8 THE 'AHHEVILLE CITIZEff;,TTTESDAY, FTEPTEMBER 17, 1918. Co M Tonight! Take Dodson's Liver Tone! : Better Than Calomel For Liver CalomefrsickensI If bilious, constipated and head achy read my guarantee. Us ten to me! Taks no more sick ening, salivating calomel when bilious or constipated. Don't lose a day's work! Calomel la mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes Into contact with sour bile, crashes into it, break - - Ing it up. This is when yeu feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you are sluggish and "all knocked out," 'It your liver Is, torpid and bowels con stipated bt you have headache, dizzi ness, coated tongue, If breath Is bad or stomach sour Just take a spoonful Of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Here's my .guarantee Go to any drus store and set a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents. Take a spoonful tonight, and If It doesn't AT THE "MOVIES" AT THE STRAND. "On the Quiet," featuring John Barrymore, will be the attraction at the Strand today. Robert Ridgeway Is the rather wild son of Judge Ridge way Of New York, who has been ex- Selled from Yale, who squandered a urge fortune, and who ardently loved Agnes Colt, an heiress of $20. , 000,000, left her by her father, and which inheritance is controlled by her Bid Yourself of Dispised Wrinkles and Complexion Blemishes Be Young at Seventy Not Old at Thirty Simple Oatmeal Combination Does It New Tork: Wrinkles, lines about the mouth and eyee, easing skin, fading complexion and facial defect c.,m on " so gradually that It Is not nnc's self but others who notice them first iav hv day these despised lines dippon. tu' youthful color fades, the ckln I ns its life like appearance, velvety texture an, I firmness snd becomes saRgbin. un'i: fin-' ally old age is reached net In years but In appearance. livery wnnan .: -M , make herself as youthful srd attrj tm lookJng ss possible. It Is your own ti :',: It you have wrinkles and facial bl,-n-ishea, as it Is possible fur vQj ! vc a sktn radiant with the bbmm nf v.eitn firm, clear and of satiny snvKithtsn. a' skin good to look upon, one of !: h -m 'n be proud and which win n., si the1 t of comparison. A woman s ege 1- t reckoned by her yiars hut bv her ' pearsnc. Sores women are old at ! -jrty, while others are young at seven - ! .v. As -an- illustration we have Karalii Bernhardt or Lillian Russell, both ut whom are well passed the half e :i : . r .- mark, and yet both in u fresh mil youthful In appearanoe as they were 'many years ago. The reason fr tM is that CBy snow Just what to do and do It, , thus wardlns off the hand of father time. Tou can do the same thing. Juatjrltv by all srugglsti in-ludlna T C Smith try I tkle today. Oet 10 cents wiwth of ' Dm rtora. Wo Ef(DWiii9 mm is selling as fast as we can fit the public, and wish to say that we are receiving daily the new Fall goods Mr. C. W. Brown pur chased for this season. These Shoes are now on display, such as Grey English Walkers, Tan English Walkers, military and low heels; Grey Boots, Taupe and dozens of othmer styles from which you can select a pair of nifty Boots for your Fall wear. Children's Shoes of all descriptions Blacks, Tans, High Cuts, White Bucks. Boys' Shoe?, of all descriptions, all size3 and widths. This entire stock is being disposed of at prices that we can not duplicate same for today. Come over and look at our bargain tables. You can save dollars on every pair of Shoes you purchase here. (SUCCESSORS TO C straighten you right u.i ana mane you feel fine and vigorous by morning, I want you to go back to the store nnd yet your money. Dodson's Liver Tone Is destroying the sale of calomel be cause It is real liver medicine; entirely vegetable, thereforo It can not salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and consti pated waste which Is clogging your system nnd making you feel miser able. 1 guarantee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will kee; your entire family feellnp fine for months. Give It to your children. It Is harm less; doesn't gil"o and they like Its pleasant taste. Advt. brother, Horace, who Is the executor of the will. The will provides that Agnes and her sister each are to re ceive $20,000,000 on condition that they marry with the consent of theli brother, and falling to do so they ate to receive the paltry sum of $4,000, 000 each. The young women have ideas of their own as to whom they shall marry. Horace protests ngafnst the courtship of Ridgeway and Agnes. A plan Is arranged for Ridgeway to return to Yale and complete hln course. Before going to Yale Ridge way induces Agnes to marry him "On the Quiet," her brother being In com plete Ignorance of the marriage. onllnarv n.