5 r THRIFT COMMITTEES 1 The Mammoth Furniture Store HOLD JOINT SESSION THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1918. j (gig) ') J. L SMATHERS & SONS Phone 226. LOOSE-LEAF LEDGERS Also permanent ledgers. Special ruling for every busi- new. Start the new year right 4 Office Outfletters DnrtMre Rsinlr Cfnm Cemmsnalsl Prlnlara 9 Patton Ave. KOgtTS DOOK OJOTt Phone 254. Aahevllle NOW IS THE TIME for prunipg your trees. Give us your order for Patent Tree Pruners with 1 0 and 1 2-foot handles $3.00 ' Long Handle Pruning Shears Medium Handle Pruning Shears Short Handle Pruning Shears Pruning Knives Pruning Saws Nnrrhiin-MrDnffift Hardware Co. Na 33 Patton Ave. Headquarters. ' Phona 142. ELECTRICITY is playing an all-important part in the world war. It is also playing an equally important part in America during the present coal pre dicament we are in. Do your bit by using more electrically heated devices and save coal. Asheville Power & Light Co. SUESMOM; 102 PATTON AVtNUE Boy War Savings Stamps as Often as Possible. MUCH RmUVlATlSM Local Druggist's No-Cure No-Pay Offer Attracts Many Sufferers. If there are any rheumatic sufferers (n town who have not availed them selves of Smith Drug Store's generous offer they should do so at once. Smith's Drug Store states that if Rhauma. the guaranteed prescription for rheumatism, does not give any 0 purchaser quick and Joyful relief Smith's Drug Store will return the purchase price without any quibbling or red tape. Rheumatism Is a dangerous disease, and anyone who has the slightest taint of It should drive it from the system ns soon as possible. Read what Rheuma did for this sufferer: "For five years I suffered with articular rheumatism, having bunches on my elbows, feet and wrists. I saw your ad, and was greatly Improved be fore I had used two bottles, and was cured before I had finished the third. I thank God' for Rheuma and that I am free from rheumatism today. If anyone wishes Information from ma I will writs them. I think Rheuma IS a miracle J Mrs. Lucia Ryder, 101 Ullbert street, Syracuse, N. T. Good druggists everywhere sell Rheuma. A large bottle Is Inex pensive and sufficient for two weeks' treatment. , ' , Advt HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF JUNK v:- -: AND FURS. . - ;-v'- v-. V.:V-; PHONE 2371. v-V -'- . BLOMBERG JUNK & HIDE CO. ft-M North Lexington Ave-, Or GAS RANGES that burn Coal Wood and Gas $70.00 to $85.00 1517 Broadway 1 1 MATTERS OF RECORD The following deeds war Cited for record at the office of the registrar of deeds yesterdayr Geo. A. Greenwood to H. W. Petton tract of 8 J-10 acres on Sweanaoae road, consideration, f (to. A. U double to R, E. Ourrence, 1-4 Interest in tract In Leicester town dhp. and Craggy Mtlttng company buildings, consideration 110 and oth er valuable consderatfons. U L. Huffman to O. ' F. Justice, tract on Hickory Nut Gap- road near Blltmore, consideration, $1,400. - C B. Brown to R. H. Henderson, tract , of 4-10 acres on Swannanoa river, consideration, SI and other con siderations. J. R. Caubte.t R. E. Curencs, 1 4 Interest in Leicester township, and Craggy Milan company buddings consideration, $10 and other consider atoinev W. H. Donnell t J. B. Femand. tract on Chestnut Ridge avenue, con sideration. $!, and other vehiaUe considerations. ; ;. . MARRIAGE MCE7TRES. i ' "Walter D. Stepp and Anna L. Rob inson. - : . - . ' . . Claude Justice and Stand Weak Pbone ST7L. WEB Send a Wi MA XT PHASES OP CAMPAIGN DISCUSSED. Additional Committees to Be Appoint ed. Matters of Prizes Re ferred to Committee, A meeting- of the membtra of the various committees having the matter of the war savings campaign In hand was held at the board of trade rooms yesterday afternoon- Quite a number of matters relating to the thrift cam paign now under .way cam up for discussion .and many plans were made for the furtherance of the work of the commiwe in Muncom)be county. Reports were heard from a number of the speakers who adriretmed the echool children of the city and county Just befor the Christmas holidays. All reported that the school children had entered enthusiastically Into the work and that many assurances had been riven for the loyal support of the young: folks. Owen NorveN. ohalrman of the fi nance committee, announced his ap pointments of members of hla com mittee. The government has made no provision to meet the expenses In curred in the campaign and It will be rne ffuty or the finance committee to finance the movement. In this coun-ty. The matter of offering- prizes for the children of the various townships who make the beet records In sell ing; the thrift stamps was left to a commlittee, composed of Dr. R. F. Campbell, W. H. Hlpps and Harry Howell, who will take