Is deemed by the ' Board of Commissioners to the ad - vantage of the clOxe&s and taxpayers oi tne iiy to provide lor the payment oi me cost oi tne xoregoing Improve ments from the proceeds of the laaue of $280,006 street bonds authorized by , slb orainance paaeea May 76, 1817: and, WHEREAS it is deemed by the Board of Commissioners not to be to tu advantage or the citizens and tax- payer of the City, that the cost of cer tain improvements named in the said ordinance passed May 2, 1117. be payable from the proceeds of the bond issue thereby authorised, being me improvements on : tne following . ewvi, wwii: . Adams Street From BarUett Street to Eouthaide Avenue Alley From West College Street to J. C Martin's Line. , Blantoa Street From Silver Street to Suuthslde Avenue. Baird Street From Charlotte ' Street to Sunset Drive. Crescent Street From Broad Street to Madison Avenue. Coxa Estate Road-From Pattoa Avenue to Southslde Avenue. . Chnna Street From Balrd Street . and Manor Grounds including that portion of Chunn Street bgr tae. Albemarle Park Street Eagle Company. Carolina Avenue From the City Line south to a point ten feet north of the present North Line of Dortch Avenue. Center Street From Woodrow Avenue to a point 250 feet north of North Street, Depot Street From the North Line of Bartlett Street to end of newubrlck pavement at Pas senger Station. Elm Street From Merrlmon Avenue to Central Avenue. East Street From end of paving to 200 feet North of Dortch Avenue. Eagle Street From Spruce Street to Hauard Street. First Street From Church Street to Coxe's Estate Road. Gra.ll Street From Ridge to Valley Street. Hamard Street From Street to Ridge, Street Linden Avenue From Annan dale Avenue to Henrietta Street Louisa Street- From Hillside Street to Annandale Avenue. Marcellus Street From Merrl mon Avenue to Maxwell Street, Madison Avenue From Chestnut' Street to Hillside Street Meadow Lane From Church Street to Ravenscroft Road. Murdoch: Avenue From Hillside Street to Annandale Avenue. Murdock Avenue From South Line of Annandale Avenue to the North Line of Oconto Street Oconto Street From Murdock Avenue to Edwin Place. Oak Park Road From Furman Avenue to Hollywood Street. Patton Avenue From French Broad Avenue to West Hay wood Street Riverside Drive From the Southern Railway Company's trestle to the City's property. Ridge Street From Hauard Street to Orall Street. Roblndale Avenue From An nandale Avenue to Linden Avenue. Spears Avenue From East Street to Merrlmon Avenue. South French Broad Avenue From Southslde Avenue to Scott Street Victoria Avenue From South side Avenue ' to Livingston Street Washington Road From Broad Street to Hillside Street. ZUliooa Street Front the inter section of Montford Avenue to .Dr. Carroll's entrance: and. WHEREAS the City Engineer has reported his esUmata of the cnat of the improvements mentioned In the last preamble and the Incidental ex penses in connection therewith frnm which It appears that the coat t heron f exclusive of the cost of such Improve ments to be made by the street rail way or railroad companies, will be ap proximately the sum of One Hundred Eirhty Thousand Five - HnnHnj Ninety-Seven and 46-108 ($120,687.44) 4-eVM I! NOW. THEREFORE. SR. rr r.n. DAINED by the Board of Cnmmla. sioners of the City of Asheville: Section 1. That section 1 r th. sua orainaaca, passed May 26. 181T pe, ana us sai nded same is hereby so m (v i Mia as touovu: y'-SecUoa U That ths narotiabla coupon bonds of the City of Asheville be Issued in a sum not exceeding the principal amount of One Hundred Twenty-Seven Thousand ($127,000.00) Dollars, bearing interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent, per annum and maturing within the maximum period of twenty years, for the pur pose of providing funds for the pay. ment of the cost of the Improvements of the following streets and alleys or portions thereof, as heretofore pro vided by resolution, to-wlt: A I 1 e y From West Chestnut Street to Cullowhee Street Cherokee Street From Charlotte Street to Terrace Road. College Street From Poplar Street to City Limits. Courtland Avenue From Mont ford Avenue to Pearson Drive. Edwin Place