18 CITIZEN, AMIKVJLLK, N. C, DKCKMBEK 8, 1915.' ARKE,T:MW3 The etren-1k ttt sfMJ a da for s ataady Wants m n va v r .i unit ( leg a saws seal anuat af sew bayta fur pa as M Wsints IP ei N8W YORK CATTCB. ' New condition constantly arising in the business) world make the co-operation of a substantial banking institu tion an erer evident need. The Battery Park Bank i aiming constantly to prove a valuable ally to local busi nesses. The BATTERY PARK BANK C:tJ S'.OO.OIO Member Federal Reserve Byetasj ursine at Front IIJI.II NEW YORK MARKET DULL BUT BROAD REMEMBER TIRES & it RICHBOURG MOTOR CO. 52-60 Broadway. Phone 2266. NEW TORIC. IW T-tRaila. Shipping. IImIi, motor, .ml oil wer III. features of today , dull hut fairly broad Block market, .puala abandoning specialties. SotSlllV UlbMHI Th demand for rail, convert .4 larg air around taw pried Imui. .urh a. Teas Paelflc. Mlaaoari Pacific a ad Ml. Ioula and Han Francisco common and preferred th. formar displaying especial activity al an advanua of I points. Canadian Peel". waa lha wnly Invaalmant of high rad. iran.uortatloa to display mura than moderate etretigth. otbar trans-root lienl ate. granger asd coaler closing al numlnaJ gains or luaa.a, Marina common and preferred and Pacific Mall featured ilia shippings, rl.lng 1 l t polnta. United Stale HI eel aoon threw off lla Initial heavlnaea. gaining allshtly ov.r a point. Pstroleuma war steady lo firm and Sluts repseoenled (ba motors, gaining lla. I'lHIiles w.r. Irregular on lha heavlnee. of Amertt-an T.lophim. Mrnoklvn Tran.lt and Interborough Consolidated, and the better known seclallle w.r. dull, mostly at .11111 gain. Th. liana .tal.mant presented no changes of striking Interests, exrspt for an Increase of allshtly mora I nan 147, Oou.OiHi in actual loana and sain of al most 14.500.000 In excess reserv. lha lat ter, however, hardly offetttng laal week's htvy contraction. Kiirtnvr wiunan jn i.merty laauaa marked th irwdlnir la bonda, th. fourth 4 'a fa Ulna- lo a art low prlc al II 12 and lha 1's repeating tha yrara minimum al 17. Ki Total Bales, par valua. aggregated M.I7.nua. Old li 8. bonda war unchanged on caJI during th week. NIW YORK STOCK LIST. Amur 111 (lunar.... ( American Can ,. Amer. C. anl Fdry... 4 Amor l,ocomollve. ..b Am.rtran Unseed. . . . 2 Amer. H. and Hfg 111 American T. and T... II 101J Aniarloan Tnliacco. .b Anaconda Copper.... 1 Atehleon b Atlanta; C. I.. b ' A I . . I III I rtll. KM. HIK1 ... 1. . . . He Id win Locomotive Ritlt. and Ohio ll.th. Steel R Main High low Clae II 44S Canadian Pacific. r.i 110 56 45 111' 111 II WW 67 57 47 44 21 17 V lit 17 II S 16 12 liov 101. lojt, 14 5S 44 14 lul II I4l US 47 47V 57 II ill 1 ill 1 7Vi I ll THE OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE BY CONDO 4RW 17 101 DA IV. Ill 1 57 ii 57 10 1V i:.l lit 7 US l 1H 151 K' 57 US II ..b " i f J HfeRg. Ttcg TH& Resr OF Mr4tC AHX "WW WATCH Howl ' f?lWrt TH6 MA!C OUT Of MY BOX . jdJ&JLiJ wiil see that i twh'tt stanu wRVH?J ovei? (oh ice i WYcWX'l flflA OTH&ZS WAIT PO. N TO i Mr J mN . SvM-k rr m cer our or twc ; Far J - . :- fa-aiUf . imvHl ' 'V " ' ' ' i ' ' " . . . NEW YORK DWV GOODS. Nf W YORK fftODUCE. 4 'JU II II 10 169 1 24 S MS .Z 44T II 21 1 7lfe 44S 27 S 7I ntraJ Leallirr l'haapake and O. .. 