UNDAF CITIZEN ri THE WEATHER: dondy Bands probably local rains; Monday fair wanner Interior. VOL. XXXIV, NO. 338. ABBEVILLE, N. C, SUNDAY MOKNING, SEPTEMBER 29,, 1918. PRICE FIVE CENTS MERIC ii TO TH UY LIB O THE AW SHOT MEMS HE THEREFORE B ERTV BOMBS II ffAff euro Pi K HUNS FACED BY GREATEST ALLIED SINCE OFFENSIVE EFFORT BEGINNING OF war Over a Front of More Than 250 Miles, From North Sea to Verdun, British, French, American and Belgian Troops Are Smashing Into German Defenses on Four Wide Sectors. Hearing the Count GERMAN DEFENSIVE SYSTEM BEING SERIOUSLY IMPAIRED HOPES FOR PEACE Vital Successes Are Being Gained by Brit ish in New Drive For Cambrai in Which American Troops Are Aiding Belgians Have Also Started a New Offensive. NAVAL BASES BOMBARDED LONDON, Sept 28 Ostend and Zeebrugge German naval bases on the Belgian coast were heavily bombarded by entente warships be tween 2:30 and 4 o'clock this morning, accord ing to a dispatch from Amsterdam to the Cen- traNews- Agency. The Get man batteries Tjn the Belgian coast replied vigorously. W TH AREHElii Hopes for Collapse Are Tempered by Re minder of Officials ONLY FIRST STEP HAS BEEN TAKEN Reports of Reserves Being Sent to Bulgaria Are Discounted (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) Over a front of more than 250 miles, from the North sea to Verdun, the allies are smashing: into the German defenses on four wide and important sectors. The enemy is faced with the greatest allied offensive effort since tne beginning of the war. On all the sectors the British, French, American- and Belgian troops are progressing successfully. Serious in roads are being made into the German defensive system north of Ypres, around Cambrai, north of the Aisne and on the Champagne-Verdun sector. Additional prisoners have been added to the total of 27,000 for the last three days and several hundred more guns of all calibres have been taken from the enemy. Vital Successes by British. Vital successes are being gained by the British in their new drive for Cambrai in which American troops are aiding in the region west of LeCatlet. The capture of Cambrai by the British, would appear to be near. From the west the British are within one and three-quarters miles of Cambrai at two points and all natural obstacles have been overcome. The same ' is true on the north where the British are pushing forward rapidly. South west of Cambrai, Field Marshal Haig's men are fighting for the crossings of the Scheldt canal. Douai, the German base northeast of Arras, and one of the outlying defenses of the great fortress of Lille, also is threatened by the Cambrai operation. The Brit ish have crossed the high road between Douai and Cam brai, and the railroad connecting them is useless to the Germans. Southwest of Douai, the British are reported to have taken Arleux. Great Belgian Offensive. Belgian troops entered the great movement Satur day by beginning an operation in conjunction with the British in the Dixmude-Ypres area. The allies are re ported to have pushed forward rapidly and were reported fighting their way through to Houthulst forest, which hag been looked upon as the keystone of the enemy de fensive system between Ypres and the sea. General Mangin resumed his slow progress toward the heights of the Chemin-Des-Dames, the southern de fense line of the great important massif of Laon. Ground has been gained south of the high point at Fort Malmaison, and the bitterly contested villages of Jouy and Aizy have fallen to the French. On the western, flank of the Champagne-Verdun of fensive, the French are pushing over the heights behind tlre lHindenburg line.' From the Argonne, east of the Meuse, the Americans are forcing their way into the Kreimhild positions. Some ground has bqen gained near the Argonne forest but the American, progress Saturday apparently was slowed down some from the first two days. Germans in a Tight Place. . With -a 250-mile line aflame over almost its entire length, Marshal Foch has the German' command in a tight wHiNarrow,' Sept.