THE ASIIEVnXE CITIZEif, TUESDAY, APBIL 9, 1918. VIGOROUS ACTION NEEDED TO SUPPLY THE CARSHORTAGE Coal . Car Situation So w Grave as to Demand Im mediate Consideration GERMANS GIVE UP DRIVE AGAINST AMIENS AND TRY NEW OFFENSIVE OFFICIALS HOLDING- DAILY CONFERENCES (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONB. Bituminous Coal Production Fell Off Durring Week Ending March - 23 WASHINGTON.-! April . -Shortage of coal cin at the mines sgaln has become so grave that fuel admintstra- tlon efflclala say vigorous action will have to be taken at once by tbe rail road ' administration to maintain equality of supply at bituminous ' mine if another coal famine next winter la to toe avoided.- With the actuation . mora serious i' than at any time since the height of . the freight congestion or laat winter, and the coal oar shortage greater than1 In February, Fuel Administrator Garfield, Chairman Barucn, or the . war industries board and John Skel - ton William, in charge of the pur. chaalnr HI vision or the railroad aa minlatration have been holdirfg almost dally conferences to determine Miief measure. ' '" All Weed Car. Confronted with the necessity of supply all government need 100 per ' cent and at the aame time furnish the railroads a one hundred per cent sup ply, the fuel adminUtratlon also la i. trglng that non-government consum ers roust be" talc en care of nest win ter by assuring sufficient cars at the , . mines 'now; thus assuring capacity production. Bituminous coal production in the tin MoV States fell off 10.7 per -cent the 'week- ending March 21, according to the i latest , figures compiled ' by the geological survey, due, chiefly to a . shortage of coal car at the -mines of io n per reent, thro ngnout the coun try. -v',:; ! '.;,.' Several Factors. Several factors enter into the alt : nation that are pointed to as alarm Vig. Withput cars many mines may - be compelled to close down, entailing great loss to' labor besides caustn a falling off in production of coal that will be needed a ext winter, and with curtailed prodtrctloW The operators m l giiv-nst - e to maintain their ; present wage scales. JThiSi-'it!! ts- feared, would prove lerloua source of dissatisfaction. 8ois fnaiale attributed tbe present oar shortage partially to the reet tna the- railroad ar now In- the market for oel,' their, Contract with thorCpt era tons madebefora government con trol having Jcpired April 1. In pre wr days, the' eeal operators sold the rauroaos coat at low prices in return for sTuarantoetT car supply and rapid ' ran movement, i Under government control the rati . road administration may permit the lallroads to do their purchasing under tneir own terms and so far there has been no order that would prevent them from using the car guarantee iwver.- , - Director, pt purchases for the rail-. road administration, , ifr. Williams, called a number of neal operators Into conference recently and suggested that railroads' contracts, as they expired. should be renewed on the basis of about ten cents a ton pront above the actual cost of producing the coal. In some " cases, operators complained that the prices railroads had offered for coal was actually below the cost or mining but that the oner or a full Supply of cars for the mines' entire output made the 'offer alluring. No definite conclusion of these negotia tions wai reached- Iage of Folembray. The Berlin official statement claims that 2,000 prisoners have been taken. . That an attack of large dimensions is planned for the front of Arras northward to Lens is considered probable by military experts. As long as this front is in its pres ent position the Germans cannot exert their full strength on the line before Amiens. The cannonade in this section may be the prelude of a massed attack such as bent the British line during the latter davs of March. "Americans Fighting?" Notwithstanding the statement made on Friday by Stephen Pichon, the French foreign minister that "Ameri cans now are fighting in Picardy," nothing definite has been learned about where General Pershing's men are lo-l cairn, or wnat pan tney are piaying in tms Dame 01 oai tles. On the American-held sectors near Verdun, east of Lunevillc, ai!d northeast of Toul, only ordinary trench ac tivities have been reported. Little has been heard from the Italian front. The con centration of Austrian troops in that theatre of the war is considered warning that major activities may be looked for there, probably in the mountainous country, but there bas been no indication that the Teutons plan to launch thteir attack at an early date. Turkish troops are reported to be invading the Cau casus, where they will take possession of the territories which were given them under the peace treaty of Brest Litovsk. The landing of British and Japanese forces at Vladi vostok seems to have been merely for the purpose of polic ing that city. No steps toward ejecting them have as yet 1 j l . 