i .: f - f r 'A' Tililf ANUKVllXK CITIZKN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER T, 1918. I BBSS- -is tfte tiK' ?3 loan i l i fU i. .1 ,-1 ' dy wish firt the -people of A " Loan; both a art in good inter n( splendid oppartuj the fact that ve 4 RjY The BATTE t fl0,00 Member rdril R ti . the officers of this moat tfk mmmmA to the Fourth Liberty yblei investment bring i: and a one more 4 express gratitude, for K BANK turplaa A Profits llll.tpt r 1 ytm THE Modem rrr t F Europ .' Seven Stories of Inthe-andc ?'''"'T.' L iviu Fireproof ; Comfort y Sky: mili'irais unusual activity in FOLLOWED REACTION December Sold Off From 33.45 to 33.05 and Closed , at 33.13. r-w TnnK Rent. 10. An opening ad vene on the fsvorabl war neas net ttred realising In the cotton market tody. and w folk! hy rM-ulon. Dwrmlitr contrct olJ orr irom to U.OJ and rlo-d at JI.U. with th tui ev The markM EVIDENCE YESTERDAY So-Called Peace Issues Was the Cause of Sensational Gains in Some Issues. niril Hat cloalna vrrjr tlniy I ' I If IP" " e w-.. n , ft A modern nt-to-laU n Rataa, fl.kt and lJ ilagant aqalpmanU lea. Wa aollolt yanr atrona fPEARfe r E WILS( NVILLE. lua well cot Mrs: .1-1 1 .;. SREVARD, (f. C. 'i'kM. A. H.I i,' V , Headquarter tor ;'d nmarclal Man. Moderl . ' i Fraa, car to etaUoii Opaa yaar round. Ri ' - . , i SWILSON. Prop. lamp room. 0 to $1.00. r )IM ORAKGEBTAR .' TO BLACK MCtlNTAIN," MONTREAT, BLUE RIDGE , i; t tb, 12, 2. 4. 5. 6 and 8:30, V ' ' . 1 ' f . TO AZALEA HOSPITAL J i every 30 muiutee-- a. m. to, 7:30 p.' m. All Qua Leave South Peck Squaw., I : . i ... . " K' CI. 1 " ', ; All Kinds j; I I ;; one quality . I v',, i ; . , , ' , I Make the j: ' ' , ' The Fourth Libe ty Loan II printed word ' - is America' i iew of-' dothbwork " j fensive. We rtmt fight y 0ftie '' " yinU ;: satesnwa :: ; : Citizem i: "ae"nzr 4; ' Xumber Cokpany J?liL ; . j 9 A.hevair-r i - ; . . . -' . i - dX i. nf it. 2 munis. opened firm at an advance of It to 44 point that Kulrl had aliened an ar- mlatlra MTtpllna all aiiiea oonumon-. There waa alao buylna on re porta of ralna In aouth Atlantic and eaat ulf itetea over Sunday and low tempermturea north of the belt. . . October aold at S and January at till, but trade buylnc waa not aa much In evidence aa It had been toward the end of laat werlc. while demand finer wlae waa probably held In check by un certainty aa to the exact operation of the committee on dlatrlbutlon. At any rata, the market aoon turned eaaler tinder )flt-taklna ana price worea c 01 Miurnty oiue- ekrly afternoon. eta cron reoorta Indlcatlna a com- tetlvely small falllna off In condition the month probably promoted the Vlency to take nroflta on long cotton re tne puoucaiion 01 in ufiii'n.Hi reporta on wedneaday and tnere waa more southern ellln durlna; the afternoon. The decline waa atopped at J3.60 for Oc tober and 32.80 for January by renewed covering, however, and thera waa trade buylnc on the cloalnc ralltea of elht or ten Dolnta. Two private crop reporta were publlahed, on maklnc the condition (4 t airalnat 87. t last month and (he oth er !. aralnat 87.S laat month. The mnmiiiM nn at atrlbu t Ion ha aaked hold nf ivit wttoTi to aend tn a atatoment of atocka held on October 8, with detalla aa to a-rades and (taple. Otherwlae no nh Avainnmant waa reDorted In con neotlon with the official commltteea, but ir .nvthlne domestlo trade buylna waa more In evidence In the lata trading than recently. rnilnn futures? Open Hlh tow Oo October ... .83.88 8I.1K) 88 0 83.70 December 38 38 83.45 31.05 January 83.13 38 22 82.80 March ..... .33.08 33.11 82.67, May . I . . . . .12.88 83.03 32.78' Bpot cotton quiei; nuaauns !.. NEW ORLEANS COTTON. NEW OKLKAN3, Sept. 80. War new put cotton highen today and cauaed enough buying to keep price at a net advance until the cloe, although dur ing the afternoon there wa a reaction baaed on predlctlona of bearlah atatls tlc In the government report on condi tion and ginning Wednesday. Opening at the advance the market rose until the trading months were 41 to 80 point higher than Saturday' cloae. The reac tion pared this gain down so that final quotations for the day were at a net d vance of eight to 21 points. The weather map was regarded aa de cidedly favorable because It showed no rain In the cotton country but bulllah traders pointed out that temperatures were below normal In some sections while the forecast was still lower temperature In tha western half of the belt. Hlghtst prices of tha day were reached following the quoting of spot prices 87 points up. which put middling to 88.38 a compared with 82.80 aa the high price of the day on October contracts. In the last half hour of trading, however, the market received little support from any quarter. Cotton future closing bid: October 31.21; December 31.83; January 31.83; March 31.8; May 81.81. Spot cotton steady; middling 83.1!. TCTwarrg-iswi hi i nji.sm inniuutl jMCtvxi ''!r7 ''-" ' ..'nii asm i ir i tn aii-t8ia I iitirii'T ' 33.13 33.88 33.33 33.77 CHICAGO MARKETS. CHICAGO, Bept. 80. Hope of a steady general peace captivated traders today on exchange here and made war prices move downward like magic. After continuous heavy selling and ah extreme break of 7V, the crop market closed excited, 8V tn r.M. net lower with October 1.36 to 1 36 and November 1.83ft to 1.S3V Oats showed a setback of IT to IV In pro visions the result varied from 1 decline to 15c advance. Grain and provisions closing: Corn . ,c October J.J5 November 1.33 Oat.i October JO November 70H Prrk October 89.80 November 89.80 Lard October 2 0 November 25.95 R'b" October 35 November 23.05 Cash Corn. No. 3 yellow 1.68 01.66; No. 8 yellow 1.48(8)1.50; No. 4 yellow 1.401.49. NITW YORK. Sept. 80. Under the ef fect of tha portentloua ncwa from abroad, today'a stock market developed unusual activity and strength. Much of the Urge turnover centered In so-railed peace la sues, a fsw of which registered sensa tional gains. oil share were eoniplcuoua from the outset. Mexican Petroleum making an extreme advance of 10 points, while Texas company featured the final hour at a gross advance of 14 polnu. Moderate strength was manifested by innw otai Hteel and kindred Indue trlala and equipment In the early deal. I lamia, oui proiii-uxing ana anon selling soon iiectea reaction or one to four points. United Slate fit eel gain of a point In the first half hour waa aucceeded by Inalatent pressure at an extreme rever sal of two points, but the stock was again In demand later, cloalng unchanged at 113H. Investment rail were backward dur ing tha greater part of the cession, de spite lbs many favorable reports of earn ings submitted by the interstate com merce commission, but rose