HIE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, THURSDAY", NOVEMBER 6, 191T. Sawmill and Mining Machinery ' F(DE 1ILE If 70a want aajr of that items, suggest fanrnsdiats action, as daalera ara figuring on entire lot Sawmill Machinery AT SANDY BOTTOM, N. C. Sawmill Machinery AT BILTMORE- . , 66 h. p. boiler and setting 75 h. p.' automatic engine. Husk frame 60 in. saw , 2-knee carriage. Cangadger. ' Trimmer . Cut-off Lath Mill 6 lb. rail for yard 2 trucks . Log haul-up Boiler feed pump 500 feet 2 in. pipe Tools, belts, pulleys, belting, shafting, ' Mining Machinery AT SANDY BOTTOM, N. C. ' 8x8 2 cylinder air compressor 20 h. p. 2 cylinder hoist - Ventilating fan . ' 1.500 feet 2 in. pipe --. ' Screen . Jackhammer air drill and steel , Hardsoog air drill and steel " - 3 h. p. gasoline engine Miners' lamps, mining tools and sup plies ALSO Heavy log wagon i Ferry .outfit for crossing river, 7-8 cable, etc Portable gasoline driven rock crusher plant , ' Boiler feed pump Logging tools, peavies, grabs, chains, etc 80 h. p. boiler and setting 30 h. p. automatic engine 50 4u p. slide valve engine Husk frame 3 large saws 2- knee carriage, extra knee 4-knee carriage Gang edger Side edger Cut-off 12 lb. rail, heavy rail, belts, pulleys, shafting, tools, piping, etc Mining Machinery AT HOT SPRINGS, N. C. 1 00 h. p. boiler and fire brick 30 tons 12 lb. rail 10 tons 16 lb. rail 8 roller-bearing 1 1-2 yard ore cars 18-ton Shay locomotive 3- ton gasoline locomotive 75 h. p. engine 375 g. p. m. two-stage Centrifugal pump 175 g. p. m. ditto . Head motion for Wilfley table Davis F. & M. Co. complete 2-log log washer set 1,200 feet 6 in. riveted steel pipe 25 h. p. locomotive boiler Tools, belts, pulleys, bearings, shaft ing, piping, etc CHJUSIISEDfiYSil FEIN LEADERS TO REACH UNITED STATES EXPOSED Arrest of Thomas Welsh, a British Subject, De clared Important. VALUABLE LETTER. Anson G. Bells & Company, Aslieville, N. C. OfficeTechnical Building. p. O. jBox 843. " NKW YOWK STOCK LIST. High. Close. Atnertean Bast Sugar ....,., 11 71 aimiiui van Ameriaan Our and FVtry, ..... tiv American Locomotive II ft American Smite, and Rff..,,, 1t Amarlcaa Sugar M ; Aiiaoonds Copper ...,., Mtt Atchison ..................... tiw Atlantto Coaat Una .......... 7tt' , Ialdwuv Locomotive ......... 36 i'aklmor and Ohio .......... it feeUilehem Steel B" J... ...... Ill Canadian Pacific ........ ...,W . Central JLeather , ............ S4H Cheaapeak and Ohio 4 " Chicago, Mil. and SC. Paul.,,. 41 Ch'go, R. I. and Pac. ......... Mtt Colorado Fuel and Iran ...... W Columbia Caa and Elaotrio..,. 3 Corn Product. ..,.,....,., 7Vi , Crucible Steel ................ ( Cuba Can. Sugar ..,.,... , Kri. ................... lSVa General Hotara , M Great North. pfd. .......... t t Great Northern bra CtT ..... tl ti ygiintiHgini , w :.. au Inspiration Couw. .......... 41 . 40 Int. M.r. Marin. ..... 37 H fin. aaor. unm pia. ....... , international Nickel...,..,..,. IT IT nternattonal Papw .......... 3314 33U ennecott vopper ............ t 3 oulavill. and NaahviU ....1H4 luS UQ ... .. Maxwell Motor. 354 r-Biroium .......... 71 Mldvaie Stael 44 Missouri Paelflo 33U xavaoa Consolidated ........ 17 4w York Central ........... Ut r.. N. H. and H'ford 14 Norfolk and Western ........ ieu. voruimi mxDn ............. aa vno cttiea baa fennaylvanla FHtabllMr Cnmi Par ConaoUdatad Copper II JteadlneT ...... tl Hep. Iron and Stael ., TIU Seaboard Air Una.. .,..! faboard Air Lino pfd. 1 Blnclalr Oil and tUg. 7. II ' fcloea. Shef. Btaei and Iron..,. 