i 12 HIE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1918. r GLASSWARE 4 J A splendid stock of Pressed i ' mad Blown CI am.. All clear Crys ' tal quality. The price has just advanced 20 (and. will .go higher).. It is best to buy now and get the lower price and a good selection. We have Urge Water Pitchers at 65c and many desirable item. THOUSANDS WILL PARADE TODAY AND JAM AUDITORIUM TONIGHT Spectacular Display With Flags Flying and Bands Playing Will Precede Mass Meeting. James H. Pou tho Stellar Speaker oth J. H. LAW tl Haywood 81 PYREX GLASSWARE l'" The Last Word In Cooking Utensils For sale by IHE1-X-L STORE Patton Ats. Phono 10T I THE PRACTICE ; OF OPTOMETRY .''(Knowing How to furnish Right) Glasses when needed : Charles H. Honesa OPTOMETRIST; . Eye Strain Specialist 14 Patton ,Avs. Opp. Postofflce. All Ready for the Big Parade And .then a rush for ' Fourth Liberty Bonds I The boys are doing their part nobly. We must do ours. ; ? ' Phone 40 Asheville Coal Co. NORTH PACK SQUARB A spectacular popular parade of Im posing proportion! at 6 o'clock this afternoon, followed by a monster ma meeting In the Auditorium at K : 1 1 o'clock thla evening-, will be the pre lude to the Brent Fourth Liberty Loan campaign which will begin tomorrow morning; when a thousand picked men and women of the county will take the field to aril a million and a half ilollara of the bonds to the patriotic people of Buncombe. An unprecedented general Intercut, n Nplrlt of emulation throtmhout the county. Indicate that both demontit ra tion will eclipse nil record. New unite have been added to the parade, and arrangements have been made at the Auditorium to care for a tremen dous throng. From all part of Bun combe people are comln to show that their heart nre In the cause. Jamiw II. !Vu. Plan for the man meeting are aim pie becaue It I Intended to be es sentially a people' meeting-. Only one peech will be made, that by Hon. J lime H. Pou, of Halelgh, known as one of the mot Interesting and at tractive speakers In the country. Dr. f.awara K. Hardin will offer prayer, and Mr. I'ou will be presented by F L. Seely. Mayor Rankin will prealde. Military Band. The auperb military band from Camp Pevler will occupy the stage and play before the meeting; convenes. "The Star-Rpangled Banner" will be sung by the audience with accom panyment by the band, the singing being led by Acting Chairman C. T Carr of the music committee, and .lame W. Jelks, choir leader of the First Ranttst church, whose meetlnr for tonight ha been moved up to 7:30 by Dr. W. F. Powell for this occasion. There will be stage seats for the min isters of the county. Mr. Pou will be met at the passen ger station by a committee composed of Chairman Owen Norvell, of the district Liberty Loan committee; Pres ident L. B. Rogers, of the Trade; President R. H. McDuffle. of lint afreet; to Central avenu; to Woodfln; to Broadway; toAorth Hack wiuare; around the square to J'utton nvenue; to Haywood street; to the Auditorium where the marchjprs will Utiihand. The big mass meeting to be add refmed byfJamea H. Pou will be called to order at 8:15 o'clock sharp. The parade Is expected to lift un hour, starting at 5 o'clock. The following Is the official parade program: Formation. Broadway, south of Merrlmon ave tuje, front facing Merrlmon avenue. let Division: Police force mounted Boy ficouta, band from Camp Sevier, Kenllworth hospital unit. Azalea hos pital unit. Tank, Asheville Reserve In fantry, Float Ooddess of Liberty, Lib erty loan workers, Asheville Telephone company, Bon Marahe, Woolworth, Kress. Rotary club. 2nd. Division: Broadway, north of Merrlmon avenue, front facing Merrlmon: Iteu cross woraers unaer m.m. i.ui- eron Waddell and Mrs. Krwln Binder; Canteen corps under Mr. Thomas 8. Rollins; Woman's club under Mrs. T. J. Harklnx; (graduate Nurses, Nurses Mission hospital, Nurses Meriwether hospital. Nurses Rlltmore hospital, Y. W. C. A. under Miss Opal Brown. Re beccas, Eastern Btar and other frater- J na'i organizations, Jewish Women's Welfare