1 Al. T - 1 -.1 t- 11 !X? oeen ia&en oy me xhmsucvik nuxnorixies. SECRETARY 1100 IS (Continued from page one.) of duplication or "watering" In esti mates, even if 'carefully made, arises from the fact that campaign Workers report subscriptions which may be made payable through a bank. This bank tn turn subscribes a lump Sum to cover all tho subscriptions It handles. Thus a pledge might be counted twice. For the nation to be lieve that its loan subscriptions were far above what (hey actually totalled would have elements of positive danger, according to Secretary Mc Adoo. Newspapers Protest. Newspapers which heard during the day of the plans for suppressing estimates protested to the Liberty loan organization. They suggested that the campaign propaganda needed prompt reporting of figures as well as accuracy. These protests were mot with the statement that official reports from federal reserve banks probably would be hastened under the new pro cedure. . By the latter part of the week the treasury expects to give its first or flclal report on subscriptions. About sixty additional communi ties reported today they had sub scribed their quota and won the flag, making more than 200 names on the honor roll in two (Jays vo the cam paign. Secretary McAdoo today named April 21 as Liberty loan Sunday, and In a letter to- 114,400 preachers asked that several sermons be preached on that day. Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, in a statement today urged workers to subscribe generously to th loan, even If it meant great economies, and to "do all that you can for the com mon cause of democracy and freedom the world over." EARL OF READING '.OTHERS, LISTEN! " When.,work exhausts your trtjnffth, when your nerve are irritable and resile, when anv bition lan and you (eel rundown, you need and need quickly the rich creamy, nourishing iooa in SCOTT'S EIMSION ENDORSES SPEECH OF THE PHESIDENT T FORECAST RY DEPARTMENT (Continued .from page one.) Pood Administration Opti mistic Over Reports by Department. mstum, my country knew that a pow erful neighbor desired war. But' she also knew that this war would set Ore to the whole of Europe. She therefore decided to make every concession in order to avoid thlf tremendoue con flict. "Serbia consented to Imprison inno cent people: to discharge from the army officers who had committed no crime; to suppress patriotic societies; to offer apologies for oeeos or wnicn no one in Serbia wae guilty; to revise the program -of her schools and even to change the paragraphs of the con stitution in order to b able to sup press liberty of speeoh and of the press as demanded by Austria." GFTTnrO fNDER WAY. RICHMOND, Va.. April S. Re ports reaching here tonight from all parts of the flfthj federal reserve dis trict Indicated' that the campaigning for the third Liberty loan is slowly getting under way, but the federal re serve bank has'" not yet announced any figures of subscriptions from Vir ginia. ' --; .. The drive for subscriptions In Rich mond will -not, start until tomorrow morning, when an effort will be made to sell a substantial part of the 18, 000.000 worth. of bctods allotted to the city. THsj1 central committee In a telegram to "Washington said that reports from 8outh Carolina Indicated that tho first day's subscriptions had totalled $4,800. 000, and that North Carolina had passed the $1,000,000 mark. ," CITIZEN WANT ADS Beck in 1904 The Gtizen carried a half-dozen Want Ad every day which in the course of a month amounted to only a small sum, rarely over twenty-five dollar. Gradually The Citizen' Want Ad patronage grew a more and more people learned the value of this form of publicity. Today it is not inffaquent for a single advertisement to cost more than an entire month's busi ness amounted to fourteen years ago. Still there are many peo pie who have not learned tol' use Want Ads. They con tinue to ask the delivery boy to find them a cook or the ice man to send a man to cut the grass or dig up the garden, and they continue to be disappointed ninety nine times out of a hundred. Citizen Want Ads are read by thousands of people every day. People by the hundreds are looking for better jobs, a room, a piece of real estate, a bargain in an automobile or a motor cycle. Many people have furniture which