TllE AJSUEVILLE CITIZEN, TUC3D AT, . NOVEZXBX22. Z3, 1ZZI " 10 BP Fourth Liberty Bonds The Battery Park Bank announce to sub scribers the arrival of the new bond of tha Fourth liberty Loan, and requests that thoae who have completed payment call for their bond at this time. The BATTERY PARK BANK OasltaJ :. afeatber Fader! Reserve yatam Bursitis Prsnta II1MM : - AUTOMOBILE OWNERS Protect Your Radiator Before They Are Damaged by Freezing : Denatured Alcohol is generally recognized as the best anti " freeze, as it has the least possible de teriorating effect on the radiator and other parts. . j . ' DO IT TOD A Y-WE HAVE IT Sawyer Motor Co. . 15-17 S. Lexington Ave. UNDER NEW UANAOEWRNT IMPERIAL HOTEL CANTON, N. C.V A metere us-to-dats hotel. Centra! location. Elegant equipment, - A splendid eulalne and efllclsnt service. -Rates, and IMS ear day. Ame-'cen plan, W ollott year . t . . , patronage. ' . " A. R. SPEARS. Prop. " ', !ARKErT--iJ.ty3 H7 YORK MARKET ACTIVE DURING DAY NRW YORK. Nov. 36 Financial, In n'tlal and political development ex (i in varying- degree their disturb lug fluences over today! active eto"k mar. i, the letter factor probably outweigh ',' all other considerations. In point of fact, the monetary iltua m rve promlie to early Improvement Indicated by laat Saturday's very fa aiiie bank statement and moderate tarings of time fund from Interior in 't tit ion. . - ' i . I Trade conditions ! were viewed with pessimism in conservative circles, mr it waa recoanlaad that Wsehlng- ii Is- directing Its energies toward! a finite prosram of reaajueimenv vun e least diaturbance to the Country's Im nant induitrtee. Secretary McAdoo's pthcoming retirement from the man emant of tho nation' transportation at ems fm-nlshed the poMtical slemtmt, at feature being clearly seen-In the avlneas of rails, Including many of Uie iiaoned Issues. " lust ss It led the recent advance so lay Southern Pacific waa among, we hi, or tne important nui. " " AIL nnlnti nn.varv heavy offer. a. Other l'aciflca, alao grangers, coal j n 1 runic llnaa fell two to six POlnlS, ?lng mostly at lowest levels of ths Shippings were among the Isolated fea res of strength during; the forenoon th United States - Steel, but marine eferred broke abruptly later, showing extreme reaction of alnioet nine points, isrs of that group forfeiting two to res' points. .-'. ':.:, '''.' '' United States Steel closed t a toss of points, ana Kinarea maueiriaw " uipments, also coppers, muwre, woe and utilities were heavy to weak . . r. ..hIm aharnlv at the end. 1 heaviness ruled In all branches of ihs nd market, the outstanding feature -f the free offerings of Liberty fourth a down to the new minimum of I7.W. ml sales, par value, aggregated U. i,()09. Old United States bonds were changed on call. NEW YOHK SWOPUC8. IBW YORK, Nov. St. Raw stigsr let centrifugal 7.M; fine granu ed c. wt ooffes Irregular. jutter firm; cheeae strong. , CARFKNTER ' AND BUILDER i 5' Rouse Repairs a Specialty Orders Promptly Attended to H. J. HUDSON - sHsns S42I, Day er Night. . Residence Csntral Avsnus. NEW YORK COTTON , ' IS BARELY STEADY v. j . 