9 Citizen Want Ads Bring Results Want Bflf. nniHt hx sent to Plraae bring four Want da. to Tbe C'UUco offlw. The tllM-n omt-r before t i:; ). in, lor tiucrtkm lit the lol- wing day's paper. Wants Wants Wants Wants Wants Wants Wants THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1918. o o FOR SALE r or ijale Une new mahogany J . piano and one ulightly used phonograph at a bargain for cash or "ubntftntinl terms. Address postofflce box G62 or phone 2692 82 17-0-30 FoH, HALK 1 j-lu.r ii.it i-nginn burna keroatne, In noml running order, cheap for ranh. or would trad for smaller rmlnr. or auto mobile. R W. King. Cimllfr, N C Iron ore deposit for sale, two miles from railway. A bar gain. Address Iron Ore, caro Citizen- P82 10-5-7 KOR HALK Crnmn ei le fumed oak rocker, arm rlmlr. lc!l .ind rhalr. Mahogany pluno bench nnd drer. 1'hone 474 or cl' K'H S Orove Hi. P81M-8-7 FOR BALE 1'lanola rlnye-r piano. Aeolian Co., at a :icrinre. Slightly used. Oood assortment of niualo rolla. Tarty leaving town Inquire M. V.. care Cltlren l'SlS.i-5-7 NEWSPAPER and Job office for a:ilo; only one here: well eitonHM cd . no. debt: making money, plenty of business. M , Box III Unufort, N. C. P8J4S-S-G BAROAIN IN AL'TO TIRES -National tlrei are fully guaranteed, vet loweat In price. Stetson Tire To . Rroadwav and Walnut S' 23-tf PIANO Slightly used upright, heal grade mahogany c Knr-ln for caah. See piano tZ Blltmore Ave Phone 281 7-tf ONK FOl'R and one alx horsepower ran engine, ready to run I'hono 1178 or write Bog 5, Wrr Aehe vllle. rsD3r-6-Tt FOR SALE Registered Itolxtetn bull, one year old Price JlOO.Oit. Elmer Carter. Phone COOS rs;rs-6-7 FOR BALE One good condition. 862. Singer motor In Address H . Box P8206-9-8 SMALL NATIONAL cash reglter for me. Apply O. X , care Cplwn. PR31 8-9-3 FOR SALE-One ga water heater in good condition. Address II Rox 852. P1J1S-9-S FIRST t'LASS wirker baby carriage at a bargain Phone 1942. S280-R-2 LOST SMALL purse containing mon cgram ?ro!d cuff links an'tl pearl ring. If person who took sapic will return to own-1 er nothing will be said orj done. Person is known. ! 8312-9-3 Reward for information con cerning whereabouts of brindie bull dog, lost Sunday evening. Owner's same and address on collar. Phone 695. P8303-8-3' LOST Bird dog, setter, about 6 weeks old. Disappeared from 43 Oak Rt. Friday mornine. Liberal reward If returned to 43 Oak St. Also reward for information as tt his whereabouts. Address 43 Oak 8t. 8287-8-3 KEY RING with 6 or 6 keys on It. One of them a P. O. key. Tw o of i the keys alike. Bring to Citizen and get reward. Ralph O. Wells. P828.1-8-S LEFT on desk at Olen Rock port of fice, one second loan Liberty bond. Finder pleaae return to Glen Rock post offlae and receive reward. P82P0-8-S A bill book wth U. C. T. sta.mp ori Ineide. About J200.00 in hills. Plan fi itiirn In Tnnntfiipr Tjinprpn n,l l reward PS30K-9-3 I LOST Saturday Black and white Irish Better. Last seen on Blltmore Ave. Reward. Phone 7613. P8279-8 LOST A pair of eye glasses between post office and Charlotte street Phone 1846. Rewa.rd. P831--l ONE PARTLY finished army sock and needles, green border. Phone 2828.- 8300-8-3 A colored boy, age 10; If found please notify Joe Rippy, Clondlke Place. P8322-9- LADY'S gold watch W on case. Re ward. 103 Montford. 8307-9-1 AUTOMOBILES OAKLAND SIX CAR FOB SALE -At bargain. Bought new June 27th Oood shape. New cord tires. Phone 26. Also some other cars cheap. W. M. Reagan, Weavervlll N. C. P8149-8-7 THRTEE seven-passenger and two five passenger cars, slightly used, for sale or will exchange for real estate Call 813 or 1278. O. M. Coston. tf FOR SALE Five passenger Over land ;-good condition. Can be seen 88 Carter St. P831 1-0-8 FOR SALE New Maxwell roadster. Must sell account of sickness. 88 Pearson, drlv. P8198-R-7 FORD truck , for sale, good running condition. Apply l Haywood street cl'y. ' 8162-4-tf. FOR SALE 1617 Reo touring car, Runs like new. Phone 219 or 8307. 