THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1919. HICKORY ACCORDS CAPT. F N. WADOELL RQTARIANS HELD BIGGEST MEETING COLDS breed isd E L OST HOEY AH OVATION DIED AT MIDNIGHT (IF YFAR: WITH PRFS. ADAMS RUFST Spread INFLUENZA wa essssvs ; eeeeiweeeeeewe ejr " SH V X BjA Ml D.tXUXS AXD GARDXER WILL SPEAK IX THE NINTH. floe? Sajr league of XaUona is Ha manitartan Device and to Only Opposed on Partisan Ground. rntWlal to Tha Citizen) , HICKORY. Dec 6. Clyde R. Hoy of Shelby; democratic candidate for congress in the nintn congressional district, opened his campaign in Hick ory tonliht before a crowd of over four hundred persons in a local thea tre and received a welcome tnat aem- ocrata aaid augured: well for his suc cess 1 the special election in Decem ber 1. ..." No part of his address, a masterful effort, received more marked atten tion or more hearty applause than his exposition of the league of nations and his scoring of the opposition sen J)"" for opposing It on partisan grounds. liberally applauded through out his speech, Mr. Hoey drew tre , tnendous applause as he showed that the league of nations, instead of be ,.lpg the monster its enemies pictured it, was simply a humanitarian device tb make nations think before they 1 plunged the world Into the disasters of war. Mr. Hoey briefly discussed the fod eral reserve banking act and the fed eral farm loan act, defying any man to . show that these were not great con structive pieces of legislation in the Interest of the masses. He mentioned the tariff only incidentally asserting that the paramount need of American business and agriculture were ships, which the present administration has furnished in abundance. He claimed . that there was no reason whatever ' ' for men who believe in equal oppor tunities for all and special privileges for none to vote for Mr. Morehead, the republican candidate, who himself peaks for the business interests and has Jake Newell pledging Morehead's loyalty to the laboring man- That was called blowing hot and cold by Jibe speaker, , , Reverting to state Issues which he declared had nothing to do with the present-campaign, Mr. Hoey said the republicans were working on the prejudice of farmers by miii repre senting the revaluation act. . This act , will not go into force, he said, until . after the ', legislature meeta ' next . spring when the values will be re viewed and under the law, taxes can not be increased more than ten per cent fivery republican In the last legislature, he said, voted for this measure and Frank Llnney, repub- jcau cnairman, net pea to draw the bill that was passed. He called upon every farmer to wait until the legis lature meets before getting frighten ed, asserting that the democrats, who . own id per cent or the property In tne state, would not injure them selves. ; The speaker also referred to the negro in politics,' mentioning the po rtion of Fes, of Ohio, on that ques tion ana other matters or. recent nts Mr; Hoey was presented by Former Judge w. . council wno rererrea to him as worthy to carry the demo cratic standard In the Ninth district. Joseph I Murphy, local attorney, presented Judge Council and an- : nounced that tileutenanl-Governor Max Gardner .and Secretary of the Navy Daniels were booked to speak hero next week. AGED VETERAN HAD BEEN IIX BIT A WEEK. I 1 Interment Will Be Here, Although Funeral Arrangements Have Not Been Announced as Yet. Followfng a week's Illness Cap tain Francis Nash Waddell, aged 85, a distinguished North Carolinian and veteran of the Confederate armies in the war between the states, died at midnight last night, at his home on Blltmore avenue. dell, although in feeble health for some time, had been' able to be out a great deal lately and on Thanks giving day he was in the city. His end came peacefully last night, with members pf the family present. Captain Waddell and family moved to Asheville it years ago .when the city was little more than a village and he saw Asheville grow into us present size. He was connected with thn pltv administration for many years and was a magistrate for years, with an office in the city. The deceased served with honor in the Confederate army and was piesent during the great battle be tween the Monitor and Merrlmao In Hampton Roads. The family moved here trom mus- boro and there are many relatives In various sections of the state. Sur viving In the immediate family are the widow, Mrs. Ann