TILL Ability ILLft CiTiZJtuN, n JbUA&vuAi sxt&jbMDcn iosxxa. II Society d Personals K - Christmas glouses at 5aving prices I Mr. E. J. Olbaon innouixw lh man-lae ' her daughter. Lyle M Otbsoa. Mr. Moican J I, of lulsr1tle. Kentucky The ceremony m perform by Kv. W. . Klc t Klcevllls, NOWliMr ill, mr. j. Wntt. Jr.. being the only attendant of lb arid. Mr. 1)wn is wtu huowo Mi Aahsvllla, being eonncld with ine f A I'm lr OauilbM-t HUM company, and lor U past o year baa fieu,uenily visit trl city Mr nd Mr. UtiH will be home after Decem ber al N 176 rieooml irti. Luula vtlU Ky. Jl J MuoJi iiir center lit ih P- proaohlns mama- of Mia i.Jn Avery, of Alornton. V C. and Uu- tMianl Cbarlee Htolt Noble L. H. A . AaabXoa, Ala., on Thuredny e- ' Sins Decemliei Tle lit Hi elect eUler. Mre Cliarlt" V TllliMi, .lr of , Charlotte, will l Jam of honor Captaia Charlea W. Tlllett. Jr.. will ' give away the bride. In ih abeent'e of the only nrotner or tne ornie nr fwant Lenoir T Avirr. who hu been III Franre einre lo-t March The maid t honor wih be Mia (ieiiriiit Nub.r ' eieter of the crooin The bride will ' eJeo be attended by ber email coiuins . Itle Mis Jean Brvln and Jean Alexander. linnet -lrl. ami Utile Mlneea Suean Clraham Krvln ami . Itoaalle Avery 4$ ribbon girl Iu Ufmt Avery, the small eon of .Mr Kml Mr. Isaac T. Aver), wtJl carry the rtnf. , The Avery-Noble wedding will lr , lb loading eoclal event of the holiday eaeon In Western "rth Cerollna. Mtaa Avery I one of the tte rrtrwt popular young women and niiiiitiera ber friend by Ih hunilrd. Hhe endowed with a strikingly wlnnltu; personality .and rare intellectual glfta. Hh ia the youngeel daughter of the late Judge Avery, lor eo many yeitr ' of the Supreme court of North t'sro Itna, and inherit many of the talent of her dtetingulehed father. Lieu tenant Noble la a nn of Mr. and Mre. Charlea Noble,, of An nisi do. and A . great-nephew oft the founder of the vity. Samuel Noble. , He Is a graduate ; f .qbtrrtj. clat f U. .tfrlor to the Lrw-atnant rtJuie . wit the. Leak -Cobb' Rear Prate and Insurance corrmany of Wlnston-Knlem, N. C IurWng the few year that he ha been In this state, he ha won many warm friend, who will be Interested to learn of his approaching inarrlage to one of North Carolina' most lovable and attractive girl. J Ji The Varlly Lllcr.iry soeiety of the Ashevllie High school held Its regu lar weekly meeting in the study hull of the building yen:erIay afternoon. After the roll call and business of the society an Interesting Christmas pro gram aa given. Mine Virginia Van reman read a short Christmas story, lifter wh.ch Mia Elizabeth Bootan a purady on Dickens' ChrUtma toI. "Christmas and the Spirit .of remocracy" waj read by Mis Ruby Love 11 and Mlsx Naoma Taylor gave ,n Interesting abort reading. Before ' ii mee'lnc rlneed there was a gen eral discussion upon the present rhrtotmas splr.t In which eeveral of the member of the society took part. . . J Ji friend here 0 General Johnstone , -nee, formerly of this city, will be ereniett 10 Know that he waa one. " " general committee In charge of V recent celebration of Great Britain ' V held at Lea Angeles. Cal. General ''nee is now making his home at Lo f, ntfelea. ' Tha following from th Oreen ti n . undemtsndlng of the date of the last meeting at which time election of of ficer wa to have taiten place the elec tion will be held at thin meeting and It la urgently requeued that a full at tendant of member be present Thursday J J Mrs Frank M. Weaver, chairman of the eukliera' home relief