TMK AHIlEVILIiE CITIZEN, TTTUnSDAY, llECEMBER 26, TTJTB. 7 o O rrrrrrr 5htTUJ1 k7xY 1 1 1 , II I w1-inf w IJI ,) One stick of gum made the world rosier ' DIDNT have ahything more than a grin-and-bear-it spirit when they first rolled me onto that little white 1 iron bed, but one of the boys brought me in a pack age of chewing gum after a while and the world honestly looked rosier as soon as 1 took my first chew. This lad's kindness and the cheer that package of gum fcave me impressed me so that after I was able to hobble around I scent five francs, all the money I had. buying gum at the hospital canteen and playing 'good Samaritan You can't Q imagine the good it did for those wounded boys, and the smile of appreciation when they saw that little package.'! This is but one of the many, reasons why you are having difficulty today in getting your favorite brand of Adams chewing gum. Please remember that millions upon millions sticks of' Adams gum have gone to the boys in France. If Adams Black Jack is missing from the counter try Adams pepsin, Adams Chiclets, Adams Yucatan or any Adams brand. 0 Pure Chewing Gum Adams Black Jack yQ Adams Calif omia fruit Adams Chiclets riic?E -Adams, Yucatan Adams Pepsin Adams Sen Sen Adams Spearmint Adams Clove Send a Stick in Every , Letter to Your Soldi r Boy o . . t xjcvdtskt wnrs. I ! l j lUmUTTEK, P., , Dk. J 5- Bat tling JUrrlnaky defeated Leo Houck her today in ir fast rounds. A I tilMa knockdown la th fourth round left .wing to the pdlnt or Houck's Jaw, gave him the decision Houck used a left jab with good result, but Ufevinsky wa too clever. ; A California man ba invented jiwjirtiott LcTlnrtty jande lBoji3torfleB jEfibJa-SQenteA talus,. an alarm clock .-which, at. set Times, open doors and permJt grain to tell into a trough. I Many banka ara ' now employing women department heads to look af- thajieeaa-SfHaifyom.ti.f.iitab Of A CHILDREN GIVEN CUBS BY 1. S. SAILORS GREATEST IAS GOTHAM SING E New York Kiddies Have Big Time Aboard Trans port Leviathan GREAT WAR BEGAN NO RESTRICTIONS COLOR OR RELIGION Praise For Peace in Churches and Prayers of Thankfulness in Homes Calomel Today! Sick Tomorrow! I Guarantee Dodson's Liver Tone Dont take nasty, dangerous calomel when bilious, constipated, headachy. Listen to nie! RIGHTING MEN ARE Calomel niakei you alck: you loie a I you a bottle of Dodsou'a Liver Tons day'a work, Calomel In iulrkatlver and ! ,l,r a few cents under my par It aallvatea, ( alonu I Infurws nir i Autos Pick Up Youngsters and Take Them to Sailors Who Do the Rest liver If ynu are I.ITIoum. feel .tv. alurirlth and nil knocked out, if )uur bowels are constipated nn.l ynu hi-U't m lira EVERYWHERE FETED!'"1 nt harml.M. W,l,n Liver Ton. 'naieail NRW TORtf. Pee. children of X York tken. little folks at (lnaiirliil rlrrumatam-ra IV- -Orpha -it and Ilo w hose horn make Christ nia earn affair, and newalea" from the Hotiuken treets and New Jersey terminal numbering In all mora than lino were the suneta today at la real Chrlatmaa party held on board he monster American steamship J vlathan. The hosts of the occasion were the 1.IS00 or more sailors who make up the operating personnel o "P '"f expense waa borne y " P' ""' and ar . . J nuring tne liner' .recent , '"' "nie witn ,500 American aol dlera and snllorn. , ' '"t Hnblir llrtrprhm. Thla reception waa the first of i Pu.Mic nanire held on the Hhlp flnce .. i bk oi uermany u lowered on I A (4 AAA - . . t ...... ii tnmei ont year ao "i"" ni ner l euionh- name Va Urland. changed to the one she' no bea ra. 'H children were from virinn. phan asylums with no restriction a to color or religion. Automobiles driven by army and navy transport men and women, picked up the young sters at the doors of the institutions and transported them to the hlp taking them home again after they nau inn Dounteousiy supplied with nooa inings to eat and with rift. Supplementing the children from the various orphanages, the sailors Nought out private homos where slekneas and misfortune had made Itself felt this year and where the Christmas that rnuaren loo forward to did not "" inese nine persons were brought to the ship and returned by i no oiuejacaeta aa their persona) marges. wnan an the anticipated auests wera on hand it was found there were extra tables and plates with i... one in front of them. Once more the sailors sallied forth to the streets, and a sufficient number of small newsboys ana oooroiaoKs were picked up around the New Jersey railroad and ferry terminals to nil out the vacancies. Dinner First. The dinner waa first on the pro gram, it was served in the great hall whfph was lormerty the first-class din ing saloon of the giant liner. Sailors' mesa tables were grouped around a large