9 Phoneso Citizen Want Ads Bring Results Wants Wants Wants Wants Wants Wants Wants THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1917. Phone 80 HELP WANTED. WRITERS for Maaaslnes and New. paper $25 to $100 per week, range of Incomes from auoh work opportunity for teachers and other who have the desire to write. Ex perienced editor and writer will five personal assistance in preparation and marketing . of manuscripts, Terms reasonable. "Writer." care Cltlsen. 651-17-7 KTTirn Taaham til nilhllf ithnAl In WaltA (..uiii'tr til hertll the first of the New Vj.iV. Address Superintendent, sldjirv. Knlgnt, Raleigh. N. C. P718-21-14 MEN WOMEN WANTED Immedi ately. Government war jobs. $90.00 month. List free. Franklin Inst! tute, Dept. $24 K, Rochester. N. T. TM95-S8-30 W. T. ROWLAND CO. M A T, K. WANTED B0 schoolboys to sell latest booklet "Bill Kaiser Must Come Down." Rousing war poem. Noth ing like It. Retals 2Bo. Everybody needs copy. Qoqd pay. Prlee extra. Meet Harrison at Y. M. C. A. 8:80 this morning. P744-32-1 WANTED Bookkeeper with mercan tile experience. Oood position for right man. give reference with ap plication. N. C. Lumber Co., store, in good location. Address Lumber. rare Cltlsen B8-is- PANTED At our oamp in Clinch mountains, experienced woodsmen. Oood wages and board. Holston River Lumber Company, Cllnch burg. Washington County. Virginia. 9869-14-14 MEN WANTED Learn barber trade. Taught quickly, cheaply, thorouch ly. Earn while learning. Write Moler Barber College, 61 N. For sythe St, Atlanta, Oa. P780-32-80 WANTED Meat cutter with some grocery experience; out of town work. Must furnish best reference Address Butcher, care Cltlsen. 668-18-5 WANTED Boys te carry Citizen routes. Must be hustlers. Apply at Ci'tsn,, office. ' P722-'"t-?f W. T. ROWLAND CO. FEMALE. WANTED Experienced colored nurse. "Mammy nurse" prererrea tn take 222. charge of Infant. Phone P7S5-22-8 COMPETENT QIRL for general housework dn the mornings. 98 Pearson Drive. Phone 809. P7S6-22-8 WANTED Neat girl, for general housework, small family. Apply 85 Monroe plnce. 743-22-8 WANTED A competent house girl at Once. Apply 103 Montford. 707-20-8 GIRL for general housework, to sleep . on premises. Apply 26 Merrlmon 74S-Z3-1 . T. ROWLAND & CO. WANTED. (w DON'T THROW IT AW ATI THAT eUIT OF CLOTHES AND PAIR OF SHOES Sell them to us. and by to doing you will place them where some needy man can pur chase bin clothing at small coat Hundreds of people cannot buy new tilts. Look over your discarded clothes and pick out what you would like to diiposo of. phone fOSl and we will pay you spot cash for them. 44 Biltmore Ave. 18-tf WANTED COW PEAS. WE WILL pav cash for any variety of COW PEAS, straight or mixed. Sf nd us samples of what you have, name quantity and lowest prices you win take for them. ASHEVILLE SEED CO. Cor. College and Lexington. . . 4-tf OLD TIKES WANTED. 7c per pound for under tires; 10c pound for tops. Cham pion Shoe Hospital. Phone 600. S29-2-tf WANTED Old false teeth. Don't matter if broken. I pay $2.00 to $15.00 per set. Send by parcel post and receive check by return mall. Lv Maxer, 2007 S. Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. P461-9-80 CHESTNUT-POLES WANTED High prices paid. Cash at siding. Poles average about $15.00 per cord. - . Write for specifications, and prices. Ersklne Pole Co., Weavervllle, N. C. 89-24-80 WANTED To suggest a Pressing Club membership; or a new suit of clothes; or a Tuxedo suit for Christmas. J. C. Wllbar. Pack 8q. Phone 889. B56-18-tf WANTED Second-hand furniture. , stoves and everything in household T furnishings. Asheville Furniture Co.. IT Biltmore Ave. Phone 1851. 