THE ARnEVTLLE CTTIZEX, SATOTIDAY,' JAXlJAItY 11, 1913. a, 7 Society and Personals J - Mr. and Ure. Pavld K Truemas on lanalned last svenlus ai d.aner a their horn on Charlotte tliwi, h . in as lhatr chief sueela, Mr A. I ... Vaanar and hu lu euiie at.rt hu eu liter-ln-lew. all of Ka(ii Me lil ha are he for a abort fa Mr. :Mnar4 la a prominent autouiu . te , distributer of Ob:., an J ie '' ' Ina in ssulh. air aad Mr Tin fnN hae been iia in Aenrville fui l ha 'Mai . yae r ai mora roiuttii n fVmii laeli hniua al Uerneeulle In order tor-Mr Truriiian ( i-ii Hi . boaluon nf" arriary iu .fudge J ' , . . J-itxiiard. Hlm.4i.kii Aahevllle heir noma Mr and Trueman ,he Mad Biuir cla TI.e . a nner labia far lha o. . jlon taei nlni traa preully riiif.l llh . u Hearers - J . lira. Charla Malrnui I'lrni enter lalna this evening at her re.iliiie on Xlerrtmon avenue villi a ilanrlua party, having aa her huiior ui. M ii'ir of the auldlrra fr.-in Krnll worth ad Aulas hospital. d .) A number of lha girl of the your r set of lha city will minor out l i.. Atalaa iKl evening fur lha Keno party ' riven romoi'menlary lo lha of- ', gears at (ha hospital. Tha danra laal evenlne given for lha soldier at Kenilarortn hoepllal by lha H nights of f'olumhtie tMinifil l.v lha . , t member of lha Kl l.awreni-e Wel fare, association proved on nf lha " moat enjoyable entertainments 10 ha giro at lha hospital during lha eek 'Itonrlng look plar In lha apartim meee hall and laatad from SI o'rlork ) un 11 J : o'rlprk. Mra. it. Ham- llton chaperoned 1 a ntimhar nf ihe member, of lha itamln eat. mho . motor.! ,aul fnr tha affair. Tho . V raaant ara: Mra. Charlra Malt olm V I'lalt. Mra. ttarla Harna. Mra Kumvll MUdford. Mra. Jaaira T. Tavlor. Mlw ' Kathrrlna Jlornar. Mum (lav. Mia '.:Youn-. Mlaa Ulancliatrv Ktarno Mia f Maaon. Mia Burnlaa. Mlaa ' 1W McCrarr. Mlaa KUlo Alaxandar. f Mlaa Carolyn Low, Mlaa Mararal Mrlolrra, . Mlaa Genavlavo Mclntyra. '. Mlaa Samynoa. Maa Oarlruda Ia Harha, Mlaa (larrkjr. Mlaa Myma Nou . ' hek, Mlaa Margaret MrOowell. Mla ,'" Iaaa, Mlaa Viola Brownall. Mlaa Mll drd Thorp, Mlaa Kmmo Hradfiird, Mlaa Lucllla Jainaa. Mlaa t-:ilxahth ' nolllna. Mlaa Ruironla I.Cnmpi. M:aa . " Lily Tryon Marlweibai: Mlaa Helen Maarea. Mlaa Mildred Faulkner. Mlaa f-e1a Boaaa. MUa Haitla Cox. Mlaa 'Hall Pollock. Mlaa Bohi-ear, Mlaeea Zlndet ii Jim Alyna fteyhulda and Mlu ' farjr Hamilton. i j '. . Mra. Varr' Kerr Bonne haa Iwued 1 , . - In vlutlona to ' lha ' murrUre . of' har , aaurnicr. Miaa Anna Aurena Boon, 1 Mr. William Rufua filler. Tha watfdlnf , to's take place Wednesday, January II at t:lt o'clork at tha Mat hod let Kplaropal church. South, at AVayneevMe. Mlaa Boona has num ., -liar of friend An Anhevllle, havlnt frequently vlalted In lha city. (hriaima holldaya Hh her parenla. In. mill Mra. Mrkee, al their houea im King-ltant nainjila. Mr William fllam la here for aiay uf aeera ilaya front hie noma In tha a-xiern part uf ilia etaia. Mra hcaelun haa rattiinad to. her hbinr ai Ailatita. J. altar an ac irfided i Iu aertlnt. nf tha atnle. Mr A. J Mltrhall, mho haa Wen in Aalievllle fur meel;. left yeatarday fur hia hi. in In Piiuth Carolina, Mr I Tlmmaa li returned lo tha no aftei ependina eeveral m-aaka at hi home at Cliallanoi'fa, Tenn. Mr A 1. Kannard and imu anna mi. I daughter, uf l(.iiieallle. Ohio. ai inJiii a inort wlnle in Ane il hr ha haa beea for aoano an an i h a. Captain Jerrey la lha eon of Mra. Ida Jervey, of Charleeton and Ardaa. Mr and Mra Klniatun hara re turnee! by . m o or la HendarmonvlHa. after aeadlng a week I" Ahe;ill. Mr. Krederh k 1 nit Id la here for aev era I dae from New Vork city. Mr Oaorge T. Jenklna ram larday from Ixulvilje. Ky aty. fur a brief j i Make your d iialug Hlue Ittbbon the leading groceia rta dellrtinia hv Vanilla, ild b) Adt ( Low Cot t Menus. -v i(r;ttir!iiiiii 1 XI i ipanl T II llllliurtiin. uf Marlon. eaieid.ty tn lha lily Mra. Thompeon Praaer haa return ed tn Aahevllle. after apendlng aome tune with Major Kraier al l'lnrin- nail, i ill In Mr. MrNeal haa returned to Colum bia, H (' . after a brief atay hart. Mr. W. A at Concord, Kflrd apem a ahort while during lha week. Mra ! H. Newman haa returned lo her home at Naahrllle, Tenn , arter apemtlrg oma lima with relnlUe heie of Halelgh. In t We) neavllle Mm. D. Ralph Millard fa at III -vlalt. 