THE ASHEVTLLLE CITIZEN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1919. DRIVER CHANGES MIND AFTER NINE YEARS 4KB BOYD GETS DBXNK GKTTISG ;. '' .v SOBER .1 , Wells ,WIUboMs Decision Concerning Tail Orercharte Fending Com missioners Action. It took Everett Davis, the driver ot a furniture truck, aine years to change his mind ss to the wisdom of the law Which demands that all ve "' hides driving across Lexington ave- nue, at the intersection ot Walnut, come to a full stop before proceeding. When he failed to make the stop nine years ago and ran into a machine on Lexington, he doubted seriously the wisdom of the ordinance under whose provisions be was required to pay heavily for his failure to halt Yes terday, however, he altered his views " considerably when Judge Wells told . Sam 8tevens he was Jlable for the damages -he caused , to Davis' truck' when he crashed Into in from Walnut ' ss Davis was Journeying on Lexington. Both men were found guilty of ' reckless driving, the court holding that Davis was running too fast and , Stevens failed to stop. .if The rendering of final Judgments in the two actions was postponed until next week so that Stevens might have . time in which te settle with Davis. ' Judging from the attitude of the two, -.' it is going to take all the time the court has provided. Few cases in- volving collisions have developed such . bitterness of feeling as was shown by the two defendants and it appeared yesterday that they might be up on assault charges before they got out of the court room. Stevens' beginning ot negotiations with Davis in the nhunhnr was marked by- such bois terous talk that Judge Wells ordered them to continue their dealings out side the room, reprimanding S'evens and requiring him to move from that portion of the chamber in whlch Davis was seated. . The corner at which the collision occurred during the early port of.. 'he present ifeek Is regarded as one' of the most dangerous in trie city, tp- p roaches from the intersecting streets being steep and visions being obscured. It is an unusually unlucky cornor for Davis who has been in court only twice in the past nine years. .Both appearances were the result of trouble at this particular corner. lie may range his future itineraries in such a way as to avoid it. . -, Zeb Boyd appears to have got drunk getting sober. . His latest Inebriation was due to his efforts at abstinence, lie was the victim of John Barleycorn while trying to victimise that gentle- - man. He suffered hasiness whlto seeking lucidity and found himself down and out while trying to get up and about He lost his senses while seeking better possession of his fac ulties and got into trouble trying to get out of it He precipitated -the , agonies of a debauch while endeavor ing to gain th comforts of abstention. He became a, disciple of Stlenus while seeking to embrace the tenets of the prohibitionists. Boyd has been before Judge Wells three times within the past few weeks on charges of drunkenness. He, paid the costs of his appearance and when : he was convicted again Wednesday, he was taxed with a- fine of 125 and ! the costs. He did not have the money " to pay it but a bondsman offered to guarantee the cancellation ' of the ' debt . - Thursday afternoon,' with- a view to cleansing his system of alco hol by taking another drink of It he adopted the system of the drunkard who requires many drinks on which to get down and one with which to get - up. - Boyd, too poor to pay hiiMme,-was rich enough to raise the price of a bottle of bay rum, containing 48 per cent aloohol, more than three fluid ounces of which he consumed. The drink en which he intended, to get entirely sober proved the drink that marked the beginning of his third of fense; Judge Wells was Inclined to send him to jail but the man's, pitiable pleadings won for, him a continuance .'until -Monday when he will report whether friends are willing to take him as an employe and be responsible for his conduct in' the future. He is contrite and promises to have no fur ther trouble with alcohol; He boasted of the fact that' In the past he has been able to stay sober for as long as two mini Tha court was sympathetic toward a man who finds that cause for pride, v Anyone who is so victim ised by the drink habit that he con gratulates himself when he stays away from boose two years impresses the Judge more as a diseased man than a criminal. " . , ," . Many Continuances. Many cases on yesterday's docket were continued. Including those grow ing out of officers' investigation