THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, ASIIEVILLE. N. C, OCTOBER 13, 1918. Society d Personals Th heat pane .marlatned by Vtiu nlar. Mlaa JooaJrn Orr. hav returned In lllimliif Ham. Ala , by anctor. aft.r .pend ing oxiif Hint at Mr Waaiharly's sum mar plare at lilauk Mountain. Mr and Mn W J i.onlrr. nf IhH city, li!.l Mm. la at Marshall during th. oark. I Mr W l Muipa and har daughter. 'Mrs Nettle Moor. Itoatick. motor.d n l.ae1onie ilia mid 11a of tha weak an I j ei ml aeveral daye with Vra Munru . ! daughter. Mr Henry Heeler Moor. I Mr Jante II i tha rltv. after a txga. T.nn. Wood ha return. J 10 J hort star at (.'hatta- Mr . tr..l'. , a lay I Mr afM Wre (", l Harrington, of Pe. Mwh , iti Iter, for an Indeflntt. JDHaabath Weav.r at tha country homi nf Wr pa ran la. Mr and Mra runt M Vhvu, In tha Harda.m tallay. naa re turn. lo tha rkt) afiar a moal a !)' tan day' tr Mlaa Weavers ritm were oumpoaed of har rhml i.iatea, tounn Till allamUns Ilia (.rove Park ih... miin thm bain-: Mlaa Kllsab.ih i. Una Mlaa Hrten Hawthorne Mlaa Carrie V Waav.r and Mlaa I Karat hy 'i Mia Jolinn. mamtr of tha arhoal fa. ul'. ) ahajxrimail tha party. .4 .it Tha mjtiv frlenda In tha illy of Mlaa Cannula If Wood formerly of AstatIM will b Interested lo know tliat hr la n 1 Nnnaalk, Conn, alar a ehe la tha junior twmee mother ami entern irer at th tllllalda t,r a-iPa Mlaa W...1 la elate- of Mr. and Mr Jamea II W.J Of tlil city. M Jt Mr Rohan I lorturirh. of Phllal.-ltihta. The Informal itin.iur nartv l-n Ul p, M (i., ,, ,,f Mr John IV A'1" M evening by tha nianK.-nirnt of i.iun M.nitf .id aianut f.r a al.irt nh.l Park Inn la honor nf the rural a at.m In j I th Inn wai a ni .at enlotahl. I Mra II II Ciithile and aniall aim left A number at ivk-end fiaraia. offirrra ' during Ilia week fvr a a'ay al l.rrnvi;ia. 4 th varloua nearby ramia. wara among H v.. before remaning to hom. In thorn prent. Heversi rnuplai from the.K-iuih I'm Una lanrlnf l of tha city war out for th . wvnlruj. Jt J A Warn har of young wnmrn from Aialra ntrtJnd during ttj iraak at dinner at tha Bat vary Park hotel. In th tarty war: Ml R Ilrrwn. Mia M. rhlattuin. Vial I. M. Randall. Mlaa I. Moffa't and Mlaa B. Soott. r r A rwmhor of th mnrnhar nf tha rluh and Tlaltor In th city mntorad lit tn th Country oluh aaarfrdav arttnc.n aod aanjoyed a rup of taa. Th" it il'-a and the anjoylnf a t of tann'a lunia tn lata In th atarnoan for tra J .4 Iff Ola Kncllah nlrtaln. yaatar- )y aftamoon at th Red rmii tea room & Toilet & ToHet Preparatioris'Hi opplf Ukt e7 br!p nafura ' mjuirea. I ney rectify morbid kin condition then (root th ourca of akin health, princ Undine of natural beauty. Don't confua Marineflo Ptep trMloa. wlik ortlinary en aaua. Tnar'radiflwaM. T . .arnntd t aulta and lualw aaxiual Hum kM fiaauty. Mr. Dale MartnWIo KhotJ M Uaywood Ml. Itaon ItTI Mr and Mr II ('. Realm ar among the werk-end vlaltora In lite city. Mr (enl W Oawford. of Knoirllla, Trnn.. a ahort whi; hrr rc-nt!y. Mr. and Mr Colt nd Mra Chariton MMIartl rrturnrd raw'ntly to thrlr home In Kilaiemont nark, after an extended motor trlu In the north. Mr (.rcirge Hhilford will leav thla werk for Nrw York rlty, whrte ahe will remain ditiljiK the wlntrr with her daurh ler, Mlaa Mary Kranfe Kliuford. who la I here. Mr firar Parld. of nirlln. B. Mr and Mra. r.eorge A. Iwl, who la with relative her for a fortnight. Vi , who I raouperatlng after a ahort lllneea Mr. ami Mr, l.ynian are etaylng with Mra J. Taylor Am la at her houa on Haywood at reel. Mr Ida Jerrey spent Trlday In th rlty with frtrrda Mm. Jervay I at Fletcher for the winter and will com to Aahavlll th Brat of th week for a day. Mia Ruth Rankin, who ha been pnd tn th cummer at WaynecTlll and In Aahevllla a th guaat of Mra. Howard at her hom hare, returned Friday to Haran- nah, Ca. Mia Rankin ha frequently brrn a cummer gueet In th city. Mr and Mr. II. W Bowman and amall latiichter left yraterday for their hom at Ja'-kaonvHI. FU . after an eitendd atay here. an Paek aqua re at i cUitk. hating aa j have been giirata at the Mnn-r for a .me Tier chief arueata. Mia Virginia r and ' time, leave thla week for their home at Ml Allc Mumner. Autumn flower ; Cleveland. Ohio. r uaed a a center piece on th tea ahl. a Mlaa Helen Taylor, of th Tnung Wo. Mlaa Dora Gulae and Mlaa Sarah Moore, who have been vlaltlng Mra. Frederick Kent (t her houa on Cheelnut treef for man Chiiatlan aaaoelatlon. ha a calletlflie paat aeveral weeka. hve returned to attaavOon to th following In 1 Treating new rtlatlv to th aa -tatlon: turlng th waek beginning November II, the Toung Woman Chrlatlan aorltlon wll sk tha paopl of tha Unliei) Ktatea for U. 000,000 to carry on It war work for young women In thla country an! the eonntric of our alllea. Co-operating with Via national campaign committee, tre aoin of America a most prominent and efficient women. Recently In New York A apaaJias' Inatlfute waa held, attended by a number of th women who will part I -rlpal In launching th campalirn. Among thaaa waa Mra. Kate Lancley Hoaher, nf Richmond, tha wll known writer. Mra. Boahar waa tremendoualy lntereatd In tha soop of th aaaoelatlon. "Th blg glt thing about tha Y. W. C. A." ah aid, "ha been Its own remarkable growth, I can rmembr It In It earlier year, whan It had many limitation of contact and equipment, but now It hai ere tad both for Itself of late." 1 Mr. Gaorfa K. Hanger. Jr., returned atridajr to Philadelphia, Pa., after ten,l Ing anlfht day furlough with hi father n Blltmor avenue. Mr. Hanger Is on tha U. 8. B. Minnesota. ! Mra. Campbell and children, who have BHD spending the summer season at iMon treat, ar now th guests of Mr. jCampbaU's slater. Mra. K. E. Boggs, at bar hom at Spartanburg. Mlsa Jawl Thompson, of Spartanburg. Ihaa baa pending several weeks In thla Motion of th tt. 0 f Mr. and Mr. Gordon. Klaer and young on who hav been vlaltlng here, have returned to their home at Atlanta, Gu. Mr. T. T. Bailenger, of Atlanta, Ga., ha bn pendlng a short while visiting In this Motion of the state. : Ttr. and Mrs. L. K. Creaaman and chil- dico, who have been with Rev. C. D. Creaaman lo Tenneaaee. have returned to their hom In th city. ' Mr. A. J. dreen left yesterday for a stay at Norfolk, Va. Mra James Weatherly and her dnuith- thrlr liemea at Waahlngton. IJ. C. ' Mrs. Frank B. Hayne, of New Orleana, who hsa been at her summer home nt Flat Kork. Is now visiting at Greenville. 8. C. Mlaa I.llllan Davis haa setumed to her home at Tampa, after spending several weeks In this section of tha etat. Mrs. Paul flmatheni I the guest of Mrs. Rnmurl Mackey at Marshall for a short while. Mr. Walter Fnater, who haa been at Kenllworth hospital, haa rone to Camp Taylor, K, to enter the officers' training camp. Mrs. S. J Alhrlrht la with her sister. Mrs. A. W. Faulknor, at her home on Pearson drive for a stay before icolng to Washington. I). to be with her daugh ter, Miss Kuth Albrltfit. Mlsa Gladys Wilson left Friday for Washington. C. after a visit here with Miss Cameron Dniinmond, on Chestnut street. Mr. W, B. SoRelle arrives Tuesday to spend a ahort while with Mr. 8o.KeUe. who Is here for an Indefinite stay. Mrs. Richard Taylor has returned to Oaiumble., B. C, after spending several dsys with her mother, Mrs. Charles E. Hughes, at her residence In Grove park. Mr. W. R. HarreU of Forest City, has been vlaltlng relatives In Aalievllle for several days. e ; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andrews and chil dren, who htive been In this vicinity for some monlhs, have returned to their home In South Carolina. Mrs. Edward J. Cabanlss, who has been In AshevlUe for the summer ami nutumn seasons, will leave the middle of the week for her home at Birmingham, Ala. Mr. C. H. Hill, of Philadelphia, Pa., has been spending several days In the city. Mr. and Mrs. A. Julian Lyman have. rH-'Mip,! to Aehevllle, after a visit to Clark leav Tuesday where they will be Mr end