they, want to replace with newer and better articles and just as many people are anxious to buy the older furniture. Citizen Want Ads' bring these people together. There is nothing truer than the old saying that Citizen Want Ads Bring Results. Ski .Ts-w- S3 WHEN your hurried , step is arrested by the melody of the Chimes, take heed of their invita tion to Central-ize your Bank account. Central Bank & Trust Co. South Pack Square. Buy thrift stamps and help our government end the wan VILLA IS AGAIN THREATENING U . S. MA UFA, Texas, April 8. Francisco Villa and his band of followers Is again threatening the Mexican border garrison at OJInaga, if reports made to American army omcera at Bedrord. Texas, opposite Mulato. Mexico, today are accurate. A Mexican federftt command under Colonel Valero, ap peared at Mulato today and reported that he had en traced a Villa force un der Jose Chaves, but had been forced to retire because of a shortage of am munition. He also said Villa's mala command was In the Pn linos moun tains, fifty mile southeast of Presidio Texas. Unusual activity among Villa parti sans along the border was reported to military headquarters here today, ESCHEW USE OF WHEAT. WASHINGTON, April 8. Forecast by the department of egrioultur to day of a winter wheat crop of 680. 000,000 bushels this year brought optimism to the food administration and the prediction was unofficially made that If the spring wheat crop maintained the same ratio the next harvest will furnish sufficient wheat to take care of the, needs of this country and the allies -next year. Today's forecast.lndlcstes i an -increase of 142,000,000 bushels of win ter wheat over last year's winter crop, L which was 41.oeo,ooo bueheis. As suming the spring wheat crop will yield the same ratio of Increase, there will be a totsl crop of 850,000,000, or sn increase of about 200,000,000 bushels over last year, when the en tire crop was "estimated at 661, 000,000. In addition, there is an Increase' of 28,000,000 .bushels in the prospective rye crop, or a total prospective In crease over last year of about 226,- 000,000 bushels of bread grains. There is also hope of an Increase of 100,000,000 bushels of wheat over last year in Oreat Britain and France, and also an Increase In Canada. The necessity for rigorous saving between now and harvest la, however. In no way relaxed by harvest prospects. the public is warned. , TO CORNER PURL MARKET Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Druggists' refund money if it fails. 25c REITERATES GROUND QLASSSTATEMENT SAN ANTONIO, Texas. April 8 From the base hospital at Fort Sam Houston, where he was placed, he says over his written protest, Major Noel Oalnes tonight issued a state ment re'Iteratlng his declaration of yesterday that ground glass had Money to Loan No commission charged for negotiating Loans. No expenses in connection with legal papers on ant after April 1st. 1918. We Loan Money at 6 Per Cent Results of Equitable Home Purchase Loan in Aabevflle LOAN MADE NOV. ISTV 1915 . .$3.000.0(J Borrower died Dec, 1917. Mortgage cancelled by Equitable. ......... $3,000.00 Cash returned to widow ..........$ 409.25 Doesn't it pay to Borrow Money from the Equitable on the Home Purchase PlanT J. J. CONYERS Room 27 American National Bank Building Office 'phone 682. Res- 'phone 2263, How to Make a Real Wrinkle Remover In these davs of cleverly advertised 'beautinera" and "reluvenatore" It is Has Bou7;lpUona of -Francs Ml of 'Pearls From Fre; caused the illness of fifty persons th f hard for a woman to believe she can families of officers and among the en- ,lnriP'?&?JJ?j;S?51 -iff5r h lutert m of h ji,t.,H ji..i.i., ! moval of wrinkles which will do her ..j ,k . j , " much more good man tne average macie preparation work ventl or cheeks and chin as a slmD less solution made by dissolving an national army, and that ground glass had been found In food consigned to the Nineteenth division. His full re port with proofs attached, Major Oalnes declared, had not reached Major-General Allen, commander of the Nineteenth division. GAS BOMBARDMENT. to .check your wasting- powers, en. liven your blood and build up nerve force. SCOTTS is help. ing thousands and will give you the strength you need, saassea, j: in PRESCRIPTIONS ARE OUR SPECIALTY - We compound prescrip ' tiona accurately and of the freshest drugs obtainable and one of the main items deliver promptly. J. 5. Claoerit, Mgr. Phones E56-557. ! "MEET ME AT THE PARAMOUNT Buy Thrift Stamps and Help Our Gorenunea End (be War. NEW ORLEANS, April 8. Dele gates to the Joint convention here of the southern