the- asiieyille citizen, Saturday, January 11, mx - The Mammoth Furniture Store 4irosfrdnds Linblei "X2XS3QE For Every Room in the. House Linoleum $2.00 to $2.50 per square yard Congoleum . . .$1.00 par square -yard J; L. SMATHERS & SONS Phone Jt2. IH7 Broadway. FARM AGENT OPENS , EXCHANGE BUREAU MADISON CUl'NTY FAI1MHW ARE . AIDKD IX MAHUKTIXJ. District fadlmHI ' Blank Book tor Butlnett Men 1919 A bl aupply plain anil loos Isat Isdgers, vry kind of ruling for evsry buslnsss; slso filing devlcee which maka qulok work finding Important pper. 8 tham today. Kcgers Ecck Store OWee OvtfHtses tt Fatten Aw. Cmminlil mum 'Mm . Aehevtlto A (ml Gray P1ala Agriculturists Ara Taking lirrat in Imnf In Desnosuttrat ka Work. DOMESTIC TROUBLES DETAILED BY NEGROES Xa Cases Judge tarda). of latpnrtaao llrwrd by of Ot' Polios Cvmti Yaa We have at last received a full stock of Perfection Oil Stoves and Wicks. To get the best results, fre quent change of Wicks is neces-, sary. You can also save oil. Northup-McDuffie Hardware Co. No. 33 Pat ton Ave. Headquarter Phone 142. K. O. Bowdltrh. Madl.on county (aria agent, haa organised a sale and saohung which l eaneriad Jo prova of inut'h valua to the Maillaon farmers. Mr. Rowdlteu haa aant out Invltatloiia to all paraona having coin-1 modifies for aala to tlst thain with hhn;lhoe who ara In tha marks! for artlrlaa of any kind ara alaa aakad to aupply tha oounty agent with tha Information. Bullattna ara laauad pa-rlodli-ally by tha farm agent, showing la ona uolumn what la for aala and appoalta a list of want )1atrlrt Kirni Agent Jamaa M. Gray, returning yeaterday from a thraa daya' vlalt to aladlaon, a tat ad that thla la ona of tha Drat bureau of tha kind eatabllahed in Western North Carolina. Mr. Oray aecompanlad Agent Bow dlloh on a tour of tha county for tha purpoae of finding out If tha people ara Interested In farm demonatratlon work. Tha dlatrict agent waa muoh gratified, to learn that tha farmer have been quick to realise tha vata of modern method In agriculture, and that'll la practically certain that tha county oommtaalonara would not be willing to allow tha appropriation for demonstration work to be removed from their budget of oounty expenses In the latter part of thla month and in February Mr. Bowditoh will vlalt the orchard of the oounty to give demonstrations to Madison orchardtsts in pruning and advloa oa proper methode of apraylng. The Madison agent la an experienced orchardlet, It la atated, having a largo orchard In Yancey county. Dlatrict Agent Oray ysstsrdsy told Board of Trade onlclala that the in tereat that 1 now being taken by Western North Carolina people tn me took and ecientlflo methode of farm ing a matter of prlda to tha officials of the atate agricultural department AGENT GRAY TO GO TO AVERY COUNTY Will Oondact Experiments la Search of Early Variety of Corn for That Oounty. CUT RATE TIRE CO. N. A. Harmon, Mgr. . Phone 2747 Office. 3029 R Mail Order Solicited, Wholesale-end Retail ,rr- A Don't Let Catarrh Drag v - You into Consumption Avoid Its Dangerous Slue. There is a mora aariotu (tare of Kcarrn tban the annoyance caused by tha topped -up airpaage, and . tne hawking ana spittuur and outer distasteful features. The real danger comes from the tendency of tha djsease to continue It course downward until the lungs ' become affected, and then dreaded consumption is on your path. .Your own experience has taught you that the disease cannot be cured by sprays, inhalers, atomisers, led and other local applications. S. S. S. has proven a most satisfac tory remedy for Catarrh because it goes direct to Ita source, and re move tha gams of the disease from the blood. Get a bottle from tout druggist today, and begin the 'only logical treatment that gives real re sults. You can obtajn special medical advice without charga by writing to Medical Director, 27 Swift Labor, tory, Atlanta. Ga. , teiss Li fte ..iffe iTfce Gortons Knowledge Woaae) Steal Ova Them. . self and his wife to stay a short time in Sweden. The application haa been granted for one month. 