THE ASHEV1LLE CITIZEN m THE WEATHER: Flair Tuetay. warmer In wrwt par- tlonei U (xiixwlajr fair wsnnrr. VOL. XXXIV, NO. 355. ASUEVILLE, N. O. TUESDAY MORNINO, OCTOBER 15, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS t ..! 'S - ' : ; 1 l 3 ' rr 1IffflT W11S0M M REPLY ;! DEMANDS SURRENDER nnnnii rnn nnn PRESIDENT MAKES CLEAR STATEMENT THAT THERE CAN BE NO ARMISTICE WHILE HUNS CONTINUE ATROCITIES ON HAND AND SEA K lln Meantime Allies Continue Their Victor ious Advance By Clearing Out Old Laon Salient and Make Progress in Champagne-'General Foch Has Order ed Drive in Lys Region of Flanders Toward Ghent. PRESIDENT WILSON'S FIGHTING FACE ENTIRE GERMAN LINE IN BELGIUM IS THREATENED 0 Dispatches Jrom Headquarters, Assert That Routers Has Been Captured and Courtrai, An Important Railway Junc tion, Has Been Outflanked ' EPOCH-MAKING DOCUMENT, Q Jn an epoch-making document President Wilton late yesterday afternoon thrilled the American nation with a clear and unmistak able answer to the German peace note, de claring that there could be no peace with an autocracy that persisted in its course of fright ful atrocities on land, and submarine piracy at tea.' While such autocracy existed, the presi dent declared in substance, no final peace could come. The chief executive of the United States also made it plain that the terms of an armistice, should one come, would be laid down by the "military advisers of the United States and her allies." ' The allied armies would fight on, so that they would lose no military advantage. They will fight on, says the president, until the destruction of arbitrary power makes it im possible for the recurrence of another world slaughter. In face, the sharp, incisive note sent by the United States in answer to Germany's apparent acceptance of terms is a clear, un mistakable demand for unconditional sur render. That the president's reply met the highest expectations of the American people was evi denced at Washington last night when con gratulatory telegrams from all sections of the country poured in. The American press, too, with phenomenal unanimity warmly approved the president's course. a A " "V V-'-'- 1 siU. & f:yt 1 h.,4" ' 1W SENATOR 11 S PRAISE 'S REPLY TO GERMAN NOT E Senator Lodge Among First to Issue Commenda tory Statement TEXT OF ANSWER IS BEAD TO SENATORS Both Democrats and Repub licans Praise Attitude Taken by President Penniless: Refugees ' fn Serious 'OondltloM From Exposurs V from thlr bamx, pnafea4 ownr;f i bwlttubl mIM warkm twilight , atuiklM' Mi. - - - na lMm mA V WAjrmMOTON, Oct U. tntort war m wall plaM4 wtth Praaldant Wilson'! rpl7 to 0rmnys pmn proffar thai thajr broka all praedant and applaudad vltroroualy aflar tha taxt ot it had kaan raI tr Sanar HKoheoek.V ehllrman vof tha ' aenati flM BURNED AREA HAS BEEN STARTED Now Feared That Dead, Will Beach bnt-; ' VThousan'd iri) FEARFUL XIAVOO TJX MOOSE LAKE ARIlAi. 0 x PRESIDENT WILSON ANSWERED THE HUNS' EVASIVE AND INSULTING "PEACEW nut i. , IS 1'NUOUBTEDLY THE WAY HE LUOKED YOU CAN ALMOST SEE HIM AB HE COM Bosk's THE Ol'ESTION "WHAT DO YOU MEAN" WILL YOU GET OUT QF FRANCE? AND WHOM Ti.nrDuMKNT." thr PICTURE IS THE LATEST ONE OF WILSON. JU3T RECEIVED FROUi IJVJ 1 1' j w""" - ' - WASHINGTON FEARS THAT DIPLOMACY WOULD BE SUBSTITUTED FOR VICTORIES AT ARMS DISPELLED BY PRESIDENT'S ANSWER fcenatori, both damoertta and tapubll' eajia tn formal aUtanjanta pralaad tha reply m tha forarunaar of an anoondl tlonal anrraadar br tha ocntra.1 pow ara. Raodlna; of tha nota, ' which waa tranamlttad to tha aanata throuih tha praaa rallary, cami aa tha ollmax to a day of debata durlna; whloh aenatora demanded that thera ba no paaca na otiatlona until Germany had aur- randarad unconditionally. Befor tha dabata endad, word raaohad tha aan ata that tha praaldant'a reply would be made publlo at I o'olook and It waa daolded to poatpona adjournment and await It, IiOdge la Pleased. . Sonato lsod, of MaaaaohUMtta, the republican leader, who hax vigor oualy crltlolaad the prealdent'a couraa In dlraotlnt a note of Inquiry to 3er many arter