7976-28-14 FOR SALE 115 ACRES close to station between Ashevllle and Henderson vllle. ' Or chard, hpufe, barn; beautiful loca tion. Never Tin own to fall on fruit. T. J. Curran (owner). Box 800, olty. 8216-6-tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE v-FOR SAI OR EXCHANGE! 21 -acre farm, mile out', 8-room bouse, outbuildings, spring, and fruit. C. M.. Tj"ntham, owner. Ashevllle."' R. F. D. No. 2. " P8099-1-80 BARBER SHOPS We make a specialty ot children's hair cutting. j St. Charles Barber 6hop, T Haywood EhVPhons (84. 708-0-tr Sffe , flOTARY PUBLIC -"Two door. from City Ticket o31ce BOARDERS WANTED LOU K I LAND TEKKALli. 37 Courtlund Ave. New and modern, ideal locati u. Rooms of superior coml'r; and convenience. Select In 'An food a specialty. Steam heat, hot and cold running water in each room. Single or suite of rooms. Private or connecting baths. A comfortable home. Rates that are right. 04i-:-if 108 Hillside St One large ven tilated room with bath and sleeping porch. Price $.'50 week for single person, $30 for two; every convenience to meet the requirements of re fined people. Furnace. Ex cellent board and service. Near East street car line. 8257-G-7 "BON AIR." G6 Ashland Ave. On direct car lino from depot to square. Splendidly furnished outside rooms. Excellent meals Two blocks from P. O. No tuber culosis. Phone 2291. 36SM-28-80 THE AVONM0RE 107-109 Haywood St. Under new management Larf.e, airy rooms. Private bath if desired. Table unexcelled. Conveniently located. Phono 996. J. A. Baker, Prop. 8318-9-3 'Dl'NN W VCILE." near .Tlack Moun tain, hoe 'ral vneanciea for In cipient tubercular boarders and rent Cases. Modern, Hirnuoe heat, aieep ing porches, leflned, homelike. Moderr.te ratee Include InMtutlonal routine directed by graduate nurse, milk with meale extra diet between men's. Apply "Uunnwvohe." Black Mountain. N C. P75R7-1 l-30 b EAl'TI FL'LLV furnlsiieil room I single or suite of rooms; private or connecting betha nnd private porcaca; running water in bed rooms. Hot wxter heat. Clo.se in. Ideal location. S7 Ravencrof KoHd. I'hone 468. 8209-g-tf SPLEXDID SUITE consisting of steam heated sleeping porch, one I or iwo rooma ana private duiii1 witn excellent ooara ana service, can be had with private family Phone 2768. 8 124-2-tf BOARDERS wanted In a most attrac tive home, nice sunny rooms and sleeping porches. Hot water heat. Oood nourishing food; congenial people. Phone 26J3. 60 Orange ptreet. 7918-4-tf. SHADOW LAWN 103 Montford Ave., Hlverslde car; every convenience to meet the requirements of refined people. Rooms en suite. Private batb Mrs. F. M. Alexander. Phone 1893. 7840-24-tf Steam heat, comfortable rooms. Good table. Ten minutes walk from square. 2595: 62 Orange. 476-29-tf HARMON"! HALL tfO Oak (corner Woodtln. Charlotte car line). Hot water heat, pleasant, rooms, excel lent inealfc, a "home." Phone 1698. P7519-17-3Q LARGE, airy room comfortably fur pished, hot water heat, sultaliis for one or two persons, w"h board In private home, l'hone sv9S. 7740-21-SO BOARDERS WANTED Room and board for one oiv.two young women, convalescents In private home, steam heated. Phone 3422. ' 7943-27-30 ACCOMMODATION for a few more boarders. A well heated home. At tractive grounds and porches. Pfione 2633. 60 Orange St. 7918-26-tf THE WREN WOOD 61 So. French Broad. Close In Comfortable rooms. Excellent meals. Rates reasonable. Phone 897. 1181-16-30 ATTRACTIVELY furnished eooms. heat, excellent table. Mrs. Charles Russell, 39 N. French Broad ave. Phone 610. 7948-27-80 NEW BOARDING HOUSE Private board. Nicely furmVhed rooms. Sleeping porch. No sick taken. 151 Woodfln. m-14-tf VERY DESIRABLE furnished rooms In refined family. Furnace. Well people only. 76 College St. Phone 816. 780-2R-tf COUPLE tc room and board in pri vate home; large airy room with bath. 78 Merrlmon Ave. Phone 1544. 7913-26-14 MOTHER and eon want board with etrlotly private family, with posi tively no sick. N. E., care Citizen. P8292-8-3 BOARD AND ROOM for couple at French Broad. P8 288-8-7 64 N. The great cathedraJ which stands near the national palace In the City of Mexico has sixteen bell towers. Want Ad Rates (Consecutive Insertion!) 