-.tmeal at nrv grocery store and a ;,.irk.ige uf biernlU., at nny dnic Mere lie-n wash your face wllh warm water. oHMnfal ami Derwlll,. us directed In ecry pai 'lagf uf Iierwlllo The verv .:-t applicant, n will astonish vou. Thou "; "' "" eurew. rn, wrinkled, sa'low . kiiiK women have wonderfully im- n. in their praise tf IV r, nio-natmeal tenant Philip .olan was a great ad e -n Wiiatlon line laiiy writes after trv-' mirer f liurr, and Burr made much !: "I t! ink It is' s'mplv wonderful j of him. Nolan was engaged to It u.i- rrm ,ve,j nl) wrinkles arid sallow I Agnes Churchill, but on being ad ...mpl..in and I now have a smooth. I vised by Burr to marry Nathilie i .r.l friend P,','L" ,',n, an.'1 ',"' relatives , 8mnPrg of Boston he broke off the marvelous ' -bange In mv appearance "" i An 't'.-r --, f :l i,ritrnn s,iv "I lerwiii,, i me'.'' -1 s si:n..v t!,. aiefc has cleared I mv ' t -i fre,kl i esp -nd the tos bb'.'Iiis'H s pi;iii as wrinkles.; rojgn skn. My skin qulrkl I tf lis marvelous effects and was a inero trifle compared to th tt?.i;!s I receives." A simple trial will ct nvln you nf Its efficacy and rt r. eoi'ipr t H E'.nd for vllntr lrlrl. tnn Nrri:--I-erwi::,) method Is inexpensive and 1-t Ki.a.-tir,1 by ths manufacturers hi n , w ,a; ::1 .1 , met! far It or li. umntiit paid Iron Id wlli ue refunded. It Is old clad money back ruarantee In this moot ootery, W. BROWN SHOE CO.) Ridgeway then returns to Yale and soon becomes tired of his martyrdom. With the duke he arranges a break ; fast with two chorus girls, the duke writing an anonymous letter to his wife, In the belief that if she loves 'him she will come to the hotel to make a scene. Agnes meanwhile loses her marriage certificate, which falls ! Into the hands of a former book maker, who proceeds to blackmail her. She decides to appeal to her .husband for aid. and reaches the hotel i in time to eco him and the duke at .breakfast with the chorus girls. j When Jlorace nnd .Inrlo Uidgewa,y i learn of this. Horace demands that I Ridgeway save his sister's honor by ' marrying her at once. He agrees to 'this and once more Robert and Agnes i are united, with the understanding that ehe receive her full allowance of the 1211,000,000. AT THK 1"1J1N lSS. "The House of Mirth," featuring Barrymore and Kolker and shown at the Princess yesterday to a large c.nj interested audience, will be the at traction there again today. Trie pic ture was taken from the famous novel the same name. wri'i-n by the nofed authoress, Kilith Whart n. It Is the story of a young girl. Lll Hart, played by Katherine Harris IJarrymore. who has been t oared in luxury and then left pennileis by her I parents in the care of a wealthy aunt. The girl develops a recklessness thot astonishes her relative and during a stormy ncene she Is told :l.t she must marry .he richest 'nan of her acquaintance. The story .-shows her carcrul campaign In tier mar riage schemes. Rut her debts drive her to gambling with cards and stocks and places her at the mercy of an unprincipled society reprobate, who drags her into scandal and di vorce. Her society career is ruined and she faces blunkness. She is re trieved, however, by a young lawyer with whom she was In love before her downfall. This love lifts her out of the social quagmire into which she has fallen und she again sees life through happy eyes. It is said the story is gripping and Intense , and such a revelation of social conditions of today that It will awaken many to the realization that the Orientals who sell their daughters to the highest bidders are not more immoral than many members of our own so ciety. AT THK GALAX. "My Own United States," featuring Arnold Daly and shown nt the Oalax yesterday will be the attraction there again today. Philip Nolan stands contemptuously watching a regiment of Knited States soldiers on their way to France. His father. John Nolan, a staunch patriot, afiks him when ho expects to enlist, as the youth ap pears to lack in patriotism. John Nolan lays bare the shameful treason of his ancestor, tho first Philip Nolan. When the fate of the young republic still hung in the balance, Alexander Hamilton, realising Aaron Burr's lack of character, influences the house of representatives to elect Thomas Jef ferson president nnd Auron Burr vice ! tlon to do little harm. IUUI1R l.tl'U- engagement with Agnes, bin ambitions for the Balked in presidency, Burr decided to run for governor of New York. Hamilton again