ooiinmt tee, of the council of national lefenee hIII be In charge of the Red Circle hoeleee house on Broadway every Wednesday ufternoon during the (tin ier Mm Weaver will furnish hoe- lesees foi ech Wedneelav t irrm Mr J C I'rltchuid will I, lnte today and an elaborate program will be ui ranged ! J' J I Vl and Mr David y We.ici ,.f Waslilngtuii. i C formerly of , vllle dhiioun I tie nmrrkiMr of Mu-li daughter. Mi IJiruUih HiiiuIi.i 111 Weaver 'o Mr Honald Tipping I ti wedding took place Saturday. Ierem ber It xt HtthXirm ihnpel M AlhKii. Vaniiiiigt on Mr and Mr Tipping tll he tit dome nfier Januiiiy , 1. at t'uMIe liate iiud Kdgeuood acre. Wllklnahurg. fa I Pr .111.I Mra O I) flnrdner are upenilinu m few dim with lr tjurd ner" patent. Ir ami Mi .. r. ruvl. at their home, 13 1 llrevard road. WmI Ahetllle Mr Ifiirrv K rjrtihh. who hn been Hie giiHt of her euter Mi. y H Camphell at her home In tlrov park for the pat two month, lias returned to her home at Indianapolis Mis Reuben Rohertann has reurn. ed from New York, after a May of ever I week In Mlntery hoepltul. where aiie underwent a eerloue opera 1 CHRISTMAS SERVICE Not the cheapest, but worth all it costs Maxwell House COFFEE Full value in the coffee. No "premium" apologies. Always in tins, at grocers. . CHEEK-MEAL COFFEE CO. Mhvills, Hutl9(i, jMkteevills. lick OH-H-H! SO TIRED of Mrs rharle K Hughe at her liolne 111 (Jroe purk The Allaee Wyatt apeiil laet Hummer In A(hevllle and mad many friend while here. Mr Houston Arbogaet Is here from V. M I . for the Chrlstnia holidays. fev W y. I'oovey. pantor of the lireinrd MethoillHt church, hn been Kpeiiding neverul day In Ashevllie. : - Mis. W ft. George and her daughter MIk l.oix floig. leave todav for their homo It Kut falesllne. Ohio, after being the . guests of Mra Oeorge'a daughtef, Mre. Joseph. J,. Mr. end lont.i. On., relat lv. Mr. 11 11 Mundy. of At are here for a vialt with Mr. I.lla Graham went the flrat of trie week to her home In F'lorida. af ter an extended tay In thl section of the tate. Mra. P. Clarkson apent yeeterday in the city from Union, 8. C. Mr. and Mrs. A. If. Clemaon spent eeveral days here recently en route by motor from South Carolina to Virginia, where they will spend Christmas. Mrs. Annie T. Martin spent a hort while In the city the flrat of the week from her home at Klat Hock. Mra. Ida Jervey. of Fletcher, a guest In Aaheville this week. was will be of interest to friend ,"Hev. Mrs. Jennie Cog. of Durham. ' "J Rev. W. P. Ware, of Reidsville. vie united In marriage yesterday (-noon at it:su. at tne. home or the s eon-in-iaw, a. c .York, Ureg- V leet. Olenwood. The ceremony nerformed by Rev. S. M. Stlke f. er, of Ashevllie, In the presence ' " few friends of the pair. r.xv. Mr. Ware ie pastor of the . new church at Reidenvllle. and the e had been paator of the church of ' rami deni mlnatlon at Weil Dur tn, for three year, resigning s-e-t "ntly." J ,v m The local chapter of the United -?hter of the Confederacy will be 1 at Louisville, Ky.. April I-S. The : - convention of the fTnitd -ghterg of the Confederacy wlllige :j at Wilson. April 29-30 and May 1 aim i, oeieoraiing tne date or the $anization or the North Carolina , divlelon 22 years ago. The Parent-Teacher association of the Ashland avenue school wWl meet Hil: afternoon at 3 o'clock at the e-hool building. Miss Llulu Cassa uy will address the ladies present : fter which business will be taken Hn iegarding the lunch room. J The West Ashevllie auxiliary of the '.Bhevtlle chapter of the American Red Cross