THE AS1IEVILLE CITIZEN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30,' 1915 NIW VORK STOCK CIST. B IP With local Industrie starting up one more to old-tuna production capacity, the opportunity of the raliabla Banking institution aa an all incraaaea. The Battery Park Bank is ready to render fullest co-operation in thia form of eerrice. The BATTERY PARK BANK Osaical I :, - tarsia a) Front Member Federal RiwrTt System III.M 'Ames. Anar. A mar. Balaa Hurh I .aw Clnee augar.... ! tl tv II r. Can.. 14 41 41V, 41 '. C. ana fdry. .. II 91 7t4 II , Loaamotlv,... 10 II H II . Llns-ed I ntt 49$ 40 A lit 01 j 101 . . it i:4 .. u i"H iin ft 2 AUTOMOBILE OWNERS Protect Your Radiator Before They Are Damaged by Freezing Denatured Alcohol is generally recognized as the best anti freeze, as it has the least possible de teriorating effect on the radiator and other parts. DO IT TODAY WE HAVE IT Sawjter Motor Co, r f 15-17 S. Lexington Ave. MARKET PfE,W5 IU1X7 YORK MARKET SHOWS STRENGTH NRW TORK. Nov. Modification of in restrictions recently placed on Dron r' ioana and aaauranoM from Washing toa that cancellation or cutting, of war contracts would -be undertaken In a spirit of "fairness and helpfulness" wars among tha factors which turned today's stock market from Its neavy opening to ana of seneral strength In tha Inter daallnas. Jn general prioas wars denrmaed at ths outaet ty report, over tns holiday whioh rendsrsd ths Industrial situation more ob scure and raa4ad further appreh.n.lon respecting tna government s altitude to wards tha rallroada. Buying- of shippings, eoppers and oils set In before midday, followed by aa demand for high grade trans portation.. Paeiflos again featuring that rroup. Extreme advances In that division ranged from I to t points, grangsrs and coalers following at gains of 1 to 1 Points. United Statea Steel selling ss-dlvtdsnds tt 1 points also manifested reactionary tendencies during ths morning, but re covered all of Ita 1 point loss, eJostag ac a gain oi wiimmi point, v. , Independent Steele, equipments, motors ana ous were l to t points aown curing ths forenoon, but bounded forward with NEW YORK COTTON BARELY STEADY . NEW TORK, Nov. II.-A moderate opening advance sesmsd tohiuatTm? ke'lodav"! T" thston'mS fifi rir?B brok" harply In i w . t?!"''. Th f"sral llet cloeed ths market opened steady at an ad. ratl.afv m ft p0,nt', PO"sto ?Sm1f5" of u'!'srtt selling orders ovir J'T., ns marast showed a fairly steady tons during the early trad- utm un retDoru mw an in. - . demand, easier marine Insurance rat? and predictions of inorsased oertn of tonnsge. The., feature, failed iX. A met, A mar. ft. and R. American Husar Araer. Tel and Tel.. 14 lulls 101 American Tobaooo..b lit Anaaoada Copper..., It U 61 U Atchisoa , U MS 4 Atlantic Coast Line., lis IB 1 A. O. and W. Indies., f 107 1V H. looomotlvs (46 1t 10V B. and O. 41 14 S4 tl Iteth. Steal "B" II 41 H II V iat n r. . si. ni Mt I Central Leather IT lt Chesapeake and O... 14 It Si Chi., M. and Ht. Paul II 4 Chi.. R. I. and I'm... II tf Chlno Copper b Colo. r. and Iron II 1711 Corn IToducU If 47 Cruolble 8tel 10 II U Cuba, Cans Hugsr II t Brta II Oenaral Electric I 111 Oeneral Motors II 111 Ureat Nor. pfd II II tl O. N. O.. CtfB., Ks. D. 11 11 uuir mates nisei... b Illinois Central 1 II Ineplratlon Copper... tl 4714 Int. Mer. Marina 46 II Int. M. Marina pfd...UI 111 International Paper., t 10V Kennecott Copper.... IT IIH t. ana n Maxwell Motors... Mes. Petroleum.... Miami Copper Mldvale Steel Missouri Pacific..., Now York Central.. N. and W.. Em. dlv. Northern Pae Ohio Cities Oaa.... Pennsylvania PltUbura Coal Ray Con. Conner I Readlna- Ill Rep. Iron and Steel.. II Seaboard A. L 4 Seaboard A. L. pfd. . . I Slnolalr O. and RCg... I Sloes. Shef H. and I.. I Sou. Pax.. Ex. dlv... 117 101 Southern Railway. ..Ill 10 Southern Ry. pfd..... I 17 Studebaker Cor Ill 10 Tenneaaee Copper.... 1 14 Texaa - Co II 111 Tobacco Products.. I'nlon Pacific United Clear Storea United Fruit I 144 1 117 117 I7H 4 III 1111. Ill II 11 14 H II 44 41S II 14 14 IT 71 71 17 1011 40 tl I I 41 47 41 i, 14 41 .. mi lee .. II 77 ..117 111 I. I 101 171 111 75 71 HI 111 101 101 141V 144 V. 8. Ind Alcohol... II 1004. IIU 100S t'nlted Statea Rubber 14 Tl 17 71 V. a. Steel, Ex. dlv.. 1111 11 14 II V. 8. Steel pfd I 111 111 111 i urn copper t. f.a va. aro. cnem 7 Wabash Pfd. "A".... 