Ivey Waddell: a daughter, Miss Maude Waddell and Charles K. Waddell, son. D. C. Wad dell, of Asheville, is a consln. The interment will be at Riverside ceme tery, although full notice of the fu neral services will be given Sunday, Elaborate Reception and Banquet Given Last Night at the Battery Park Hotel Splendid Address By Mr. Adams and Other Quests. It was -srith difficulty. President ful. Rotary principles must go into Frank E. Johnson, of tha local Ro tary club, said last Right, that he re frained from addressing his col leagues and their ladies as "fellows and girls." And that was the spirit that pervaded the dinner and recep tion given by the Asheville Rotarlans the business of the country and its industrial life must have a flavor or Rotary's tenets. Rotary must take a stand against mob rule and anarcny. The government is supreme, says the organization, and its members must never condone any 4orm of lawless to the president of the international-; ness. They must uphold the hands ' .... . i association, Albert B. Adams, of At captain wau- . f fha D.ttrv Park hotel last night, in addition to the .president, there were present as honor guests, Howard E. Rondthaler, of Wlnston Balem, former governor of the Sev enth district; Rogers Davis, of Rich mond, the president governor: E. E. Wheeler, the president of the local K I wants club, and representative del egations from the Rotary clubs at Greenville and Spartanburg. But despite the spirit of fun and frivolity that was apparent In the actions, and the speeches of those in attendance upon the gathering, there was in evidence an element of seri ousness that showed that the wear era of the Rotary emblem are awake to the problems of the times and are prepared to do their part as men in their absolution. Beneath 'the flag of America and her allies with a huge Rotary wheel suspended above them, eloquent speakers pleaded for the participation of Rotarlans in present day activities in a manner 'that will be representative of the tenets of the organization which embody prin cipally service. Mr. Adams told the Rotarlans that it is his privilege to be the president TRAIN SERVICE IN NORTHERN STATES GREATLY REDUCED tCOMrtNTJED FROM PAGB ONE) of the constituted authorities. Amerl canlsm must be their aim. They must register; they should vote. These are times which try the souls of men. Rotary has a wonderful field for service. Upon the conduct of Its tadlvidual members will depend whether it takes advantage of the opportunities that face it." Dr. Rondthaler said in part: "My English teacher told me once that the most sincere feelings of men are expressed in the simplest words 'X love you' Is the most effective State ment man can make. To Rotary I say: - Good Fellowship. "I love you-because of the bouyancy if'your spirits and the good fellow ship of your gatherings. Ten years ago such a meeting as this would have been impossible without artificial spirits. But where Rotarlans are gathered, fun and fellowship are in evidence. The use of the first name of members among themselves is one of Rotary's most marked and worth while tokens. It is a splendid reju venating experience to be called by my first name at my age. The boys wno called me Howard in my youth are scattered over the face or the earth. KIH. THE COLD AT ONCE WITH HILL'S CASGARAfd?PNINI Standard cold ttmtiy fef J9 ytv -in ann i - oplMM breaks op a sold in 24 win rnT nn wr ites? seek U it taUs. The f antilne box -I,, p vim ar. mu picture. Ac AUOrag wares a IV of suoh an organization as Rotary Those who chummed with me in my and he spoke of some of the purposes; college days are far apart. But in ko- CHANGES MADE IN LYNCH MANAGERS 3. V. Kane, who was recently man ager of the 8. A. Lynch Enterprises in , this city, coming here rrom Auanta, has been transferred to Charlotte and M. S. Hill has been sent here as man- . ager of the local theatres. Mr. Kane ' will have charge of the Piedmont and Imperial theatres, owned by the Lynch Enterprises . In Charlotte. - A. H. Cobb, formerly of Asheville, who has been connected ' with- the Lynch Enterprises for several years. was recently manager or the imperial theatre in Charlotte, but It to under stood that he will be sent to another city to assume similar duties.' In ad dition to the general manager of the Lynch Enterprises here, there is a manager for each of the local thea tres aliO. SWITCH OFF! Put aside the Salts, Oil, Calomel, or