will hold a most Important meeting Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, at the High school building af Wegt Aaheville. Owing to some mis- Mrs. J. W. Wlnborne, of Marlon Is here for a brief atay with friends. Mrs. Elmyra Lynch, of Falrview. Is visiting ner sister, Mrs. Julius A Wray. at ier home on the Weaver- vllle highway. Ensign Edwin Hartshorn Is here with his father on Pearson drive for the Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Hpencer, who have l.een ependlng some time at Margo Terrace. Ieae today for l.oa Angles Mr Henry W. MofTett and daugh ter, who have heen In the city for an . extended etny, went the first of the week o ffouth Carolina, where they will spend if'hrlltma with Mra. rn he hr .l?ou, on Watauga Mo'ffeti b iarente The will returr Major Greenwood, of Bingham achool. goe today to spend Christmas at New York city. Mr. n. c. week. H. E. KIngsley. of Washington, spent a short while here this Dr. Charles B. Norburn, of the TJ. B. N.. has returned to New York city after spending a brief furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlea A Norburn, at their homo at Acton Dr. Norburn Is a lieutenant In the Naval Medical corps and Is stationed on the hospital ship "Comfort." Mr. Welch Galloway spent Tester .day In the city from his home at Brevard. Mrs. W. N. Wright, of Bostic, la a guest at the Langren hotel for sev eral days' atay. Prof. C. H. Trowbridge, president of the Brevard Institute, is spending a short while In the city. Mr. Matthew Hartshorn, who has been attending forter Military ncad emy at Charleston, H. c. will spend the ChrlHtmas holidays with his father at his home on Pearson drive. Mrs. M. C. Austin will leave shortly ror Mississippi, where she will spend Christmas. Mrs. Noyes, of Marlon, was among the visitors In Ashevllie yesterday. Mr. Lawrence Hartshorn comes shortly from Wilmington, Del., to spend the vacation at his home on Pearson drive. Miss Beryl Wyatt and Miss Rem ice "Wyatt, of Kansas City, who have been attending Htuart Hall, at Staunton, Va.. will arrive Friday to be the guests during the Christmas holidays fergeant M. Beecher will leave Fri day for a atay at New York city. Miss Bertha Attenhofer leaves to day for New York city, where ehe will spend the Christmas holidays. Mr. W. A. Little will leave Ashe vllie today for his home at Waco, Texas, to spend Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Simpson have arrived from the eastern part of the state, end will be here for Christmas with Mrs. Simpson's relatives. Mr. D. Terrlll. of Qaffney, B. C, has been In the city for a brief stay. Sergeant-Major O. K- Benjamtne, who has been here for a short while, has gone to his home hi Kentucky, to spend the holidays Mre. Hooper left yesterday for her horAe at Nashville, Tenn., after an I extended stay here. Miss Frances Boggs has returned to her home at Spartanburg, after spending some time at Montreat. Mr. and Mrs. H. I,. Sikes have returned to their home at Clearwater, Fla., after a stay In this vicinity. Mrs. V. L. Stone returns this week from Jamestown, N. Y., where she has been visiting her parents for several weeks. Miss Dorothy F. Bales has gone to Savannah, Qa., where she will remain until the first of January. THEN WHY WAIT IN THE LONG POSTOFF1CE LINE? Our Parcel Service it at Your Disposal. Come in With Your Christmas Gift and Let U. Wrap. Weigh. Stamp, Address and Mail Them for You. It i our wish to help you make this the most peaceful nd happiest Christmas in your life and we are ready