WHS SUNDAY CITIZEN, ASHETV1LLE, N. O. OCTOBER 20, 1918. REPORTS OF GROSS 1 & The WILL of a WOMAN SELFISHNESS ARE no f . .. ) 'r- PROTECT YOURSELF from COLDS, GMP AND P.MEUMOMA SET, BOARD i i ill- ADIERJHESIO Stay in the fresh air as much as pos sible. Keep warm but do not over heat yourself. Equip your body with good woolen underclothing, warm wool socks, Bradley woolen sweaters for ladies and men, and ADLER; ROCHESTER, Clothes Suits and Overcoats 25 to S50 L Clothes i 19 I'll 11 'HMH.U.lLAl "W'liV. J 18 Patton Ave. Men's Furnishings Quality Clothe Soma Insist on Nurses Where Services Are Not Required DE. W. S. RANKIN MAKES AN APPEAL Asks That Nurses Be Re leased for Community Service BOARD OF HEALTH RECEIVES MANY : CALLS FOR HELP Ilany Urgent Calls for Help Remain Unanswered ' ' . 4 As Yet BOTH DOCTORS AND , NURSES ARE NEEDED Twenty Typical Calls for Help Enumerated by the Board RALEIGH. N. C. Oct. Call upon the state board of health both for doctors and nurses to aid com munltles stricken by tha epidemic of r innuenx continued today, xne 101 V lowing ara twenty typical cases whare ; tha calls for help remain unanswered I because doctors and nuraea cannot be i secured: 1 Population (00, caaea 100, pneu , roonla tan, deaths four; one doctor, i another doctor sick with Influenza. Doctor wanted. ll Population 2,000, caaea (00, 1 pneumonia twenty; two white and on I colored doctor at work. Nurse j wanted. k I Population (00, cases 100 doctor, no nurse. Both wanted. ; 4 -Population 1,000, caaea 150, ! pneumonia fifteen, deaths eight. Two i doctors, but another needed. doctor sick, nearest doctor tea mile. Doctor wanted. 1 t--Populatlon (00. eases (Of; only doctor serving in an emergency olHewher. .wants doctor. 1 S Population 1,(00, rasas la town and immediate vicinity 1,100, about eighty pneumonia, twenty deaths. Need another doctor and nurse. ! 11 County reports 1,011 oases to . date, seventy-nine pneumonia, twenty : deaths, and is not asking for help yet , , . 14 Population 1,009, ease 15 two doctors, both welL Asks for .nurse. .;. ..... . 15 Population 1,(00, cases B, pneumonia twenty-live, deaths twelve, epldemio Increasing; on of three doctors sick. Wants doctor and nurse. U Population 1,109, ease 0, pneumonia twenty; only doctor just recovering front Influensa. Want doo- tor and nurse. 17 In county 2,100 new cases, deaths last twenty-four hours nine: twelve doctors in county, but need nurses. 1 Population (00, cases 1(0. deaths nve; no nurse or doctor, Wants both doctor and nurse. 19 -Population (00. eases 150, pneumonia twelve, deaths eight; nee nuree. JO Population (00, cases 100, pneumonia seven, deaths two; nearest doctor eignt mrlea, no aura, uoo STATE ARE DECLAHED TO BE "WORSE THIN EVER" EXHORTATION TO THE MEMBERS OF BETHEL no (Population : (.000, caaea 900, pneumonia thirty, deaths eighteen; i one doctor and one nurse. People dying without even having medloal attention. Doctor and nurse both wanted. I (Population of county 17,000, . cases (,400; six doctors of county In dso. Mayor oi county seat wires: "People suffering and dying for want of medical attention, fiend us at once, If humanly possible, two doctors and two nurses." T Population (00, cases 115, pneu monia ten, death one; no doctor, but three within six miles. Prominent business man wires: "Entire office force transformed to nursing foroe. Eight or ten volunteer nurses under ' trained nuree. Conditions in country . surrounding most distressing. Know '. of one family of ten where all sick, , four dead." Nurse wanted. Population 600, cases 100, pneu ! monla seven, deaths two; one doctor, ; no nurse. Nurs wanted for or-! : ganlslng hospital. I -ropuiauon l.ioo, cases 1,009, pneumonia prevalent, ten deaths; two . doctors, on sick. Wants doctor and ' nurse. t . 