- 28. High hopes of the collapse of Bulgaria as an active military force as the out come of her appeal' for an armistice in order to discuss peace terms were tempered today by a reminder from of ficials experienced In such settlements that this appeal after all can be con sidered as only the first step towards the end of Bulgaria's activities. It was pointed out that probably several other phases must be passed through before the whole Bulgarian nation can be brought to appreciate that nothing less can be expected than the terms laid down in the French and British replies. Only acceptance of such terms, K was held, can prevent the destruction of the Bulgarian army and the occupation of the Bulgarian cities by the entente troops. Statement Discussed. The statement of the German for eign minister von Hlntse that Ger man and Austrian reserves were being rushed to Bulgaria to prevent a sur render Is not taken seriously, officials (CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO.) BULGARIA'S PEACE MOVE WILL NQT STOP FIGHTING ON ISEDOIN FRONT WITH OVER $700,000 WORTH OF BONDS HAVE BEEN SUBSCRIBED IN CITY AND COUNTY Black Mountain, First "Over the Top" Has Doubled Quota, While Limestone Is Close Second WtthJoiaLatesrfOJhiCounty Organization Feels Confident That Buncombe's Entire Quota Will Be Raised Monday. NEWS THIS WEEK IS BETTER" CONT nUQUSLY MARCH Present Situation Is One of Great Promise to Allies IMPORTANCE OF MOVJT IS PERFECTLY CLEAR General March Holds Week ly Conference in Regard to War Situation WASHINGTON. Bept. IS. Backed by the concentrated offensive . power of the American army, unified military action on the western front under Marshal rooh has forced Bulgaria to seek a separate) -peace. In .the opinion .! of General March, chief of staff. The defeotion of Bulgaria, carrying with It the only connecting link between Turkey and the central powers and : foreshadowing the probable . restora tion of Roumanla to the fighting . rank, the chief of staff said today In ' his weekly conference, is due directly to the massing of French, British and American forces en the western front, Last week I told you, that the news during the week had been eon , tlnuously good." said General -Marcn. "This week. It In continuously better.? 6trtklng tUustraUon. . , 'The defection of Bulgaria Illustrates to a striking degree, the , . , results of the' concentration of forces time, whenever any part of the cen-va, was possible for Germany t devote and divert some German divisions -with German commanders to .the; v threatened front, while they heldT the . western front with a relatively emaller . force. .-.-..amy t "That day has cons Past By eon centratlng the entire American fores (CONTINUED ON PAGES TWO.) British Government Makes That Clear in Reply to Request for Armistice PANIC AT BERLIN ICOHTHrCED Olf PAGE EIGHT.) LONDON, Sept. 28. The British government In replying to Bulgaria's request for. an armistice, with a view to ultimate peace, has made It plain that while the government is willing to dlscjss the armistice proposal. military operations by the allied armies on the Macedonian front will be pushed, vigorously forward. The British government also expects a defi nite guarantee that while discussions progress the Bulgarian government will prevent the dispatch of German troops to Bulgaria. Furthermore, the British government will insist on a complete rupture by the Bulgarian government with Germany, Turkey and Austro-Hungary. In discussing the Bulgarian pro posal It is pointed out the allies have no Intention of attempting to make final territorial settlement In the Balkans which obviously must be a matter for consideration at the peace conference. The question, it Is stat ed is one of the conclusion of such military agreement as would pre vent any. further danger from the Bulgarian side to the operations of the allies In the Balkans. If the terms laid down which have been despatched to, Sofia are fot ac ceptable to the Mallnoff government the allied powers, it is added, have no further conditions to propose and It will rest with Bulgaria to find other representatives who can accept these conditions. With several districts of the city unreported last night Liberty loan headquarters stated