10 THE ASnEVTTJ.LE CITIZEN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1919. Wants MARKET NEWS OF YESTERDAY. ; Wants ' 1 ' ' SPECIAL A on the jjSuY -Success pai-tial payment plan. Open a Savings Ac count and make it a point to add a few dollars to it every week. We 11 add 4 interest compounded quarterly. ' This is the method many employ to buy success. Battery Park Bank SAFETY MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE i COURTESY SERVICE mmm is mm in . vorjhlock u,t- IIUllHlkUU IU UIIUIIII III COTTON MARKET SESSION Favorable Views of Coal Situation Have Influence On Dealings. NEW YORK. Dee. 6. Th cotton marv ket was lower today, but showed flrm- u ai ma ikm, owing 10 mora iavor. r..i r. ,,,.: sble views of the coal situation and ol iLTl.. (South) Am.. Boat Sugar., Am. Can Am. Car ft Foundry ajh. n. at l. pxa, . Am. Intl. Corn..... Am. Locomotive..,, Am. Linseed Am. Smalt.. .Ref.. Am. Sugar Am. Rum. Tnh Am. Tel. ft TeL . , . . Am. Tobacco ...... Anaconda. Conn .. Atcblaon AIL Coast Line. ' All.. O. 4k W. India uam. Ijooo. ax-dlv. Ualtlmore Ohio. uem. eieei - SaleHigh!Low Ck .il36, Mexican affair. After selling oft from 14.4V to a.6. March oloaed at 14.26, wiin ma general nst closing nrm at a n' m xo m point. Central Leather . cnes. Ohio..... Chi., Mil Bt P.. vm., n. i, fac. rop estimate seemed to b largely ao- Product. ounUoi lor mo earlier selling. The ' rruolble Tfiti crop ooun mantel opened eas to 60 points, with 38.46 and .. v., UV.1U1D ninri aecune oi 20 mmrv eelllnr Air tn JX.... auar. E.aa rlrht after tha call, when acllva months wer about 40 ilrS Mt to 0 .point, net lower There, wer ral- rUvf-V ' el 1 01 wfill AUDITS J. E. WILSON Books Oswawol sad Public Accountant Room 0S-S0-M5 Drhtunor BUg. , Booaieeirtnt Systems , I tailed Fbos 1S7S y at a January v o,. iicm ancr i un te, ...., i .. ... 1 v.. iNonnern ora. I"- v w.nw IWIHI. 1IVIII tills leveifon (If XJmfh fw i I.lvarimo and Jidiiih. hiivtnr ht .in. Ht'.."?r,n-' TO there we. also domestic trade, burin mni?T.i?i and covering, but th market weakened , in40,k' '1 again during the early afternoon on re- ' ? P.V 5iPXm port or a fliminianing spot demand and v:, 1 VfT'T-', easier spot basis. January was relatively ' iS525i,?5i p'fifi flrmf but lat monLha made new low. fPtrnt.lonal with May .en-ln at 81.94, or about li i v-P"r v nolnta net lower, while .Tnlv nu llm. m showed net lose of US points. There p.,,:,, was renewed novnrlnr iiuk (nil. hnvlnv ' ics,n'trolum. at this level, and lnVt nriree were S. ml. t-OPP 60 polnta up from th loweat with t.lver pool a good buyer In th lata trading;. A prominent southern authority esti mate ginning to December 1 at 8,a,000 bales, and the lint crop at 11,121,000 bales. m 11111 piiTeia eaumsiv po wr puo- fihi ,.11 k.v.1 t. 1. . . .. t 1 1 tnio c Itle (la. and was (vmsldereil reannnelhle tnr nrt . itI. of th early selling her. Th averaga p.JT ni ! " of estimate by members of the New pfa Xi w1 vS'' York cotton exchang point to a crop of ' T,' " 10.700,000 bale, and member of th ! STrtl?n' Cop..... MttI Hock exchange eatlmat 10.696,000 1 5!r' n-,i"i::". Mluvala Steal Missouri Paclflo -. : N. Y. Central . . . N. Y.. N. H. A H. ! Norfolk Western - iNonnern Facino DECISION IN COURT CASE IS FEATURE OF MARKET The News Is Followed By Wild Trading in Southern Pacific, NEW YORK.