A THE BOND AT CITIZEN', SlIEYILLE; N. 0, OCTOBER 13, 1918. E t THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN Published Entry Morning : Tira' CITIZEN COMPANY , 8 GoreraTpent Street katara at th paa'oHce Aahevnie. N. C . I elaaa matter under est of Mara i T Aanavtrte Ctttsea, I Say "Mk. 'fsa Bandar Cltlees, BrrerT Sunder. Tfintane OINr., Xdlterlal Imu. TELEPHONES SUBSCRIPTION RAWS, y Oarrtor In A.hevttle an auka-rea. rally and "tin., 1 yr. In advenee 17 pa'lv n "u,, mo.. In idnui,.,, I T iv an1 Sun., I mo. In advance..., .tt illy an Bun I week In Ktvanoa. . .Tt XmVct and Sun, ! wk In advance. ay Mall In Untie State. Tafr'and "an,, 1 yr. in edvanna... Paltv eed Run.. I ms. In advanoe.. Zynr enlr. 1 year In advanoe , Dally enlv. I mo. In advanne...... .ftandev onlv, I rnr In fflrinn. ... Sunday orlr. ' mn In alvance .11 . I.I . 4 l . I A . .10 MMB) TMf ASaOCIATCO PRtSS. The Aeceed T t vrtnetvelv en titled to tne ,or r.n'ibtleattna of all deanaeViea rredltad la It or not ethorwlee aradltod In this paper, and a Ian the hr,-l new. pabrlihed harem. AD r1nt as rapnM1oaMn of apaoial areln ara atae raeeTvad Sean tehee pneumooaa a f ether oonypJIfaipoa) fVxUo-wener tnfluenaa, Alt of whaeh brtrsje ur aMarrtton Or fact ttfmt est urgent appeal 1a fcetn irm 4 In today's ClUaen for voruntaer ouisue and voturtfeer woraura who ara willing t an tar the homes where In fluenaa, ta praeaot, and to aid fasxilrlee that ara without any easlstano what ever. Tha entire medio! and nuraloi forces of trie eky tmv bean raquiei- Ooaed, Vol thee are no4 earTtalant w eneet She) praaaat etusuey. Mary mi ch phratetaoa) and tiuui ef thkt ooanmnirstty ara th tenser as Buffering rVcra to fin ansa, aa (bant Hohart a'aadl a,t)a foroaa hara 'fcaan giaaU raduoa4. Hara, tndaad, la a aHuatlwn w4loh calla tor (HvtrlallBm of tba tilabaat onto-, a pavMothna do )aaa eotnmaodabla than that whkalt Toluuaaia tta aai flow oa th flM of hattla or In ftia oalttmaj Thara ara dotrhtli America 'a Honor Liat nia-ny WAATntNOTON. Or. ll Tha nlBwln auaiiaa am raportad by tha oommand- Inf aanatal of tha Araanloan aipadltlonary fnnnaai K Iliad la aotlon Mlaalnc in action , II Wouadad aavaraly lit Ilad from wotinda 7 Ltad from ancldant and othar nauaaa. . II Dlad of dtaaaaa 14 Pi ad from aaroplana accldant 1 Total 4 Tha Maowftif aouthnmara wara raportad 1 todaya oaauallr hat: Klllad In A at Ian. Uaalananlt Jnaanft R. Hrairatar. Eaom Mill. r: ; Kdrr H Bllohla. I-udlow. K. Cook Itoit W. Woodward. Bufnrd. Ca. Pilvataa Kath lluah. Hradyvllla. Tann.i ammual J. Duoaar, Hwaalwalar, Ala.: Hnmar T. pumuka, Annlaton, Ala.; Jotin D. Wataan, Inglahard, N. C. Richard TVIIIIama. Jaffaraon, 8. C; Altla Freder ick. Adanuvllla. Ala.: William P. Hick man, ttaalmont, Tann.: Andraw J. K'llan, Ixn-attn. Trnn.. Wlillwn H Monay, AbLa- vllla Ala : MnnlnAiMM A laalu r-Mh wornvn In thin crty ami eoirrtfy -io hy I Gordo, N. C.; Ituradl Crabtraa, Hanson, n of thalr ctrewmntarrr. oan "-ma rnru.i, iiimirw.An,; jonn i Aoarna, uansyiim. i inn , Jania M. c H. Martin, flhouna, Tann. EPIDEMIC US EXCUSE TO SPEND TIME IN IDLENESS Yard Officials at WHmlng ton Appeal to Draft Boards for Help INFORMATION NURSES STRICKEN Simrl7, October 13, 1918. Genosny Accepts Terms Zjaat aMifa tatafrmpta dkaatolraa wax, ta Dhajt tbay earrlad tha (hmt Oafiiiaoy, add bar afVaa, had mmsviti nraad Mm to "mttad mmvBMmirr to A atataUa of da 17 Cb oaaatxal powara. Fn. Gaa laai )ataipi of Oar- rVaatdaot TTalaWaj af aWIUatl aIOIal'lat db aorpra Chat tba Qajajai tha TMFKKXAXj Oar- aaaasaaaadAaBaaaaWaSAJlaVa iraWapVrVivKnf pOial aUMUMTCe HMnaT ffAPpOT laayrt ttialr timnaa and ao rntx) othara wttara harn la nrnUy r.n.'