14 Southern Paelflo HU louth.rn Bailwar 15ft Southern Hallway pfd it ft Studebaker Corporation H Tennea... Copper 11 Texaa Company .....,..,,..,.140 Tobacco Product. 44 Union Paolfte ................113 United Clear Stores 16 y. . , ...Ill u. a. ina. Aioonoi . .. Cnlted State. Rubber 11 V ,77 V 411 m 17 '88 41 11 (7ft 1 1 II , 14 Mft 15 ft ! aa 11 111 44 (a lit 110ft 10 United Sta4a Steel (ft ( United State. Steel pfd. lot ft 109ft Utah Copper 74ft 76ft Virginia Care. Chem. Wabaah Pfd. "A" WeatlmrhouM Electric 4. T. and T. lUlnola Central IT ... 40ft ... ...110ft 91 IT 40' !' 1101 5 Total aalea for the day, (11,100 .hare. NKW ORLEANS COTTON. NEW ORLEANS, No. 7. The cotton maraec atooa at a .mall advance moat of wvmj u aeemon, wunout anowlnc any pot ouy m t power. Tnullns waa re atricted by the een.ua bur.au'. ainnlne w wrw iHuta lomorrow morning. The main' euatalninr influance waa the Aivorable tone of .pot account.. Cloaing K"" puinis niKner to I point, lower Shan yesterday- final. Around the opentnc the market wa lr regular and Immediately after there wa m iii vuca arnea tne moat active months I to 10 point, below the level of yeatarday'a cloa. Thl. low.r trend wa. due chiefly to peaalmlatlc comment from the atock market, iawed before trading ma noi mat lone f or tbe early advance, in atocka. coupled , wi nmuiaimi repona irom aouthern Dpot center atlmuiated buying which caoaad a quick recovery and finally put price If to II polnu over reeterdey'. clnee. tocally apota were advanced U Cotton future cloetng bid: ieeember January ..................... flare July ..." Spot cotton teady, IS polrM i enth. apot I.4I7; to arrive 300. 14 15.75 15.44 15.14 ...15.11 . Hale, llddllnc . ., UVKWPOOt. COTTON. IJTT5RPOOI Nov. 7. Cotton apot la fair demand; price higher; good middling ll.ao; middUng I1.I5; low middling 0 (V food ordinary 1.M; ordinary lt.it. Salea 0o0 baiea.- Including I.yoS Amerlcaa. Iteoelpte 11,400 bales, a& Amertean. fu, lure, cloeea ateady. Kw oonumcle: January ?,.I1.4 -y old contracta. Saad nrlnM November .....1I.H I orember.January ........ ........... ID. 1 k ebruary-Maich .t. 1.U Aorll-Way m...... ....13 4 ,ti.-Juiy ,..,i..,.,,.,,.,,,,.n.;i ..........11.. ....... ...v.u , NIW YOUK COTTON MA UK ST OUIST. NtTtr TORS, Nor. T-The cotton mar. k.a eotnparwtlvely quiet today with JuctuaUon. Irregular .After aelllnaTat !!'!. 2?' January rallied to M.MTfcut decline of 1 to 14 point. The market opened ateady at an ad vanoa of 3 point on Dooemoar but gen. erally aachanced to S point lower. Th fjfkwfflhw "portedTIn the aouto over Ihe holiday and the aaey opening of the ' aerned to promote Ketter ing liquidation and the market waa un. ettled riant after the t j .-i and domeatlo trad. Interaau were buy. era and orloaa me lunuul .t..i. ' thl demand and ooverlng. An Improved tone to the atock market wa a factor on th advance but the main initiun.. ... pearad to be the eontlnuxi hninh age of aouthern apot advice and th "u wujing oi near montn. I ivarmwil - . . . . Ing hr to undo hedge against the ar rival and aale of Am.rlM n Mft.. i . Bngilah market and local trade Interest were alao eradited with nAnin ki. agaliMt aalea of .pot. in tha aouth. Thl damand aubalded on tha advance, and the market waa unaettled later In the after noon with nrlcaa aaetnar nit t.Am Ing for over the eenau. nrfiAt AmnMw. and southern eelllng which cam. largely from New Orleans. Cotton future: Dn.n t7lt. Taw .i ?smber rf.IS 375 17.35 17.40 January 345 34.34 M.41 34.48 March 16.80 14.47 10.IS 14 10 "V Z1.I7 31.05 10.11 July .15.01 IS M IS 71 IKtl! Spot quiet; middling 1B.00. RICOVtRIIS ON N. Y. MARKET. NKW YORK, Nov. T.