10 Population 1,100, eases 190, ' pneumonia five, deaths five; see aged The followtraj exhortation ami re quest is issued by the pastor of Bethel Methodist church to the members of hie church and Mnsrremtron: "I.t us not forget to pray and draw negn to uoa m an nour lixe tma 'Men ought always to vrajr and not to faint "Let us not forejet to pay up. It Is now less than three weeke tnrtil oo ferenoe November (, 'Render tjnt Caeear the thine that are Caesar', and unto God the thing that are God's.' eave your contribution with J. B. DlvelbMas, at 171 South Tremoh Broad avenue, or with O. R. Perry, at (1 Blauton strst. or with R. 8. Find ley, on Depot street." Disease Is Still on Increase in Piedmont and 'West ern Sections MILLS HIT HARD I America's Honor List RALEIGH, N. C, Oct. 19. "Worse than ever," was the estimate this evening by Dr. W. S. Rankin, of the North Carolina situation In the In fluensa epidemic. Conditions in num bers of eastern towns have grown worse and the disease Is much on the Increase In the Piedmont and western sections. Worst conditions are In out ton mill localities where operatives are being hit hard, and have to be I taken car of by emergency doctors : Herman NEW BRIDGE BAPTIST CHURCH contribution: and nurses. for doctors thirty each day with comparatively none In sight to meet the new calls. A typical Illustration of the altua- tlan Dr. Rankin says, is the case of a physician sent from King? Mountain to Board man, near Wilmington, in which the Kings Mountain people In sisted that, having nearly one thou sand cases, their doctor should be re turned. Boardman protested that numbers of desperate cases of pneu monia and no other doctor made it impossible to release the doctor. Then in the midst of this contest over the doctor came word this morning that he is in bed with the disease. 1 An important change In Ralelefi banking circles le the resignation of E. C. Duncan, as president and the election of W. B. Drake, Jr., as his successor. Mr. Duncan has been presi dent of the bank since Its organisation and Mr. Drake has been vice-president ana cashier. The Merchants bank, al though less than ten years old, is among the foremost financial Institu tions of the state. WASHINGTON, Oct lf.-The following casualties are reported by the eommaad tng general of the American expeditionary forces: Killed In action , tH Missing In set Ion 160 Wounded severely 44) Died from wounds 101 Died from accident and other miuaa. . is Lnea or disease 15 meo irom aeroplane accident... vvounaeo, aegree undetermined 1st vy ounaea 441? nuy Total ; t sis The following southerners ware among uioe reporiea ra laun casualty list: ' Killed In Aetlen. toroporala Oeorge W. Decker, Win Chester, Tenn-j Thomas Thomaston, La urange, ua. privates Ira N. Eliot. Danvllla. V. joeepn Clifton Harcum. Franklin. Va. Died ef Wound. Sergeant Walter Bell.. Aiken, ft. C. Corporals Edward P. Boiling, Bristol. Va. lease c. Pnilllpe, Bear Creek, H. O, Privates Marlon H. Crawford, Marion. B. c.t Rubin P. Gardner, Zuai Va.: Ouy n. mcnarason, Oalaz, Va; Mario D. Harris, Tracy city, Tenn. Died of Disease.- Sergeants Eugene DouVlass, Jr., Mem pnie, Tenn.; Herbert B. Shaw, Add. O. Privates Dennis J. Carter, VMalis, Oa. j-unsmore, summing, Oa.; RALEIGH. Oct 19. In the pres ent emergency caused by the influ ensa epidemic, when so many calls are coming from all sections of the state for nurses, the state board of health calls attention to the gross sel fishness and Inhumanity of those people who insist upon having private nurses, even sometime In cases where the service of a trained nurse are secured only as a matter of con venience. 'The following letter from a minis ter of the etate Is a, typical example of some of the protests being received by the board of health: Mlnlatcr'a Letter. "Yesterday I went to a home where a man has been somewhat elck with stomach trouble some time to get his nurse for a family where there were three persons In bed and some of them real alck with Influensa. The man absolutely refused to give up hie nuise until next week, even though he was able to sit up and hie sister was la the kitchen getting dinner. I ale know of other eases where nurses art being held by people who could get along very well without on. In this time of distress it seems to me to be a crime for people to be so seinsn. I am Just wondering if a statement from you urging people not to hold nurses unless they were absolutely necessary would not help to create sentiment. The matter about which I am writing Is not a personal one, for I am not seeking one for