' " t ' '..'-' . . , ,' - I . '.'!'. "... ',-''.'.' ' ' ' ' , , . v r .-, , -4V. ... fv ;28Pa2C3Tc rgmMt fe North Oarolhaa: , . tHifldey ana pro My . o ' I , ASHEVltLE; N, X SUNDAY MOU.VJP DECEMKKK , V 1918 ; rVOL. XXXV,;KO. 50 PiUCEiTOJc:::. t '' v.;.... a i '.n'r" : .'. - . e . . ' l .. ? .... . ' i " v Q J 'Ok I III. rHtbllltNl a. SPEECH' BEFORE 11 COPESSilJDAY Is Expected to Outline Some of America'! PUns At Conference SENTpRS APPEAE i ! ijOHTT. 'fPEEVEb Lack 1 of . Hepresentation on . Peace Commission' Baals ;f v .. of Complaints 3 WAtHINOTOH. Mar. i.tMAtm t)J jqr uttvranv of rrmudant Wll a bren waittxj with (rwltr lntert -Than lh amul ddreaa ri 1a t de- .:.'frer Monday at opnln of M -winter apMlon of eoncreaa, ami on the t"v o ha depattur for urop to Jj ,'mttitd tba 4aoa cnf erenca. -' -. UanVbara of both bouaea axpact to TIMS aomathlna' of imtria'i tl&na tar :, , 4th eonrDoo. aa weH a an outHna of tha exeoutlra'a vtewa of lertalathm -tada4 to ' tM tn . U) -taak , raaal- (JuaUng tlia war-orr&nlaad country to ." jxasce baala. Arrancamanta wera . - mnm9 owj IW - JUii i Mmw in ins , liaM of tb iouao Mwmlay aftarnoon att i o oiok airr concraasionai laaaera , ' ad bean tiotltlBd that tha raldont ' - 'wnni w w vit iui urn u7 !., feon-day."-' ; , -. v ! Tha m.4drM vwlll aoaatltuta i iila - : ,ttooa-pye to oonvraat anc tnrouKh it to tha laoD)e.for ha la axnaotad to aail on Tneaday. . . . v " -t ' - No- oflWil comment waa forthoom h today on t-h perabnntl of tha L-peaca dalenration annoatwtd laat nirht ' at-tha whit a houaa. No ona would . .itndartake to aav whether the preal- - Ment wottta Da regarded aa part of the - . tfeieganon accompanytna: him, or , '. wkut might ba-'the formal rank a horded iha .four dalegatea Beoretary lJii ejit, former Ambasaador Henry Avhita. Colonel Houaa - and General Taker IL Biles. loforntaHy it waa - . .rNeated at the atate department that ihesa points would nor ba 'cleared up ,'bec4iae of uncertainty aa to the . rnmUQ be foilawad by rha-ihaada t tha aeeociated - overmenta and J .1halr ajoooropanytna; deieratlona.' .. " i .--Tiie .-department made fbll ,i.vv,lha .nwnaa -ct tha chief onVeta and ana uavra -niriner xu.4iier nr . ': . .id Mm . In . intern rtnnal. 4aw v The war demtrtohent avnnoUncad tha per xonnetl of the group 'of aaaietanta to tieneriit Bliaa, mong whom will be a number ( fftoera detailed from the Amertfn expeditionary, force. , , . Plenty fef Reporters. j AH of -tha party, whiob with Ita rlart a clerical force and corpa of ex - perta in A-aTtoua Hnea will number . Horn howl reds, will aaU on the ateam . ahlp Georf WoeMnyton. : "with .the nrealdehL . Precetflnir - them on.- the steamer Oriaaba, leaving New. York at CHAB0E3 KAISEE WITH MURDER ' , ' PARIS.. Not. 30-(Hayaa) Madam Prleur,' wid ; ov of one of the victimj of the torpedoing of the Sua- eex by a German submarine, has lodged a complaint of murder in the courts against the former German emperor. yfCptisme Food Tftai THiy tityUve BIG LffiER HEADY TO GARfiy WILSON TO CONFERENCE German Liner George Wash ington Awaits Only His Stepping Aboard r ENTIRE NAVAL CREW WILL MAN THE LINER Will Be Met by All-American Fleet and Escorted Into Brest HUGHES FI1IS ON INEFFICIENCY OF THE GOVERNMENT Makes Typical Republican Speech in Address At Columbia RE-ADJUSTMENT IS . NECESSARY AT ONCE NEW TORIC, Nov. !. The Ameri can tranaport Oeorae waahlncton. aelected by Prealdent Wllaon to con vey to Europe hlmaelf and other member