T1IK ASIIKVIIXE CITIZEN. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1918. o o JT XLS 0 0 '6 0, Play-Mate Sitoes For Tine KMdies Dif-Just Patents, Gun Metals, Tans, ferent style toes, lace or button. received new shipment yesterday of a child's shoe that is known throughout the country. PIGSKIN SOLES. Have you ever seen a child's shoe with a genuine pigskin sole? The above shoes are of the pigskin variety. They wear like buckskin and are easy on the child's feet. Select some good children's shoes here before sizes are broken. THE ASHEVILLE BOOTERY.Inc. Successors to C. W. Brown Shoe Co. M. L. ROTH, Manager ! LOGAN NEWMAN LOSES LIFE AT SORGHUM MILL Head Caught llrtwwti Jwp ami llviu hoa la Homo I'.nripJsiiiahle Manner, Death H -suiting (Juk-hJy. SOLICITOR J. E. SWAIN EXPRESSES APPROVAL TR YON, N. C. Oct ?5 Word haa lieen received here of the death of l.uian Newman, a realdent of Grron rlv.r cov. Ha wn operating a nrihum mill, and In mmi uneiplaln able manner hla hud waa caught be tween the awcep and (he benchea. Mi'fure aid of any kind could go to h!m hla head waa cruahed In such it M anner that death rexulted In a ahort while Mr. Newman wu a highly re- apected cltlsen. anil hud the (if all who knew him. I'olk county now haa two gold atara im her service finif Wallace Ijinlt fold died on board ship In the United Agree With Governor nii-kcu That Only IhttrkMJo CamlMatoa Should RcctItc Support at the Polls. Sollrltor J. K Swain In eipreaalng approval of an editorial In The Oitl sen yeaierday morning to the effect that candidate, for office ahould make known what they have done to help win the war declared that he had heard Governor Hlckelt In a apeech which expressed almllur aentlmenta "No candidal," aald (he governor, "democrat or republican. who haa failed to do hla duty In the matter of reaped 1 1.1 herty bonda. War Mavlnga atampa or oiher work ahould receive support. "In my humble way," aald Solicitor (twain to The Cltlsen. "I have done what I could to aid In winning the Ntatea navy, and yeaierdny'a Hat j war. I have responded to every call hhowod the death from wound, of al'he government haa mnde. During young nmn named I'nce. renldlng on Hie three or four weeka when regla- tranta were required to make nut and return their queal lonnalrea I dcvoled Saluda route 1. Several have been lepnrted wounded, hut iheee are the ni.t two death. two day. each week to aiding Minm I'olk county came out of the fourth 'at the local exemption boarda. 1 have Liberty loan drive with flying color, devoted no time to irv campaign for Not only did she ko over the top and re-election aa aollcltor. believing thut 1111 her quota, but .he hns the highest"1 reat Usue now before ua the fi centime of oi er-NUtmi rlptlona uf I winning of the war. la paramount t.i uny county In thle dmtrlrt our quota ,h political desire of the Individual, wus $140,000, l.ut to date 1184 bUO i And I mny a;iy iihal I huve bouglil hiia been reported Thla dues not take ' lon(1. r havinga stamps and con Intn i.r.-onnt the ni.w.iii.i u.,i..rii,.rf ! trlhuied to the Ked Cross lo the full- bv emnlove. of the Hniiih.rn miiw 1 'si extent of my ability. I would have and some yet to lie accounted for BUNCOMBE THIRD IN SALE OF WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Forsythe and Cabarrus Are Leading in Interesting Patriotic Contest. has sold 4J per cent, Pasquotank and Avery 48. Lee 47, Wilson 46, Clev.o- j land 45, Hurke 4", Durham 45, Meek-j iienouig hi and L,incoin iu. Only nineteen counties have sold i over a third of thjir quota but nut much aa 40 per rent. These are: McDowell 39, New Hanover 39, Kock Inghnm .19, Franklin 37, Henderson 31, Cherokee 36, Madison, Moore. Wake. Wayne. Lenoir, Hertford and Richmond 35, (lafiton 34, Onslow, Vance. I nlon and Carteret 33, and Greene 32. Montgomery, Craven nnd Chatham have sold 31 per cent while Yancey, Surry, Granville and Pitt have Bold 30. Rrunswlck haa sold only 6 per cent of her alloltment, Pender