'Inr her relative In W. T-oula, whera aha woe re' led to attend tha funeral of , -IMr. ".Vlcht" Hamilton, who died In A army service Ijn California, ' TlapreaWatlve George T. Iyday. of ."TVunaylvanla ?omty, left for Ralaigrh jearday, after a ahort ylalt to his . awier. Mrs. a. . b. Morgun, or Hl-rh-tend strestr- . ! v,... - ..- tv A.---' p "rv .; rtuaaell O. Ijrday has rone to I'll Ha- . delphla. 4a rsaums hia medical atudles at tha vnlvyrslty of Pennaylvanla. , Mr. and Mra. Arthur F. McCord and 1 1 fmlly.. of Chicago, III.. . who were among the soaton's ' gueats in Aahe . ; villa last winter, are . expected short- Jy fur. an indefinite stay In tha city. , . - Miss Martha McKee left Thuraday S for Leatsvllla, Ky., whera aha Is at- tending school, 'after spending the Mra Knhert Hreeae, I her former home i for an extended aiay. Mr. and Mra. Krink Herron, f Voungatomn. Ohio, apent eeveral day here Ihla week en route to Florida. mi they will apend the remuliulrr of the winter aeaann. Mr. and Mra. Tread way have been pending a ahort while a tha guest uf Mia George D. Hherrill at Wayne vllle. Mrs. tn. M. Hobb la among the vla- Itora ln Aahevllle from her home In the north. Mr. Clayton Deal rame yeaterday from HI. I'aul, Minn., where ha hu beep for eome tlmn. Mr. .Mark Rrwln, Jr., leaves today for Washington, D. C. and experla to enter a preparatory arhool for the I'nlted Htates Naval academy at An na poll. Mri. . , Mr. Perry Tomlln returned yester day to tha city, after spending a short while with relatives at Wstesvllle. Mlaa Rsva Burleson, nf Kmma. leave Monday for Raleltih. whera she goes to .take charg of Oak Grova school. Hf-ewkfa. Htewed Klg t' reamed llacuii Toaat Coffee larheiia. Tumato To.i Bread Marmalade II "ook lea Tea Dlnnrr. Hl-Slied Calves Tlralii Baked Poiatoea Kranch Peas Celery Appla Pie Cheeaa Coffea HrrwkfsM. Hiemed Klga and Jtnlelna 'nt enough fig Into email pieces to make a cup and add half a cup nf seeded raUlne. Cover with wuler. add a lahlrnpnon of etigar and simmer aoft. When done add a tablespoon of lemon juice. 8ervo hot or raid. Youni man,mq ad yice i5.thatuoii DSeJResinol How Ui at Iff iiihrd-you acratcbed h till the blond t. II avian tried eariuua trcalmrnt wiihoat sucrrss, your doctor advised Keaintil Oirti menl and then cams glorious relief. -Scratching like this sometime lead lo danger-ma tnlection blood poisoning. I (your skin bums, Ifhr, hi ten dency to break out in little sores don't scratch that makes il worse grt peedy relict with K'1""' Oint ment. It seldom ail to clean up a trouble such as this. Rssinol Ointment is s doctor's form als, prescribed by many physician throuchout the world. kweyW , I fare's a Jmoltf Jip for lou Regarding Kayser Jfosiery Kayser Hosiery Bought Month Ago. for January and February Delivery is Two to Four Dollar per dozen. Wholesale Coat, Higher Than Prevtoua Prices. Some of the New Hosiery it now en route lo us and . will have to be, sold at Advanced Prices, We list'here our present stock of numbers and sues which you can buy at price 2Sc to 3 Sc per pair lower than the new slock. , I X Kayaer Noae -Black-. 8'j. 10 $1. P'- 1 X Kayser Hoae Whit. "8. 10 . . $1-75 pr. 2 X Kayaer Silk Hoae BUck 8. 8',. 10 $2.25 pr. 2 X Kayser Silk Hose White 8. 8. 9. 10 $2.25 pr. 2 X' Silk Hoae Champ 8. 9. 10 $2.25 pr. 2 X Kayser Silk Hose Pongee 9. 9J; $2.25 pr. '2 KayrSilk Hose Silver 8 V2. 9. 10 $2-25 p'. 