887-5-80 WANTED One-room for light house keeping in steam or furnace heated house. Not too far out Address L. T., car Cltlsen. P706-20-2 WANTED To sell you Christmas treea, any sise. 60e up. W. L. Hart, landscape architect Phone .8226. i ; j P664-18-7 ' STENOGRAPHIC WORK DONE Room 20 Law BIdg. Phone 1206. a wrmrvA milch a-oat. ADnlv at 166 Chestnut St or phone 884. W. T. ROWLAND CO. If each of the 10,000 bottlers ol "soft drinks" 111 the" United States can find a way to save Just on ounoe ol sugar a day. It will mean a saving oi nearly 800.000 pound a year. .,.v The so-called poison gas was first used on AprU 28, 115. when the Ger mans released t In the Tpre salient .J BXECPTBXX'g NOTICE. Having been appointed and quaU fled as executrix of the last will of Rodney Rush Swope, deceased, lata of Buncombe County, North Carolina, this is to-notify all' persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased, to exhibit them to the un dersigned at the office of Harklns and Vat, Winkle, attorneys. Asheville, K. CLflnn or before the 10th day of De ceTeW, 1818. or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate wtU nlease make Immediate payment. . VJ " MARY B. SWOPE, -. Executrix of-th last will of Rodney Rush Swop, deceased. - E . This Mth day of December, HIT.-. i .. . . Aa..i--$.s.i BOARDERS WANTED. ROOMS AND BOARD In unusually desirable, centrally located, private noma; shaded lawn, pleasant porches; house elevated above street and no building near. Room light, airy and attraotlvely furnished. Private bath. If desired. Wholesome food in plenty, properly cooked. We cater to Individual ap petite. No tuberculosis patients taken. 16 Wood (in street 6135-28-tf THE AVONMORE. 107-109 Haywood St. Large airy, sunny rooms, with or without bath, steam heat ed. Table unexcelled. Special winter rates. Conveniently located. Phone 996. BON AIR 68 Ashland Ave. Room and board, $6.50 up. At tractive rooms. Furnace heat, Excellent meals. Near post office. Phone 2291. 84S-M-tf BOHANNAN HEIGHTS Large and email comfortable rooms. meal plaoe for convalescents. New heating plant. Hot water sen-Ice. Ante-bellum cooking. Hygiene. 22 Orange St. Phone 979. 782-22-80 CONVALESCENTS can secure toard in private nome. mairmuai atten tion, stove and grate heat No ad vanced cases taken. Reasonable rates for rood service. Address M. M.. care Cltlien. 685-19-tf OLD KENTUCK"? HCMB One block of square. comrortaoie nome like atmosphere. All modern con veniences. Large or smaller rooms. Prices $2.80 up. 48 Spruce St. Phone 7B7. 226-29-80 PRIVATE BOARD It you are tired of hotel life and would like comfort elegance and good, meals daintily served ! beautiful private home, call at 79 Merrlmon ave. or phone 1602. 9810-16-tf THE WREN-WOOD 61 8o. French Broad. Close In. Comfortable I rooms. Excellent meats. .aies reasonawe. f none shy. rni-iu-u THE SHARON Table board a specialty. Best home cooking. Prices reasonable. Phone 1079. Church St. 708-10-8 BOARD and room tn private home, steam heat, oooa tame, vvimer rates. -78 Merrlmon Ave. Phone 1544. P14-16-7 MAGNOLIA COTTAGE 48 Oak. Rooms and board, $6 to $8 week. Close in. Car line. Phone 1828. 789-22-7 BOARD and rooms In private north ern home, not water heat. 18 College Park. Phone 794. 9859-18-80 BRIGHT steam-heated rooms and ex cellent board In private home. Good location, near car line. Phone 2842. . 501-1 1-tf BOARDERS or rooms for light house keeping in an Ideal suburban home. Phone 2688. 976-19-2 BOARDERS WANTED at 64 N. French Broad. $6 to $8 per week. Phone 2684. 579-lB-tf BOARDERS tn private home. Winter rates. Heat. 6 Aston nace. rnone S192. 9908-18-tf SPECIAL. CLAIRE AFTON. "Exclusive Quality." Expert Designing, Cutting and Fitting of Women's Costumes. Hand-made Frenoh Negliges, Lingerie, Trous seaus and Layettes exquisitely done to your order. Every Claire Afton Gown an Original Design. $6 Merrl.3 Ave., Telehone 8848. 802-2-7 GIVE the girl or boy for Christmas a Self Starting Remington type writer. Start them right and they will become "Self Starters" and success will be theirs. We will be glad to demonstrate a machine to you. Remington Typewriter Co., 2 and 8 Harklns Building. P784-22-8 VETERINARIAN. DR. M. M. LEONARD. Phone 8804. AshevUle, N. a 89B7-l-tf CHRISTMAS IS HERE! What will you give 'her or him? n We have everything in Jewelry that the heart may desire. Shop early and "avoid the rush". N. A. Harrison, Biltmore Ave. Phone 274T. 708-20-8 WE BUT,-sell and exchange furni ture, stoves and ranges, ue camnei and repair work. Crating, packing and storage. Sample Furniture Co., 57 Broadway. Phone 2471. 