rHB ASHE V1LLE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9,' 1917 I White Dinner Ware Just received a complete line pieat, plain shapes. Two Only Glass Lamps with Globes, large burners. . Fancy BATTLESHIP TO BEAR NAME OF ASHEVILLE CITir LEADS STATE I?r NAVAL RECRUITING, SAYS ROTARIAN8. Special Complete, $2.00. This Week Only Flash .Lights .at Special Prices. Cedar Mops, 98c 91 3. R. LAW, HAYWOOD 6T. IjocbI Organization Determines to Urge Two Conventions in Tills City. Abo BILTMOBE BOY SHOOTS NEGRO WITH SHOT GUN Calrln Kuykendall Drops Krnrat Mil ler as I Jitter Flees After Dispute Over Tools. FULL LINE OF FLOWER POTS AND JARDINIERS THE I-X-L STORE Opposite P. O. . THE WORD "SERVICE" doesn't mean anything to us unless we can do something for you. Charles H. Honess , Optometrist sad Optician. 14 Pattoa At. Opp. Poetofflee. PHONE 40 "' forM. 6c W. Coal, be cause it is the fuel with : 'merit. Then ask for a ton : ' of " COKE ' for- the kitchen range. Twice or more bulk than - ; of coal. " Dustless, ashless; fierce heat Asheville Coal Co. NORTH PACK 8Q0ARB One of the Interesting subjects brought up for discussion at the regu iar weekly meeting of the Asheville Rotary club yesterday was the idea of having a United States cruiser or gunboat named after the city. The Idea was proposed hy Dr. J. B. Greene, ana met with prompt commendation on the part of many of the business men, one of the arguments for the feasibility of the idea being the fact that Asheville has contributed more recruits to the navy than any other city In the state; and the argument also being advanced that this was an especially good time for making such a proposal, as the secretary of the navy was a citizen of North Carolina. It was determined at the meeting that the secretary of the Rotary club should write to our congressman, both senators and Secretary Daniels, asking that this honor be conferred upon Asnevme. There was much discussion over the prospect of having two large conven tions In this city In the near future, letters having been received from physicians stating that Asheville would receive favorable consideration as the next meeting place of the Southern Medical convention. A com mittee was also named to invite the fourth district Rotary conference to meet In this city, this conference in cluding the Rotary clubs of the Caro Ilnas and Virginia. There is a pros pect of International Association First Vice President Brunnler of California and National President Pldgeon of Canada, high officers In the Rotarlan organization, being present at this conference. As representative of the travelers' aid committee of the T. W. C. A., N. Buckner asked a donation of $60 a I month, as salary for an extra secre tary at the depot of the Southern railway, and the matter was left In the hands of the directors of the club for consideration. The sheriff's officers were searching In and about Blltmore and the coun try out toward Arden last night In quest of Calvin Kuykendall, a seventeen-year-old boy who Is charged with naving snot urnest Miller, a negro, yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock. The shooting occurred near the Bilt more road in South Blltmore after t aispute, wnicn bystanders claim was over the possession of some tools, and which occurred among the men who were doing the concrete work in the paving of Summit street. The exact causes of the quarrel have not been stated definitely, the best account of it having been given by Porter A. Webb of Reed and Webb, who brought tne wounded negro to the hospital in his car and then reported the shoot ing to Sheriff B. M. Mitchell. Mr. Webb stated that he was on the Blltmore road, when suddenly he saw negro break from the top of the slope near Summit street and run down the hill. He saw a boy with a shotgun at the top of the slope, saw the boy raise the gun, and thought he was shooting rabbits. Then as he realized that the gun