interstate Hotel Men association and ths Louisiana Hotel Men's association late today unani mously adopted a resolution pledging abstinence from the use of wheat flour "or any other wheat product' their hotels until after the next crop harvested. -The pledge would be' come effective April 14. Hotel proprietors and' managers from all sections of the south are present. The convention will con tinue throurh tomorrow. The resolution regarding wheat nroduota was Introduced by Alfred a. Amer, of New Orleans, president of the interstate association, following an address by John MeB. Bowman, of New fork. ' TO INDEMNIFY FRENCH. WASHINGTON, Aprtl 8. -A bill to provide for the Indemnification of citl Sens of France for damage done by the American army, was Introduced today by Senator BoblnsOn and re tarred to the claims committee. The legislation was suggested by Oeneral Pershing who explained that euch in demnification was made by Great Britain and that the failure of the American army to reimburse cltlsens whose property was damaged in tne course of the army's training or move ments has created an unfavorable lm preeslon. WOMEN'S WOES Asbewule Women Are Finding Relief at Lsurt. It does seem that women have more than a fair share of the aehes and pains that afflict humanity: thsy meet "keep up," must attena ts auties in spite of constantly aching backs, or headaches, dixxy spells, beaiing-down pains: they must stoop over, when to stoop means torture. They must walk and bend and work with racking pains and many aches from kidney Ills. Keeping the kidneys wsll has spared thousands of women much misery. Read of a remedy for kidneys only thst Is endorsed by people you knew. Mrs. J. F. Keener. 14 Bartlett St. Ashevllle, says: "I think the trouble with my back and kidneys came from working too much at my sewing ma chine. My back pained me and was most annoying. Two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills entirely removed the trouble." Prlee 0c. at all dealers. Don't imply ask for a kidney remedy get WITH THE BRITISH ARMY IN FRANCE, April 8, (By The Asso ciated Proas). From 8 o'clock last night until midnight the ansmy heavily bombarded with gas shells the area between Cite Ste Em Hie and LsBaesee canal, tn the Lens sector. The Germans also threw large quan tities ofwgaa east of Armantleres. The hostile artillery fire was above normal along the whole stretch of battle front north of the Scarpa. Late last night the German guns also were very active in the area sooth of Vlllers-Bretonneuxv below the Somme. Again this morning at 1:tt o clock the German gunners opened a terrific nre southwest of Han gar d Wood. About an hour later the hos tile artillery broke out against the French front Just south of the Brit ish. Throughout Sunday, the German cannonade was unusually heavy in the region of Arras. APPOINT TOMMITTEE. PETERSBURG. Va.. April 8 Af ter a session lasting until midnight. the club owners of ths Virginia league appointed a committee to receive ap plications from cities wishing to Join the league. A meeting will be held later to decide which cities will enter. A bond of 11,000 will be required of each to guarantee the league eeaeon. There are seven cities applying with a six-club league to be formed. Rich mond asked to be admitted. Newport News was not represented. Other cities ' are Portsmouth, Norfolk, Pe tersburg. Lynchburg In Virginia, and Rocky Mount in North Carolina. Time and place of the next meeting was left to the committee. PARIS, April .-r-Nearly-XOO,000,-000 francs worth of pearls have been sold in Germany through agents in .Switzerland, of Parisian Jewelers, ac cording, to a Geneva dispatoh to The Petit Journal. The Germans sought, and, but for the action of the French Judicial authorities; would nave suc ceeded In cornering the Paris and London market in pearls after the war. v. The clandestine trading, the dls patch adds, has been going on un hindered since early in itit. ah in termediaries are,' said to 'have been known to the Swiss police who were petonished at ths ease with wtoich they were able to' purchase stones In Paris. A Paris dispatch on April S said that eighteen Parisian diamond deal ers were under psosecution on charges of trading with' the enemy. They were said to have sold precious stones to Germans throagh Swiss agents. FUNERAL OF MRS. J. M. HAVENER AT RESIDENCE SENATOR LEWIS TO SPEAK AT DURHAM WASHINGTON. April 8. Senator Jim Ham Iwls, of Illinois, the Dem ocratic "whip" of the senate will ad dress tho citizens of Durham, N- C, on April 15, on the occasion of a Lib erty loan rally. R. O. Everett, of Durham, in