'hl. M. und HI. P. . Chi., n I. and Fac. . Chlno ("oppor ( ol. Furl and Iron . . . Corn l'rodiicta Oruclhla 8tl Ciilia Can Huiar Krle flunaral Klrrtrlc tlrneral Motor Oral Nor. pfd Groat Nor Or Ctfa. . Uulf Htatea HI..I Illinois Central h Inaplratlon Coppar.. Int. Mar. Marina Int. Mr. Marina pfd 10 111. 1 International Paper.. 4 I1H IIS Kennacott Copper. . . . I ill J&S I Anl V 1 Maxwell Motor.'. Mx. Petroleum. Miami Copper. . . Mldvata Steel... Mlaeouri Haeulu. N. y. Central... N. and W Northecn Pacific fihlo ell lea Qaa. Trnnaylvanla . . . Pltrkhnrc Coal. .. nay Con. Capper Read Inv Hep. Iron, and Steel.. 5 7CU 7r, 76 8noard A. L t 1 IS Reaboard A. L. pfd. . . 1 II SIS US Sinclair O. and Rfg. . . I 14 S U S U S Slo..-8hef 8. and I..b 47 Southern Pacific 15 102 S 101 102S Ikiiithern Ky. St 11 II 31 Kouthern Hy pfd....b IIS Buidebalcer Cor 15 S2S 12 62 S Tennesaee Copper..'.. 1 14 14 14 TexaaC.: S 115 115 115 Tobacco Product.... 46 11 10 it Union Pacific... I 110 129 121 I'nlted ClKar trea. . i iui ur iut rnlted f ruit n U.'H. Ind. Alcohol U. H. Rubber II. a. Btel X' 8. Hteel afd Vtah Copper V,-Card. trhm Wabaah Pfd. "A" Weatern ITnlon Weatlnfthoure Klec, . . Wlllya-Overland Total aales, 114.100. NEW YORK COTTON . SHOWS REACTIONS V N'KW rOBK. pm 7.-Thr wr raae llans Is th aoiton aurkat loda with Janaary fluctvalln. btwa M.M sad M M. and shMlnc at M U'eoni pared with 17 II. tb hick laeaj af raatarday. Tb (.n.raj llat rload ataady at st decllaaa of 41 to 7 point. Th market epeaed aay a a daclln. f 41 lo Kt polnta under reallalns and bd( salllaa? whleb waa prebahly acalnat lh Inrr.aaad bualnaaa reportad is eouih arn anait lal4T yalarday. ThaM tnillaj onTerlnsa war readily absorbed hy a broadenliuj emmuatoa houa demand and trad baylnc which waa nourad by talk af an Improving Port demand and bulllah aouihern spot prices leinbrj aold up front 17 an. th low points lo II M. whll march rallied from 21.11 lo II ft with ai tlv moniha aelllns bark to with in II to r poinn of laal nlaht'a ctoeln flaurea. MaaJlauis continued, however. and th. market aaaed off asaln In the late tradlnai, cloalna; at about the loweet point of lh day on moat pueltlona. After lha advano of nearly I renia per ounu trom tne low level or la.t Monday, local hrokera had anth-lpated oon.tder aiile reallaln for aver the week-end and wer dMpoMd to altrthut th derllne ehlefly to aelllns af thai aort. Noma at tention waa attracted by reports from tha sonde trad thai PVenoh ami Hekflaa rommleelvne had purchaaed quantlllea of 3oodM that bad been held for the war! apartment. Mherwhe, report, from th oode trade were conalilered rather un aettllns. aa mill production waa aald to be ourtailed In aom. eectloa to prevent ac cumulatlbns of sooda. Heporta that tn ahlp control committee of lh t'nlted States .hipping board have tendered reelgnatlona to lake effeot Jan uary 1, were oonaldered a further Indi cation of th cradnaJ Improvement In ahlpplns condition, fialea reported al the lea dins southern marketa on lha advance of Krldny very auliatanllal Increaa. as- srecatlna slmut IT.oou halea. A aouth weatern authority burned a rdvlaed crop natlmara planing th yield at 1,1JO.Oi0 balea. excluding llnlera. MM; watrs KCW TORK. Dss. f.BMvaa, ns trad Ins. . Calves etaadr; veals salves I Moil II Sheas and Umbo Brnt; lamb II SOS 1111: eulla 11 aheep sutsl Wi eulU . . CLEARIMO HOUII BANKS. NKW OHK, l-e. l.Tbe actual eon dllHMi of alearlnghoua bank, and trust eompenlea for lh wk ahowa that they bold IT0.I1I.I7I reoarv In aae-a of legal reuulrementa. Thla la sa Increase, of 14. Ill.ll from last wfc AJM1M UITKATIU X'H NOTICK Having qusllltod as sdmlnlatrsirli of tbs lla of Ir Albert J. Tarrsll. dec.aaod. lata of buncombe County. North Carolina, this Is to notify sll person having clatma against tha ae tata of, eall rtecea.ed to exhibit th I to the ui.deralgned at Black Moun tain, N. C, on or before Novmbr 10. lilt, or this notlo will b pleaded In bsr of their recovery. 