suc ceeded in defeating him. Burr chal lenged him for a duel, and Hamilton was mortally wounded. Aaron Burr now decided to start a rival govern ment in the southwest, which would wage war against the I'nited States and absorb it. Burr was followed and arrested. Philip Nolan had again become engaged to Agnes, and was arrested on the night of his wedding Xor aldins the Aaron Burr toa lie LEMON JUICE TAKES OFF TAN Girls! Make bleaching ' lotion if skin is sunburned, tanned or freckled Squeeze the lulce of two lemons Into a bottle containing three ounces of Orchard White, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle, sunburn and tan lotion, and complexion beautifler, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemoms and any drug store or toilet counter will sup ply three ounces of Orchard White for a few cents. Massage this sweet ly fragrant lotion into the face, neck arm and hands each day and see how freckles, sunburn, windbunn and tan disappear and how clear,) soft and white the skin becomes. Yes! It is harirness. Advt. spiracy. Old John Nolan recounts to his son the brave deeds of Philip Nolan's descendants, who In the country's wars tried to nobly wipe out the stain from the family honor. Deeply moved by his father'e recital and shamed by his previous lack of patriotism. Philip Nolan the 3rd con secrates himself to the service of his country, and Joins the boys in khaki bound for France. Jackson Countv Fair September 24, 25, 26 and 27. li18. Adv. Turnlng the handle of an Illinois inventor's double acting churn re volves the paddles In one direction and the barrel in the. other. The Perfect Baby Of The Future ASmpl.JktohodTWHuaWmferful lufloeoc upoa The Fatare , Before the arrival of baby knowing for over half a ceutiuy hare used with regularity the tuat-h ared preparation. Mother's Friend. Hare hi a most wonderful rmlW-atton for the slyfoown and bunts. If penetrates the muscles. Urn meat a ad tinns, render ing then pliant to nndily yield to nature's demand for expansion. By Its use the anxious weeks of pmrnancy are made comfortable. Tbe usual wrench ing strain, b risy down and stretrMng para are counteracted. The system Is pre pared for the coating event, and Its use brings rest, repose aad harry anticipation. Br the regular nse of Mother's Friend during the period tbe muscles expand easier when baby arrives, and naturally tbe pals and danger at the crisis Is less. Mother's Friend is prepared after tbe for mula of a notsd fasnty doctor by tbe Brsd fleld Regulator Co, Lunar Bidg.. At lanta, Go. It Is for external use onlr; Is absolutely and entirely safe and won derfully effrett t. write them for their In structive and Interesting "Mcth-rbood Book." There Is a- wealth of Instruction and comfort to be derived In reading tlue Uttle book. It Is plainly written Just whoi every woman wants to know and will ba a splendid Uttle text book of guidance, not only for yourself but will make oo helpful to others, and In the meantime obtain a bottle of Mother's Friend from tbe drur rUrt, and thus fortify yvuiself against pals ind disco ouWt- Why Putter With Corns? Use Gets - You can trar out your corn and Buf fer, or you raw peel oft your ootim end num. in Joy-peeling way u " , W - I f " WHV If ( lha ftnlw V palnlem way In the world. Two drone "Get the Drop" oa Taat Cm-Vn "Gata-lf aad tkm Cam b a "Com" I of "Gts-lt" on any corn or callus dries nt once. The corn finally loosens off from the t, so that you can peel It off with ynur flngjrs In one piece, paln Ifusty, like peeling a banana. "Great tuff, wish I'd done that before.'" Thorn's only one corn-peeler "Geta-It." Tor. wrapped up big with tape and band aps. toea squirming from Irritating aulvee. It's all a barbarity. Toea wounded by razors and knlvee, that's butchery, ridiculous, unnecessary, dangerous. Uae "ciets-It," the liberty way tmple, pain lens .aJwaya sure. Take no chances. Get "Gats-It." Don't be Insulted bv Imlta. i lions. See that you (ret "Gets-It." I "Gets-It" the guaranteed, money-back corn-remover, the only sura way, costs but a trifle at any drug store. M'fd by E. IiA-renoe and Co.. Chicago. 