receipt or tna peace orrer, waa amons the flrat aenatora to laaua a publlo statement oommendlnf tha nrealdent's reply, "I am vary glad and genuinely pleaaed," ana senator uoat; -tnai the prealdant takea tha greund whloh he doea. Of course, avarythtns he says about eon duct of the German government, the German army and the German navy is absolutely true. Such oonduot is quite sufficient In It aelf to put an end to any talk about an armlatlce. The president's last clauee in wnien he in substanoe declines to carry on any discussion with the German gov ernment Is eminently satisfactory and will. I am sura, bring a great aenae of relief to the Awlcn people who, I am certain, deeira a unconditional uvrenaer wn vy mm unun in ine leld." RemoTei AO SeubU Senator Hitchcock, chairman of the foreign relations committee, said: My view is that tn president naa removed 'all doubts, that have been expressed as to the wisdom of his course ana previaea against, au Tne dangers that orttlos have aeen In the bolloiea he hae been pursuing. He says in errecr inai it an armistice is i'6oNmuffiti aCE tWo.) No Peace With Kalserlsm! Autocracy Must Go;. No Armfstic Can Even Be Thought of White Germany Continues Her Atrocities On Land and Sea, and Ger many Must Absolukiy Provide Sefeguards and Guarantees WASHINGTON, Oct. 14. President Wilson has answered Germany's peace proposal with a decision which not only f ulflls the expectation ef supporters of i his diplomacy but also dispels the tears of those who predieted '".'.'.)."'.; THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) ' : ! Peace talk pervades the air, but it is falling on deaf ears as far as- the armies in the field are con- SyjfcCernea. instead or a relaxation m tne intensity or the fighting, new hostilities on what seemingly is a major scale are being carried out by the British, i (QTrench and Belgians in Belgian Flanders. Having cleared but the .old Laon salient' and i nade advances northward in Champagne' which lation which may ba more than unconditional surrender allied diplomats and American of ficials believe it may. cause a revolution in Germany Beyond question it speaks for the entente allies as well as the ICONTINUED OH PAGE TWOJ he would substitute victories at United States arms with defeats at diplo- The dispatch of the presi mcy I dent's reply was followed by No peace with, kaiserism!1 the Issue of this formal state Autoerany, must go ) no armis- ment at the white hou,se by Sec tlce can ever be thought of .retary. Tumulty: , . . while Germany continues : her atrocities on land and sea; one "The government tmue to se Will cen- with applause of senators as the president's answer was read a few minutes after it had been announced at the state depart ment. Senator Lodge, the presi dent's chief critic in his cdurse Until today, issued a statement expressing his gratification at the president's decision. Opin ion at the capitol and through out offjeiaj . Washington was unanimously in approval. , The official note which will mar wrou Lean. js-j--4ic ;-Barred by Ike wKtkCT' Snilhet tllaa flrovt 'leafytnaj e7e otkf, stjgy wiuvdwajd f bwewii.fc; ,ltoe of .16taa'taa iiiypTovlaed ' mergti4 bere; Vaarehteajt 1 M - A. .A ft . t cur ivTwi uuee - Trn fmm vim i Heiardi frem' aioo.aM .erwk Area taid). wwsta (Ms ectlpn of yimedoUC aid oortkm of norOnrn Wskiw la fout' 4aya ago. Motoptroolte brought ' ta-. .r.oro and taore boallse thronsiheat th iidclM. - '. : tOO VloStaaa VVand. ' ' . During the pat tweratr-f etw ami ; the ohaored bosMeeetf 100 rictiani have, been found to the edtaiewd Me Man's Ijand, wMoh befove b fM fovmed . ttm sminnv anore 01 uose Lrnxm aw a J'Cettle elver.. Adjutant .. Oaaeral Rh4 now tonlcM ajUmaad the ba ajn ' her of dead tn th Mooee XAka asxtj : tKne nrtght aao Vateanorg. (leaid in adtotniaer KaaHeM. inuprwlsed lioepitaJe hk MHI' Vh ,,' permanent InartlButions A XwwUi rf i mrina) for tha -eda f tbe ts(ure4 reifugeea, tnavnar of wkoo i. eV titioal' ooindltMn. ,.- . I -.