547-1 8-tf FRESH sweet Florida oranges 20c do. Nuts and candies of all kinds. Cakes plentiful. Also groceries. , Phone 163L 41 CoUega St B. M. Shepherd. 676-18-5 Bayberry Candle Calendars. . Miss Moore's Art Store. . Patton Avenue. P626-16-7 FRESH CANDY, nuts, fruits and cakes. Also groceries, jimas spe cialty. Phone 1286. Patton Ave. French Broad. Morris. 726-81-8 SHOE' REPAIRING. Shoe Repairing Work called for and .delivered. Nichols' Shoe Co. Phone 898. - : " 908-17tf FRESH CAKES, Candy, Fruit Nut and "Bats " may ne naa pienuxuuy at Phone 117, XI Broadway. P725-81-8 SHOE REPAIRING BO WD EN -PHONE HIT . 684-l-tf HAIR GOODS made to order. All -shades. Rosa Frailer, 165 College Bt ' 854-4-80 W. T. ROWLAND sfc CO. BARBER SHOPS. WE MAKE a specialty of children's nalr-cutting. . St. Charles saner Chop. I Haywood St Phone 614. - 108-0-rt MAJESTIC Barber Shop, $5 East Col lege. Specialty of children's hair cutting, fio. 808-11-tf W. T. ROWLAND CO, Ing out more than 100 motor truck FOR SALE. FWrnEDluTaTgrK farm near Brevard, N. C., containing over 200 acres, 15 head of cows, 15 head of other . cattle, all necessary tools, etc. Farm will be sold separate from cattle and other property if desired. Write to J. M. Thrash, David son River, N. C, or T. O. Thrash, Brevard, N. C, for full description of property and terms. 719-21-8 FOR" SALE Big wholesale produce business with new cold storage of eight to ten car capacity. Located in near by city where there is a train ing camp of thirty thousand noldiers. Bargain if you have the cash. Will explain per sonally reason for selling. Give your address In first let ter and will arrange inter view. Address "C. B. A.," care Asheville Citizen. P781-22-8 PECANS -.Large, eoft-ehell, choice table pecans direct from grower, neat gift packages, one to eight pound at 50c- twenty pound car tons at 40c; hundred pound (bulk) bags at 85c. Whitefleld W. Watson, "Pecanwood Plantition." Orange burg, South Carolina. 50J-11-80 FOR SALE Reasonably, a single barrel automatlo shotgun in hand some leather case, has never been fired. Apply Greenwood and Black stock. 14 Commerolal Bldg. P702-20-S One car Steyman Winesap apples. Bushel boxes. The finest apple in the werld. Mc Connell Bros. 689-21-tf WANTED To sell an elegant upright piano, very reasonaoie. Anyone needing a piano will do well to see this. Phone 2783 or call at 1B2 Flint 724-21-tf One car Steyman Winesap apples. Bushel boxes. The finest apple in the world. Mc Connell Bros. . 689-21-tf FOR SALE or win exchange for good' real estate, 8 slightly used 6 pas senger automobiles: U in good condition. O. M. Coston. Phones 818 or 1278. 7W-T-tf Blocks. Burial Vaults. Asheviii ' Concrete Co., Montford Siding, opp. Riverside park. Phone 880. 78T--tf FOR SALE Purebred New, Zealand and Angora rabbits. ' an sises. Walter D. Boyd, end of West Ashe ville car line. Phone 958. P688-19-5 FOR SALE 1916 model Thor motor cycle. A-l condition. Will sell cheap for cash. Can-be seen at Briscoe Garage, Lexington Ave. 646-17-8 FOR SALE Christmas .trees with correct shape; any also from BA? up. W. L. Hart, landscape archi tect. Phone 3228. P664-18-7 SPECIALS for Xmas Fruits, Nuts, Candy, Cakes and Groceries. Con fections. Phone 1667. 88 Patton Ave. P727-21-8 LIVE TURKEYS, 28c; dressed, 80o. Live chleMsss, 23o; dressed 26c-26o. 55 Broadway. A. C. RENFRO. 