my own family- Other complaints of a similar na On th sam principle that our Banking Department hv special facilities (or tha con venience) of -women customers, our Trust De partment is prcparod to givo a woman every possible assistance la drawing her WUL This institution b happy to enjoy th con ' fidence of thousand of women, we make no secret of the fact that we have endeavored to merit this confidence by encouraging women LV' to CJrti a ympatneuc and courteous re sponse to every need of service and counsel I CENTRAL BANK & TRUST Company h P a c k S D O U t q U a r e ""iiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiHiiiiniiiiiMiimminiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijimiiiiiin THE INTEREST RATE on every class of loans at this1 time is higher, due to the I act wai uie guvciumcni is coasiauiuy caning lor nuge sums to finance the war. Mortgage money is particularly scarce. The Equitable instructs ua to offer liberal loans on de sirable residence property at six per cent. Time, ten years, payable in monthly installments, no commissions, expense nominal Talk to us about it. J. J. CONYERS 27 Amer. Natl Bank Bid Phone 682. TiiiiitiiiiiiiiiimiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiitntiintimnitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii miillmiK c? Unsupplled urgent calls Joseph B. Halley, Alton, Vs.; Arthur and nurses are 'around Harris, Breadford. Va.: Ellis Kay. Car- Merrroer or me New Brldr Ban tlet church. New Bridge, ar urgently requeeted to make their ooatrlbutione to the expense and benevolences ef the church as usual in order that the finances of the church may remain unaffected. In the absence of regu lar services due to the epidemic these contributions may be left with H. D. Cleveland, treasurer, or Oarrett Car ter, at Maoey brothers tore, at New Brids. 30x3 red guaranteed Tubes, $3.45, Aabeville Filling Stati. It There Comes a Time when every family needa a bottle or box of medicine or a" prescription filled- When that time cornea your first thought should be , 3. S. Umflfe, Mgr. v vV"$Hp &6-S57., Complete line of sundries, candies, cigars, tobacco, aoda water In Brazil a new process for treat lng hides for shipment haa been in vented that dries them completely in eight days and removes all objection able odor. The Clinchfield Roots EFFECTIVE JULT IS, 1919, Eastern Standard Time. Southbound Lv. Elkhorn City, ley: Freemont. Va " Dante, Va. , St. Paul, Va '1 Speere Ferry, Va, . . , Ar. Johnson City ....... Lv. Johneon City Ar. Erwin, Tenn. Lv. Brwln, Tenn. Kona, N. C Altapass, N. C ML Mitchell, N. C... Marion. N. C. BoaUo, N. C. ....... Ar. Spartanburg, 8. C. ... Northbound Lv. Spartanburg, & C. . . . , - BostiO, N. c - Marion, N. C. ...... - Mt. Mitchell, N. C. .. " Altapass. N. a ..... " Ken, n. a Ar. Erwln, Tenn. ........ Lv. Erwln, Tenn. ....... Ar. Johnson City ....... Lr. Johnson City ....... " Sneer Ferry, Va,.... " St. Paul, Va. - Damte, Va. Fremont, Va. Ar. Elkhorn .City, Ky.. . . P. M.A. M. 2.40 3.98 4.16 7.40 4.40 g.OS 9.16 9.30 9.07 1J.30 9.07 11.20 9.45 11.01 19.19 1.69 9.43 3.41 4.90 5.00 9.05 5.0S 8.50 8.50 10.85 13.17: 13.501 I 1:8. I -90 11.00 13.05 1.00 1.55 3.30 3.04 4.50 6. no 5.50 5.60 7.JS 9.95 9:39 Abovs figures published a informa tion only and ara not guaranteed. ' Patrons are requested to apply to nearest agent for definite information, er o esil en or address CHA& T. MAKD EL, . Generat Passenger Agent. Johnson CltjvTsaa, tersville, Va. ; Joe B. Jordan. Hemliurwar. 8. C; Edward T. Edmonds, Rawllnga, Va Died er Aoelsent. Lieutenant Sylvester B. Moors, Norfolk. va. Privates V ester D. Hail Danville. Va. Harry Wilson Knight, Summervllle, B. C; Carl N. Ray, Commerce, Oa.; Joseph wnitneia Banay, Nora River, Vs. Wounded Severely. Lieutenants Robert E. Perkins. Chatta nooga, Tenn.; Hugh 8. Thompson, Chat tanooga, Tenn. Sergeants Williams H. Springs, Mar. shall, N. C; Fred M. Pattersen, Ceneerd, N. C.t Corporal Samuel Maddoz, Oranlte- vllle, S. C; Mechanic Oeorge Thompson. Jr.. Wesley, Oa, Privates Dewey W. Collier. Cordela Oa. John Martin, Speedwell, Va; Blllle Pitt- man. Maysvllle, Oa.; Emery L. Anderson, Nashville. Ga. ; John