I ' ' . " ' ' .i I ' i i i iii I i ii i i i mmm f" ; i - f ' ' 'nil i Mil -i ffl HTT-1 T : 4 " W W&A TR1CAL ORfRAITS CHRISTMAS AT THE UALAX. Iiii(lY and Tuesday, h Jaurlce Tournpuf production, -"Victory." with it Briggs .comedy. "Rainy Day," on Monday, and Burton Uohiictt Truvel-N ogue on Tueaday- , . We-lrf ndiiV and Thurnday, Klhel ' (iton In "More' Deadly Than the IIhIc." with Pathe News on Wednes-' ' A Specialty at RAY'S STUDIO Ho. 2 Pack Square. X. , J a ass I as5a aV ! fy 6- PROGRAM ' -J i .I,''. - .' WEEK If- lU MOND A Y.AND TUESDAY ! A :l !- " ' -JL - (ft ETHEL CLAYTON 'More Deadly Diari the Male' Galax, Monday and Tuesday STATE FEDERATION NOTES BT HR& W. T. BOST. Mrs. Louis F. Owen, publicity chair man of the Wlnston-Balem Woman' ' club, has ent in the following Inter esting account of the varied activi ties of that splendid organization: "The Woman's club of Winston-Salem, organised a few months ago,' is ' perhaps unique among the clubs of North Carolina in its formation. The unusual feature Is the raci mac u ever broadening scope. The club mem bers .hope, before many months, to center their efforts upon securing a home for themselves, feeling that in an Irnrtm unit zrowlnit a community a Woman's club buhdlng la a real neces sity." That same enthusiasm that made poslble the early completion of the endowment fund Is being evidenced in did not use as a nucleus the several the work among the districts of which small clubs already existing nor did '.' it absorb them as organisations. These ten or twelve clubs' have by no '' means lost their Identity, though most j of their members have also become ' member of the Woman's .club. "The-Woman's club a membership ;: nf 800 was organised in a truiy aem ocratlo, American manner, with doors spread wide to all women of the com- munlty who felt an interest in club work. A little body of women rep .' resenting some of the small clubs of the city formed tnemseives mio a t commlttee and invited the State fed . eration president 'to meet with (hem in an advisory session-concerning the organisation of a Woman's' elub and emphasising its advantages from a , community standpoint. Membership " cards bad been provided which were signed by almost 200 at the Initial ii meeting. The following officers were elected: President, Mrs. H. E. Xlond. '.. thaler vice-presidents, Mrs. H. L. Xtlggin and Mrs, Burton Cra1e re cording secretary, Miss EldTnor Fol- ' tin: Margaret Blair; treasurer, Miss Ida v' Brown Eflrd. ' "At one of the early meetings of -'the club 'Miss Etta Shaffner, treas- urer of the County Woman's com ml t tee of the Council of National Defense presented the organisation with 1160 ' in 'liberty bonds' as a nucleus for a Woman's club building fund. This S sum represented the profits of the community cannery, so, fcbly conduot ed by Mrs. W, J, Conrad and Miss " Shaffner, , , j , '' s , "8o ' murcb enthusiasm' was abroad t among the member, that the eight i, departments of the elub were qulck- ly formed as follows: Civics) litera- lure, social aervlce. art. health, mua '' 1c, education, library extension am) home economics. A monthly business v meeting or the entire club Is held -rf. whena special feature is the open form where any member may lntrtt r duce a subject of particular interest ' to women to dlsoussed for mutual , benefit.' In addition to the advantage Herived by the members In the de V partmental work, the club as a whole Is becoming a growing power in the ' community. This is manifested more j. and more strongly as the organisation Is being called 'upon to further various moves of clvlo interest When bonds were to be floated by the city If car- ried In election, the art department ; made a large : number of specially : attractive posters and In addition the club members worked individually to innuenee voters in favor of the bonds, Mrs. Sidney P. Cooper Is chairman. Mrs. Coooer is urging distrl presi dents to hold their meetings Juat as soon as possible. Thrift is to be stressed particularly through the pres dents of the thirteen districts who are members of the thrift committee of which Mrs. Eugene Keilley is -president. The district chairman writes that she is most anxious for the clubs to keep in close touch with the prest dent of their district, notify her of the good work that is being done, and work to bring new clubs into the fed ration. Officers and department chairmen are asked to make use of the district meetings as a medium for bringing a message before the clubs or announcing any special work they would have the clubs undertake. The success 'of federation work depends largely upon co-operation, co,-opera- uon oi . ciuos in me aieirict ana dis tricts in the federation. ' Several of the district meetings will be held be fore the first of the year.