.M WMIa on 'hia rtb'aot Tha "1ari anaajM aa: n arf th a aanaiaj (mbUata at laaat a iiuia awuaiaau tn tha affort o aao-p ha ta- fhianaa aaMarnla. la hialHi axjthorl taa of nation atata, ocrunty and oty haya dm, amrfara dotnc a'aintlAna aa ahav powar la fWht tha oanmsoo ananr hrrt aa apidaraVa aooti aa ift flvenca, nwoh dapandaj upo-n tha im&l- MuaJ, PaopJa hav baan hacd ftod lirapkM'adl ta at'trW tM o wvSa, a-nd to atay at boma irhara ttiar axa aMa to do ao. WTiara tioraaa ara ffea ft-otn tka apl- darnio, tha tonuataa haraaf aaja;ht ta ba -lAd t ataar nrhara tbar ara whan aH to rJo ao wtthotr. TanJtnm artraDd towa wtth moutha epaa look In- (or troaMa. WTm aafaty oan ba aaraid by aaoh afmipla mathoda, and whan tha dlaaaaa wtiloh la taw alajlmawa; a haavy toll thiwtaibMit tha country oa-a bm roMad by tha obawmnoa af rolaa aid (town, by tnadtaaa autborlttaa, Jt 1 nAouN to mderatand why wxwM da etaiat wlaa. Dlf1 of ntmrta. :j It. Mcnroa, llajioa. ' aaaamaaaaAawaaBaAw tijaali al - - MM fPaMTHKMIIw taVfanVwTwf JaTaaVwWMatwV fte ma or OacBoavy'd atata ao tela- ,'itnatJo 6VAiuuniuH Ttad baao fortnad 'fryiaiocfapanoaa )q iTiad iinkjuttt of tha Hthat tfc cfcaooaUor 'wpaaka tm fea tHlaalliaf lira CranBaw aorwnavaflO, aad ho tba Oarrnava i no mantlon of tha tablaar, rad aiHtotv iaHy offlotat Wahtaqrton waa oartot jtugrw wavt tmm barpiaai Mm. , AO aif thJkfc howasv ta baattk tba Mqaavtloa la vtaw of tha taroaa wMob tba raoatpt of laraaMqr . aubrnaaaloQ InTotvaa, Qamaurw ra- . ipfly 4 not ava wrwo-nnVtlonal ufiaudar any riiaana hot tt batokana) tfap ' itni Matron of tha Hun to a polot whtaix i-wao not daaned poasfbla at (hta amrr ("data. ' Nowa may know what fcr bow ta ha tnlnd of tha PramVlant of th jTJnltwd BUtoo,' hot wa may raaaoaaMy aoauma 'that wa nr yat v roof way frxjia tha ayotuaJ airntna; of tha paaca treaty. Wa mnat atlU bear to, mind that.. Prealdarrt 'wVlaoa ha not rapUed to GormamT'a pHa for pwuca, mad a wook ro. That rapty i now daa, and ha fMturat mom for tha praaddent will ba to oomautt tSr aHlaa aa ta wlredhoT or not thy ara wlllta to rrmnt mn armlatloa on tba rround of 0rmany avaouaiUon of. fha ttyvrndod nortoa. Th tartm of tha anute mVaa, war ona fntntad, worn ba taft to MarahaJ Focfe, aa tha aupram aonv- tnandar of th afltad fareaa. And If w Jodfra hfaa by tha aanttiniont ra flootad. oTerywh ara In, tha United etmtaa, wo foal that thJ brill lunt Trtmdh oommaumJor win flamand tthe rjNooiromoNAL surrbndbr AND DISARMAMENT OF THE OHR HAN ARMTTia Nothing- lt ahwild avjtlafy tha ontarita powers awd the TJattwA etatoa. It la tnorediible that OamaVBy will b allowed to eaaapo ra parHcfe of the draatlo twnlshmont aTra 3ua mo richly aarned. The Cen tral PiowoTB hara been dectetvely de- featad od Oetroany knxma.St. Bo w my Cwaeonibly expaot that FirerMent "fVVlBoin raoxiimimerrdatlon to tha am a wCl b tktona; Ham that wtrl folTow Che urrendar awd disarmaTnont of the Bularln forcee. Iaa tfhan that would leave Oormiany free to tnalte fuaaaxl awttremont to her owa border, OIV1N0 AND LRNDINfa, (my N A. Jannlnor) Bta aayteaT yon'ra iran ynor cask to aid, Wkaa yoa htrnrl OVTmTX a aaati AS that for Liberty Bonda yon paid Waa not gtrm at en. but LBWT. Taj haya usm noma menoy ts atay the 101111 e la aafaty reo atffl may ttroi Tha boy Who are wearing the airlfen Ara tha fellow who raaHy CZTB. rheyYa ttna; thatr aS tn tha war ahaO and) Toara dottor a bit at a ttmai ft any ptaah a tittle wfaaa eaah yea tend. But their aaortfloe la eubllme. Thar f