O. Brooks, Comer, Oa.; Hollie 8. Champion, Buchanan. Tenn. John V. Oarnar, Lavonia, Oa.; Graver C Kite, Balleytown, Tenn.; Dlllerd Stanley, Crutohfleld, n. C. Rimer Traybam, Boe ton, Va, ; Lewis R. White, Piedmont, S. C, Albert H. Entelman, Savannah. Oa; Willie W. Fell, Verderr. S. C; Olyde D. Fentress, Msrlsel, H. C.l Everett D. Oil- more, Kings burg. 8. C. ; Oeorge W. Kll burn, DanlelsviUe, Oa.; Con ley Barker Rlngley, Hilton, Vs.) Forney Taacey. PuUen, Va Wounded, Degree Umleterinlned. - Lieutenant Archibald Q. Robertson. Staunton, Va. Sergeant Robert Smith, Macon,' Oa; Corporals Olln McDanlel, Rossvllle, Oa,; Willie J. McDowell, Columbus, Oa Privates Thomas W. Hamilton, Poulaa, Oa,; Ralph I Mallery, Moeksville, N. C.) Frsnk Joyner, Fremont, N. C. . Missing In Aetlen. Privates William Allen Cash, Flowery , Branch, Ga. ; Henry B. flam. Alcolu, S. C. : Albert W. Hannah, Lucy, Tenn. Evander Hickman, Lumberton, N. C, Charles W. Jsrvis, Cleveland .Tenn.; Henry McClarln, Carthage, Tana.; Charles B. Frady, LaFayette, Oa.; William n. Orlmes, Alstoa, Os; Priestly- Waggoner, Noneevllls, Tana. ture have reached the state board of health. One report was to the effect that a private family was holding a nurse by paying seventy-fire dollars weekly when the nurse was badly needed for community work. Rankin DIhcussoh Matter. Discussing the matter today. Dr. W. 8. Rankin, state health officer, point ed out that the eeriouaneee of the epl demio oan hardly be oveiytated. It has cost the live of more citizen of Wilmington already than the total number of North Carolinians report ed killed in th battlea In Franca Fifty-five deaths had been reported in Raleigh to Wednesday morning. Oas tonla reported twenty deaths on Wednesday. Conditions m th three place mentioned are typical. Urg ing, that all available nureea be re leased for community work. Dr. Rankin said: "The state board of health has this afternoon pressing calls for twenty live nurses who. are urgently needed In different parts of the state. Every one of theee sail could be filled if two things wer done. First, if the hospitals of the state would release as manv a-raduata and senior nurses as jfosslble, cutting their fortes to the very lowest point consistent with the safety of their work. Second, if every nurse employed exclusively on a private oas hould be released for community work. Utter SdOsnness. "At this time, when our people are dying. It is inconceivable to my mind that any person should be so utterly selfish as to Insist upon the services of a private nurse, regardless of the price such person may be able and willing to pay, unless the case be one nf a desperate nature. Even then, a trained nurse released for community work could direct nurses' aids, and be of infinitely more value In saving Uvea As a patriotic measure no nurse who is proud of the uniform which she wears should aocept private service during the present emergen cy." i The state board of health has sa- vertieed in the leading newspapers of the state for nurses at nve dollars a day and expenses. The responses have been distressingly few. The board today takes off the limit It asks any nurse in North Carolina who wilt undertake work right now when so badly needed to telegraph the state board of health how much money it will take to seoure her ser vices. More Heat With Less Fuel s ' If that b what you want, then use a TORftlD HOT-BLAST HEATER It will save one-third your fuel bill yet give a powerful, steady heat Four sizes. $13.25 to $21.50 BROWN HARDWARE COMPANY Phone 2586. Phone 2586. MARINE STATION HAS A GALL FOR TEN MEN Orders Received Teaaerday Increased the Qaota for October Others Accepted Under Certain Condtflnsss, Orders were received at the ma rine station in Ashevllle, late Saturday afternoon, authorising the local sta tion to aooept ten more registered men for tmVuotton Into the marble oorp. The local station had already ac cepted the number of men assigned, but cm account of the increase just granted a number of men who ex pected to have to wait until next month will now have the opportu nity to est In this toranoh of the ser vice this month. All men who registered September IS who wish to be inducted into