- District No. 13 on December 10 when the state president, Mrs. C. C. Heek, the corresponding eecretary, Mter honorZ-y president. Mrs. Robert R. inr h ur irniurar. juih iai . . . .. woiion ana ins secona vice-presiaent and district chairman, Mrs. Sidney P. Copper, will be present and address tne clubs. Mrs. Leon T. Vaughan is president, of this district During the same week district No. 6 will meet at Clayton, the exact date to be an nounced later by the president of the district, Mrs. E. C. Brooks. . Mrs. J. A. McLean, chairman of publicity of the Ooldsboro Woman's club, sends the following account of the visit BtMrs. Jane S. McKJmmon to the club: "On Satarday morning, Mrs. Jane 8. McKlmmon of Raleigh, spoke to the members of the Woman's ciud, wntch was one of the moat de lightful talks ever made at the rhih Quite a representative number were present ana these unable to be pres ent missed an opportunity of hearing an interesting discussion on things which are uppermost in the minds of me women or today. Mrs. MoKinv mon is a gifted sneaker, handling hop subject with sincere conviction. After the talk, the. executive committee of the club gave a beautiful three-course luncneon at the home of Mrs. E. it, Land In honor of Mra. MnKimmnn which Was most enjoyable. The de corations were yellow chrysanthemums and ferns with yellow ahaded candles diffusing a soft glow over. the beautl. fully appointed tables. Covers were laid for 1 and those pfesent were: Mesdames Jane, McKimroon. B. M. Lane, Norwood Saicer. n: t Ha.i. a. juciyean, C. B. Miller, Ea i-'rldgy and Haturday. William Far- num In "Lone Star Hanger," a Para-j mount Pout Nature picture and'Para-i mount Magazine. ! One by one the best works of the ' modern masters of fiction are .finding ' l heir way to the screen. Joaeph Con rad's great novel,, "Victory," has been made Into a motion picture y Maurice Toureur and will, be shown at the Galax on Monday. "Victdty" is a Ktory of the jSea, laid In the South Hea iMlatjJs. The hero Ih the expatriated Swedinh barofi. who drifts to tho Houth Pacific and after some thrjlllng encounters With a group of unscrupulous " adventurers, who oeek the supposed foetuie he possesses wtnv Lne love yx ., me gin wnom nf raicued from her' Jbrutl .master, it is a picture of the sea in. hvr chang ing moods, of red-blooded men and women, and has the fascinating, exotic navor or ail the Conrad tales, in the cast are such favorites as Jack Holt, Heena Owen, Lon Chaney, Wallace Beery and Bull Montana. AT THE STRAND. Monday and Tuesday, Irene Castle in "The Invisible Bond." and a Mnr.lt fHennett coihedy, "The Last False Step." e Wednesday and Thursday, Elsie Ferguson In "Counterfeit," nd a oomedy, "Thhi Way out." Friday and Saturday, Bert Lltell In "Lombardl, Ltd." and Berf TurpTn In Paramount-Bennett comedy, "Salome vs. Shenandoah." . Sophie Kerr's popular novel," "The See-Saw," which ran serially .in-- a prominent magazine and was later published in book form, has been adapted for the screen under the title of "The Invisible Bond" and is Irene Castle's latest picture. The s(ory la about a husband and lfe tho are still 1n love after four years of married life. The husband, however, believes that marriage should not curtail his personal liberty and prevent him from carrying oivan affair with a dashing young coquette.. After the wife hae endured much humiliation through Tier husband's ac tion, she divorces him and he speedily. marries the other woman. . The second wife holds the same' theories about marriage as her husband. &nd the tables are turned on him when she) Buun mrina cuumng me company ox iner men, a rich New Yorker be comes infatuated with her and, furiqus because ene win not respond 'to -his attentions plunges them both over a high cliff in a motor car and kills himself and, her. The husband, get ting the report of her death, thinks it. is his -first wife who has been killed and rushes to her home, where they are reconciled. '-"' -i-n-i- - 'mm i room urn. I E X' ! 1 r' ... '.k 'rr.