company with Senator F. M. Simons, extended the invitation to the Illinois senator today, and he ac cepted 'under the provision that his dutres In congress did not force him to forego the opportunity. THREE OHURCHES TO MERGE. The funeral services for Mrs. J. M. Havener, who died at the Meriwether hospital early Sunday morning, will be held at the residence of the late deceased, 264 Broadway, this after noon at 8 o'clock. ' The services will be conducted by Rev. Dan Atkins, pastor of the Chestnut Street Metho diet church, of which the deceased had long been A faithful and con sistent member. The interment will be at Riverside cemetery. NEW YORK, April 8 Three New York Presbyterian churches which are among the most widely known of the Presbyterian church in America, will be merged In. the Immediate fu ture. They are the Madison Square. the Rev. Dr. C. H. Parkhurst. nastor: the University Place, the Rev. George Alexander, pastor and the old First enures, the Rev. Dr. Howard Dufneld pastor. The .presbytery announced to day it had approved of a plan to com bine them under the name of the First Presbyterian church of New jorfc city. All three pastors have . temdered their resignations, but committee ask' ed that all be retained as co-pastors until nnai action after the completion ot tn merger. There's nothing In the orid so effective for erasing or pre venting wrinkles, age marks, bagglnesa r cheeks and obln as a simple and narm- ounoe of pure powdered saxollte in a half pint of witch hazel. These in gredients of course can be had at any drug store. TJee the mixture daily -for a while -as a- refreshing wash lotion. The quick and satisfactory results will surprise you. Even the first applica tion Droducos very marked improve ment. Tbe wrinkles are less in evi dence and the face has a firm, "solid.'; comfortable feeling: Soon you will look considerably less than your age. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMP TO WRESTLE HERE SOON to . See Asbervllle Wrestling Fans Conqueror of Lewis in Action on the Mat. GCN MAKERS STRIKE. ORDER MODIFIED. WASBINUTON. April 8. uu amendment to the order declaring a dry sone around the naval academy at Annapolis, Ma., the training sta tions at Great Lakes, Dls., Norfolk, Va, and Hampton Roads and New Jiort. R. I., the training camp at Jars Island. Calif , and the marine corps station at Quantlco, Va., and Port RoyaL 8- C was approved to day by Secretary Daniels. It restricts the serving of liquor to naval men who are members of a family or bona fide guests in homes within the sone to such liquor as was on tiand wben the order went Into effect. After that eupply Is used up ao more may ba Imported. AVIATOR INJVRED. FORT WORTH. Texas, April 8 M W. KIrwan. twenty-one, a cadet in the royal flying corpe. was Injured today when tne airplane in wnicn ne waa making his first solo flight got out of control ana aroppea several nundred feet at Ben Brook field near here. Klrwan's home was in Nova Scotia. His flight today probably would have Doan's Kidney Pills ths same that been his laat at the local field, as his Mrs. Keener had. Foeter-Milburn squadron wLU aepart cor Teteata Ce-Mfgrs-BufXale.W.T. -A4r. sooa, 1 REALLY! I10T1G LIKE (BETS Enjoy life! Don't stay bilious, sick, headachy and constipated. UTICA, N. Y.. April 8. With the Utica military police guarding the plant, the Savage Arms company fac torles, where are made the Lewis ma chine gun and ammunition, are idle tonight owing to a strike of nearly 4,000 men- The guards were placed at the request of an army officer- The company officials decline to discuss the altuaUon. . A committee of the machinist? local, however, in a state ment charged the company with not granting promised Increases in wages and being discourteous to employes. The strikers are to meet in a local tomorrow morning. OLD CHURCH BURNS. Best for bad breath, sour stomach, coated tongue or indigestion. SALISBURY. N. C. April 8. Fire of unknown origin on Sunday after noon destroyed Mt. Zion Reformed church at China Grove, Rowan coun ty. Retailing a loss of about $10,000 with only $1,000 Insurance. Services were held in the forenoon and It was late in the day when a passing motor party discovered the blase coming from the tower. It was a handsome brick structure and was one of the oldest houses of worship In the state. KITCHIN AFTER "SLICKER." Wrestling fans of Ashevllle will be given an opportunity to see Wladek Zbyazko, heavy weight champion of the world. In action Thursday night, April 18, when the huge. Russian tries conclusions on he Auditorium stage with Albert Shubert, the Swiss who has been wrestling in Canada. On the same program with this bout, and practically equal to it in Importance, so far as a good, clean match Is concerned, will be Ivan MlohatlofT, tie Russian Cossack, who will swap grips with Sulo Hevonpc, a husky Finn who has been giving the best of them trouble. Zbyeako, the Russian champion, is six feet one inch tall and weighs 28$ pounds. Sbubert, about an Inch taller, weighs about the same. Sulo Hevenpa stands aibout six feet and weighs 148 tbs.. and la said to be un usually fast for a big man. 