, Wei, ;.t-.' :-v- THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, ASHEVTLLE, N. C., DECEMBER 7, 1919. ; A BARGAIN K 16 Set Fin Hollow Handle Creakfast or Dinner Knives ' Best flat at $4.50 per set (The ' tegular price ia $8.25 per set) ,10 Seta same but Dessert size ftt $3.95 per eat. (Worth $7.75.) . 1 - . '15 Luncheon Seta like above. 6 Knives and 6 Forks for. $6.50. . . - These are beautiful goods and lint quality, at about half price because we have not the other , pieces to match them. J.H.LAW 21 Havwood St 1 4 . OPEN PUBLIC HEALTH CfiPSAOE III CITY FIVE COCNTIE8 COMPOSE WEST- ; Ensr district. Dr W. T. Galloway to Deliver a Nam-' bet of Iiectnrea on Wednesday and Thursday. ' s $ r i yofls Ltdies who are discriminating- in their election of China and Silverware 'will find hero everything- on could wish for. TOE I-X-L STORE 0 PATTOI AYE. PHOXE 107 PRESTIGE Is No Mushroom . Experience doesn't grow ever night We offer both qualities and cor rect fitting. Spectacles and Eye Glasses. - '" Charles H. Honest , OPTOMETRIST Eyetnm Specials. 4 Pattmi At. Upp. rt EatablKbed Its The Keeping Ftt" camaplgn which la being waged All over the state un der the direction of the state board of health and the U. 8. public health service, will be carried out In Ashe- vllle this week, and on Wednesday and Thursday exhibits will be placed at a number of the leading stores and In public gathering places. Dr. W. T. Galloway, who is a no ted public health service man of the U. 8. DUbltc neaun service, ana wno is spending some time In this state assisting in the "Keeping Pit" cam paign, will arrive In the city Tuesday, nd on Wednesday and Thursday make a number of lectures before the leading clubs and various organiza tions of the city. There will be a speical meeting of the ministers, teachers, civic clubs, probably lodges and other organiza tions, and Dr. Galloway will there fore speak before the leading citizens of the city. The state has been divided Into a number of districts through which active workers will make thorough campaigns in the Interest of the gen eral health of the public, and In eluded in this district are the counties of Buncombe, Haywood, McDowell, Henderson and Madison. C. Walter Johnson,' community boys work secreatry. Is promoting the work here and the meetings to be held In Ashevllle this week, will be followed by gatherings for the same purposes In a number of the cities and towns In the other counties Included in this district. ENJOYABLE BANQUET FOR FOOTBALL BOYS Attention of tbe Young Hen failed to Work Among Boys of tbe Com LADIES ARRANGE FOR BIG SEED CORN SHOW Splendid Luncheon to Be Served, at the Show at Court House Next Sat urday. Members of the football squad and At a meeting of the ladies' lunch several of the faculty of the Ashe-1 eon committee of the Boys'. Corn vllle high school last night were ten dered a banquet at the X. M. C. A. last night under the direction of C. Walton Johnson, community boys' work secretary. Dr. A. 8. Wheeler acted toastmaster and addresses were made by C. Wal ton Johnson, who outlined the work that the young men of the high school could do which will assist materially in community work among boys; Su perintendent M. K. Weber, who spoke Interestingly of the accomplishments club at' the Boar dof Trade yester- aay, f arm Agent B. D. Weaver and District Agent J. M. Gray estimated there womld be in attendance at least 800. including the boys and girls, members of the corn, pig and potato clubs and their parents at the seed oorn show next Saturday. Each member of the committee Is being requeued to bring at least 60 sandwiches and one cake, and where convenient, some pickles. Each mem ber of the Committee may appoint of high school boys and the present another lady in her neighborhood to BIBLE LECTURER TO OPEN SERIES WATCHES Repaired. CleartBd and Adjusted , Our Specialty. J. E. CARPENTER . Jewc4er& Pack Square Weed or f I M"vvaim '';(Chain;' Make motoring , safer during v winter months. Vulcanising ' ' and retreading. . ... Agents for Mlcholip Tires . .;, . and:,Tubes. k t r " - STKTeow " ' atisfie STETSON TIRE COMPANY Broadway an Wahnrt Sta. and 8outhsl4 i At. ; ' Phone Sift, and 101.! C. K. Putnam, a well known Bible teacher will open a series of lectures today 'at the Balm Grove Methodist church in West Aahevllle. He will speak twice a day, at 8:39 o'clock in tha afternoon and at 7: so o'clock in the evening. - The. speaker will be' here two weeks and it ia expected that a large num ber of people will attend the lectures, which have 'been given In many sec tions of the country. . day opportunities for the young edu cated man, with especial reference to his duties toward the young people of the community, and members of the team. Coach Van Alstyne spoke of the athletic program of the Ashevllle high school, and regarding the best ways to develop good football, basketball and other teams. Graham Webb, man ager of the football team, rehearsed the story of the games played thlsJ season ana cauea upon tne p layers to get their eyes fixed on next year's state high school championship. Pierce Matthews spoke about 'the im portance of team work and plenty of practicing. Mattnews was a member of this year's football team, and is Interested in the athletic program of the school. 