th ALL LOST And . Title Insurance would have actually protected you against litigation or loss I . BANKERS TRUST AND TITLI INSURANCE CO. marine eorns can do so by apnlymsf at th marine station and passing the examination. Men who registered previou td September 11 and axe in class one cannot bs accepted, as they are neede ad for current calls of their boarde. rm local vutxivn unii a.iso accepm men who have toecome eighteen yeaTsi of age sine th last registration, pro vldln they furnWh a certlfloat elgnedt oy then parent, certirymaj as to thai date of their birth. For shining shoes with oat solllnsf th hands a cloth has been patented. on aid of which is Impregnated wltl polish while th other has a polish lng surface. 9 .-m CITY COMMISSIONERS HOLD SHORT SESSION WECKLV SUMMARY. Total number of casualties te data, hi' eluding those reported above: Klllod In action, Including Ms at sea ,m Died of wounds 1,46 Died of disease 1,761 Died of accident and ether ceases... 1,0ft Wounded In actio Z7.SC7 Missing in action, including prlseaer s.717 Total to date .....11,051 MARINE CORPS CAsUALTl8, Died of wounds: Privates William Hennessee, Sparta, Tenn. Died of disease: Major Henry P. Torry, Widewater, Va.: Sergeant Howard u Mtnter, Jasper, Oa, Severely wounded: VoaepA w. Jones, BurweU, Oa. Wounded, degree and stemmed: un tenant Thomas B. Wert, Chattanooga, Tenn. , Missing m action: Corporals La F. McKlnney, Memphis, Teun Trumpeters William K. Batting. Wilson, N. C Severely wounded, prevtoaaty reported mlselngi Joeepa T. c & C. Only a few comparatively small matter cam before the city cornmt sloners yeeterday afternoon. D. W. Cauble waa granted a rebate of 3 on his water rent for tsje reason that the pipes had sprung a leak in a place where it was dimcult to And. The purchasing agent .was directed to secure bids for installing; sanitary plumbing In th residence of Othos Murphy, ne to pay izs at the time the work Is started and fa until the Job Is paid for. On eh reoonunendatlon of the com missioner of publta works "W. A. Mo Glamery was given a rebate of 1190 on charge against, his property by reason of damage done to hi property on Blew alley and Ralph street. MEN WANTED BIG PAY Easy Spare-Time Work We want aa enenretic man In each lo cality to Introduce our line. Permanent positions; pay up to $40 a week to start. ODDortunity to become our branch man ager with excellent salary er commission. The work is oleasant: no Investment or previous sxperlenoe is necessary to secure one of theee flne Dosltlons. We axnlo.ln and furnish everything. If yo are a hus tler aad appreciate an aauaaal opportu nity is maxe oar money, we want yo id wul pay you wau, titan la spare tune ears more In one or two Hours eaoh evening than you do now for a full day's mrk. Promotion to full-time noaltlan branch manager will fee offered aa soon aa you demonstrate your earnestness. Make e. we application at once, stating 1 1 wul full instruo- reDlr by return mail, xivlns: rtons for starting the work. The Ruby lafimmny xtepi. es, vsns panning, uu sago UL It To Neglect Your Teeth Is To Invite Short Life HAVE THOSE BAD TEETH FIXED AT ONCE The origin of fatal diseases innumerable has been traced to foul, neglected teeth. Give Yourself a Chance Well cared for teeth can be kept clean and wholesome. You can ose tooth paste and sprays galore, but you can't destroy tbV odor, or the danger of ill-kept' teeth. They are a- liability in stead of an assel a great menace to your health and hap. pines. Go to some good sani tary dental office and have your teeth examined and . the neces sary work done so yon can clean your mouth (the gateway of the body) and keep it clean. This office wet every practical sanitary precaution to safe- gawd both patients and operators, against infection, and can safety in operating, -. in t.v J I B ' The offices are large and airy wigh open fires; in fact, a rather pleasant place to visit. Come at once or call 1561 office phone for appointment. '. Residence phone 2729. Office hours 9 y m. to 6 p. m Drs. Smathers & Beam . DENTISTS OVER CARMICHAEL'S ; ' ; Phone 1561. Patton Avenue Entrance. - I.

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