TOE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1918. 10 9 JL Picture Frames While They Lat Just received another lot of beautiful antique gold frame on (Und. Will tell at lime low price $1.00 each J. H. LAW II Haywood L PYREX GLASSWARE (The Last Word In .T Cooking Utsnafls r-' For sale by I THE I-X-L STORE .. Fatten Ara. Phoas lit C Frequently ourxaminationi show that the eyes hare long been neg lected Our service la to prevent eye trouble as well at to cor rect it Charles H. Honess OPTOMETRIST Eye Strain Specialist 14 Pattoa Ave. Opp. PostofBo. 100 Coal ; Atlas Block in any quantity. If you will need coal this winter, order now, ; High grade Steam Coal in CAR LOAD LOTS. ; ; Phone 25 Citizens Transfer Co. Cor. Pattoa Are. and Govt. St , , Phonaa 14 and it. ' ORANGE STAR AUTO LINE Sunday Service Resumed October 20, 1918 , Schedule as Follows t Leave Pack Square for Black Mountain ,10 a. m., 3 p.m. and 7 p. m. Leave Black Mountain for Asheville 8:30 a. m., 1:30 p. m. and 5:30 p. m. . Leave Pack Square for Azalea 7 a. m., 8 a. m 9:30 a. m. and every hour till 12:30 a. m. Leave Azalea 30 minutes later. . Phone 53 LUMBER quality quantity Let us be glad that our work at home helps to win the war. Citizens Lumber Company Asheville, N. C. In Business for Your Health. Phone No. 10 when in need of anything in the drag line. Everything for that cold or La Grippe. - GRANT'S PHARMACY At-.'.m tot Ciano's Chocolates KAST 1'ACK SQUARE. OR. WILLIS G. CLARK SENDS OUT MESSAGE IlKCAMJI PREVIOt'H WAIU5. TIIJWCK AND FAMINE Remedy I ttr Turn Hack to God and Know IrpriMnu on II Im Through Prayer. Rev Willie O. Clark, rector of Trin ity Kplsropal ojiurrh. haa sent the fol lowing message tn tha members uf hla hurch and congregation. Tha mm- aage m one that may e read with profit and pleasure by member of all lr nomlnatlona It fullowa: "War, pestilence and famlna are the three oldest scourges known In the afflictions of mankind The scrlp t urea record many cages of aurh sf Ulrtlona upon the hutnan rare, and alwaya account for these scourges by the fact that man haa wandered away from Ood. The scriptures also rerord the remedy for theae afrlb-tlone. That remedy la the turning of man hark t tlod and the showing through pray er of man's dependence upon Him. The ecrlpturea alauahow that In theae affllollona aome or tha very beat of people have suffered ami died aa mar" tyra for tba need of othera to learn the leason of the uncart Inty of hu man life. That leaaon Lars with It a call to repentance and to the recon eecratton of one's life tn ha choonlng of thosa things thstGod has put first. "We dare not say that we have been so frea from aln as to Justify a rnn elueton eliminating the hand of Ood from this plague that Is now upon ua, and account for thla plague In some other way than aa a judgment of tha Almighty. We cannot aay that our eyea were so open to the shortness and uncertainty of human Ufa ami to the need of repentance and a holler way of living aa not to Justify the martyrdom of one of (ha best of our city to make us think of these things. "Something was wrong with ua in this world. Bo God. after trying to teach us In many waya, aent the scourge of war. And now Ha has add ed to this scomrgs of "tha pestilence that waJketh In darkness and sickness that deetroyeth In the noonday." And with this pestilence ths voles of Hla ministry Is allenced for the time fee ing. Wa ean find no precedent in tha history of tha world for this latter condition. "Tha tourden of my prayer for us all, dear friends. Is that wa will -not fall to aaa tha meaning: In these BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS., A Christmas Warning. A little shopping now and then during the next few weeks, is easier than an orgy just before Christmas. The leisurely selection of presents, makes their purchase a pleasure rather than bore. It gives some opportunity for the thought which should be a large part of every present Arthur M. I BUY WAR SAVIN BULBS NARCISSUS Von Sion, Golden Spur, Victoria. ?, TULIPS -Cottage Maid, Yellow Prince, Chrysolora, La Reine, Artus, Cramoise Brilliant, Keizerkroon, Clow, Painted Lady, Sultan, Bell Alliance. HYACINTHS Marie, King of the Blues, Grand Lilas, Ger trude, Giganthea, Grand Maitre, L'Innocence, AI bertine, Madam Van der Hoop. Bulbs are number one size. Direct from Holland. ASHEVILLE SEED CO., U. S. Food Administration License No. "38699. Cor. College and Lexington Ave. Phones 2177 and 2178. CHAMPION Spark Plug Porcelains Price 40c Each Every Ford owner should invest in one or more of these porcelains, because they will be needed sooner or later, and 40c now will save you the difference of 40c and 75c Auto Accessories and 66 Patton Ave. FRESH SHELLED LIMA BEANS Egg Plant, Cauliflower, Cucumbers. Fresh Okra, Spinach, Turnips, Carrots, Celery, Parsley, White Squash, Green Pep pers, Green Beans, Beets, Hubbard Squash. Sweet Potatoes, Black-Eyed Peas. FRESH FRUITS Honew Dew Cantaloupes, Concord Grapes, Tokay Grapes, Bananas, Oranges, Apples, Grapefruit, Lemons. eJ. J. VAXES City Market. AUDITS Books Opened and v E. WILSON Bookkeeping Systems Closed Public Accountant Installed Room 205 Drhnmor Bldg. Phone 1ST. things, and Sot let them pass as ilngs apm t from God. I pray that we will hear (lode voice In our hearts beaeechlng ua dur ing thran ua during these tragic times, to "Corns now, let ua reaaon togeth er;" Wash you and make you clean, put away the evil of your dolnga from before mine eyea." "Ceaae to do evil " "learn to do wall; and though your etna be as erarlet, they shall be aa while aa snow" "If ye be willing unit obedient ye ahall eat the good of the land, but If ye refuse ye ahall be devoured with the scourge; for the mouth of the Lord hath apok- en It. .Ia. I; l-!0.) "In the world ye ahall have tribulation, but be of good cheer. I have overcome- the world." 'He we are railed by theae Judg ments of fluri to a life of repentance and obedience, and to auch a faith In Chrlnt aa to make ua victorious over a lire or worlnineaa. "I am denied the Joy of preaching to you, dear people, but I felt aa your pastor and aa uud a miniater to you that 1 must send you tneae. all too Inadequate, expressions of my thoughts and prayers. I go to the church regularly at 11 a. m . to pray for you. If any of your dear ones are slrk, and you want my prayer lust let me know. How I do mlaa I you at the chruch! And what a Joy It la to know how greatly you mlas the church youraelveal May we aanc- tlfy theae days of the deprivation of public worahlp to a deepentng of per sonal and home devotions. "Let us pray that u will not be long before we meet again within the walla of the church we love. J. BAYLIS RECTOR IS GIVEN A COMMISSION Announcement was made veaterdav that J. Bavlls Rector, former manager of the .angren hotel, and later of the need house at Chattanooga, has re ceived a commission as first lieuten ant in the sanitary corps. U. B. A., and will be assigned to Asalea hospital, Lieutenant Rector will reoort for dutv next Monday morning. Repnbllrana, Register Today. Chance. Phone 847. It It SAAfK THING. Nero stopped fiddling awhile to look over Rome burning. "This gives me a glance Into ths future," hs remarked to a friend, "It looks so much like a German retreat." Baltimore American. Field Co. l-cH OS STAMPS.! Electrical Supplies Opposite Poitoffice. Phone 334. PERRY LANE GASTON WRITES FROM FRANCE IH KI'KXtMXG VACATION AT AI.V LKH-HAINs, Hays I Is Worth Million Dollars Mn1 "Hotwwt to Goodiwws" American CJIrl to Private Perry rjnaton, son of Mr. and Mrs. It. . (Ititmi, of Hominy, who Is with ths air service legal de partment of the American expedition ary forces In France, haa written hla imnher an Interesting letter from Alx-Lee Halns, which la appended be low. Mr. (laaton enllxted In the avia tion corps last December and with ninety-six other men went to Fort Thomaa and waa then transferred to "V After four inontha In training he went overseas and la now stationed In Paris aa a clerk In the disbursing and legal department of ths air service. Another