Between Charlotte Street and Evelyn Place. Evelyn Place Between Charlotte Street and Murdock Avenue. Else Alley From Ralph Street , to Depot Street. Forest Hill & Kenilworth Roads From Sherwood Road to City Limits. Gertrude Street Between Evelyn Place, Charlotte Street and Ed win Place. Haywood Street From Patton Avenue to Flint Street. Hill Street From Montford Ave nue to Buttrick Street. Katherine Place Between Eve lyn Place and Edwin Place. Lawrence Place Between Eve lyn Place' and Edwin Place. Merrimon Avenue From Broad way to Chestnut Street. Minlck Avenue From French Broad Avenue to Pearl Street. Murdock Avenut From Evelyn Place to City Limits, Macon Avenuts From Charlotte Street to the Street leading to Howlands' Place. Patton Avenue From Court Square to Asheland Avenue. Ralph Street From Bartlett Street to the intersection of Ralph and Ora Streets where the present pavement stops. Riverside Drive From West Haywood Street to the South ern Railway Company's con crete trestle. Sherwood Road From Forest Hill Drive to Dr. Dunn's Line. South Grove Street From Phil lips Street to Silver Street. Terrace Road From end of brick pavement to junction of Banbury Cress Road. Valley Street From College Street to Biltmore Avenue. Victoria Road From Biltmore Avenue to Connally's Entrance. West Haywood Street From,- Patton Avenue to Buxton Street West College Street From Broadway to Haywood Street Section I. That 8ection S of the said ordinance, passed May 26. 1917. be and the same Is hereby amended so as to read as follows: 'Section 1. That the probable un expired period of usefulness of each and all of the Improvements set forth in the amended Section 1 of this or dinance. Is twenty years." Section S. That Section I of the said ordinance, passed May 26, HIT, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Section I. That In each rear whll. any of said bonds be outstanding a tax Shall be levied and collected in accordance with lav sufficient to pay the principal and interest of such bonds as the same fall due, and as ad dltlonal security for the payment thereof there shall be and hereby is pledged to such payment all assc ments made for all of the improve' ments set forth In the amended Sec tion 1 of this ordinance, which shall hereafter be collected, and audi as sessments, when collected, shall be placed in a special fund and be used for no other purpose than for the pay. ment of such Interest and principal.' Section 4. That this ordinance shall take effect upon Its passage and shall not be submitted to the voters. I move the adoption of the forego ing ordinance, this the 81st day of October, 1917. D. HIDEN RAMSEY. Commissioner. Approved: MARCU0 ERWINV Corporation Counsel. The foregoing ordinance was passed ort the 1st day of November, 1917, was nrst advertised on 2nd of November, 1917. Any action or proceeding ques tioning the validity of said ordinance must be commenced within thirty aays alter its last publication. F. L. CONDER, 9534-2-9-16-23. Secre tary-Treasu rer. LAXD 8 ALE. By virtue of the Dower of sale con tained In a deed of trust, executed on the 20th day' of September, 1915, by Elizabeth Taylor (widow), to Joseph F. Ford, Trustee, to secure the In debtedness therein described to George H. Thrall, which said deed of trust is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Buncombe County, North Carolina, in Book of Deeds of Trust No. 87. page 313. and default having been made In the pay ment of both principal and interest on tne note secured by said deed of trust, and upon application and demand of the holder of said note, the under signed Trustee will, on Monday, the 8rd day. of December. 1817. at 12 o clock noon, offer for sale at the court House Door in the City of Ashe ville, said County and State, to the highest bidder, for cash, the follow ing piece, parcel or lot of land, situate. lying ana oeing in tne City of Ashe vllle. County of Buncombe and State of North Carolina, in the second ward. pari oi uounieaay addition to Ashe ville, and more particularly bounded ana aescrirei as follows: nisuiNNiNa on a stake In the ivortnern margin of Hillside Street 66 l-l feet South Tl degrees 8 min utes West from the Intersection of saia margin or Hillside Street, with the Western margin of Center 8treet and runs thence with the Northern margin or rimsiae Street South 71 de i ............ .rot . mri to a staxe, tne southeast corner of Whlta. ker"s lot: and runs thence with said Whltaker's line North IS degrees 5 minutes west 140.8 reel to a stake In Worrell's vllne: thence with said. Sor- reirs line Psorth 71 degrees 03 min utes West 62 feet to a stake. K f Lyda's corner; thence with said Lyda'a una oouin is aegrees minutes East 140.6 feet to the BEGINNING; and being the same land described in a certain deed from Charles O. Hen neger and wife, Ethel Henneger, to E. M. Lyda. dated December 10th. 1112; and being the same land de scribed in a deed from E. M. Lyda and wife to Elisabeth Taylor, dated the 12th day of December. 1912. and recorded in the offloe of the ReaHator of Deeds for Buncombe County North Carolina,- in Book 134. page us; reference to which said desda i. hereby made for a more nerfect de scription of the land herein can- re yes. This the 2nd dar of Mannh. HIT. . - ' Joseph a-, irrwm M41ll-lt.lt, . Xrastaa. 1 High. Close. . 7ift t . 86 30ft . 62U 60 62 g 60 - 76 70H . 06 80 . 66 52H WV4 82? b 97 . 66 51 . 63 50H i 74Vi -186 1X3 . 65 60 . 47 45 - 404 87 . 1 17 . 33 89 . 29 27 .... 27 25 .... 66 68 .... 26 25 .... 15 14i 83 80 .... 93 80 .... 25 23 ... 81 80 ... 42 88 ... 28 25 Jw ' 26 18 American Beat Rum. American Can "' American Car and Fdry. . . . American Locomotive . . , American Smltar. anil T)ta American Sugar Anaconda Copper Atchison Atlantic Coast Line Baldwin Locomotive , Baltimore and Ohio Bethlehem Steel "B" Canadian Pacific Central Leather Chesapeake and Ohio Chicago. Mil. and Hi Pm,1 Oh'go, R, I. and Pac, Colorado Fuel and Iron Columbia Gas and Electric. jom rToauots Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar Erie General Motors Great Northern pfd. Great Northern Ore Ctfs. Gulf States Steel Inspiration Copper Int. Mer. Marine Int. Mer. Marino n.M International Nickel is2 International Paper 28 Kennecott Copper so Louisville and Nashville lis Maxwell Motors u Mexican Petroleum. 7u Midvale Steel 44 Missouri Pacific 8314 Nevada Consolidated 17 New York Central 68K N. Y.. N. H. and H'ford 38 Northern Pacific 86Vi Ohio Cities Gas 86 Pennsylvania nu Pittsburg Coal 89 Ray Consolidated Copper 21 Reading Rep. Iron and Steel 7314 seaooam Air Line b Seaboard Air Line nfL is Sinclair Oil and Rg. 81 Slosa. Shef. Steel and Iron.... 88 Southern Pacific iZ Southern Railway ssiZ Southern Railway pfd 64 Studebaker Corporation 87 Tennessee Copper 12 Texas Company 136 Tobacco Products kt Union Pacific 11SU UICICU DLUITJa ... Km United Fruit H8 U. 8. Ind. Alcohol im United States Rubber 68 United States Steel 5 United States Steel tiM inaii Utah Copper 77 Virginia Cam. Chem. 27 Wabash Pfd. "A" .ail Weatlnghouse Electric 89 A. T. and T .....110 Ilhj. Central sk xotai saies tor tne day, 1.239,800 shares. CHICAGO MARKETS. decided setback In value today largely as iCTtin vi luariwKy a overxnrow and of nuasian peace taiK. Tne market closed nervous at losses of 1 to 8c. net with Lw.viuuvr .i) ana May l.iz to 1.12 Oats declined 0c. to o. Provisions gained 20c. to 65c Grain and Drovlaiona: CORN December May OATS December May THE IMPERIAL HOTEL Bates, 1940 CAJTTOIf, Iff. A K. 1C GE1EB, Prop. AMERICAN FXAIf. 1 Day. tperlal Bate by the Week or Month. BON AIR HENDER80NVILLE, N. C. MRS. J. WILLIAMS, Prop. Opposite Post Office modern In every respect. Attractive rooms with steam heat hot and cold water In every room. Excellent table, where the transient man gets more than he pays for. Phone 48S-J. Ne Sick Taken. nnnG&M0THER5 ROADSTER All the qualities which you look for in roadster design and construction. There is generous room for the passengers. The seats are tipped at the most comfortable angle. The luggage space is extra large. The car is steady on the road at all speeds. "Roadster or Tearing Car. $8SS. in Canada. $1185 Sedan or Coupe, $1266. In Canada, 1100 (All prices t. o. b. Detroit) Sawyer Motor Co. 18 and 20 Church St. 1 S. Sternberg & Co. Depot St WE BUY ANYTHING Phone 333 ana- SELL EVERYTHING Structural Materials a Specialty All Sizes and Lengths of I Beams Then put yourself face to face with the coal proposi tion. Of course it is a rather serious thing these days of high prices, but here is a case where you can't gotvvTong. Our coal is the very best, and the very cheapest, too, considering the quality, and you must consider quality. Ashe. Bray, Fuel and Cot Co tl Broadway The Red Front Phones 128. SIS, 811. NEW ORLEANS COTTON. PORK January ... LARD January ... RIBS January . . May Corn No. nominal; No. Close. . 