to give service to that end. Let us make sure that your parcels will go through the mailt safely wrapped, and meanwhile perhaps you can finditrst-sir z'iW&'lfl you have sought, among the big assortment in our cases. Goode's Drug Store Is Here to Give SERVICE representing a lot of serviceable and characterful models that were bought ad vantageously and which will, as a mat ter of course, be sold advantageously. Timely, indeed, is the arrival of this group of splendid Blouses, for each and every one of them possesses a two-fold merit, namely, that it will answer as a ture-to-bwIcom Christmas Gift, and that it represents a very substantial sarmg to the purchaser. e kind fid a recipient. Specially Priced at $5.39 As to the styles, they are neat, simple, effective and asaoredJv correct; just th type of styles that the times demand and that will unquestionably appeal to thi as io me ia Dries, tney are or vrepe de Chine of superbly food qualities. I These Blouses come to us as a result of a fortunate co-operative arrangement made sev eral months ago. whereby we obtained the advantage of the lower prices en the silks and of numerous other economies, including the elimination of all selling elpense. The styles are sold here exclusively and cannot be duplicated on Mr. George B- Scott, of Charlotte, here for a brief stay. Is Mr. Frederick lupoid his home at Charlotte. is here from Blttkely and Anne Bell Santa Claus Likes the Handkerchief Table There are so many pretty styles to choose from such a wide price range; 10c to $1.50 Dr. and Mrs. S. F. their daughter, Miss lilakelv. of Spartanburg, ere visiting elativea at Columbia, S. C. Before going to Louisville, Ky., they will come here to spend a short while with Mr. U C. Blakely and family. Mr. William O. Poet, of Azalea hos pital, leaves today for Shoresburg. ii. where he will spend a short learo nf nbsonre. Mrs. Mary Davis leaves shortly Norfolk, Va., where she will .! some time. Mrs, Ellen Hice Clough and liei li son. Mr.ster Allison Cloueh Jr.. will leave tomorrow for New York Cruise's Hair Shop Hankmrtng, Chiropody, Baotal Massace, Scalp Treatment and Electrolysis. tt Haywood St. Phone IS. city, where they will be indefinitely- Mrs. dough and little son have been spending several months with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Smakth- ers, at their home on Montford ave nue. Try Blue Ribbon vanilla In your desserts and note the Improvement. It makes desserts delicious. Advt. PIGS 100 Poland China and Berk shire Pig's. Will sell these plga on X. Ijexlngton Ave. Saturday, Dec. 21st, at 1 1 o'clock. These pigs have not bren shipped. Were raised near AshcvUlc. For information write P. O. Box 232. 41. Three steel spheres set In ball bearings are used Instead of rollers In a new roller skate. TOR THROAT or Tontilitia, gargls with, warm salt water then apply- in) rfwn-cUTl 'our Bodv railx . ITU sin 111 nu fii ell J t'l KU)MBUUddMa H Redwood & Co. :-: e 7 & 9 Patton Ave. CHRISTMAS GOODS CHRISTMAS GOODS CHRISTMAS GOODS CHRISTMAS GOODS CHRISTMAS GOODS CHRISTMAS GOODS CHRISTMAS GOODS CHRISTMAS GOODS CHRISTMAS GOODS CHRISTMAS GOODS CHRISTMAS GOODS CHRISTMAS GOODS CHRISTMAS GOODS CHRISTMAS GOODS CHRISTMAS GOODS CHRISTMAS GOODS CHRISTMAS GOODS CHRISTMAS GOODS CHRISTMAS GOODS CHRISTMAS GOODS The HOLE in the Wan SELLS Strictly Fresh Country Eggs 70c dozen Butter 60c pound Phone Your Order for Anything in Produce 32 North Lexinfton Are. Phone 3237. MEW PRICES 30c, 60c, $U0 Gloves, too, invite Christmas purchasers with a broad latitude of choice. Hosiery, lingerie, negligees, matinees, boudoir slippers, and caps; sweaters, scarves and caps; neckwear, handbags all are real Christmasy suggestions. Full assortments. 