'Mlchail off Is six feet three inches tall and weighs about 218 lbs. All the men are decidedly of the heavy 'weight caliber, and either match should draw a splendid crowd. WHO IS BOSS AT YOUR HOUSE? BOSS OIL-AIR STOVES are the best "bosses" that ever went in a kitchen. They do nine-ten ths of the work and make your part easy, pleasant apd agreeable. Brown Hardware Company - 21 Broadway, 2588 PHONES 1SIT MISS HATTIE JACKSON DIED LATE LAST NIGHT WASHINGTON. April 8. Majority Leader Claude Kitchin stated today that upon the return of Secretary of War Baker rrom mrance, ne wouia hold a conference with him relative to routing the swivel chair soldiers from beds of eass in Washington offices. "(something ought to be, done about It, he declared, as the opprobrious term "slicker" was applied to the fel low who uniformed and occupies an office in a clerical capacity while his fellow man wages the battles of lib erty "over there." " PTOELY LOCAL AFFAIR. LONDON, April t. Official tele grams from Toklo say that ths land ing of Japanese and British' foroes at Vladivostok was a purely local affair and has no relation to any Japanese intervention In Siberia. The landing followed th eolllaaiiur on Thursday of Japanese business houses, during which three Japanese were killed. The polios do not maintain order in-Jhe city, but on the contrary taoal . IssUitarr larita tra tables,. Miss Hattle May Jackson died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Jackson, 217 Blltmore avenue, at 8: 10 o'clock last night. In" the twenty-third year of her age. She la survived tjy her father and mother, two brothers and three sis ters, Reiner and Oswald, and Misses Daisy, Maude and Pauline Jackson. The funeral services will fee held at the home of her parents at 8:30 o'clock Wednesday morning, and the body will be taken to Henderson coun ty for interment at the Mud Creek cemetery, near Hendarsonvllle. Wed nesday afternoon. Ashevllle Man Loses Hope "For 10 years X suffered severe! from stomach trouble. The dootor said I had cancer of the stomach an nothing would do but an operatlon I took my last .round of Mayr'sl Won derful Remedy S years ago. ' Since j then I sleep well, eat what I want and feel flne." It is a simple, harmless) preparation that removes the ' oa tarrhal mucus from . ths Intestinal tract and allays the Inflantmatloit, wnicn causes practicauy an axopiaoAf liver and intestinal allmsnta. loAladJi ing appendicitis. One doee will cenf vlnce or money refunded. .Broadwam rnarmacy.AavT. . FORCING FRENCH BACK. BERLIN (Via London, April S.) The powerful German pressure alohst the Oise Is forcing tbe French bocit ' at ths lower outskirts of Coucy wood ; according to the-official report, from'? general headquarters this evening. ? .Which says: . ,. "Jn continuation - of our attaolc on ths southern bank , of the Olee, w urun luo vurui vui vi . lit . viroxisr ' positions on the heights east o Coucy-Le-Chateau. r 1 ATJTOS COLLIDE. SPENCER. N. C..: Aiprii g.--As a ? result' of" a hed on collision between ' in Akbemarle automobile and one , from Thomasvilh on the national f highway n Spencer, Misses Ollle Coble ' and Beulah. Smith areat their. homes .' in Albemarle In a precarious eondi-J, tlon from injuries sustained in the ac-, cldent. Both machines were demol-' i ished and five other passengers ss- 5 caped with slight bruises. I Watch Your Blood Supply, Don't Let Impunties Creep In Pari Blood Mfcans Perfect Health. : Tie areraga drngrfst has handled hundreds of medicines in bis day. some of which bars long aiace been forgotten.' - But thera is ona that Las been sola by the dmnista throoghorit this (country, for mora than fifty rears. medicine, that is partly vegetable, Many drugwists have seea wonderful raralts accomplished among their rartomers by this great old medicine, aad they know that S. . S. Is one ox the most reliable blood purifiers srer made. Keep your blood free of im parities by the nso of this honest old medicine, and if you want medical advice, yoa can obtain same without cost by writing to Medical Dirastoa, Attests, fl Bwu Moans Ui i