745-22-8 FOR SALE Walker fox hounds. trained and untrained. P. C Scroggs, Hayesvllls, N. C. P729-22-9 FOR SALE Two first class fresh . cows. Apply W. T. Bird, Candler, No. 2. Candler rural phone 6. P698-20-8 FOR SALE Dark brown hair braid. For particulars call at 100 Ashe land Ave. P787-22-8 FOR " SALE Give your boy a thoroughbred fox terrier puppy foi Christmas. Phone 1422. P748-22-2 FOR SALE New Oliver typewriter. leaving town, uau ID!. P710-21-8 FOR SAXtE New Process gaa range in nrat class conaition. pnone 526. P676-19-1 GERMAN ARRESTED. (LYNCHBURG, Vs., Dec 21. Wil liam Mueller, a twenty-two year old German subject vu arrested 'here to day for the federal government on the tiherge of etruslng the Rwd Cross so ciety and it work. The alien has been living here for about two years, being i employed as a mactiwiysy ; The British government proposes to utilize the surplus of this year's po tato crop for the purpose of making alcohol. , TRUSTEE'S SALE. ( ; By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain deed of trust made by Silas Warren and wife. Mary War ren, to the undersigned trustee, dated the 27th day of March. 1916, and duly registered in the office of the regis trar of deeds for Buncombe county, N. C., in book of mortgages and deeds of trust No. 104, at page 595, to which reference is hereby made, and default having been made' in tne payment or the Indebtedness secured by said deed of trust - whereby the power of sal therein contained has become opera tive, said undersigned trustee, will on Tuesday the $th day of January, 1919, at 18 o'clock, noon, seU at pubile auc tion, ror caan, at ine oourr nousa aoor In the city of Asheviii!. county of Buncombe and State of North Caro lina the following lands and prem ises, situate, lying and being In the county of Buncombe and State of North Carolina on the ' east side of Waljeck street In the city or Ashe ville and being the same lands and premises conveyed to Silas Warren and wife, Mary Warren by W. J. Duckworth and Elisabeth Duckworth by deed dated Oct- 84th, 1905, and duly registered In the office of the register of deed for Buncombe county, N. C In deed book No. 148. at page 98, et q. to which refer ence Is hereby made for . metes and bounds. ''-'' This Pee, tth, ItlT. ' . v' 'v avrfs EDWARDS. ROOMS FOR RENT. R RENT Oen beautifully furnish ed room, connecting bath, hot water heat; with or without board. Will also take a few table boarders. Meals unexoelled. Phone 468 or address 87 Reveasoroft Drive. 691-20-tf FOR RENT 8 apartments, I rooms, 66 and 68 Ashelaad Ave., modem conveniences, unfurnished, $20.00; furnished at bargain , $25.00, If taken at once. Phone 1882 or ap ply J. B. Smather 71 Asheland. 78-24-tf FOR RENT Furnished 2 extra large, completely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Ground floor, south, every convenience. Special rate If taken at once. 114 South French Broad Ave. 587-20-4 FOR ADULTS ONLY Attractive rooms, well furnished for house keeping. Modern convenience. One door from Riverside car line. Apply 24 Sooo St. l0-8B-tf LARGE eunny room and sleeping porch, with Or without housekeep ing privileges. Oood neighborhood. On car line. Phone 2681. 818-U-tf ATTRACT IV ELT furnished rooms. New bungalow in Grove Park. Close to car line. Fumaoe heat No tuberculosis. Meals optional. Phone 2840. 9444-8ft-tf FOR RENT Desirable rooms and offices in steam heated buildings. Rhower bsth free to tenants. W. E. Reld. Agent. Phone1 854. 86-6-80 DESIRABLE south connecting room furnished, every convenience for housekeeping, large porches and grounds, ?B7 Asheland ave. 478-9-tf BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room. Steam heat Delightful location. Meals close by. Address S. T., care Cltiisen. 741-22-8 FOR RENT Four-room apartment. close In. Sleeping porch. Modern convenience. Rent reasonable. Ap ply No. 9 Broadway. B06-ll-tf VERY desirable furnished ted rooms In new bungalow, opposite manor, breakfast optional. Phone 2128. No. 1 Edwin Place. t107-17-tf VERY DESIRABLE furnished room in refined family. Furnace heat Well peoole only. 78 Collee-e Bt. Phone 816. 847-4-tf HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS First and second floors. Soaelous. Cios In. Splendid neighborhood. 