organization. Float School Gardens (Board of Trade). School children. rd. Division: Lexington avenue, facing Merrlmon avenue: Band (Oastonla. Flint Manufactur ing company), Hans Rees Sons, Oude ld company. Southern railroad, Cen tral Lahor. union, Asheville Mica com pany, Asheville Power and Light com pany, Blltmore estate, Southern Ex press company. Citizen Lumber com pany, Carolina Creamery. MuhIo and Soldiers. There will he music and soldiers In the line. From Camp Sevier will FRENCH KIDDIES KNOW ONE AMERICAN WORD IJFUTT. U M. SILER WRITE8 FROM "SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE Kay Every Available (Space Is Being I'sed to Ralxc Some Kind of Produce out the why and wherefores of French money and French lingo. Bo rar we have done most or our talking with the native on our hands. Almost every store Is a wine shop, restaurant, grocery and general merchandise es tablishment combined. The ancient stone buildings are picturesque, and I've been wishing ever since our arri val that I had and coulii make use of a kodak. Napoleon once occupied the barrark,- which are camp headquar ters." Lieutenant A. M. Hller will report within a short time to Camp Taylor. Ky , where he expects to be ordered abroad at an early date. He formerly was a member of Company K, of the old First North Carolina Infantry. . , , , tine line. r rorn vamp nrviei win S iT I association, and Coun- j come the magnificent military band ty food Administrator F. M. Weaver, 0f forty-nine pieces with Its gorgeous and escorted by them to the stage. drUm major, and the fine Gastonla COAL FOR WINTER IN . CARLOAD LOTS 8? Phone 25 Citizens Transfer Co. The meeting will be called to order promptly at S:15 o'clock. Flairs In Parade. , The parade 'is due to start at R o'clock, units being expected to be In line at 4:46 o'clock. Possible rain Is not to Interfere elnce Buncombe pa triotism Is color fast. It will be a long line of thousands which other thous ands will view as It marches four abreast with Its gorgeous showing of American flag for every parader Is to bear a flag. And the line of march ia expected also to bloom with flags or bunting, especially the business dis trict traveled. The chief marshal will be President L. L. Jenkins, of the American Na tional bank, who personally orovided the Gastonla band, and the assistant marshals H. E. Oruver. Dr. D. E. Se vier. T. W. Raoul. J. a. Stikeleather. Line of March. The parade will form at 4:45 o'clock at the junction of Merrlmon avenue. Broadway and Lexington avenues, and will consist of three divisions. The first division will form on Broadway south "tf the junction, its head close to the junction, and other units lining up In the order Indicated so that the last one will be near East street. The second division will form on Broad way north of and facing the Junction, units taking place In -order Indicated, so that the lat one will be near Pack band will Include forty musician. Kenllworth and Azalea hospitals will send large detachments of troops, and the Asheville Reserve Infantry will be out In force with a realistic float. Ma jor Jenks B. Jenkins. constructing quartermaster, and Allen H. Krcbs, contracting manager, will comeifrom Azalea with the Impressive force of seven hundred employes who had Just given a fresh pledge of their patriot Ism by buying bonds. Rnllwny Men. Southern railway men. Including Superintendent W. C. Hudson, will make a strong showing. The South ern employes, now government rail way administration men. have always bought bonds to the limit, but now the people will have an opportunity to see the hundred per cent bond buyers. A novel feature will be the two "tanks" which the parade committee and the Rotary club will provide. These tanks have never been In Eu rope perhaps, hut they are soon to "go over the top" at home. The "Veiled Goddess" float will, of course, be attractive and furnish an atmos phere of mystery. Stores to 'Closet. In accordance with the proclama tion of Mayoc Rankin business houses and public institution