2 X Kayaer Silk lose Gunrrietal 1 0 $2.25 pr. Iwnchmm. Carrot (liulr eunuirh carrot to-mnke one cup. tiling only Ihe red outside part. Add a cup of augar and let aland three hours. Then add th Juice of In re lemon, a small leanponn nf rlnve. cinnamon and all aplce. Holl one hour and chill. This will make two tumbler. Dinner. Bralaed Calves Urlns-Wush the brains and oak twenty enlnute tn cold water. Drain, boll twenty min ute and drain again. Plenea in cold water and rut In Inch pier). Place In a frying pan a tablespoon of but ter, a teaapoon of minced onion n.nd teaapoon of catsup. Ji'hen hot und tha brala and stir ifntil brown and rrlap. Serve very hot. who lld Much splendid work in th earlier kerial. and a strung auquleV tlon In s troop uf thr lioyal Mounted police. Hhoaa bravery and hard rid ing and shooting tlgure prominently throughout the aerial, which vu wrlti len by Albert K. Hinlth. ll la said an( never dtwputed. that tho Canadian Nonhweet Mounted pollc never fail lo gel hi man onoo they start after hliu. If .th trail lead around tha world. The resiion why Is strikingly shown In this aerial. An ridded at traction on this name program la a two' reel comedy arid I'athe News. AT THE MOVIES Mr. Harvey W. Bell, nf Philadel phia; Pa., left yesterday for a atay of several days In Aahevllle. ' Mr. frank : Bond, who haa bean pending tha Chrlatmaa vacation at hi horn In Tennessee, has returned to tha city. 'Miss Molly Bowman ha returned ts Sr. Genevieve's college, after spending tha holidays at har horns at' flumter, ac,, ..v Mrs. D. M. Btandlah snd her two small sons, of Xaw London, Conn., apent a ahort while here recently, en route to their winter place In Florida. Mr. T- J. Patterson left yeaterday for Columbia, 8. C, after a stay of several days In this vicinity. Csptaln Frank Jervey has landed at Newport News, Va., from France. T ? ) SPECIAL PRICES IN THE BLOUSE DEPARTMENT ,1 . f ,' , . Means a real saving, since the blouses of ; fered are of good style in popular fabrics and !i colors. ' .... ... t e The assortments include Georgette, Crepe de Chine, satin, striped and white tub silk, black Jap and taffeta, plaid taffeta and fancy blouses; v The prices were originally from $4.00 to $39.50 For the Special Sale they are $2.75 to $25.75 A few wash blouses from summer stock are especially low priced. ' Special sales of gloves and hosiery. llPAttonAre. Phoa7a AT THK QKKX. William Fox preeente Peggy Ilyland 4n the lively comedy of a society toua who loved to shock Mrs. urundy "Caught In th Act." at tha Galax to day. The atory: Prls.cella Kane loves excitement, tfhe leavea a hoarding aohool by way of tha window and i rep of bedding, and makes th un ceremonious exit from the presence of a aultor her father eelecta. Then she falls In love with Langdon Trevor, a Journalist who haa denounced her father aa a food profiteer. Kane hires prlvats detectivws to "frame" up Trevor by shooting him In hia room with a woman, but the photographer gets Trevor III In bed with Prlecella nursing him. Trevor and Prlacella take her favorite route oat of th win dow. but this, time they take the fire escspe and step at the apartments of a minister on the lower floor, it la said this story is full of action from start to finish. Appropriate music ar ranged by Mr. Holllngeworth, the Oa lax pipe organist.' ' AT THE STRAND. Marguerite Clark,: the celebrated Paramount star, proved an artistic de light In her newest photoplay. "Little Miss Hoover," when it was shown at the Strand theatre yesterday, and will be seen there today for the last time. The story was written by Maria Thompson tiavles, one of the best l n ii m onht.mnororu nAV.M.t. In thfoi J country, ahe has written a delightful story In "The Golden Bird," which ha been plcturlxed by Paramount under the name of "Llttla Miss Hoover." Th heroine hi a winsome little creature who shows all signs, upon every oc casion, of being adorably helpless and tearful, but always rlaes to the need of the occasion, and is adequate to every, call that Is mailt upon her. Some financial