- Deo. 6. Announcement that th government had decided to abide oy tna decree of the lower court In on of the long pending Southern Pacific oil land cases, waft th outstanding fea- UT' regular on th average. Cotton cloeed firm. Just Receiveda lot of these TOASTER STOVES Get One Whife They Last $3.00 NAIMAN ELECTRIC CO. 29 W. College St Phone 340 THE SWANNANO A-BERKELEY A Modern Brick and Concrete Hotel One Mock from pabUo square Aaberllle, If. a European Plan ' luele de Bote Breakfaat Bates 91 per da and up t ' , Dinner or Supper 7t W. O. RAWaT. Mrr. ' December . . January , . . . March May .. July TOpen f High 61.60 17.40 1 84.40 ; 82.67 81.15 81.60 86.45 18.15 81.95 80.62 1 Roval Dutrh N V J ! Seaboard Air Line I Close Sea. Air Lin, pfc Ti ; Bin. uu a Kef... J! li Sloa,-Sh7. 8. A. 14 2K ' Boumern I'acino iq'I.i Southern Railway 80 88 ; Southern Ry. pfd..b Ti . i , T . 1 " . - ''L.''-- 1 UlUUDUUH' IIIU. i ixiiion spoi sieaay; miaanng. ly.zrni Tnii.. rn Talk of an easier spot basis was a tSc. rV? fo T PP tor on the early .afternoon decline to i Tobacco Prod'nVt." 88.15. for March and. 18.08 for May. or iTnY0COp.UCt" "about 75 point ket was quiet aroum net lower, hnt ni month held relatively firm and th mar- id I o'clock, Stock, Bonds, Grain, Cotton. CLESSkJTt D GATES A CO. ftOr"lt ' Prlvau Wire to an Mark Csnttrs 14-11 KIrtrioal aWg SIMMS 137 J. C. DAVIS, Msnagr. V. a Retail Stores united Tult V. B. Food ProducU u. s. ma. Alcohol. V. B. Rubber IT. S. 8tel ....... V. H. BtM pfd.... Utah Copper Va. Caro. Chem. . Weetern 'Union West.. Electric ... Willys-Overland .. Coca-Cola 7H 89 6 8 6044 10714 13 71 I8 108V, 88 208 V4 28)4 60 1 70 60 60 106 41 23 761 l!o8 2DV 88 12 91 it 106 124 104 "4 IS 6Ui 80 108 10)4 Z91 87 124 19 191 77 103 izz 103 118 II I 63 29 18I ture of today Drofessional and stock market. The news, which preceded the opening or me session, wss followed by wild trading In Southern Pacific at an extreme rise of 14 points to 109, the convertible five per cent, bond rising eight and one half points and associated oil, a Southern Paclflo property, 16 polnta. . Many other stock were favorably In fluenced by the bulge In these issues, but tha advance lost much of its force be fore noon, when exchange on London and Pari dropped to new points of discount. During the Intermediate period the market drifted without definite trend, the collap of exchang. fresh uncertainties In the threatened coal famine and the Mexican crisis provoking renewed pres sure from the short. - Rallies of the last hour wer featured by motors and the principal food shares, reinforced almost at the end by greater airengtn or United States and violent ad vances In Mexican and pan-American petroleums, the oils galnlngtVa points each, while General Motors retrieved th better part of Its severe loss. There was no material change In the 10 1 easier local monetary situation, but 112 f heavy exports of gold to South and Ceri- 41 ' tral American points already accepted oy jmnaing interests as a preiuae to es tensive outflow of the metal to those countries. Bond dealers rennrted a better demand for Investment Issues, but this was not apparent In tha dealings on the exchange where heavy transactions In Liberty and victory bonds wer again showing Irreg ularity. Total sales, par value, aggregated 123- 400.000. . Old U. S. bonds wer unchanged on call. SPECIAL Fifty cents ia the price. Why pay more. Public Transfere Co. operating new Fords, Reoa, Hudson Super and Buick Sixes to report at any point in the city catering to the needs of the public, 50 cents. 