will close at 4 o'clock so that everyone may have Lieutenant A. M. Slier. who hi home on sick leave following a slight operation, report the receipt of an Interesting letter from his brother. Lieutenant L. M. Slier, who Is now In V ranee. "I've come at last to La Belle France, after ages and ages, it seem ed, of ocean travel. I'll be permitted before long, perhaps, to let you know Just where I am stopping, so you ran locate me on the map. For the pres ent, suffice to say that I'm in one of the prettiest bits of country I ever saw, and am finding it Immensely In teresting. We are having our hard ship, of course, but every man In the regiment apparently. Is In a wonder fully good humor. "Where we go from here, and when Je ne sale. I couldn't tell you. of course, If I did know. I censor my own letters, you see, and mum make a good Job of It. I ve found already that France Is remarkably Industrious. Something: to eat Is growing on every square foot of land even In the heart of the town. Fences don't exist. The ground Is blocked off checker-board fashion by Innumerable hedges. Every acre Is like a park. From a hilltop the landscape la as lovely as you could Imagine. ' "The French kids all know at least ' one word of English gimme!' They want pennies, matches, buttons, clg arets, anything In the world a soldier will donate. It's the most nondescript bunch of youngsters that could pos sibly be gotten together. They nock around like bees. "We get plenty of fruit, nuts and candy from women peddlers. The Paris edition of Te New York Herald reaches us, too, only one day late. A copy I got yesterday had the first news of the war we had read since good ness knows when the glad tidings that the Bochee are still on the run. I think we will keep them there. "We are having lots of fun figuring MANY YOUNG MEN ARE JOINING ARMY CORPS The city ' exemption board during the past few days has received a num ber of requests from registrant for voluntary induction Into the -various student army training camps, and yes terday papers were forwarded for ttie Induction of the following into the service: Eugene Francis Field, at North Adams. Mass.; Edgar R. Russell, Her man Henry Harris, Dare Abernethy Welle. David Kimberly. Jr.. Howard Cox Proffltt. Daniel Merritt Hodges, Jr., Charles Lee Gaston, Jr., Junius Moore Homer, at the North Carolina university at Chapel Hill. Watch the label on your paper. square. The Gastonla band, heading IS" opportunity r aeip in tue , arane the third division, will take position on Lexington avenue facing the June- tlon, and other unlta will fall In, In order so that the last will be nearest Patton avenue. The following line of march has been adopted: From the - starting point out Merrlmon avenue; to Chest- A gas flat Iron patented y un Illinois Inventor employs a Bunsen burner to keep Its temperature even Health and Happiness Without good eyesight you can't have Health. Without Liberty Bonds you can't enjoy Happi- " Becoming glasses cost no more" Dr. J. Cwi Denison Optometrist and Optician. At HendersonsTSJ Pat. Ave. WANTED To Buy Twenty-five Good, Second-Hand Typewriters. All Makes. J. M. HEARN & CO. E. C. Merrill, Prop. 4 Battery Park Place. Phone 448. Near Postofflcs, New Life Vibrator Health and How to Get It i New life and vigor. Thousands enjoy it, why not you? Come in and let us show you. fgiecimcmlL Patton Ave., Opposite Postofflce Electrical SuddIIcs China's first lead pencil factory. financed by British and native capital, was opened a few weeks ago. I BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS.) Cor. Patton Ave. and Govt. St. Phones 14 and 25. Onion Sets White Pearl, Yellow Danvers land Red Wethersfield. 