the matter un der consideration and report their de cision at a later meeting-. Chairman Hlden Ramsey will an nounce his appointment of committees to confer with the. railroad men and the Mercamts' association at an early date- These two committees were not appointed at the time the other com mittees were named. The matter of advertfislTug was dis cussed at some length. The govern ment has furnished some attractive lithographs to be uaed In the cam paign and it is quite probable that other means. Including space In the newspapers, will be used to get the matter before tha people of the county. F. M. Weaver, chaduroaa of the speakers committee, announced that within a very short time he would an nounce the list of speakers who will speak to the patrons of the moving picture shows In the interest of the war savings work. A communication has been received from Colonel F. H. Frieze, state chair-man of the war savings com mittee, stating that due to the unus ually large amount of work at the government printing office, an un. avoidable delay has been caused in securing te necesary printed matter to be used In the campaign in the schools. It to hoped this literature will be forthcoming within a short time. OUT AGAIN; IN AGAIN; GONE AGAIN GAIHEY Amiable Con riot Makes His Fifth Getaway From Gamp, and Returns With Hope of Being- Hade a Trusty. Gainey Baldwin, who has taken French leave from the convict camp, where he is serving a three-year sen tence for having been found with an extra wife or two, beyond what the law allows, four times during the first twenty months of his term, started out on his fifth journey of adventure yesterday, and soon had the camp guards and the county officers watch ing every road and beating the bush about the countryside, where it seemed that the man would have probably made his way. Deputy Sheriff Fletch er Austin spotted the escaped prisoner at Riverside, and after starting to run away from the approaching officer. Gainey grew weary and short of breath, turned about and Joined the officer, and cheerfully made his way back with him to the sheriff's office. There he explained good naturedly that he "hadn't set out to run away" until some of the other convicts point ed out what a good chance it was for an escape Just then; whereupon Gai ney Jumped for the bushes and thought about it afterwards. He bor rowed a smoke from one of the of ficers and accompanied the deputy sheriff over to the county Jail, from which place he will return to the camp this morning. It Is a little over a month, since Sheriff Mitchel cap tured Gainey on his last jaunt out of custody, and returned him to the ramp. The man declared that he just wished they would make him a "trusty" out at the camp, and then there never would be any thing to run for. He is a good prisoner, de clared the officers at the camp, and if he would only settle down there long enough to give them a chance to do it, they think he could and would make a dependable trusty ln-the camp. Girls Do You Know Why Your Hair is Ugly? It's amaslng how much good look ing hair does towards producing the attractiveness so much desired by wo men of all ages. It is really pretty hair more than perfect features that gives the appearance of youth and beauty. Any woman can merit this praise, for beautiful hair is only a matter of cane. When your hair becomes faded, dry, streaked and soraggly, when it falls out barfly and new hair cannot grow, the roots must bevltallsed and property nourished. To do this quickly, safely and at tittle expense, there is nothing so effective as Paris ian sage (Mquld form) which you can get at any drug store. It's guaranteed to abotten dandruff stop ecap ttch and fairing hair, and promote a new growth or money refunded- It's in great demand by dis criminating women because it makes the hair so soft, lustrous, easy to ar range avttractivelr and appear, heavier than tt realty is. nassage wKh Parisian sage Is a real delight easy to use, not sticky or greasy, and delicately perfumed aa eatiseptie liquid Tree from dang erous ingredients, and guaranteed not to color tha hair or scalp. If you want good looking hair and plenty of tt . use Parisian sage. r Don't delay begia tonight a Metfe attention now Insure beautiful bair for years to come. Smith Brut Mere wtU ssap-hriroa. mi in .If i f rr- mtrnf J Asheville Soldier Under Fire "We have had several brushes with the enemy sines reaching the trenches here, which I am sure I would not have reached had it - not been for Mayr's Wonderful Remedy. It has en tirely cured me of Indigestion and awful gas in my stomach. Army food now digests as irood as 'mother's used to." It is a simple, harmless prepara tion that removes the catarrhal mucus from the Intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes practically all stomach) liver and in testinal ailments, including appendi citis. One dose will convince or money refunded. Hmlth's Drug Store. Advt. MORE INCOMPLETE ' RETURNS ARE MADE Additional lists of Men Who Must Make Corrections or Be Placed In Class One. The following additional list of names of registrants who have filed questionnaires with the city exemp tion board that are Incomplete or In correct has been furnished by the board. Unless these men call at the headquarters of the board within the next two days and ro.nplote or cor rect their questionnaires they will be placed In class one and will be sub Jest to Immediate Induftlon Into the tnilltaty service. The list follows: Jesse Gudger, Karl Lamond, George Booker, James M Clcaman, James Kdward Toung. Charles Prescott Shepard, R. H. Shel ton, Joseph Karl Hastings, Dlnnla Oeer, John Milton Williams, John Ne ville Bajrd, Herman Johnston and Herbcr; Nathaniel White. STATE-WIDE FORESTRY Invitations have been extended to all people of Asheville interested in the care and preservation of the North Carolina forests to attend the statewide meeting of the North Caro lina -Forestry aaao elation which is to be held at Wilmington, J. C, on the 16th of this month. The aim of this meeting is to assure ths perpetuation of the Carolina timber supply, in spite of the inroads of wartime demands on the forests, and among the speakers scheduled to take part la ths program are Clement S. Ocker, vice-president of the Southern Settlement and De velopment organization. -and J. A. Mitchell, of ths United States Forest service. Everyone Interested is urged to attend this meeting and lend sup port to to work ex sorest . , - This Will Be "Shoe Week" At Anthony's Beginning this morning, we devote the remainder of the week to Shoe attractions "SHOE WEEK" we'll call it. This will be an opportune time for Ashevilleians to become better acquainted with the high quality and moderate prices of our Men's and Women's Shoes. We Want You to Know Oiir Shoe Department Better J'SHOE WEEK" is being held that we may correct impressions such as shown by the following incident: A few days ago a lady Shoe customer, after purchasing a pair of our moderate priced Walking Boots, said to the clerk: "I have been under the impression that you carried only $15 to $18 Shoes." That's exactly the idea we wish to correct. We carry them all as low as $4.50 and as high as $1 5.00, and in every instance you'll find Anthony's Shoes the best value for the price you pay. Your newspaper will carry live Shoe messages from us each day Watch for them! AND WOMEN 35 Patton Ave. MERCER AND FARMER AT Y. M. C. A. SUNDAY EvangcUsta, Once "Down-and-Outers," Making Special Appeal to Men at Meetings Throughout Country. There are probably a good many man In Ashevillle who have already at some time or other heard "Ted" Mer cer teJI of his own experiences in "hitting the high places" and "coming down with a bump," of his ending on the park benches, and being pulled out Of the dregs through the Jerry McAuley amission In New Tork city; and those men who have not heard the vigorous earnest speaker In per son have heard of the work he has done. Therefore the simple fact of his intention to be at the Asheville T. M. C. a. as the principal speak er at next Sunday's men's meeting is guarantee of a crowd in the associa tion auditorium that will pack the hall and Its 200 extra chairs to over flowing and will demand an early ar rival to secure any seat at all in addition to Edward C. -Mercer, ex-college man. ex-down -and -outer, Thomas J. Farmer, for many years a notorious Western highwayman and a convict of several long terms, will speak at the T. M. C. A- Mr. Parmer Is traveling as "Ted" Mercer's partner, and the two men have won a nation wide reputation for conducting vig orous meetings with messages that stir the pulses ana Inspire the hearts of men again and again. Mr. Farm er will also address the boys' meet ing at S o'clock in the afternoon on Sunday, to which all boys of the city, who are fifteen years old or over,, are Invited. There to a special musical program for Sunday promised, with the Y. M. O. A. male quartet consisting of R. W. HamroarsJough, Paul P. Brown, W. B. Oarpenter. and E. N. Wells, to ren der several numbers. Mrs. J. H. alker will be the accompanist From all viewpoints this first meeting of the new year promises to .be one of the biggest and test ever held at the T. M. C. A , and all men of the city are ASimpUWayTo Remove Dandruff There is one tore way that hat never failed to remove dandruff at once, and that is to dissolve it, then you destroy it entirely. To do this, just get about four ounces of plain, common