15 Woodtln St. 704-20-7 3 ROOMS. Sleeping porch. Second floor. Furnished. Charlotte St. Call Mrs. Edwards., cloak dent. H. Redwood's. 546-1 8-tf IN PRIVATE HOMfc on Orange at tractive front room with use of kitchen If desired. .No sick. Phone 1895. , 686-16-tf JNU8UALLY attractive sleeping room, light housekeeping conveniences. Excellent mealr next door. Phone 869. 818-8-tf TWO or three first floor rooms for rent; also seoond floor. Furnished for housekeeping. 26 Starnes Ave. 648-17-tf PLEASANT FURNISHED bed room, with or without board, good home cooking. 60 Montford Ave. Phone 1181. P610-16-7 FOR BENT Three rooms and sleep ing porch. Close in. unfurnished or furnished,. Phon 776. - P625-16-7 FOR RENT Very 'Arable furnish ed rfom In nfvit family, cl-ate In. 11 Vance street. Phone 742. 728-11- COMFORTABLE " rooms, splendid neighborhood. Board if desired Phone 2757, 98 College St. 68-18-7 NICELY furnished bed room. Hot water. Breakfast served in room if , desired. 161'Woodfln Bt. 406-6-80 76 CHURCH ST. Furnished aoart nent of three rooms, Wealthy adults, one block from Patton Ave. 888-5-tf THREE beautiful upstairs rooms, close in, furnished for , housekeep ing. 178 Patton Ave. P788-82-8 THREE or four furnished rooms for light housekeeping. - Phone T68. 649-17-tf MODERN HOME HOTEL 82 Broad way. Steam heated rooms, hot and cold water. Phone 2016. 9696-8-80 FOR RENT 8 rooms on Philip St W. R. Payne, 89 Grove St 692-20-7 STORE ROOM in prominent location. Apply Box 106, city. 8669-6-tf W. T. ROWLAND CO. automobiles. cSnVXtToT? The Order of Today. Conserve your time. Phone 2076 for 6 and 7-passenger open and closed cars. CONSOLIDATED AUTO SERVICE. Cor. Broadway and College. ' P488-10-80 CASH TALKS Used Caw , . Of nearly an standard makes at ex tremely low prices for cash. OVERLAND ASHEVILLE SALES CO. Phone 2967. 18-16 B. Walnut St IIM-86-tf. J. L. RARDEN . NOT-A-MINUTE-LATE Auto Service Dependable Service. Reasonable Rates NEW OPEN AND CLOSED CARS. ALL HOURS. PHONE 481. " P701-20-80 FOR SALE Six cylinder Packard car at a very reasonable price. Ha been replaced by new on-' -1 in good condition for livsry service. Phon 8000. Grove Park Inn. 718-11-6 Closed and open Cadillacs for . hire. Reasonable rates. Phone 2736. - , PS-20-60 FOR SALS Hudson roadster, four cylinder, model 20. Price reason- . able. Phillips Tire Company. 18 H. College St. Phone 688. 9644-61-tf FOR SALE Good five passenger ear, reasonable, or will trade for Ford. Address postofflc box 995. ...... P742-92-I W. T. ROWLAND CO. Served Him Bight, : Jennie You saw Charlie In the ar mory and didn't speak to him T Whaf was the matter, deart .-.'-, Oeraldlne You know those lovely wristlets I knitted for hlrat WelL h was using one of them to clean hit horrid old rifle.Fopl"s Home Joor FURNISHED HOUSES. On Exclusive Agency. Without solicitation on our part we have had listed with us rseently ?ulte a number of houses for rent urnlshed and unfurnished on the sole agency basis. We have not asked these kindly disposed client not to lift the property elsewhere. They have done so of their own vo lition. We do not tell you this by way of self-exploitation. Our only object In advertising the faet I that you may not loe out In your Quest of a house. We may have Just the hous you are looking for and you may not have heard of It becauie It Is listed nowhere els. Phones 412 and 412. Henry T. Sharp Co. For Exclusive Houses. American Nat'l Bank Bldg. 21-tf The Thrift Cottage;" The Oak Forest Outside. Five rooms and sleeping porch. Hot air furnace. Magnificent oak treea in baok yard lend graceful shade in summer season. Ideal bungalow for convalescent. Front porch gets the warm sun the winter long. Posses sion about Christmas time but w can show the house now by ap pointment. Phone Mr. Bray: 412. This hous Is listed exclusively with this firm. Rent, only $10 ger month. ' Henry T. Sharp Co. Exclusive Agents. Fire Insurance Real Estate. 