'All peraona (Indebted lo said ealate will pleaae make Immediate payment. Thla Nov. 10. 1911. MUH. ALUKKT J. TERRELL, admlnletratrlx of Dr, Albert J. Ter rell, aceaad. SOII-IB-1T-14-1I-16 . . . LQ5T lA'Ul Movesnber IIUi. botwoda Leicester sad Aahsvllls bill fo4 eon- UJnlng III IS la bills. Ubsal re ward tor return ef earns te Wade M. HtMlmii, II Herrea svenoe . Weal AAhcvllls or phens J. C. Al- Derta, l'i. Plllll-S HELP WANTED LOHT Alrdala puppy, aliuoat full grown: erenrlns red collar. Ana were to aams "Hobby Bright." It award If returned to Mr. John Worgaa. wooaisvara noaa. urovs riri. l0l-T-tf WANT i 4 of ur istlon as lo where- sbouu of Lswla I'lnaer, of West AshevUle Loft home ' Th lined ay nigni. wsji or 1471. 0 Pll0-t-l LOUT S 1 1.0 between If Orchard street and Kress' Store, Think drop ped in fwrrlth's Drug Store and Kress. Reward If returned to (1 Orchard atreet. PT-1 LOUT Automobile number 14-411 Kinder return to tl Dortvh svsnus sad rscslvs reward Phone Mil. ' ITIT-- Natienal rereet Timber Fer tale. apot showed s NEW ORLEANS COTTON. li .. 7 MU .. 3 4: 41 .. 5 47 47 'b .. 1 22 22 .. 6 14 12 47 41 21 27 12 HIS li 119 21 44 21 71 lo M 43 47 v4l 22 14 NEW ORLEANS lec. T.--Iwrr prlcVa were cauevdV In cotton today by liquidation partly the natural reault of the bulllah operations of preceding eesstona of the week and partly stimulated by the small mill laklnga. On the first call Ihe near montha were 16 to 2A points up but after the rail offeringe Increased aud a quick break resulted. At the lowest levela the active month, were 11 to II points under the close of yeaterday: last prices showed net lfia.ee of 15 lo 41 polnta. Heater made mill taking, of American cotton thla week 142.000 bales against 434. Out) this week last year. Bulllah trad- era contended that this waa offaet by the inalgnincsnt inareaae In the v 1. 1 lite sup ply this week Slid the fact that for the first lima thla aeaaon the visible Is lees than at the corresponding date last year. Spots wer marked up 25 polnta which carried middling np to" 21 II At th low est of th day January traded at 21 Ml. Sealed blda will We received by lh Dis trict Forester. Forest Service. Weaning. ton. 1. C. up to and Including December 10. llll. for the merchantable dead tim ber, .landing or down, and all live timber marked or othrrwtae dealgnaled for cut ting on an area of about 4.000 acres on tha watershed of Weat Fork of Curtl Creek, within the Mt. Mitchell National Forest. North Carolina, estimated to be: Of aawlogs, 30 M. feet. B. M. of Bah. cherry and walnut: 450 M. feet R. M. of poplar and cucumber ; ion M. feet u. M. of red oak and basaaood: 100 M. feet U. al. of oaka other than red oak: 700 M. feet II M. of hlckorx. beech, birch, maple.' buckeye. nemiocK. pine and spruce, and an uneetlmated amount of other species, except locust, to he taken at tha option of the purchaser: of