1-7 2SRK Not- '-"rir advanoes J", the cotton markst wars followed by reaotions wUh ths eiose barely steady at a net decline of 16 to W points. Jan. uary emtmata iM ?iaa 7 an C.l?i i that J8! "Paa with il.tO at the etoss of Saturday. The market nnaaad mn.A . . iVaoce Of II ; to IS ulm. ...... .,i,.m orap aumun, ins absence of December notices, and bullish spot advices. There wm enough ralla ing to oauae some Irregularity Jurlnsr the morning, but the market held" generally, ...twj yV a,, m una nwini true early af ternoon, active months sold About 19 to 60 Points net higher with J December touching . and March 17.61., There v.aa considerable trade buying In D eember presumably to cover call cotton, and Liverpool was a good buyer of the near month against sales of later deliv eries. Kenorta thst governors of ' cotton fia,."lJm(' '"'! proclamation urging that tha remainder of ths preeent crop be held for 16 per pound were doubtless a factor on tke advanna. MtnhlnMi with me coniinuea iuk oi increasing-exports. Resorts from the roods market. h. ever, Indicated very unsettled conditions una Becoming- to mavices received here from Fall River, aome of the mills thers were to close down tonight for an Indefi nite period owing to lack of demand for their product." This helped to unaettle me marut arcer tne forenoon aflvinm. and prices broke sharply In the late trad ing under realising or scattering liqui dation. December sold off to 2129 end March to 2S.76 with active monthe aallina about 20 to El points net lower. , Two private crop estimates ware Issued before the opening with a New Orleans authority placing the yield of 11.120,000 bales and a Memphis report making It 11,700,000 bales, both figures being exclu sive of llnters. . - London cables said that the Brltlah cotton control board has ruled that Lan cashire mills could work 66M hours per week running 66 per cent of their spin dles and (6 per cent of their looms. Dori'l Be Dald Bow M Make Hair Crow Htroe-, Thar asul Lswtroes. Psw of us get bald in a day and we all have ample warning wbsa eur hair U thinning put.- ' . raristaa sage is a most emeieni aair Invlgorater, but to Imiuedtatsly stop and further lose ef hair aad quickly start a new growth It must be rubbed Into the aoalp so the atarved hair roots rsn really absorb It and get the vital stimulation so badly needed. You will surely be delighted with the first ap iJIcatltn. for your hair end scalp should look aad fsei ioe per cent bet ter. Parisian Sage Is not sipsnalvs ' It's a scientific preparation that supplies all hair needs risen, non-sticky, sntlaeptlo liquid that la sold by I,W'. T-.. U, A A .-a ., Am;m - A toilet rounters everywhere with guar an tee to give you perfect satisfaction or your money refunded. Oood looking hair Is halt the battle In any man s or womsn s personal ap besraiice. N'eglert mesne dull, thin, ilfeleea hair and Anally bsldnees, whlls a little attention now Insures thick and lustrous hair for yes re to corns. AO matter what your hair trou blee try a Parisian sage massage to night rou will net be disappointed. Advt. "HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL IN THE HUMAN BREAST" Charlotte Making Another Effort to. Save Doomed Camp Greene. BOLSHEVIX RilSDiiEfiS A!.'0 REFUGEES; REAGR NIKOLSK, HALF-STARVED Many Died During the Ter rible Journey Acroia Siberia ALL ARE DESTITUTE (By M. R. Winter.) WASHINGTON, Nov. ft Ths office of Representative E. T. Webb baa arranged an Interview with Brigadier General R. C Marshall for a delega tion from the Charlotte chamber ef commerce for Wednesday, Nov. IT. General Marshall la is the construo tlon division ef the war department and Camp Greene will' likely be the subject ef the conference. Senator Simmons has arranged for a confer ence with Secretary of .War Baker at 10 o'clock' tomorrow relative to the retention ef Camp Polk at' Raleigh. NtW YORK STOOr; 4.UT ' SaJaa Hlah Low Closing A mar. east sugar .. amer. ean ........ II Amer. car-found, is Aroer, looorootlvs 11 Amsr. linseed .... 11 Amer. smelt.-rsf. Ill Amer. sucar . ... II Amsr. Tel. -Tel. . . 21 Amer. tobacco... b ... ... Anaoonda copper 174 , H Atomson .. .. ... 26 1V AtLicoaat tins .. 