10 THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, ASHEVILLE, N. C, DECEMBER 8, 191 . r ; : ! ! if X SOME SPECIALS f At Uw'i, 21 Haywood St. 'i Pure China Gold Band Cups land Saucera, not delivered, $1.50 (per tet. It's our beat bargain. f Red Line Table China, price Reduced about IS',, i'. The John Russell Cutlery it tj the beat. See Chrintma stork J. H. LAW POLK COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION TO MEET WILL GIVE SOLDIERS GROVE PARK BUS UPSET Q CHRISTMAS PRESENTS; IN SMASH WITH CYCLE; win, mjxt omrfiw axij PLAN irtH I I FIR. HAKACVI'HII.ATHr: CKM.f N TO IlKMKMItUt KICK MKN Polk County Mo IHine Kioell-m Work In War lU llef ue Other llve Ni'mk l-Voul I'olk. tlirlrtnuu Trrrw Hill lie Protlthxl And ItifrreMJng Programs KimI rrrd At Aaalra, W a neat lilt, lrler A(UfMM ii rrrl IVuxlilnaT Motrv)r l- ami Turix-d Heavy r- liHe Into tUmk Wail. I I I If it j PYREX 5 GLASSWARE """ Tnt Urnt Word la Cooking Utensils For sale by 'IBK I-X-L STORE Paiton At. Prion ltT Tit Y ON' V '. Iec . A niiim riiMnnK of the culirti of Polk cotwi t v Iiiim l.eeii cullril to meet Ml t'ol uinlm. on Sit.i unlH v Hfiernoon. ier 2 1. fot tlie pin poe of eltM-flng offi cer for the I'olk rountv fair hawi i lain. ii for 1 9 1 ! Kxicnnlvn iirnintre inent were made for the I SI full, hut on Hctount of the Influflir.il It hail lo le postponed. Iiemtur r.mther, of (ireen ("reek townMilp received a telrarnni n noiinc nif 'he ilrivth of h:e son nt h )uiltal In I'm n re Influenza wan thu (HUM- of ill-Nth. I'olk rounty ha done excellent work thin Meek for the world war relief in use A riiMW tnw-inir wiui hold at tin- M'hool hoiiKe In Tryon. on Tuee dav evening, prenldeil uer hy K. R. Hiu'oit. county fooil iiilniintstrator. Xdlr-m.'M were inuilr ly i. K. 'oj. land. Mrs K I". Union 11 nil Kiih'ene Hiownlec. in older limned After the uildieiwev Ceo. II. Unimex rend t he I Harare-l'lnli then, to w hich th!e even! pledge aent out iiy the 1 S Food ad- H h nlKhl honor nn l privilege, we The fol'owliiK anpenl han hern iMMit ui from Hirttt-K-I'hlluthivt headquar ter In AMieville for aid In niaitlnir I 'hrintina huppv for the alck eoliller at Azalea ami W'.iyneevllle hoMpltitlii: "North Carolina Hurucaa and I'hl lalheaM hae heen honored with the reuueat to oen the new V. M C. A. houxe now nearly I'lMiiplete Ht Ar.alea hoaplt.il I 'h i-Ml iiimh mailt A Chrlat inae tree wuh prenenta for 700 men will he proi Ided tofrether with Ice cream, rake and Camden An ap propriate proKrum of muelc. aouir and lecitaAion la row In coiirfo' of prepar ation mud a htir tune for the enlMetl l)o. at A .a lea will he r!ven. In a meiiaure lo make up f ir lite uhaenre front home un.l km I unex at Chriat-miia 'For th Make of ihe lim-i away from mother, home and loved orii-a, for the ake if the mother, home ami lined one, and for the aake of In a peculiar accident on Macon and llowlond road a vea:erdav at about I 'rlok. the ttg nui of Ihe (J rot l i' inn waa overturned and dainaied to the extent of about $i"0. while a tnotorrycl driven by Aerol llnon wa damaged about 140 worth. Both parllea id chanced with rareleaanem. while Wllmm I alo charged with rerkleaa ilrlvlna U'ltiinutea Mated ihat both vehl rlea weie Koln toward drove I'ark Inn when Wllitoti tiled to drive pat the bua There waa not toom enough and when J I (. Menaley. drlter