lata Battle, aor eonat the eoat A the Bsurderoua foa they fa. aa; TO eonaa year 'mothlBa toat. And (ba Intareat lie -rtta aot warfh wbOai Store pattlar yooraatf aa tha Dohif "yanr bltT" Why, yoa add ta pne With eaeh page of tha atmaeaal Deta yon bit with tea noaey yoa At a mee. ta rear TJnale Baatl Tan'ra halplng yonraalf wha yoa M a tend, Bvt the crrnfO a U a e-bara. Lend t ft horbA If tVm mil ro eaa dot Don't ato at what rtra eaa "aftordf" Land till yoa feel that jroafre la the war toot Tour conaelence win ba year reward. Oat out your comfort, gat dowa to hard can. Tmka haad of tha orrnnbe aad the eraaa. Lend every cent that you poaalbly eaa. And than you'll have uivmiw. pernapa. I an-jtaeaiit n a r !. Ti'ly A. Orvm. atony Point, N. C.i Arnc.d NtrunK, Staarna, Ky, Olad of DlMiia Priaf TTaywor.d fampharl. Watartaa, . 04 Walaee la. Groom, HantlTurtoo. "inniu K. Klokatta, Trantoa, Taaa.1 Sraaat Oary Colaaaaa. Ntaety-alU, H. Ui ftaay Jaokaon, Conway, 8. C: Paul lUmath, rort Valley, Ga. Cheater P. Adair Athena. Ca.; Jamaa IMwardA, Ambroaa, Ck; Cee Marpar, Glaaaa City, Va.j Luthar Hornlnr, Btiarlaan, Ky Bon Jbo,aa, Jr. lll'on. Ky.i Waiter P. Brtoa, Booth Boston Ve. CTlyee Taylor, BJoo, 8. C; lf..klng U Thrlfu Caffnay, 8. a Weunde aavaraly. I.tautanante Thomna A. nryann, Savan nah, Ga. Ilobart Q. Butchar, Petersburg, Vs.; Leula D. tutharland, Charlotte, N. C. Sraa.nU William B. Blahop, Owtaa- l bora, Ky, Tbomaa Dunoaa Iloloomb, Valoa, B. a iaa vr. wall, Oohlochnee. .. Virporalf Tliomaa W. Bradloy, Spar tanburg, 8. C; Lee H. Campbsll, Ruthar ford College. N. 0.1 Kal Andrea H. Lar on. Burke, Vs.: Jamaa MoClutchaon, Lavka City, 0. C.i WlUlara A I'attaraon, Pell City, Ala. Private franklin M Caraoa, traprae. a C: Joe U!L Coaburn. Vs.; John A. Patera, AUrna Creak. Va-i Wealay P. Bkalton. Talma. Ga.1 Wlllartf P. Brown Pleaaant Oarean, N. C.i Matthew W. Keegaa, Mobile, Aavi Eeary Nalma, Taaao, Teim. Mining In A at Ian. Llautananta Edwin 0. Kllnemen, Oxford. N. 0.1 Robert B, Forraatar, Atlanta, Ca. CorporaJ Lamual aatas, Onne, Tana.) Cook John H. Gilbert, Tan Mile, Tana. Prlvatee Waiter W. Dayla, Huntavflla, Ala. I Lonmla Moraa. Blootoa, Ala.i Robert H. White, Blackford, Ky. UMMARV OP OAtUALTIE. Total. nmnbor of oaauattlaa to data. eluding those reported abovet Killed In aotlon. Including I1 at aea l.tTI Died of wounds . . t,tW Died of dlsaaae I.MT Died of aooldent and other eanaes... 1.841 Wounded in aotloo 14,414 Missing In aotlon Including prisoners Me Total ta data. 44,174 MAMNI CORPS OASOAXTTIt. Killed in aotlon: Corporals Clifford R. EUlngton, Moffloerry, Ala.: Jamaa X VI ok Melgs, Ga,; Prtvabs Charles S. Langley, Bis Cliffy. Kjr. Aavaraly wounded In aotiomt Prtratai Arfonea ft, Reotor, MarahalW N. C-4 G rover a Warn. Dry Ridge, Ky. ICUalnar In estloni wiuutm L sao- whirten, Olen AMa. Ga.1 Charlea L. Marsh. RoBanA Va. Wounded tn aouoo, araoiaaBry report aa mlsslngi Prtva-to Xjeoaar m. Opnelm, WtUlamabataT, Ta. Present for ehitpk aiastumstj1 reported mlastngi Pitmtes Chart as w. Giles, GalnavtUa, Oa.: LHtletoa A. jnohardson. Witt Springs, Ky. Today's Anniversaries J thor t prapara for another on-. I mvaght awclnat tnamlrinxt ACaU,forAid ' Wbll It tttoat ba admilttod that th Bifltrenm epodemlo 4a Aslneviils has gajcflis4 t"t) crtage whera iro must m- ploy ouora than, ordinary procsnfMOTm, f hl oomanumty Is ftar mora fortunate ibaa aaany other ia that thra are v -wuwujiriiw ytn wm ion wai'inait a paaricky atata of feeMng. etlll recent reports point to tha steady growth of th -maxtber of casta in this city and Ctto avnd, unfortunately, death has frmedea a number of Aahayllio homes. Jt hotiId bo tmdsTetxxxl. how ever. Chac faAalltlas attrlbutod to r Clraotly th ramAt mt inj The United Btate stoop-of-wa WAsTJ started on her memerable erolsa. ins Lafayette O. Baker, eWaf of United States secret ssrrlos during tha civil war. born at Stafford. N. T. Dlad In Philadelphia, July 1, ISM. ItS! Edward Blake, who served for time aa Canadian pram let, born In Ontario. Died at Toronto, Mareh L 1911. 