unramiu tree set in tne center of the saloon. Several hundred wom en from the home service canteen sec tion of the Red Cross, volunteers from the various orphan homes, and rela tives of the ship's officers and men, among whom was Airs. Phelps, wife of the captain, assisted the sailors in serving the guests. Bach guest had an attendant If the little hands could not 'manipulate the man-size knives and forks, a Dair of blue-sleeved arms reached over and did the cutting for him, Accompanied 1y such expressions, "go to it, son. "Eat your hsad off." "there s plenty more. And there was plenty. The 200 rooks and cooks' assistants on the Leviathan had been working for thirty-six hours preparing the feast. There was 1,200 pounds of tur key, with proportionate quantities of Uoygter dressing, cranberry sauce, aweet potatoes, and other aide dishes, and a dray load of apple pies and enough ice cream to feed a. reglmenf. There were oranges,, apples, bananas and cakes. During the dinner the great ship's organ pealed out airs of popular songs. After the dinner, Santa Claus ap peared in the disguised person of Chief Electrician Costsllo. A blast from a bugle announced the arrival of his launch alongside. The guard of honor was drawn up, and hs was "piped over the side" In regulation naval style, and escorted to tne din ing hall with all the deference that would be paid to a visiting admiral. Santa Claus task was cut out for htm. He found awaiting his arrival at the foot of the tree a cargo of gifts of the kind children delight in. There was a toy for every boy and girl pres ent and in addition a half pound box of candy. Then came a visit by all tn ha winter garden of the ship, to witness a half hour entertainment of motion pictures and a puppet show. MERCHANTS HAVE HAD UNPRECEDENTED TRADE Civilian Poor Are Not Neg lected During the' Gen eral Celebration mnul suorantei, that it rr'i clean your alujrginh llvsr better tasS) natty calomel, II won't make yoa alrli and ynu can eat anything you want without being sullvated. Your drag" glt guarantees that each apnonful will atart your liver, clean your bowels and Irulrhten von uf hv msrnlnr ar Ma of ullig sickening. mini I oiir monrv buck. PhlMmii vlat. ralomel. Dodon, IJver Tunc I. nnl 1v Ink rtndnn'a t.lvep Tah Rr-a n mm " 'in- inn win hriMv f nrt nnming berauae on will wake up ficllng line, your liver will lie working, your hPilacli nn.l , t.n-i gnriu, sour at f mm h will hr i . ., I howela regular y0 will fr, like working. You'll be chciTful ; full of I viicor and ambition. It i plrunmt tinting and doesn't grips or cramp or mfik them stek, 1 nm "ll'iiu millions of bottles of 1 indaon'a l.lvi-r Tone to people who ht- found thnr thla pleasant, vegs tulilc liver medicine, takes the plase of diingeroni calomel. Ruy one battle on my loumi. tena'Jie guaranies. As Your druggU or dealer aella i ynur drurglat ma, A art. todarW.U0?JII.irirr ' JIL.. N."YVrk I f"1"'"1 ""'lr W''1'"""""' It"- Se.i men's I of men who are In prison tha Lr. 1",",r,'' '.-reateat O.rlst - Chun h Institute, where ' i'lirlstmns i vii...r. of A,.rtew sent naokassa .unf wnr i mum enveioneil the .n,. ..... . , .., . .. - a... wvorld In ox-orv ..k,,..t. ,: nr,,r., in,., unriui t m - rc 1 1 1 a i n I n g ciotning anu outer uwhiui - - nnn o o I I-1 1 I p n 1 1 1SI T'l 1 1 II led. ' rortn praise that peace iiad come ., t. , . . i ne .loniinii rtiin v aonnoonea its i again to mankind, while In 1iiiiita without number were offered prrf-ere of thanksgiving for loved ones sptired In tli fiercest conflict of all times. The spirit of unnelnahnea was abroad as never before. The trlaln which ths nation hsd endured In the anxious months before Germany was beaten to her knees apparently hud purgso tne citrs millions of notlv cuxt oiunry pt-nKinm of illnnera for "down ami outs" nml lioleail provid ed 40.000 meals for needy fumJIlre. and preHonteil aafvly re. ion to urniy and navy mn who visited the nr ga nlsntlon'a hcHibjiiurtera. K.mta Olauri vlalteil many of the po lice stntlona adinlnlHtcreil to the chll- Iten of the poor wlih candy, clothing, desires and had taught them the true ! f"'1 lt" "A Mar f Kf- tiT of vtvlr m . ' ST- ' C I . IU Fifth avenue. New Torkers joined In common celebration. Fighting Mm IXWt. Soldiers and sailors were feted at every hand, and while the celebration centered on the military, ti! civilian poor were not neglected. Welfare or ganisations entertained thousand from dawn until far into the nla-ht nd countless men and women, with out formal alliance, took hoys in khaki ana Blue Into their homes to share their own Yuletlde cheer. The snlrlt of giving reached even to the water front, where on the giant Leviathan -nd other ships, thousands of orphan- ea onudren