Asheville boy, Thomas Black, son of Mrs A M. Black, of Blake atreet, is with Mr. Gaston. The following letter waa written while these boys were In the French Alps on a furlough of seven days, ths first vacation they have had sines being in tha army: "I am at this1 place spending my va cation of seven day, the first time I sines In the army. Since the Amerl icana haven't a home to go to for spending our leaves like the French, English and other aoldlere, our gov- I ernmen. oflVclala have been sreod enough and thoughtful enough to pre pare a relief area where wa can spend our vacations with all expenses paid and whsre there la most every kind of amusements to entertain us-all un der the management of the Y. M. C. A. Thla place la In the heart of the French Alps Wa will visit the peaks whers Hannibal crossed with his army t Hannibal's Pass), also where Napo leon crossed. Ws are only two hours by auto from ths Hwlra and Italian border. Tomorrow we will go up Mt. Revard on a little railroad and look over Into Italy and Switzerland, seeing Mt. Blanc There la also aome beautiful lakes hers, old abbeys and monasteries. J. P. Morgan came here very often and took the hot aulphur baths and occupied one entire floor of tha best hotel. The T. M. C. A. building, of which I sent post card's of both exterior and interior views, la the most Important part to we boys. The oulldlng Is slm piy grand and before the war was used as a gambling place second to Atoms vario, the largest in the world. We have in it a moving pic ture show, French vaudeville, band concerts, dancing hall, all kinds of games and a canteen all going at the same time. Quite a few American glrs here. T. M. C. A. helping enter tain the boys also quite a few real nice French and Swiss girls that are spending the summer. "It Is worth a million dollar to me most, to be able to talk and bs with an 'honest to goodness' Ameri can girl once more. I wouldn't give . for every foreign girl over here, although they are all very beautiful, exceedingly charming and fascinating. "Black la with me and we will be here until October 1, then back to work again aoma 200 miles away. "We boya over .here fuMy appreciate and realise what you good ipeople at noma are ooing i or ua ana you realty deserve more crsR than Is being shown. But In years to coma it will be brought forth just how the people stood back of the army. It Is a fact we are far better looked after, cared for and have most everything we could expect, and other nations envy FAIRBANKS Reliable and Accurate PLATFORM SCALES 500 and 1,000 pounds. For Farmers, Millers and Warehouses. T. S. MORRISON & CO. A MAN'S DUTY IS PLAIN His duty to his country, to his family, to his soldiers and to posterity de mands his enlistment and his func tioning in the army of subscribers to WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Asheville Power & Light. Co. AETHELWOLD HOTEL BREVARD, N. C. MRS A. H KINO. Prop. Headquarters for Commercial Man. Modern. Free asm pis room. statlonr Opsn year round.- Rates, 11.09 to 13.09. us. and wa ars S.ttS mils away from horns. Ths French people on aa average think wa ars ths richest p.o pls on earth and It la a fart that pri vates In our army gst as much aa French officers. "It la atrangs that In aU my rounds I have never seen sny of ths boys 1 knew back home. Black and I count ed up the oth.r day and we were among the third hundred thouaand over here and now there la moat twenty hundred thouaand. Wa will be due our first alx-month service strips the fifteenth of October. "In our Y. M. C. A. canteen here they eerve hot chocolate, twenty cen times, about four renin a cup. Also hot coffee the same; Jam aandwlchea, crackers, chocolate, cigarettes, gum etc. "Ws are rooming and boarding In a private family and Saturday night when 1 came waa the first time be tween white aheeta and In a real bed since March 21 on the Pullman. It waa too soft; I couldnt sleep very wall. The French serve their meala alwaya In coureea and la a very aacred hour with them. , "Was at an