briskly tow ards tha close, Canadian Pacific leading at an advance of 1 points, most of which waa retained. Motor aharea became promnent at midday, gathering greater strength later on another drive against the snorts In General Motora. which held much of Ita aeven .point rise, while Stu debaker. Maxwell and Chandler Improved from two to four points. Utilities, notably ga shares, leathers, tobaccos, and fertilizer comprised the other strong stocks, extensive short cov ering ssttlng In at the close. Bonds were variable. Liberty Issues dis playing moderate Irregularity. Total sates par value, aggregated 8,M).0W). Old U. B. bonds were unchanged on call. I NEW YORK STOCK LIST. High 68 48H 25 40. 41. 44 LIVERPOOL COTTON. JAJ1' pAJt SCHEDULE In Effect April 1, 1818. i ' 6:30 a. . ' until t , M. ! f X. w. ute . . ZtLLICO AND RETURN 6;0, 6:15, S:80 A. M, , RIVERSIDE PARK-6:1I and every 15 ' minutes tintll 11: P. m. ' DEPOT IK HUUTHSIUH AVENUE m. and every is minute until i:is then every 7V4 minutes until 3:45 t p, m .then every 15 minute until ii:uo X -"DEPOT VIA FRENCH BROAD AVE-i- 1 Nl'E :"!tl a. m., and every 15 minute until j:p. m. . ... Anuifr-cw a, m. ano every la minu- untll 11:00 p. m. HARLOTTE 8TRFET TERMINUS m. ana ever' minute until ii:uu in m. li:av nr runs mrnusui rviurns "" If'sves end of cr line at 12.00. - PATTON AVENCR 6:00 a. m. and very 15 minutes until 11:00 p, m. . k-AT HTREKT 6:00 a. m and aveo-y .14 " until 11:00 p. m. Or X:B. VIA MERRIMON AVENUE t: A. m., then every 16 minute until B TMORE : a. m.. and then every II minute until 11:00 n. m , last car. V PH-POT AND WEST ASHRVILLE VTA. ' BOlTTHSIDK AVENUE 8:80 a. m.. and 7 overy Xi rainutes until ll jOO a. m. : Sunday Schsduls Dlf?rjii th following rtlculara.- -J Car leaves Square for Ma.inr t:tio an.l f 6:15 a. m., arrive Square 6:tt and 6:30, '. yien every 80 minutes until 8:80. Cart leav Square fnr Depot via South- aid avenue 6:30. 6.43, 6:00, :1S. C:,".0. T;M, 7:80, JOO and 8:30 . m. Cars leave ' Rciusre for Depot via French Broad ve ' nue 6:15, 6:30. 6:45, 7:15, 7:45 and 8.15. Car for Depot leaves Souare 8:45 a. m., : both Southside and Frenrh Broad. ' - First car leaves the Hquars for Char- loteei street at 00 a. m., and every SO ' minute until 8;S0; next 8:45. . First -car leaves the Square for River aide 8:30, next 8:45. : First car leave the Squara tor West r Ashevlll 6:15, 7:00; next 8:30. j First -car leave Square for BItmore :80 a. mi and every 10 minutes until 8:00 !0'ClOCk. ! . . y With tha abovo exceptions, Sunday - schedules commeace at : 4.. m., and continues same as week days. On evening when entertainments are ., In progress t the Auditorium the last trip on all lines will be from entertain rn'.nt, leaving Square ajrceulax. . ovax at Audit MONItiX TO LOAN AT 48 Patton At). Phone SSS -WESTERN CAROLINA AUTO COMPANY 14-1U K. Colleice.. fhone 890. It us put Kelly-Bprlrurflcld Tire life into your car. , LIVERPOOL, Sept. 80. Cotton snot In fair demand; prices firm; good middling 25.29; middling 24.66; low middling 23.61; rood ordinary 22.09; ordinary 21.57. Sales 1,000 bale Including 1,700 American. Re ceipts 6.000 bales, including 5,100 Ameri can Futures closed quiet; October 23.84; November 23.84: December 23.36: Janu ary 23.24; official noon closing: Septem ber 24.44 value. NEW YORK PRODUCE, NEW YORK. Sept. 80. Raw sugar