1 mMtz. Umrmtnum In ft. mnmt ttirimi. cooes to wotaaa wna tue mar a tanr. thrimnr thought of Xrery woman ia the foy of eacalnf notk erbood ebmild arepara her wUm tor tl onoraal (train. . Tkrae eeneratlona have mind the tried and rMible preparatiea. (other' Friend, of tbegraateat kelp at each a time. . Br lta dallr uh thmirluMit tha Kmw, w mm ( uo BDaomea u buhm ft and elastic, azoandioe muaclH rla- : caaily wbea baby arrivaa, and pain at, tea nil w in un way btoii I no B. A. PATTON ASKS FOR MONTHLY BILLS soothed. Obtain ivaa, an BTolded. Moa at breaat glaad is let, bran yean to oapentaa from yonr drni tala great anparatloa which sdeaee baa of- lm i or so - an ay . jnotbera. . -?Lrit.5 Bd(UM Kegnlatnr Compear, 5Pt . D. Laiaar Building. Atlanta. OeoriU.v ' for their belprul end Intereatliif, UotCer bood Book, and bagla the uaa of Wotbail Friend. U le foreiclanial aae. Is abwlutoly eafa and wonderfully effectire. i And renembcr, there ta nothing te takef the place of MOTHWS nttMK WILL VIS(T SWEDEN. STOOKHOTjM, Jan. 10. General judendorff,, former chief auartermas- ir-general of the German, araiiea, baa applied to tne sweoisn goyem bient for formal permission for tint- Chairman B. A, Patton, county commissioner of Dnbllo finance, haa Announced a new ruling In regard to bill which are to be rendered by any person or corporation to which the county is Indebted. He states that all bills must be rendered toward -the last of each month in which the bill waa originated. He has had several bills against the county to come in recently wnion date Dacic a far a three months ago; This keep the monthly balance! on the finance books mixed up, he states, and causes quite a little inconvenience in the office. ; Hereafter, therefore, any person or corporation which does any work for the county that does not last longer than a month, or furnishes any ma terial to the county, shall render the bill to the county toward the last of the month In which the work waa done or the material furnished, the chair man 'stated yesterday. . , ' J. M. Oray, dlatrict agent of the agriculture extenalon work in tha mountain section, goes on Sunday to Avery county, where he will arrange to conduct eorae experiments in corn production. Avery county, which la In altitude la one of the highest sec tion vof North Carolina, has soma trouble In finding a variety ef corn which will mature tn the compare' tively abort aeaaon of that county. Three farmer of that section have offered their farm to be used In the experiment and have put their entire services at the agent' disposal. He tatee that he dee not anticipate much trouble In 'finding a aultabl variety for Avery county. The office of the agricultural ex tension work ha recently moved Into new office room In the Law .building, and the agent I planning some ex tensive work for the coming season. , CLOSE GAMES III DUCK PIN CONTEST AT "Y" The domestic dlnVulttr. ef Teas I At dm ore end Ma wife. Mary lltl more, both colored, which are betn laced in aerial form en the reeord of the police eourt, ere detailed In another at y.aierday mornlnga session of the ky tribunal The couple have a habit of fight In at regular Intervals, getting Into Jail for their duatgreentaata and rewind Ing their oat ha before final dtapeai lion of naaee are atade. Y eater day, the negrets) waa eure that ehe had been hit la the head with a pistol by her husband and ah. waa no la confident that he would have ahot her dead but for h.r ability to take the piatol from hhn. Hut when hubby got four niontha on the county road and annealed to the Hup.rlor court Hubedtute Judge Welle waa eure that tha dlffereneee will be patch up be fore the date for tne Jury trial, and both parties to tha affair will swear that the wounds ef the negree earn from an accident suffered while ex changing lovo lick follremen detest family rowa.Vh.elr avarslon to inter ference In auch difficulties being bi ed on lust auch happenings as the Iattlmore usually bring about. Wlvee1 determination to convict huabande hardly ever prove lasting Cordelia Woodard, colored, was afraid to take the witness stand' until assured that h would be protected from Alice lawla, colored. It amused court attendanta