1 NO CASES TRIED IN 'SUPERIOR COURT help secure her portion of the sand wlchea and other good things that ac tive boys and girls love to eat. A special committee consisting of Mesdames J. W. Haynes, W. K. Glenn, Rachael T. Hannamai and M. Buck ner. was appointed to provide hot coffee. In the letter sent out to the ladles advising .them of the action of the committee. It stated that the men, boys and gjrls were expected to bring in their exhibits to the court house on or before 10 o'clock next Satur day. Mr. Weaver will be on hand there to look out for them and ar range same on the table. A number of out-of-town Jien ac quainted with farming, and especially able to tell about It in an interesting way, will be on hand to provide some entertainment that will also prove educational. NO PRESENTS FOR ' TEACHERS OR PUPILS Teachers Take This Action 0wing to H. O. of U Tills Year Tried ia Other Cities. This will be a glrtless Christmas for the teachers and pupils of the public schools of Asheville, it tne decision reached at a meeting of the teachers last week Is carried out. The teachers voted that It would be unwise this Christmas to give pres ents or remerbrances to the pupils In their rooms and classes and they also voted tnat they could not accept gifts or .presents from the children under them. Heretofore it has been the custom to give presents to the students by the teachers, this cuBtom costing a nice penny for the teachers, while on the other hand the parents of the students were worried because they were called on to help select presents for the teachers. This matter has been taken up by teachers In othar cities ana was worked very success fully during the war and will be car rled out again this year. With Attorneys Back From Supreme Court Work Will Be Rushed. There was no session fo the su perior court held yesterday owing to the Jfact that no case was ready for trial, and also the absence of attor neys. Only the signing of old Judg ments were brought to the attention of Judge Flnley at the Langren ho tel. The Monday morning session will open at 9:80 o clock, and with the at torneys who attended supreme court at Raleigh back to this city, the work of the court is expected to be speed' ed up, and cases will be called accord' ing to the original docket as far as possible. IT n 1 IIBBa uBUa Slamp a Life ! WARD ELECTRIC CQ. If Battery Park Place, ' Delco Idght Products. . : : PHONE 440 . I THK HALLMARK STORK. I We are now displaying a very complete ' and extensive assort ment of gold and silver articles suitable for Christmas presents. You will never have a better op- portunity for making selections than at th present time. These goods are all freshryou will have ample time for free thought, and it is such a pleas ; ure to have the buying completed. Shop early. Arthur M. Field Co. THE HALLMARK STORE. - ! m ipo arm LET US SUGGEST: Ivory Toilet Sets, Manicur ing Sets. Toilet Articles. Shaving Set Stationery, etc. It will be easy to select an appropriate present from our assortment of useful gifts IUrlONjbi-lb J TEA WAGONS make a very useful and attractive Christmas Gift. We have them in 'Oak, Mahogany and Wicker. Burton &. Holt Furniture. On the Square FRED JONES GOES TO WINSTON-SALEM Fine' assortment Wall Vases at all prices at Laws. 21 Hay wood St. Decorated Tea Pots, Chinese, Japanese, etc. Fine variety at Laws. 21 Haywood St. Will Be Chief of Detectives of Reynolds Tobacco Co. Fred Jontfs, who was chief of de tectives under the former board of city commissioners, has accepted a position as chief of detectives for the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco company at Winston-Salem. Mr. Jones fiaa been connected with the local police department for many years and is known as a valued officer. Since leaving the force here he has been connected with the Southern railway, which position he gives up to go to Winston-Salem. Our Glasses afford RELIEF Relief from Headaches Relief from Nervousness Relief from , Dizziness Relief from many foams of defective vision "Becoming glasses cot no more" DR. DENISON (Eys-strsin Specialist) SS Patten A vera. Next doer to Ben Msrehe. 