a TOE ASnEVnXE CITIZEN, FIWDAT, DECEMBER 2T, 1318. Special After-Christmas Sale Coats, Suits and Dresses Very recent arrivals among our Coats, Suits and Dresses include these stunning Garments that are al together different. Dresses, Coats and Suits that appeal to women of good taste who are not satisfied with the common-place. Suits Reduced 25 From $35.00 to $120.00 Mterinli Velvrt Velour. Baskrt-Weave, Serge. Jersey, Tricotine, Plain. Fur Trim. Sites 16 to 4i't. Dresses Reduced 33 13 Costume Velvet. Veloura, Tricolette, Suede Cloth. Tricotine, Faille Silk, Serge, Jeroeyo. . . $19.50 to $100.00 All sizes'. Coats Reduced 25 Hudson Seal $350.00 Natural Muskrat. . .$200.00 to $225.00 Velour. Bolivia. Camel Hair, Velvet $25.00 to $110.00 ill ill M 35 Patton Are. AT THE "MOVIES" , AT THE SMJE8TIC. . "Tho Prussian Cur" will be the at- traction, at the Majestic theatre again today. An added attraction was the Appearftpe. In the picture, of Captain , Horat voa 4er Golti, the former Ger man py 'and .ring-leader In the Wel lnd canal pioiV, To say that R. A. Watahy. the director and author, ha i made a til pk-turs ii to put it too mildly., ; Mr;- Walsh la said to have made a colossal picture. He has not Mopped with a presentation of great , international eventa of the preaent, hut has cone back into history for half a century. Following the dismissal of Count von HernstorfT, the German anihaaaa dor, the workings of the vast German apy ayatem in America are revealed in vivid spectacular srenes. Many char acter In the drama are figure of world importance. The German war lords, from the kaiser down, appear, and President Wilson and hla advisors are shown In the momentous days Just preceding the declaration of war: One of the bifcitent sensations in the pic ture la Hie United State congress in session, discussing the outrage of Germany. AT THE GAI.AX. Norma Talmadge, who appeared at the Galax theatre yesterday, In "Her TODAY AND TOMORROW Wmm . Hart IN "Branding Broadway 99 Bill Hart is seen in ivening clothes for the first time m his career. It's his best picture. He gets you from all angles with this mixture of western rough stuff, hitting the high spots of Broadway, and a pretty little romance intro ducing the waitress of an all-night lunch room as the heroine. The Greatest Hart Picture Children .10c Adults 20c Including War Tax ' INCOMPARABLE STRAND ORCHESTRA ' ' Only Way." where stie made another decided hit, wlH be the attraction there today. Lucile Weatbrook lovea Joeeph Marahall, a young man In her home lown. But when she returns from 'boarding school, she finds that her fortune has heen swept away and that Paul Belmont, a wealthv man of the village wishes her hand In mar riage, who promises to save her fa ther's home, .farshn.ll fears that Lu clle will 'he won by the glitter of wealth and bitterly denounces her, and STUMS- htf hi Innlr lit filth T..itlA tells him that ahe will give her consent to Beimont s proposal and before she knows It, finds herself wedded to the other man. But amid wealth and everything that money can buy she is far from happy, . Her hurfband openly shows attention to a fascinating widow and Anally is persuaded by hie new love to divorce his wife, and marry hpr. In addition to wrecking her own life Lucile sees In horror that thev also ruin Joe's career for he has Ijy this time forged ahead with the office of district attorney not far beyond. The divorce secured, Lucile goes home determined to have It out with Hel- mont. "The law cannot help you out now," she tells him aid shoots. When he lies dead at her feet, he presues the musale to her own breast and finds peace at lust. Suddenly Lucile awakes and finds herself In her own home. Belmont has arrived to get his final answer, and Joe repenting his folly, has come back. Then it Is that Bel mont receives his answer for without looking at him, she creeps into Joe's F5E P -.ir aaa Hill IL mMsIMMoI 3 TODAY LAST TIME Norma Talmadge IN- "HER ONLY WAY" A Story of a World -Old Problem With a Brand New Twist Children Adults . 