1G0 Ilvs hundred live lost when tha Turkish battleship Abdul Medjld waa blown tip In tha Besphorus. Rprantettva of the Buroeeae- powera, In ooofereaee at St. Petare burg, signed a treaty to axohida tha uas of eoploslva mlwlle tn future warfare. K70 Palaca of 9t Caoud Sred oa by the French and destroyed. ltla-The allies eormrtodi tha alty of Tpres. 1916 Russlaa plereed Aaartrtan Una tn Galcla and drora Hlndenburg back from Dvlnek. 191S italtana scored further auoossses on the Trieste and Trent froats. J Today's Birthdays J Ma. Gen. Thomas R. Barry, V. S. A., tha flrat commander of Camp Grant, Rockford, III, born in New Tork alty, 68 year ago today. Alfred W. Bjornateafd, one of the new brlg-adler-general of the United Btatea army, born In Minnesota, 44 year ago today. Rear Admiral Cham H. Stockton, U. S N., retired, who recently resigned the prealdency of George Washington univer sity, born In Philadelphia, 73 years ago today. Hon. William J. Hanna, former Pood Controller of Canada, born In Middlesex county, Ontario, CI years ago today. Profeeeor William Z. Ripley, of Z&a yard, now serving a administrator of labor standarda for army clothing, born at Madford, Mesa., SI years ago today. Mra. LangtrL for many years a otle- brated aotreas of the XngHxh stage, bora on the Iale of Jersey, 64 ysara ago today, URGENT APPEAL FOR LOAN TO MW OF SMS Says Annfes at Home Most Not Transform Vic tories Into Defeat WTLMTNOTON. Oot 1 1 Personal oonvplaUnt has been resist erad wtth the local draft boards, city and coun ty, by official ut the two govern ment shipyards operating- here, be- nauaw of the little co-oprri Ion that hi balng ahown by shipyard employes who are within the draft aire and who hava been given late clasMflnatkon on Inrlustrnvl ground . OITIclals of both the Carolina and Liberty companies say that it Is Impossible to keep the men at work resrularlv. add ins that thsy ara ticking advantage of the In fineon epldomle to "lay oft" va al ternating days. J. Allan Taylor, ohalr itiea of th alty draft board. nd John R. Orrall, aacrataxy to the oounty Dosvra, nave both edvesed shipyard of flckUa that all that Is nerwsary Is to report the names' of the "labor lack ers" co their board and they will b gtroa, ror the last time, the alterna Uva of working regularly or shoulder ing a rifle and Joining tha Berlin pro eesanonv Mr. Taylor ha personally requested shipyard men to keen tab on those who are not reporting regu larly for work, assuring them that the draft board will sea that they either work or fight. Th yard forces are badly shot to ptecee a a result of the Influenza epi demic hundred of men being out and many have dlad in tha emergency hospitals and work la practically at a standstill. Officials claim that they ooul-d be making aome progress If that element of their forces that have ee oaped the malady would show a Uttle oo-operation and report for work regularly but thee are showing do dis position to do thta. The wagea that are being paid In tha yards enable the averagre man, never aooustomsd to very much, to Kva easily by working three days to the