1 Insertion 8 Insertions 1 Insertions 14 insertions le per word So per word 4o per word To per word 81 Insertions lOe per word 80 Insertions 18e -er -ord FOR EXAMPLE l k fS-wnrd ad easts 89 eents tor one Insertion, 3 Insertions 10 cents. 7 Inrertlnns 81.00. 14 Insertions $1.75. 81 Insertion 12. SO. 10 Insertions 18.00. . Position Wanted Ad ar an, hair abov rata. Want Ads not run en eon. sscutlve- days are strictly one cent per word for eaoh Inser tion. .'-.' . . . . 1 No Want Ads takan for I than It cent. . Want ' Ads ar pmjatMa to ad. venc. HELP WANTED ! i.m.vku.xmknt noe1 I 'J i' ' rk Mxninlnntlont ev rr lit-r '11 '''- tolier Salnry 81.200. i:xn'ili"n p tinnerefumry Men and women de flrlnp government poHlilonn write for free pn rtli ulii i . .1 (' lx'iitinl (former I II s.-rvlcr examiner) UN Keno It 1 1 L I I i 1 1 1 -. nshlriK' on. 1 h 2 3 7 - (I H MAN AND WIKIO. or t o Indies to take tlelrull f ,u niched otlage of five room xrol Imnl uniir no el dirly U.ly No s ck 1' 1". cure of I'ltlfen pk-'sj !-3 KI'IVIIKN lolp man. Able tr Ml'nn Ilospi 1MP ork Mnn or Pic Ivltli i .:! on. 7- S W A N TKh - Kxprrlencrd I framer. Applv llrnwn HooU .liturc Co H I K - .1 mai r. Wanted Young mnn for shop worK ai wiiiaru service Min - i iifmi i r ! m . tion. Good wages. Apply at once. Asheville Battery Co., College and Market. rsr -7-1 WANTED BRIGHT HONEST , ENERGETIC BOY TO i WORK A PART OF EACIli DAY DOES NOT INTER-! FERE WITH SCHOOI ' GOOD PAY AND CHANCE FOR PROMOTION FOR THE RIGHT KIND OF BOY. ADDRESS, GIVING NAME AND AGE TO I. T CARE OF THE CITIZEN. WAVTED BOT.1 TO CARRY CITI ZEN' ROTTTKS; MUST BE HUSTLERS: APPLY CITIZEN OF FICE. 4788-4-tf MEN" Above and tte'ow draft age, learn barber trade dny or even. Wonderful demand. Moler Barber College, 61 N. Forsyth. Atl.inta. P7776-22-SO BOY or young man wanted nt once. No hard work. Apply to R. M. Mor gan, 3-4-5 Electrical Bldg. Under wood Typewriter Co. 7-3 WANTED Night clerk for hotel near Ashevllle. State what experience von have had. Address W. M . care Citizen. P8277--3 WANTED Delivery ooy. With or without wheel; good salary. Apply at once to Red Cross Pharmacy. 7801-22-tf WANTED Boys, young men. or old men for messengers. For particulars apply Western Union Telegraph Co. 8234-6-7t TWO BOYS to learn tinner's trade, be tween 14 and 17. Apply W. H. Arthur. 111 Broadway. 8299-8-3 WANTED A colored In vanl and house. Vhone 2351. man to work Live on place. P8198-8-S FEMALE GOVERNMENT needs thousands of men and wonien. Positions In Washington and your state. Exam inations held continuously. No previous experience required. Let us help you secure ono. Write to day.. Free particular sent immedi ately Columbia School of Civil Service, Dept. 64, Jordan Bldtt.. Wnshlngton. D. C. P7692-20-3O WANTED-Rellable woman for cook ing and llghv crfeahingr in hotibe. Must remaln:t night. Room with private babN Wages, 17 neek. Only those who have references as do character and wishing (i good permanent hortie need apply Pbone 3215. 8329-9-tf WANTED Young woman with edu cation and Intelligence to do a few hours work dully in exchango for a stenographic course. Must have at least a high school education. Call after 4:30. Emanuel BXislness Col lege. 18 Hiivwood St. 8271-7-tf WANTED Dining room girl, two chamber maids and a boy. Come ready for work. St. Joseph's Sanitarium, 428 Blltmore Ave. 8293-8-3 WANTED AT ONCE Bookkeeper with experience. Lady preferred. Oood salary to right party. Phone S71. ' 8298-8-7 WANTED An experienced hotel checker. Apply to Mr. Burke Orove Park Tnn. 8289-8-3 mum' iwihki) mains willing to pay five dollars a Week. Wlnvah Sanitarium. 8291-8-3 WANTED A mnld with experience at 128 Haywood St. Come prepared to work. 8248-6-tf MAID or cook wants work and stay on premises. Apply 64 North Lib errv. P8326-9-3 GOOD Cnmoctent chamber maid. 8323-9-8 GOOD COOK, Phone 1 948. 26 North Liberty. P8320-9-3 WANTED A cook. Phone 2631. 