( The force of resona fwftntm will fee) p iKmtoled touuxntrw Oaaarat KhenoifJ naM. Seatoh f live greM Msrea larm lajvd laid waste p?h fir if ' Itemed to reenM ta tie Bvdi of fan (braaa of move Victlroa. Many peeboaa) , atso aire Tsueved to ! oees drown Kettle river rsstionei i (90. There are beUevwd to 1 d ta iakee tit whloh they evok resura Many refugee bare la a eertoue oeadl lion from eapoaura. aaM they etoo4 lor weurs hi toe old water wnaie i flasnea rajred abouit them. But a Moment's Wa4ntaa Itaral residents, reftigeea sajr. ww rlvem but at momaat'a wemtac berora the flarr hurrtoaive swwpt 4own-wpai them. psUl of noke had tnwier t rwr the . couTitryslde tor hour tM .majority telievad the IhotooaASK to : he merely tha usual autumn Area), omoieJs in oharg of reUef werV till are witabia to make eatinmte of the wisMterial dajmaeT w aultina; from tha flra. It was aaiM, however, tttat In thas Htrkrt alone, : llltty ayuare irrtleS her ton rtrtppeq AGAIN ONTHEWM PATH Smaah Doors in Senate When Foiled in Attempt to Burn Literature. WASmNpTOW; Oct. 14. Militants of the national woman's iprty march ed to the c&ipiftol today intending to entsr the senate chamber by surprise and burn antl-auffrmge apeeohes on t?te enfvta floor. Press arsrvte for the tnllitanta an nownoed the "surprise" Saturday so the police were on hand nd pronrptly clapped the would-be demonstrators in tWo ruaird room. . Later the women smashed the glass In the doors of the guard rocm with PRESIDENT MAKES APPEAL FOR Fouann LOAN Vital Importance of Pres ent Drive Has Hot Been Diminished. ; cannot be considered unless it M'ith their suppl is fully, dictated by the allied commanders in the field in such terms as ' absolutely . provide safeguards and guarantee that Germany's-part, will not bo a scrap of paper. : This Is in a few words tha president's answer. If It does not bring a capitu- the convey the president's decision rA nvpr 250 OOfll wipti to the German government, and .their hoei. but police reinforcements na oyer au,W,inenj fmnnrtanf tn the nerman ftmully restored order. The TOilltamts Bupphes every month (laore important, to tne ' merman , d A,ice p , pre,ident of people, was aeuvereu maaj uj Secretary XAnsing 'to the charge of the Swiss legation who has been acting as the intermediary. It iwas given out publicly by Mr. Lansing at the state depart ment at 6 o'clock this evening, i One. outstanding point which and there will be no relaxation of any kmd." Quite outside of the formal phrases of a diplomatic docu ment that was President Wil-; son's word to the world that he had no thought of stopping the fighting at this stage. ' , - Tfy senate chamber . rang i "t"'- - r !, . . '' , .. che women's -Darty. After the senate adjourned woroen wyre jrelessaa. AMEHIOASS RKA.CH ST. GKQRGES. WASHINGTON. Oct. I4.i-Prest- . ?eut Wilson today ienued this state- . invent on th fourth liberty hant "The reply of the German trovern--I lent to my note of Inquiry dated Oo- 4 ttber 8, gives occasion for ne to say . ti my fellow countrymen that neMher j t tat reply nor any other recent event ava in any way dimlntshed tha vKal ; importance of the Irfbmty loan. Re- ; Uxatlon now, hesitation ,ao would i rtean d-efcat when victory seema to be i : ti trht would ir4n years of war ' i ta'tad of Tetc wpon our own terms. "1 earnestly Tearest every patriotic .morlcn Jo !efe to the gorernnrema . cf the United -States and of the alMfa ,; t ie moraentoue. discussions litlUated i , ty .CJeriamjy and to remanaber that -' f r eaeft man. h m duty Is to strerrgtaea , te- hands of' these govei-nmonts and ;,' tJ do It In (he rtnot important way . r ow ltn-rnec-'a teiy, reeiei -oy euo- (COtmnVSD OH FAC UCBaUU-i TOTTH THU AMERICAN AH JtfT NOBTHWEBT, OV VBRDUN, fict. 14, Ssriblug U -ths utnwjst of his ability le A. M., (By the Aseociatsd Jress),ifjr bed ef the funh liberty loan. -Th American troops west of thellhct baa muak ba uocessful. Z am Meuse"ars now beyond Cunel and sore that h Aiiwrican pcopla wui Ramamne. .-.Their ipateola ar. Uth not UU to s .their duty and tnake oia Da BatheviUa. .r kt muxmrnrntiA" t. ; !.,.-

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