steady: centrifugal 7.28; fne granulated nine cents. Spot coffee steady: Rio 7o, 94; Santos 4s. 13H. Butter firm; cheese steady. COTTON GOODS. NEW YORK, Sept. 80. Cotton goods market today were steady with a firmer tendency. Demand was active and sales restricted. Raw silk wa quiet and bur japs easier. I I "Lest We Forget" 1 GALAX ToDAY THE LEADER I 25c and Worth It Ladled Up-to-Dsvt , iajMIJ mJUKMK Ready-to-Waar. 9mMimmBimmmgaMmmsmam Popular Prle Stot. . On trie Atobim. Aatieville, T. ft i American Beet Sugar American Can American Car and Foundry American Locomotive American Linseed 42 American 8meltlng and Ref. 79 American Sugar , ...107 American Tel and Tel 98 American Tobacco 166 Anaconda Copper 69 Atchison 87 Atlantic. Coast LIU b Atl. Gulf and W. Indies b Baldwin Locomotive 91 Baltimore and Ohio 63 Bethlehem Steel "B" 824, Canadian Pacific 170V, central Leather 70 Chesapeake and Ohio Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul Chicago, R. I. and Pac. ... Chlno Copper Colorado Fuel and Iron ... Corn Product , Crucible Steel 67 Cuba, Can Sugar 80S Erie , 16 General Electric 14 General Motors 124 Great Northern pfd 98 Great Northern Ore Ctfa. .... 81 H Gulf State Stool 73 ty Illlnol Central .. b Inspiration Coppar .. 65 ty Int Mar. Marino 17 Int. Mar. Marin yfi, ...... 10ty International Paper,,, ...... 85 ty Kennecott Copper . . 84 Louisville and Nashville llty Maxwell Motora 39 ty Mexican Petroleum 131 Miami Copper .. 38 ty Mldval Steel .. 61 Missouri Pacific .. 14H New York Central 74 ty Norfolk and Western 104 ty Northern Paclflo 87 ty Ohio Cities Gsva .... 88ty Pennsylvania, s 4814 Pittsburg Coal 61ty Kay Consolidated copper .... I4"4 Reading 89ty Rep. Iron and Steel 01 Seaboard Air Line 8ty Seaboard Air Line nfd 21 Sinclair oil and Kenning .... Slosa. Shef. Steel and Iron . .b Southern Pacific Southern Railway Southern Railway pfd. .. Studebaker Corporation . Tennessee Copper 17ty Texas Co , 188 Tobacco Product 70 Union Pacific 127ty United Cigar Store 102ty United Fruit 134 U. 8. Ind. Alcohol 116 United State Rubber 61 ty United State Steel 1134 United States Steel pfd HOty Utah Copper 84 ty Virginia Caro. Chem. 56ty Wabash pfd. "A" 89 Western Union .. 82 Westlnghouse Electric 44 Willys-Overland 21 ty Total sales, 751,900. 83ty 28 ty 68 ty 68V Close 46ty 87 67 43 79 107ty 8ty 165 69ty 86 ty 95 101 89ty 63 7ty 170ty 70 57 40 4s!t 66 ty 80ty 16 149 124 91 31ty 78 64 ty 65 37 ty 104 ty tt 116ty 18 Wty 18 61 !4 74ty W4ty 87 ty 88 ty 5l5 24 89ty 91ty 11 83 60 88 ty 28 ty 68ty 52ty 16ty 185ty 69 126 102 134 114 61 ty 112ty 110 84ty 64 88 ty 82 44 20 i "The Oyners (f Swift & Gmpaiy (Now Over22,000) Perhaps it has not ocurred to ya that toucan participate inSvift & Cormnys profits, and also shareits risks,-v De coming a co-partner inthe busines? It is not a close corporatm. You can do this by buyig Swift & c?anJ shares, which are bought an sold on the ucago and Boston stock exchanges There are now over 2000 shareholds of Swift & Company, 3,500 of taom are emploes or the Company. These 22,00sbareholders itlude 7,800 womea Cash dividends have bei paid regularl for thirty years. The rate at prtent is 8 per cet. The capital stock is all f one kind, naiely, common stock there is no pferred stock, anthis common stock represents actuS values. Theres no "water," nor have good wilLjrade marks, or pat ents been capitalized. - . This statement is made solf for your inforrrition and not for the purpose of boomg Swift & Compny stock. 