1 1044 Atl.Oulf-W.Ind.. 19 10l Haldwtn Lacs., ...If . 701 Baltimore-Ohio -.16 . M XjtW BA1 "H" ' 1U Canadian Pac. nantral leather Cheaapeake-Ohlo. 14 61 Chlo. a I.-Pae. ... f J4 Chine copper .... !" !IJ Colo, ruei-iroa . . la si Corn produote ..14T 47V Crucible stsel ' ..,101 67 Cube cane sugar. II WJ Rrle . . . ....... IS I flMtanl eteaMa .. II 1 Oeneral motera II Ort. North pfd. II i Girt. North era etts 2 Oulf states steel., is Illinois Central ..' I to w. sa ,.. B"".l4 t o. ... 74 leavi sr ... 47 : 41 Si 161 J4IV4 !1 NSW YORK CATTLC. NEW YORK, Nov. JS. Beeves, steady: steers I.60O17.00; bulls 6.60010.00: cows l.60jpt.60; calves, strong; veals 16.00A 21.00; culls 11.00O14.00: grassers 7.000 1.00; yearlings 6.60 07.00: westerns 1.10 011.80. rmeep ana ismns. steaayt sneen 7.000 10.00: culls 6.0001.00: lambs 14.60016.60: culls 10.00013.00. Hoes, steady at 11.26 for nrlma New York and Pennsylvania hogs; roughs 14.26. NEW YORK DRY GOODS. NEW YORK. Nov. 25. Cotton roods snd yarns today wers quiet with an easy tendency, wool gooue wers quiet await ing government action on wool. Kaw silk was easier. ft II II - Inaplr. copper ...'. ! Int. Mer. Marina 141 x Int. mer mar pfd 710 101 Inter, oacar ..... is ei Kennecott copper L. snd N Unsill motors Max. petroleun ..III 111 Miami oopper ,.., II Mldvale steel .... 21 Missouri Pao. ....121 N, Y. Central .... 67 Norfolk-Westsrn.. II Northsrn Pac. ... 40 Ohio cities gas ..104 Pennsylvania .... 24 Pittsburg coal .. -9 Bay Con. copper.. II Reading ;, Rep. Iron-Steel ., 14 Seaboard air line I do pfd ,..... Sinclair oll-ref .. 42 S. S. steel-Iron ,.. Southern Pao. ...6 Southern Ry. Southern Ry P' Studebaker corp. Ill Tenn. copper .... Texss Co. ........ Ai.l..AMa nMfllMll II VXZ rXao'if!o7.lji 110 127 TTnlt. clicar atorss 21 101 102 United .Fruit-.. ..b.. ... U. S. Ind. aloohol 67 102V U. S. rubber, II 17 j: H. stsel .. . ..1.411 100J V. a. steel pfd .. 6 111V Otsh copper,...,. M "V Wabash pfd A 21 IIV: v. crt. Chem. 24 62 wtarn TTnlon . . 14 17 Westlnghouse slso II Willys-Overland 111 Total sales l,00. ii lf2 1M S4V4 I2H 47 41 '. 64 IS 14V4 1JU. 110 V4 74V4 127 VLADIVOSTOK. Saturday. Nov. it (By The Aseeclated Prses.) Half dead from starvation and diet many bevond help. 1.S3I survivors out of ths original total or 1,100 Bol shevik ' nrlsonera and refuises In a train sent arrose Siberia by the Cssch Slovak troops fighting In Samara, Kuropeaa Russia, have arrived at Nl- kolak, "near Vladivostok. The Journey from the Ural mountains to tha Pa cific coast occupied six weeks The survivor reached Nlkolsk In forty cars. The train carried no pro visions. Of ths eight hundred eersans miss ing from the original total, some were shot while trying to escnos from the train. Others lost their llvss by throwing themselves from ths car windows. Disease, starvation and ex posure accounted for the remainder. .When the Cxeche-Slovak forces raptursd Samara, they loaded the In mates of th Jails Into trains Indis criminately sjong with ths Bolshe vik prisoners of war. Ths American Red Cross at Vladivostok has rushed doctors to Nlkolsk to aid ths arrivals, who are In a terrible condition. Other tralnloada of human freight In almtlar straits -ere now on their way eastward over the Trans-Siberian railroad. - Among those reaching Nlkolsk were a dosen who formerly were nurses In the Bolshevik hospital at Samara. Many Innocent persona wsrs Included. There was e girl stenographer who bad been sentenced to sis days im prisonment for serving the non-Bol-shnvlk city administration. . The American Red Crone Is taking care of 601 of the survivors In an Improvised hospital.