of the rilling of "Fernhurat," the Victoria home of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. McDonald. Another- case of wide interest, that went over for trial at a later date was that of Bob Bprouae, a taxi driver who was up- for declining to transport a patron ' who tendered him the legal fare. Judge Wells ordered that the case go over until next Wednesday, by which time he anticipated that the city commissioners will have made known their Intentions regarding the proposal to revise present taxi tariffs in effect in Ash evil le. It is apparent that the court is desirous that a final adjustment be made by the commis sioners before he goes into thesmatter at length. - Sprouse made no denial of the offense charged to him. He said that a lady approached him a few days ago on the taxi stand at the Southern station with the declaration tnat sne wanted to go to the office of Dr. H. 11 Bristcs. two miles, or more, away. Sprouse said he told her he would make the trip for $1 whereupon she said she was willing to pay no more than the legal fare, 50 cents.. A flve passenaer' car standing nearby, Sprouse said, contained two patrons en route to the Battery Park hotel. He suggested that she patronise the driver of that machine, stating that her destination was near that of the other driver. She declined with the statement that she desired to ride only in a closed car, such a one as Sprouse was in charge of. He reiterated his unwillingness to make the trip for the legal fare, whereupon the woman had .him arrested and took a street car, The prosecution relied on the testimony of Patrolman Williams, the woman not being in attendance at the court session: ' The driver said his was a big seven passenger closed car and that he could not have gone to the specialist's office and back to the taxi stand for less than 65 cents. The trip would have involved the loss of 15 cents, he said, as well as his place on the taxi stand, and the time required In mak ing the long' drive. The patrolman said he . hears complaints every day of refusals to make the trips at legal tares. N It is his belief that the driv ers generally get more. than the legal charge for carrying one passenger. MINIMUM TAXI FARE OF $1 RECOMMENDED COMMISSIONERS WILL CONSIDER CHAtTFETOS' REQUEST. Work ; on Public Station WUI Be Started Bjr G. W. Wrenn and X' Company Without Delay. THE Value of Welding Whm you figure the av ing remember to credit the job with a fair value 'for time .saved. Asheville Welding Co. ... Phone 111. 6S-55 Biltmore Ave. FAST BASKETBALL AT Y. M. G. A, THIS EVENING ' 'The first basketball game to be played this season In the Y. M. C. A., "gym" will take place tonight be tween members representing the local association and members of the Spar tanburg association. Bpth teams are in unusually fine shape,, having prac ticed for the past several weeks, and this contest Is expected to be an extra good one. The Asheville team has several old members on it, who were stars on the teams of last year and year before last - AH the seats will be reserved and tickets can be bought at the office of the 'Y." ' The lineup for the game will be as ronows: Position. ' Spartanburg. Lankford Forward. . . .......... ,Y, A. Vogel Forward.- Florence , R. Vogel Center.' ,' Coston . , Duncan : , Guard. Randolph . . . Howarl - Guard. ."- , . . Lankford captain. Asheville. Lyda .... Tennent . NICE, LARGE WHITE CAULIFLOWERS Spinach, Oyster Plant, Egg Plant, Green Beans, -Squash, Peppers, ' Celery, ; f Head Lettuce, Tomatoes, '' Kale, Sweet Potatoes, Black Walnuts, Cranberries, Co coanuts, Grape Fruits, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Apples. : . J. J. YATpS Pbone334 City Market ' A minimum fare of f 1 during the daylight and early evening hours with 50 cents extra for service during the late night and early morning hours Is suggested as a fair fare by public service chauffeurs who are seeking a revision of the present tariffs. Their petition asks the privilege also of charging night rates for trips made during weather that renders the streets conducive to accidents. . Time charges. In the opinion of the chauf feurs, should range from f 3 to $5 an hour Their' desires are sot forth as follows: "We, the undersigned public serv ice car . owners and chauffeurs of Asheville, ask that you amond the or dinance regulating the taxi rates in Asheville, so as to allow us the fol lowing rates for our services, and agree that our charges shall not ex ceed same. - "For a trip, of any distance up to two miles, a fee of $1 tor