-Actlv atock made aubatantlal reooveriea today from recent low quotation after an early t"" w,auw. mm waa increased . . . ,n "una, many or which ree ntered new minimum. The moat obvl OU Inference drawn from h. v. aUona wa that the protracted liquidation had exhausted Itself rendering abort a cit ing extremely hasardoua. Gain were most pronounced In th ,tocr wn'oh recently experienced great est losse, high grade rail, and atandard nwnnia 1 oaay a renound carried Read- "., rai norrnern, union Pacific, New York Central and Illlnol. Central I to I "Jonoay a aepreased levela. United State Steel made ,m mjt. vance of 3ft to 06 ft and other ateel and equipment, were 3 to 4 point higher at their best, aha dinar however n. . ramaing in me last nour. Shippings and n'' ."'.' pomta, out aaeed With tha eenaral Umt Tradlna after tha Initial tnm uune regular aitnougn a few dormant """ " tcni)n at s and American Teleohona at 10.tL w.r. aajk . w. 1 't of new low records. New Haven'. 'rfP.m Pa to m put that atock riiiiin auani iraction Of It. oi uotatlons. Intematlonala, notably oiauona. led the niun HHn. i bond.. Liberty 4". were firm to 100.01 but the 1ft' weakened from 00.(0 to tbe low reooro 01 ...... Total aalea, par value. bECOMM Soft- S Herolin IWdeHakDiofforaMUnretMias asppy asir gnw K(,ioft, iiutly, sOkr, ssroeidhopianv gfyfe. Re- - n 4 vrtnf tw 1 c iwmi SCALP. HEROLIN is deli(htfuUr par tamed sad sot sticky or psora. I stavSStTS(ttamp.ereele)tarastrbea I AGENTS WASTED NEW YORK. Nov. 7. Channel. through which filnn Fein leader In Ireland have been cnmmunlcatlna witn tneir agenU in the United Bute nave been disclosed, secret service au thorities believe, through the arrest of Thomas Welsh, a British subject. who waived examination today on a charge of violating the tradlnr-wlth- tne-enerny act when arraigned before united state commissioner. That Welsh I Identified with Sinn Peln propaganda was learned from a letter which he attempted to destroy when arrested, according to federal authorities. Welsh came to the Unit ed States aboard steamship having been booked as a emit.er of Its crew. The letter which Welsh sought to destroy when arrested at the pier has been pieced together and federal au tohrttles say It contains valuable In. formation relative to Sinn Fein activi ties both In Ireland and the United States. According to Chief Flynn. of the secret service, the communica tion mentions "General" Llam Mel lowes, Sinn Fein leader, who was ar rested In this city October JO. and Patrick McCarton, an associate of Mel 1 owe., who was taken off a ship at Halifax, N. 8., at about the same time. Each had sailed under a fraudulent seaman's passport and are now being held for this Infraction of the law pending investigations. According to Chief Flvnn. the In. formation resulting from Welsh's ar rest will be ot great value to au thorities Investigating Sinn Fein plots "on the other side," as well as those tracing the supposed connection of a number of American residents with these Intrigues. Ha refused to divulge the contents of the letter found In Welsh's possession. TALIS STILL MOST hi ilp - FROM UNITED SMS TO E Noted Newspaper Points Out Where America Can Help. WHEAT IS NEEDED. RETREATING VENETIAN PLAIN (Ontlnqert from Pr One.) ROME, Monday. Nov. 6. Com. mentlng on Italy's needs In the pres. ent critical situation, the Popolo Romano, urges efficient help from the United States. If helo is to coma from that source now la the time nr. the newspaper. Italy. It sava. la re sisting and will resist, but she must have asalatance, and that within cer. tain lines In order to be effective, a without grain and coal abundantly