8805-8-7 AUTOMOBILE PAINTING mjRAUTOmTn7ln us give you an estimate on your car. Frank Tlddy. Phone 2940. tf State of North Carolina, County of Buncombe. In the Superior Court. Addle Smith, plaintiff, vs. O. C. Smith, defendant. NOTICE OF SUMMONS. The defendant above-named will take notice that the above-entitled action has been commenced In the Superior Court of Buncombe County by the plaintiff against the defendant for a divorce from the bonds of matri mony now existing1 between the plain tiff and defendant, and the defendant will take notice that he is required to be and appear at the term of the Su perior Court of .said county to be held on the first Monday in November. 1918, at the court house of said coun ty, in the City of A she Wire, and -an swer or demur, to the complaint' in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said complaint. This the 21t day of August. 1818. . J.'0. - H. CATHKY,, e. Cttrk taupei lur Wo Wit of buncombe it ft WANTED W,NTi:j) T.. I, oml band wi'u keeping good, hftrnl bur.i, Jew i t him; In ec Hllil In houae- enlt c.iH-'a and mhiW'h! Inatru- nient. etc. price for me: (.oiiils rnl. t t iii v, Ili re' u cml If nntlfU mull. M. Z;i II p. exiru hlg i lotlilng Anv e not HMtl'fac V exiien Will ip i 1 4 7 Or by ,.b.., Hlltiiiore Av ?IH -2K tf ! 'ASM I r Old I' ll-,-n t (- I pay ; n nUo lilrhet pri. n own. wa'cbe KoM. silver hii'1 tiow nnd rrc!p mall your goo h i un t '.f.i c nrv 8. Fifth i"tree pi th i broken or ii $ ? 00 per net . for lirliliren dlnni('ida. old ilnt In urn Send I nsli bv return rc irneil If prlco . I. Mnrer. ;07 id-lphH. Pa. "7774 r?-S1 Wanted To hit v jruinea pigs and rabbits. Rring to store. Ashcville Seeil Co.. Cor. Lex ington Ave. ind College St. 0 1 0 - 4 ! f I ' ii. - 1 wantfi immti hatki.t a capa ble ninnager i r n tiu-chneer of n line humanitarian lntltutlnn: good aal.'irv; a pavlnc bu-ilnea. Apply fo P. O. Pox III. Abbeville. N CV 7100-1 ( tf McConnell Bros, are buying Irish potatoes, paying 2c a lb. delivered at warehouse. "lH-.IO-tf I.lt Yon- Pro; -v ' - t-"..r 'l MO ALE & ME ERTWETHER. 27 I'ATTi AVE. Phono Hi!. T-tf CIVTl.-lS fTIts mnn t Vi , -nnli to ' help our government we can help by ctannlnit an.1 pres-sJur our Holta to look llk new . nea Phone !8!.' .1 r Wllha'r N I'wk So K-tf MODERN slgv or seven-room. Unfur nished house- wilh uleenlng porch, hot water heat, nice neighborhood. Phone 22S.l'T. W . Cate Cltlian. 81(11-4 7 AN "Adirondack" or "Dr. Mi nor" reclining chair. Call Phone 608.'- P8319-9-3 WANTED-To rent on shares an equipped farm, bv nn experienced truck gardener unit farmer O P.. care Cltlen P8213-f-7 WANTED Second-hand furniture and all hotiseholrf goods. 17 Blltmore Ave. Ashevlllo Furniture Co Phone 151. 234-S1-tf WANTED Brna.ll furnished house near hoapltaat Azalea. State par ticulars a to location, heat. etc. O. X., care Citizen. ' P813S-S-7. TWO furnlst inji'fe housekeeping E. H. C, 60 PV324-9-1 rooms- Montford TO BUY Second-hand cash. Must be cheap. piano for Phone 2681. f.4S2-27-tf FOUND F ' V N D I'ocketbook containing rri pers, etc. Call IB Latta St. Mnrv Williams. P8297-8-3 Ferdinand of Bulgaria entoys the reru'atlon of being the nhrewdest and wii,ept of nil royal business men. He owns theatres, tobacco factories and dairies and b.is nnule large sums in stock speculation. NOTICK. North Carolina, Stnte of Couiity Buncombe T.-i the Snperior Court. Richard Bell, vs. 4 Alice Bell. . NOTICE. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entltfed a above ban been commenced In the Superior Court of Buncombe County, North Carolina, for the purpose of se curing a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, heretofore and now sub sisting between the plalniiff and de fendant. And the defendant will further take notice that she Is re quired to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said County to be held on the first Monday in No vember. 1918, at the Court House In Asheville. N. C, and answer or demur to the cotnplnlnt In said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In said complaint. This September 17. 1918. J NO. H. CATHEY, Clerk Superior Court. Fortune ft RohertB, Attorneys for plaintiff. 7659-18-26-2 STREET CAR SCHEDULE In Effect April 1. 