and Samp- . fl M M 11, a a..,. If n III ' I , WINSTON-SALEM, Oct. 15. In i.J, . ":,.i . he states undertaking to finish ell-;,ol(1 between 11 and 28 per cent, ing Its quota of War Savings certlfi-. Tne average sale for the 100 coun cates by January 1, the race will be I tlM ,4 J9 per cent yet H aver. with the counties and the first heatlge quoa of ple,ge amount, to over of Interest will be centered about the 7j per cent. "uuiiij mm i. mat lo men iim goal.: As trie counties stand WAVAL HONS ARE BEING USED ON THE WESTERN FRO! ITS from ShIui.a. It is quite likely that our ti.tal will reach the neighbor hood of lltO.OOft. This gives us a percentage of thlm-tlw In the aipourt of over-subscrlptlons. Republicans, IU'glstrr Today, (ha mi'. J'iionc ltt)7. Last It NKW FlEIi ADMINISTRATOR- RUMORS TAKE NEW START. Forsyth and Cabarrus are In the lead, Forsyth having sold HO per cent of her quota anu Cabarrus 70. RASEL. Oct. 25 (By the Associated Thirteen other counties have sold ' Press. ) The German war cabinet a nuich as 50 per cent or over their , considered President Wilson's reply -quotas. The.e are Buncombe, having ! at a lengthy session yesterday, n sold per c?nt, Stanly 64, Edge- J cording to the Frankfort Zcltung. It l i e 18, Haywood 64, Rowan 63, was decided not to answer nt the Ala i in nee 53, Cowan 52, Orange, Ca- 1 present time, hut to wait until !t is taw-ii.i and C.ul'.foril 61, and Davidson, learned what the entente's armistice Iredell and Swain 60. Davie county conditions may be. Were Originally Intended for Use on New Bat tle Cruisers SECRETARY DANIELS EXPLAINS DETAILS DSIS!! PLEASE NOTE V CK' WOMB-OVERSOLD m TO PRESENT EPIDEMIC Tremendous Demand Last Few Days Hat Wiped Out Excess Stocks That We Had Ertimated Would Last Until Next January. Last Week's Orders Called for One and Three Quarter Million Jars Today's Orders Alone Amount to 932,459 Jars. Heavier Projectiles and Greater Mimle Velocity Than Land Guns WASHINGTON. Oct 26 11. E. Geer, of l.reenvllle. has been appoint ed ruei administrator for South 'aro I lina to succeed U H (iossett, who re signed recently to accept a commis sion in the army. Mr. Geer who was deputy fuel ad ministrator for South Carolina was for many years head of the depart ment of Kngllsh at Furman university. The fuel administration's offlca will be moved to Qreenvllle after Novem ber 1. lone this In any case, ss I reKsrd It as the first duty of every pat rim lo Amerlcsn cltlten to support his gov ernment to his last cent." BACK SHE COMES because nowhere else in town can milady find such exceptional values in Fall and Winter COATS SUITS DRESSES AND MILLINERY as she finds and eventually buys here. a- " ilff The Shop for the Women Who Know T Republican, Beclster Today. Last (liaiioe. JPhono 07. It Many Bridges Are Washed Away and Further Dam age Feared. SPARTANBURG, 8. C, Oct. IB. Due to torrential rains in Western North Carolina and the upper portion of Spartanburg" county, all streams in this county are at flood stage. Paco-le-t river la higher than at any lima since the flood of 190S, and the wa ters are rushing down stream at a rapid rate. It is expected that the flood waters will reach the mills of the Clifton Manufacturing company before morning. These mills were badly damaged In 103 and many lives were lost at that time. At Campobello on the Pacolet river, the highway bridge has been washed away and the water are creeping up i-. to the lower part of tho town. Th Southern railway bridge there 1 In dtrger. Between Spartanburg and Green ville, a number of washouts are re ported on th Piedmont and Northern railway, and traffic has been suspend ed. The Southern railway Is also bad-' ly crippled. From other directions no reports of trouble have yet been re ceived. The Broad river la rising; rapidly. though It 1 reported that no appre ciable damage ha yet been don, r- SAFE PLAY. a woman "What do you do when aaks your advice? "Switch off to the subject ot her good