- These persons are dependent solely 'upon charity. . . . NSW ORLEANS COTTON. NEW . ORLEANS,'. Nov. 6. Higher prices ruled In cotton today nntil liquida tion from the long aide set In, after which a downward ' movement in all months, although December refused to so to a net decline.- From a net gain of 27 to 14 points ths market fell off until, on ths close. December waa 16 nolnta over laat week's final prices and Msy wss II points under, months between making lesser net declines. December throughout the Jay was the strongeet month on the boards, trading Up at ons time to JI.44.- -a - The absence of December notices on this, ths first notlos day for that posi tion,' the wet and cold weather over ths belt, and a private bureau estimate on production of 11,120,000 balsa wers the maid sustaining Influences. Ths ring found difficulty in satisfying ths demand In the 'morning,' bnt In the afternoon there wae a general attempt to realise profits on ths part ef early buyers and the market reacted. '" : J be unfavorable weather ever the belt to renewed predictions of continued small ginning, while there was a general i tendency to iook forward to a email crop ex 1 mat a from ths government next month, : .'- . ,V;, r.:v."'' ..';-, . METHODISTS IVALL HOLD " En at nils ' World'! Fair of Methodism' Will Dluatrate Work of Missionaries. NEW YORK, Nov. JS. Com memorating the coming of peace end tha centsnnlsl of its missionary sotlvlty, the Methodist- Episcopal church and the Methodist Episcopal Phurch, south, will hold "a wdt-ia e fair of Methodism" at t'ulnmlitia, O., from June 20 to July 17.' 111. Itfwas announced here tonlgnt by the ;oint centenary committee. The program of mUelonsry- wurk throughout the world, whloh will in volve an expenditure of, will be vieualiced by tranaborting al- moot bodily native villages from the various foreign fields to the buildings of ths Ohio Stats exposition Ki-ouiids. A Chlneae town with wslls, pagodas. teinplee, schools, a hospital, theatrs, restaurants and homes, together with villages repreeentlng Jspan, Korea, Africa, India and the Philippines all peopled by "their native inhabitants, In native .dress, will Illustrate the customs and conditions with which ' missionaries mint dsal. A special building will be devoted I to newer. fields of the board of home missions. Including American Indians, Ksklmo, negroes and southern inoun- tainasrs. Work among lumber Jacks, cowboys and mining men also will be picturesquely shown. Another feature will be a pageant Illustrating the development of Methodism from the -days of John Wssley to the present. The problem of housing - ths' ex pected 60,010 dally visitors will he solved by building a "tent city" to care for those unable to And accom modations In hotels and ' private homes. . t COLDS DEKiV7E MO, TO CALOTABS OVERNIGHT ' To break up a cold overnight or to out short an attack of infttiensa er grippe, phyelclana and drugglats are wow recommending Calotabe, the new nauaeeiess cwomsi, mat is purinea from an dangerous ana slokenins er feota. Those who have tried it aay that It aota like marie,, by far more effective and certain than the old style calomel, heretofore recommended by an pnysirusns. one t.aiotab on the tongue at bed time with a sa-allow of wster. -that's all. No salts, no tisuack nor the lightest Interference with eating, work or pleasures. Next morning your cold I has vanished and your whole system feels refreshed and nurined. Cnlotabs Is sold only. In original sea lad park-I sgee, price thirty-live cents. Recom mended and guaranteed by all drug- 8 1st a. l our money back if you are not slighted. . Advt. RESTRAINING ORDER IS T Clover Leaf Road Questions Authority of ihe. Director-General. TOLEDO," O... Nov. II. A