supplied, she cannot win. The newspaper declares that Italy's population lives laraelv 11 mm bread and she needs 17,000,000 quin tals 01 wneat to supply this demand. "It Is time that the allies quit mak ing such mistakes as at trie Dardun. elles and In the Balkans," it adds, "and finally understand the im portance of tlaly'a front" Alluding to the seriousness of the threat against Italy, David Lubln. representative of the United State at the International Institute of Agri culture, said today: "Perhaps It will prove, a good thing. The Austro-German Invasion certainly has stirred up the patriotism of Italians as I never dreamed It pos sible. Also It will show the allies the need of haste to combat the Aus tro-German plans to defeat Italv separately, now that Russia Is not to be relied upon and also before the United States troops arrive In- the spring. It is an Important fact that the Austrlans and Germans are hor ribly short of food for the civilian population and that they must at tack, and naturally have done so at tne weakest point." 1 IHIaiG" Crws LaaJ, 80JL Silky.by.sial j EXELENTO QUININK POMADE which 1 HafrCraw ar and. which feed. th scalp and root, of th hair and maka kinky, nappy bair It clean, dandruff and Mop faB. ih "a re! ;, J stow long, toft and .uxy. It dn dandr bis hair at once. Guamtead tadsai wa say or money back. Prtea 2Sby oaail oa receipt of stamp or coin. AQENTS WANTED KVERYWHERK ' Writ. for Particular. XSUSrr SKDMIMI C., ATLANTA. sM. aggreatd I4.S7I.OOO. United State, bond.. changed on call. NEW YORK MONEY. NEW YORK. Nov. 7. Mercantile Htening exchange, 40 day bills 4.71U: commercial 40 day bill on bank. 4 71- commercial (0 dav bllla 4.70U- Ha..j Mar .liver . Mexican dollar 63. Government bond, steady. Railroad bond, weak Time loan, n old Issues, un- 5U5H: six mont call money easier rm, 40 davs and 90 dav. mth 6H6. taler; ruling rate 4. CHICAOO MARKETS. ..C.m.?AG,0' Nor' 7 Pea.lml.tlc report, a to the .lowest of hu.klng had consider able to do with a material advance today !Vh. markets. Price, clo.ed trong net. h'S"-. "Ith Oeoemher u , .to,'L4.' Oau gained M to e. and provlaion. (3c. to 31 it Grain and provlaion.: Vtt w" tuftn - December Mar OATS December M.v pork- ; January Lard December .,, January RIBH January , Kay Cash Or. In Close. 1.134 X-IU'l SH I 604 44.30 14.70 .....33.73 33.53 33.30 NEW YORK CATTLE. NKW IUKK. Nov. 7 Reavaa 1 00 nuua o.ovqi..(i; cow 3.75 Calve easier: veals 11.SO01I.OO; culls !'2?S H W S.007.00; westerns 8.3.1 10.fi0. 8heep and lambs ateady. Sheep 7.00S 11.00: rull. 4.0ffl.50: lamb. W naan nn. culls 10.00013.00. ' Hog weak at 14.7517.3S; rough. 1100. NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK. Nov. 7 K-r ateadv: centrifuaal IH: mala.... im. refined ateady. flne granulated 8.34. Butter steady: r.heea Arm Spot coffee steady; Rio Ta 7; Santos 4s9H. v. Miss MAle Lohr. vssn jrm tn . . , Corn No. t yeUow 1.1O03.3O; No. yel- If opuJ" actresses on the English stage, w 1.1; No. 4 yellow, nominal. I ha become London's first actreaa- noara nnaaariaji va..iw ia 1n.11 . . . ... . IS uaitu. ". I'JS.Y "gn :r - mixm iv.tvBii.zi 1 suecesaful earrrlnr on of tha Colonel E. M. Houae. Ion known aa i-resiaent Wilson's confidential ad' riser, neads tha mission. vaiMMiiana HoJd PmMnna On non Of th other frnnta t.an ins Italians nave there been any en gagements of great Imnnrtanca. Tha Canadians are holding their gain of 4uesaay oeioro fasscnendaela with out the Germans offering serious In terferenoe. On tha rreater nortlnn. I r remamaer or tne western front mere nave oeen only small encounter in wnicn tne rrencn