look." Detroit Free Pre. '. . . mm 6 BCUMNS Hot water Sure Relief RELL-AN S ! FOR .INDIGESTION Big Shipments Are En Route to Jobber. Until These Arrive There May Be a Temporary Shortage. All Deals Post noned Buy in Small Lots Only. RETAILERS CAN GET IM MEDIATE SHIPMENTS DI RECT BY PARCEL POST Thto advertisement Is written on Monday, October 2 let. It I directed to the attention of all distributors of Vlck' VapoRub, both wholesale and retail. In an emergency auch as the present epidemic our duty and your duty Is to distribute VapoRub In the quickest possible manner to those sections etrioken by Influenza. We, therefore, call your careful atten tion to the following: DANGER OF SHORTAGE IP SUP PLY IS NOT CONSERVED. On October 1st we had on hand, at our Factory and In twenty warehouse scattered over the country, sufficient VapoRub to last us, we thought, until January 1st, allowing for a 60 In crease over last year's sales, and not counting our dally output. This big excess stock had been accumulated during; the summer month. Then this epidemic of Spanish In fluenza hit us and In the last 10 days this etock. has vanished. At first we thought this tremendous demand would' last only a few day, but the orders have run: Wed., Oct. 1 18,504 Doz. Thur., Oct. 17 26,323 " Pri., Oct. 18 39.258 " Sat.. Oct. 1 45,833 " Man., Oct. 21 77,705 " Up to Saturday, October 19th. we have actually shipped for this month $400,284.10, or over two million Jars of VapoRub. THE PROBLEM NOW IS TO DIS TRIBUTE VAPORUB QUICKLY. Most of this tremendous quantity Is still en route to the jobbers, but, freight and express are both congest ed nowadays, and It may be sometime before this supply reaches the Jobbers. In the meantime, therefore, It is nec essary that we distribute, as widely as possible, the stock that we are manu facturing dally, together with that now on the Jobbers' and retailers' shelves, In order that It may get to the Influenia districts quickly. Our normal outpnt is about 4,000 dozen per day. We are putting on a nJght shift, but It will be a little while be fore tba; 1 producing. 1 WHAT WE ASK THE WHOLESALE DRUGGIST TO DO. j ltl Saturday we notified all of soar Jobbers, by Special Delivery, a ifol tow: 1st Deals and quantity ehlpments of all kinds are cancelled. Fill no quantity orders of any kind, whether taken by our salesmen or by your own. Sell In small lots only. 2nd Order from us In as mall quan tities as possible. If you are out we will try to ship a limited amount by Parcel Post or ex press, and pay the charges ourselves. 3ri In order to make dlfrlh,,Hn , still quicker, we will ship direct to your retail customers quanti ties not more than three (3) doz en OVC SIZA at inv nnA -V. I ... , 4th We are r,ow out of the 60c size' and will be for the next 10" days. WHAT WE ASK THE RETAIL DRUGGIST TO DO. WASHINGTON. Oct. 25 Details of the achievement of the navy depart ment in making available for use on the western front of the great naval guns, which press disnatches here rn- (ported to be hammering the German railway centers back of the Serre- v.nae irom, were maae puouc lonigni by Secretary Daniels. The naval guns, which hare been In operation since September 18, orig inally were intended for new battle cruisers, but a change in the design of the vessels left the guns unavtll-IM able for that use. Rear Admiral Earlo ' I chief of the navy bureau of ordnance, I H then recommended that the guns be sent to the western front and he was directed to proceed with the design and construction. THE PALAIS ROYAL c 3 "ASHEVILLE'S DRY GOODS STORE" C SATURDAY IS BIG READY-TO-WEAR DAY SATURDAY IS HOSIERY DAY SATURDAY IS CORSET Lots of Bargains in Suits and Coats to Be Had if You Choose Now it HOUSE DRESSES OF MANY USES Buy in as small Quantities aa nna. stole. If you have anv a nam It v nr. ders, given the Jobber's salesmen or given to our salesmen, itnn'r hntha,r about them no need to write usit is absolutely impossible to fill these orders