'Call us day or night. Try,'our sudden service. Public T ransfer Co Scott Dillipgham, Mgr. , f none 54b. J WANTED Two or three rooms for light house keeping- wanted by young; couple in good health. Hen permanent ly and want In desirable section of the city. Address E. F. B., care The Citizen. WANTED To wuy -Tt711Df in eo end band wearing aid In house keeping goods; alee suit eases and hand bacs. Jewelry, muedcal Instru ments, .sto. WU1 'pay extra bg price for men's food clothing. Any 5 nods ssnt, my prlos not aatUfac ry, will return at my exneDB. Will ail It notified by mall or phone 1177. If. Zagelr, tt BUtraore Are. 4-l-tf DEPRESSION FELT ON COTTON MARKET i Wt.A.r. . Tt1..1...1"1 Am fittae Gsill 0peipaifl(i)ips PTPrmff 1 1 ft rt&fPpfiTm mi AM -eV JUsaUi Vi VS a- JJ. JLLJLi LLJ The amazing statement of ex-Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo that the profits of bituminous coal operators ran as high as 2, 000 per cent in 1 9 1 7, and his implied charge that they still are profiteering at the expense of both the public and the miners, has started a pretty rumpus in the editorial columns of the nation's press. The United Mme Worker' Journal thinks that Mr. McAdoo's statement is vindication for the min ers in their claim, that the operators "could grant a substantial wage-increase out of their profits without increasing the price of the coal to the consumer. Mr. McAdoo's implications are false, reply the operators, and his "misleading statements and insin uations are the kind of stuff which Bolshevism breeds upon," mhile the Philadelphia Public Ledger, recalling a clause of the Revenue Act which makes it unlawful for a Treasury official or agent to divulge confidential information which comes to him in his official capacity, asks significantly, "Will William Gibbs McAdoo be able to run for the Presidency if he is in jail?" The leading article in THE LITERARY DIGEST for December 6th discusses the question as to whether the coal operators have been taking undue . profits from the public, and presents opinions from all quarters bearing upon the subject v Other news features in this week's number which are of keen interest to the public include: WANTED To buy all kinds of stoves and ranges. Also fur niture, talking machines. Mc Bee Stove Co. Phone S187. 34 Biltmore Ave. P12-3-7 YOU' to see a nice assortment of children's dresses Reasonable price. Lady's fancy shirt waists. Millinery - greatly reduced in price, mra. Edwards. 26 Charlotte St. P12-S-7 NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 5. Cotton opened unsteady today, remained de pressed throughout the session and closed at net declines of It to 69 points. At tha loweat levels the market stood 47 to 94 point under the close of veaterdav. Irregularity was due to th extreme 'T H"V HfT? .nnal. wmiv bnxrad weakness of th distant months and thei'"" "P"' ,"t . ana ranees, rnone aioi. o WANTED TO rent modern country ; house on paved road within .8 to 6 "Tnlles of Asheville on 1 year lease with privilege of