of tha American delegation to the peace conference, will be con voyed by the battleahtp Pennaylvanla and a fleet of five faet deatroyera. The George Washington la lying to night at her pier In Hoboken ready to aall on her hiatory-maklng trip at a moment a notice. Gtearee Provldpa Ship. To' Raar-Admlral ' Albert Oleavaa. commander of toe cruieer and trana port force of tha Atlantic fleet, fell the honor- of providing- for tha .presi dential amp... captain Edward Io Cauley, TTnlted Statea navy, command the George Washington and the crew haa been drawn entirely from the navy. The eacortlng battleahlp la commanded by Captain Lewla Nulton. The George Washington, a vessel of 26.670 groaa tona. waa formerly one of the crack llnera of the North Ger man jyoyd fleet. The George Waah lnglon waa tha only arge German vessel seised by tha Cnlted States tha name at which waa not changed. - Safeguarding tha- movement- of a large percentage of American -troops to Europe has been the task of Ad miral Cneaees during the wan He was commander' of the protecting fleet of vaxsnrpa wmi .eaconeu uie nraa con tmg-ent or toe American expeditionary forces, and President Wilson recently designated him for promotion to the rank Qf vice-admiral.- Tlino Mot Set. The exact time of the departure of the George Wwhington Is not yet known, but today the engines of the big liner-were given a laat teatlng out. The ahlp' is lying convenient to a spur track over which the president's train will arrive. Says "Governmental Enter prise Tends Constantly to Inefficiency" '. ;;,imufw MxAHtno&y p; lp " , . ( '- '; ..'.' -3-vt' w.. v-. NKW YORK, Nov. SO. Charlea H. Hughes, apeakuia tonlht before the Inatltutea or Arta and dencea at Oo-Ki-nvbln -university, aaeerted that "gor ernmental enterprise tends oomatant Jy to iriefTVclem-y." Ha ohanrtertzd aa "enernlea of Mberty." all "thoae whose interests He simply in extendi- ui the aotlVitiua of governnit to embrace all Industry." - Dlacuasinc conditions follu-wl war be deohured that readluatment sh-tfuld ba brought about aa soon as practicable and that war powers ahouk) not be used to control peace conditions. Such a control, be said. wouM constitute a moat serious of fence against Amerten-n Institutions. 'The Queen-Ion of government own ership and operation 1s, after all, a severely prawtloal one,"', said Mr. Hughes. "It is regrettable, but It ia true, that governmental enterprUeie tends com- atantly to Inefficiency. Jt cannot GENERAL MARCH DESIGNATES AMERfCAtl MILITARY; UNITS TO BE SENT HOME AL AN EARLY DATE FROM WESTERN FRONT n. th. Lieutenant Hubbard Shawhan and Lieut. Edwin Phillips, of AsheviUt, In, 6ih TrenchMortar Brigade, Which Is Among Units Ordereli k Relink Home BelieVexl Maif sftcvj Boys Wilt Be in Various Branches Returning:: COMPLETE OF ROIOilSllfi ; : BY iGELEORATIC:. Last Link in Hendersonyfil i Concrete Road . Opened -by, County - i 4. COUNTY ENGINEER ,r GIVES ; BIG DINNE!: Road Will Not Be Ready fo: ;Use for Sometime But V. Datflur T TmnrrrcVMrl - ( esaaak W VTat) ' . V-- ' 'V'- vji.: 1 . WASHINGTON, Npv. iq.