to ae. the negroes dodge the woman of whom she waa ao afraid when nollnemen were thick as bops and detectives formed a formidable group. An Kagls street row which looked riotoua for a tlana waa aired with the resultant fining of Alice Lewi, colored, who waa taxed with IS and the cost for obstructing an officer and the placing of Mattle Caldwell, colored under a elx-month peace bond of 1100. The latter aleo waa fined IIS and the coat for assault on the Woodard negree. Captain Duckett found himself in a tight place when he attempted .to arreat the Caldwell neareaa. the Lewis woman going to the aid of her daughter. The officer was forced to nut up an ex hibition of wreetllng which taxed his skill and It looked for a time though he might have to start some firework with his automatic. Th policeman was called to quell a fight between the Caldwall and Woodard women In which the latter waa con siderabiy bruised and beaten and aeverely frightened. 1 Jf. C Weet. a Waynesvllle visitor to the city, we no altogether pleased Ith a hot vomer purchased rrom i. Qros Thursday night. Befor he had finished expressing Tils opinion ot welner saleeman, he had grown quit eraonav and a policeman naa run Im in on a charge of using profane language. He waa let off with a fin of tS and th cost after making a publlo apology to areas, who told th court that he had no deaire to aee hi dtssatleflsd customer punished West said that he didn't know he could prove ao eloquent In a diatribe until he got started on Gross and hs frankly confesssd that be had said things that be eheuld,not have said Clear Your Scalp and Skin With Cuticura After shaving and belurt bathing touch dandtufi and kthutr, piinplrs and blackhead with Cut tut Oint ment. Wash all off with Cutlcur .Soap and hot water, using plenty ol Soap heat applied with lb hands. On Snap ha all use, shaving, thampuuing, bathing. iirHy duct haven part with Cutlcure Talcum. The Snap, Ointment and Talcum 2.V. each t all dealer. INFECTED TOOTH MAY EXPLAIN DEMENTIA Dentist Remove Bad Molar for Joha nie Jenkins, Who I to Be fWat te Hnapltal. V ' An Infected tooth may tj.theeourc of tha mental aberrations which physi cian have credited to Johnnie Jen kins, aixteen-yeor-old youth who t expected to go eoon to the stkle hos pital at Mrganton. Teeterday Jen kins rnmplalned of toothache and Sheriff Mltrhell eent one of his depu ties with the boy to see a dentist. A huge molar was extracted after stren uous exert kins on the part of the ex ponent of oral surgery, assisted by th deputy who held th boy while the dentist pulled. Army and school physicians have lately testified to hundreds of oases In which extreme nervous disorders or mental affection waa caused by de fective teeth and local physicians stats that Jenkins now has a good chance to recover from hie physical allmenta lie la etui in Jen awaiting commit ment to the state hospital, tilnce the county reformatory was rloaed, several email beys have had to be confined at the county 111. Ona of these, James stetton, ot Black Mountain, fifteen years old. Is in Jail on conviction of stealing automoblls tools at Hiack Mountain. Commis- slonsr. ef Public Institutions fltradlsy expects to havs fistton accepted at the Jackson Training school this wsek. The boy le so Innocent looking and such a handsoms, well developed youngster that It was hard for snee- tators in court recently to believe that he was guilty of larceny. But he doss not dsny the accusation. e Buster Brown SHOES keep your children healthy by keeping their feet warm and dry. They are made on laat that conform to the way the child's foot should grow and do not cramp And pinch the toes. s You owe it to the health of your children to buy them Buster Brown's. The only place you can buy them is at . A A very close and spirited game mat-ked the laat night'a round of the TT- M. C. A. duck pin tournament Rice's team, won two games out of three from Miller and hi trio. All th scores Were close and some of them especially good. Miller bowl ed hisrh man with a score of ft, Oscar White being a close second with 137. The tabulated score fol lows: , Miller ...... ..m IM IM !4 G. F .fitradley Jr. 88 100 7 180 W. Dermltt 108 t 101 SOT Dr. Hoffman ... . SI SS HO Total .401 301 ISO 118J I&cs .......... 