10 THE SUKDAY CITIZEN, ASIIEVILLE, N. C, NOVEMBER 10, 1918. EMERGENCY HOSPITALS TIMBER WILL BE CUT IN SCIENTIFIC WAY PEACE WILL INCREASE ' , GRISWOLD WAFFLE IRONS Three Sixes $1.35, $1.50 and $1.75 CHRISTMAS ANNEX TO TO CLOSE ON MONDAY DUTIES OF ALLIES OPEN AT WEAVERVILLE - a J 1 , What is better these cold. frosty mornings for breakfast than good, brown waffles baked In one of theM famous irons? We are closing out all Flower Pots at old prices. J. H. LAW SI Hywooi Sl crrr hospital will care for AU PATIENT. ANUnwmi of Eptdemlo Makes It Poasibie 10 CToa Kmergancy Wards. Twenty Xew Own Yesterday. PYREX (GLASSWARE 1 ,': - '- . . I. Tha Last Word h ! "Gokin Utensils :,' For sale by m iU STORE Psttoa At. , Phoas 1ST Frequently our examinations show that the eyes have long been neg lected..: ;. ,; ;"' Our service is to prevent eye trouble as well as to cor rect it, ' -V '-. .; Charles H. Honess OPTOMETRIST Eye Strain Specia fiat 14 Patton Ave. Opp. Postoffle. . la any Quantity, Deliver ed Prompby, both Do v metric and Steam. . Phone25 Citizens Transfer Co. Cor. ! Patten Ava. and Govt' St. ' . Phones 14 and II. . IMPORTED FRENCH AND ' . HOLLAND BULBS Emperor Narcissus, 70c per - aor. . i Empress Narcissus, 70c per , aoz. .Golden Spur Narcissus, 60c per dot. ' - Jonquils, Campernelle, 25c per doz... Mixed Darwin Tulips, 30c i per doz. Clara Butt Tulips, 40c per doz. , - Parrot Tulips, double and single,' 50c per doz. r Rainbow Hyacinths, single . and double, all colors: .;,. 80c per doz.. Mixed Spanish Iris, 20c per doz. Fresia Bulbs, JMammoth White, 30c per doz. Crocus Bulbs, Mixed Colors, 25c per doz. . Oxatis, Mixed Colors, 30c per doz. Add 5c per doz. for postage' GRANT'S PHARMACY Acents for Crane's Chocolates I BAST PACK SQUARE. Twenty new Influent eases and sis not previously reported were an nounced yesterday afternoon by the health department for the laet twenty- four hour period. The total number of caam up to that hour were 1,741 witn ids aeatns. Department officials stated last night that they had been considerably besiered in the pilm week by those who wlah to ee the churchee. achools and motion picture house opened sain and koslneae allowed to pro ceed aa uaual. The Ked Crewe Influ ent committee through some of Its members asks the people to ha pa tient and leave the management of the epidemic In its rloslnc etagee to thoee who by reason of expert knowl edge are qualified to do what le beet for the entire community. With lesa than thirty case In the two emergency hospltala the Influent committee announced that these hoe pltale will probably doe Monday morning and thoee patlenta unable to go home will be transferred to the city hospital by Monday at noon. The Bed Croae committee laet night Issued the following atatement: 'It la the expectation of the Influ ent relief committee of the Red Croea to close the emergency hoapltal on Monday morning. November 11. 'To aocomnllah thla end. Irurtrua. tion have been Issued to receive no more patient at the emergency hoa pltal. and under agreement with the three hoapltale addressed above, we will distribute the applicants for ad mission to the emergency hoapltal to mesa urn nospiiai in tne follow ing manner: Meriwether hosoltal To raralva whit men and woman Influent case not in esoea of four men and four women. Mission Hospital To ratalva .11 colored patient end all nneumonl cases, both men and women. "Blltmore Hospital To receive all children not exceeding six In number unless by special arrangement, "Patlenta will be admitted to the various hospitals as follows: "Dr. Battle, representing the Red Cross, will admitted to all hospitals as above stated. "In addition to admission hv rr Battle,tn following doctors will have the exclusive authority of admitting Red Cross patients: Meriwether hos pital, Dr. Olenn; Mission hospital. Dr. Reynolds; Blltmore hospital, Dr. Ellss. 