THE SUNDAY CTTIZENi ASHEVILLE, N. 0 DECEMBER 7, 1919. BISCUIT CONTEST WAS VERY SUCCESSFUL Miss Myrtle Quarkrnbush, of Kmmi School, Won First Prize in the Con- tost Teswrday. - Tlrs biscuit contest held at the board of trade roomi y enter day at . noon under the auspices of Mrs. Ita chael T. Hannaman. home domonatra tor for Buncome county, for the past t -years, waa a success. There were 47 entries from seven . aebools of the county, and a goodly number of girls ; in attendance. Only one biscuit was entered front each glrU and It was , made rom a formula given by Mrs, Hannatnan In her club work at the various schools during- the, peat few . weeks. The biscuits were spread out on the big tables In the assembly room, and presented a tempting: ap pearance, when Miss Bus Bobbins, head of the domestlo science depart ment of the Mgh school, and her as sistant. Miss Dunlop, Inspected them, Miss Robblns stated to those 'pres ent that the decision was reached from three standpoints, that of ap , pearanco, which carried SO points, texture, ZB points and flavor 26 points, and that one of the bWruit ) measured tip 10 ine nignest stana ard, or ths 100 points. This biscuit . was made by Miss Myrtle Quacken- . bush, of the Emma school, and won1 first prize. The . second, third and fqurth prises were won by Miss Hel :' en Burnett, Oakley school, score, St; Mies Virginia Gaston, Band Hill - school, score. St, and Miss Althea Wolfe, Oakley school, score, 81 ... Honorable mention was given Miss Jack Gaston and Miss Lucy Oaston, , scores, 80 and 70, of Sand Hill school. ; The first and second prizes were feather pillows presented to the board of trade for the prise winners by Mr. t Friedman, of the Susquehanna Fur nlture; company, and the third and rourth prizes, two pair of hose, pre-" .- sen tea Dy j. w. Neely and company. In presenting the prizes, the secret tary of the board of trade extended , congratulation to the prise .winners, as also to each of the girlT partiof- paiing in me contest, and said that to be able to oook well was the great est accomplishment possible for any young woman. ' "''xtr'fev; - - He stressed the value of modern Improvements In the home, such as electrie lights, which eould had with small expense, sanitary " plumbing for hot and cold water, i and sewerage, paved walks, around the house and to the barn and other outhouses, which woejld make life in the country even more attractive than ,; in the city with Us consequent rush ana turmoil. Mr. BucKner also took occasion to compliment the splendid work of Mrs. Hanaman In the organ ization oi so many oiuds and new ac tMtles for the-.beautifying of the home and teskentne- labor in tha homes on the farms, and said hs was sure many iei( it was a distinct loss to the county that n6 decided i quit wora. , . He added that the board of trade had great pride in the advancement r agricultural life of the county in the past Un years, and that it muld continue to give 1U heartiest support -vniuu iue : nume ana farm demonstration work in the fu- oeueving mat the 'growth ot shobtUb skirts , fob next season CLEVELAND, Ohio, Dec. . The style committee of the National Cloak, Suit and Skirt Manufacturers' association recommended skirts from three to four inches shorter thaq at present for the 1120 season In Its report today at the closing session of me annual convention ner. The com mittee decreed .that skirts next sea son; will be from seven to nine Inchee from the floor for women, and about ten Inches for : misses, as compared with lour to six inches for women and six to eight inches for misses at present. Skirts, the style makers say, will be "frankly short." but without ab breviation. One thing to be avoided If one wishes to he stvlUh. is the ex treme, Tunlo and plaited skirts will I Fullness at the hips will be a fea ture' of many of the smart spring suits. Sleeves will nt snug and close to the tailored suits. The three quar ter length sleeve will be favored on the Etons and short Jaunty models. report suit for spring and summer wear are recommended. NoveB belts of leather and metal, and a new type of collar long, slender and rolling will be a detail of the suits. The Lord Byron and Peter Pan designs Will be popular. , , SPEECH UNTINGED WITH BITTERNESS 'BAPTISTS OF, iV.C. EXCEED quota in s ta te campaign But Emphatic Delivered by gBapti8ts of State Have Pledged Their Apportionment Hoey at Morganton. ' ' in he Seventy-Five MiDion Campaigrf-Women's Organizations More Than Beached Their Quotas. - Burke County People Brave Raino Hear the Demo cratic Candidate. CHAPEL ff I Lr TEAM WINS Victorious . Eleven Greensboro Off Score is 78 to 0. Plays Feet. ture. Ashevllle depended on the growth of me county coniriDUtory to 1U . .. Barnardsvllle -sentMrf the largest number. of bisoufls and received hon orable mention, therefor. v . LOSESr ASHEVILLE TO SPnRTAIiBIIRG.'Y fioora as Evea l'p to Last Three 'a MIntates, But local Bwys Lost St ,' to . , The Ashevllle T. M. C. A. quintet :,, met defeat