one passen ger, or 50 cents each for more than one passenger. Longer trips to be figured in same proportion, fractions of miles being figured as miles. The distance to be figured from the place from which car is ordered. "Rates by hour to be $3 for five passenger and $4 for seven passen gers, open cars, and $3.50 to 15 per hour for closed cars, to- be figured' according to- value and weight of car. "The above . rates to be effeotive only from a. m., to 10 p. m., and when the condition of the streets is such, In the opinion of the chauffeur, that the use of chains is unnecessary. When the streets are in condition that the use of chains Is necessary and be tween the hours ot 10 p. m. and 8 a. m' we shall have the right to charge 50 per cent more than rates above specified." . The presentation of recommenda Hnn for rhanaes in the uresent ordi nance to the city board yesterday Is in accordance with the suggestion of the commissioners, who Thursday told a delegation appearing before hm that thev wanted some infor mation aS to the taxi drivers' idea of fairness before they went Into the matter. Yesterday they ordered the petition filed with the promise that they will lake It Up again as soon as they have had an opportunity to fa miliarise themselves with the views of others familiar with transportation charges. Tha matter is one that has aroused wide Interest hare and the commis sioners want to study the question thoroughly before they make any change In the ordinance now in ef fect. Commissioner Sherrlll. returning to the ,city from Bee Tree a few minutes after the adjournment of his col leagues, said he will have the contract for the construction ot the public comfort station on or under Pack sou are drawn- immediately so that work may be started without delay. G. W, Wrenn and company will con struct the station, the bid of this firm being the Towest of three submitted to the commissioners and opened yes terday. Tha successful bidder agrees to do the work, furnishing all ma terial, for the-sum of I2S.96S.46. W, D. Henry and company submitted the nextr lowest bid, $29,000. The highest was that of G. E. Garland, whose charges would have been $31,989.09 Famous Actress Tells How She Uses Derwlllo To Beautify Her Complexion If- ' r 1 i ::; . ' ' 4 fern . MISS ETHEL CLAYTOjr. Nawl York. Mlsa Etnel Clayton. the clever young actress now sueceesfully starring under the Paramount banner, is famous for her beautiful complexion. When her friends inquired about it sne said.- "It's all due to a toilet prepara tion called derwlllo- which I use twice daily. The experience I have had prompts me to make my secret public. This wonderful derwlllo Instantly beautl- nea my sain ana its continued use nas made tha results nermanent" When Mae Edna Wilder, the well known beauty specialist was interviewed in reference te. suss uayion s remaraaoie complex ion stated, "Anyone can have a beauti ful complexion when they know how. It's a very simple process, t use the same article In my erk, and until you try it you have no idea of the marvelous results. The very first application will aatopish you. Go to the toilet counter fret a bottle of derwlllo, then make he I following test: Examine your skin criti cally before your mirror, note carefully Its appearance, then apply derwlllo as directed. After you have made the first: application look in your mirror again ; and note the surprising change. A peach -lias color mounia me cnaeaa: a Daoy soilness comas ta we sain; i A TIRE SAVED ; Is MANY DOLLARS MADE - . i ... . . . . v .We'll do your Tire Vulcanizing and Retreading like veterans. Our . equipment is modern our ' men experienced. . ' the Skitt ' msr-Whlta. ValvatV .nl rmM- aotly beauUfuL It Is wonderful, for a dark, sallow skin, shiny nose, freckles) tan, oily skin, sun spots, coarse pores. Pimples, blaekneada-'channari rnnvh akin ruddiness, wrinkles and many other facial blemishes. Derwlllo method Is ab solutely harmless and will not produce or stimulate a grewth of hair.- It Is superior to race powder, as perspiration does not affect it therefor ft n better. Thousands who have used it nave nmn ine wine realms as JH1BS Clay ton, and I am sure if you will give It a ran- u-uu you win oecome just as en thusiastic as I am and always use It in preference to any other powder or oeauuner. ' NOTE When asked - about Derwlllo one of our leading druggists said, "It is truly a wonderful beautifier, away ahead of anything - we have ever sold oerore. we are authorized by the man ufacturers to refund tha money to any one who Is dissatisfied, and we would not permit the use of our name uhless the - product possessed unusual merit. " It is sold In this city under an iron-clad money- back guarantee by all department stores and up-to-date druggists. Includ ing T. C Smith Drug Co. . Asheville Tire and Vulcanizing Co. . . 