111. Sold I In Ajilipvllle and recommended as the world's best corn remedy by Smith's Drug ! Store. C. A. Itaysor, Grunt's Pharmacy. I Adv. PEOPLE GIVE 1,475 BOOKS TO SOLDIERS Successful Drive Closes But Maga- zincs and Additional Volumes Will Be Received for Hospitals. The Library War Service camDala-n to secure donations of books for the Kenilworth, Azalea and AVaynesvllle hospital libraries formally closed last evening with 1,475 books actually re ceived at the Pack Memorial library. Many other volumes promised have not yet been called for by the Boy Scouts but will be today. The books were taken to the war service office in the Legal building where they will be assorted by Miss Duren, the organizer, who is In charge of this central distribution station serving the three libraries. A part of the books ordered sent here by the war service of the A. L. A., these to form the basis of the libraries, have come and others are en route. How many of these there will be is not stated. While the drive Is ended and there will be no more personal solicitation tor books girts win ne received at any time at the library. It is stated. In this connection that Azalea hospital has registered a call for magazines ond a number of these have come in. Magazines not over three months old, preferably later ones, are acceptable and will continue to be wanted. Books sent in yesterday Include forty-nine by the Student' club, eight by Mrs. McCandless, nine by Miss Champion and Miss Payne. LIEUT. M. GREENWALL IS KILLED IN ACTION Was Nephew of Mrs. L. T). McRae, of 1H9 Woodfln Street, and Well Known Here. Mrs. L. D. MacRae, of 1B9 Woodfln street, received today, a letter from France, reporting the death of her nephew, Lieutenant Maddlson Oreen wall, of England. The letter bringing the sad tidings was one Mrs. MarKae had written her nepheiw In June. It had followed him from place to place, bearing many addresses, but never reached him. Across the back of the envelope was written the three words "Killed In Action." Mrs. McRae had only Just this morning received a card from Lieu tenant Greenwall, and the penned words across the envelope was the only Intimation she had of her nephew's death. Lieutenant Greenwall will be re" membered by a number of friends In Ashevllle, having spent his childhood days with Mrs. MacRae In this city. CATARRH Quickly Ended by a Pleasant, Oerm-Klll. Ing Antiseptic The little Myomel Inhaler Is made of hard rubber and can easily be carried In pocket or purse. It will laet a lifetime. Into this Jnhaler you pour a few drops of magical Hyomei. This Is absorbed by the antiseptic gauze within and now you are ready to breathe It l,i over the germ Infested membrane where It will speedily begin Its work of killing catarrhal germs. Hyomei Is made of Australian eucalyptol combined with other antiseptics and is very pleasant to breathe. It Is guaranteed to banish catarrh, bronchitis, sore throat, croup, coughs and colds or money back. It cleans out a stuffed up head in two minutes. Sold by Smith's Drug Store and drug gists everywhere. Complete outfit. Including Inhaler and one bottle of Hyomei, costs but little, while extra bottles. If afterward needed. may be obtained of any druggist. Adv A Dead Stomach OF WHAT USE IS IT? Thousands? yes hundreds of thousands of people throughout America are taking the slow death treatment daily. They are murdering their own stomach, the best friend they have, and In their sublime ignorance they think they are nnftinir aside the laws of nature. This Is no sensational statement: It is a startling fact, the truth of which any honorable physician will not deny. Theae thousands of people are swallow ing dally huge quantities of pepsin and other strong digesters, made especially to digest the food In the stomach without any aid at all from the digestive mem brane of the stomach. Ml-o-na stomach tablets relieve dis tressed stomach In five minutes; they do more. Ta!:en regularly for a few weeks they build up the run down stomach and make It strong enough to digest Its own food. Then Indigestion, belching, sour stcmach and headache will go. Ml-o-na stomach tablets are sold by drusicists everywhere and by Smith's Drug S1m win awaiuteaa tbsas Aavt. DEFICIT OF $193,000 MUST BE RAISED the ASHEVIIXE OVER TOP IS W. 8. 8.; COUNTY IS NOT. Chairman Baoul imae Sutrnxat Snowing What Buncombe Haa Done and What Is Yet to Be Done In a statement vesterdav in rsarard to the war savings stamp campaign. County Chairman Thomas Wadley Raoul said that Ashevllls proper has pledged more than $20 per capita for every man, woman and child, but that Biltmore, Beaverdam and Haw Creek are much behind on their allotment. Mr. Raoul says that the drives should continue In those communities until they have reached their per capita quota. Mr. Raoul explained t!t the countv Is behind $193,813. and that this amount will have to be raised In Bllt more, parts of West Ashevllle. Beav erdam and Haw Creek together with ten townships In the county, as Ashe vllle itself has gone over the top with an