that Ashevllle had subscribed yesterday $833,700 in the first day of the drive. Only two townships outside Ashevllle had re ported. Black Mountain leading the county In going over the top eald "we have 150,000 on a quota of $25,000, and are still selling bonds." Lime stone reported $34,000. These figures made the official report for the coun ty, with eleven townships to hear from, $717,700. Biltmore, Beaverdam and Haw Creek had not yet reported. The unofficial reports of subscriptions In-sight add considerably to this sum. County Chairman Edwin L. Brown, Jr., expressed the confidence of all hie associates when he declared that Mon day night would see the Buncombe county quota, $1,395,69. raised to the last penny, and perhaps some for good measure. Splendid Organization. It was a big day for the city and county. The women worked shoulder, to shoulder with the men, as the wo men have a way of doing. No busi ness man In the city can remember ever seeing such an effective organi zation formed for carrying out any community task. Early In the day 1,000 men and women, divided Into teams, with detailed Instructions as to their territory, went out to bring in the ammunition with which thd Hlndenburg line will be hammered tu pieces and fhe rest of the Turks and Bulgarians placed behind prison stockades. System appeared In the way the re ports came out at headquarters. Three thousand, nine hundred and eighty three homes were visited In Ashevllle yesterday and 2,000 subscriptions were taken. That there are still some large re serves to draw on to swell the total Monday Is seen from the fact that the railway men's subscriptions have not yet been reported. The fine work done by the four brotherhoods in the third campaign la expected to be sur passed in the final count for the fourth loan. Chairman Brown commented on the splendid manner in which the peo ple received the solicitors; the can-' vassera noticed on their rounds that i there is everywhere a better under standing of the details about buying I E KITCHIN BELIEVED TO BE VICTIMS OFSMNISH "FLU" Mr. Weaver Has Been Sick a Week But Is Slowly Recovering '-'"'' HAS WORKED HARD (CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO.) FIFTH DISTRICT BIO Asheville District Is Asked to Raise a Total of $1, 365,500 During Campaign "FULL SPEED AHEAD" IS MESSAGE OF DANIELS PANIC AT BERLIN AMSTERDAM, Sept. 28. Bankers In this city were Informed today that the Bulgarian crisis had produced a panic on the Berlin . stock exchange where several stocks dropped thirty points and more. Roumanian oil stock was said . to have dropped off sixty tolnta. RICHMOND, Va.. Bept. 28. With airplanes circling over the city drop ping bombs advertising the liberty loan drive and whistles shrieking, Richmond today got into the Liberty loan drive with a vim that astonished the campaign managers. The net re sults when figured up tonight showed that $5,250,000 of the $19,836,800 had been subscribed. Efforts of the, campaign today wwre directed primarily to appraising the public of what may be expected dur ing the week. Monday the campaign begins among the Industrial enter prises and It is estimated that each employe in the various plants here will take a bond for at least $100. The following apportionments for the fifth district have been announced: Washington, $27,608,000; Baltimore, $60,695,000; Ashevllle, $1,S.H00; Greensboro, $1.3ft.400; Charlotte, 3, $06,900; Raleigh, $2,484,600; Charles ton, 8. C, $6,224,600; Columbia, 8. C, $3,826,600; Huntington, W. Va., $2, $77,200; Clarksburg. W. Va., $2,669, 100; Charleston, W. Va., $4,265,900; Richmond, Va., $19,836,800. These amounts have been appor tioned to Virginia cities: Charlottes ville, $898,400; Staunton,' $845,900; Lynchburg, $8,806,200; , Petersburg, $2,757,600; Suffolk, $906,900; Norfolk, $8,415,200; Newport News, $1,484,000; Portsmouth, $974,600; Danville, $1, 888,100; Hepewell, $600,000; Roan ake. ta,7M.I0i Bristol. $3$.M. More Steel, More Guns Is America's War Program Against Hun. (By 8. R. Winters.) WASHINGTON, Sept. - 28. Twd. members of the North Carolina con gressional delegation are probably suffering with