of the bun. aaw lhat h hail Mrtick the mo torcycle, he turned hla muchlne haatl ly oxide, lamina: a rock wall and turn Injr the tehli-l over Fortunately no one wa eerloiwdv Injured. It la atut eil thitt both partlen were on the wrotiK Hiie of the road COUNTY TAXES MUST BE PAID THIS MONTH nl in- ! - t ill Frequently our examination show that the eyea have long been neg lected. ' - Our aervice is to prevent rye. trouble as well as to cor rect it Charles H. Honess OPTOMETRIST . Eye Strain Specialist 14 Patton Av. Opp. Poat office. Do Your Xmas Shopping Early "We. have a com plete line . of, Mani cure , oets, Ivory Brushes, Combs, Mirrors, etc. v We still have a : few Hyacinth and i Narcissus Bulbs left. ' Agents forprane's Fine Chocolates. Phone No. 10 if you want it right now. GRANT'S PHARMACY A Afent for Crane's Chocolate 5 East Pack Square mlnlmratiun. and aked thoxe who would titke the pleilm- to arlne. Fifty five elan. 'led their wllllimne to do all In their iiower to aid In the food -onervn tlon. County Drill, inMra lor ,1 I. Siime In In CI'Jchko. iiIoiik with anenla from oilier VA'eBtern North Carolina coun ties In a'lendance at the Fat Stock (how The party xtopped off en route al various points In the Kinluikv Hlue Ijrajoi region, where many stock farma were to he InventlRated. On their ri turn almllar atopM will be nmrte In Indiana on the name niu-ulon. Mr. flami la doing: uplendld work In edu cating folk county farniera In Block l a ikI n k. An unuaually lai(re number of fruit lieea are heltiK el out by I'olk coun ty iftowers thl full FndeiivoiH are helnR made to have sufficient acre age e to pencha to nee ref rl(jerator cars for ahjpiilnir purpoae. U hna oeen usceriaineit m;it around Tryon Is eapeilally aduptod to peaeh frrow lnn. Oeorjfln peach growers have made Invest ijratlonn here and learned ihot the fnmotia Kltierla peach grows to perfection here, and that l comes on the market after the crop In Genir ;la hrm been harvested and before the Delaware and o hrtpeontl.Cetaoln Delaware and other points In th n Mt have any ripe fruit, supplying a irup in me minuet wnen peaches are not now obtainable. Rffotla are beinjr made to aell Polk rounity'a ouoLa of War limine I know you u 'l lo' glad to help make It a area! Kiiccea "f iiftM will be provided liy the North utinty lax t olleclor I P liaston Carolina Hararas and Philatbeas to : t eaienlii y elaled that the atate anil the bova both at Azalea a id Wuynea- loiiir.lv I ies are atlll ronilnv In alowlv ' vllle -1 t of them- iih.iv from I anil tint the time Is drawing near I home ami mother Think what this wh( ttiH ,, b(, p,iwl;hle ((1 will mean lo he bovs who are 'k , ,v , , .. I and aav from h.me' ' m' rnt '"-"nt on; Or .la. kM.n and Mr lecke.i of ' Th' llm" ,or the Y M C A at these places have I "mount is January 1. and all those j Muteu linn n. i one can realize the area! aifod thai has been done, and pleasure aiven. by the Kaiaca and I'hiia'bea clasees of North Carolina and Ihe stnte otltce at Azalea. Wa ytie-t ;! and Kenlhvorth hosltalH. "Quick action Is urgent and aho lutely necefjrjry lo make a eucceea f this Christmas tree and Christmas entertalivment Please send your oon- i irinutionH at once and a--tk your rrieiios ir they win help In this m-oat deaervina; cause. Send all contribu tions plainly marked to