Pills and take "Cascarets." company, Cornelia, Ga. Cornelia, Ga.; Mt. Airy, Ga.; Clarkavllle, Ga. Augusta-Aiken Railway and Elec tric corporation, Augusta, Ga. Au gusta, Ga. Among others the following generate tneir current in part by water power, but use coal also. The use of their current Is subjeat to all the restric tions imposed upon the use of cur rent from exclusively steam plants: Southern Power company. Char iots, N. C; Greensboro, N. .C; Lex ington, N. C; Monroe, N. C; Sails bury, N. C; Durham, N. C.i Burling ton, N. C; Gaston Is, N. C; Concord. J I. C; Garrney, S. C; Spartanburg, 8. Cf Greenville, 8. O. North Carolina Electric Power com pany, Asheville, N. C -Asheville, N. C. 'J Wilson Mentally Alert," "Assert; Senators After White House Conference (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) - Are you keeping your bowels, liver, and stomach clean, pure, and fresh with Cascarets, or merely whipping them into action every few days with Salts, Cathartic Pills, Oil or Purgative Waters? Stop having a bowel wash-day Let ' Cascarets gently cleanse and regulate tne atomacn, remove the sour chin, with his right arm out. I sat a little to one side and slightly below him, near a table and he freauentlv turned his head to talk tomeX He also reached ever to the table several times to secure papers on It." Asked regarding the President's physical appearance. Senator Fall said, ha was "not an expert" but would not Judge that the executive had lost any weight. He. continued that Senator Hitchoock opened the discussion by stating that he person ally had nothing to present but ac companied Senator Fall, who desired to submit some information. I told the President that I didn't care to fatigue htm" said Mr. Fall. I sketched as rapidly as possible, the work done by our sub-committee and gave him, hastily, some of the reasons I'tty I thought this government should sea on: relations with Mexico. "I asked him if he had a copy of my resolution ana he reached over on the table and picked up a copy. The rreaiaent asked me if I would give mm a memorandum in wrltlnar rmver, ing my statement and I earread to send it at once: He'asked many ques tions and displayed a general know ledge or conditions, recent as well as past. He indicated perfect r.omnrn. henslon of the points I was making. Picks I'p Resolution. "I told him that I deaired to mnn him of my desire to co-operate with him in Mexican matters so far as I :could conscientiously. He ploked up uw uupy ui my resolution and asked: "I suppose you want to have me give some opinion on this?" "I said that was the purpose, and he then asked if I would supply him with the written memorandum. He said he was much Interested and would give it his careful attention. He didn't ssy when or how he would communicate with us. The President seemed generally familiar wfth Mexican affairs and said he didn't know the details." Mr. Wilson, according to Senator Fall, had an Idea that the sub-oom-mittee's report was in reline. Bn Mr. Fall explained that the Inquiry probably would not be completed for of the body. There Is none, more democratic, he, said; no Rotarian Is better than his fellow nor is any club more influential than the others which march beneath Its banners. One of the reasons for Rotary's suc cess is its Insistence upon full at tendances at each of the gatherings. No man has to attend a meeting of the Rotarlans. It Is his privilege to do so and be must regard It as such. The speaker reviewed the founda tion of the order IS years ago by four lonesome Chicago men who met at each other's offices for weekly chats and later at various restaurants for lunches. ' They . began' to know each other better and to like each other. Their ranks were Increased by tary I find Ed and Frank and Mike and Leroy. And from Rotary I get Howard, what a splendid thing. "I love you for your fine spirit, your outspoken recognition and ap praisement of -the Individual. Rotary says to me: "Howard, you ae making a success.. I like you." And I, human being that I am, endeavoring to live up to that appraisement. I love you. Rotary, because of the spirit of serv ice which you - continually - speak. Serve, serve, serve ; is the message that rings in my ears consciously from Rotary and my life . la a different thing because the organisation with which . I am affiliated puts service above self. , , X love yoa-,because of your quiet,, the addition of