1 We welcome, however, e stock produers, , retailers, and consumers as co-rtners. We particularly like to ha for shstreholdersthe -people with whom we do busine. This leads to a better rrrual understandag. Year Book of interest and instructive tacts sent opequest Address Swift & Co any, Union Stock Yards, Chicaj Illinois Swift & Gonpany 'If President Local Branch, Glenrock Station, hevffle, N. C .. ."f T I RITA JOLIVET I I "Lest We Foiget" 1 I GALAX TOljjAY g! CHICAGO CATTLE. breeding, yearlings steady. Labbs choice 16. (KIT 17.01): medium M.0fll4.lO; culls 8.0012.00: ewes choice and prltie 10.75 medium 8.0010.74; cuu j.507.50. 11.00; CHICAGO, Sept 80. Hogs: market closed strong with packing grades mostly . 10c higher. Butchers 19.50(j520.00; light : l.04jl.6; packing, 18.5019.35; rough; 18.0018.50; pigs, good to choice 17.75 18.60. . - Cattle: natlvo steers steady to 25c J higher- medium kinds advancing most; western mostly 25o higher; butcher stocks 10 to 25 higher; calves about steady; beef cattle, choice 15.50019.60; medium 16.00 15.25; butcher stock cows and heifers 6.756)13.50; canner . and cutters 5.7S 6.75; stockeds and feeders, choice 10.60 13.75; Inferior, medium 7.OO10.50; veaj calves choice 17.75Jjil8.50. Sheep killing class and feeding lambs mostly 25 to 60c lower; extreme bottom on lambs 75c lower; some feeding and Absolutely. Teacher (scrutinising the excuat note) "Are you ure your mother wrtte thin. Tommy ?" Thomas Tuf-fun Absolutely. Miss Brown. It was her social secretary" I day off, so mommer was forced o take her pen in hand." Buffalo ExpresX JHE pMAN'S HOUR; Million of our tnA men have been called 'from their usual occupations to?it the battle of democrcy. i, Millions of trained women rfl take the places thus vacated. The government is callirior bookkeepers and stenograpriera. May we not train yoS take the place of a mat who figKuJ For rate and terrfcall or phone 1 j '': ' ' THE EMAIEL BUSINESS COLLEGE f r No. IS Haywood St Phone Oldest end Best Eflped Commercial School to the Stat. ' V 44 Lest We Forget A Real Big Featui GALAX TODA1 cue across With your mon la Back Our Boys WAR 12 Battery Park It will be returned to'yo- with interest. uf-. ayonets By Buying Bon-J LECTRIC CalVi'".1 (KM Blomberg Junk Co 78-80 N. Lexington Ave, ; Buys Anything in Junk Phone 2371. Square at.J'""X - j4 The ROYAL Bay Thrift Stamp and -Help Oar Government End the War. ' In New York City A Good Room with Batfc at $2.00 to $3.00 Per Day b Hard to Find But the Editor of this Paper will tell you "You can get them" at the Hotel Gregorian 35th Street Bet. 5 th Ave. and Broadway Homelike, Modern, Fireproof, Central, br.r Theatre and Shop Beat of Food at Fair Price . ..Wnt for Booklet t6 . ftftAKpL P. UITCHETj Prop, AREELECTRIC m Mhing Electrical 1 U. S. , EMPLOYMlilT SERVICE WAlS CONSlVUihiON, HEN For James Stewart & Co., Inc., for Workh CAMP ! i 1 ' .1. , r - 1 ; At Fayetteville, N. C, he Large Artillery Camp ithe East ? t - - - v Bj1iJj,TA.fc-r a vvv ulars Apply r ' . C a. a T C T? r t UDvernmeni ttmiuiunciu tt age ic necuye. rorrj U. . El kit mum r Or Your Local Public Service pfiaUe.;.( Be Ited jYour Postoffice C !

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