tem porary restraining ordar was leaus in the United States District court here today against William G. McAdoo,' as director-general of railroads, instruct ing ths receiver of the Toledo, St. Louis and Western (Clover Leaf) railroad not to accept cars, sign con tracts or to do anything that would Jeopardise or compromise the In terests of ths stockholders , of the road. ' ' ;' ,, ,'' The case, aald to be the first In the United Statea wherein the power of the director-general la -. attacked, - le HILDEBRAHO LEAYES GREENSBORO NEWS He nbpoeee of Bis Interests to Fnr sner AANMHatee and Will Cnnter uu r"a ruling Of Interest to many people In Abe i'IDs and the western part of ths state Is (the word from Greensboro that W. A. Illldebrend. long the editor and president of the Greeieloro Dnlly News, has sold out his sntlre inter est In the psper, and has retired fron' the publishing business to give his entire time to farming. Under Sir. Hildebrand's administration. The News grew to several times its ori ginal alxe, and became an Important factor In, the life of Its city snd the surrounding territory. W. A. Hildebrand la succeeded in the. ownership and management of the paper by E. B. Jeffreas, president and business manager: A. L. Stock ton, vice-president and managing edl- j ior; a. b. joyner, treasurer ana ad vertising manager; and Kacle G oil bey, secretary and editor. Of these men, Messrs. Hildebrand, Stockton, and Oodbey were formerly associated with the Uaxette-News of this city, while nr. jenres was a member of the staff of instructor at Bingham school here. Mr. Hildebrand purchased The 1 Greensboro News In 1911, when it was known as The Industrial News, end ' operated as a Republican dally. In; that field it met with but poor suc cess, and had only a small circulation, ' not more than (.C00. Mr. Hildebrand ! and his associates, operating The Daily-News as an Independent paper, raised the circulation to IS. 000 dally and 26,000 Sunday. Mr. Hildebrand sold out his interest . In The .Gazette News, of Asheville, several years ago and devoted his Urns and energies to the Greensboro', publication. It Is stated that' he will center his future efforts on a farm which he has recent ly purchased. j CHICAGO- MARKETS. CHICAGO. Ner. 25. Predictions of much larger receipts in-the near future led to decided breaks In the price of corn teday notwithstanding-that at ons tims mv.rfnr nv fiurnea snorts orournt aooui a temporary bulaw. The market finished heavy 2H to 4 net lower with Decem ber 1.KV4 and January 1.I2H to 1.214. Oats lost to 2H0I.'-,Ths close in Provisions ranged from . 66o, decline to 6c advance. ' ' ' , ' . Oram ana provisions, cioeea; Cern . 1 H 1.22 .704 43.75 45.10 ' 21.15 25.97 25.75 24.52 NEW YORK MONEY. NEW YORK, Nov. 25. Mercantile Sterling 10-day hills 4.7IH; commercial BO-day bills on banks 4.72; commercial 60-day bills 4.724: demand 4.7660; cables Government -bonds, heavy; railroad bonda, heavy. . ...' Time losns. strong; 50 dsys. 0 days, and six months, I bid. Call money, easier; ruling rste 5; lest loan 6 tt- Bank acceptances 4Vi. December ...... .... f January Oats - - December .. .. .. January .. ..N Pork . November ,, .. .. ....... January ....... Lsrd . , Movemner .. .. .. ....... January ,t Rlbe . November , January .. casn vorn. n nlrt 1 47 : No. I yellow. old. i.40d1.43; No. J yellow, , new, 1 260 1 40: No4 yellow, old. 1.1001.81; No. 4 yellow, new, 1.2101.35. . . ' .. . '. Hogs, market mostly Ifeto'tSe higher! closing dull; butchera J7.l50W.4O; light 17.00011.10: packing 17.00011.10; - throw, outs 1I.00O16.50; pigs, choice, 13.600 Cattle, choice native and best