-tVour.dl-vtsions in - their witlrety. aud 'major unit of, eight -other divisions, of the American army in Prance b.v been dea1nayted' by. UeneraJ ' Persbtnel: -for an aany return home. , 3 beea troops, - .pents.. . ; vX . ' t 7 , Resentment anVong members of the - sona-te over .tha proeident'a failure to . jmmt one of their number on the dele tmtlofl was-apparent today, althouglt no atatements on the enibject were- Is-, nued for- puNioelton. Several of tha .epubHeans dlsoussed plana for antro duoint resolutions Monday proposing to send a special senate comwtuee to (CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO.) VIENNA AGAIN SUFFERS I GRIPPE EPIPEMI FATALITIES: INCREASED AUi-AMERICAN ESCORT. , LONDON, Nov. SO. Prealdent Wil son on reaching European waters in ail likelihood will be escorted to Brest by only' American warships, but by a formidable array of them. In view of the lack of official notification re garding Mr. Wllaon'a trip. It ia under fill to be observed that ern 4n nmn.. with ' other, aoeclal units. General nectlon Witt the war. inetflolency -in - March, chief -of staff, ahnounoed to- Important fields of activity has) been-' day, total MM? officers' and ,- I notorious. The notion that the oon-'l-men. -t."'tr . ;. -,.!'-, ' -j-v j-i -I auci vi oimm. ay pjvBrnmim mra , Tha Co mp tele dfMsMms i wnion ra te be efficient at superstition cher-.htttrn. at an carfy. date,, General March tehed by those who either know noth-H aal.t rha Jt. IHh aith rnt-ft'iil rn p government or who know not- ) Important elements of ihe following n of business.,-Ths tendency Is, dlvljlons-to retar afevoii a transr strongly me iCiner '- 'Alona with ths tiba of outrlnw tha of these arsb-t aottvltae) unnecessarv t ' '.Xen " CseinaUv Jlarnrea. 5 under potltlcaa control Thai la the New figureson jtlle American tarmy most serious quesVoo, ' caa-uarties. fcuflounced bv the ehUf of Compress, toe said, ahould provide a tttff,, which exceeda that made pkibllo es the. grave ouea- J " V 4th, SHOaa.iith, kSth. ' Headquarter. th: rtiilery brtgade: direct operation , " n4?8et.' i -yA SV ofK sftniery eo. . y (CONT1NU3J) ON PACK Two; sensible pleat for ralilroad regulation, permitting sou ml growth and or edit, stabilizing securities, and insuring ad equate service at reasonable rates. He also declared co-operation In fnd-ustry to be Just aa essentia;! In peace time as during ttie exigencies of war emi that big business waa needed, if eotmdly organized and properly su pervised. He further declared that serious la bor conditions were kiom'ing on the h orison and suggested that, in order to take up the labor slack, am effort should be made to start immediately all important public work throughout the country which has teen held up during the war. OF SHIPS TOLD IN DETAIL BY BRITISH OFFICIALS 'Conditions Grow More and M?re Desperate in Au' .. trian Capital' ; H ! PLAN REVOLUTION ':. VIENNA.. ., yrUtayyt Novv'29 (By '-tha' Associated Press.) The grippe lias jbecome prevalent again here and at Budapest, with ' more ' fatal - results atban in the former epidemic. ' (.Vienna tonight for the first time took on the appearance of a. wur tone -city, all the lights being turned low :-i ;1n orderto save coal. "AJ1 houses Declare Gejrmans Attempted to Sink Vessels ".With ' out a Trace" E OF ST. L SWORN STATEMENTS were shut up at 8 o'clock, tlW Mtore M-m tk tk A s-li. a' .e; 1A :vf-' ... ; There 10 mm iot revoratlon on all .'.