week. The sky blue lining of the influ enza situation wrs darkened today when announcement was made from headquantsr by Dr. Charlea W. Btilea, chief of the force combatting the disease throughout the state, that prootocally ail of Ma nurses here had oeen stricken with the maladv and that rjirtese thsy oould be replaced quromry oy volunteers that the Im provement in he situation could only oe experxea to Do of a temporary na rurw. ram osty la witnessing many deatha as yet but few new oases are developing. Only yesterday Dr. ftUl. waa In an Mehly optlmlstlo frame of mraa put the reupsdUy with which nrurwee are sucenmbMng to the disease caueang nmj much worry. AS TO CARE OF CASES SUSPECTED OF FLU e Surgeon General Suggests Care of Suspected Cases of Epidemio , URGES PUBLIC TO STUDY TREATMENT Scarity of Doctors and Nurses Is Acute In All Sections INVITES MR. WEAVER TO JOINT DEBATE MR. BRITT CHALLKVGKS OP. POWENT TO PUBLIC CAJtTASS. Would Discuss the War and the Con ftrBSlonal Election of 1816 Throughout Tenth District. WASHINGTON. Oct, If. In an af fort to red!ioe unnecessary calls on Phrskc tarns wno are being overworked oeoaajse ci tns epraemio or inrjuense. Surgeon OanereJ Phis of the United 8tmtes putrVto health servtce In a state ment tonatrht urged the pubito to learn socnethlrwr about 'tie horns care of pa tients 111 with th malady. With rerorte to.lry showing the epi demio to be spreading In many part of the country, arxl with ma aiouta shortage of doctors and nurses every -where, Hurgeon General Blue envpha slicd that every unnecessary call eith er on phyeiodaais or rvurae makes it much harder to meet the urgent need of the patients who are seriously lU. rrcerau tieneraUon Bpollru. The present generation, said the suTvreon general, "ha been spoiled by havlnej had expert medical and nur- slnr care readily available. While T cheerfully recognize all the good tfhevt has been done by out splendidly train ed graduate nurses, I believe het tha publlo gonerally has come to rely too muah on their eervtoea wnd has not Intereeted Itaolf sumdsniUy tn study ing the home cars of the sick." "Every person who feels sick and appears to be developing an attack of Influenza should at once be put to bed In a well ventilated room, General Bhje said. If the patient has fever a physician should be called, and this should be done in any case If the p tlervt appears very sick, coughs tip ptnkioh sputum, or breathes rapidly and painfully. The diet of the patient sht.uM he light. Quiet and cleanliness are ersantlal. BANKS MUST HELP CHKJAGrO, Oos, H. WlMam O. MoAdoo, secretary of the treasury, f TODAY'S EVE3TTS 4 1536th day of the great war. New Jersey ohnrohes win observe today aa "Educational Burrday." The Most Bev. John J. Glennoa today completes his fifteenth year a bead ct the Roman Cathoilo archdiocese of St. Louis. CARD OP THANKS. Mr. Margaret A Moore of Wert Aaha. vllle, wlahea to thank her many frlenda for their great kindneaa during the Ulnees and death of her husband .ttti t. this i Moore, and especially for the beautiful nowera wUaa wars sent to the funeral. who arrived tn Chicago late this after noon to deldver a liberty loan, speech, ! telegraphed the following appeal to the governor of every state In the union tonirht: One weak of the fourth liberty loan campalcTa remains and three and a half billion dollars; have yet to be raised. The American people can provide thta money if ahoy are fully aroused .to the Inoperative neoeaalty of doing oo. Without the six billion dollars required for the fourth Lib erty loan, the groat