obtained the ad vantage over tne Germans. Gasa on the Mediterranean coast In Palestine, has been, captured by the British and ma column operating north of Beer heba has made an additional advance or eleven miles. Twelve British merchant vaal sunk by mines or submarines last week marks the minimum loaae. tnr any week since Germany began her unrestricted campaign last February, WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY IN r-tiANm, Nov. 7. (By the As sociated Press. The German artillery was very active all last nlrht imi o. day, shells of various calibres raining aiuunu me American soldiers. So thickly did they come at one time during the early hours of the morn. Ing, It was thought another barrage waa aooui to De placed for a second raid on the American trenches. The Americans were ready for the Boche ana noping ne would try another raid. out none aeveioDed. 4- GAZA TAKEN. tONDON, Nov. 7 The British have captured the city of Gaxa. in Palestine the war office announces. The British have made an advance of nine miles carrying the whole Turk ish aystem of defense in this region and capturing two towns In adidtion to uaza. The now British offensive In Pales tine,, which Is being prosecuted vigor ouslfcfiw that the oppressive heat of the summer season no longer causes enforced inactivity. Is being aeveiopea along a front extending eastward from th Mediterranean coast. Gaza la thirty miles north of the Egyptian border, near the coast. It Is about thirty miles southwest of Beeraheba, which th British captur ed a few days ago and fifty miles southwest of Jerusalem. BY NEGRO SOLDIERS IS RELATED BY WITNESSES Some of Policemen Had "Riot Guns' Is Testified at Hearing. THREE WERE KILLED SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Nov. 7. The fatal ahootlng of three Houston police viucer in me attack Dy negroes of th Twenty-fourth infantry on that city, August Z3, was related by wit neases at the courtmartlal trial of tha sixty-three negroes charged with mutiny, murder and rioting today. Two witnesses told of seeing the police officers and negro soldiers ex cnange snots, only one negro was killed during this fusillade, according W. H. Long.- of six nolicemen sent from police headquarters to the San Felipe district of the riot, said he was armed with a "six shooter," but that he did not fire on the soldiers. Neither did he see any of his fellow officers fire on them, he testified. Several of the other officers, however, he said were armed with rifles and "riot guns. "When we came up to where the negro soldiers were In the street, one of them Issued a command to 'halt and then they opened fire on us," Long said. He told of running behind building and of seei'fi Policeman Daniels fall in the street. He est! mated that he saw fifty or sixty ne groes. W. C. Wilson, police sergeant, said he had a "riot gun loaded with buck shot and that after the negroes opened nre, he fired twice, but did not know that he hit any one. These shots, he said, were exchanged at a distance of a.... ..... Policeman Moody, one of the the three fatally wounded, also fired at the negroes, he said. Additional details of the shooting by the negroes In tne Ban Felipe dis trict are to be told tomorrow. It wan In this section of Houston that Cap tain J. W. Mattes, of the Second Illinois field artillery, was killed and his body badly mutilated. PROPOSED MERGER OF CONFEDERATE VETERAN DIES FROM PARALYSIS hvy 1C lAAlf aiirHJ: rou:0 " 14.0; pig 1L7S Cattle steady. Natty efeera ani ta. weal era mi. .mm iuiaii tc . . 1 1" : 011-?: rowa and heifers 4.M I ..P: Wether 1 40O1! 11.48: Jamba. 