excess of $56,069. Mr'. Raoul's statement follows: "There seems to be some misunder standing In the public's mind as to whether Ashevllle haa pledged its quota of war savings stamps or not. and I think it only right to make a clear statement of facts. "Buneonrbe county wns assessed a quota of $1,095,656, which Is on a oasis of $20 per capita for every man, woman and child In the county. Ashevllle townshiD's auota ..1592.7BS To date Ashevllle townshin has pledged 647,837 Which makes an excess over their quota of 56,069 "This 'is made up as follows: Ashevllle proper, Including West Ashevllle and that portion of the township to the west of tho French Broad river $584,486 Biltmore precinct 31,870 Beaverdam precinct 21,956 Haw Creek precinct 9,526 the above figures show-that the city of Ashevllle proper has more than pledged $20 per capita for every man, woman and child in the city, but Hilt- more, rseaveraam ana Haw credit are way behind on their per capita C ledges, and are no more entitled to e considered over the top than any outlying townships. "The drive should be continued in Biltmore, Beaverdam and Haw Creek, also parts of West Ashevllle, until they have averaged $20 per capita for every Inhabitant, such as has been done by the city of Ashevllle. Black Mountain, Limestone and Avery's Creek. Buncombe county haa pledged to date, $901,743, making a deficit of $193,813 In the quota asked for. Tills deficit must be raised from Biltmore, Beaverdam. Haw Creek. and parts of West Ashevllle, together with the following townships: UDDer Hominy, Lower Hominy, Leicester, Sandy Mush, French Broad, Big Ivy, Flat Creek, Reems Creek, Swannanoa and Falrvlew, all of which are not over the top and cannot be considered to have done their duty by their country until this deficit In the quota Is made up." "THOS. WADLEY RAOUL. . County Chairman War Saving Stamp Drive." MARS HILL. MARS HILL, N. C Sept. 14. Lieutenant F. W. McMaaters Wood row, who has been spending his fur lough here with his mother, left Thursday morning for Camp Taylor, Ky., to resume his duties as Instructor in Field Artillery. Captain Wheeler and wife, from Camp Wadeworth, S. C-, spent a short time m town Thursday, enroute to Barnairdsvllle, where they will visit friends. Captain O. L. Stringfield left lost week for Camp Pike. Ark. He re sumes his duties as "gas Instructor" there, leaving Ms bride in a Now Tork hospital, being trained for a Red Cross nurse. Rev. J. J. Beach, of North, S. C, brought his son up to school last Tuesday and gave us In Interesting chapel talk Wednesday morning. Miss Sadie Liller, under the auspices of the Nashville Sunday School board, spent the week with us, doing B Y. P. U. work. Miss Katherine Wood row, who works for the local exemption board. Columbia, S. C, spent her vacation here with her mother, and left this morning to resume her duties with tho new draft. Miss Beulah Bowden, of Charlotte, a former teacher, la spending a few days on the hill. Through the efforts of Prof. P. S. Stringfield, a Mars Hill Betterment association has been organized; 205 members, with a monthly lnome of $S0 and 700 hours voluntary work promises to be a great help to the school and town. The War Savings societies of last ysar have been reorganized with Mr. Cay Muckle of Arkansas, president and Mr. C. C. Perry, secretary. Low Cost Menus. BraUcfast. Sliced Peaches Fricassee of Dried Beef Blueberry Muffins Lunchron. Potato Salad Muffins Jam Surprise Cake Dinner. Hamburg Steak Bordeaux Potatoes Summer Squash , Peach Delight Breakfast. Blueberry Mufflna Mix a cup of harlev flour, four teaspoons of corn- ftarch.'two tablespoons of shortening half a cup of water, a cup of syrup, fhiir teaanoons of baking pbwder, one ugg. a cup of blueberries rolled In the j flour and a intie sail. cao in mu.un t'.nx Luncheon. Surprise Cake Melt a tablespoon or It Catarrh is a Real Enemy and Reauires Vigorous Treatment i Do Not Neglect It Whan you uea medicated tpnjt, tccnixera an douche for your Ca tarrh, you may succeed in uwtopplnf th tfcokod-up air paaMujM tat th tlm beirur, bat hl amoyter eon tion return, ant) you hart to da th rm thins OTr and orer again. -Catarrh ha never yet been cured by these local application .Hay foa rr experienced any rwl benefit Iraaa such treatment T "helped me RIGHT AWAY" Kentucky Lady Says Two Bottles of Cardul Surprised Her by Act ins So Quickly. Relief, Ky. Mrs. Sarah M. Hill of thli place, writes: "I can't praise Cardul too much, for It is a wonder ful medicine for women. Eight years apo, I bsgan to feel not julte so well as usual ... I was not