Mr. U. H for Hramford. Ont., Indefinitely. Mr. r.eorg M lyewl. who has been a guest at Grove Park Inn. leav this week for hi hom at HI. Ioula, Mo, Mr. Ince Ilolmea. formerly of Ashe vlUe. who la now at Flat Rook. pent a ahort while In the city during the week. Mra. William B. Hallman, of Cincinnati. Ohio, has arrived at Aihevllle and will spend several weeks In the city. Mr. snd Mrs. Henry Delphln har 're turned to tnelr home In Florida, af'er a month' ty In the city. Mr. nd Mr. C. G, Memmlnfer snd Miss Christine Memmlnge-r, com Wed nesday ajter a stay In th north. They will leav Aahevllla Thursday for their wlnler place at Lakeland, Fla. Mr. Burt 8. White I her for a week, from his home In the eastern part of the state. Mr. and Mra A. King, who have been In this section of the state for th autumn season, have returned to their home In Tennessee. Mrs. Granville Taylor nas returned to her home In Edgemont park, after spend Ing the summer with her sister. Mra. Rob ert Henry, at her home at Utlca. N. T. Mr. Erlo Rawls returns this evening to Runlon, after pendlng the week-eni at his home on Liberty street. Mrs. J. W. Bacot and Miss Flora Baeot and Mlas Lusa Bacot have returned to their home at Charleston, 8. C after a stay In this section of the state. Mrs. J. W. Moore, ofGastonla, la her for a tay of some time. Your Physician will tell you that most cases of INFLUENZA are contracted in poorly ventilated rooms. Our store is the most thoroughly ventilated drug store in the south. It is open from Patton avenue to College street. A six-foot column of Good, Pure Asheville Air is constantly flowing through. Our stock is composed of every thing a good drug store ought to carry. G o ode & Barb ee Inc. Phone 718 "SUDDEN" DELIVERY YOU PEOPLE of WEST ASHEVILLE GET YOUR CAPSULES OEIFOIRE Tflne "Fta" Gets You AH Prescriptions Filled by Registered Pharmacists C1AVEM9 DRUG STORE Well Building WEST ASHEVILLE Phone 3091 Night Clerk Over Store ter. Mr. Maurlc Henderaon. and hr their son, Mr. Ellsworth Lyman, at Camp j Way on Church street, returned Friday Mr. aod Mrs. R. L. Tat win return shortly to their home at Charlotte, after a stay of some tlmo here. Mrs. Allen S. Hurburt win leave the Inst of the menth for her home at Ri (lee way. Pa., aftes spending the summer months with her father, Mr. W. W. Bar nard, at his house on Chestnut street. Mrs. John I. Hasnrd and her two daugh ters. Mlna Ruth Hazard and Mlas Sarah Hazard, who have been In the city for several weeks as the guest of Mrs. Sue m A Wonderful Showing of Tailored Skirts Beautiful fabrics fancy woolens in plaids and stripes, box and side pleat ed models in colors or black and white: Satin. Taffeta and Silk Poplin are used for many effective models. Full Line of Sizes and Prices Blouses to Wear with the Separate Skirt or Tailored Suit are Shown in Lavish Variety. Plainly tailored taffetas, satins, men's wear crepe, etc. Dressy styles of Chiffon, Georgette and lace some ex quisite hand made French models are included in the Fall wfc. See West Window. 11 Patton Ave. Telephone 78. to their home at Georgetown, B. C. Mr. Hazard and her daughter have been con stant summer guests In Asheville and have numbers of friends here, Mr. James 8, Plncknrd. who ha been at her summer home here In Grove park, expects to leav shortly for her home at Montgomery. Ala., for the winter season. Mr. Plnckney and her daughter, Miss Sallle Plrckney, of Charleston, 8. C, who are at their country home near Flat Rock, spent a short while In Asheville during the week. They will leave shortly for Char Me ton. Mr. John McFarland William .after a short stay with her son, Mr. Jack Williams, who Is at the students' army training camp at the University of North Carolina, has gone to Fayettevllle, where she joined Mr. Williams. They will re main there during the winter. Mr. and Mr. Henry Crisp are among the out of town visitor In Aahevllla for several day' stay. Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. Wlllnott and small son returned during the week to Now Orleans, La., after an extended stay In ' this section of the state. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Chllds and their son, Lawrence, who spend their summers at Mountain Home, have returned to St. Petersburg, Fla., for th winter, Mrs. Oscar H. Miller haa returned to her home, at 2S Austin avenue, after a month's visit to New York. Lieut. Col. William H. Smith leave to day for a stay at Washington, D. C. Mr. J. H. Wayat't left yesterday for slorfolk, Va., after a brief stay here. j Dr. and Mrs. Ware, of Shelby, arrived I yesterday by motor and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Ware at their house on Orange street. Mr. Allen J. Krebs, Jr., left yesterday for Boston, Mass., where he will enter the Boston Tech aviation ground school. Mr. D. Harris left yesterday for Louis ville, Ky,, where he will visit his family for a ahort while. Miss Blanch Blake, who has been spend ing the summer months In AwhevlUe, has gone to Tallahassee, Fla., for the winter. Miss Cora Lee Drummond will return today to her home on Charlotte street, after spending a fortnight with relatives at Richmond Va. Save Money on Your Kodak Work Prints made on double weight glasa, or single weight dull finish paper, at the following prices t 2Uxltt or mallfv each. . . .So 2ttxU. 3ttx3tt. 3jfcxtt ...4o SKxStt. 4x5 and Post Card. .So Work Finished Promptly RAY'S STUDIO "On the Square" yrer Nichols' Fbono 1704. UberiDe, N. a WHY should you pay dealers profits when you can buy A-M-C FLOUR AND MEAL DIRECT FROM THE MILL? 24 lbs. A-M-C Finest Plain Flour $1.40 24 lbs. A-M-C Self-Rising Flour $1.50 A-M-C Native Com Meal, per lb 05 Asheville Milling Corporation Manufacturers of Flour, Meal, Mill Feed 532 Haywood St. Telephone 136 The Fourth Liberty Loan We'll all back up our boys "over there." Hang out the flag and get in the Bond Buying Line of Patriots. Phone 130 for Coal CAROLINA COAL & ICE CO. 50 Pat. Ave,, Drhomor BIdg. Mr. Thomas S. Rollins leave today for a stay at Washington, D. C. Mr. Jamea S. Coleman leaves today for a short stay at Union, S. 8. He will re turn the flrtt of the week by motor with Mrs. Coleman and party. Mia Bthel Sutton, who Is spending some time at Black Mountain with rela tives, spent a short while In Asheville 1 during Hie week. Dr. Frank Roberts, of Marshall, spent Friday In the city. Mre. Ernest White and little son re turned yesterday to their home in the ' f eastern pan 01 ins aiuie, auflr apvuuina several months at Waynesvllle and here. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hamilton and family of Cleveland, Ohio, are expected In the city for the winter season. They were among the visitor here last winter and are well known In Asheville. Dr. J. S. B. Woolford, of Chattanoogn, who 1 here with Mr. Woolford for the winter, spent several days this week at M home. They hav a cottage at wew Bridjraw Mra. John Langley, organiser and com mander of the Red Cross canteen of Plke vllle, Ky., has arrived with her baby and is with her parnt. Mr. and Mrs. James (CONTINUED ON PAOE SEVEN.) Motorcycle Delivery Anything Anywhere Anytime WALKER'S DRUG STORE Phones 183 and 132. Protec! Your Good Health by wearing a pair of our ALL-LEATHER SHOES properly fitted by one of our experienced shoe fitters Boston Shoe Store we)teaaai nm9memmGSHiMfstHmmay Hai UOSKY TO LOAN AT ANTI-FLU! A Hearty Meal Good Ventilation Sanitary Drinking Cups Paper Napkins Found at 3 Pack Square. RED TEA ROOM COME ACROSS With your money It will be returned to you later with interest. Back Our Boys' Bayonets By Buying Bonds. WARD ELECTRIC CO. a k; c-i.a:.i 12 Battery Pork Place. Phone 449. Cruise's Hair Shop ManJoarina;, Chiropody, Facial Massajre, Scalp Treatment and FJeotroIysas. ft Harvrood St. Pnnae PREST-O-LTTE BATTERIES PREST-O-LITE BATTERIES FOR GOOD BATTERY SERVICE Sawyer Motor Co. 15-17 S. Lexington Ave. (9 K j ir' aaaKU ' D a Patton At. Phone iaa