Mrs. N. Kuckner. general secretary. Aehevllle. N. C, and help make a happy Christ inas for the b;k aobller boys " 'who sre behind are uraed 'to act in their full payments and save this dis count this month. , Hear Dr. Powell nt the Flint Bap tist church loiiiirht on "The Strategy of (.cncral Fooh." stamps, hut from mime cause thesa. thina-s have not proven very popular with our Investors. Notwithstanding Ihe beauty of them as an Investment for the person of small means they do not seM well. Our allotment Is JlCk.OOO, but only 1133,000 have been BISHOP BRISTOL AT BERRY TEMPLE TODAY STYLE HEADQUARTERS Wr art sold J) At a special evening service tonight at 8 o'clock, at the Berry Temple, Bishop BrLttol, who Is In Atheville attending the Me'hodist conference, will the speaker and will deliver a Rermon which promises to be of great Interest and power. A large pledged, and hut a small portion of "V". ,h. eXp , "' ,nS lH .1'.- the nledaes have been rHe,..l lieveii that few people will miss this opportunity to hear so distinguished a speauer. B B I BUY WAR AVING8 8TAMP.C Beautiful Christmas Jewelry The styles and designs of our jewelry are up-to-date. There is a classic simplicity in their interpretation of art .that is appealing and lasting. The demand for new ideas is consistent and ever-growing, and while the styles are con stantly changing, we strive to display conservative good "aste in every piece of jewelry. Arthur M. Field Co. I BUY WAR AVIN08 8TAi. ; m I mi mi hi in! iiii m wj" 'n.jKi rw III 9 II ftj'u...fu-.i.ii l Tim "Shop Early," Says Uncle Sam IT always was good judgment to "do your Christmas shopping early" and always an act of co operation appreciated by salespeople and merchants. This year it's all that and a government injunc tion besides to make your Christmas purchases early it means patriotic assistance in a time when help is scarce. As for gifts, you'll find in this store useful and desirable ones latest styles in practical things, neckwear, handkerchiefs, stockings and other men's wear. This is "Style Headquarters" where Society Brand Clothes are exclusively sold in Asheville. You are sure to be pleased with a Christmas present selected here. ' 11 Patton Avenue, Telephone 78. Photographs FOR CHRISTMAS A Bright Ray for Dull Days We have artificial light in our studio, enabling us to make sittings any time, any weather. Children's pictures a , specialty. Sittings after 6 p. m. for business men and women. RAY'S STUDIO "On the Square" OTer Nichols Phone 1704. AabevlIIe. N. G Copying Enlarging Kodak Finishing Your Coffee will always taste the same if you use an Electric Percolator. 8 Of m HALF1 n mrm Mtlinar thw Ma I k rasikTnir KcPry, eVlUt or ramonapalantaxl IWuttanT NuawassMattiHlHaf or Bald um. gwd-wlaiM,stMm8 twdaUt ?' ""'tjl pJurtac eoor tfbr. MaJii dudr cotnbina- ub fatxla Iron ctoYar, rica, rar. soraatalka. keau atrsw. KWranUevd csBf ityl 12O0 toY.00 Us. pmt hour. 000 to 000 linn of SMALLEYralin Tranndoua!y hnplfflni i nutoaMUoily trd, from eta t thrsM mma. vnaaft. WMT oui, and nuta tnaa. wanna Mff-IMM ""JiLj Tl 1 a tkloHKt? I ikfc J Write fa H, (DScltV. I tol.jjaaJDjwW. ' w ii. r. nafUX. T. S. MORRISON & CO. HAPPY ia the child whose eyea are made normal by the correct glasses. "Bacemtng graasas aest no mora" DR. J. C. DENIS0N CD. (Eyc-straln fiperialist) 25 Patton Avenue Neat