buying. Address Wi L-, care Citizen. P12-61 rregul veakn comparative steadiness of tha near. Sell ing was stimulated mainly by a private bureau, estimated or 9,000.000 bales gin ned to the first of December, which was figured indicated a total crop of 11,120.000 bale, a considerably larger yield thaq the trade has been expecting for some time past. ' t . Much liquidation came from the long siua as ina marxec leu, ana it was ap parent that buyers of July during the early sessions of th week were letting go. July was forced, at It loweat, down to 80.17, which compared with the spot price for middling of 40c spots being auoiea uncnansea. 'mis wine nieonunt at tracted a great deal of attention but with out causing rresn buying European politic were rerarded unfav orably, but small recoveries wer caused toward th close by reports of a some what better turn in th Mexican situa tion. :: , ,. , Cotton closed, steady at a decline of ia to n point. Lr Blitmore Ave. P12-3-7 WANTED To ; rent modern , homo, close- in, furnished, or unfurnished, 8 to 10 rooms on lease 1 year. Ad dress a D1careCitlzenP1-8 Open I Low Close December 39.01 I 1876 I- 89.80 January 87.11 81.76 87.08 March .-. 84.(6 " 14.20 84.64 May .'. 12.11 82.28 88.60 July 81.61 80.17 11.12 WANTED To rent Two or dhree ' unfurnished rooms for light house keeping. P. O. Box 578. PI 2-8-7 PAINTER will exchange " labor for ' housekeeping rooms. Apply Paint er, care .Citizen. ' Pll-80-7 CARPENTBR--Repair work promptly' attended to. . t-none us. Spot cotton quiet and unchanged. Sales on the spot. 266; to arrive, 1,460, Low middling, 34.00; middling, 40.00; good middling. i. id. neceipts, .lu; stock, NEW YORK BONDS. (Southern) TT. S. 2'fl, registered IT. S. 2's, coupon U. S. convertible 1's. registered U. S. convertible 8's. coupon . U. 8. 4's,. registered U. 8. 4's, coupon American Tel. and Tel. cv. ' Anglo-French 6's Atchison gen. 4' Atlantio Coast Line 1st 4' ... Baltimore and Ohio cv. 4'a Bethlehem .Steel ref. 6's Central of. Oa. Consolidated 6's . fnntriil T.athr Chesapeake and Ohio cv. 6's Chicago, B. and Q. joint 4's ...... 93 I Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul cv. 4's 66 unicago, k. i. ano I'ac. ny. retr 4 g 5 City of Paris 6's 94 Colorado and Southern ref. 4's .. 72 Denver and Rio Grande ref. 6's pfd. 49 Dominion. of Canada 6's (1931) .... ,93 Erie gen. 4' 48 Illlnoi Central ref. '4's 76 Int. Mer Marine 6's 93 T.b 100 ,.b 100 ,.b 88 ..b 18 ,.b 105 ..b 105 ... 97 ... 96 ... 77 .,. 76 ... 6 ... 87 b 85 ,'.b 97 7BU. How to Save the Treaty ' A Sununawy of the SaggesUotu That Are Being Advanced By Friends and Foe of the OriginaJ Document SUver Passes "16 to 1" Mark Europe's Money in a Sinking Spell The Farmer is Against Organized Labor America's Abandonment of Europe Bonus Denied Canada's Fighters America's Military Menace Why Japan is Distrusted Germany's Big Bertha an Accident Where Alcohol Still is King A Dead Sea Power Plant Is Snow Fall Decreasing? Nutless Bolts in Shipbuilding Pussy-cats' Bit in the War Higginson's Service to American Music Chesterton on Scots Humor American Boys Go To Shakespeare's School . v. Ed. Howe's Religious Confessions Protestant Belgians " Hollanders in AmericaWhere They are Located Their Character, etc. New York's Building-Trades Wages , Our "Pussyfoot," England's