liquid arvon from any draf store (this is all you will need), apply it at night when retiring; use enougn to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning, most if not all. of roar oandrnff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dis solve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no natter bow rouci) dandruff yon may hive. You will find all itching and digging of the scalp will stop instantly, and your hair will b fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft and look and, Isa) a hundred. tiaM better , - .' urged to oom in good time to talks part In the gathering next Sunday af ternoon at 4 o'clock. Y. W. G. A. ACTIVITIES BEGIN AGAIN TONIGHT Gymnasium ' Class Meet in New Quarters on Church Street. . Work Starting Willi Swing ot New Year, Activities will start agalan tonight at the Young Women a Christian as soclatlon, after the lapse ens u ant with the occurrence of the Christmas holi- davs and the members of the associa' tion are looking forward with eager ness to taking up the wort of the va rious branches with a renewed im petus in the start with the new year. The gymnasium has been moved from the armory on Penland street to the i , W. C A. headquarters on Church street, and much, satisfaction is expressed over the new arrange' ment, which it la generally felt will prove In every way more deslrabls, Classes begin at the gymnasium this evening. The First Aid class under Dr. Bernard 8m!th, the idea ot which has made o very strong appeal to the women of the city during the existence of the present wartime conditions In this country, will start this evening at tho Henrietta on Blltmore avenue. And as a third Interest of this opening nia-ht for the new year, the Outdoor In toor club will assemble at the club rooms on Church street. Members are looking forward to the biggest year on record, and are confidence thta it is ahead of them for 1818. AUTO TUMBLES DOWN STEEP MOUNTAINSIDE TWa ii ii mi iilm A-r4-vritn An of tha tor delivery trucks late yesterday af ternoon had a narrow escape rroin w ing dashed to pieces, wben the aafco- ... 11 m. fc-hA muI fin VI A 11 r tf hW mountain, jumped and tumbled sev eral hundred fe down the steep mountainside, ending up a battered wreck anion; the rocks and scrub by bushes below. The two men real sed that the car was goinc over and Jumped. The accident oocured on the Beaucateher road between the reser voir and HamWton road. Ths car was smashed to sprinter. W.U. WRIGHT DIES AT HOME AT CANTON, N.C, W. M. Wright, a netlva aad life long resident of Buncombe county, and the father of A. Z. Wright postmaster at r..tnn. N. C. died in his home at Canton yesterday morning at o'clock, 4 Tt air. Wright was aa aid Coj- .'4 Ul'i iihiilini slg "JZjl ' ' : if icia us a I auuii Fighting isn't the only duty of a soldier, and exposure to bullets is not as serious as exposure to all kinds of weather and dampness. Rheumatic aches) sere and stiff muscles; strains and sprain; chil blains and neuralgia, all are enemies of tho soldier, and tho relief for all these pain and aches is Sloan 'a Liniment. Clean and convenient to carry or asst does not stain and penetrates without rubbing, ' .jTuBfraytUjd battlaa, s ail ersagiala, IlilsYtTsWnwi federate soldier, and had been an ac tive member of the Methodist Episco pal church, south, for a number of yeara He Is survived by hi wife, eight children. Ave sons and three daughters, and by a host of grand children. The funeral services and interment will take place this after noon at 3 o'clock at the Snow Hill . church, the Rev. James Green officiat ing. AROUND TOWN GREEK SERVICES. The Rev. Seraphim SteNdes, a Greek priest of Savannah, Ge., . will ' conduct special services for ' ths Greeks of Asheville at Trinity Eplsoo- pal church tomorrow morning, being tho third day of ths Greek Christmas observance. Services will be con-', ducted from t to 11 o'clock. . . . ' IlKGrLAR MEETING TODAY. The Womsn's Miss'onary society ef ths Haywood street Methodist church will hold Its rea-ular meeting at :30 o'clock this afternoon at the home ef Mra H. A. Sullivan. 141 Haywood street AU member are urged to bs present . .:- . - BORN, A SON. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ci Poole, Woolaey, a son, Alexander, Jr. ; ' CONFUSION OF NAMES. Ljrile Carsoa. of II South Lexington- ' avenue, wishes it stated that sa is , not the woman or that nam Who was arrestsn for running a gambling sous last Sunday afternoon, . s , ; , ... ' SCHOOIj STIID CIOSED. There -will be no school session at the Orange Street school today. , due to the pipes being still out er eonrti tloa from having been badly frosen. The authorities promise the opening ef th school tomorrow aaormla, how- vac. t