25 Cents per Quart f Grass Seeds Ky. Blue Grass and Land reths Mixed Lawn GRANT'S PHARMACY Agents for Crane's Chocolates i EAST PACK SQUARE. Select Jewelry. No gift is more appreciated than a dainty piece of jewelry. Beauty, charm, and quality are the things to be considered when buying such a gift, and in selecting our stock we bear these points in mipd. An inspection of the 'many suggestions we have to offer, will make, your selection no longer a problem. Arthur M. Field Co. " I mi iv WAR SAVINGS 8TAM P D ik9 J! if 3 CANE MILLS We Have Just Received a Few Cane Mills. I - If you are not supplied Write for prices. T..S. MORRISON & CO., Agents The Fourth Liberty Loan a We'll all back up our boys "over there." Hang out the flag and get in the ' big parade then Buy Bonds I Phone 130 for Coal. CAROLINA COAL & ICE CO. 60 Pat Ave-, Drhumor BJdf. IB U Y likrliy Bonis Asheville Power & Light. Co. FLOUR The Pride of Asheville, the flour that made Craggy famous $1.55 at your door Meal, 10 lbs. ...50c Eggs, dozen . . 52c Side Meat, lb .30t We sell more chickens than all the dealers combined. - Phone us for Irish potatoes and all kinds of country pro duce. H. T. WILSON 60 N Lexington Avenue Phone 1900 WAR EXPOSES as in other things, the, real worth of clothes. Government orders to cut out the extras leave no chance to "camouflage" poor style and making. The dependableness of good tailoring is now more than ever apparent, and genuine fabric, correct style and perfect finish of greater value. "Moore Quality" in clothes means this season exactly what it always has only this season the phase is especially significant. 11 Patton Ave. Phone 7a I HE present market for most commodities is a "seller's market." The buyer has to take what he can get and pay what he is obliged to. Such a wonder ful opportunity for the intelligent, conscientious mer chant! Such a splendid chance for the dealer to prove his mettle and his right to the confidence of his trade I For truly, the war and its attendant business problems will produce a class of merchants who will forever after enjoy the respect and esteem of the towns in which they operate. This establishment is frankly "out after" this future prestige. We are well content to work harder, to give up a little profit, to strive to maintain service and uphold the quality of our goods all for the reward of your after-the-war good will and patronage. HENDERSON 52 Patton Ave. Your Jeweler Near Postofflce. We Can Help You Buy a Liberty Bond! Every time you buy a sack of A-M-C Flour you save a quarter or more yet A-M-C quality is unexcelled I $1.40 ... .05 Send or Phone Your Order Today 24 lbs. A. M. C. Finest Plain Flour 24 lbs. A- M. C. Self-Rising Flour '. .. A. M. C. Native Corn Meal, per lb Asheville Milling Corporation Manufacturers of Flour, Meal, Mill Feed 532 Haywood St. Telephone 136 Begin Making Your Own Compost Rake up all the trash, leaves and vegetable matter, pile out of the way, cover each layer with a thin layer of old sod and dirt, and keep it wet. Next spring you will wonder why you did. not do it before. Plant Spinach. Turnips, Rape, Mustard for greens. You will appreciate them later. Our Oats, Rye, Wheat, Vetch and Clovers are recleaned, and conform to North Carolina test We clean and test your grains free of charge. ASHEVILLE SEED CO., U. S. Food Administration License No. 38699. Cor. College and Lexington Ave. Phones 2177 and 2178. The City Market will remain open all day today and close at 3:30 p. m. on account of the Liberty loan parade. Buy Fourth Liberty Loan Bonds. Order early in the morning. STAR MARKET Three Phones 1917 fc We are Successful Caterers to a Variety of Appetites. Which Side Are YOU On? Hi per cent of North Carolina's' population are eubscrlbers to LIBERTY BONDS. What do you think of the other 96 per cent? The Fourth Liberty loan is the opportunity for 100 per cent patriotism. (Space by J. E. Wilson. Public Accountant) Save by Buying WAR SAVINGS STAMPS .They Are the Best Investment The big drive was successful WARD ELECTRIC CO. "Anything ElectricaL" 12 Battery Park Place. Phone 449. FARM HOUSE Canned Lima Beans a new lot just received. We opened a can and found them to be extra nice. They will take the places of fresh ones nicely. - ' 22c can $2.38 dozen JiJ.YATES Groceries and Servke 37 Haywood St Phones 1715-1716. gCWgJ Home of Hlfb Grads Pianos. ' 1 ' ' ' ' -v '"-"