victories of our soldiers lnt Franco will be negatived. The home army mfuct not turn the vlotorlee of the field array into defeats. Tha home army rwrt rrnr 'ntfirter val ueless the bloody sacrifices of our heroes. The home army must, on the other hand, transform the vic tories of the field anmy into the final and mighty blow which will forever destroy military despotism and Its mienace to the liberties of the world. "Wit! you not issue a iproclamation to the people of your state appealing to them to subscribe Immediately to tha limit of their ability to the fourth Liberty loan? Aak the rich and poor alike to buy Liberty bond on the In stallment plan where they cannot pay cash for them and urge the banks and bankers of your state to carry pur chasers of bonds on the installment plan at the same rate of interest as the bonde bear, namely 4 per cent, "The banks must help the people by landing them money to buy Lib erty bonds and the people must help the bank by aubsoriblng for them and Tey1n7 for them as promptly aa possible. We must all help each oth- df our mmy w to make certain that the frreat vlotory now in sight la ciincriea." In a letter fo Representative zh- nlon Weaver. James J. Rrltt inr niht challenged the Tenth district oongreis- inmn 10 joint aeoaie, tne campaign to Begin on tne clone of the Libertv loan campaign, October 19. Mr. Brltt pro poeaa that the Issues for tha onnt.t . limited to matters relating to tha war and to the Tenth district election of 1JB. Mr. Weaver la now in Ashovllle recuperating from an attack of In fluenza and will probably reply In a few dnys to the Invitation for a Joint speaking tour. The congressman's friends stated last night that, in view of the prevalence of Influenza and of the fact that Mr. Weaver considers winning the war the paramount Issue before th people, he will decline to meet his opponent on the stump. .ir. uriin letter lollows: "Because of the state of th publlo minu in relation to the axaat wnr. T hava twice taken the liberty of asking yon In writing to Join me in an agree ment that we make no political epescnes in tne congressional cam paign In this district this vear. but you have seen fit to decline tSeae re quests, saying mat you relt it your auiy to make speeches In the interest of your candidacy which In turn, makes It necessary for me also to make speeches in my own behalf, a thing I very muoh deplore, as I do not be lieve this to be a proper time for political speech-making, but since you have made It unavoidable, I now ask that we have a Joint discussion dur ing the remainder of the campaign. beginning Immediately after the close of the Liberty bond campaign. Octo ber 1. "I am of the opinion that the voter of this district are chiefly interested In a dlscuasion of matters relating to the great war, ai.d to the disputed congressional election of 1916, and I. am willing that we restrict our speak ing to tnese two issues. Should Wear Mask. Attendants of persona havtna; Influ enza, the surgeon-general said, should wear a gauze mask and take all pre oanrtlona to prevent contagion. The epidemic today appeared to b subsiding 4n ttlee along tha coast in Virginia and Massachusetts, but in the middle west and on the Pacific coast It waa reported as spreading. Many new cases were reported In Kansas, Missouri, Ohio, South Dakota, Minn, acta and New Mexico. Through tha eouth tha number of new cases was reported stationary In soma localities while In others an increase waa noted. At Key West. Fla. 900 oases of In fluenza among the civilian population were reported. Decrease