smash has left her and her grandfather suddenly bankrupt, after years of affluence, and they retire to an ancestral and down-at-the-heel farm where the young woman under takes to retrieve their fortunes, and aid' In winning the war, by growing chickens and vegetables. The story Introduces a magnificent white leg horn roostlfr whlch, .with a squad of hens of the same breed, the heroine hopes to prove the means of their sup port for the Immediate present and their fortune in the future. The va rious needs of herself and her chicken vard bring toiler elbow aid and com fort in the form of a mysterious hand some red-headed person with an ex traordinary knowledge, of scientific farming and maglo way with the ani mals. This man proves a great deal of a mystery to the spectator and to the heroine almost until th enr' of the picture, and whether she ' Is Vo ing to And her fate with him, tftjj final scenes of the picture must tell. M1SH DCKiAKT WINS. PI.KHCR8T.N C. J. 10 - Mlaa Caroline Hogurt, of Plm-hurst. defeat ed Miss Majorie Ik of Hartford, to-, duy In the woman's aingles of I ho mid winter tennis 'Vuuriiuincnl Una In, k-0, I-!. In tl tlssU of the men's singles vtatson, jr., or the Wetch'tct; ouniry ciun, won over Nathan Hundy of the Norfolk Country club, 6-4, (-4, !, -6. 1-1. 1 Announcing the Arrival of ' Royal Society Package for 1919 New Ideas of Garment and Pattern De sign. The Same Standard of Material and Thread. Review Them work Department. Main Floor in the Art Nf--He- Very Special Blanket Offering In Handsome Plaids. Splendid Quality Large Size Wool Blanket. 68x80 and Pink. Our Regular $13.50. Special at Blue, Tan. Grey $10.98 Black-Draught a Family Medicine Some Kinil of Stomach Trouble With Cramp and Terrible Pairu'Made This Oklahoma Man' ' Life Miserable Until Black-Draught Relieved Him; She was not very young, but she had money. "Dearest " he . began, but she stopped him. "I anticipate what you are about to say, Mr. tiampson," she said, "and I would spare your feelings, for it can never be. I esteem you highly and will be a sister to you " "I have four elstevs already," he re- Chlrkabe-;JA. Mrs. JV W. -Walk er recently aaJ4lJhl: '.'We use Black Draught a a family medicine and AT THK PRINCESS. It is said episode No. 2 of "Fi;ht for Millions,"' which will be shown at the' Princess today, -Is swift in action, superb 'in photography and crowded with thrills. Wniiam uncan, ac knowledged king of serial stars, got Intrr-ihe nlctura with a few amazing stunts rousing the enthusiasm of the crowded house as he did in the "Fight ing Trail." The two villians, each seek ing "to 'double cross the ot,her while working together to gain possession of Jean Bent,, the heroine, and het ereat fortune, locate her in the grea' north west, after a wild trfp frohl Nei York, and the tight ror minions is oi. In ejarnest. The heroine and the hero (Duncan) trap themselvea n her mine and free themselves-by marvelous skii 'In archery. She Is then lured to i cabin by a note. from one of the con sDirators and made a prisoner, whilr Duncan Is dropped from a bridge ti apparent death into a- raging torrent when his enemies shoot a planK rro "beneath hVm. In the supporting caeti family think it la the only liver medicine made. ' My husband makes It up and uses It ss a tonio as well as a laxa tive. I use It for headache, sour stomabh, a full, heavy feeling after meals, which I suppose la Indigestion, and It certainly does me a lotof good. My hUMband had some lend of stom ach trouble we don't know Just what It would strike him Just any time In the day and cramp or pain him Just terribly bad. Someone told him how to make a tea of. the Black-Draught, which he did. It did him so much good, It removed the cause and cured him. Since theri we have praised the Black-DraiiKht. to mir friends, and gladly do so." -4 '. Seventy years of eucoestrful. use has made Thedfofd'a Black-Draugh't a standard, household