Hero and Pest Books as First Aid to Morale Leitch's Formula for Industrial Har-. mony That Phantom Yankee Army .on the Verdun Front Senator Poindexter Who Wants to be President w "Closeup" Glimpses of the Far East The Spice of Life ; Best of the Current Poetry .: J -Social Work by Block UniU Kansas Clt Liggett an Southern ref. 6's ty B id Myers 6's Louisville and Nashville un. 4' Many fatcvettiiig IOwtntJona, bcrading Hiiiimkous Cetftootu December 6th Number on Sale To-day All. News-Dealer4V-10 Cents 72 17 11 . 68 55 90 103 76 91 90 6's..bB7 . . a .b 84 ..107 86 .. 60 .. 108 'b 84 .. 14 .. 8 ?b 8J ( CHICAQO GRAIN. CHICAGO. Dec. 6. Increased renelnta of 'corn, looked upon as an unexpected result of th coal miners' strike had a bearish effect today on the corn market. Price cloeed unsettled. 1 to lo net lower. Oats lost to e to c. In pro visions, the outcome ranged from loo de cline to a like advance. Missouri, Kan. and Tex. 1st 4's Missouri Pacific gen. 4's ....... New York Central deb. 6's ... Norfolk and Western cv. 6s ... Northern Paclflo 4's Pennsylvania Consolidated 4's r-ennsyivania gen. OS Reading gen. 4's Republic Iron and Steel 6' (1940). b St. Louis and Han. Kran. adj. Seaboard Air Line adj. 6's ... Southern Bell Telephone 6's . . Southern Paclflo cv 6's Southern Railway 6's . : Southern Railway gen. 4's . Texas Company ev. 6' . Texas and Paclflo 1st Union Pacific 4 s U. 8. Steel 6's Virginia Car. Chemical 6's .. Wabash 1st MONEY MARKET, t - NHW YORK, Dec. 6. Mercantile paper, 66. Sterling 60-day bills, 382; commer cial 60-day bills on banks. 382; commer- il ao.dav hills. 881: demand. 886; Mhlea 187. Wanes demand. 10 60: cables, 10.66. Guilders, demand. 87; cables, 38. .Ire. demand. 12.66: cables. 12.60. Marks, demand. 220: cables. 226. Government bonds irregular; railroad bonds Irregular. Time loans strong; 60 days and six months, 7 bid. Call money easy; ruling rate, (; bank acceptances, 4. FOREIGN EXCHANGE. SPECIAL ' fFSTAMYGSSDS A new shipment of regula tion Army Blankets, all-wool. khaki, 66 by 86 inches. Lots -of other Blankets in Wool and Cotton. Auto Robes fOTWAlt -11 MM ' U. S. Army Sweaters, . I - T T e a Tir I mji .l u. d. Army wool omrxs. U. S. Army Leather Jerkins. Sheep Skin Lined Coats. ' U. S. -Army . Coats, Khaki, Brown, Black, and Green dyed, made into civilian coats. "Wool and Cotton Underwear. U. S. Army . Shoes. ; ; Trench Shoes. ; Buy those U. S. Army : re claimed quilts at 21.50 and $2. They are selling fast. ' Mail orders promptly attend ed to. - . " v.v ; Asheville Salvage Co., 29 Biltmore Ave. Phone 1497 Drays, - 1 rucks and . Moving Vans, anywhere " at any time. Noi job too small, hone too big. Try our Sudden Serf vice. ''., L Scott Dillingham, Owner. - ' Phone 101. 12-2-7 Soft Shell Pecans. Five thousand pounds large soft shell table Pecans in sealed sanitary car tons. Eight lbs. at 62 1-2 cents pre paid ' insured Parcel Post. One to five lba at 76 cents, Christmas gift packages specialty. Order early and avoid delay. w. w. Watson, Grower. Peacanwood Plantation. , Orangeburg-, S. C -. P11-80-3S NUW YORK. Dec. 6 Demand sterling. or bills on London fell to 33.84 to the pound In this market today, representing a decline of 2 o from the recent low level and a discount of about 21 per cent; from the pre-war rate of .34.864. Rittu on Paris also made a further de cline, the purchasing power of the franc falling to. almost iu to me oonar, or discount -of slightly more than 60 per cent. . . JACKSONVILLE LIVESTOCK. 