was aimed at the fleeing negro, It was discharged, and Miller fell almost at his feet. Mr. Webb stated that Kuykendall walked away, carrying the gun, and dis appeared In the direction of his home. A search there later on die closed that the boy had stopped long enough to change his clothes, dis carding the old garments and the weapon and had then taken his de parture In the direction of Arden. Latest reports from the Mission hos pital stated that the negro had been badly hurt, but could not state how serious the wounds might be. POTATO EXPERIMENTS SPALDING'S NUMBER FOrR BIG' GEST YIELD. Touted Plants Yield 104.27 More Bushels to Acre Than Plants Not Treated. LIVESTOCK MEN WILL ATTEND CONFERENCE A Big Line New and Used Automobiles , , TERMS Pay as you enter, or by tne week er month. We larlt you to Itok 'em over. O. K. Auto Supply & Transit Co. 1-6S Blltmore Ave. Phone 1st. T. L. Gwyn, of the state cattle test' ing station near Canton, has advised the board of trade that ha will be present at the livestock meeting on November 17, and that Mr. Peden, representative of the animal husband man division of the agricultural de partment at Raleigh, will also be present. Mr, Gwyn states that the increased production of livestock Is a very Im portant matter to the country and that this section Is unusually well adapted to the livestock Industry, producing cattle at the least possible expense; In fact, but little care and almost no ex pense, using the splendid pasturage of the mountains during both winter and summer, as has been proven by tests made by the department with one hundred head of eattle which were recently shipped from Clyde. These cattle showed Increased weight and better oondltion than cattle that were housed and fed, he said. Dr. H. H. Briggs has some very fine Tamworth hogs and will exhibit two pens of them at the conference. HIGH SCHOOL CONCERT AT TEMPLE TONIGHT Local Talent tn Entertaining Pro gram Given by Societies of the School. WANTED- A HOME People generally get what they want nowadays. When you get your home and are ready to move into it Phone 25 We'll see that you get into it safely. Citizens Transfer Co. Cor. Pattoa lm aad Grrt a. M aad tt I BOO! If you jump at every little noise, don't give up the search for the cause of your nervousness until your eyes have been examined. Dr. J. C. Denison Op'osaetrtet and Optician. At Henderson's, ta Pat. Ave. A loint meeting of the four socle ties, Athene n. Cooper .Bluebird, and Varsity, of the Asheville high school will be held In the auditorium of the Masonic temple tonight at 8 o'clock, and according to the promise of the Inviting program and the predictions of those who are familiar with the participant In the entertainment, the evening should prove exceedingly in terestlng. In addition to recitations and musical selections, there Is to be a defeats between the boys and girls on the question of military training for high school boys, and an anecdote contest hi which twelve of the stu dents will take part The general pufblle Is Invited to attend this meet ing, the complete program for which will be as follows: Virginia Lee "Piece In the Form of an Etude," Wallenhauf. Mabel Bartlett "The Roll Call." Herbert Brown "Charlie Shall Not Ring Tonight" The! ma Kunyon, Virginia Lee ac companlst "A Winter Lullaby." Impromptu speech oontwrt Albert Wllkerson, Frances Novlck, Joe Sevier aad Marguerite Klmlberly. Delate Query, "Resolved, That Military Training Should be Required Of All Our High School Boys." Affirmative Roy Tounk, Harry Field. Negative Nina Kata, Ruth Laughlin. Helen Marlowe '"When They All Cheered," A. Vermont Fred Toms "The Irish Hero." Anecdote contest: Thomas Rowland Blanche Rogers, Jessie Mercer, Frank re Young, Ruby Lovell, Clifton Ervln, Reginald Anders, Josephine Nichols, Pierce Henderson, Georgia Hamrlck, Markley Pepper, Bvelyn Burton. Judges: T. W. Chambliss, Mrs. Minnie C. Plokens, Dr. Robert F. Campbell. 