1918. ZILLICO AND RETURN 6:00, 6:15, :3fl A. M. RIVERSIDE PARK 6:18 and every IB nilnutes until 11 : p m DEPOT VIA SOUTHSIDE AVENUE 5:30 a. m. and every 15 mlntitea until 1:15 p. m.. then every 74 minutes until S:4B t. m., then every 16 minutes until 11:00 PDEPOT via FRENCH BROAD AVE NUE 6:00 a. rr and every 15 minutes un'll 11 :"0 p. m. MANOR 8:00 a. m. and every 15 mlnu utes until 11 :00 p. m. CHARLOTTE STREET TERMINUS 6:00 a. m. and every IB minutes until 11:00 p. m : 1D30 rap ran through: returns leaves end of ear line at 12.00. PATTON AVENUE 6:00 a. m. and every 15 minutes until 11:00 p. m. EAST STREET 6:00 s. m, and every 15 minutes until 11:00 p. m. GRACE. VIA MBRRIMON AVTWUE 6: 00 a. m., then every IB minutes until 11:00 p. m. RILTMORE 6:00 a. m., and then every 15 minutes until 11:00 n. m., last car. DEPOT AND WEST ASHEVILLE VTA. SOUTHSMDE AVIINUE 5:50 a. m.. anil every 15 minutes until 11:00 o. m. Sunday Schedule Differ In th followtn Particulars. Oar leaves Square for Manor :00 end BtlB a, m., arrive Square 6:16 and 4 80, then every 80 minutes until 8:30. Car leer umiare tor Depot via South, side avenue d:.iu. e 41, s:oo, K:l.v so 7.11A TiSO fl.AA mnA A'RA . m C - I--... Square for Depot via French Broad ave nue o:ir, dib'i, sin, t:ib. and i ll, 'Car for Depot leaves Square 8:4B a, m., both Southlde and FMrijk Broad. . First car leave tji nitiarr fof Char lotee street at? 9:00 a. m.,.and every JO mmut nntn 8roNxf8i4B, ' T, First ear leaves the Square for River aide 8:80, next 8:4t. . Klrsi car leave the- Bdtrarfe for West Ashevllle il5, 7j00; next-8:80- First car leaves Briuara' fdV Blltmore 8:80 st m. and every 80 minutes until 9:00 e'e'oekv With h above exceptions, Sunday schedules eommenre at :00 a. m., and ooatlnoea same a week day. On evening when entertainment are fn pr'suess. at the, Auditorium the lust trlto'OiPall lliee will b trail entertain tnent. leaving Uquatr at rag ilar Wr xo4 ROOMS FOR RENT Vl IIMMII II. Ft'ltNISHl'P apnrtnienta: two Imtk" rnnnectlt4j ronma. completely i.nd e'eRantly fnMil-liea Plmo, rn phone, etc . c4"e In, near cur line No rk or rh'l.tren $:'.'. Oil month The i.lelroNe, foT llnvwnml 7704-?0-lf llh:ST Fl HNISII i rooroM In the clly for tbe lootiey; Mte.un ocit. hr.t and co'd water with or ,vl hout bath Klevator eer e. ire pi i of building. Klk Hii'MliiK. Ilnywood ntrect aecond door otMce 7T M V .'-tf ONI'" or two nlci-ly ":: bed rooms In prlvVe car line on HUM do In nieuN Tie.Tr. no ?lrk Itt-ferencea exrhnnqeil ntilnil fril't liMioc. near writer hviV ,,r . i l.l'-n fho.o. K'' 7sni .i?-f Till' I.Ai:t)l:ST. ntrte-:. .o:lr able room." In the c'tv I.oc.i'el In beautiful Inrce. ehndv rniniltv ' ke rr Mir:lH I.-irire porches Prl.ite home. CloHe In I'hnim in 5(1. 4 I n . 11 -1 f l-'nR KENT Three cheorf il coll necting rootnw furnlnlieil for hnise I;rep1ng; sleeping porih. onn leicent. 14.1 Peui'Hon drive I'tion1 l'kso h:t:iii.ii-" ONE furnished no ni tiew biitiita- low. opposite irrndeil fohool on Montford avenue No 'rlc neooln nnd no children token. M,, Knln vnr 7 STEAM 1IEATE1 HEI) Rm)MS In private home Pout residential sec tion. ner ear line T:ib'e hoard near. 162 Wist Chestnut Rt 7rs: i TWn atlrirllve conveniences hoiieekeplni:. Riverside car rooms with modern well fnrnlbeil for two doors from line. Applv "4 Soeo KOR KENT--One or two very 1 i -re connecting room, with or w'Miotit housekeeping privilege. Two block.s from square. 20 Oak f1 3ni--tf FOR RENT -Three moms on flrnt floor, completely furnished for llrht housekeep ng No sick No chil dren. 3 Cumberland Place 7Br.n-1S.tf VERY new DESIRABLE ii'H rooms In bungalow nppiwlte Minor. Rreakfant optional. I Edwin Place Phone 2123 78-,4-24-tf VERV I "VT'RI 'S A L aocoin modal Ions In new home. Strlotlv firs class. Fine sleeping Porch. 107 Charlotte Rt.. Phone 3?Sr, PS237-6-7 MODERN HOME HOTEt,- 32 P.road way. Stcsm heated rurnlshed rooms Running hot nn' cold water. Phone 2018 nsfi7'i-1-30 TWO large well ventilated rooms reidy furnished for light house keeping. No sick or children. Phone 869 ' 7434-10-tf FOR RENT For the winter Two connecting furnished housekeeping rooms reasonable. Call 69 Pen lnnd flf. P8161-3-7 Ft'RNISHED ROOM With or with out kitchenette; o)r- 4n. Nn lov or children. 