acid wood 13.100 cord; of purr. wood 1.000 cords: of tan bark, l.ono tone ef chestnut oak and hem lock bark: an uneetlmated number of hewn railroad Ilea; and an uneetlmated number of tuna of black oak bark to ba taken at the option of the purchaser. No bid of leas than 11 per M. feet B. M. for aah. cherry and walnut: II per M 'f.ot R. M. for poplar ami cucumnar; li) per M. feet II. M for red oak and baas wood; II per M. fet H. M. for oaka other than red oak; 11 5 per M. feet B. M. for hick ory, beech, hlrch. buckeye, hemlock, pin and apruce; 11.60 per M. feet B. M. for other species: 11.16 per cord for chejinut acid wood; II per cord for pulpuool; 3 per ton for t&nhark; 60 cents per ton for black oak Iwrk and 7 cents each for hewn ties, will be cunaldersd. Hepoett with bid, 11X00. The right to reject soy and all old la reserved. Before olds ite submitted full Information conoemlng the timber, condition of aale and (lie sub mission of bids should be obtalne! from th Forest Supervisor. Akhevllle, N. C. , 10-17-14-D-l-l LOST Between square end A sale a new Pullman Irs 10x1. Phone 411. Reward. PIIOI-S-I LOSTf Bunch of keys Thursday, Doc. raider return to Citl- 1'fHT-l-l S. Reward. xen. F0Alr r OH HALhi Very desirable boarding house, eJI yesr resort, real bargain; rare opportunity for oompatsnt per son. Bos 114, Tryon, K. C. s PII41-I-11 PHONOUKAPH record Just receiv ed. Large nelsutlon. Your choice 7c each. Barber Supply House, Bros .f way. PII71-I-1 rHOUSANUS U. I, government peavoa positions opes, aies), II or ovor; women. II or over, RaJMrs Mail CJerks Cfty Mail Carrtsrs Post office Clerks Cuatome Clerks Clerks a Washington, D. C. 11,000 to ? 1,100 rear, slhort hours. Com mnn education sufflcot. Vm po siblons now obtainable, free. Writs today. Franklin Insatiate, Dspt 117 K. Hpcheeter, N. Y. VIII0-I-11-I2-1I (JOV ERNMKNT Clerk tCjuunlnatloos la Ashevllls soon. Customs, Intern al Revenue. Inoome Ts x. Railway Mail. Postofflc. 11.100-11.100. Ex perience unnecessary. Men a'sd woman desiring government posi tions writs for free psrtleulsrs, J. C. Leonard, fformsr Civil Service Examiner) 17 Kenols Building, Wahlnston. PI HI 1-7-7. WANTKL Practloal nurse to tak charge of sanitarium. Work easy." Address .Vuravt oars Cltisen. Pliil-I-I WANTKU A good cook for small rsmlly. Cook two meals a day. Some housework. Phone 1170. IITI-l-3 Wan MALIC TED MEN .ui.in. m... .Mwiu.n, oraaemsn, else trio motor nien, colored train porters; Vlr- Slnla. Tennseaes, N. Carolina road o experience necessary. $100-1160 month. Quick promotion ftOO-1100 month position. Nam petition wanted. Intsr Railway Xept.. SO Indianapolis. Ind. PI44B-I4T-S0 "t. asaisd at once. first wmnilfltlt na nlAM u.. be FINE peper-ehell pecans prepaid, for ty cents per pound. Abovs ths svsr - nge. Order for Christmas, otls A. Miller, Wqynroan. Oa, PI78I-I-I I'APEhrUiKLL pecan trees for aale. Pedigreed and guaranteed. Booklet with prices free. Bass Pecan Co., Lunvberlon, Mies. PIS6I-I-1 1XXK1INQ EQUIPMENT for ssj. About three miles rail, asna.ll looo motlve, skldders. etc. P o. Box 416 Norfolk. Vs. PIII7-S-7 FOR SALE Block wood; sawsd any length. Dry or gren, prompt de livery. Knone tint. IS47-R "v iimnica. ro others raenwnleeA - --w vm,n r " - write. Wire nrsnalA ir f. P you Immediately Waa-ee $4 00 a day. No board o? tiZJoetlf i J. Arthur Webb. Forest 805-1-1 furnished. City, N. C. MlZJ" 17 ' 66 Experience "leceeMrv TVav.i- . i. ZZ -k"'iis. imianes; oa- ft J- Ara,rk" Foreign Dotac Ovs Atency, 6SI f. Lou"," PIISI-g-1 FOR HALE Belgian 42 Ashland. hares. Apply rB5S--I FOR HALE Fresh ond calf. Phono Jersey cow, sec- 140. PII7I-8-1 Hear Dr. Powell at the First Bap tist diurrli tonbjrht on "The Ktratratr of terneral rot." It DOINGS OF THE DUFFS : By Allman 144 I lofi too loo I 74 73 73 130 14 ! 