4 SS 101 183 White .....,,. ! 10 135 331 Shacklston ,...110 lit 03 829 Brown ......... .. 77 8 tit Total ...... .58 400 411 1178 , j. Official Local Weather i , Within a new electric fiat Iron I a fusible strip which melt if the iron becomes overheated and cut off th curesnt. ' t Apparatus ha been invented by Frehohman to compress air in reservoir aa doors are opened and use It to wind clock. . . parent troubled over a child or a iast-growing youth, 20uld do no better than- to. utilize the definite help that ' MI ffliffl affords as a strensthenins and nourishing factor. A very little W Scout every day, during a time ... rt . ' i .:.. "it. a . . i vi stress, iumincs cicmcnu vi nvwisuiuriu. csscuuaj to the blood and tends to confirm a growing child m robustness. ' For your boy or girl, you will not . be satisfied with anything short of Scott's, , "t- - : skasllt Bowsaw j :. '.jya S. Department of Agriculture . Weather Bureau. iXocal Weatber Data for Jan. 10, 101. State of weather at s a. m clear. State of weather at t p. m., clear. Relative humidity at 8 a. m., 9 per cent. Relative humldrty at 12:80 p. m.. Si per cent. Ke'ailve numidity at s p. m., per cent. y Wind direction at 8 a, m., north west. Wind direction at 3 p. m., north. Time of sunrise, 7S4I a. m. Time of sunset, 5:34 p. m. Liocai Temperature uata. FUNERAL SERVICES FOR LATE A. B. SMITH Viin.ral services for the late A. B Amitih. 48 Oak street, who died on Thursday, were held yesterday at his lsts residence. Dr. R. r. Campbell or Relating. Interment took place at Riverside cemetery and waa In charge of the Knights of Pythias. Mr. Smith had lived lh Aahevllle for many yeare where he represented the Jefferson Standard and tha Pruden tial Life Insurance com pa nie. H 1 survived by a wife and eight children and a brother. He had been ill for two years. The pallbearer were! B. H, Taylor, E. M. Lyda, B. A. Pattoh, H. B Wal ter, 8. P. Burton and J. J.yWorsley THE NEW CALOMEL FINE FOR GOLDS AND GRIPPE Calotabs, the NewVlJausea- less Calomel, Breaks, Upl a Severe Uold Overnight. 3 -p.m. 4 p.m.. 5 p.m. ( p.m. 7 p.m. t p.m. . .41 .,..44 ....40 ,...88 8 a.m. ......17 0 a.m- , .V- . 1 7 10, .,.,. 18 11 a.m. ......25 13 noon ...34 1 p.m. . .. ,3S t n.m. . . . . . .40 Highest, 44l one ysar ago,. 38. Lowest, 17; one year ago, id. Absolut 4 maximum, 68 in 1909.- i Absolute minimum, 13 In 1912. , ' Average temperature today, 80. . Normal, tb. Local Precipitation Data for Momtli. Normal, 4.87 inches. ' Greatest amount, 8.69 in 1908. Least amount, 0.37 in 1907. For last 34 hour ending at 8 p. m.. nobe. ' Telegraplilo Reports of Temper tore. Station: ... .i r. m. Mux, ASHEV1U-B , Atlanta .-..., Augusta Birmingham ., Boston . . Charleston .... Charlotte Tjenver ............... Miami ...a............ New Orleana New Tork ...... . Raleigh ...1V. Ban; FVancleco Heattle Rt. Louis ........ ....Z Washington Vhyslciaria and druggists have at last found a quick and iependable remedy for colds, Infl.iensa and grippe. One Calotab ott the' tonsil at bed time with a swallow of wate;i --that' all. Next morning-your cold ha vanished and your river and en tire system are purified and refreshed without the slightest unpieasavtn or interference with appetite, diet worn. r " Doctors havs always contended Knat calomel la the beet medicine for cllds, bronchitis and la grippe and the rat medicine to be given In pneumogjla and acute fevers. The new calonl. calotabs, is purineo ana rennea rn all of the sickening ana dangerous feels and with the . medicinal ylrt vastly imoroved.' W...t?:;. Calotabs are sold onlv In orlo-ln sealed packages price 36c. Your drug gist recommends and guarantee, thai and will refund ye-'ir money If you are' hot aeiigntea. y- ' . .I ,: Avt. MATTERS OF RECORD Are theee bond. ABSOLUTELY mf Do they pay sufficient rat of interest to make them worth while? The 6 Debenture bonds issued by this company answer both questions per fectly. They are as SAFE aa the dry of Aahe- ville. . They