6. Hoes ill. 60; bulk. JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Dec. Choice heavy. 11.00 11.60; rough heavy, 10.0010.60; heavy pigs, 9.0010.00: light pigs, .6Ofl0.oo: range hog. 4.0009. 00; range pig, 4.00 6.00. ' Cattle weak: steers, s.enras.uu; duim 4.0006.00: yearlings. 8.6006.60; cows, 4.00 6.00; heifers, 4.6006.00; veal calves, v.uv lz.oo; cannsrs, i.vw up. NAVAL 'STORES. I r ., Furniture Moving, W ' First-class Auto Serviea. - Hughes Transfer & Auto Co. "The House with a Ktener Under standing." , W. T. Keener, Mgr. Opp. Passenger Station. Phones 1406 and 1416. Branch Office, 17 Patton Ave. iP-4-tk JUST, received a car load of Florida Oranges. These Oranges are thin skinned, sweet and juicy. The very best Oranges grown. V. V. Haynie, 62 . N. Lexington. Phone 3400. P-12-4-fr-' PHONE 3251 L. Remember this phone number. It will SAVE YOU MONEY. Typewriter -Repair & Equip ment Co. 10-22-tf JACICSONVILLB. Fla., Dee. 6. Tur entlne firm, 162; .sales, 206; receipts, 87; shipments, 140; stock, 10,974. Rosin. W-W to L quiet; H. to B, Arm; sale. 1.006: receipts, 1,976; shipments. 166: stock. 94,930. QuoteTB. 16.10; D. 16.20; 13 16.20 li6; F. 16.20IJI16.36; G, 16.25016.36; H, 16.3016.36; I, 17.16017.26; K. 18.00- M, 18.76; N, 20.00; W-G, 20.26; W-W, 21.60, , - . I CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. - j CHICAGO. Deo. 6 Hogs weak, 60 to in. n,w.. 1 J.404iilS.7B: medium. 18.6O18.80; light, 18.40&18.65: packing sows. 12.oo12.26: pis. ia.6uwiJ.zi. Cattle weak; beef steers, 7.7621.00; heifers, 1.401914.76: cows. 6.2613.60; veal BOOKKEEPING, Shorthand thor oughly taught. Winter terra begins Jan. 6th. Address Greensboro Com mercial School, Greensboro, N. -C.. for Catalogue. ., P-l 2-2-30 SPECIAL Good four-room house for sale by owner; on paved street; close in. Phone 1071. J. P-13-2-5 LOST LOST U. S. Deputy Marshall badge. about else of half dollar of gold and tlue enamel, with, safety . catch. ' Owner's name engraved on back. Lost in Post -Office, or Pat ton, avenue or between the Square and Depot. Reward. Return Citi sen office. , - l l-t-S calves. 16. 60017.60 steers. 6.001J.26. , Sheep unsettled; ewes, 4.009.40. feeder and stocker lambs, , 1O.OO011.23; . I OpenTHigh Low Close CORN: 1 .December ... 1.39 1.31 1.31 1.38 January- .... 1.36 1.36 1.34 1.34 May 1.33 1.34 1.31 1.32 OATS: December 76 .76 .76 .76 May .79 .79 .71 .79 PORK: January .....15.16 ....36.16 May 31.40 84.00 31.36 34.00 LARD: j January ..'.. 23.60 23.55 23.42 23.62 May 23.66 23.63 23.47 23.63 RIBS: January 18.72 18 90 18.71 11.90 May 11.10 11.96 18.75 1S.9S NEW YORK LIVESTOCK. FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publiihen of the Famom NEW Standard Dictionary). NEW YORK KEW TORK, Dec 6. Beeves' steady; steers. 12.3S017.15; oxen. 13.76; , bulls. 6.7610.O; cows, 4.25 10.00. Calves Irmrular; veala. 11.00024. M: culls, li.oora 17. ou; rea carves, ii.woii.in: grassers, 8 00f 10.00; yearling. .6O07.6O. Sheep and lambs steady. Sheep, 6.00 9 00; cull. 4.00O4.50; yearlinfrs, 10.00 12 00; iambs, 14.0016.00,culls. 