THE SUNDAY CITIZEN", 'ASHEVILLE, N. C., NOVEMBER 17, 1911 Society a" Personals ow war poksa la th private parlor at th SeJwyn kotal. The decora tion consisted of sotted palms aad tens tul a Brnfualoa o( white chrysanthe- mama. Cathedral eandleetlcks, draped la whit and sntwtned with try, bald burning tapers. , 4 .., : ' iJule klss"Blneh Larsalsrs. daugh tar of Mr. and Mra. H. C. Larsalsrs tha . former saaaager of tha Selwjra hotel. waa th nlr attendant - She war a datatr r track of whIU organil and light blue aasa aaa aaa- bow ana a.rrt4 tha rtnsr oa a sliver trajr. Th bride waa strtklngLr pretty la kar wedding tewa of white orgtt and ana boa,uot of brM roeee aaa nuuaea will be of Interest to th hoot of frlvnda of tha yooooT aoupl la weatera North Carolina." PMlowlng the awa of the saarrlag of. boea spending the greater part of the fall Miss Helen Jonea. of Swaansaea, and I la th city la order to be near her aoa. Mr. Charles V. Wee tail, of Ashsvllls. the I Ita anneunosrasnt of tha marriage following detailed account of Us wedding wale ooaurrod la Charlotte H U . from Th Charlotte Obeerrer and will b of much Intareat to frleada aad relatives ' of the brtd and groom la this etty aad rtctnltyt - f 1 ' -In a oeretnoay eharaeterlasd by beauty and almpllolty Mies Helea Jones, of Sa-aanaaoa, and Mr. i Charles Vernon Weetall. of Aahevllle. wars wadded la thls city Thursday evening a o'clock. r. Youot, of Camp Oreene, offl- Victor Sehrwald MASSEUR Phone 2342 The sor am any was attended ay a . " few relatives aad friends. Th brtd and ; prtaogrooni knelt on a white aatla eoah ' . tna ta receive tha senedlotlou. "Kn. Waetall la th only daughter of ' - Mr, aad Mrs. F. F. Jen, of wannanoa, i ' and Is a tall handsome brunette with ' eharntfng, winning persoaaltty. tin was ( ' adooatod la Baltimore and Is a bright and ; aeseenpllshsd swan woman aad la ad- Hired by a host of friends. " ' "Mr- WestaQ la th younger son of Mr. , and Mra. W. H. Wsstn. of AshsvUle. . . Prior to enlisting la the army, he was ' associated with his father la th lumber . ' V firm of W. H. Waetall aad corauaay. He '.. was on of AshavUla's most prom In ant aad suooeeafm young; men and jommands r a wld circle of friends. Hs Is stationed -at Caaa Oreene, being a member of ; ' Developing battalion No. 1. "Mra. Waetall. mother of Mr. WaatalL at at th maniac. . Bh has Mia Chlo hankie and Sergeant Edgar W. Ketts, both of Alba marie, rare mar ried yaetsrday evening at T o'iect at tha parsonags of tha Haywood Street Methodist ohureh. Rev. O. P. Ader, pas tor of th eharoh officiating. PrlMida of tha bride and groom who, were r'eent at tha oeremony were Mies Maty Foun tains of Albemaris and Mr. K. V, da'ter field of areensboro. A .4 Captain aad Mrs. Charles Jordan. Mr. Paul Ringer and Mr. W. Vane Urowa returned the middle of the weok (rum a camping trip at Mr. Brown's eaM i which Is near Slack Mountain, on tha NorUi Pork. J . Mra. Jamas M. Oudger, Jr., chairman of the Women's division of tha United War Work campaign which Is to be held oa November II, ta s whirlwind cam paign, front f to I o'clock, requests that the presidents of all, the. woraea s organi sation In the city and president of a!l tha woman's clubs will meet at the T. M. C. A. building on Haywood a treat at I o'clock Wednesday, November 10, at which time Mr. M A, Brsklne, city chairman f th drive, will outline ths plan to bs used oa tha Itth. 