10c 20c TOMORROW Virginia Pearson in "BUCKANON'S WIFE" GALAX PIPE ORGAN hi MERCHANTS HEARING QUARTER MILLION AatiKYILMC mitfio ftFI.La OTEJl TWICK gi OTA. Week's largest ftalea Him Nep Ircabrr I. Tuts) In Date la Orer I11H.OOO. ".ellln I It.tIS In War Ravings stamps, Aahevllle merchants last week cored their blgseat week's work sines September I. The total of sales to date la IZIS.OS). r It. til more than two and a half times the original Quota of 113,000. In a statement last night Chairman Archibald Nichols, of the Asheville Merchants' division, urged the mer chants to keep up thslr efforts until the total roaches a quarter of a mil lion dollars or more. "It will take some hsrolo work to nvake up Hun combe's abortage of nearly 1100.000 In sales. " aald Mr Nichols. "While this division la well over, tti4 public should not fee satisfied until our coun ty la over the top to make our good record complete on war work. Indi vlduala who have signed pledge cards and not taken them up are urged to redeem them at once A letter from the elate headquarters of the merchants' division to Mr. Nichols says, in pari: ' We wish to thank you for the service you have performed as local chairman of the retail merchants' division, and also again to congratulate you on putting your town over the top. Your record and the record of your merchants re flect credit on both, and we are sure that It will be a matter of pride In after years. You have not heen con tent with Just selling your quota, but vou bavs aone on. to double the amount, and aome several times the! allotment. "It Is a matter of great gratinc Hon to us, and we know It Is to you i also, that our state division has also gone over. Regardless of thm (act we, all want to make the total aales as much as possible." I The ealea made 1y the Asheville di vision for tbe week ending Itaoembaf II were aa follows; Aahevllle Cttlseo Co, I !. Hon March . .. 41100 Hrowo Mars ware Ce JTi 0 lunhams Muelo llouss . .. 100.00 Pelmet Hroa. , 100 00 tirade ft up ply Co 111.00 Hackney Moals Co 4 170.00 Hayweod surest Pharmacy. 01 00 Iiwenbeln Rutenberg . ... 1T1.O0 MaoKay'a Pharmacy 40.00 MacAif hur Tire Co 40 00 Mountain Oltjr Laundry ... . 00 00 Myers Com. Co 10 00 Nichols Hhos Co IS. 00 Morthup McPiima Hdw. Co. 10. 00 u i wood. ii. a oo lie oo Mln.ar Smtm Machine Co. 00 Zimmermen Hon 1.000 00 Carolina Creamery Co 00 Oltlsena Lumber Co 140.00 M. V. Moore Co 710 00 Anthony 11 roe. Co 1,111.00 Total Ill.MJ.OO INFLUENZA SHOWS MARKED DECREASE In spile of aome unavoidable ex posure Incident to the Christmas holi days, the health department was gratified to announce that only four cases of inrluenxa naa neen rsponea Wednesday und esen Thursday. Of the aeen which developed yesterday two were In Asheville proper. One death was reported Thursday. The health officials stated last night thai the Asheville people hae rea son to congratulate themselves on the Hinall number of cases reported In the past two day, hut thai ihere la dan ger that thee records will cause over confidence und carelessness which will produce another flare-up. Soar toBtseh, bad breath sad iw kialrwd Alesfdsrs Sestrwy - kaattkk OsinUaTsitaUaf The Snappiest; SHoe Ever Shown in the Citv of AsheviUe L as CORDOVAN OFFICERS' ARMY SHOE i 4 , ', W have Just received a shipment of the inappiett and , claaaieat oboe that we have ever shown in a real leather and quality combination. This ohoe carries with it all the grace, otyla and comfort that one could aok for. The leather is oft and pliable, yet cameo with it aufficient otrength and firmneaV to give long wear and perfect dryness to the foot Come in today and let uo ahow you the shoe for which you have really been looking. ECONOMY SAMPLE 12 Biltmoro) Avenue SDOE STORE The Yellow Corered FVeof arms. Music arranged by Mr. Hol lingaworlh, the Galax pipe organist AT TIIK STRAND. William H Hart will appear at the Strand theatre today In his newest play "Branding Ilioadway." The story: Boh Hands, a cowboy, accom panied by several punchers, gallops Into Whetstone, Arizona, to have a good time. They are angered to ftndi that the town has gone dry and they: proceed to tear things widely apart. But the Law and Order league get busy, put the cowboys to flight and capture Sands, whom they place on a j train going eastward, as the best: means of getting rid of him. tie sees; an advertisement In the paper Inserted by Harrington, a railroad magnate, of- I ferlng a Job to a strong-minded manj to keep his son out of