other, members" from J inconspicuous, unadvertlslng, unas- time to time and within a few months they had assumed greater proportions than they had originally dreamed of. From their . modest start, Rotary today boasts of more than 0,000 members residing on all parts of the globe. , BcHtrvea In Riches. To have friends, it has been said, is to be one. That is the spirit of Rotary. Unselfishness Is one of Its chief characteristics. Its members want to do something good for some one else. But Rotary la not hypo critical. It makes no pretentions to hating wealth. On the contrary, it believes in riches. Its members are successful men; its .club Insist on that Failures have no places within Its ranks. One marvels when one con siders the different phases of its ac tivities. It Is building homes for boys, erecting hospitals for sufferers with, chest diseases, giving Christmas parties for the benefit of those who are not blessed with much of this world's goods, gathering crops dur ing labor shortages and otherwise contributing to the welfare of the communities in which It operates. It does things for other people be cause Rotary's fun comes from serv ice. The best way to develop a Ro tarian is to put him to work and to keep him steadily on the Job. When he has attained his full development, he discovers that he has been en Joying the labor incident to the per formance or nis tasK ana is anxious for something else to do. Rotary in sists that every member shall be a typical Rotarian. If one -falls, he should be advised either to reform in his conduct as a Rotary member or make room for someone who will make a better one. The speaker said he wanted his dealers to question themselves along these lines: "Am I giving my club a square deal? There are more men out of Rotary who are Ro- suming way of getting behind and pushing forward the true causes of your, community. I love you because every movement with, a challenge for 'service wins your support. You can be counted on to the last. , "I love ' you,. Rotary, because you appeal in your broadness to man's imagination.' I-am glad for your, in ternationalism. 1 love you for your problems. I lov! you because of the manner in which you are answering the many questions that are presented to you; in these days f wrangling .and doubt and strife, while men and women and children are dying, under such - conditions .theev a a, peculiar appeal and a flnglg challenge to J Rotary internationally. v-'Am .1 my! brother s keepen?' it has been asked. L. W. Perrln. 9 H. Mahon, recently discharged from the army with the rank of major, spoke for Greenville. All brought messages of friendship and loyalty. All congratulated the Ro tarlans here upon their achievements and their splendid programs for service. Rotary Stunts. The stunts w;re typical of Rotary from the time a quartet of colored waiters collided, spilling d(shes and strewing food, only to rise singing songs that only the deep-throated voice bf the southern negro can war ble, until Dr. A. S. Wheeler explained his appearance In rags with the state ment that he was' commanded to wear his full dress and intended to do so with a view to having a ripping time. Boxes of candy were drawn by Mrs. A. W. Calloway, Mrs. Owen Norvell Mrs. Hamlet Pettus and Miss Bessie Johnson. The ball room of the Bat tery Park was filled with Rotarlans and their ladies, all of whom were de lighted by the festivities of the eve ning and ImpreHSftd by the ringing messages that were presented to them. M. A. Ersklne, in oneof the most interesting talks of the evening, pre sented Mr. Adams with the cloth for a Biltmore Industries homespun suit, the gift of the local club. Mr. Adams was measured yesterday afternoon by a local tailor and the suit will be made h'ere, sent to him at his 'Atlanta home. Mr. Adams ' will leave this morning ' ror Atlanta. Her PURSE How many can recall a time when some wo man member of the family lost her purse containing, perhaps, a considerable sum? Such losses would not occur if women had their own banking accounts. At this season, particularly. Vie hope Milady will be given a CHECK BOOK when she goea shopping to make sure that her Christmas purchases will be made safely and satisfactorily. CENTRAL BANK & TRUST Company South Pack S q u r o EASES A GOLD WITH IE DOSE 'Tape's Cold Compound" Then breaks up a cold in a few hours. Relief comes instantly. A dose taken every two hours until three, doses are taken usually breaks up a severe cold and ends all the grippe misery. The very first dose opens your clog-ged-up nostrils and the air passages in the head, stops nose running, re lieves the headache, dullness, fever ishness, sneezing, soreness 'and stiff ness. Don't stay stuffed-upi-Quit blowUig and snufllingl Clear your - congested head! Nothing else In the world gives such prompt relief as JPape's Cold Compound," which costs only a few. cents at any drug store. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, con- 'who is my neighbor?' I love Rotary, tains no quinino Insist upon Pape'sl for the manner in .which it has an-1 '. . - Adv. Gov. Davis. Mr. Davis told the Rotarlans that he is delighted to be. an, officer of that organization because of its de mocracy. Ho is proud to kno,w that Mr. Adams Is his president, selected by him and that the vice-presidents and other pincers were named by the individual members wno voted as they chose. With eight clubs in Vir ginia,' five in South Carolina and eight in this state, the seventh district Is able to boast of organizations which reflect credit upon the organization. New, clubs are now forming at Gas Ionia, Greenville, N. C Greenwood, High. Point, Gaffney, Florence, Dan ville, Charlottesville, Winchester and other cities. They are to be in active service before the district meeting to be held In Greenville on the fif teenth of March. It is fine luck, Mr. Davis said, to be able to form these bodies, to be able to pass along the spirit of Ro tary. Forming new clubs Is a delight ful pastime for all Rotarlans for their formation means the carrying out of tarians than there are In it. If IiRntnrv's Ideas alone ereater lines in cannot do Justice to my club by my, the future than In the past. T!e club Conduct, I must leave it. I must lOt vhli-h i Instrumental in leadlnir th take up a better man's room In re-or- men of other cities to embrace the ganiaauon. jjo l work wnen called principles of Rotary is indeed a splen on? Do I boost or knock? Do I, did body and ono weil worthy of Ro- DR. &. B. FLOWE, Veterinarian Former State Vetrinarian Offices - Carmichael Drug Store, No. 1 E. Pack Sq. Phone 150 Res. 1563. STOVES! RANGES! HEATERS! Cash Or Credit EDWARDS STOVE CO. 38 Haywood St. Phones 2966 - 875 MONEY to LOAM at 6 Simple Interest ON THE EQUITABLE HOME PURCHASE PLAN No Bonus. No Attorney Feat. J. J. CONYERS & C. B. LYNCH, Agents. Phone 682 Room 27, American National Bank Bldf. Just a Reminder .That the property holder who has his title insured by us is assured that neither trouble nor financial loss will come upon him if title defects ever appear in his insured title. Have you this assurance?. Bankers Trust and Title Insurance Go. 55 CoDego St Phone 1351, AtbcriUe, N. C anil fermenting food and foul gases, take J J1' m,ontlh4 nd tBat report was the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the colon and bowels all the constipated waste matter and poisons so you can stralghtea up. Cascarets tonight will make you feel great by morning.- They work While you sleep never gripe, sicken, or cause any inconvenience, and cost . so little too. Advt. --.- 2 AMERICAN RED CROSS -TI HEALTH AND A I"!! Bf S i - - SI 1 improbable before next June. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonkj restores vitality and energy by puri fying and enriching the blood. Tou can soon feel Us Ftrengthening. In vigorating Effect Price 0c. advt. Only Ono "BROMO QUININE" To get the genuine call for full nam LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tab lets. Look for signature of E. W. GROVE. Cure a Cold In One Day.SOc. KEEP LOOKING -56 I HEALTH AND A "HAPPY NEW YEAR" PARAMOUNT DRUG CO. 43 Patton Ave. Phones 557 It's Easy-If You Know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets The secret of young is to ted yoonj to do this you must watch your aver and bowels there's no need of laving a sallow complexion dark rings under your eyes pimples bilious look in your nee dull eyes with no sparkle. Your doctor will tell you ninety per cent of all sickness comes from inactive bowels and Ever. Dr. Edwards, a well-known phymdan in Ohio, perfected a vegetable com pound mixed with ohve oil to act on the aver and bowels, which be gave to hrtpatients for years. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel are gentle in their action vet always effective. They bring about that natural buoyancy which all should enjoy by toning up the Hver and desring the system of impurities. -.. Dr.Edwards'ObveTabkHsanlmowa by their olive color. 