at this time. If the Jobbers In your territory are out of Vick's Vapo Rub, We Will Shin VOU bv Parcel Pnt prepaid, quantities not more than three (3) dozen 30c size in any one order. Naturally, we can't onen ac counts at this tim, so your check or money oraer tor this amount mut ac company order. iDon't wrlto n .tot ing to ship thru your Jobber, as we then have to wait until WA writ .a tVilm Jobber and get his O. K. If you wish tne goods to corns thru your Jobber, uuvo mm oraer inem tor you. SNOWED UNDER WITH CORRE SPONDENCE. Our force 'has already been "shot to pieces" twenty-four of our men are wearing Uncle Sam's khaki and this recent rush has simply burled us. All our sales force has been called In to help in the office and factory. W Just mention this so j'ou won't hold it against us If your wires and letters aren't answered promptly. SPECIAL BOOKLETS ON SPANISH INFLUENZA. We will send, on request, to any retail aruggist, too or more little booklets, Just Issued, on Spanish In fluenza, giving the latest information about this disease Its history the symptoms the treatment, and par ticularly the use of Vick's VapoRub as 'an external application to supple ment the physician's treatment. NEW WAYS TO USE VAPORUB. In addition to the usual method of using VapoRtib-that Is applied over the throat and chest and covered with hot flannel cloths our customers arc writing us dally telling of their suc cess in using VapoRub in other ways, particularly aa a preventive. They melt a little in a spoon and inhale the vapor arising, or melt It In a benzoin I steam kettle. Where the eteam kettle , Manned By Naval Men. The guns are manned and operated by officers and men of the United States navy, under the command of Rear Admiral Plunkett, former direc- tor of the office of gunnery exercises' and engineering performances. The j first party of officers and men to handle the guns arrived in France June 9; the first shipment of material left this country June 20 and the en tire organization was completed and ready to move to the battle front in France late in August. The guns are said to throw a heavier projectile and have a greater muzzle velocity than any weapon ever placed on a mobile land mounting. The welpht of the explosive used with each projectile Is many times greater than that used in the freak German long range guns and in point of their destructive force tney are incom parable. Heavily Armored. The organization to man one gun requires an entire train, Including the gun car ltseir. ammunition cars, a crane car, and construction, sand, timber, kitchen, fuel, workshop, berth ing and staff radio cars. Many of the cars were especially manufactured by the Standard Steel Car company and the locomotives eighty-three-ton types with four pair of drivers, were built hv the Baldwin Locomotive Works. One car is a complete machine shop, equipped with forge, lathes, grinders and drill presses. The gun car aa well as the ammunition cars are heavily armored, 1,600 square feet of plate being required. The gun car Is convertible Into a form of pit foundation to permit Are at high angles of elevation, and it was said the entire process of placing the gun in that position and restoring It to complete mobility requires only a few minutes. Under test, on Its steel. car mounting, the gun has shown ac curacy of fire at longer ranges then ever before possible with guns of such great calibre. Direction of the fire nnnn fl n V t ;i reet Is made possible simply by shifting the position of the gun mount on tne iracKs. Were Made In Washington. Plans for the gun mountings as well as for the trains were worked out at the naval gun factory In Washington within thirty days and contracts were let January 25- The first gun was completed In April and tests were held at the army proving grounds at Sandy Hook, N. J-. the only field large r,ncrh in the presence of army and navy officials and representatives ofi the allied governments. . The training