10 Weatern Union 1 Weatlnghouie Else... It 714 IS !?5 . e ' To Feed Geniaiy ? 1 An examination of the American preii ahowi that the German wail for food, which wai the first lifin of life of the new-born German Government, haa not aroused any large amount of compaision over here. To many observer! 1 this -"propaganda" is important as the opening gun of Germany's fight for a victory at the peace table. All our late full-Germans, pro-Germans, and pacifists are expected to come oul of hiding forthwith and "show mercy to the defeated." "They will come," predicts the Kansas City Star, "bearing bouquet, asking permission to offer consolation to the prisoner and to leave tracts and flowers in the cell. . . . Heaven spare us now from mush." On the other hand, Mr. Herbert C. Hoover, the Food Administrator, says "there has been a great deal of unnecessary furor in this, country about feeding the Germans. Weare not calling upon the American people to rhake any sacrifice with a view to feeding the Germans. Remove the water-tight 'blockade and the Germans will take care of themselves." The leading article in THE LITERARY DIGEST this weekNovember 30th takes up the latest phase of the peace negotiations and by presenting the sentiments of editors of all political persuasions gives the reader a concrete idea of how America feels upon the subject of feeding Germany this winter. Other articles that will be of great interest to the American people upon subjects that concern them intimately, are: How the s War Was Won The Contributing Cause of Germany's Defeat as Adduced by Authorities In America, England, France, and Germany ii (house Eleo... II 41H 41 4I4 Willys-Overland II 14 11 14 Total salea, 114,400. CHICAGO MAR KITS. CHICAOO. Nov. tl. Broad humanitar ian t.m. reported as ths probable basis of food shortaca relief In Europe had much to do today with stimulating bullish senti ment In the corn market. Prices closed strong, I to 1 net higher with Pec.m- H to i.zi ana January to Oats gained 1 to 1. In provl- ber 1.17 to 1 II. Oats i slons, ths outcome ranged, from I cents Close: ...14.00 ...14.70 ... 1.17 ... 1.11 71 .72 unaettled In the lata tradln h.r li iin2-Sin',Ahf by brors with both rumaoTy-lnTl,"5aTloV S'ZFZZ' ft?- ...41.71 ...41.41 ...M.T5 ...11.04 ather lenders In every noteworthy In stance, ending at a substantial advance Mexican Petroleum was ths chief feature of the speculative Issues, reversing; Its setback pi 4 points with a vain or 1 points, . - I Amonir ths various specialties, TJnited States Rubber, sugars, and leathers .cor el substantial gains, but distilling shares na tooaocoa participates oniy moderate ly in tna oriaK raoouno ot tna nnai nour. Railway bonds derived soma strength from ths Inquiry for stocks ot that olass out tns general list was irregular, V . 1. Issues again weakening with the f If to. Total rrtv fourth 4's at ths new low di sales, par value, as gregated 10,T7I,000. Old V. 8. bonds unchanged. NBW YORK MONKY. NEW YORK, Nov. Mercantile paper Sterling 0 day bills 4.71 i oommsretal M day bills on banks 4.72;- oommsretal - id day bills 1.71; demand 4.71; cables '.IS . Oovernmsnt bonds easy. ; fiallroad bonda ataadr. Time loans strong! 80 days, 10 days and six monins, s oia. Call money firm; ruling rat Si bank sc. eeptanoa 4. . , .. NEW VORK CATTLE, NEW YORK. Nov. !.. i.60i.7s; bulla 1.90911.10 St 4.0011 Beeves Arm. cows Calves irregulari veals ll.OOAtl.oOi cults - 11.1wwif.w1; graaasrs; westerns t.OOtrll.OO. Sheep and lambs Irregulari sheep 1.500 1S.00; culls I.OOI.OO; lambs H.60O1I.76; culls I.004?I1.00. Hogs steady at lt.M; roughs 11.11. NEW YORK, DRY OOODS. - NEW TORK, Nov. . Cotton goods ' and yarna were quiet today with an eaa- Ins; tendency. Burlaps wars weak with offerings frss. Wool goods were quiet; silks very quiet decline to II advance. Oram and provisions. Corn- November January R lbs- December January Oats- December January Pork- November January Lard November January , basn born. Corn No. t yellow nominal; No. I yellow new 1.4291.44; No. yellow, new l.llttU.II. Livestock. Hogs market mostly I60. to 80c lower than Wednesday's general list; few salea late above 117.71; early top 111; butchers 17.6017.I5; light 1I.7SO 17.70; packing 1I.7IO17.40: throwouts lI.OOOU.IO; piss. choice 1I.I0O1S.M. f In llauldatloa, if 1 IT I .hnlM heeS 'ataara with fata or neages, ana lata In tha dav tha waiaht eteadv: sthara. butcher and can SO SSlllnar for NiS.fMau,. I Mn Ma.rla nn.vilv alnat tA tRr, Inwar usnsral business -was virtually aulet 1 calves steady; stooksrs and feeders ano ins marast narrow snoush to ha in. I ateadv. Beef cattle, oholoa 1I.0AO1I.76 medium s.uvots.uo. uicner stoca, cows snd heifer. 1.10011.00; cannars and out tars 1.1501.10: stockera ' and feeders, choice 17.00017.50. Western range beef steers; cows ana neirers 1.009 Sheep; Lambs steady to 15c. lower; sheep steady. Lambs, cholcs 11.00011.25 medium 14.00015.00. Culls l.iuOll.15 Ewes, choice I.OO09..O; medium 1.009 I.5VI CU11S I.XSVf.SV, Wilhelm to the Bar of Justice The Coming British Elections The Swiss Center of Bolshevism The World's Strongest Fiber Curing Madness by Tooth-Pulling Praise for American Poets Cold Water for French Good Will A Call to Repentance Meeting the Test (Prepared by U. S. Food Administration) News of Business and Finance The President at the Peace Table Germany Playing "The Baby Act" How Aviation Has Done the Impossible How Influenza Got In New York First Statue to an Actor Tolstoy Still Dreaming Foch "The Gray Man of Christ" "The Great Army that Died" The Best of Current Poetry Personal Glimpses of Men and Events Many Illustrations, Including Maps, Half-tonm Portraits and Cartoons Full-Page Colored Map in "The Digest" This Week This instructive Map will be eagerly welcomed by the reader, of The 'Digest," for on it they can easily trace the progress of the great Allied army of occupation in its triumphal march to ward the Rhine. The map also shows the Ger man territory to be occupied by the American and Allied armies under the terms of the armi-. stice. The "bridge-heads" along the line are clearly indicated, with the neutral zone shown in color; also the battle line as it stood when hostil ities ceased at the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the year. Briefly, the entire region that will be most prominent in the news for a long time to come will be available -for ready reference through this map. It is worthy of permanent preservation. flueneed by namnaja.Hveiv mti Ikecember contract, broke from 11.11 to J7.60 and March from M il to 15.11 or to to II points and last prices were at the ,rml ff,ln wh July dosing at 14.74 or 110 points not lowsr. Ths appearance of Increased southern selling ordsrs here appeared partly responsible iur ana w an n niir atrws anuinaai L.r.V". I. wars generally bulllah, the chief feature men tioned Was tha unsettled ruHna- n h. I- . " NEW ORLEANS COTTON. NEW ORLEANS. Nov: M A.M. a .momentary advanoo of I to It points around the opening, It was a session of . ne couon maraet today. Tha initial rla. was oulcklv raniaa k. , ' 7 . wunjii wu grauuauy nut ir un"i ma vory Close, which was at ths lowest of ths day, whtn It amounted to 111 to III noin r,. market officially was toned weak, on the oloss. Aooordlng to floor comment tha market felt aome heda aalllna In ik. Aftiv of tha day, continued to allde off under dullness and Anally felt much -liquidation as ths result of the poor showing mads by mill takings of American cot ton for thia week which according to Hester. Were onlv 121.000 haiaa ..fn 415.000 this week last year and 421,000 ni" weea two yeara ago. The small advance on tha nnenina- partly doe to unfavorable weather ac counts from ths belt, and to claims of a bsttsr soot demand In aun. l,.n- Locally ths snot denartmant ahnwarf n aotlvlty and prices were reduced 10 points wnicn carried middling down to 21.15. At ths lowest levels January traded at 2S.I0. NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW TORK. Nov. M Raw ai,... quiet; centrifugal 7.21; fine granulated unquoted. pot con: oe nominally unchanged. 