mischief. Fands , goes to New York, applies to Harrlng-. ton for the Job and gets it after dem onstrating that he has had much ex- I perjence in turning horses ami men. , Ijirry Harrington, the son, is wild i lad and when Sands starts to tame hlin, he 1ms a hard time of It along the GreaUWhltn Way. Larry hue writ ten several letters to Mary Lee, keeper of a restaurant, and Harrington hires a detective to wrest them from her. I Sands has met and loved Mary and to,' be near her, he rents a room next door to her restaurant. The detective enters Mary's room and after ran-j sacking the place, finds the letters, j when Mary surprises him. She gives; him battle and the sounds of the; struggle reach Sands, who goes to her j rescue and throws the detective bod-I lly down stairs. When he learns that1 the man ha stolen the letters, he1 appropriates a mounted policeman's! horse und chases the detective who Is' riding in a taxi. He takes the letters) from the man and axfgeunatlons with, Larry and his father follow. Sands declares his love for Mary, and theyi plun to go to Arizona, where Sands' has a. line ranch and where they may' raise cows, and geese and everything, j Versailles first became dence about the yea when Louis royal resi- j XIII. built a hunting lodge there. j MAJESTIC TODAY LAST TIME The Prussian Cur "The Prustian Cur" oumt up a whole epoch in the world's hutory. It it a py play, a history play, a war play and a love play Children 15c Adults .25c t Including War Tax Ladies' Fine Coats. Suits and Dresses Very, Very Cheap Please note the large reductions below and select yours while the stock is good. COATS: $47.50 at $36.75 $39 at $27.75 $37 at $24 .... $33.50 at $21.75 .... $23.75 at $20 $25.00 at $16.75 .... $19.75 at $14.75 $17.75 at $13.75 $16 at $12.75 .... $14.75 at $11.75 $13.50 at $10.90. SUITS: $40 and $39.75 at $28.75 $36 at $24.75 $30 at $20 $26.50 at $18.75 $25 at $17.75. WOOL DRESSES AND SILK DRESSES: $30 at $21.75 $25 at $17.75 .... $19.75 at $14.75 $17 at $12.50 .... $16 at $11.75 $12.50 at $10.75 .... $11.75 at $9.75 $10 at $8.75. Ladies' and Misses Hats and Fine Fur Sets at BIG REDUCTIONS No Exchange" No Approval AND A BIG DISCOUNT on Men's and Boys.' Colored Suits and Overcoats our entire stock of wool foods. H. REDWOOD & CO. Hanes Underwear means comfort without frills! Greatest Winter Underwear sold at popular prices ! WEAR Hanes Heavy Weight Union Suits or Shirts and Drawers this winter ! Get more underwear satisfaction than you've ever known and save money! Hanes is the greatest underwear value produced in America! Compare it for comfort, warmth, wear and workmanship with any underwear at any price ! Buy your outfit at once, or you may be too late I The demand for Hanes has never been so great ! Get yours while your dealer can supply you, while his assortment is complete I Shirts and Drawers HANES Union Suits ii i in is ii i g It A - - "" a -i ill, in EJLASTC KVT UNDERWE1AJ2 Mad of fins, long-fibre coitnn, Hanes Union Suits or Shirts and Drawers will win you hands down because Hanes is such extraordintry value! Every Hsnes seam is gusranteed unbreakable. Every pearl button is sewed to stay on. Tailored collarette tits neck snugly, preventing gaps. Clastic shoulders hold their shape end "give and take" with every motion ! 'at Illustrated here is the Hanes Heavy Winter Weight Union Suit, the highest type of under-, wear ever eold mt a popular price 1 Note the Mug fitting elastic wrist and leg cuffs. Closed Crotch ataya closed 1 Hsnes Hesvy Winter Weight Shirts snd Drawers ara the national standard sold at a popular price. You oan't duplicate such Value I Keep th boys warm: Hanes Union Suits i forboysareactually the men's suits in boys' sizes. In friendly warmth, comfort-fit snd long service they sre in s clsss by themselves eaaily ths finest boys' Union Suits ws havs svsr seen. ISSS P. H. HANES KNITTING COMPANY, Winston-Salem, N. C . WfltS? ' Oeera thm" Htnaa" ImbaL . .' .- ., . V GUARANTEE We tuarmnt H.nes UndarwmaTataahitaJf-aary thread, stitch and autre. . IV. ftierento ro return jour monaster five yam a new garment tf amy aaam areata, . If your dealer doss not have Hsnes Underwear , write us at once. Yoa haven't an hour to loael tNiliMn' T.ry luaiU, wttoU rt. 0 .6 : A a VI- t5ti& aU-