were wade to feel that 6anta Claus waa Indeed s. very real person. Into the Hudson, where the home fleet lay at anchor, ready to weloome tomorrow the American warships re- I turning from overseas, approximately ' xu.uuv aanors ate tneir cnriabmae din-' ner at noon In mess rooms gallly dee- orated with holly and wreatha. The meal ended, the blue-Jackets joined In singing carols and later cleared the hail for 'Wag" dances, made possible by "jasa bands" organised among ths crews. Ths men were given shore liberty. "but many, strangers In this port, pre ferred to remain aboard for dinner. Later, however, cutters darted from ! warships to landing stage and by : duak only skeleton crews remained : aboard. I Great Christmas Tmra, Tonight great Chrtatmas trees, ; ablaze with electric 4utt. were scat- 1 trea tnrougn tne city squares from the Battery to the Bronx and grouped around each tree were thousands who, In giving or receiving found there ths real spirit of Christ mss. ' Ths Red Cross distributed presents to and provided entertainments for 42.000 soldiers and sailors In hospitals. and camps. Ten thousand families opened then homes to one or more rvlcs men, who were provided holi day dinners. At war camp community huts throughout the city I' sol diers were beneficiaries of gifts. amusement and food. At many Broad way theatres the men found admit tance frse. Ihe r. m. v. a., r. w. C. A., Salvation Army and other war work organisations contributed simi larly to maks this day a Joyous one for doughboy and tar. In every hos pital Where these men lie sick or wounded, bundles of presents were placed at the bedsides. Men of the allied merdhant marine who have survived U-boat attacks To the wives and children of hun- irflcles Within the TnnVha and othar penal Institutions men nnd womss were provided with dinners, gifts and entertainment to make their Christ, mils duy a happier one to bear. Mine Julia lAlhrop. chief of ths childrens bureau, and miss unw Abbott, Tllrertor of ths ehllaV labsr dlvlMlon of ths department f labor i at Washington, have started for lu-. rone to study ths protsctlvs tneaaarss that have been undertaken In Eng land, France and other countries In the Interest of child labor. NEW LEADER LOOMS, BIG IN BERLIN f '' 2 QTTO WELS ; . , I: The man holding the blggsst ou behind tha scenes In Berlin t tiu Wels. erstwhile labor union tec;etary. a friend of Ebert and low military commander of Ber- I Wels rules the police of Berlin and the republican army. . Ten (thousand soldier under nia com mand are Veepifl order. In then elty, protecting property ana ai reotlng tie demoblllxallon ol thoj soldiers aad the work or. the em-. Wels appear to be the chief1 bulwark of the present gorem ment and a man ot great rosftibflfJ, tie, t i . t DOINGS OF THE DUFFS Everybody Appeared to Have Money Ad It Was Spent Freelr Iarge Candy Sale Reported. a .v. iii. mBiiinti unit their cler ical forces yesterday enjoyed a much- needed rest. ine testimony mnu every store and shop In the city bears mnt that i-h holiday VU tiiv . w. - ' trade in AshevHle this season was the largest ever known. Money seemed to he plentiful: even the day workers (bought Chrtstmaa goods in abund ance. There was an especially tg de mand for candy and this luxury, now one more plentiful with the lifting of restrictions on sugar, was retailed t5 all classes. Colored people. It was noticed, bought liberally of this sweet a well other articles that go to ward malting WP a liberal outlay for holiday observance.- Several stores sold out their candy stock and order ed more y wire. The postofftce did the heaviest busi ness in its Christmas history. Ths parcel post system was the leading featune of the postal service. Crowds waiting for service at the postofflce- handled more rapidly than they were. say postal officials, utiles Aahevtllsl ruGETw25?2 A MOm ft-AISK OM THS FlKr W Trie Near- viuilr tuay ismY A Wwolb Lcrr IT WAS PWTTN PECeMV Of WAKDt-S WAIT DMTIL I SHOW THE 7 in" 1 TBTT- I rlBLEflf LET MB. OHOWMbU Cor fbomYue Bom To PAN By Allman I BBfoPa Hoo GO ArN 1 rtyrmeo. ixtr f Tea. OO WHBBC I WAS fin ell I 1 A,-i.Jkm- I I I ' VUA6 CMQ TO MR5 CdtlC 14 HeR MEW UaM - Vol) WWW H MAOG AV TotznMt. OOY OP ITALlAel .AQDBs$-T TAPeTR9,T.e IURKIOTJ vw- - CRlalA- MAO coArr -Two alKVi UM0US1HE5 A toXCal G0RCBOU3 HATS SHt CANT CLOS8. HER fcr-ad IT WAA VOVJeReVL.TOM I'U. TtLtSoO r?RB A BOOT IT AFT nmweR- WttAT WASTAT LETTER, t , ABOUT lOO OOl rum Tm cow r r OH, IT WASri'T IMPOtfTAJwT ri ,.,1 I fr, i , -s r . m.mW r w k. . ill a- i i i i Mftm n w rmm I II J i, s ill .tw i . r lTfciJ.-aB J JfWl F -srt II III Jf I sfg I --fc. - . . i i it i m m t r i i m MeVMW I ... f,n 1 VI l; V UMdMOl JTM II I I mVV! taast 'Ud arg vostofflca.