-."Diuiit uiuukii (iuBq, yiuuunuti tu vftns rhrtw tfriaa arkfsrarrtai-if gfimir thA tins. LONDON, Not. 10. (British Wire leas Service. )--The British foreign of fice has published a paper giving the details of the sinking of the British hospital ships -Rewa, Glenart Castle, Guilford Castle and IJandovery Castle by German submarines in January, February, March anfl June of this year.. A copy of this statement has been sent to British diplomatic rep resentatives in allied and neutral countries. .' Mr.rBalfoury'the foreign secretary who drafted the statement, says: "There can be little doubt that the German ,- commander attempted to slaughter , all the witnesses . of his crime and. to sink the ship without leaving' any trace, according to Count Luxburg'a notorious phrase." . - Tha statement says in-part: - :v ."Tha German government. In reply to this pretest addressed to them by' the , British government through the Property Valued at Ten Millions Closed Down at Midnight ARE HOLDING MEN week agoS-by 2S.0OO covers 11 to Nov, 26. (The prinolpal change in th,e revised U 1st is the additions of 18,100 nven niisalng In action. Geiteiv al Pershing, It waa ealdi has thua 'tar forwarded no , legislation of tha In crease tinder thia heading and it was assumed that ' an error - oocurred tn the trancxnlsston ' of the previous fig ures.. General March explained that the revised futures on" prisoner could not be deciphered In General Per shing's meesaKeV The special units to embark soon consist largely of -coax artillery brig ades and separate regiment, many battalions and batteries of anti-aircraft art1l?ery and otber organizations Including aero eqnadrons. Orders have been Issued the rhief of staff ajso eatd, for the demobilization of 848,000 men in the- eanifps and cantonments. In the United Staten. Ap proximately 46,000 officers and men ui iiic iiunio utinips iiu-ve aireaay peen dlflchaj-ged. By the end of December General Alaron, indicated, probably 150,000. to ; 176.000 members, of the expedltlon ! ary forces will have returned tofthla I country. He said the war depurtaient impua in lime to proviue transporta tion for 300,000 oien month, j WASHINGTON. ; Nov. 30. The! fol lowing units were announced today by General March as having been desig nated for early return borne: ' Jnd anti-aircraft, bnttallon. s S8Sth. field artiiKlery. r 69th field artillery brigade liead quntrters. , a i- S87th and 339th field artillery.' 163rd field artillery brigade head quarters. v . ' ' 1 ( V'lSSth. ISTth, 144uhtleld artBlary. 7Srd and T 4th coast artillery, f' 115th trenoh wor tar battery. -Srd, ,4th. Ith," Ith wad 7th antt-alr-oraft battalions " v ' .. -. ' 14th. lth Ktb and JTth anM-alr-oraft- bottenea, -.? v . i. ". ; ; 3th flsltf rtitlsaV. , " 1 rty,- JOath ambojance train; " 7-v" - ':'"-. Fall Artillery, ' t 1' ;V. V tltth field" arWllety. -" w 'V? 161st field artillery brigade! II let, SSlnd ahd SSlrd Held arWUery. : ''. aiiin tunouiairae raws."' w , : 8th' flrld. artillery brigade: Um, f t, lemness oi incn- an action.- - '-. Tha carresnandent. wbosa nresanr.a . , Is known, throughout the a cltVyf has 5 German submarine atucked the Rewa had many' visitors, one of -whom' said I and, in 'the absence of proof, refused - .be reprewntea. a , political f gioutj ttf discuss the protest mad by tho V, which wished to know If It wera pos- British-government against ; the- at- . ium iv noti niunrui 10 in vn in imi maoe oa xne -uienan l.BHtie ana ; ; 'fWate H said ; Auatrla was in ! GuUford Caetla, 'The- foreign ' secra- - fiOLicicm . - mLumirzL. . ur. sveufa .dw unrv in.ra unnn iramm u.a nikMm9nTm ;: S-ipriemles Who wereruthlessly robbing.! supported by a-swerfr declaration of l'.? i ' Food conditions . in ; Vienna ; .arol the 'facta, In regard to the attacks on. . - Riaauaiiy oeconung worse, wnn tnei this vessels and. pointed out that