able to do anything. It seemed like I was dwindling away, and kept getting more puny every day. I was weak and pale and could not stand on my feet long ... I had no doctor but I knew by my feelings that I had womanly weakness. After I decided to try Cardul, 1 bought one bottle. It seemed as if the very first few doses began to help me. I "'as surprised that anything could begin to act so quickly. But it helped me right away. I know it did because I began Immediately to get strong. After I finished that first bottle, 1 bough, another. When I had finished that second bottle, I was all right. I did not need a third bottle. I kept right on getting stronger until I wns as strong as ever, and I have kept so . . . Now I am as well and as strong and as able to do my work as I ever was In my life." Try Cardul ln'ar. Advt. oleo In a cup of barley flour, add half a cup of milk, turee-quarte:s o! a cup of sugar, three naspoom of bak'n powder and a te.ispoon of vmllla.. Beat v.ell and ba, fifteen minutes. Innncr. Bordeaux Totatoes Chop one onion fine, add two tablespoons of oleo and cook until soft but not brown- Mix two tablespoons cf flour in a cup and a half of milk. Boil until thick and then add the onion and three cupa of potatoes cooked and cut In small slices. Boll up once and add one hard boiled egg cut In Bllces. MANY LIKE THIS IN ASHEVILLE Similar Ca-ses Being Published Each Issue. in The following case is but one of It many occurring dally in Asnevme. is an easy matter to verify it. You cannot ask for better proof. W. A. Brown, motorman, 13 Wood row St., says: "Several years ago I Mad an awful time with my back and kidneys. I think being on my iaet so much had a good deal to do with bringing on the trouble. When I bent over, sharp pains shot through my back and sUoulders. I was dizzy at times and black specks appeared before my eyes. Mornings I was lame and sore and found it hard to get around. My kidneys didn't act right and the secretions were highly colored and painful in passage. I heard about Doan's Kidney Pills and got seme at Carmichael's Drug Store. Doan's made my back feel better and my kid neys acted regularly. I used Doan's until I was entirely cured." 60c, at all dealers. Foster-Mllburn Co., Mfgrs , Buffalo. N. Y. Adv. RHEUMATISM Physician Believes a Genuine Remedy for the Disease Haa Been Found, Rheuma, the wonderful rheumatism remedy sold by Smith's Drug Store, and all druggists, gives quicker and more last ing relief than other remedies costing many times as much. Rheuma passes the deadly poisonous secretions Into the bowels and kidneys, from which they are quickly thrown off in a natural, healthy way. Read what a reputable physician says about Rheuma: "I have made a most care-ful investigation of the formula em ployed In the manufacture of Rheuma and I heartily recommend It as a remedv for all forms of rheumatism. 1 find Rheuma far In advance of the methods generally employed in the treatment of rheumatism .and altogether different In composition from the remedies usually prescribed." Dr. M. C. Lyons. This should give any sufferer from rheu matism confidence to try Kheuma. Adv. When Your Wife Complains of Her Stomach is listless and discontented or suffers from malarial fevers, impoverished blood, loss of appetite, nervous headache, sluggish' ness of the intestinal tract, insomnia depression of spirits, or diarrhoea arising from weakness or relaxation of the digestive organs, get her a bonis of Angostura Bitters, a household tonic of great value, designed to build up the system by natural methods, increasing the appetite, assisting the digestion and assimilation of food, enriching the blood, improving the circulation and creating healthy tissue. During the period of convalescence particularly when the patient is slow to regain a healthy appetite Angostura Bitters will be be found especially valuable in hastening recovery- For sale at all leading druggists. 22 Awards at Leading International Exhibitions Ask yonr druggist for an Agestura Pocket history of tba World War. nn Ai . u.i...Liii j:-- i. nruw uicse uiusVcsuia b rcmcuiva wv th winds, and get on th right treat ment. Go to your drug store to-day, get a bottle of S. S. and commence a treatment that has been praised by sufferers for nearly half a century. S. 8. S. gets right at th source of Catarrh, -and forces from the blood th germs which cause th disease. You can obtain special medical advic regarding your own case without charge by writing to Medical Direc tor, 22 S wilt Laboratory, Atlanta. Go, t

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