pay 6 annually -payabU every six months. In denominations of $50, $100, $500 and $1,000. Sold on the weekly partial payment plan if you wish. Bankers Trust and Title Insurance Co. A3HEVTLLE , 55 College St, s ' ' N. G Th following ad were filed for registration at the office ef the rag tstrar ef deed yesterday: W. L. Chandlsr to W. W. Rose and wire, land in Black Mountain town ship; 3100. Guy Weavar (trustse) to Owyn Ed wards, .land In Buncombe county; $100. f J. W. Keys and wife to W: B. Ramsey, land in French Broad town ship; 310 and othsr considsratlona. Roy L. Oudgsr and Cansy Ramsey and wife to J. W. Keys, land In Bun combe county; .310 and other con siderations. John H. Cathsy and wife to Mamie Tuck Candler, land on Louisa street; 33,100. John w. Braaa and wife to Abra ham I Breen. land en Woedrew ave- nue; $1,1(0. MARRIAGE IJCKJfSER W. L. Meed, Black Mountain and Pearl Padgett or Black Mountain. CASUALTIES ANNOUNCED, tie among enlisted men ot the navy ssrvlng with tha , marine corps in France were announced today by the navy department and Include Alger non O. Hrumoeioe, pnarmacisc-s mats. Spray, N. C, severely -wounded In ao- tlon. FREEDOM VOTED WTLSOX. . CORK, Jan. 10. The corporation ef th city of Cork haa ' voted th freedom of the city to President Wil son as a mark or appreciation" or the high principles enunciated for, a settlement of th world peace." V r , "And wa the widow so lnconsola- bis?" , "Oh. yes. Why,they had to hide her powder puff to keep her front' weeping." Columbia State CAPUDIHE A boss. hic;ks' CAPvbmtT tn s it 1 1 ka vrucH UUIslbVLJ HEADACHE! Also, ORlPr enS arXUfTry It Trtsi S)He I0 atse VfBI ti'H L I Fl Eternal H. C at Xa a "Tou have the privilege of namina all the .animals." aald ve. admir ingly. , ' "That tan t o mucn.T replied Adam, The Influential chap ie the one who: . wiH eventually put the price tag on, those that are sold for msat," -Wash-t Ington Star. - - i SPECIAL VALUES SUltS DRESSES COATS . 4 ,44 IJ 44 43 ' H . 40 60 , H . 1 63 , H , . 30 ' . 80 H y. 40. 43 f . 38 ' ; 44 fl J 4 Si ' 43 , 6 ' K Z 4 .48 '63 I 1 80 , 30 J 88 . 44 ' IS M SO ' II 80 83 1 ' 48 1 64 . f I II SS 1 1 I brief Spanish-American -war, and 1 awry nas reneaiHR iineis aurinjr , war that has Just ended:' In this ci nectlon it is interesiting to re-cord eetabllehed tact that the total dpi roll of the United States forces la war waa Just about one-hui o( toll that was exacted of uh by recent epidemic of Spanish iuflu Nor should it be overlooked tha times of peace, the deaths ann are estimated to be approximate! 000. In many accident wher patient is not killed, he or she tnf I es from tha hospital a hopeless a pie. But the new surgery, the sun developed during the war, will (only save many of these induct VKnnii, -qui. win iieip iti rvviora usefulness ths lame and the' halt the blind. In a hospital tn Milan. Italy, th have been experimenting successful with a new apparatus which lnsur hn mobility of the mouth and jaw and thus makes it poeaHbls for th phyaloian to rebuild, reshaps nnrt even to actually restore lost functions to men who were suffering from Tnouth wounds. This , marvelous Ja w-Jor-k consists of two llRht metal aros, one of which is placed on the outside of t ii iu net laugc v , ,j uto . other on the upper range, the whole I M being fastened U the teeth 4y mstsl I I eV H in , II H nlB Ss!B mfl $ j i f 8 I (f I II mm mm. m v mmm. '. t i r i" a , Ktiiiriijer- s : . ..:. " V ivUi;.; BEGINNING TOMORROW, JANUARY 1 1 , AND CON TINVING TO JANUARY 18 we will offer Ladies' Coats, Suits and Dresses at exceptionally low. prices rather than .carry them over another season. SUITS - . A few Suit in Velour, Tricotine. Serge, and ttjl fA to'tQf 11 A Jersey. .Value. $25 to $I25-Now ...... lOsDU PODUU .COATS y-::Sh We have one line of $25.00 Coats which we are going to close out at ............. , DRESSES Costume Velvet, in black, grey and brown. Value from $45 to $75, To sell at An Attractive assortment of Velours. Trico- f f CA to sJfiC tii tinea end Serges. Value $19.50 to $95 J ID. DU pDDeUU $15.75 $29.50 "$47.50 35 Patton Ave. liemmenta ta uca lasmon no P