14 t 112 111 111 71 71 71 3 64 64 ' 64 ( 38 38 31 1 88 18 88 1 43 43 18 24 26 CHICAOO MARKETS. CHICAGO, Dec. 7 Bears had things much their own way In the corn market today owing chiefly to expected big re ceipts on Monday and, to the loosening of some war-time curbs on trading. Prices although steady at the Snl.h were 1 to z net lower witn January 1.2a,, to 1.28 and February 1.28 to 1.28. Oats closed to lo down, and provisions orr 7c to i. drain and provisions. . Close CORN 1 January ... 1.28' reoruary , l.zs OATS , January ....... v.. ; 71 February , i 71 PORK January 48.10 Mnv 45.00 LAUD January 21.16 May : 25.27 RIB8 January ,....26.55 I'm. CoiKi To MovJ.MlSS iMITei- iXi pack: 4 Aeotfrl 1 A4 OOR Just caai, mb 5MITH - 4i-IKE IT MTTet ip mm vjire shoolo CAiaYfouHta ill CAU. HtR WhkM I V6BT OACKL May .24.62 i -! NEW YORK, Dec, 7. Cotton goods and rams were very quiet today and prices faaler. Wool markets were dull; burlaps julet; raw silk timler. Cash Caps. Corn No. 2 yellow 1.60; No. t. yellow 1.45; No. 4 yellow 1.87 to 1.40. - , V f, ,. , , . , NEW, YORK MONEY. NEW YORK, Dec. 7. Mercantile paper six. Sterling- 60 day bills 4.73; commercial so day hills on banks 4.72; commercial CO day hills 4.72; demand 4.71.70; cables 4.70 sail. Government bonds heavy. Railroad bonds easy. NEW YORK, Dec. 7 -Raw sugar quiet; centrifugal 7.28; fin granulated la Spot coffee nominal. ' Butter firm; cheeae strong. FE&ERAL RESERVE BANKS. WASHINGTON. Deo. 7. Discount oper ations of the federal reserve bank this week resulted In an Increase of 146.000.- 000 in bills on hand, while deposits of member banks rose $6000.000. I JUSTCAttMeUl I I. ssu ia,..n( I iTH III ll " ' "a. 4TSW S v- i 1 II -I r r- "l.i i I- -- nirs I l ll I ViHS.TivAT Poo fmW ffl WKmw MAT A0 COAT 'Il L . !. . , i HELP Wivrsi . ..." r - i ISUI004S, nustung w?n srL. Pl Uft" travellij wit h .s-ood line, Ouarantssd salary A rXK.i mn- Address J. B oare Cltisen. 76T-4-I ,5."i-4Di.AY"1h,rtn" wrreens, roots r.u.h.. :r: puna. ... per pound- of Brow It yourself. Boolr JV'" 'e. uoianioai, 136 "'i, v.onn. New PII67-8-1 vvi-i.r r.zprionc room cherk wPHn-te.' .. AMW'' n own hand arriUns:, stating- experience and rr. , erenee. Address. Hnt.i r, r. rmi - , vwv VIII- T98-6-3 sen. 1 1 ' A vwrn,. n. " ..n. U.U i wo collectors and one salesman. Compensation will be made eattefactory. Singer Sewing Machine Co, if N. Pak Square 8870-8-7 WANTED Btrongr, rekUvbls man for , uiltor. Apply to Matron of Red , Cross Building-, A galea. P9884-8-I WAWTED A reliable house ms- wtoo csn work around furnaos. SI Charlotte. 8ri-7-l FEMALE. ZU Ten brlirht nih i- dies to travel, dwmonwtrats and sn . well-known goods to eotabtlshed dealers; 126.00 to fSBTOO per wek- railroad fare paM; weakly advanco for travellnK expenses. Address at once, Goodrich Drug comnsriy. Deit. 012. Omaha. Nebr. X PI664-1, t. 15. I, I PEACE WORK at war Wr--uaran: teed for three years. Knit urgent ly, needed socks for ns on the fast, simple auto-knitter. Full particu. lars today. Auto Knitter Company. Dept. 55 CS21, Jefferson, Buffalo, . N. Y. 770-4-g-6--10-ll-H.l..ix1T WOMEN With relatives tn ihe army! navy or air service of tha United States earn $6.00 dally easily by writing me. Address Bernlca Prouty, Z007 Harris Trust Bldr.. Chicago. 