-.v. :W ' I WESTERN CAROLINA I S) 1, . I i -AUTO CO. I l- ' s WfV J "Hl,Rmobile," CadiUao." - - fe-fJ.ll.J ' A I TJert Lylell w Lombard,. Ud? v,, 1 E. College St. Asheville. N. C. . , ;vVi - I v ' t i ' At" titd Strand jPrlday and Saturday. I ( WEEK'S ilri I A 'Z'y program GALAX Monday and Tuesday : v v $ & rmifA(a IS AaS!v?':V.J ill lOUJttNJEUK that his protege would not sign fori any rignts in tne immediate future, declaring that Carpentlei expected ti fill a stage engagement Immediately, WILL POST PURSE PARIS. Dee.. 6. f Havaa) The P reuse Ie Paris says that a purse of twoi-wllllonjfrhncs will fte posted for t match between Jack Dempsey. the American pugilist and Carpentier, to be lougnt in pans in Jul-, izo. - Needles to add that the election car telle Smith. Bol Well, Thos. O'Berrv win, omen, vance veil, uonel well, A. A. Joseph, Misses Elisabeth Bogle, Huldah Slaughter, Sallle Klrby, ar,JR5Vano' Mrv Emma Olddens, and Mildred Edmundson." CARPENTIER WANTS TO FIGHT DEMPSEY LONDON, Deo. 8. C. N. Cochrane, promoter of the Carpentler-Beckett fight announce today that Georges Carpentie had sighed an agreement to fight Jack Xempsey, the American heavyweicht chamnlon. nit v. The purse will be 35,000 pounds, the winner taking 60 per cent and the loser 40. Oeorge McDonald. Mr. Cochrana'a secretary, win leave for the United States tomorrow on board the steam ship Baltic. Mr. Cochrane himself will follow on the Mauretaniu, Deg- Carpentler's manager said today ried. - "Early in the autumn the club en ; . ' tertained at a large reception, at the x.. w. a. in honor oi an the new . teacher In the several city achoola This was a successful and enjoyable S occasion. r-v "The Woman's club hat been asked by the city health officer to take .' charge of the local sale of Red Cross unriatraas seals. The club also con 4 .ducted aM the booths in the city dur ing the recent Red Cross .member ship campaign. "Among the most achievements In the departmental activities of the club ' has been the establishment of a rest room in one of the large department ' , stores for women from the countfy on business In the city. The county health nurse la in charge and a long felt need Is. being filled. This was " accomplished under the auspices of the health department of which Mrs. Frsnk Shaffner is chairman. "The club feels that really worth , while things are being don with an 11 oMaurice a .presents- MCTORY Tbe'clash of fighting men over gold and a woman's love. The salty tang of wind ant wave and the magic of tropic ea. A struggle to the death in lawless lands where brawn .is long and the blood run red. HIS LAST FALSE STEP ti.i..iiitfil!14 .' ' Strand, Monday and Tuesday ; i i- I r e n eC a s 1 1 e . IN "THE INVISIBLE BOND" See queenly Irene Castle in a new and beautiful role, as wife and mother. A picture of real life,, with a real "punch. See "The forcible Bond." ; . Also Sennett Comedy "The Last False Step" WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY "FraJty, thy name k woman." So said Shakespeare. But see this woman, in this picture with her wiles, her charm, her terrible, subtle power; See 'her with the man who loved her J Then judge for yourself I FRIDAY AND SATURDAY . W illi.amFar num , "THE LONE STAR RANGER". A V Jack. Holt m. Ben Dei MAURICE TOLLRNELIR'S production VI CI CRY , ' ' v - Galax, Wednesday and Thursday Matinee 3:3Vj t!5c and 25c MAJESTIC THEATRE High-Class .; MUSICAL COMEDY AND VAUDEVILLE Night 730 9 30 CenU -THIS WEEK Dave Newman's TABARIN GIRLS Musical Comedy nd VaudeyQIe Co. A Meritorious Attrao. tion. Clean, Rebned Company of higb-clas Entertamers. Good Comedians, Singing, Dancing, Attractive Scenic and Electrical Effects. VAUDEVILLE FEATURES Wood Sisters The Wesleys Dancers Deluxe The Girl From Hackerdam " ' , " -T " GIRL TABARIN H ArMONY TRIO SlTjETTE . EiXTRA . . On the Screen Monday: St. iTuesday VTtfE; MIDNIGHT MAN Featuring i James J. Corbett 'A AlottiZcAoor ELSIE bW OMAN OQIdMM. QUXBLmZWCBKZ COUNTEEFEIT J " The charm of the South, the lure of the Secret Service, the wealth and fashion of Newport, the crimes of a band of crooks preying on the "idle rich," the mystery, love, adventure, mat make a picture live they are all in "Counterfeit" Also Comedy "THIS WAY OUT" FRIDAY and SATURDAY Bert Lytell " LOMBARD!, LTD." .AND ' -jy "Salome vs. -Sheii a ti a o a h " BABY DOROTHY OUVE-Child Wonder Wednesday and ThursdaV TheTraiTpf The . Octopus A' story of Thousand t . ' : ; '; Mysterie ANTHRACITE IS THE COAL THAT SATISFIES AN ECONOMICAL STEAM COAL Hqw About' a Trial of it in Your Steam Plant Phones 129-130 Terms Cash CAROLINA COAL & ICE CO. T Friday and Saturday 'Fatty Arbuckle Sun Beam Boneless Codfish In delicate white layers, packed in clean, neat, and convenient one-pound wood box .... i ............. . .40c per. box Smoked Herring absolutely boneless. ........ g . .55c Lb. SAWYER GROCERY CO. to Sawyer sV SuaOley Tb STORE RaaUarr Wtaara QCAIJTX I ParataooM rtiooa ttOO. . ,.:-..'. '''.; v Volleg Citizen Want Ads Bring Results m i 0

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