18-tf The Charming Circle. Referring t tht rare boulevard of beauty, Cumberland Circle, of cours. W offer this rare oppor tunity to rent at a very reasonable rate an attractive furnished house. There are four bed rooms apd two bath rooms; hot air furnace. Ser vant's quarters in high and dry basement. For rent at $70.00 per month; easily worth $100.00. Phon Mr. Bray, 41$. Henry T. Sharp Co. Exclusive Agents. American Nat'l Bank Bldg. 81-tf The Eastern Outlook. Steam heated residence in the Cum berland section with commanding views of Sunset Mountain and th Grove Park development. No sleep ing porch. You can conserve with a garage. Photo at this office. Ex. elusive of linen and silver on sea son or year' lease; $78.00 pr month. Phone Mr. ray, u. Henry T, Sharp Co. Exclusive Agents. American tNatvl; Bank Bidg. 81-tf FOR RENT Furnished bungalow, five rooms, sleeping porch, furnace heat winter supply of coal In base ment. Apply 89 Church 8t. or phone 8388. P634-16-T W. T. ROWLAND A CO, POSITIONS T7 ANTED. ! renenman ol spiencua college education will give practical and conversational lessons in French. Especial attention given to those who are going "across." Prices reasonable. Address "X,- tare Citizen. T40-23-8 WANTED Position as clerk In hotel, or grocery nun, uy uiiiib uu with five years' experlenoe In gro cery business. Will work for small salary to gain experience. A No. 1 reference. Address G Weavervllle, N. C, R. No. 3, Box 85. P6R9-20-7 WANTED Position as clerk in Jew elry, grocery or dry goods store. Five year' experience in grocery business. Will work for small sal ary to gain experience. Address G., Weavervllle, N. C, R. No. 2, Box 66. Beet reference P669-H-7 REGISTERED druggist, married. 88 years of, age, would like position Asheville or some nearby town preferred. Can furnish best of ref erences. S. G., care Asheville Cltl sen. P679-19-7 WANTED By colored boy, position as chauffeur, experienced. Can keep up car and save expenses. Address Hawkins Chisnolm. Arden, N. C. Box 3. P661-16-7 COLORED WOMAN, good cook with good references wishes oosltlon in private home. Would like toom on place. Write or call at 133 Flint street. P718-21-3 BOY WANTS POSITION- Have new wheel. win wonc arter scnooi hours ' and Saturdays. No. 161 Woodfln St., Phone 3862. P47-10-26 YOUNG lady, recently finished busi ness eelleg. wm wora rer email salary for experience. Phon 3098 or box-1. r-i-T YOUNG English lady desires position as nursery governess or companion. Excellent references, O. Y., ear Citlsen. 'P61T-16-T REFINED lady desperately Is need of worK win consiasr anyrning. W. S., care Cltlsen. P627-16-T WANTED Position by colored girl. first class cook. References. Appty 14 Hassard St. P629-16-T W. T. ROWLAND A CO. LOST. aut nriui. Ch&rlnttaj atret and Asalea school oa fountain road, black leather brief case containing books and paper. Finder return to Cltlsen office. Reward. .' 696-20-8 t06T City ordinance book with pension cneca ror cunt a. fetter containing checks from & E. Teague. Return to Cltlsen Co.. and receive reward. ' ' 69T-20-8 tXST Bunch keys, between High scnooi ana square, name vn R. o. Monteath. Reward, return tn Cltlsen. - - P666-80-8 Lost Maeonlo emblem, ring eur- rounding compass. ; m2,""J 1060. v . PT47-23-8 W. I. ROWLAND at CO, rwAiftarv toilet sobs' la now selllBl REAL ESTATE. Comfort in Grove Park. What more delightful place for a tour- it or health seeker than a resi dence In a pleasing environment T Charming houses all around and a refined neighborhood. With th golf link close by; Sunset Mountain and beautiful Dolobran within easy walking distance, and that most de lightful hotel, the Manor, near nough If housekeeping oar grow dull; are not thsse consideration worth while T Here' a delightful hous Just renovated throughout Hot water heat; 2 bath room; sleeping porch. Newly tinted wall; freshly enameled woodwork. Wo had rather sell this house for $10,000.00 but we would rent It, un furnished, to a good tenant Henry T. Sharp Co. Exclusive Agents. Fire Insurance Real Estate 21-8 "The Exceptional House." Without solicitation en our part we have had listed with us recently quite a number of houses for rent furnished and unfurnished on the sole agency basis. W have not asked