tn Deaths. Death In Washington showed a de crease today, the total number for the twenty-four hour period ending at noon being alxty-flve aa com pared with seventy -three yesterday. New oasea today were 1,844 against 1,472. Surgeon General Blue and comimils- ekmero of the District of Columbia united today tn a recommendation that the civil service coirnoniasion not oall any more war workers to Washington until after the epidemic subsides. It was said tha matter will be taken trp with President Wilson Monday on his return from New York with a view to iesuanoe of an executive order. Your Executor Every man who makes a will and every man with any posses sions should make one has a vi tal interest in the question of ex ecutorship. Custom has changed In the matter. The life of the individual executor is uncertain and his ex perience limited. . It is now the practice to ap point a reliable Trust Company as executor, because of the Trust Company's greater responsibility, wider experience and knowledge, and its ability to live indefinitely. These reasons cannot but have weight with you. We shall be glad to discuss the matter with you at any time, and for such an important thing as this there's no time like the present. Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $2,000,000. Member Federal Reserve System LADIES' BOOTS New winter shipment in by express, in dark tan and black kid. Extra high cut with French or Cuban heels. Price $6.00, $7.00, $8.00 We offer our trade the best shoe at any ata&d price. We are inviting you to come and look the new creations over. Nichols Shoe Company Cash Shoelst. On die Square. AN APPEAL FOR FAIR PLAT. On last Thursday, Hon. W. J. Bryan delivered an address at Waynesvllle to a -large crowd of people who had met in response to a public call for jiDerty rmd meeting. This crowd was cmviHjHed of both democrats and republicans, who had assembled solely for patriotic puTpoeee. but Mr. Crvan. Immediately following hie preliminary remarKB, on i am reliably lniforimed stated that he had been sent there to make a speech In the Interest of Hon. Zebulon weaver for oonarrea. and thereupon made a lengthy and elo quent appeal in behalf otf Mr. Weaver. This was, of course, a keen surprise to all present, as everyone had come there lor. the Liberty bond meetdnar, and up to that time had thought tlhat the odcaston was not to have any partisan turn whatever. I respectfully suamit that tnis was not lair to the public, as It waa understood on all sides that oil political speaktings snoum De suspended owing this Llb enty Dond campaign, and it la espec ially unfair to Mr. Dritt, who not only would not make a political speech during this period, but directed me even to call off a eerie of conferemoe in the district already appointed for him and Hon. John M. Morehe&d, can didate for United State senator. Mr. Brltt has mode more patriotic addresses since 13e war began than any other speaker ta the state, and we challenge any iperson to sav that he has ever uttered e word, either di rectly or Indirectly, for partisan purposes if Mr, Bryan desires to make ino- IHlal speeches at this time, the has a perfect rilu to do so, but he has no I pie of all shades of political faith for . mZtT th "" 'tne occasion ol a poiitiloai speech. present seat In the house was obtained by unlawful means, a charge so seri ous in Its nature that you are entitled to have It made In definite specifica tions, with all the ground stated, In your presence, with full opportunity to answer, and all the voters of the district, regardless of party, are like wtse entlt'ed to a full understanding of th grounds of this charge, and of your anawer thereto. "I, therefore, feel confident that you will at once recognize that this Is the fairest and best course to pursue, and I beg to ask that our chairmen may meet at one and arrange a list of appointments, to commence not later than Monday, October 21 ONE TEAR AGO IN THE WAR, t-.e.