Kngllah tea party yes terday, thre different languages were being used. I csn understand French fine but can't talk rapidly." MRS, LA. WATTS WAS BURIED LAST SUNDAY Funeral services for the Isle Mrs. Frank Wolfe were held at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Watte, at Skyland. on Sunday at noon. The deceased died of pneu monia following lnfluenaa after one week's llh-ies. She la survived by her husband, her parents, six sisters, one brother and two small children. The sisters of the late Mrs. Wolfe are Miss Callla Watts, who Is Well known In Asheville, where she haa been connected with the Brownhurst flower shop for some time, and Misses Bens, Essie, Pearl, Parlee and Bobby Waits, ail of Skyland. Her surviving brother Is Harry Watts. Mrs. Wolfe bad a large circle of friends to whom she waa known aa a young woman of many lovable traits of character and has 'been spoken of as a consistent Christian and church worker. The funeral services were- conducted by Rev W. A. WHIla. speclsl music was rendered by the Messrs Pressley, uncles of the de ceased, and interment as made at Mount Zlon church, nar Skyland. MRS. BONNIE C. JONES BURIED YESTERDAY The funeral service for Mrs. Bon nie C. Jones was conducted by the Rev. D. Atkins at 3:30 o'clock yes terday afternoon at the West Ashe ville cemetery. The deceased who was twenty-two years of age, was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hale, of Asheville. by whom she Is sur vived. Surviving also are two sis Hale, and one brother, Lemle W. ters. Miss Pearl Hale and Miss Mary Hale, who Is serving In France. Mrs. Jones' death, which occurred in Raleigh on oMnday was the result of pneumonia. The remains were brought to this city on Thursday. REASON IT OUT YOURSELF When you buy an Umbrella you usually pay a good price for the handle, ribs and staff, besides running the risk of get ting one that has been carried In etook so long that the cover Is rotten. BUT when you have your old Umbrella recovered by ua you not only get absolutely new made goods, but best of .all, pay only for the cover itself. J. M. HEARN & CO. E. C Merrill, Prop. 4 Battery Park Place. Phona 4S. Near Postofflca. Correct Vision is happiness personified. "Becoming glasses cost no mors" Dr. J. C. Denison Opto.-netrlst and Optician. At Hendsraon's, Si Pat Ava. The Shoe Man Says: v- -"The Hanan Shoes Are All In" Of course, they should have been in a long time ago, but you know what labor and transportation tonditions are. However, they're here now in full assortment of styles, leathers and sizes. Duplications are uncertain. We would suggest that you get yours early. 11 Patton Ave. Phone 78. Everything for Men and Boys. WE have beautifully fashioned little individual ' Medicine Sets, with tumbler, water bottle and measuring glass all combined. And we have covered tumblers and various other articles and devices that were made especially for the sick room. Then of course we have dainty Trays and pretty Tea Sets and slender Bud Vases just the things for gifts that will bring pleasure to an invalid. Some of the things mentioned above sound like they might not suit a man-sick person, but we have others that will suit him. And we have many, many offerings that will keep a kiddy happy and quiet HENDERSON 52 Patton Ave. Fancy Lamb and Veal for Roasting Virginia Hams Smoked Tongues .JWSTAR MARKET 1 IT Three Phones 1 9 1 7 Wa are Successful Caterers to a Variety ef Appetites. National Slacker Records Week Oct. 26th to Nov. 2nd i Give the Boys in the Camps and at the Front some of your old Records They will enjoy them You may send your Records to Dun ham's Music House, who will catalog them, pack and send them as directed ; by National headquarters. If nt convenient to send your Records, phone 420 and the Boy . Scout will call for the Records. Dunham's Music House will give a' package of Needles for each lot of Records. Dunham's Music House Home of High Gndt Pianos Your Jeweler Near Postoffice. 0 rs

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