26 Flint St Phone 1413.' ' ' PS327-9-3 TWO DESIRABLE rooms furnished for housekeeping, with nl! con veniences. Cioso In Phono 1024. 76 Flint. P7674-1 9-30 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. First and second floor), with or without porch. 26 Starnes. Phone 880. xnnn-i-tf ONE clean bed room and kltchenelle with sins and conveniences. No sick or children. 101 Cherry SI r.-tf FURNISHED APARTMENT- Three rooms, kitchenette, sleeping porch and steam heat. Ii Marrellus. P8283-8-3 LIOHT, HOUSEKEEPING aparfmer" Southern exposure. 8 6 IVorth French Broad. Phone 1161. 8331-9-3 FOR RENT Two large nicely fur nisher! rooms with foteam heat- The Wlllord, 57 Spruco St. 8317-0-14 THREE pleTwnnt, well furnished rooms for housekeeping. cloe Iti 135 (4. .Liberty street.. P8810-9-3 TWO or three rooms completely fur nished for Hirht housekeeping Close In. Phone 758. 7975-28-tf ONE. two. three, or four furnish1! rooms for light house keeping. clon 1n. Phone 177. 77!4-20-f DESIRABLE furnished rooms with housekeeping prlvllegs. 25 Hlehliind Rt. 8020-29-tf ONE NICELY furnished front bed room. 66 Woodfln. Phone 2R45. 8157-3-7 UNFURNISHED. TWO unfurnished rooms and sleeping porch at 38, Charlotte Rt. 8314-9-7 POSmCfN WANTED wishes position nuralnp In a private home. Young baby and with house, work. Child must n be ovw five months old. Will not go out of city. Must stay on premises. No other need apply. Phone 1730. 17 Ppruce street. P799S-6-7 MAN tnained as salesman and execu tive wants a start In Asheville business. - If you need help let me talk to you. Ako thirty-five, mar ried, draft exempt. Addre-ss D. R.. care Citizen. 8278-8-tf YOUNG LADY of refinement wishes employment doing long handwriting or would like to Ftny In a doctor's office, answer phone, etc. L. I)., c-cre Citizen. P832B-9-7 YOt'NO LADY with some knowledge of bookkeeping would like position In am office. No objection to leni Ing cRy. Answer C. L., ca.re dri ven. P8828-98 HOURLY nursing by Fted Cross nurse. Telephone 481. Offloe hours 7 to 8 a. m. nnd 1 to 2 p. m. P8274-7-7 YOUNG COLORED GIRL wishes position In private family as maid or nure, 23 McDowell St. P8S09-9-3 YOUNG colored girl wants position maid or nur In private family. Reference. Phone 3141. P8142-8-7 AUTOMOBILE TOPS TKES"AF"9oir aut : op b ut when you need a new one see ; James Hall, the Top 1st. . Phone 2904, 8703-5-30 JUNK HIOHEBl CASH IPKICEB paid for Copper, Brass ( Rubber, Iron, Sacks, Rags an Bottles. Southern Junk Co. 11 & Si Bl. Phone 234. - REAL ESTATE mk 1:1 r We have a very complete Hat of large mi I linn. Is 'in funu-.hed nnd un f h i c Mio 1 priMitr hniuea In the be.tt resident. iil neetlona cf Aehevll'e. Would be glul to mnke an appoint- iiipiii In ehrw ou tbeae. Alao all llniN of pr opel ties for eale. Fop.nns CAMrnrci.u 4S Pulton Ave. Phone ?6 Sales AccnU Croye Park Propertlei. List your property with us. tf JOHN ACEE. Real Estate. Eurtrlshed houses a specialty, also the better class of utif urnlshed houses. Everything on the market. All sl7.e. price and varieties. Pee our list before vnu ileclrto upon a place. JOHN ACEE, Real Estate. No. 10 Buttery Park Place Phone 81S. 1041-11-JIS-tf HOUSES FOR RENT! Hoii '"find bungalows, furnished or unfurnished In every section of the city. A man ready to show you at any time GREENE & GOODMAN. On tbe So u;i re Phone 738. For period of y.virs from January 1. in 1 9, the Montford Duiry. one mile from city limits Accommodation f.,r 3ti cows. i'On acres land with excellent anil abundant spring water. Apply to N. 11. Wright. Phone Ifixr.. P830I-8-I TWO f.vu-rooiu npatiment for rent. Path and range; n block from P. O. Several nice bed rooms for young men O'er Pack Square Roo!; Co, O D Eevell Phone 829 81sr,-3-30 Nn Ti ASTON PLACbl Unfurnished, eik'ht rooms, all conveniences. Phone 708 or call at No. 2 Aston Place. 8301-8-tf FOR RENT Five acres of land with three-room house nnd spring. Thomas Ogleshy. PrTonn 1 237. 