there ' ; poor eatinar black bread in - aniall ! conlrf- he no doubt that the submarins -.fiuanuirea an a soup maae m water ST. LOUI8. Mo., Nov. SO. Ten thousand men were thrown out of work and plants estimated m value at $10,000,400 and representing In vestments of $100,000,000 were made idle at midnight when tha sixteen M. Louis - breweries were closed, accord ing to government order. Tn -re Me indications that the will be s.ime kind of a movement amonir' manu facturers -to hold together their forces ln the hope thnt there may soom be a modification o .the law. -,y None of .the " brewer have as , yet announced any plans for tonverdon of their ptanta Into' other industries. 143rd ahd 14Mh held artillery regf inrnta. . ' ' ' r . I0th englnoera ' V 136th ani-bulanc oom-pany. 136th field hospital. . Headvuarters Sfdh division, 39th di vision headquarters train. 77th brigade. 15 Srd and 154th Infantry regamenta. Headquarters (6th brigade: laStth regiments, 140th, 14brtand X43nd na chme gun battalion. 114th train head quarter and military poire. Headquarters 76th dlWelon. 76th dlvtolon headquarters train, i lolat brigade, 801st and 302nd In fan try regiments. . . . . 162nd brigade: 303rd and S04th in fantry regi'menta, 301st, 302nd and 08rd machine gun baittallons. 30 1st train headqua-rters and military police, 30 lr sanitary train, 304(h a-mbulance comvoanv. 304th field thosplta.1. 6th, 11th and 13th ant l-irora f t mimchine gun battalions. 42nd, 43rd, 52nd and 6 3rd arMHory regiments, coast arbiHlery -corps. Ambulanoo Trains. 109th ambulance train (animal drawn ) .' 309th ambulance train. Hcadquairters 33rd brigade, coast artillery corps. Headquarters 36th and 87th artil lery brigades, ooest artillery corns.. Headquarters 159th Hold artillery brigade: 325th, S26th and 8S7tfh field artillery -rerlmente. - , Headquarters, 162n4 field artillery brigade. 312th trench mortar battery. 46th and 47th artillery regimenta, coast artillery corps. Headquarters 63rd field artillery brigade l$7th. 136th. 1 89th field artillery regiments. 113th ambulance train ( lass motor; battalion. ) 14th ambulance train, oast artillery eorpa. -. w...'v , - .:.- 130th anti-aircraft battery.- . artillery regiments, ' coast. ' artillery eorsa ' j , - - v , . X ,:. --.,, I ' Headquartar I4tb artillery brigade, Coast artillery corps-' v;', SOlat, 02nd fnd S6t4 casuaj com panies. .. .'- ;; - - --' . ' 'v.'-- . Headquarters 31 J' engineers. , Headquarters company. II Sth engineers.--' A : ''''''. ' r ' -'; r ; - Compaalsa A, B. and C lllth angl neera (By W. Burkaer) ', The ISVt fOOt Of PAAAMII .AH.b1. A the t strips Of cement ram A fr. Arden north and rtlHm era aanih r. . the Hendersonvllle read was poure.l V 11: o'clock yesterday mornlni at tha top of tbs lilli just north of "fix Mil Branch." At S o'clock the coun ty roromlaaloners save a ni.'nL,. iim. at tbs ramp. Just south of Buabee . celebration of tho event, tha guest i f honor for tho occasion being th new board of county commissioners, tht wllr tak ehargs of th ssuntr afri:r. next" Monday, Buncombe countv . senator and rsprssenutlvea, th city Oommissloners and -. repreaeotatlvn from tho, various departments of tu y activities, officers and dlrectora of tr. Board at Trade, ; Merchants' skiocis lion. Rotary club and Motor club, , : renreaantativas from each nr i. banks, hotel and th dilora of 1 , Citlxen and Times. . . i ",'r .' ,. Ileal Achievement. Tha completion M thia ntece roads