westerns Steady; others slow, unevenly - lower; many showing 26 to 60c break; butchers cattle snd stockers snd feeders mostly 26c lower. Beef cattle, choice 15.260 io-:. moritnm S.KO015.25: butcher stock cows snd heifers 6.25014.00; canners and Mr is uniftt SSi atockera and feeders, choice 10.25011.00: medhim7.2601O.26; veal calves, choice 18.7R017.25: western range, beef steers 14.60011.00; eows and heifers 16.00012.75. j' Sheep, market mostly 25c lower; some ewes about steady. Lambs, choice 15.66 015.10; . good 12.450 culls 1.750 12.50; ewes. cliolc .009.26; medium I 0001.00; culls 8.2506.50. , According to a European scientist women can talk more than men with leos fatigue because their throats are smaller and they tax their lungs and vocal organs less. Florida has been added to the lletj of. DOtterv maklnsr atatei. which now one in which' the stockholders' pro-'number thirty-eight. -tective committee of tha Toledo, St. I ' ... ' ' ;n2'5eineln''V.Lnt I An extremely accurate device has been invented for measuring the dist ance automobile wheels may bs out of Una.'?-.:-;; v.,' ' '- ". '' r-W.. .", Mr. McAdoo ..from compelling' the road ' to accept 1,26 freight - cars which the committee clalma the. road does not now need and for which the committee declares the road -would have to pay an exorbitant price. ,,: The court also made the director general a personal party defendant to the suit. -. During court today, attorneys for the railroad administration etatcd that the records showed 'hat tho re ceiver for the road had requested the cars. MADE SECOND LIEUTENANT. WASHINGTON, Nov. 25. -The of fice of Senator Simmons gave out the Information today that James P. Gray, Jr., of Hendersonvllle, was commissioned as eecond lieutenant In the quartermaster's corps on October 20. He is the son of James P. Gray. a hosiery manufacturer of Henderson county. , . , Only One Corn Peeler, "Gets-It" Stop Corn Palm; See Corn Peel Off. It Is just when a corp hurts that you want to feel surest about getting rid of It. Why tifke cliancee Of keeping the corn and having, the pain grow worse? You'll line .VOets-It'V anyhow, sooner or s A Nation's Safety depends upon more than wealth or the power of its mighty guns. It rests in its robust children and In its Strong, vigorous manhood, 1 , SOTTS ENQJD.S0OM an ideal constructive tonic-food, brings to the system element! easily assimilated ana imparts strength and pro motes normal growth. . Sceft's Emmbktm eWfab mp lAe mat and rfsftee 'AS srroMg. ScoU & Bowbc, Blouaficll, N. j. The Only Peetk-Off Way la "CeSlt." later; might as well use It sooner. Then you are- absolutely sure that the corn will loosen from your toe so that you can peel the whole thing off palnlesxly with your finger?, In one complete piece Just like peeling a banana. It takes a second or two to apply "Cets-lt." There's no fussing or. puttering. Coi'ii-palna will vanleh that'll keep you sweet while the '(..eta-lt does the rest. Nothing new for florns has been discovered Klnce ''Cets-lt" I wss 'bom. Follow the judgment of the ! millions; une "Cets-lt" and be stire to! be corn and pain free! You 11 sav It s magic. "it-It." the guaranteed, money-hack oorn-remover. the only sure wav, rosta but a trifle at any drug store. M'f'd by E. Lawrence snd Co., Chicago, ill. Hold In Asheville and recommended as the world's best corn remedy bv Smith's Drug Ktore, C. A. Raysor snd (Irsnt's Phar macy. Adv. Special Sale '-. ', ' at a Large Discount Yeiterday we begai a Special of prime mer chandise in the newest nd best effects of the eaion. A Big Discount f'fi failles' Suits, Coats, Wool Dreetea and Bilk Dresses. Also t.h-ls" Costs of all