8. G- Clapp In charge of the state farm at Swannanoa. has Just sent to the board of trade a statement show ing the value of spraying potatoes, In Increased production. During the past season nineteen standard American varieties were planted, all of them on the same day. and all of them having been given the same cultivation and attention. Theae potatoes have Just been harvest ed and a statement of the production or ten or the varieties planted made. The largest yield was by Spalding numfcer four, with 121 pounds prime and six pounds of cull potatoes, from a row 100 feet In length. tne production of the other varie ties are as follows: Holden Early Rose, ninety-eight pounds, prime, nine pounds cull; Bovee, nlnety-ons pounds, prime six and a half pounds cull: Carmine. number three, eighty-eight pounds. prime, four and a half lha. cull: Rural New Yorker, elahtv-slx and a half pounds prime, one and a half sounds cull; Uncle Sam, eighty-six and a half pounds prime, five pounds cull: Late Putnam, eighty-elx pounds prime, four ana a nair pounds cull; Early Putnam, eighty pounds prime, six and a half pounds cull; Eureka, Extra Early, eignyt pounds prime, six and a half pounds cull; Burpees Vermont Gold Coin, eighty pounds prime, three and a half pounds cull, and Beauty of rieoron, seventy-five pounds prime, two pounds oull. Mr. Clapp states that all the above varieties of potatoes were planted April 18 and harvested October 28, every variety being given the same kind of cultivation. All of them were sprayed two times with Bordeaux mixture. It Is Interesting to note Mr. ClamVe potato spraying experiments, this table giving the results for 1917 of the fourth year's experiment The report shows the value of spraying and pick ing bugs. In Increased yield, the in crease showing nearly 100 per cent The following yield from 1-20.14 acre plats, with method of treatment is a rouows: No treatment 20m pounds prime ana ie pounaa culls; picked bugs. prim and 124H culls; Bor- deaux and lead, 407 hi pounds prime ana 100 cutis. The results In bush els per acre are, no treatment 114.0s bushels; picked bugs, 132.87; Bord eaux 181.17 and Bordeaux and lead, 218.88, or a gain of 104.27 bushels per acre for Bordeaux and lead over no treatment The cost of labor and ma terial in the last is about $16 for the total. LOGGING CONGRESS IS TO MEET IN KNOXVILLE Fall Meeting Postponed from October 19 to Be Held There Novem ber 31-28. The fall meeting, of the A Logging congress, originally an nounced to meet on October Is. hut which was postponed on account of me lact tnat Secretary Orlnnell en. tered the United States Forestry ser vice, will be held in Knoxvllle on Wednesday. Thursday and FrM November 21, 22 and 28. J. K. Williams, editor of The An. paiacnian Trade Journal, of Knox vllle, Tentu has agreed to act as sec retary for the congress and is now making preparations for the meeting. n. r. noii, oi ine Molt JSnglneerlni company, of this city. Is chairman o: the committee on arrangements. xno ionowinr rpnraf iv nir.t. jias ueen announcea: Wednesday, 10:30 A. M. "Logging uuvuiuuiiiu, v. u. dwrd, jsrle Lo comotive works. 2:30 P. M.--"Steam Bklddlng Meth ods and Costs," W. C. Champion, Clyde Iron works; J. H. Dickinson, Lldgerwood Manufacturing company. Thursday, 2:80 P. M. "Portable amis, n. w. Oennett, Dennett Lum ber company; "Operating Timber Es timates," H. F,.Holt. Friday Visit to Slick RnrV tlon of Babcock Lumber and Land company, and inspection nf thir no plant at Vose. Opening formalities will occur Wednesday morning, while Thursday morning wilt be devoted to business and election of officers. The banquet " wwur weuncsaay nignt. CHAS F. BREEDLOVE ENLISTS IN U.S, NAVY CAMPAIGN PLANS ARE OUTLINED BY LEADERS Twelve Captains- of T. M. C. A. War Fond Committee Hold Enthusiastic Conference. nanes Frederic Breedlove, of loxaway yesterday enltoted in me unuea states navv as an