'The Influent committee of the ea uross wui De responsible for each bed occupied under the above condi tions, provided the account cannot be collected by the hospital. But, the hospital will proceed to collect the account la the usual way, unless It Is clearly a charity case, but if the col lection is not made, then the Red Cross committee will pay the account. . The above arrangement will hold good until November 14. and this committee will not be responsible for any admissions after that date. Juacn notraita.1 misst notify khl committee .within twentv-four hour after the admission of a patient that my nave eucn a patient I or which OOpaiXMEJTT FORESTER JKOINCEA DIG SALE. A!f Valuable Add Woods Included Bland of Oovenuneot's Hold ing Near Old Fort Unusual Interest will be shown by Western North Carolina lumbermen and foresters In the announcement of the United Htate forestry service that haa decided to eel l. 000.000 feet of timber on the watera of Cuttle creek. Two thirds of the stand Is made up of the valuable acid woode for which tills section la famous snd announcement la mad that Ave years will be permitted for the rutting of the timber. Chief concern In the announcement oomee from the fct that thl I the first big le announced by the gov ernment in thla vicinity and the op erations will be conducted under strict regulations, looking to the natural reproduction of the forest. Just at thl time, when eo much In terest has been aroused In water con servation for the protection of south ern Industries and the preservation of South Atlantic agricultural prop erty, the government announcee a sale of large proportion. People of thle section of the state will ba . presented with an opportunity to aee Just how Uncle Sam require, that his timber be cut when operations are conducted to a considerable extent "On the whole, the outtlng will prove beneficial," said Rudolph Dlef. fen bach. In charge of the local for est station, who will make tne sale. "Only the mature stock will be re moved and tfee government will mark every stick of timber which is to go down, except that which haa already fallen. Thle big aale will furnish am ple proof of the fact that the gov ernment's acquisition of timbered tracts in Western North Carolina for Its preserves, will not tie up natural resources, but, on the contrary, will result in tbsir wise use." Four thousand acre of land are In cluded In the tract whkch will be cut over. The property Ilea within close proximity to Old Port and was ob tained by the government along with other tract of thousand of acres in the western counties of North Caro line for It hug preserve. PEACE ONLT 8PIRS OS I'NrTF.D WAR WORKERS. , Dr. Beat Says Welfare Agencies WUI oos Face Grraleat Task la TtiHr Ealstraee. MATTERS OF RECORO a thl committee I responsible for. and I MinUn Mnenmei unlees suck a notification la made, tha I Parr Brinkl.v and Marv MrTntvre. committee will not consider Itself re- Ollmer Went, of Georgia, and tponsiDie as abovs provided for." . I Katharine McKentle, of Buncombe. The following deeds were yesteev aay niea ror registration: Blanche Acheson to Cornelia Pits pat rick; lot on West Chestnut street, id ana other considerations. 8. D. Hall et al to William C Smith; lot In West Ashevllle, 110 and other considerations. T. C. ,Ryfleld to J. J. Reagan et al; lota In Reams Creeky township, 1 10 ana other consideration. Central Bank and Trust company to Blanche lAcheeon; lot on West Chestnut street, $8,000. Gay Greene to George A. Green wood; lot In West Ashevllle, $1 and other considerations. George Greenwood to J. R. Taylor: lot on Taylor street, $10 and other considerations. I BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMM.i u I D D Gai Leather Good. : The materia wed b the manufacture of these goods, is In keeping with the high grade of quality we maintain in our various specialties.' The articles aro carefully se lected with view to pleasing the different individuals, and the selection therefore comprises quite an assortment of very useful pieces. Arthur M. Field Co. I buy war sa vinos TAMM.er D H id STRAWBERRY PLANTS The everbearing set out this . . month will make a crop next season. ONIONS Planted this fall, produce early. We have Bermu da, Pearl, Silver Skin, Potato, Yel'.ow Danvers and , Red Weatherfields. FERTILIZER Use Pulverized Sheep Manure. 