these kindly disposed clients not to list the property elsewhere. They have done so of their own voli tion. W do not tell you this by way of exploitation. Our only ob ject in advertising the faot is that you may not lose out In your quest for a house. We may have Just th houa you are loklng for, and you may not have heard of It because It Is listed nowhere else. Phon 413 and 418. Henry T. Sharp Co. For Exclusive Houses. American Nat'l Bank Bldg. 81-tf UNFURNISHED HOUSES 5 rooms olose In ..815.00 6 rooms, close In $16.00 6 rooms, almost new $20.00 7 rooms Hillside $19.00 6 rooms Merrlmon $28.60 6 rooms and & P- Annandal.. $25.00 7 room and 8. P.. Cherry Bt ,.$88.38 T rooms, Stames -. .180.00 9 rooms. Montford Ave $80.00 8 rooms, Oak St. ..,.$15.00 8 rooms, Montford i.ou 22 rooms, Haywood 88 85 16 rooms, near Merrlmon $83.81 F. M. MBSHLICK m BOM, 86 American National Bank Bldg. $l-lt JOHN ACEE. Real Estate. Furnished houses a specialty. Ail else, prices and varieties. See our list before you decide upon a place. JOHN ACEE, Real Estate. No. 1Q Battery park Plae. Phone 818. TWO HOUSES nar CharlotU ear, n i si i nn 1 1 a n im m rnnma. arranged for two families. Large gardens, siz.su ana sis.vv.. fnn y 7, " nvvivj FOR RENT 82-rooni boarding house, excellent location, one block from poatotfloe. A. a. jroy, i Ravsll Bids. Phone 128. " 443-38-tf FOR RENT 188 Charlotte St T rooms, 3 lep!ng porche. base 'ment range. In first das condition. Willis, owner. Phones 1$ or 2863. 113-88-tf FOR RENT 6-room house, all mod- ern conveniences. varasn ana range. No. 136 South French Broad Ave. Phone J. E. Smafhers, 1883. FOR RENT 8 Aston plac. I rooms i unfurnished; good range; eiose in and will av oar fare. Key at No. T. N. Buckner, phone 1136, 6 6 7-1 8-tf FOR RENT New 5-room cottage, N. Holland St. Aio -room oouage. at 185 Asheland Ave. Reasonable ratea Phone 2405, 0-18-tf FOR RENT riv-room bungalow wiin sleeping; coruu. eonvsnienees. Small garden. Tele ohone 1878. 85-l-tf FOR RENT Three eonnecting oft.e . ever store xroxmng janTn buto, Apply Nicholas Shoe Co, PJion "J; 8806-18-tf 18-room house with large porches. Vine location ror Dora. n Broadway. Phon 889. " . 694-20-tf TEN ROOM hous; unfurnished; on car Iin. near in. moumr n,,,. lences. Apply 33 Vance St FOR RENT 85 Grove street. 9- rooms, unfurnished. . . ; Phon 78t. 499-11-14 W. T. ROWLAND se CO. REAL ESTATE. FOR EXCHANGE. FINE OLD southern horn, tn room house, four acres in oeann pevana, grapes, figs, fruits and flowers. Will trade for Asheville or northern pro ductive property. Otis A. Miller, WaycroM. Ga. P709-21-4 Want M Rates ' , (Consecutive Insertions) . 1 Insertion t Insertion Insertion f insertion Is par wer4 2e pr wera le per word 4 a nfep'wor 14 Insertion 7o per word 2 IDHIUUH. . ' It uimuvu. --- -- , 80 Insertions lie per word , FOR EXAMPLEi a 83-word d eoets 33 cent . tore Insertion, $ Insertions It eents, Insertions T 8 seats, f iMBttiMM ... 1 -lassr., tions 81.TS. 81 33.60, $0 Insertions 83.99. Position WanUd Ad are i4 th above rates. ' Want Ads ot run on oea- . secutive days are strictly oa . : eeat per word for oaah'la- . MrtisaW '? .' No Waat Ad takea of Uss -than II words. Waat Adj arc pays.blt . y ; advance. Citizen Want Ad ' Bring Results ' - REAL ESTATE. VS-R'STa'Cg n'mm" A Mistake; Maybe. Non -resident property ewnsT wrote us the other day to sell a lot of his for a certain price. Magnificent lo cation near the golf links. His prlc a given In the letter figured out abeut $9000 under th value it tood him. In other words the price he named did not take Into account at all two paving assessments: any enhancement In value; any equa tion involving taxes and Interest on his original Investment. The prlc was so startling that we Immedi ately wrote him In reply, reciting these known condition, and are awaiting further word from htm, Walter Taylor, of th Cltixen Lum ber Co., say that now 1 th time to build and that building material are on the rla. Mr. Taylor's ksn vision is well known In