Tmrni. tlce and was Immediately sent to Ra- leign, rrom where he will m tn th training station at Newport, R. I. Mr. Breedlove is the third man sent awav by the local station this mV rwin. iw ov nmiir vrancnes or crm wnrinA being closed for noma rlm . listments have been below normal, but wim most or mese again open, en list - menu are expecteq to De increased ei- Official Local Weather I the weather at 8 p. m., a. m., 84 per 14 per m., 38 per BICYCLES ' We have Bicycles in stock for any size boy or girl. Prices range from $25.00 up. Also the largest line of tires and other supplies in Asheville. a. M, HEAR A COMPANY No. 4 BaHrj Park Plaee Near P. O. The twelve captains of the teams tnat are to make the big drive on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. in order to bring together the 120.000. which Is Ashevtlle's apportionment in tne national x. M. C. A. war fund of 385.000,000, met in the local asso ciation building yesterday afternoon. and held a most enthusiastic confer ence on the ways and means of car rying the campaign through to a suc cessful conclusion. Plans for the sup per to be given to the committee next Monday evening, and the final rally which will be held In connection with It were under discussion at yester day's meeting, and the squad leaders also partially selected the lists of prospective subscribers to the big fund. In order that this task mlarht not engross too much of the Monday evening session. At the conclusion of the gathering, the men exDressed great satisfaction with the way that the plana were developing and with the prospect of putting through the drive in record time and with Ashe. vllle's quota subscribed to the full. To secure support for government I measures the government -of Queens land has appointed nine labor mem bers to the council. TT. S. Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau. Local Weather Data for Nov. 8, 1917 State of the weather at 8 a. m., clear. State Of dear. Relative humidity at 8 cent. Relative humidity at 12 noon. cent. neutuve numidlty at 8 p cent. wind direction at 8 a. m.. north. west. wind direction at 8 p. m.. north- WBBL Time of sunrise, 7 a. m. Time of sunset, 6:28 p. m. Local Temperature Data, s a.m 40 3 p.m 4 a.m 41 4 p.m 4 10 a.m. . .. 48 5 p.m 83 11 a.m 62 p.m 61 12 noon 62 7 p.m 68 1 p.m 63 8 p.m 66 2 p.m.. 64 Avk. today. .60 Highest, 64; one year ago, 66. Lowest, 87; one year ago, 36. Absoute maximum, 72 in 1908. Absolute minimum, 22 in 1803. Normal, 47. Local Precipitation Data for Month. Normal, 3.30 Inches. Greatest amount, 4.06 In 1814. Least amount, 0.07 In 1(09. For last Z4 nours ending at 8 p. m., none. Telegraphic Report of Temperature. station. s p. m. Max. ASHEVILLE - TWO MORE DAYS OF THE SPECIAL TRUNK SALE We told you all about the values the make up of these trunks a week ago this morning. And we've sold lots of them. People in Asheville do know a good thing I There are a few left, though ; you may have your choice of sizes today and tomorrow. 24-inch $27.50 trunk $16.80 36-inch $30.00 trunk $19.80 40-inch $35.00 trunk $24.80 Luggage Department Third Floor 11 Pattoa Ave. Phone 78. We Sell Me.i t nnd Boys' Shoes. HILE there are comparatively few visitors in town, we would like to suggest to our home folks of AshevHle that more of them purchase Blue Ridge Mountain Gems with the idea of keeping them in the family, so to speak. Some varieties are already scarcer, and next year may see them gone. Many of the Gems found in our Mountains are without superiors in quality, and they should be owned here where they are most admired and held for the pleasure of future generations. Henderson 52 Patton Ave. Your Jeweler Near Pottoffice. St. 66 64 66 74 68 70 60 66 62 74 44 60 64 62 68 84 68 72 48 64 64 74 74 76 62 68 42 66 64 64 66 72 44 66 63 60 AUTOMOBILISTS WHAT CARE DO YOV TAKE OF YOUR STORAGE BATTERY? Are you one of the great and rapidly Increasing number of car owners