81911-S-14 Folt BENT 6 Flint street; best boarding house In city; all modern conveniences. D. S. Wntson. Agt. 7815-25-80 10 ORCHARD STREET 6-room cot tage $17.00. H. B. Hood Phone 735. P7852-24-tf State of North Carolina, Buncombe County. , In the Superior Court before .fle chirk. Ilattie Towe and husband, J. F. Tows, and Nannie Smith and husband, B I'. Smith, plulntiffs. vs. Josephine Alexander, Albert Alex ander and wife, Haltle Alexander, (lertrude Randall and husband, Lucius Randall, and Jumes Alexan der and wife. Althea Alexander, do feiidunls. NOTICE OF SALE. Bv virtue of a power of sale con tained In an order made by Jno. H. Cat hey, Clerk of the Superior Court of Buncombe County in the above-entitled proceeding nn the 14th day of peptenmer, line, tne unaersignea as commissioner appointed In said orjler, will at the late residence of E. C. Alexander, In Leicester Township, on Monday. October 21, .1918, at 12 o'clock, IV!., offer for sale and sell to the. highest bidder upon the terms hereinafter stnted, these four certain pieces, purcela or tracts of land of which said E. C. Alexander died seized uml possessed, aijrt bounded and more particularly desorebd a1' follows: First Tract: BECUNNING on a white oakana dpuole, pine, W. F. Wells' corner and pan north or near ly rlorlh with the 'old! Alexander line 107 poles tb a rock or stake near a rock In that liner thence south 82 west, 42 poles to a dead oak; thence south-22 west, 60 pojes fo a stake in W. r . Wells' line; tnence soutn 70" east, crossing the branch with. Wells' line, 4RC poltifc ' to. the BEGINNING, containing by calculation 15 acre more or lews; and blng the same tract conveyed to said E. C. Alexander by A. W. Rvmer. by deed dated Decern ber 29, 1890. and recorded In Book 116. pngo 447. of the Records of Deeds In the office of the Register of Deeds of linnronibe County. Second Tract: BEGINNING on a white oak on an old line and corner of .1. S. Brown's land and runs south 74" east passing a spring at 27 poles, Dfi poles to a strike at the Creek; then up the creek south 39 west, 60 poles to a slake in the Wells line and at the creek; thence north 63 west 80 polos to a pine and dogwood: then north 6 to the BEGINNING, con taining 14y acres' more or less, re serving and retaining the right of way for a wagon road through saiTI land by the parties of the first part; and being the same tract of land convey ed to the said E. C. Alexander by M. S. Alexander, by deed dated March 11 1898. nnd recorded In Book 135, at page 287, of the Records of Deeds In the office of the Register of Deeds of Buncombe County. Third Traot: BEGINNING on a white oak and double pine, the' John Weaver Wells old beginning; corner, and runs south 88 ' west, 40 poles nnd 14 links to a black oak in C. T. Wells' line; thence south BB east with Wells' line to the center of the creek; thence down with the cieek and .1. R. Treadwny's linei 40 poles to E. C. Alexander's corner of his lot bought of T. V. Wells; thence with his Une 8 poles to an Iron uln; thence to a small pine; thence to the BEGINNING, con taining 6 acroa more or less; and be ing the same tract of land which was conveyed to the ald E. C. Alexander by Huttlo Towe and husband, by deed dated Auguat 24, 1904. and recorded in Book 220. at page 412, of eald Rec ords of Deeds of said County. Fourth Tract: BEGINNING on a a oouDle pine ano wnire oaa, jonn Weaver Wells' old corner and runs north 87 wet 40 poles to the branch and H, W. Gilbert's line; thenoe south 26 west, 18 poles to n stake In the branch; thence south 84 west, 204 poles to Charlie Wells' Unej thence south BB west with said line; 73 -pole to, the center.'of the creek to E. C. Alexander' eiraer; .thence north 80 west, 6 pole to an, irbn postj thence north 13tet. ,8 pole fb a double pine on the. bank of tbe road; thence north 53 west .ten and one- halt poles to the BEGINNING, con taining 12 acres more. or less; and being the same traot of land which wa conveyed to the said B."C. Alex ander by Hattle Towe .and husband, by deed dated July 7 1905,. and re corded In Book 142. 