12 TIIE ASHEVILLLE CITIZEN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1919. t A BARGAIN ' 16 Sets Fine Hollow Handle Breakfast or Dinner Knives. Bett Plate at $4.50 per set (The regular price is $8.25 per set) 10 Sets same but Dessert size at $3.95 per set (Worth $7.75.) ' 5 Luncheon Sets like above, 6 Knives and 6 Forks for $6.50. MEMORIAL SERVICES These are beautiful goods and first quality,, at' about half price because we have not the other pieces to match them. J H.LAW 21 Haywood St KIWANIS CLVB ANNOUNCES DE TAILS OF EXERCISES. Several Organization to Participate In Services in Honor of the Late Dr. E. Held Russell. r: s s r i mm- Si 05313 Ltdles who are discriminat ing; in their selection of China and - Silverware will And here everything one could wish for. THE I-X-L STORE M PATTON AVE. PHONE 107 Kiwanlans in regular weekly ses- lon at the Langren hotel last eve ning at 6:30 o'clock, elected nine member out of the IS nominated, who will In turn elect the various officers of the club. A large number of the members were present and af ter hearing an address from Commis sioner O. F. Stradley with reference to the erection of a monument In honor of the Buncombe boys who were killed in the great war. anoroved the I committee's program for the me morial services In honor of the late Dr. K. Held Russell. The services will be held nt the First Baptist church Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock and the Kiwanla club which has charge of the service has invited members of the Buncombe County Medical society, K. of J'., D. O. K. K., the Nurses association, and nurses of tho Meriwether hosnital to i attend the service. The nurses will I be in uniform, and all the persons be longing to the organization asked to oe present will, meet at the JLangren hotel at three o'clock, and go from there in a body to the church. services, and an excellent musical program has been announced, on which will appear Maurice Lomrhurst, Mrs. W. R. Orlffln. and Mrs. Willis J. Cunningham. Rev. Dr. W. F. Powell will ofTer the Invocation, which will be followed with an addrexs by James J. Brltt Resolutions of respect will then be read, which will be followed by an eulogy by Dr. C. K. Cotton. Rev. R. F. Campbell will offer the benediction "'""A. The nine who were elected lam evening as a board from which tho officers of the club will be chosen, were ,E. B. Wheeler, Harry Oruvcr, Dr. W. F. Powell, Dr. Kuceiio B. Oienn, H. Redwood, Percy Blackman. E. C. Oreen. James R. Bush and XI. K. Currenco. These 'gentlemen will meet AGENT JENKINS AIDS VANDY MEMORIAL FUND Consular Agent in Mexico Contributes To Fund tfor Monument to Heroic Dead of University. Expected to contribute a small sum D, G. DEVENISH JOINS CITIZEN'S LUMBER GO. Expert Accountant Closes Offices. Will Have Charge of Office Work I of Company. D. (I. Devenish, who has conducted to the fund the alumni association of !n office as public accountant here for dollars. ; PRESTIGE Is ,, No Mushroom . ' v ). ' Experience v ' doesn't grow over night We ' offer both qualities and cor rect fitting. Spectacles and "Eye Glajsea.':v:r;.r;v;VT;. Charles H. Honest ' OPTOMEYEOT ' Eye-Strain Specialist - L $4 Petto A. tr PoatolBes BstablMied ItM at an aarlv rlota e rA AaAa vYm ts111 ; " :Za ' r . rect a u i t . i. i l a . i u wiiu Will Sill ' 1 1 other offlres of the club. Rev. Thrall Speaks Rev. J. Bralnerd Thrall, pastor of the First Congregational church of this city, guest of honor of the club, delivered an Interesting and timely address, touching upon the events of the day and calling upon pure Ameri can citizens to assist in upholding the hands or the government Kev. Mr. Thrall said that It Is the man who does tho extra things that count instead of almply watching the hands of the clock, who In these days of turmoil and unrest Is really worth while to his fellowman. The speaker Interestingly told of the evils of the present time and the-necessity that all good men support the government and reach! out for a broader vision of life, quitting the close and selfish manner of living. Vanderbllt university are raising to suitable memorial to their heroic dead In the great war, William O. Jenkins, American consular agent at Puebla, Mexico, whose : arrest al most caused a break in diplomatic relations between the United States and Mexico, forwarded to the asso ciation his check for Ave thousand All !,ouls Church people and all friends rally I Sunday morning; servioe at Bill more. Bishop norner will tell snout tne "Nation vrtdo Campaign". Special Muslo. Mau rice IjonirhurHt. otvatilHt nrl enAat. E. E, Wheeler will preside over the tor.' Rally I THE HALLMARK STORE. The Enjoyable Present WATCHES Repaired, Cleaned and Adjusted , . Our Specialty. . J. E. CARPENTER Jeweler tf. Pack 6qnftr " Something that wul last, stay in style, and be attractive, practical and useful for all time, well describes the ideal present. 