-f.f'' German naval forces captured the Is lands In Riga bay. Th ivrltih continued to advance their Unas In Flanders. Admiral Henry 11. Mayo returned to the United States from a war mission In Europe. Within the business end of a new mop is- a, cone shaped head to catch and wring the fabric as a crank on the. handle la turned. Mumming th Superman. The. Guard I don't aea why you fellow object so muoa to being called 'Triune. Prisoner Hmiptman von Klnatoerber Tt doesn't do Justloe to our efflolency. Com pared to us the Huns were mere dabblers In achreokrlchkeit. Columbia State. Tha Drawback. , "It must be great to b married to a man who is earning 110,090 a year." "There's always a drawback, girMe. A man In that grade seldom hands hla wife Ms pay envelope." Kansas City Journal. id Na Alternative. 'Ton held your position bravely,' the colonel to the kiltie. "I had to. The mud here Is so thick you cant ra treat. Ixmiwvlll Courier. Jeurnaa. Neither Mr. Brltt. nor any iperson for him, will make any political speeches In his behalf during the Lib erty bond campaign, and we appeal to our den in erratic friends, and to -the publlo generally, for a square deal. and that he ehall not suffer In his candidacy because of ills scruples agaanst political ep eec h -rn king dur ing the Liberty bond campaign. WJ aek only for fair play. In order to show how unfair ants was to th puhllo, I publish tha poster uy wiirii xne crvwa was csuiea w gether, as follows: "Hon. WHWam Jennings Bryan will address the people of Haywood county at the WaynesviWe court house Thurs day, October 10, at 2 o'olock p. m, on the Fourth Liberty Loan. Mr. Bryan is a epeekef of world-wide reputation, and every tman in the aisninty should avadl himself of this awontunKy to hear the great commoner on this oc casion. Don't miss thlsl" , very respectfully, B. JACKSON, Chofrman Rep. Ex. Com. Advertisement-It A TRIAL IS ATT. WE ASK LAUNDRY I 0 f SBNOHd 1 1 WB TREAT TOTJR LAUNDRY WHTTB. The Stationery You Use a eredtt ta yea aailaaas oa h ba t. As printers of Good Stationery, let us have the pleasure of help ing you : : : : : HACKNEY & MOALE CO. 12 Lexington Avenue Phone 181 FURNITURE For Kvery Room GREEN BROS. 43 west College New Retail District, 23-25 BILTMORE AVE. DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELRY TRUNKS BAGS SUIT CASES HISS AMY iraaANTJKIi Court and Convention Reporting Letter Writing, Copying and General Comioerolal Work. Telephone til. Room tie. Dhrumor Bldg. The bar with the motor of "Eternal Youth." It loves carbon and hates the repair shop. OVERLAND-ASHEVHJJE SALES CO. 11-1 IS. Walnut, Phone 3067. rTsis-ssw LOGAN & MOORE Tailor to Ladles & Gentlemen a, Pack 8q., by Sou Ry, omo. The new fill woolen ara In, an await your selection. MB WATCHES Repaired. Cleaned aad Adjusted Our Bpacialty. J. E. OAEPENTEB Of European Invention is a ellp to hold a pen on a writer's finger without using a penholder. FOR BARGAINS Call at The Gem Clothing Store PATTOW A VR, Ladle BnKa, Coat. Hat. Man's Hurt. Overcoat. Hats. Pry Good. Blanket. Hosier), Etta. The Racket Store 1 BOtmote Ave. "Look for this Sign." THE EYESIGHT SPTCIAISV Tt Patton Ave. Just below JJh, a. '3 0 3 .1