kinds. Our prices are always In plain figures snd, llks all successful ' nterch - '- who are etrlet ly on- we have to ho rout. ,t with a light profit. Owln to the very high costs we have placed! less than our due on fhem tfils sesson. ' When yen buy at a smart dlacount from our Trleei you eure v ly make a goo,! purchase. .Don't firet the advent nee of an early selection ee the garment are n Ing out steedlly. Yester-rf-y saw a nu'nber Ips'S No. 79 Patton Ave. No Exchange No approval. This ap plies to all the discount goods In which are In cluded Men's and Boy's Colored Suite and Over coats as well as Women's snd Children's C!tthes. "An Occasion." ss they say in gay Paree. It Is an unusual opportunity to stuck up on this winter and next, as Well. Ivots of our customers get three years' wear out of our good grades. At the Big Discount ' The prices wIM be NOT MUCH OVEp HALF of those to prevail next year. Wool goods for some Uvelve to eighteen months will be fearfully h!;h since the world's supply of Wool Is far be hind the demand. Usual ly we do not advise buy ing on speculation but this season we recommend that our friends take time by the -forelock and sup ply themselves while we oan sell them at decent prices.. H. Redwood & Co.; )vt elf W0S5SL fn ! rlinm ia skinsfavt on. Re moves all Shine, ennances nat ural beauty with velvety smooth ness. Tint for every complexion. Exquisite fragrance. The pow der that is different marf(y better. Try it and see. Mrs. Dale's Marlnello Shop S8 Haywood St Phone 1671 aUTT AND JEFF If the Farmer Doesn't Hurry Back He Won't Have Any Cow. ' . ivias J (Copyright. 1 9 1 8. by H. C Fisher. Traat Mark Reg. U. S. Pat Off.) By H. C.FISHER e use Aiwr Any j GKAtt uefT pouum Heaa IN TMa HAUIV AMb VOV A SJSui. PASTURE, A CMAMfce CP SttME WILL :' VJf.i -ey ' X PetCD THAT OLb pajceiett PABMeR t'D Tk cAe or you wHit ela JutK,T- TO V, GCLtCUe Mft t'M GOeJMAt ttt rAV Oesrtw etAice you H.ppy. coMe I . I UTVL IMI ! 1 TUiyi THAT I fTrfi supposes. fyiiMP!, ths.. V, vvclwj A J . LOOK Aft TH ' j WoTH,"6.,rnayl WOWf ) (BkjT LOOic A OLD FOLKS RECIPE FOR WEAK KIDNEYS While people well along In years are more subject to weak kidneys: and blad der than vounsrer folks, their trouble I need not necessarily bs serious and can orten oe easily corrected oy a sate, simple home kidney regulator that seta promptly. A good plan is to stop eating meat, sugar and sweets for a few days and to take a few doses of Solvax with which Smith's Drua Store er amy local druggist can easily'supply you at little expenae. Bolvax is harmless and acts safely but quickly on the kidneys and bladder to strengtlien them for .their natural Work and drain out all the Im purities from the blood that cause the kidneys to get slow and sluggish. Twenty four hours generally show results and make the kidneys act fin. Back Fains and weakness soon are forgotten and suf ferers are enabled to get a good eight hours sleep without getting in and out bed several times during the night. Do not suffer another day but see st once if Solvax will not relieve you. If vou find It does not tell the druggiat so and he will cheerfully return the money you paid him for tt. . We know no strong er argument for any medicine than the willingness of those who sell it to stand liscK of It In th- advt. SEttr duplex .?rar X r JMd with ft doaibto ef rfaA. nr bvrrav. BaTegritMlba)ui faot of us iloubla thai oaf eaoM win tmA am thattWnia, t TtwIaMk mm. aIi (Ml s-wsj an. ara, wtssi, barar, kaUBr axsrvev .-' to d. ara la huetlna. mttmS aula mm Sfl mml aj MrmnaMnam. CftUlfl II 9wfrKm4ns . C!;v wW. "V MMMt.Oe- F. G. Kalihria Dlatribtttar, Cra. WrtHlaran innlnin, agrssaeeali OWa