1 Butter, firm; cheess Arm. Inside a Paris sewer la a small but useful electric railway. IiAJTD SALE. By virtus of the powsr of sal con tained In a deed of trust, executed on ths 11th day of September, 116, by Thomas Williams and wife. Matilda Williams, to W. D. Traosy, Tru.tes, to secure th Indebtedness therein de scribed to Mary Duffleld Hllllard, which said deed or trust la duly re corded In th office of tha Resistsr of Deeds for Buncombe County, North Carolina. In Book of Deeds of Trust No. Ill, pace 99, and default havlngJ W . 1 . L. .. . . fc. . L 1 uven iimu. ill iiie ynjuiviH ui uuiu principal and interest on th note se cured by said deed of trust, and upon application and demand of th holder of said note, th undersigned trustee, will, on Saturday the list day of De cember, 1918. at IS o'clock Noon, of fer for sal at tha Court House Door In th City of A.hevllle. said County and Stat, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following piece, parcel or lot of land, situate, lying and belns- in E. W. Grove Park, In th city of Ashe vllle. County of Buncombe and State of North Carolina, being Lot No. 7 of Block B, of a Plat of E. W. Grove Park. West of Charlotte street, re corded in th office of th Register, of Deeds for. Buncombe County, North Carolina, in Book 164, at page 171, and bounded and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake In the West em margin of Lawrence Place, at th Mark af .V I I Distinction to 1 I lt4lRNMfHl . VThe) UtwrmrtJ 1 November 30th Number on Sale To-day All News-dealers 10 Cents me FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publishers of the Famous NEW Standard Dictionary). NEW YORK Southeast or extreme Southern corner ot Lot No. S of said Block, and runs tnenc with th Southern line of said Lot No. North 44 S7' West 1417 feet to a stake, - bslng the common corner of Lots S, 7 and 12 of said block: thence with the Southern Una of Lot. No. 12 Sath 8S 17' West 66 feet to a stake in th Eastern mare-ln of an alley; thenea with aald margin of said alley South 38 43' East 169.3 feet to a stake at the intersection of said margin of said alley with the Northern or Northwestern margin of Lawrence Place; thence with said margin of Lawrence Place as the asm curves to th Northeast 103 feet to in UGUINNINQ, This the 20th dav of NovemhAr W. D. TRACET, Trustee. , ' 20-80-7-14 ALL ALONG FRONTIER. LONDON. Nov. 29. "Our advanced troops reached the German frontier along the Whole of the front from Just north 'of the duchy of Luxemburg to the neighborhood of Lupen," says the British offiole.1 oommuntaaUon learned today. HBNNESSY8 ANNIVERSARY- WICHITA, Kas., Nov. 29. Tomor- row the Rt. Rev. John J. Hennessy will have completed hi thirtieth year as oisnop or the Koman Catholic dio. esse or Wichita, with ths excep tion or xsisnop li&rmns of Providence, who was consecrated one year ear lier, Bishop Hennessy is th oldest Caithollc bishop In the United States in point or service. Born In Irelmd 71 years ago, he came to the I'uited States In childhood. His early educa tion was received In St. Louis and his theologicsJ training at Cape Girar deau college. In 18(9 he was ordain ed a priest by papal dispensation, be ing under the canonical age. For twenty year .his work was oonflned to Missouri, where he labored in th missionary field, truldt churches In many of the smaller towns, organised educational agencies and found time to edit some of the church publica tions. In 1830 he become rector of St. John's church, in St. Louis, where he remained until appointed bishop of th Wichita diiocese in 1888. In ten years Norway has Increased NOTICE OF SALE BY SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE, WHEREAS, On the 11 th day of Sep tember, 191 S, Thomas Williams and wife, Matilda Williams, executed and delivered a deed of trust conveying real estate therein described to Ruff- ner Campbell, trustee, to secure the Indebtedness therein described to Paul H. Gearhart: and WHEREAS, In said deed of trust It Is agreed, among other things, that upon tne refusal, neglect or Incom petency to act of eid trustee, or In his absence from th state, that . th said party of the third part,, or any notaer