'Attractively modeled Silver and beautifully Cut Glass meets this requirement the kind that gives service, and adds to the enjoyment of the possessorsuch as wo are offering in our splendid assortment Arthur M. Field Co, I This news was made public by Dr. W. B. Weatherford, general secretary of the. Blue Ridga Toung Men's Chris tian association, at Blue Ridge, near here. The contribution by Afrent Jenkins to the memorial fund of his alma mater, was made Just before his ar rest ami imprisonment by. the' Mexi can government several weeks ago, although news "of the gift was only msae puisne ners today. Mr. Jenkins, It la well known la a wealthy manu facturer, with large Interests In Mex ico, in addition to his property lnter atH In the United States. Ho Is a native Tennessean. although he spent many years In California, be fore he entered the diplomatic ser vices of the United States government. He has always held a keen Interost for Vanderbllt university and his contri bution, which so far is said to be the largest that haa yet been made to the fund, will be hailed with delight by the hundreds of students at the uni-! verslty and by alumni in all sections of the world, as a generous gift. Decorated Tea Pots, Chinese, Japanese, etc. Fine variety at Laws. 2J Haywood St. In Holland today is celebrated ns St. Nicholas day, which corresponds to the Christmas festival of other lands. several years, haa Joined the Citizen h Lumber company as auditor and haa closed his offices, to devote his entire time to the new employment. W. B. Taylor, president of the lumber com pany announced last night that the PLAN MONUMENT TO ' BUNCOMBE SOLDIERS KIWANIANS ENDORSE I'LAX TO HONOR THE HEROIC DEAD. Would Erect Monument in Fountain In Courthouse Ground Contri butions st Central Bank. A move to erect some appropriate monument upon the court house company plans to bring all the ac- of th9 bovg from BunC0mbe county counts here, at the general offices and Mr. Devenish will have charge of this work. The company maintains sev eral yards and does a very large bus iness in several states. Mr. Devenish is known as one of the leading expert accountants In the state and In the south and since his office was opened here a few years ago has enjoyed a large business among the leading firms of the city and section. Our Glasses afford RJELIEF Relief from Headaches Relief from Nervousness Relief from Dizziness Relief from many forms of defective vision ' "Becoming glasses cost ne mere" DR. DEN1SON (Eye-strain Specialist) 35 Pattnn Avenae. Next door to Bon March. THE HALLMARK STORE. TV "CI 1 - - - Weed or Rid-O-Skid Chains iorlng aafer during winter months, vulcanising v and retreading.' -" " Agents for Michelin Tires and Tubes. .'; STETSON ERVICB ATISFIES v. STETSON TIRE COMPANY Broadway and Walnut Sis. and , K ; ; :-:: fiowthsfafo Ave. .-. , Phones 1171 and toil. uy a Stamp and Save a Life WARD ELECTRIC CO. J a Battery Park Place. Do loo light Products. PHONE -MS 016 ayM i tris OUR BREAKFAST SETS In either Wicker or Enamel make a practical as well as ser viceable Christmas Gift. These just arrived. Burton & Molt Furniture. On the Square ATLAS-BLACK DIAMOND PARDEE FOR SERVICE SATISFACTION , PLACE YOUR ORDER WITH CITIZENS TRANSFER and COAL CO. Phones 25981 Terms Cash Freight Moving and Heavy Hauling I ' 1111 . r'SUOPfc t LET US SUGGEST: Ivory Toilet Sets. Manicur ing . Sets, Toilet Articles, Shaving; Set, Stationery, etc ' It trill be easy to select an appropriate present from our assortment of useful gifts mMOne: - io Car Load Lots- STRAW Ton Lots- Bale Lots Write or Wire for Price The efficiency and health of your animals depend upon their comfort. A good bed of straw is an investment that brings large returns. Feed your grain to poultry in straw to make the laiy hen work; exercise is an essential aid to egg production and gen eral health of your flock. Immediate Shipments Immediate Deliveries Order Today ASHEVILLE SEED COMPANY OUR SEEDS GROW Cor. College & Lexington. Phones 21 77 and 2178. Titan 10-20 $JP0 Cash f. o. b. Chicago This Tractor Le&tis the Field. Titan 10-20 has agitated the farm-power world very ser iously this past summer. While it plugged industriously away on many thousands of iarrrs where it has found homes, it has also been the topic of conversation on the tongues of thous ands of dealers, farmers and men of the tractor industry the nation over. . ( , . The big power news of tho year came on july 1st Titan 10-20 was reduced $225 in price, cut