111. P9851-8-1 WANTED A cook. Rellabls. settled woman. Call between 10 aid 13 a. m., Monday. Phone lilt. ' 878--S WANTED A good cook for general housework. Pbona 1124. PtT0-- COOK witti references wanted at t2l p. rrencn jproaq. 0804-6-1 POStnON WANTED experienced salesman: nre. fer wholesale trrocerv or mr. chandise brokerage line. No ob j ection" to leaving 'city. Fif -teen, years' experience in above lines. Address P. O Box 242. - P9812-7-7 ACCOUNTANT BOOKKEEPER thoroughly exporlencsd, , desires evening employment Books opened audited and kept part time. Finan cial statements prepared. Thos. M Duckett, Blltmore, N. C. P920-?-7 MUTT AND JEFF Ard Jeff Put a Special Delivery Stamp on the Parcel, Too. A (Copyright. 1918, by H. C Fisher. Iraas Mark Keg, U. S. Pat Off.) By H. C. FISHER f-OVt nit LOUS of mike, r LOCH. TfRRlBuc. A)bN0lUCivel!,.! i aim t ccpt ujimk siNce 7HANS&tv'IN6 pay 0AI ACCOUMT 0 -that Plum VvibDiws t Are. THtL WIGHTS HAW6 BEM OMw- AUifW. NUSrVTMARe AFTR. AMoTMc-ft. aumt juiia MeAAir weuTA beIXk. oaucb amu teotxeb) i-f iM k ' ' ?? -rjrr. Wiw Hwv mi-Saiii!, 10 . -zznLJ 1 1 tv atN nanu irLiK auk 1 11 viirsnkiiaif- riu.sn me. i iH.kiuu ;jiii .11 x 1 1 11 v-m t , 1 r- wr-,. - . , rw?j.3 1 I m I Tea isPtH wxBOr 1 aV Of LEAD. " W0UWTe UE J vSriiT. I- ' s-J . use! iTHI - 1 JVLf Lit I BSL -' I I . . I "JbWHbsbB1 sail Bl 1.1 I II . Ifl- T . 1 Z . UsVaCW s WANTED BY EXPERIENCE HOUSEKEEPER, POSITION IN HOTEL, SANITARIUM. OR AS COMPANION. MRS. F. DAVIS WEAVERVILLE N. C. P0674-28O 4 BOOKKEEPER, an experienced sffiu- um Bmrj . oooKaesper and offiee man is open for position Can fur nish best of referenoesv" Address -Y. B.; Cltlgon office. P9821.T.7 WANTED By a colored woman position as nurse for young babjl i and help with housework. 'Must stay on premises. No other need apply. Phone 1780. P9770-6-7 WANTED By refined yoiuig lady a position as clerk; cashier, or would like to work in doctor's office. Ad dress Hedge Grove Horns, Arden N. C. care Cltlxen. P0849-S-8 CAPABLE, registered nurse desires charge of patient going to Florida. Address R. N., 41 Yance St., Tsle pnone 2814. P98I5-8-3 A YOUNO LADY desires position ad stenographer. W11I start on rea ewncvble salary. M. T., care Citizen. ; P97I6-0-7 GOOD, steady boy. work after school, care Cltisen. aged 16, wanta Address J. M.. P0782-B-7 WANTED Position as chauffeur by experienced colored man. Addrew Y. LT, care Cltisen. PI731-I-3 FEW more customers for drsss mak ing at home. 83 college street P9808-7-1 BY YOUNG LADY stenographer, in A., cars Citl-P7II-t-7 or n sen ear AshevUle. T. CAN take a few more table boarders. -.. The best home cooking. Phone 129B. 87 Woodf'.n. 9837-8-? - A wwimmlng suit Invented by a Russian has compartments for food, -a weighted keel to keep a wearer up right In water and fins on tha lags to' help him swim. A recently patented cake turnei which also -will handle a fried ot poached egg does ths work for which It is intended as a spring In tha handls la released. :

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