marks a. real achievement i road building in Wextern North Cm. una, pretenting to the public jr r ofeonorel road which Hlrhstd 1h obatrman of th. concr rnmmi of th war Induiitrlca. "board of t. , south, -declart when he went ow this road ometime ago, to be as fl a piece of road aa oould be found an. wher in th t'nited atatea." it ci-i pletloa has been sccompllnhed in t face of ditfioultiea apparently Iiihi. mountable, and the road would bi. been' discontinued three mom! u. for lack of cement trnd not rem i Uvea from . the oounty and Hoard Trad stayed with, the various ru bers ef the war board In Wa-h-.-and convinced them that the f hig of th cement waa a war uy. - : ' At times thee appeared an oj tton from various sources thut rs. . , i x i , ' -!! '" ooom tna- eompsetion or the Hadqurtti, ,detacjmut , in:h while- -only.-recp iiij l engineers.'.4 V 'i' ".-. " .', ; " V J cruh.-r at i'i v be ? - , ntam. lncv .or iiihcIitp eorapnalif. t K, and -', tltta, ejigi- rs. . ,- ,'st lxfA u; ; (inn noivuitnog company. 34th and J47th- flM -hospital com panies. v. , ' .-.,, " 4th' and "6th - railway ordnance rev pair section. ' , .n" ',n S34th' machine gun battalion. "' S 1 2th field signal battalion'. ---: Headquartera 30th brlgad. coast artillery corps. :- . Headquarters' 17th division , ani headquarters troop. - . . ITUi field division field laboratory. S 1 3th, train headquarters. -il2th mlllury police. : ' 812th sanitary train detachment. Headquartera 178rd and 17-ttli In fantry brigades, it. ' Dental unit. ' Sanitary squadron No. 63. 345th field hospital company. .. S46th ambulance company; Headquarters 18th artillery brigade ooaet artillery corps. 70th and 71st artillery regiments, const artillery corns. First Handley-faae, 11th. tISnd and 806th aero squadrons, - 63rd, 6th, 67th and 72nd artillery regiments, coast artillery corps. 13th and 19th anti-aircraft batteries. 32nd division has been ordered to prepare to entrain for base port. . 20th anti-aircraft batter)'- ' Headquarters 32nd- brlgad coaat artillery corps. 106th. lOdlh. 113th, S09th, 810th, 311th and 4th trench mortar balterle tb, 6th and 7tn trench mortar bat talions. . ; OPT tSIJlASTOPOI.. 1X)ND0-N. Nov. SO. Th allied na val squadron wbloh recently passed through th Dardanelles Into th black sea, anchored off flebaatopol. the Russian ba In the Crimea on Nov. 26. : : W-.M'.i'f V( vv, BETTER PREPAftirD. MILWAUKEE, Npv. 38. Contrary: to expectations, Milwaukee brewers will dispense with pnly about 1,000 j mert, those - employed In the brew I POT IS CALLING KETTLE WEAVER IS WORKING BLACK I ifJ EMPIRE! FOR NEW HIGHWAY SYSTEM Bavarians and Prussians! Would Connect Forest Res- Are Snarling About Who erve Lands , in Western Caused the War. i North Carolina, IN FIRE AT NEWS-LEADER and - baked - flour or vegetable. - lacKor rata is unaerminipg sirengtn. it w certain mere are ' some, pro c,Vislons ln ;tht country districts,, but -tne tarmers part witn tnair xooo tup- tn the poor quarter of Vienna the women say , they ' hare ; no . under clothing, alt the. pre-war stocks hav ing been - need -1 up. : It is a family calamity when ft Is oeceasary to buy shoes for eny member, wince 'the pur chase means half month's salary.. beloncsd to the German forces. Thia The J action,, as .had already, been stated. .,wu Wliiiaxjr -viiijr iw uilciiir-.iuudi Jaw . and th ' law-: of humanity, but also to a definite pledge given 'by th German government to) the Spanish government- that the. German .naval forces would not attack hospit.il ships exespt in certain waters Which do pot, include those: In which these three vessels were sallied." : -1 The facta, which have eJreaay neon ..