10.00 12.00. . Hog steady at 14.0014.2J; pigs. 14.00; roughs, 12.00. . ,A ', - COTTONSEED 0IL. ' NHW TORK.' Dee. a. After lle-htlv with cotton and lard, eottoi nil advanced on burin r for southern ac count and room covering. Refiner okJ on the rally. Final bids were point lower for July and I to M higher for th balance. Sale. 16.000 barrel. Tender. 200 barrel. Prim crude. 19.00, nominal: prime summer yellow spot. t0.6021.00: January. 8L20; March. 21.39; May, 21 47; prim whiter yikw and summer whits, nominal. . ' ' ' ,. LIVERPOOL COTTON. i , , LIVERPOOL. Dec 5. Cotton pot in moderate demand; price lower. Good middling. 27.37; fully middling. 26.87: mid dling, 36.47; low middling 23.32; good or dinary. 20.87: ordinary, 19.87; aales. 7.000 bales, including 4,400 American. Receipts. 49,000 bales, including 44,200 American. Future cloeo sieaay: wnouw,' January. 24.04: March, 22.63; May, 21.26; July, 30.28: October. 16.14. SEA ISLAND COTTON. SAVANNAH. Oa.. .Dee. t. Sea islands fancy, 1082; extra cnoiee H'oau; cnoicw, 74f: extra n,.573,; fine, foglf; medium nne. mow; cwinmuu. Market steady: sales, 466; receipts, .187; shipments, 396; stock, 3.062. Crop In sight. 13,160. - FIVE dollars reward and' no ques tions asked for return to Langren hotel, of traveling bag and con tents, ana one sweater, lost in front of - Langren hotel, nignt. jNovemoer o. Stinda WILL boy given lift Central avenue" to High Schoof by lady In car Fri day advise where keys given hlra for Harold Shuttles, Eighth grade, can be secured. Phone 3409. ' ' - ' M ' 12-- LOST A. gold wrist watchz-'wJUi gold bracelet. Monogram M. C. Kewftj-d if returned to Citizen office c3l Edwin Place. i tf-t LOST-Neckpiece, black fox, Tues day evening. Reward if returned to Citizen office. P12-6-S easing onseed 94.30; LIBERTY BONDS. ; , Final pric8 of 25ft ww.ixr vnmr. Dec S. Liberty bonds today were: 3 's. 99.68; flrst 4'a. 94.00: second 4's, 92.14: nrst 4 second 4's, 92.64; third 94:98: fourth 4's. 92.42; Victory 1's, 99.10; Victory 4's, 99.14. . COTTON STATISTICS.. . trannvit. TM I Weekly eorton statistics, total forwarded to mills. 35.000 bales. Of wnicn American, v,uwi aiwn, 666.000; Amartcan. 474.000. Imports, 183, 000; American, ia.000; exports, 110.461. . r - DRY GOOD..- NEW TORK. Tec 5. Cotton goods wer firm today, with a tendency to riae. Tarns were higher., but llk markets wer less Douyani. isnnaps were qtuei and wool goods wer Arm. . ' SPOT COFFEE. vrar vctTUC Dec 6. Snot coffee auleU Kla. Ts. 16: Santos 4 a. 26. PACKAGE containing stamped guest towels in shopping district. Return " tg Cltlxen office. ; P12-6-1 MUSIC AND ARTS. AiVA" xLLOWBteacher ' of piano and voice. Endorsed' by tha great European master. Alberto Jonas. Residence studio at 81 Chestnut St. Phone 604. 11-20-10 MISS IRENE COLLYER. -, Teacher of the art of singing. Fopll of Jean DeResxke of Paris. ' Voice building - Interpretation. Results guaranteed. Phone 382... 48 Wool sey Ave. - Pll-30- REAL ESTATE. "foSTreSt" FOR RENT -Unfurnished 5 -room bungalow located on the Henderson, ville road, near Biltmore. Has lights, hot and cold water, price 16.00 per month'. Phofte S4f. -'-- ''.' DONNAHOE & COMPANY. - LIBERTY LOAN BONDS MisKseje SEB.my liberty Bond buying prices in the Asheville Tim Classified . Pae, J. 6elby, American Nationai - t2ni T)lrfsr . THstn 1417 D19.6l.lB MUMs s4M r- e, avw ) - "W wv