remedy. Bvery member of the family at times needs the help that Black-Draught can give in cleansing the system ami prevent ing or relieving , . the troubles that come from constipation, indigestion, lasy liver, etc.; ' ; ( Try Black-Draught- Sold by : all druggists. Advt, TODAY Win. Duncan With EDITH JOHNSON And JOE RYAN "A FIGHT FOR . MILLIONS" EPISODE NO. 2 ' so it is. i nner u avi itoiiio. be ahle'atn make as much as !40 nr. comment as useiesa. ut lack, of financial compensa- is- not the only thing sgalnst the attractiveness of the feenlon. Mom teachers have eirpe- lced a lack .,f respect from others regards their nulling. Many peo- acorn to d'.Kiiiry rt wim me name irotesslon. Many others make the her feel ttut hie Job Isn't much of are many of the cowboy and Indian tVlrfhl IVSMte: im Safe nr ' I j rorfnfanff 71 W ' J f p InTaiidi A Nutritious Diet tat All Ages. Quick Lunch; Home or Office. OTHERS are ob, not very Important. Bpme give inmress on that tney regara tne cher aa a sort of parasite on society. reased salaries, permuting ire her to live like other people, would nee that. a addition It la heart breaking to go oommumtv. make a brand new of acquaintances and friends, strlvs lid things up. educationally, ana to do the same tiling over tne t rear. Few people like to drirt bugh Mfe. from plaoe to place. The ting l not cimflnea to unsuccessiui bhera. A living wage, doing away h the nacecslty of moving to anoth olaca tor tha sake of a few badly idad dollars, would go tar toward dicatlng such a condition. fhe schools are for th benefit of children and t the teachers, of ran. The teacher wit reiuses U) UogoUe this la sura f failure. It Is profession for a eainen parsoa. jttut educational y3tsn can ever be TODAY LAST TIME Marguerite Clark IN "LITTLE MISS HPOVER" The story is admirably suited to the requirements of Miss Clark and her more than adequate sup porting cast of players. It has a patriotic flavor and the various situations are most interesting. ' Children,. . ... , 10c Adults 20c War Tax Included ORCHESTRAL ORGAN plied bltterlyi "four grown sister, and life Is a hideous burden. But. oh! Clare-," he went on passionately, "if you cannot J my wife will you not glv me a mother'e protective love? I ant an orphan." New Tork Ulofce, t v. TODAY FOXPREJENTS Peggy Hylanri , t aaaBBjJaSBp "CAUGHT IN THE ACT" A . rood ' example of screen farce-comedy. It should appeal to those 'who have a leaning to ward a bright and whim sical plot Children .... . .10c Adults 15c Including War Tax I GALAX PIPE ORGAN and Coke CAROLINA COAL &ICECO. SO Pat Ave-, Drhomor Bldg.' FALK'S - Elegant Toned PIANOS Standard Make PHONOGRAPHS MUSIC HOUSE 76 Patton Ave.. Hoi whl an bat toe i aro gun and ovel tlie Ollt' me( .slot hid for; snlj ere, U 1 onij othi otti f;rj me) LET THE BOYS ROMP AND PLAY -.'. ".'. : ' . ' ; ' : , ' '" It's Their Life, Joy arid Health and Not Expensive to You if They Wear a Pair of Our ; j .; BOY; SCOUT SHOES - AT. 1.95 These shoes are all leather and will keep their feet warm and dry.- They are star performers in the act of economy and health. 1 Motorcycle , Delivery Anything Anywhere Anytime WALKER'S DRUG STORE Phones 183 and 132. Cruise's Hair Shop Manlcnrlng. Chiropody. Facial Massage, Scalp Treatment and Klectrolyata. IS Haywood St Phonal. See Them Today E0RI0WSMPLE 12 BOtmore Avenue ti i ' ... .......- .' . if i . shoe STORE The Yellow Covered Front; THE LEADER Ladle , Cp-to-Dam BeadMe-Wear. Popclar Prloe Kara, Osi tn aieaaa, isaevtlle. W. r MME. GARLAND Noted Palmist, Medium and Ad viser. Gives ad vice on health, business changes, travels, law Suits, family affairs, love affairs, divorces; i locates lost or stolen articles, absent friends; telft names in full,: reunites separated and . ' dispels all evil influences Gives power of secret control. , Office 168 Patton Aye. v Over Grocery. . Hours 10 a. ro. to 8:30 p. m. . FINE SHOES,-; 'Boston Shoe Store