who personally see to it that their batteries are given proper care? Or are you one of the other kind of owner those who say. "I guess it's all right; it's never given me any trouble?" Some day your battery will wear out but when It wears out depends to a very large extent how you have treated It It doesn't take much time, or trouble to assure your bat tery of long life. It Just means being sure of a few things, such as: THAT IT IS REGULARLY FILLED WITH WATER THAT IT IS REGULARLY TESTED WITH A HYDROMETER THAT YOU AREN'T TAKING OUT OF IT MORE ENERGY THAN YOU ARE PUTTING BACK. IT'S OUR BUSINESS TO HELP YOU. Stop In and let us give your battery a thorough test free oi cmriB, ana ten you wnat care you should take of nailery lor com weamer starring. o your Where All Good Housekeepers Shop.' MARY GARDEN CHOCOLATES Prepared by Cralje of Cleve land and New Torjs and named after the well-known actress who. tasting Crane's Chocolates, exclaimed Your Chocolates are really the finest I have ever tast ed anywhere in the world. Sup plied In dainty l, 2 and 6 pound boxes at manufacturer's prices. With sugar short and trans portation slow and uncertain we would suggest that you place your holiday orders weeks In ad vance. By doing this you will help all concerned. Grant's Pharmacy Agents for Crane's Chocolates. S EAST PACK SQUARE. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Audits, Appralnis, Investigations. Efficiency Systems Installed. Any Business Anvwhere. . References all Asheville DEVENISH and WILSON 217 Drhumor Bldr. Banks. Phene 1371. If Phone 1917 If You Want Poultry, Why Not Get the Best? Star Quality Will Please You STAR MARKET Phone 1917 Prompt and Cheerful Service Time Thursday, 12:40 p. m. "We have just had some unexpected company come in. Can you send us one can of peas and one devil food cake at once?' "Yea. and we will be glad to," and at 12:50 this customer had these things for her company dinner. That is what we call prompt service. Can we serve you? We are celling today a large package of Gold Dost for 26c J. J. YATES Groceries and Service. 37 Haywood St Phones 1715-1716. WANTED 500 bushels Irish Potatoes at once. Will pay $ 1 .25 per bushel. . H. T. WILSON . M If. Lexington. Phone 100. Here people of refinement will find surround ings and service exactly to their liking. CANDY KITCHEN AND CLUB CAFE Haywood St, Near P. O. Phones 110-111. A Snappy Dish for Chilly Weather HILL'S PEERLESS SAUSAGE BAKER & JAMES Suocessors to Hills Market The Points That Count T7VEN when you look an engine over carefully there J- are a lot of features you are liable to miss unless you are a trained mechanic or have someone to tell you what certain points mean, and why they are sood or bad. For instance, our Mogul kerosene engines have machine-molded, sand-cooled, heat-treated cylinders and ristons. Now, that's probably all Greek to you unless you ave had some experience with a foundry and a machine shop, but those features, which even a trained observer might easily miss, add a good many rears to the efficient service of a Mogul kerosene engine. They mean better comprsssion, more power from an equal amount of fuel, httie or no chance of cracked castings, a longer iMhng. better working engine. Before 700 boyrour engine, giveaeachanoe tosbow you how high-grade Mogul engine m built, and why, whoa m y any sua from 1 to 50-H. P, you get such good ralue for your SBoaey. Write for Catalog, Prices and Terms. T. Se Morrison & Cq To Have Flowers for Christmas Start your Bulbs now. Chinese Sacred Lily Bulbs 1 0c each. Paper White Narcissus Bulbs Mammoth size Bulbs, 40c per doz.: large size Bulbs, 30c per doz. Glass Bulb Bowls 25c, 35c and 40c FRE& To each purchaser of half dozen or more bulbs, we will give free peebles to plant those purchased. ASHEVILLE SEED CO Cor. College' & Lexington Ave. Phone 2177 Phone 3. Phonw 4. 'A

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