13.00filt.ao. NOTICE. T.SOOI Ashevtlle, N. C. November 7, X17. I Will setl at Dublin auctlnai to h highest bidder one oar load of wheat straw hay In bale consigned to order notify J. D. Earl Feed Company. Aabevllle, N. C. for frela-ht iinnr. s-nd other charges, at Ashevilte, N. NEW YORK. Nov -? ta wa. I r.",'. .7 ". located In th A.he r. toA.. eJL"!..;.-!'.?" I Yard, November 30th. 1917. at Yarn were firm and blanket, ararr foil11 clock, a. m. Terms cash. W. P. MAHER. Agent Southern Railway Co. -, stl --lf-J2-Xt NEW YORK- DRY OOOOs, I , . r --ar. 01 11 v rry . wonted yama for knit tine were birh aaS anama u. iw was sUfbtiy higher. v r ', . - . , ' United Synod of South Takes This Action at An nual Convention. SALISBURY. N. C Nov. 7. Tha proposed merger of the three great bodies of the Lutheran church waa approved in a resolution adopted here today by delegates of th United Synod 01 me eoutn. xne convention of the southern delegates waa attended by tour commissioners each from the other two general synods, both ot wnicn aireaay have approved the movement. The proposal' to merra tha three great i.utneran bodies into one church. to be known aa th United Lutheran church of North America, now will be referred to the three synods to be voted upon. For the change to ba. come effective tha proposal must re ceive at least two-third of the votes of the district synods of each of the general synods, it was announced. The other two general synods, which were, represented here today by commissioners and which would unit with the aouthern synod If th . plan were adopted, are th general synod of the United States and the general synod of North America. . Th southern synod opened It. ses sion here yesterday and fhd greater part of two days was given to dis-4 eussion of th reorgSBlzation of the church Into on body. Th constitu tion for th united church waa an. provad todff,: . . Was Stricken on While en Route With Brother. Train Tuesday Here tor Visit Captain James Smith, who died at the Mission hospital Tuesday after noon, will be buried this morning near Alexander, funeral services being held from the Brown-Noiand chapel at o'clock. Captain Smith, who was seventy-eight years of age; was stricken with paralysis on the train Tuesday while en route from Raleigh to visit his brother. Captain William Bead Smith, at Weavervllle. H wa rushed to the hospital on. the arrival of the train here, and died shortly afterwards. Deceased was s member . of the company commanded by Governor Zeb Vance, In the war between the states, and was prominent as a tobac co buyer for many years, being aaso elated, with Major W. W. Rollins in the operation of a warehoes here. He was a Mason of many years stand ing, and the local Masonic bodies will 1 have charge of a part of th services this morning. It Is expected that the pallbearers will be selected from among the Confederate veterans. The body will be taken to Refug church, near Alexander, where th final services will be held, and Inter ment In the church yard will follow. Dr. Charles W. Byrd will conduct the services. Captain Smith la survived by six daughters: Miss Hannah Mar SmltK of Los Angeles; Miss Beasts Smith, of Houston. Tex.; Mrs. Javmes P. Tay lor, of Tennessee; Mrs. John Wars, of Columbia, 8. Ci Mrs. S. Strain, of Bristol. Tenn.; and Mrs. A. N. Penland of SavervlHe. Tenn.; ons son. Drove Smith, of Philadelphia; on brother. The Langren EUROPEAN MODERN .Absolutely Fireproof and Up to Date Located in the heart of the shopping center, in the midst of all theatres and close to the best garages. GUY S. LAVENDER, Mgr. AETHELWOLD HOTEL