Asheville. We mention this parenthetically. If you intend to build and want a va cant lot, we feel sure that you will do yourself an absolute injustice If you do not answer this ad and ask us to strip It of all vagueneee. We are resorting to camouflage. W will know In a day or two whether this particular owner saw a ohanc to recoup In some other Investment field and to slash almost In two the price on this superb residence sit. Henry T. Sharp Co. ' Fire Insurance Real Estate. American Nat'l Bank Bldg. 81-tf Albemarle Park House. Florida owner will not return to Ashe ville sext summer as has been his wont so tells us to sell his summer horn for 110,000, That's the lowest price but term may be had if de sired. Beautiful lot with (In west ern vlewa If this was our house, we would spend some money en it to meet our requirements, but It doesn't need 'any expenditure for repairs or renovation. Oood heating . system and plsndtd ground Sight rooms and sleeping porch. It may be-rented furnished on yearly or season's lease. Phon Mr. Bray: 413. Henry T. Sharp Co. . American Nat'l Bank Bldg. Fire Insurance. - 31-1 A Special Value We Offer Ws now offer you a very special value In a modern cottage in West Ashe ville. The owner for good reasons is very anxious to sell NOW. This house has been held at 3t.t00.00 cash and Is really cheap at that figure. Is now taking 81,500 cash. Excellent location In Oalax Park, 4 rooms and sleeping porch. Water In yard. - Bathroom, aewef avail able eoon. See Mr, Harrison, phone 0796. Wells Bldg., West Asheville : HENRT T. SHARP CO. t REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND BONDING. 20-3 FOR SALE. ., . Five-room house, located i In. Wesi Asheville. about one-haltjnlle from th car tin. . Fraction over on acre of ground In splendid condi tion. About thirty of the best qual. Ity young fruit trae ' and grape ' Water fa the house " and llghtr available with email expense Owner leaving town offer property , for $1,600.00, $800.00 cash and balance payable $10.00 per month Ideal for a small chicken farm. . v JOHN ACEE, REAL ESTATE. Phone 815. 10 Battery Park Place -'" 30-3 Annandale Section. Five-room bungalow. . Fine eastern i vlw. Nic. level, elevated lot Close to the Manor and Hillside street. Price 1.8,000. To a solvent pur , chaser, $600 will swing th deal; balance on terms. ..... Henry T, Sharp Co: American Nat'l Bank Bldg. 31-2 FOR BALE Owner having left city, otter ror sia at a bargain, prac tically new six-room house, modern onvenlences, - enclosed sleeping roreh, fine view. Price for rash. 8.600.00. , See E. C. Merrill, car J. M. Hea- tPd Co, 42-22-tf 7SEE M )ALE & MERI- WETHER Before you buy. Phone 66123 Patton Ave. 23-tf FOR SALE Four room hous with slseping porcn, : moaern piumnmg large lot good shads, eastern front-. -age, suburban property, built bj owner, wu iraae zor vacant 101. J. B.. Box $18, elty. 720-81-6 FOR SALE Eight acres, half In timber, balance good cultivation, fine spring. One mile from Hilt more village. .Term reasonable Call phone 288. - - $87-19-1 FOR BALE Bl OWNER -ADOut twe acre of lana ana nve Toom noua , : in Oraoe. Beautifully located with magnificent view. Phone 808. 288-34-tf FOR SALE Desirable modern., resi dence, Raleigh, two ear garage, best residential section, bargain. Ad dress, CameronUn, Raleigh. N. C. PTM-21-7 BEFORE you buy for the winter see Moale and xenwetner ror anytnmg In real estate. Phone 681. 28 Patton Ave. B17-13-tf FOR SALE 76 sores, - 80 acres, bot- - torn, or exenang tor nouee in city. I Rerell Bid. F P. Ingle. v 412-16-tt. W. T. ROWLAND CO- FOUND. FOUND last Monday, pockat book. . Very valuable wiU be turned over e ' owner by paying for advertisement. Xverett E. Farmer, Burnsvllle HUI ' ; f71t-3!-a JUNK. - - . - . rHlGHteST CAt?H f KlCb- paid lot Copper, Brass, Rubber. Iron, tacia Kags and Bottles. Southern Junk Ce, 11 Eagle St. Phone 3114. avarv wee (or itui hdl . 481-8-15-22-88 nL is Germany at 81.8s a oa

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