1 6 f0 Acid, and Wheat Grower. BULBS Imported from Holland: GOLD FISH Lily Bowls, Fish Globe- SINGING CANARIES. ASHEVILJLE SEED CO., "We Sell Everything That Grows" U. S. Food Administration License No. 38699. Cor. College and Lexington Ave. Phones 2177 and 2178. Instead of the duties of the seven agenctee allied In the United Wr worg campaign decreasing with the coining oi peace they will rather in- ". It I with thl Idea In mind tht the Buncombe county campaign will begin on the 2Sth. lit. Noland H. Rhi nntxl atlnr r,t in. continent, who ha lust raturned iter aix month rvir. a v. m C. A. worker whh th American, ex peditionary force, aays that th man power of England and Prance has been depleted in order In maintain their armlea, and the welfare agenciee must look after the matter of rmn. structlon. He says that It la reason able to expect that the armlea of Prance and Great Britain wlH be first to demobilise In order to free their men for work In rebuilding their dev astated countries. lie eva that American force will be called upon to do the policing of the countries In Europe, and that means that a vati army win nave to be maintained in mos countries. weirare agenclea will ave the greateet taak of their existence dur ing the reconstruction period. Dr. Best says that a soldier described war as ronows: "War la damn bull, damn ainy ana aimn dangerous " He be lieve that when the fighting la over la the time when the boys over there will be moet In need of the care glveM in wvuare agencie now at wo: among them. The dullness of routine la unbearable to the eoldler. The period of fighting te joy and excite ment. When the Idle time arrive the boya will need every word that can be epoken that will tend to cheer and brighten. "It has taken eighteen months to ' ret our hny over there." eaye Dr. Best "and their tranenortatlon was accomplished under pressure. It is Inconceivable that their return fcoma can be accomplished in less than two years, uurlng thla period the United War Work agencie will be indlanan- aable to the soldiers." Rrwktrats of North Baocomb) May Have Holdlnw' Packages Inapeclod at WeavervUle Poatoffloe, For the convenience of North Bun comb people who intend te aend Christ mae presents to men overseas arrangement have been mad where- by representatives or thai Waavarvlll branch will be at the ' WeavervUle IMMtjifTloe November II to Inspect package of present to ba sent abroad. Th ladlee will be on duty i in. poatomc rrorm i o'clock until o clock. This plan doe net preclude people who have received labels from eol dler abroad from having their car- ion inspected by the Ashevllle In spectors in the Oate. building, the being on duty dally from 1:10 In th morning until 4:10 In th afternoon. But if any North Buncombe people prefer they can wait until the llth and have their package Inspected by the WAvervllI Inspector. .-North Buncombe DeoDle wha have received labels may get carton for contain!? their presents from Mr. WUllartfReagsn at any time. After the carton la filled it and tha lahal should be taken to either the Wea vervUle inspertora at the time named or to the Ashevllle office. The label must not be affixed by the sender, this to be done by the Inspector after the carton I Inspected and wrapped. , The manufacture of synthetio rub' ber la reported to have become i practical success in uermany and a large lys making company will estab lish a plant for its production on an extensive scale. An English railroad haa eoulnned 4 long, man onaffe witn autoraatin wind gauge, which et sign) against train when the wind blowa .at a dangerous velocity. REPUBLICANS GAINED TV0 OFFICES IN POLK TRTON, Nov. . The official can vass of tbs election returns of last Tuesday made some changes In Polk oounty, giving the republicans two more offices than unofficial returns showed. Hon. William F. Swann, present Incumbent, beats W. B. Fea gans, democratic nominee seven votes for representative. - The other was for county commissioner. Lafayette Thompson, of Saluda township, de feated W. J. Scrlvens, of Tryon, the democratic nominee, by five votes. Republicans claim irregularities and have employed counsel, and will brin uuiiiori proueeaing against the re mainder of successful democratic canaiaaies.