UREYARI), K. a IOU. A. H. KOTO, PMp. Headquarter for Commercial Man. Modern. Fro sampls room. Vrss car to station. Open year round. Rataa, ll.to to M.Si. THE IMPERIAL HOTEL Rates, 91.00 Per Day. CAXTOir. jr. a. C M. gkikb, Pro-, AMERICAN PLAN. Sneclal ttste by the Week or Month. BON AIR H1N01R80NVILLE. N. C. MRS. J. WILLIAMS, Prop. Opposit Post Office modern In every respect. Attractive room, with steam heat, hot and cold water in every room. Excellent table, where the transient man gets more than he pays for. Phone 4B3.J. No Sick Taken. Dodge Brothers roadster All the qualities which you look for in1 roadster design and construction. There is generous room for the passengers. The seats are tipped at the most comfortable angle. The luggage space is extra large. The car is steady on the road at all speeds. Roadster or Touring Car, IS8B. In Canada, flits Bedau or Coupe, $13(16. In Canada, 31S00 (All price tern. Detroit) Sawyer Motor Co. 18 and 20 Church St Co. S. Sternberg & Depot St Phone 333 WE BUY ANYTHING ana- SELL EVERYTHING Structural Materials a Specialty AH Sizes and Lengths of I Beams Then put yourself face -to face with the coal proposi tion. Of course it is a rather serious thing these days of high prices, but here is a case where you can't go wrong. Our coal is the very best, and .the very cheapest, too, considering the quality, and you must consider quality. Ashe. Dray, Fuel and Com Or. 41 Broadway Tha Rsd Front Phone 321. Ill, t. villa, and on sister, Mrs. Rosle East erly, of Parisville, Tenn. Mrs. Strain was with her father at the time of his death and Mrs. Ware is expected In time for the funeral. SUFFRAGE MAJORITY. NEW YORK, Nov. 7. With 4- only 39S election" districts miss- Ins late tonight out of a total of 4- v,72 in the state, the majority. f" tot woman suffrage in the eleo- lion yesterday stood at I4.2HJ. 4 The remaining districts, which 4 are most In rural sections u--f 4- state, are not expected to chanaj the result materially. Ths vote was: Tea, 141(1; no, 647.11s. CALLS ON PEOPLK. . . RALEIQ-H, N, C. Nov. I, Gover nor Bickett today Issued a proclama tion calling npon ths people of North Carolina to rally to the cause of the T. M. C. A. war work and devote their energies during th week of November 11-lf to raising f 300,000, the state's allotment in th thirty-five million dollar Y. M, C A. fund being raised throughout ths nation. - Governor Bickett urged co-operation on th part of all denomination end creed, and on th part of non-church members who believe in th causa of America. FTTE ARMIES OPERATING1. ' LONDON. Nov. t. It was an nounced at th Auatro-Hunxarian army headquarters, according to a dla- paten from Amsseraani to tne - bi changa Telegraph company, that th Teuton , armies operating agmlnst Italy number five. They are finder Generals von Krobatin, von Why Look So Thin? ft is not becoming nor safe for your heardi. Add flash to your bones ane roses to your chssl by drinking a glass of this delicious digestant with each meal Shivar Ale FORE BISRTTff MOVXTICt WTTI UITAI MIKEUl VATU 111 BIWU 1Tboa yoor grocer or druggut lot a dozen bottle. Satisfaction goaa, antsederyour monay refunded oa Bottled and guaranteed by tha ceja bated Shivai Minend Spring, Sbal. too. S. C tf yew regular daaW snooty, jwa sMitin sag . ELLIS & BEADLES OiitrivsiMlw aYaWrOls Cantain. W. Bead SiultaV Of Wsaysr-Va - Bslow, Von Wurm. with th leadership vested In von ueiow wno commands ths center army. --. Thers is a possibility, tha dlanateh adds, of ths Austro-Hunrarlan neat ' Kxaas. eo-operatlng with Osneral Warm'. " HsarioBoa. nj irsr along th Adriatic coast. to