'Phase wa tt th head of th canteen wora aero, la In charge of arrangements for this oooaaloa and la being ably assisted b other canteen workers. Thers are some seventy matrons and girls who have been actively engaged la this dspartmeat of the Red Cross and these will go out by motor aad take part In tbo ken party. Uklng with them delicious refreehnvnts to be served following ths game. A Rum bar of handsome prises have been con tributed for this occasion and tha svent promises to be popular aad sonciesrui, Deep Intareat la fait by svsryons la Ashe vllle la ths happiness and welfare of .ths patients In ths military hospitals In this vicinity and much has bean dons for their entertainment and pleasura. It Is thought that ths ksao party will add greatly to ths Thanksgiving dsy cele brations at Kanll worth and that the con valescent among ths patients will flnl It a delightful social diversion. Ths snaemnf'efMlss Julia Ashety, of St. Petersburg. Pis., to Mr. Hdgnr Latham, of KonderaonVlll. aaa ooea an nounoed. Miss Ashsly has been spending ths summer snd sutumn with Mis Itvth Woo ten. of Henderson vtlle, and a group of ths friends of ths brtde-eleot are plan ning a aerie f pro-nupttal sotartaln meata tor bar. Tha maatlna of tit Woman's crab. which was to hav been held with Mrs. James M. Oudger, Jr.. at her hem en Motorcycle Delivery Anything ' Anywhefw 1 t AnrtlnM WALKER'S DRUG STORE PbotMS 183sskI 132. mea hav already pledged thamsslras for rrT1cn jfniA arena. Monday afternoon volunteer ssrvlos and It la very Important that they bs present at thla meeting that they may Instruct their Individual or ganisations and clubs. Mr. Rsnry W. Roagland sntsrtalned Informally Friday afternoon with a ten. at her horns In Grove Park for ths offl- wive who are stationed at ths army hospital here. Ths AshsvUls Canteen department of ths Rsd Cross will entertain next week for ths nurses, patients and soldiers at ths General hospital, number twelve, at Kenllworth, with a kens party. Tha party will ba glvsa oa tha afternoon of Thanksgiving day aad will start at I o'clock. Mra. Thomas 8. Rollins, who, Is will bs postponed again oa account of ths quarantine. Lieutenant Richard Lotighraa wtB re turn thla afternoon to Oreen vllle, & C, after spending th week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Loughran, at their horns on Broadway. Mra. Ellen Rio Clough returned Sat urday evening to her hems on Montford avenue, after spending several days with friends at Esmeralda Inn, at Chimney Rook. Mr. William M.ciarke, of 151 South French Broad avenue, left Friday for Charleston, S. C, where hs goes to spend FOR QUICK SALE On Hart tV Crouas 1.500 foqt Down Draft Smokeless Steam Boiler. Ha been lightly used, therefore a bargain can be had. See J. R Rich Co.. 2 1 Broadway, who will show you the boiler and. give you the price. CAROLINA COAL & ICE CO. - SO Pat A Drfctpmor Bldg. (CONTINUED ON PACE BEVKN.) SPECIAL TURKEY DINNER SUNDAY 1:00 to 2:30 65c Red Circle Club No. 16 Broadway, and Red Circle Hotel, No. 370 Depot street. Bo in ess lunch every day. 60c. if r IV m DISaaiMATION . i between the ordinary and the dis tinctive prompt the well-dresaed man or woman to wear only tailor-made .clothes. Present high prices of ready-to- h wear garments add the further in- n ducement that thrrf i now but ft slight difference in the cost of the i fwn -i'i 1 i'k We are ready to measure you suits or coats from the new. woolens. II r i nn Am st MfiMs Tailor, to Ladlea and ConUemeri Pack Sq.t by Southern Ry. Women Now Admitted to Army and Navy Union Ysowotnsn, nurse and llsd Cross workers ar now admitted to memDsr- shlp In th Aroiy aad Navy Union. v. -lessawssaWstL e. rT TTI T nPAA"A Sk 6 Gloves and Neckwear a have always been popular as Christmas remembrances possibly because they so well combine beauty and utility. Stocks are at their best nowMark . Cross and Marshall Field Gloves for ; women- eecond floor. Men's Cloves, for dress, riding, ' driving and general wear first floor. Crowley's exclusive creations, as , well as an attractive assortment of : lower-priced neckwear for women second floor. ' Men's Neckwear the newest style and color combinations first floor. The National Council of Defense doesn't want us to prolong our store houra nor employ extra salespeople to serve you at Christmas time. Early shopping is urged. DON'T wait until you usually start to buy your Christmas gifts I Start NOW, while you can make your selections ' leisurely, from full and complete stocks I Every department of our store has attractive suggestions to make in gifts that are useful and approved by the Government and by the re cipients! v r RECONSTRUCTION DAYS Make them days of thrifty accumulation for yon. you save real money whenever you buy A-M-C FLOUR and) MEAI' Buy "direct from the mflT in Ashevflle. Your friends will tell you of the fine quality of A-M-C Flour. 24 lbs. A-M-C Finest IToor. .J. . . . ;L . . .11.30 24 lbs. A-M-C Self-Rising Hour ?..... .$1.60 A-M-C Corn Meal, per Ik...... I... .05 Asheville Milling Co roorauon Paul ft VVfa Manufaciurtrt of Flour, Meal, MBX 532 Haywood SL y Ttlephon 136 Give Blouses Your feminine friends and relatives will be delighted with the gift of a charming blouse and one from Moore's is sure to please. Large assortments of models made of Georgette, lace, chiffon, crepe de chine, wash silk and cotton fabrics. Some exquisite French models, and an unusual stock of attractive black blouses. , 5- Smart Suits, Coats and Dresses What gift could be , more practical or useful than one from the Department of Ready-to-Wear? The special sales now on will enable you to give something much handsomer than you ordinarily could for the count you decide to spend. Suits and Coats are generously reduced. Dresses specially priced at $15.75 to $29.50 all sizes. In this department, too, we would sug gest furs, sport skirts, raincoats, silk petti coats, negligees and bath robes, boudoir slippers and caps, etc Adirondack Clothing for Sleeping or Sitting Out Anyone who is out of doors a great deal, whether on account of illness or vacation, will appreciate a gift from this department. ' See ad on page 1 2 Munson Last ft Boys' Army Shoes New shipment just arrived, all sizes and We refund your money on any unsatisfactory purchase), Remember- Uncle Billy Swicegood, the veteran shoe man, is on his job with us. , Economy Sample SX; Look for Yellow Covered Front 12 BILTM ORE AVE. In the Boys' Department Third Floor are scores of useful gifts for boys suits, overcoats, macki naws, sweaters wash suits everything for boys up to the long trouser age. CUT RATE TIRE CO. N. A. Harrison, Mgr. . Phone. 2 74 7 Office, 3029 Res. Mail Orders Solicited. Wholesale and Retail On the First Floor Everything for the boy post-graduated from Knicker bockers, and his dad. Men like gifts bought in this department because we only carry manly merchandise in it. 1 ill Patton Avenue. Telephone 78. SUDDEN II falk'S Prescriptioa DeuWy Elegant Toned jjgX Standard Make- .7iXJr PHONOGRAPHS Tekpw x MUSIC HOUSE 76 Patton Ave. Cruise's Dair Shop n . dai tic Maaioartec. Oitaropod, VaebT VjO -17.011.0 ' HaaaaKO, Scalp Treatment and rr" IJectroljsla. , 1 O T fA7 A t tM Haywood Itv Pbo IS, JO YAL e s rwessssS9 ' - .':'..:. THE LEADER , 1 ladlsa Up-to-Date ' Accounts of the people of Rad7-to-wav :., ,5 "J , ' Leicester Township . JTSm sl olic T th Oa as Atwaaai - asMsusa. w. a v , t ' Bank Of Leicester. N. C , 11 1 ODaspoaad tntewea eat v s r. iBeiTtaca Acouttaaa, Mis Olandia Bmathx--caaehr of -' veloa. Phone s8S. -10l- " ' J 1