1.11 .58 .60 Hogs strong. la.RO'a r.zu: Cash Grain. yeUow' lisj'No! I yellow 3.15. Livestock. ...44.70 ....23.86 ....23.T7 ...23.43 3 yellow, Bulk 16.350)17.30: llrht mixed HOOeiTSV h w 16.O017.35; rough 16.O014.26; pigs 13.00 Cattle weak. Native steers 8.60016.85: western steers 5.75013.25; stockers and feeders 6.60011.40: cowa and hulfera A Ah ii.w; caives s.iotjiii.wv. Sheep firm. Wethers 6.70112.85; ewes LIVERPOOL COTTON. ' 8. Cotton spot la mldd LIVERPOOL. Nov. fair demand. Diices easier: mod mMHUiMr i.9o; mracuing si.ao; low miadling 20.75; good ordinary 18.78: ordlnarr 1(.U. lulu 4,000 bale, including 3,800 American. Re ceipts 65,000 bales. Including 48,000 AmerU n. futures ctoaaa steeay. .new eon. tracts: w . - January 21.41 March , 21.21 May ....20.38 Old contracts, fixed prices. November ................20.05 December-January February-March .. April-May ane-Jiuy ....if 50 19.11 ....18.14 ....18.88 NEW YORK DRV OOODtw. - KSJW TORK, Nor. 8. Cotton goods and yarns were firm. Wide domeu sold freely. Blankets were ecarc. Raw silk was aulet and uiicbnageeV Xnat an were la steady a. - NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 8. Bulges In early cotton trading today were suceeded by slumps and tadinrg at the decline was more sensational than the trading at the advance. The small ginning returns caus ed improvement in values ana tne Rus sian news resulted m the reaction. Net chances for the day were Insignificant. active montna standing on tne close points higher to 14 points lower than yes terday's last prices. The census bureau report of 7,150.254 bales ginned to November 1, was smaller than expected and prices rose from the opening, the advance being maintained until trad Ins months were 41 to 64 pelnts above yesterday s close, just wnen tne marset iookm strongest repora 01 tne Petsrograd uprising reached the ring and thera was a share break Which was not checked- until prices were 72 to T4 points down from the topmost levels. A steadier feeling developed toward the end and the greater pen.oi us net aecune was reo orded. ontton futures closing ma; December S... .28.88 January ... ............35. 66 March ....................- May 35.16 July .........v"-"-iVJ-"-"i:! Bpot oocion nrm, pom up. ores on the spot 3,347; to arrive 614. Middling 27.6. . - - NEW YORK MONEY. NKW TORK. Nov. t-Uercaatlle paper Sterling 84 day bills 4.71: commercial bills on names e.i comma rolai 40 4.76; cables as day day Mils 4.70; 4.76 7-1. - .., i - . Bar silver 84H- Mexican dollars UK. ' , -Government bonds heavy. Railroad bonds weak, . . Time spans steady; 68 days and 6 Says 5U5H: six months 6ttt)l. UUi me nay sssisr; wins w . .. rears, baa Lord Brassey. sailed 312.80S ta fifty miles la different In Re AshevSle Lodge, 608, B. P. O. Elks Assignment. NOTICE tO CREDITORS Creditors of Asheville Lodge No. 608. Benevolent and Pro tective Order of Elks of the United States of America, are hereby notified that the under. signed assignee of the property of aaid Lodge for the benefit of its creditors will in the near future distribute amongst said creditors the funds in the hands of the undersigned realized from a said of the property of aaid Lodge and that all creditors of said Lodge must file their claims under oath with the Clerk of the Superior Court - of Buncombe County. North Carolina, on or before the 1 5th day of January. A. D.. 1918. and that as soon as may be after that date the undersigned will distribute said funds to the creditors whose claims have been duly filed. o ' This November 8th. A. D.. 1917. '.- Wachovia Bank & Trust Cox. Aasitriiesv . : .. Per, W. a WIUJLAJ.ISON, V ,.v. eAftsL Trust OSccr,