12 E. College St . ITALIAN CHESTNUTS . ' , Nice, great large, plump ones, full of most delicious meat for stuffing turkeys or chickens, or, to be used as a vegetable. . 60c .... V. ......... .V Pound '. J.J.YATES . - - Groceries and Sgrric. 37 Ilsywood St 1W 171M716. -.;-. -w sjbH j CRESCA . FRUIT CAKES The Cresca Brand guarantees absolutely the pinnacle of per fection of food products. And Cresca Fruit Cake is one of the star products of that brand. Put up in one and two pound tins. - Pound, $1.25 .'. v Two Pounds $1.90 SAWYER GROCERY CO. rhona uoo. i So aawyer Krsdley The STORE Sanitary Where QVAUTX la Pssamoaas : U tulMge,' Sure 1 I B BCUiANS Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS rON INUIUM iw.-a with a deduction of more than 11,000 for certain methods of concrete con struction. The specifications under which the contractors prepared their bids con tained no reference to the time for the beginning at the work but Mr. Sherrlll said that he will ask for its starting In ample time to complete It before the beginning of the spring tourist business In 1920. He will con fer with T. R. Taylor, of the weather bureau, within the next few days with a view to arranging for the removal of the kiosk under the site of which the station will be built. The kiosk probably will be put in some other portion of the sauare. The commissioners expressed them selves as delighted with the amount Of the bid, declaring that they con sider the proposed charges entirely reasonable and fair. The station will be built of the best material, the prin cipal items going into its construction being marble, tiling and porcelain. Excavation activities will be started first and the depression will be cov ered over so as to permit work dur ing the winter regardless of the inclemency-of the weather. In meeting Benny Leonard, Johnny Dundee will get his long sought for BEAUTIFUL FURS For Fitting Gifts Fur Neck Pieces of Coney Lynx, Wolf, ; Nutria, Skunk, Seal and Fox from $20 to $200. Fur Coats, Capes, iWraps the prettiest we have ever offered. " " , ( ' 7 , .,- THEWHITE PLAGUE MUST GO 7 se Red Cross Christmas Seals and Hit a Lick. 1 i I f ' 4 f S chance to show his real class In the can step with tha champion remains ring. Just how far the "Scotch Wop" to he seen. pe(EnaiDFiPU(Ees. FOR TODAY AND MONDAY ONLY v 5 SHOES, BED ROOM Sljfl&RS, RUBBERS The PracticaUChrUtmas" Gif U for Men, Women and Children iuf -J 1 '. ON-ALLt:. .::"-"-"' Men's & Women's Slices ii ' TODAY and MONDAY ONLY ' f Look over these regular prices and see the discounts and take it-for these prices are for" TWO DAYS ONLY, , $11.00 Women's Taupe Shoes. To-. .. day and tomorrow , IA only, pair OieUU $10.00 Women'. English WallterJ ; Special two day - dQ A ; . only, pair POsUU il 0.50 Men's English Shoes. To ' onid.T.T... $8.00 $10.00 Black Conservative Shoes. Two days only. 7 AA pair $12.50 Men's Tan English Walk- Tr.r' $10.00 Many Conservative Styles,. $10.00 value. Two days only, pair ........ - In assorted leather. ' $8.00 $10.00 Women's High Heel Shoes. Two days' only, - QQ Assortment of Leather and Heel, Ladies Shoe, $10.00 vaule. . Two day only, ' tfV 4 ; ' pair sPOsUU.r GiinaiFainitlee Shoe Store - A Bfltmore Avenue r .. , ....... ' . w CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS. ' Bissell Carpet Sweepers, price. ,... $4.50 to $8.50 KINCAID-SWALN FURNITURE1 CO. IT Broad wajr Vbero Values PrevaQ HmmmSTS : i -. - . - v v . x j ' ; ;r'. ' v. Corner College and Oak Street SERVICE STATION Every Motoring Convenience. . , There Are Differences '. , jin cotton and silk, ordinary pattern and rich, exclusive patterns,.. and high., - : : if , f t price and low price. ' '-!- " ' ' ' ' f We will grant that there are cheaper knitted tie on the market, but pure ' silk in combination of color that are exclusive and priced unusually reason able are different, ...... - j -. - ; ' Combining the three features, you will agree that the Pure Silk Knitted : Tie we are offering a a special at $4.00 are different. ' ! - ; ,v LOGAN & MOORE - - i i TaOors to Ladies and Gentkmen . - 6 N. Pack SquareTelephone 797. Directly Opposite Vance Monument "The ShopThat Keep the 'Dash' in Haberdashery" r - Jl

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