-LONDON. : Nov. 30. Kurt 151ner, the Bavarian premier, explained to a meetlng in Munich that the breaking off of relations between Bavaria and the. Berlin government was due tohe fact that the German foreign 5 ofRt-e wa - the base or : counter revolutionary movement, according; to Pnn.nhi.iin H i f H - tn th . V.Vm house, after December 1, as a result I ,. TeleirraDh V ' - i : - of th ordr prohibiting th .brewing I ch,,Be .? egn ' f QJiZ! laCtiZ? th51: -i.th-r f Announcement of 'the severance' of w?Tk5r", r n0. Wected to e af-j relation between Bavarlo' and Ber. anojner six monins - ;,, governments was., mada on ;No- Hand to Jaat that lnn v- mr. ' ' -' r .- ,-'.'. -X t r . - - - -.- - m r,--, I 'u -V'-. - 1 " ' ' NINE -AT NEW (By S. R. Winters.) WASHINGTON, Nov. 80. Repre sentative Zebulon Weaver is negotl- i'-? Richmond Paper Burns With Loss Estimated at Quarter of Million.1 quired sever-!" v,er ui i Ona1 Th -'llu t-Hine a.u ;. til convict save two Mete u-U ..'. -time, and; with their . recovery t . eement mairhlne'.ufl'id an a f i t i further, delaying ,lbt work, ami i. big raiu ot a few weeks ago, am) t on' last week, soaked - the sroui further. impeding; the progress -of ... work. . -. ..J- -i , "' ' Brookstilre Tellefl. ' i ' ""When th last big cement hurk-i was run out over th road and dump ed," said (Jorsmlaaloner1 Brookshhe-, "I . let out, tt yell you' could hear a mile I waa no glad, and wished thei- might have. been several more of fellow there to help me rejoice.-".-. , - Immediately following the dinner, Chairman Johnson presented- Mayoi , J- E. ItaDkin.. who stated. that' Bun eomb eourrty should feel great prtdt In the fine - progress ssade. la publlt (CONTINCEO ON; PACK THRJSK. ) CARDINAL uiEBCIER -fir: visit united;' states; :in;m:erly:sf,"i;:s -' 'y'V'.- '." ' ' -' - " Famous. 'Belgian Prill" i Coming to Thank People Qf America '. comes to; New yonit JFMirwax.il . tvvn vh "tORLEAXU. t . ; New vorEean8.;.nos. so.-Nia'' b Jfear .Orfeana brewri) , were' closed t i-b ' RICHMOND. Va., Nov. SO. Three perso-na were severely burned when Th News-Leader plant was destroyed by flr at 6:40 this afternoon, ' Dam- ating with tho united State .forest age i the newspaper plant and the ..... ,n. , ...kii.i,,j.-t . buMing waa eetlmated af 3360.008. ' " J " Thus injured are: Reuben Schorr, Of a system of highways linking to- forenvin Pr meillmr room. W. P. ldd gether tho . goverjimertt reaervationa ' and '.'elfnrd W. Ladd. pressroom em of Western ' Noth Carolina, The , Ployes. Scherr and the Idd brothere coni.mpu.ted network of road, would j fjjf,'"1 - we4 t. establish sy , eostmttnSeattoar he- to nvort.dil ha'v .taid tween th Macon county lands nt the in the .mailing room, where tbe young head .of the Cullaaaja. river, the Van- mert were workireg, and their Injuries f.L '8I''", .to rVh' Citlaen. ' - NEW. TORN. '. Nnv.i SO f-mrAMm Mercler.ls comhig,;-.- ta'iths l-t,i States to than-k. the, American peorilt for ,the euccne given to Bnl4um tr stay hers will be brtef.as he Aiaa tnad . it empnatic that he feel he Ia uravni. ty neeaea in helping, to rea'nee -Bw-"' gium. - 4.