to $I000 Two new ' factors at once came into play. First: Titan sales increased with such amazing speed that by October 1st the factories were . several . thousand tractors behind the demand yet a complete Titan was being turned out every few minutes. Seconds Selfish interests, envious of Titan popularity, began to circulate a rumor that the Harvester Company was over stocked with Titan tractors and that it planned to discontinue the manufacture of the popular Titan. The rumor has made no headway. It has been dis proved by statements made by the I. H. Company. Titan 10-20 today deserves the title "World's Foremost Tractor Success." Sold on instalments, at $1050.00, f. o. b. factory. The freight is $91.34. If your farm is. suited to a Tractor write for circulars and information. T. S. MORRISON & CO. Distributors for Western N. C. who lost their lives in the world wr.r, which was proposed two weeks ago by G. F. Stradley, commissioner of public institutions, was outlined to the Ki wants club in Its regular weekly ses sion last night, and the matter refer red to the board of directors for ac tion. The commissioner In addressing the Kiwanlans said that while' the grass Is growing over the craves of those who fell in a battle for democracy, the people are fast forgetting the heroic aeeas or tne American soldiers, and that some action should be taken at once to erect a monument in honor of those who paid the supreme sacrifice. It Is DroDOsed that a monument in the midst of a fountain in the front of the court house be erected, how ever, tnose who are advocating a monument are simply after some- thlnir in honor of the boys who fell In France and Flanders and are open to propositions as to the most ad visable, form of monument. The "Central Bank and Trust com pany has agreed to act as treasurer for a monument fund and all those who wish to assist the city and coun ty commissioners in providing funds can leave their contributions at this bank. The city commissioners are expect ed to, If a fountain is -decided upon, allow the water to be furnished from the city system. Smith and Carrier. weir known architects of this cltv. have announced that they will pre pare plans for a fountain and monu ment free of charge. Mr. Stradley in his address to the Kiwanlans explain ed all these propositions. . . Tms plan as has been suggested is expected to be the one followed, and those backing the movement In the Kiwanis club appear anxious to have the work start at once, In order that SOX ARE ALWAYS WELCOMED You will find just the ?sizes and colors you want in stock now. . , Silks in plain col ors, fancy straps and clocks 85c to $3.50. Fine cotton weaves in black and colors, 50c, 60cand 75c. Gifts for Men in the Meji's Shop First Floor an unveiling service may be held, probably on the anniversary of the date of the declaration of war. AMERICAN RED CROSS BUY RED CROSS I I I 7 irl U lJ I'K. I, ft HEALTH AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR i In the past many of our r ' li , ... inenas nave done their Christmas shopping late in the afternoon. Coal con- r servation now requires that we close each afternoon at four P. M. We therefore ask that they do their shop ping earlier in the day. HENDERSON : Your Jeweler 52Patton Ave. Near Postoffice FOR ROASTING: Veal. Lamb, Pork and Larded Pot Roast STAR MARKET three phones 1917 "We1 are successful caterers to a variety of appetites." ROOFING Just received car load of Barrett's 4 in 1 Mults Shingles- Green and Red -Prices righjt. W. H. ARTHUR 75-77 Broadway .Sheet Metal Work PHONE 2116. I - o 1 - WIRELESS PRACTICE SETS For Learning the Morse and Continental Codes The above practice set consists of a regular telegraph key, a special high pitch buzzer, miniature lamp socket, and lamp, all mounted on a polished hardwood base, z The efficiency of a wireless operator is gauged by his abil ity to read both sound and light signal. This set enables one to learn both.. An ideal Christmas gift for the boy. S4 Patton Ave. ' Klectrical Building Opp. tu Offic v BROWN SUGAR Makes the finest Fruit Cakes. It adds immensely to the flavor of the nuts and fruits. We have a limited supply at 18c Pound. . Many other ingredients for Christmas dinner. Shelled and salted nuts, bulk olives, cranberries and canned delicacy that you had better buy now as they keep well and you're sure of having them by doing so.. EDWIN C. JARRTT 12 N. Pack Square and City Market AD Bulk Goods Kept in Sanitary, DustrProol Boa. T H E B E S T O tF EVERY T H I N O WE HAVE A GOOD NUMBER of Talking Machines On Hand Now But There Will Be a Shortage Before Select Yours Npw and We Will Deliver Later Dunham's Music House The Home of High Grade Pianos . 0