10c and 25c - . conduct in my vocation the embodi ment of the principles of the organi zation ? Am I giving a better class of service than I did before I be came a Rotarian? If I am not, I am not worthy of the emblem wheh I wear. I must make a by-word In the community the declaration that a Rotarian Is a man of principle and a man upon whom one can depend. If I am not doing that, I must change my methods. "Am I the kind of Rotarian for whom my fellows must make ex cuses? ' I know the public expects more of Rotarlans than it does of other people. Is- my conduct bear ing out my knowledge of that fact. As a ctvlo possession, am I a lifter or a leaner. Asheby Jones has said that there Is a map of every man's city In his heart. Am I in Rotary for what I can give to it or for what I can get from it? Am I helping to popularise It. "Rotary is exclusive In member ship, bih . inclusive In every good cause In the community. Don't take yourselves too seriously, my fellows. Tou can make no greater mistake nor can yo do anything that will be more conducive to Injury to the body wth which you are affiliated. His Brother's Keeper. "Clubs are forming In r Buenos Ayres, Calucuata and Shanghai. In ternational Rotary is a huge thing. Every Rotarian is his brother's keep er. No club can afford to take in a man for whom It must offer apolo gies. The boys' work Is one- of the greatest things Rotary has ever un dertaken. There is no such thfng as a baa boy. Boys classed as such are boys who either are misdirected or undirected. It devolves upon Rotary to see that tney are properly direct ed. The organisation must not be satisfied with scratching the surface. It must go deeper and plan for the future. It must adopt methods, of Inluenelng the boy life of its com munities which shall have .no end. The mob leaders of today are the mis directed boys of yesterday. They must not be developed for the fu ture. - . "Citizenship must be taught In the schools. Employer and . employes must get together. Rotary does not expect to solve this problem, but Ro tary may do much toward its. solu tion. It already is interested In it and It wlU continue to exhibit that In-1 Oreetings from the Kiwanlans were presented by Mr. Wheeler, while Spar tanburg's Rotary speakers were Presi dentBJB. Bteedley and Vice-Presjdent For Sick Headache Constipation, Indigestion, Sour Stopiach, Biliousness, Bloating, Gas, Coated Tongue, take that . -wholesome physic FOLEY CATHARTIC TABLETS Act promptly. Never disappoint. Mild and gentle in action. Do not gripe or nauseate. No costive after ejects. nta. Vl headache and look two FeiarCathaitic Tablet. U a aftoft UM, njr ksaa Mapped ecklns. Sold Everywhere. GARDEN COURT Face Powder as pictured and de-' scribed in the October pt dies Home Journal and Cosmopolitan, can be had at WALKER'S DRUG STORE It is the finest race pow der known of-Come and sea it Shop Today at the Racket Store YARD GOODS, HOSIERY. UNDERWEAR. CORSETS. HANDKERCHIEFS, NOTIONS, BATH ROBES, etc AT REAL XMAS SAVING PRICES. ' See Our LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR BARGAINS SWEATERS. COAT SUITS. DRESSES and MILLINERY. SHOES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY AT REDUCED PRICES. The RACKET Depsaent WHERE EVERYBODY SHOPS 16 BObnore Ave Phon 231 L. Blombergr, P. S. Store Open Until 9 O'clock Toniht mm '4 s lir-iik wxyNaTinwiBiTBV" utruisf Like thousands upon thousands of others, you too can be a safhfica Fur shipper if you will ship your fun direct to "SHUBERT. Prices are higher than ever before. If s op to you to get the full mar ket value for every skin you shfa. Dont be misled by high quotations. Ifs not the prices auoted in a price list that count if the amount of the check you receive that either makes you smile or swear. "SHUBERT" checks. win make you smite, i nar wny r ur sup- -pen never change after they have once given SHUBERT" a trial Join the happy crowd Of satisfied Fur shippers. Ship your Furs direct ' to "SHUBERT." You takt no risk. The Shnbert Guarantee)" protects you absolutely.. Why not give "SHUBERT" a trial today? . ABi SHUHAKTi bps sj. -til CTNaXArtHotBMintbeTOrldJ Dealing Exclusivytn AMERICAN RAW FtTRSM -cry a um 4s.Dapa4-acsrtaaat '. SERVICE 15 A PLEASURE ROAMER MOTOR CO. Phones J 171-2826. Asheville, N. C. 6) 01 i war Ukst shall e belp-