3: FREIGHT AND FURNITURE MOVING VANS 1 : BLACK DIAMOND ATLAS and PARDEE c T and C Co. Phones 25-981. Three unusually high grade coals. . Terms Cash. We can supply your needs. CITIZENS TRANSFER AND COAL CO. DO YOU KNOW You cannot feed a husband on poor food and expect, him to earn good wages. You may think you are feed ing him well, but the man on the other side' of the table by keen observation can perceive what you are feeding him. , A man who eats poor food cannot unravel big schemes. ' Don't feed him on army bacon. If you do, you 'will make him a private in capacity. If you want him to be an officer in the field of useful endeavor, feed him an officer's rations the best food that you can buy. J.J. YATES Groceries and Service. 37 Havwood St - - Phones 1715-1716. sussoo Read What T. S. MORRISON & CO. ASHEVILLE, N. C . , have to say about cream separators this week RfeMEMBER that zxnffi'&itmim has to be used 730 tiroes every year. - Jf itruwl hard, or. isn't easy to wash, or .aiesn't skim cfean.it is & constant annoyance and bother. " ? JNo machine er implement on the iann rexwvw such constant use and there is no other anachine on tbe firm where quality f work means so much and first, cost mesas so little.'" A little loss of cream with a cream separator, multiplied 730 times, soon runs into money. It's too big a handicap for any cow owner to try to work under. , , Creamerymen all over the world long ago came to the conclusion that the De Laval was the only machine they could afford to use. Thats why 98 of the cream separators used in creameries the world over are De Lavala. You will find the biggest .and best dairymen almost invariably using De Lavala Experience has them that it Is the most economical. t ' You can't afford to take any chances with your cream separator, and we know that if yod will come to us and let us put in a De Laval for you, 730 times a year you will say to yourself "I made a good move when I bought that De Laval." Sooner or later you will buy a DE LAVAL !fflfII!l!IIIII!I!IIIII!ilIII ROOFING Just received car load of Barrett's 4 iA 1 Mults Shingles Green and Red Prices right. W.H. ARTHUR 75-77 Broadway Sheet Metal Works PHONE 2116 SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER TODAY $1.00 JAPANESE TEA ROOM Green's Cafe 31 Haywood St. FOR ROASTING: Veal, Lamb, Pork ahd V Larded Pot Roast STAR MARKET three phones-iih? "We are successful caterers to variety of appetttea. Under the New Ruling of the Regional Fuel Commission, the Store WiBe Open from 9 a.m. totS p. m. ..... We shall, of course, comply with' the order restricting the useof fuel and light our elec tric lights and heat will be cut off. at four o'clock' but ' We have provided other means of adequate ' ly lighting tne store, and will be prepared to serve our customers from four to six with a fair degree of satisfaction. We shall appreciate your co-operationdur-ing this period by'shopping early. The morn ing hours are best. But customers shopping after four will be shown every attention and served to the best of our ability. AtotKiLAtf RED CROSS BUY RED CROSS. In the past many of our friends, have done their Christmas ahopping late in the afternoon. Coal con servation now requires that we close each afternoon at four P. M. We therefore ask that they do their shop ping earlier in the day. l.r,IStJKV itJ! WHAPPY NEW VEARVll HENDERSON - Your Jeweler 52 Patton Ave. Near Postoffice Don't Forget to. Prepare Early For CHRISTMAS DINNER Early shopping and confusion should not distract you from preparing for the Yule Tide Feast Begin today to plan, and order Monday morning while you can get what you planned for. Nuts, all varieties, in the, shell, shelled and salted. Candies of all kinds. Medjum priced bulk candies and highest quality bon bona in one-half to two pound packages. Marischino Cherries, all size jars. Red cherries in jara for salads. Branded peaches. Calf s ,foot jelly, rum flavor. OIirei pimento, almond and celery stuffed, 20c to 90c bottles. CRANBERRIES BROWN SUGAR. Fancy large olives in bulk, stuffed and plain. Malaga Raisins, imported, in one pound packages, Seeded and seedless rais ins. Cleaned currants. . Fruit Cakes, Oxford and Martha Ann Home Made. EDWIN C. JARRETT 12 N. Pack Square and City Market All Bulk Goods Kept in Sanitary, Dot-Proof Bin. T H E BEST OF EVERYTHING Car Load Lots- STR A W Ton Lots- Bale Lots Write or Wire for Price The efficiency and health of your animals depend upon their comfort. A good bed of straw is an investment that brings large returns. Feed your grain to poultry in straw to make the lazy hen work; exercise is an essential aid to egg production and gen eral health of your flock. Immediate Shipments Immediate Deliveries Order Today ASrffiVILLE SEED COMPANY OUR SEEDS GROW Cor. College & Lexington. Phones 2177 and 2178. rp DESKS . ALL KINDS MOODYJEFFERIES SALES CO. k Phone 2966 , 38 Haywood Street

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