11 Ptrftaa Aw. Phone 78. THE MARTIN LUNCHEON TEA ROOM Aaheville Club Building, Broadway Breakfast 7: 30 to 9 a. m. Lunch 12 to 2:30. Dinner 6 to 8 Open Every Day in the Week Special Attention to Dinner Parties and Special Orders MME. GARLAND Noted Palmist, Medium and Ad viser. Gives advice on health. business changes, travels, law suits, family affairs, love affairs. divorces; locates lost or stolen articles, absent friends; tells names in full, reunites separated and dispels all evil influences. Gives power of secret control. Office 168 Patton Ave. Over Grocery. Hours 10 a. m. to 8:30 p. m. ulajZ Hi THIS MORNING 1 Go to the telephone v 2 Call telephone 1 36 3 Say: Please send me my bag of A-M-C FLOUR TO DAY! 4 Thank you! Asheville Milling Corporation Manufacturer of Flour, Meal, Mill Feed . 632 Haywood St. Telephone 138 24 lbs. A-M-C Finest Flour $1.50 R11 a K w mil" Toilet Preparations supply the very heln nature requires. They rectify morbid skin conditions then from the source of skin health, springs loveliness of natural beauty. Don't confuse Marinello Prep aration, with ordinary cosmetics. They're different. They cemcti suits and footer natural "Rosa KsaT Beauty. Mrs. Dale's Marinello Shop 36 Haywood St. Prion 1671. Motorcycle Delivery Anything Anywhere Anytime WALKER'S DRUG STORfi Phone 183 and 132. How Is Your "Culebra Cut"? The Panama Canal is a clear passageway as far as the Culebra Cut. But Gold Hill has a way of slipping into the cut. And until dredges can clear the channel, the industrial schedule of the world is out of gear. How about your own canal? The intestinal cana' is a clear passageway as far as the large intestine. There, if you become constipated, waste matter is allowed to stagnate. It becomes unnaturally dry and undergoes abnormal fermentation and putrefaction. Germ activity is increased. Your whole system is out of gear. Result, the production of irritating and poisonous mbitanccs, .which are-absorbed into your blood and carried all over your body, liable to pro duce disease anywhere. The longer such stagnation is allowed to exist, the harder it is to clean out the canal. 90 of human disease originates in the "Culebra Cut" If engineers tried to blast out the slide from Culebra Cut they would have more slides to cope with. If you try to blast out accumulated waste from your Culebra Cut with pills, salts or purges, you will increase your constipation and next time you will have to take stronger medicin in a larger dose. You can'l orfj- jaatfjcanal. , You can 3eri i- but -with Nujol. Nujol softens the m$zfi )i tlipplies the intestinal canal with sufficient t rhoffturVo replace deficient mucus. It causes the obstructive waste matter to pass gently out of v4J'stt,1i a regular hour, absorbing and reme$nng;jthe "poisons as it goes. Nujol regularity keeps the jtraffiCKof your mind and body operating on scedul.t You admire the Panf'ytnal'system. , Why. not safeguard your ownff Ycur'niegist has Nujol. j. . .-;; WlTYiivj rf V Jtfujol is sold only in sealed rr'"ngr houl ring the Nujol Trade Marie f all 'drutgists. Insist on NujoL You ma jr, f rfT substitutes. Wtk fit fret U?eet of Dagger" hi ft ' : . - - ujol Ur oratories STANDARD oft ("O." (f$W JERSEY) '" . 50 Broa(iajY NewTork ft 1,1 1 V -f ' I ...- I SbZZj""" I If (?) 4 MmAV -I'm " II li.

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