-' - The-cardinal will be nsertakiod' at the home of Thomas K. Ryan Sat fifth avenue. Mr. R-ad has also puf at the dieposal of the prelate his rem dence in Washington, ; 5 Cardinal; Meroier will ? make" hit headquartera in-this city, and will tri 1 to Washington anvd, Montreal, Caned It may be that lie will go to two wv three other larg cltlee In America. It ' .Washington he wIM b received bl the president, Mr! Wlln iai returned- from' Europe Just when thi ' oarrfinal . will et here, not known It Is expected this will ba late tn th - -winter or early next 'pt-ing, r-. f The faunous prelat will come ber under the auspices ' of tm Belgitui rs-1 lief bureau wd the naWonat Bel"g church ef St.. Arbeit, 431 West Forty . event street . , Th two sr , utrde i rlln ' Tageblatf - Cologne i or- resnohdent ava sharp measures' will i. mi. TV, irf m I irh t tnn jirkf M A Ani1 " w - 1. . . .... 1 ..II ntVm- - wkn 5 , ..; derbllt " boundary. SHARP MEASURES.' ' reservations snd th ; isnd St t!is, omriri of The News-Leader esll COPENHAGKN. Nov. 30. The ! head of Big Ivy creek In Buncombe o at ; ;lhat th i Ws to - th plant the.. Mitehell ""!a iiir-!roM county.. 'A congressional ' act makes ft ounter-revoItitlonary! serious presidential proclematioa prohibiting; showed th brewing of " beef. - With the ex-( denelea that caused ception of two 'of th larger concerns; turbances recently. no pians were announces ror tha future operation- of the plant. .- One of hem announced it would s 1t plant for- th dehydration of published " concerning ths'sinklng' of ; fruit and ' Vegetable and - th other the three hospital ships, as well same manufacture or vinegar, it as tnai a out montn -muply wss ion nana. these three hospital ships, as well as' ma manui the Llandovery faeThB,-rr1se-a -aatijrkaled In the statementX . , , ber w ; f NO DEMOBILIZATION, t - WASHINGTON. ' Nov. ien iwiil muii -ni-ej ivtvi uvt-rtMw x;v.i-6 ij Dtt-pn ifw mnau r:r -- ; 1 , n dls-l funds shall be contributed for such r The nr was auoovered a. few mfn- -T..r,r.r,trrtr wi,9rtitm before e ochckv Just after th purposes. . - RprentaiMre: weaVef . number of tmnlovH lnt l.t. 'Will SSK ior suniciem pproprinuuus.ih bnlKltng. A general -alarm, waa l to sstabllsh this chain of Imoroi d , turned V Immellately, but Uefwe suf- 30. Theraii..i - it- ,.. . i ,i k-m 1 Orient wser was available, the flames will be nrf general demobilisation of I - " v . , . na laapea rrom tne ivasoment up the mnrrne orp until after tha eon-, rJimi i n of pssce, Secretary Daniekt aid -i 'Vii . t would amount tu spproxtmately ; $125,000. tha flr destroy intg -' rouch OP 'i rtrnvr Arttltnm.fwnt artltwti KnX Kit, cenfarence with the forest eervlc an through th elevator abaft to th thtrd this will ba followed tip with art floor, and tne eotre struetttre wasj f confrencs naxt week.-, v .,.-.... aflre.- v.-.. 1 V" v " ';" ' i-V" t jth ami roof ajn4 tuxv tbe samo ner-. w in iBigp,v t ... - v -j. . -The Rv. Joae-ph ""rancbt Stillertian pastor of the chtrrch; and president the ' Belgian. relief bureau.' h-as gont ' to Be'glum to arrange the . details ot the Journey of, the- cardinal. He went Immediately after tha arm'lattc wt signed and -he- Is expected -back bi ' Christmas ot New Year.- -. -' So far tho only direct word receive" front htm - waa a cable message sent (row Frawe saying he had arrived, wfe!y.iThis wa directed to tho Rut Odilo A. Nye.;' aeawtant pa" or, who i In charge of the church and the bu reau during the abeenoa -of Fart et Pt(liemami. - ather Sym 1 oroatrr af the rJ1f bureau. X

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