- They claim that In Green f?rak township the county demoeratlo -ticket received eighty-five more votes than did Weaver for congress. The republicans Claim that tha democratic majority in Greens Creek township should have " been bat - seventeen whereas it was almost 100. Kerrigeraror trucks of twalva-tnn. capacity, nauiea by motor tractor. have been plaoed In service by a Chi cago packing company for local de liveries of fresh meats. WANTED Your typewriter to over haul and make it operate like new. We have 'a large line of repair parts and an expert in charge, one of the best in the south. J. M. HEARN & CO. E. C MerrilL Prop. 4 Battery Park Placa. Phone 443. Near PostofBce. Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Lenses Duplicated Prescriptions Filled "Beeemlns Blesses cost no more" DR. J. C DENISON O.D. (Eye-strain Specialist) 27 Patton Avenue Next door to Bon March BIG TRACTOR PLOWING DEMONSTRATION At Clyde, N. C. Y Wednesday and Thursday, Nov."13th and J 4th JKLW" .,Sfw5i rer,X2,J?"n.ed o make a Plowing Demonstration of the INTERNATIONAL 10-20 TITAN TRACTOR, with Plows. Har! rows, etc, near the grounds where the Cattle Show will be held on' the same dates. AlLinterested are requested to attend. T. S. MORRISON & CO., Agents LUMBER ; ; quality ' quantity - Even the rush of war work cannot abate the good will we have always held toward our old friends and customers, Citizens Lumber Compan y ; Ashevde, N. G, A NECESSITY IN EVERY HOMEFRESH CRISP VEGETABLES AND FRUITS Fresh Okra, Cauliflowers, Egg Plants, Green Beans, Brussell Sprouts, Carrots, Peppers, Cucumbers, Oyster Plant, Celery, Radishes, Head Lettuce, Parsley, White Squashy Cabbage, Spinach, Bunch Turnips, Beets, Mustard Greens, Oranges, Grape Fruits, Apples, Honey Dews, Bananas, Lemons. CHAMPION NON-SKID TIRES SPECIAL J.J.YATES Groceries and Service 'Phone 334. City Market. AUDITS J. E. WILSON Books Opened and Otosed Public Accountant Room 90S DrhumOT Bldg."V'"' " " Bookkeeping Systems. s ' Installed Phone 1STI ' We have a few sizes of Champion Non-Skid Tires that we are offering at very attractive prices for a few days only. Better get yours quick before it is too late. 31x4 Clincher .$23.25 32x3 Straight Side $18.00 32x4 Straight Side $23.50 34x4 Straight Side $35.75 .64 Patton Ave. - Electrical Supplies 'Opposite PostofBce. Auto Accessories .raw mm 7 mr ill 11 I lif t 1 Comfort means efficiency Efficiency Means Conservation Those men who stay at home to do the im portant work "behind the lines" must be effi cient more efficient than they have ever been before. And no man can reach the top notch of efficiency unless he is comfortable. The comfort' of good clothes well made and well fitting has much to do with the success of many a day's work. We'd like to show you our line of SOCIETY BRAND overcoats. You'll find the full measure of comfort in them. And you'll find more than that. You'll find style, expert tailoring and durability. The "Escadrille" illustrated is a mighty popular style let us show it to you. v 11 fatten Ave. Phone 781 "NE should not forget the Government's request to buy practical, useful and economical Christmas Gifts. We must give more for the giving' sake than for. the in trinsic costliness of what we give. We must be con scientious about gift-giving this year, as well as senti mental. We must put duty first, and for the doing of duty - the' satisfaction of giving -will be all the more pleasing and lasting. Some folks have thought that EVERYTHING in a Jewelry Store is a luxury and useless for all - serious and practical purposes. If any reader of this has entertained . such an idea, would he not like further light on the matter -such as may be obtained by an investigation of the offerings of this establishment?' HENDERSON 52 Patton Ave. Your Jeweler Near Postoffice. Prime Rib Roasf of Beef, Choice Sirlqih Steaks and fine. Lamb. All Star Quality. STARIARKET f Three Phones 1917- W are Successful Caterers te a Variety ct Appetites. it 99 COLECREST The newest, brightest Sanitorium in the city. Service perfect. Rates moderate. ; 25 Dortch Ave. Near Winyah Sanitarium t c 17

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