attacks of Spanish In- 11 1 fluenza. Majority Leader Clauds Kltchln Is confined to his bed at his 4 4 home, 1412 Kennedy street, North- PRESIPF.NT SENDS 4 west. He became 111 yesterday. The SYMPATHY TO TRS. 4 house of representatives was notified PITTSBURGH, Sept. 28. More steel, more guns, more munitions and "full speed ahead" in America's war program against Germany was the message for increased production brought to Pittsburgh tonight by Sec retary Daniels, who came here to launch the fourth Liberty loan drive In this district. The eecretary's address was made before a crowd of thousands in Syria mosque, after a tremendously enthu siastic day In which three-fourth's of the citizens of the city participated In the selling and buying Liberty bonds of the Fourth loan. Secretary Daniels' remarks at the mosaue tonight were directed prin cipally to mechanics and skilled work ers or the many plants in mis ainnci engaged in war activities. He ap Dealed to them not only to exert every ounce of their energy in patriotic work but to be generoue witn tneir gener- i ous wages in the pursbaee of bonds. j "An autocracy has an army," he said, "but a democracy Is an army. Three million Americans are register ed and ready. Their only ' need Is equipment, ships to take them across, i and the munitions. It is for us. tea provide these essentials. - "America has furnished enougr1 troops to give Foch the offensive, and the navy will continue to ferry them safely across the Atlantlo until the allied forces achieve complete and lasting victsry." JOHN A NICHOLfl. 4- today by Acting Minority Leader Qll- 4 I 4. 1 lett, when he proposed the adoption 4 The following letter from Presl- 4 of a resolution for a million dollar ap 4 dent Wilson was recently re- 4 proprlatlon on the combat of the 4 celved by Mrs. John A. Nichols, 4 i disease. Representative Kltchln will f widow of the esteemed citizen 4-! not be able to perform his duties for f whose death Is still deeply -4 ; a week according to advices from his deplored in this community: I physician. "The White House, Representative Zebulon Weaver of f Washington, D. C. the Tenth North Carolina congresslon- "My dear Mrs. Nichols: al district has been confined to the "May I not take the liberty Providence hospital for a week. While 4- of expressing my profound sym- -4 ' his office stated today that he was suf 4 pathy with you in the death of 4-1 fertng from a severe cold it la prob 4 your distinguished husband? I 4 'ably a alight attack of the Spanish In 4 know the character of the work 4 fluena. Representative Weaver had 4 he had been rendering In the 4 ' planned to go to North Carolina early 4 public Interest and am peculiarly 4 this week preparatory to making f distressed that a man of such 4 speeches In tne fourth Liberty loan 4 high motives and such dls- 4 ' drive. His physician, however, Cannes 4 tlngulshed service should be sud- 4 give assurance as to when he will he 4 denly taken away. I am sure 4 able to leave the hospital. He Is lm- tfrom what I have learned that 4 proving slowly. The , Tenth rlstrlct you must have at least the onm. 4- congressman Is a hard and consciSntl- 4 fort of knowing in what universal 4 ! ous worker and this fact has doubtless t .esteem and admiration your hue- 4 aggravated the nature of his illness. 4 band was held. 4 Renresentatlvs Kltchln Is apparent-1 4 "Cordially and sincerely yours. 4 . ly suffering with a breakdown incident 4 "(Signed) Woodrow Wilson. 4 I to his arduous duties in drafting the - 4 "Mrs. John A. Nichols, revenue bill. He has pursued the dim- . 4 "Ashevllle. North Carolina." 4 cult task relentlessly and with that 4 4 : vigor of achievement characteristic of 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i Claude Kltchln. SUBSCRIPTIONS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE If You Have Not Paid Do So Now Today IF YOU FURTHER DEI AY YOUR NAME MAY BE DROPPED IN THE RUSH AND YOU WILL MISS SEVERAL ISSUES. -..u--r-v .:rr The foIlov-ing is a ruling cf the War Industries Board: "DISCONTINUE SENDING PAPERS AFTER DATE OF EXPIRATION OF SUBSCRIPTION UNLESS SUBSCRIP TION IS RENEWED AND PAID FOR."