of the men lo operate the big guns was of a moat intensive nature. The gun crews, wno . cuui nosed of officers from' the regular naval forces and th naval reserves and of men taken for tne mo paxi from the Oreat Laices iramini? un. No other Dresses that cost so little, serv so ideally in so many ways. For household wear while engaged in your cleaning and cooking. For afternoon wear ab6ut the house and on the porch, even while engaged in entertaining your friends. For street attire and for motoring wear they are likewise ideal. sassil Soil them as often , as you wish. Tis only necessary, to launder them to restore them to their original freshness. Ask the salesgirl to show you why they are superior to all other Wash Dresses. She will point out points of merit that you will marvel at. : , We guarantee to fit all wo men with equal perfection. SPECIAL COAT SALE TODAY- Now Is the time. Every Coat Reduced for To day. Our Mr. Meyer will oon leave for that northern market and before he makes this trip we want to close out Every Coat in the House. Read these prices: $14.00 COATS. M A nn Special Sale Price PlU.UU $18.00 coats. dic nn Special Sale Price P1JUV $25.00 COATS. CI Q fid Special Sale Price sPl7OV $30.00 COATS. d04 AA Special Sale Price tJ.Vi.UU $35.00 COATS. dJOO AA Special Sale Price J)O.VU $40.00 COATS. GOO AA Special Sale Price PJeUU $50.00 COATS. tfA CA Special Sale Price P)7.JV Large Shipment of Outing Under wear Just Received Ladies Outing Night Robes, full dJO OC sizes, at $1.98, $1.75 and $L.LO Ladies' extra size Night Robes 25 Sale Suits SUITS $15.00 SUITS $20.00 SUITS $25.00 SUITS $30.00 SUITS $35.00 SUITS $40.00 li We carry 10 Leading Brands of Corsets, in front or back lace. We suit anybody in style and size from 18 to 36. Buy Your Hosiery Here and Save ' Money Large stocks of Silk and Lisle Hosiery just in at the lowest possible prices. Some Good Values in Dress Goods ( for Today One lot of Half Wool Dress Goods, 36 inches wide, in solid colors At, yard 48c See the Handsome Fur Clothes We Have Just Received 50-inch Hudson Seal Plush; 50-inch Brown: Cray and Black Keramie. 50-inch Black Plushes. ' 50-inch Beaver Plushes. 50-inch Kakara Lamb. 50-inch Marvilleaux. These Plushes make beautiful Capes, Stolls, ' Muffs and Coat Trimmings. Also Muff Beds in Black and Brown, Satin Linings. ' Children' Sleepers, Gowns and Pajamas. , Pull line of Knit Underwear for Men, Won.n. . Children and Infants now In stock. . Do your shopping here on Saturday. " ' is not available, VapoRub can be used were employed as Inspectors r ins , a, . i-ni ,u. ... .nantifaMiirlna- tne iunn inn ill an uruinm jr len-iiciiir. r ill mw lea- I'lamo ......... -- kettle half full of boiling water, put training comoineu In half a teaspoon of VapoRub from time to time keep the kettle Just slowly boiling and Inhale th. steam arising. According to a Bulletin Just Issued by th. Public Health Service, Dr. Stiles, of this Service, recommend that the nose be kept greased aa a preventive measure against th Influ ensa germ. For this purpose Vapo Rub la excsllont. ....... THE YICK CHEMICAL COMPANY, Greensboro, N. & 1th experience -.h in handiinK heavy projectiles . At. m. nnl nfrtf. and power cnarges si me . Ins ground. Secretary Daniels said, made possible the obtaining of a thor oughly efficient force AWD STILL SHORTER. "With everything o high, do you think you ought to moke cigar any IO"rm "not. my dear rm smoking em shorter." -GHager. e Don't fail to visit our Millinery Department Saturday Every express brings us something new. Lot of New Hats on Display. For today we place on sale one lot of Felt Hats. $2.50 and $3.00 Hats. Special $1.98 See the new Gage Shapes. One lot Trimmed Hats. $7.50 values. $5.00; $8.50 value. $6.00; $10.00 value., $7.50. Visit our Suit Department today, ' One lot Crepe de Chine Waist, and Georgette Crepe. $6.00 Waists, $3.98; $4.50 Waists. $2.89. ' - ' 'T'

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