'at page 289, of said Records of lleede of eaid County Termv of Aale, Said landiriU be Xf. p, REAL ESTATE H II RCMNKR A SON. Amer Nit Hinu 111,1,; Phone tTl I'h'K Kit I'OR If EXT FURNISHED Nice steam two lii.l r fdecptng pi car line . heated residence with loms and giauia enclosed a oh. paved street; neai" ITS. fi-room cottage, close In. ...ISO Nice home, 4 bed rooms and sleepltif' porch, elewited, Rood garden. Large IIS Unfurnished steam heated cottage, rooms 111. FOR SALE. I Pplendld home, 4 bed room, large In near Charlotte St $4,7S Oood home built past two years paved street Hillnl.le St. ,..fl,7aa II. II. Hl'MNTP. .v1- flOM. - . I . -if WILL pell or exchange for city prop erty. 83 acres pf farm land, incluj Ing five-room house, one gralnerf and buggy horse, large orchard, I' springs. Located 3 mlle west ot county home. Thomas Oglesby, phone 1 237. 820O-S-14 KoH QUICK SALE. nTlce residenco on Cumberland Circle, modern, rooms, hot water heat, very attract tlvs grounds: shrnhhery, tars; .lot garage. Price 13.000; terms. He J. R. Law Realty Co., Iw 8Tdr. Phone 120. 4511-l-tfl FOR HALE New five-room shlngls,. bungalow; bath. . Nsw threaj-rQomJ log bungalow; sink and water, la, kitchen. H. B. Hughes. West Ashe-1 vllle. 14-7-tf' FOR SALE Practically new two: story dwelling; steam heat, lp- lng porch, garage. Austin Ave. Phone 1008. 7268-l-tfl SPECIAL In these times of high prices every where, on everything, we wish th ANNOUNCEMENT MADB, to "far, we HAVE KEPT THE OLD RATES! It is the VOLUMB -OF-BIT8INEB8, together with our aetr machinery, that has enabled ns to hold to the formtir price. We d e slra to continue these rates, there-, for asl; that t'.ie publlo coot In u to co-operat by reffrring- yonr friends to us. We can successfully handle few morn suits dally. Our work satisfies all. Quick Service Dry Cleaning ar.d Pressing Co.; U N, Pack Bq. Phone 835. 388--tf PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. 1 Aud.'ts, Appraisals ' it Investigation ciuuienuy oyeiercs insiaueiii . ;i . D. G. Devenfsh. Phone f697. 817 Drhumor Bide, References All Ashevllls Bank NOTICE : The Board of Exam iners of North Carolina'will meet in Asheville, N.r C, Tuesday November 12th, at the Luntrren Hotel., .ftfary Julia Lebby, Secretary and Treasurer. 8321-9-T PUBITO BTKPTOOR APHBK Miss A. Q. Devenlsh, i 817 Drhumor Bid;.' Phone 188 T.j VULCANIZING ' Case and Tubes.. i Special attention to out-of-town work.)' Stetson Tire Co. .' Broadway and Walnut Sta'. K Phone 3171. 8048-28-tf The Misses FinTey, teachers of ball room and aesthetic dan- ring. Studio, Elks Buildinf? Phone 2171. Entrance. Wal4 nut St. 7844-24-30 j MISS AMY E M A N U B Itl Public Stenographer. " i Court and Convention Reporter,' t S14 Drhumor Bldg. phone 9 J I. 1 ; -' ' ' ;67fl.18-tf DR. WEXLBR 8MATHBR8, Dentist,' has moved hi office to Hmathers building over Plckelsimer6 Drag Store, 37 H Blltmore Avenue. 4978-11-tf "COX THH TUNKR" Back perma- , nently. First pianos tuned at ante'. Hun-bellum prl.s. Phone 2670. P81 87-8-80: - SUITS PRESSED 40c All work guaranteed. Pnone 2416. ; PS188-B-1! FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT Furnished, or unfurnish ed four-room cottage and acre lot. Fruit, grapes, strawberries,' chicken house and run. Cheap to desirable tennant. 156 State street, West Ashevllle. Get off car at Allen street. Inquire for F. H. Bailey. 816S-4-tf. 45 LAWRKNCK PLACE Completely furnished 4 bed rooms, sleepin;, porch, hot water 'heating'. Phone- : 2378 P8088-8-8 - SIX-ROOM furnished bungalow, with, garage on Hendersonville highway,; Water and bath. Phone 338. P8134-8-T There are about too separate anil 1 distinct kinds of shell Bred from 3er-.? man guns. " ' ' third cash at th time ofsaTet the, balance td be pSid . ia equal' in stallments due- in one and two years, from date of sale, respectively, snd. to bear Interest front, such Ute st the reto of six per cent per. annum, th deferred payments to secured by, s deed of trust orr snia ,inaa premise, but with the privilege on the part of the purchaser ao vPaying;, sit cash if he s elect.. . This the'lth day of .Beptemberv ltlt, , ' O, M, CLARK. - .' ' Commissioner, , )

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