door to Bon Marcho. Asheville Power & Light Co. Salesroom 102 Patton Ave. CUT RATE TIRE CO. N. A. Harrison, Mgr. .Phone 2747 Office, 3029 Res. Mail Orders Solicited. Wholesale and RetaiJ. Dickinson's Horse Feed Grain Mixture Dickinson's Globe Scratch and Globe Mash will make hens lay more eggs. Dried Meat Scraps. Conkey's Remedies for sore head, cold, cholera, gape, roup, etc. Pratt's Dog Biscuits. Hog Tonic $1.00 per bottle. If given as instructed, will fatten pigs for less money, or money returned. Horse and Stock Remedies. Onion Sets Silverskins, Pearl, Bermuda. Red Weather fields, Yellow Danvers, Potato, Yellow and White. Bulbs Hyacinths, Narcissus and Tulips. Our Seeds Grow. ASHEVILLE SEED CO, 'TVe Sell Everything That Grows" U. S. Food Administration Licensa No. 38699. Cor. College and Lexington Ave. Phones 2177 and 2178. a FEW days ago we employed a Clock Repair Man with an utterly incomprehensible appetite for work! QUICK is his first name and RIGHT is the standard by which he repairs any member of the Clock Family, from Grandfather to Baby Ben. This fellow seems to be a sure-enough specialist in all the horological ills, and a super-surgeon in the delicate art of operating for tick-tpek-derangements. NEXT I Our Clock Man is all ready to fix YOUR clock. His work bench is cleared for action. And the right respectable Henderson guarantee is squarely behind every job he does. HENDERSON 52 Patton Ave. Your Jeweler Near Postoffice. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT IMPERIAL HOTEL CANTON. N. C. A moAern up-to-sata hotel. Central location. Elegant qulpmoot, A splendid cuisine and efficient aervice. Rates, II. t and 11.00 per day. Atne-'can plan. We solicit your patronage. A. R. SPEARS. Prop. CAPT. 1A)VURIA KILM.;i). ' WILMI.VGTO.V, Dec. 7 Conflrm tion of the death In action of Captain jjoae-ph Lougblin, the B'ghty-firai irllvtolon, .wtirie leadlnr hi rompauy J" the same engagement lu which XJeutenant Warren Gregory favia also of Wilmington. I oat hia life, was received late yesterday from the war department by hto mother. In let ter from a friend. at the captain the fitwt newa of hie death. wa received Mrs. LonghUm wired the war depart ment Thursday end received an an nwer at tin that no miehap had be fallen her son. KHday the depart ment advised tier of his death, whfch poctirred en Kovember , i LEGS OF SPRING LAMB PIG HAMS PURE PORK SAUSAGE STAR MARKET Three Phones 1917 ' We are Successful Caterers to a Variety of Appetite AUDITS b. M j, E WILSON a-ktow. . Public Accountant Koom 205 Prhumor Bldjr. Installed Phono 1878 BETTER BREAD Means Better Value From the Day's Menu A-M-C FLOUR is a guarantee of better bread. , . '. . 24 lbs. A-M-C Finest Flour. 4 . . . .-. .$1.50 24 lbs. A-M-C Self-Ruin Flour. .$1.60 A-M-C Native Corn MeaL per lb.. ..... , .... .... .05 ' - - ' v - " . ...."" Asheville Milling Corporation 3fanufacturer$ of Flour, Meat, Mill Feed S32 Haywood St. Telephone 13$ AETHELWOLD HOTEL BREVARD. N. C. MRS A. H. BUNG. Prop. Headquarters for Commercial Men. Modern. Free sample room. Free car to station. Open year round. Rates. 11.00 to tl.OO. ASPARAGUS TIPS Round cans of delicious, small, tender Asparagus. Bargain price 22c per can eJ. J. YATES Groceries and Service 37 Haywood St Phones 1715-1716. i (D

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