or noiaers or said notes, may appoint and substitute another trus tee, whose acts don in th premises sna'-. oe as Dinaing to all Intents and purposes a. it tne original trustee had acted; and WHEREAS The sad riuffner Campbell, trust, haa departed from tne state, ana is now in th United States navy; and WHEREAS, Th holders of said notes have, by an Instrument of writ ing, duly recorded in th offic of th register of deeds for Buncombe coun- the number of Its horses almost SO,- j ty. North Carolina, appointed th un MO. darslgnad as trustee to act in th place and stead of th said Ruffna Campbell, trustee; now THEREFORE, by virtue of K power of al and th said substitu tion of trustee, contained in said dee of trust, executed on th 11th day at September, 1918, by Thomas Wllllami and wife, Matilda Williams, to Ruff, ner Campbell, trustee, to secure th inaeoieaness tnerein deecribed t Paul H. Gearhart, whioh aald deed ot trust is duly recorded la th offic oi th register of deeds for Bunoomfe county. North Carolina, In Book of Deed of Trust No. Ill, page S3, and default having been mad In th pay ment of both principal and Interest on the notes secursd by said deed of trust, and upon application and de mand of the holder of said notes, th undersigned trustee will, on Saturday the 81st day of . December, 1918, at 11 ociock noon, oner ror sale at ths uourt Mouse aoor in th city of Ash vllle, said county and state; to thi highest bidder, for cash, the follow. mg piece:, parcel or lot oi land. sit. uated, lying and being in ft. W. Grcvi Park, in th City of AshevIIle. Count oi suncomoe ana mate ox norm uar. is ollna, being Lot, No. 1 of Block B, oi 1 - MUTT -AMD JEFF We Figure That Mutt Got Off Easy at That. By RC. FISHER (Copyright. 1918. by R C Fisher. Iraas Mark Reg. U. S. Pat Off.) I J fAy aRAukwejri f( Yrf "" tfj tne w-y , I r , " ' I 1 -' j Bur AIM'T You AJHAMeto OvtR HfRsI. Y0VI(CPT BotHeo: N FACT YOLM w ' I j or YaoRL ftco(eb as f Outre ol 5mc REAL soldicr t Miew remind we - STTTZZ KtieR? weRf tthc Bi66r w c I out of th trcnches I it, mott. 1 v-ekv much- 'ft Ci fc , - compariwg MeX j WAR m TrVe HlTty I OWreSo UJM6W V0 SHSUID PL6ASe OF TH6 f V'liHv '"iS "rJ? 0W'U6 DOAlC MCTHMC Ta f 4AMlWS WWftk IA o'lt V OUMUte. f j) 'l.'? THAT'4 Soiw' .TOO. i DimJ6yl.H YC4jR,eLF. SM SOUP klTCHeM- b(2eAI- V (i i Z T fC i T - (A FAR CALtS IT? J ' t V Aljr iTW TaVrrl? AS A SoUlefe Y0 1 I M H6ART.' -v &Z2JK 'X . PiWOi 'ZW , ---- v f """1 ' $ fe ; ! l a plat of B. W. Orov Park. Wsat n Charlotte street,' recorded In the fflct of th register of deeds for Bunoomb. county. North Carolina, in Book 114, at pag 171, and bounded and mors particularly descrlbsd as follows: BEGINNING at a stake f In th western margin of Lawrence Place, at ths southeast or extreme southern corner of Lot No. , of said block, and runs thence with the southern Una of aid Lot No. 6, north 44 degress ST minutes west 141.7 test to a stake, being the common corner of Lota 8, 7 and It of said block: thence with the southern line of Lot No. 1J south'" v J 66 degrees it minutes west 65 feet to a stake in the eastern margin of aa alley; thenc with said margin of aald alley south 38 degrees 48 minute east 169.3 feet to a stake at the intersec tion of said margin of said alley with tha northern tr- northwestern margin of Lawrence Place; thence with said margin of Lawrence Place as th same curves to the northeast lot feet to th BEGINNING. This th 20th day of November. 1918. B. C. CARPENTER, Substituted Trusts, v 9010-JO-30-7-14 NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of th estate of C. W. Heri tage deceased, late of Buncombe County, North Carolina, this - Is to notify all.persons indebted to said es tate to com forward and settl at one. All persona having claims against said estate will' present them to the undersigned for payment within twelve months, or this notice will be pleaded in bar ot their recovery. This the 15th day of Novembi 1918. . - J. C MONTGOMERY, . ' ' Administrator. P9303-14-83-SO-7-14-31 ' Th Chilean go-venimeni haa au thorized th erection of a ThLTfil Industrial school j , . , G t m

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