in the opening game of the season played here last night with the . cparianourg x" aggregation, by i score of S to 34. - , Up until the last three minutes of piay me local Doys kept an , even M; score, but during the last minute of , play the South Carolinians got away . "mi iwu suats ana dim good foul. a The game was fast from the begin ning, and at times a lltt) rnnh ki clean. Florence and Tennent hold th recora xor Asneviiie, and Lang ; ford and Vogel did the shooting for Spartanburg. Florence made the highest-number of point of t any " 7.' ""'" imtLi ox zi to his nanager XJHI. of the local team, w uigni mai a game be tween the local nnln anrf b.... burg would be played in SparUnburg JiS"rT nd t""1 making lil " m wun ureenwiue, '""r nay oerore or after the vmwr same m soum Carolina. The Une-up waa: AshevlUe 3. Spartanburg 3. Position. Ji"1"6 forward Langford ; Toughran Vogel, A Chambers ...centre Vosei' w Randolph . guards Howard .Tennent Friday Henslev. MMntvr. o . . as guards for Ashevllle. Scorers: Oudger and Hudgena Timekeeper: Van Alstyne. Referee: B. O. Wella (Spselsl te The Citizen) CHAPEli HILL. Dec I.- Playina muiuan 01 aimost college calibre, the heavy, powerful Chapel Hlir high school team wbn the hlsh sehdiol football championship of North Caro lina by defeating Qreensboro hldh school on Emerson Held, here tgday, 78 to 0. With an advantage of many pounds in weight and with two back Held stars, Captain. Sparrow and Mer rltt, who could- make - many- college backs hustle for their tobs, ' Chapel Hill ripped up the light" Qreensboro line, ran wild around her ends and used the. forward pass with skill and ingenuity. Not once did she fail to make her required distance and not onoe.aid she punt. Greensboro fought bravely ' under ner uiwtuvaniage oi tacic or weight. On three separate occasions she threw back the Chanel Hill backs within her five-yard line and forced them to use the full limit of four downs to make the required distance. Bhe made three first downs largely through clever manipulation of the forward pass, and the Greensboro enda dropped many more passes that ougnt to nave been good, University athlette officials who hare seen ' five other championship games on Emerson Held, said tonight tbaff Chapel Hill had the best high cnoor&eam mat has ever played here. Captain Sparrow, was a team in him self, three times he broke loose for long' rims for touchdowns he, made anotheron a ifeaa he could; a.1 wars oe counted on ipr five yards thorough mo line- ana ne Kicxea a oroD kick irom me zs-yara line. - , -llerritt, at fullback, was close be hind .him .in ail-round playing, and he kicked nine goals out of ten at temnta Cole' at enrtv ami flvkaa at guard, were' other stara For Qreens boro, Fordham played rare defensive ball, and .Captain Wynne threw his passes well. . (kpeolsl to The Cltlsen) MORQANTON, Dec . In spite of rain tne urKe county court hpuse held a capacity crowd this afternoon when Clyde R. Hoey, democratic can didate for congress from the ninth district, spoke in behalf of his candi dacy and. on the issues involved In the campaign that Is attracting na tionwide attention. Those who had heard 'Mr. Hoey bfore say that he was at his best here today and his masterful address received the .clos est attention of the people who from every part of the county packed the room. Frequent applause intesrupted the speaker and she vry atmosphere i seemed charged with intense enthusi- J urn. ium u enaence inai me aem ocrats of Burke county are putting on roeir ngnung laees ana are work ing with such determusatlon as has been sometimes lacking when the county was not so evenly divided. Introduced by B. M. Halrfleld, a Morganton attorney, who naid slow ing tribute to him,, Mr. Hoey began nis aaaress Dy thanking Burke de mocracy for the splendid support giv en him in the primary and then launched into an o'd-tlme political speech, emphatlo in its deliverance, yet untlnged with the scathing bite terness that- one time charactarlxad political addresses. - - -."The republicans hate thrown out the challenge,"' said , he., "and It Is now not so much the question of the man to be aent to congress as that of repudiating or upholding the princi ples for which Woodrow Wilson and democracy stand." He had heard reports of a big slush fund being sent Into the district to carrv it ranuhiuttan land brought a laugh from his hearers Dy me remark that folka who vntad " m.m huuvii buuui(u ue paia xor aO' ing so. In reply to tke argument tha XT Morehead's advocates are advancing nini iiiv iiinen are suon as demand a Dusmess man to represent the. dls met, Mr. Hoey gave- his lnternreta- tion of what .constitutes a business man. law in his. speech he ac cused the republicans of playing "hot and cold," of having Mr. i Morehead represented on - the one hand as the mighty frland of the special Interests, and on tl other as the strong expo nent of labor. He declared that he expected to represent tbe people, not any special class or claaseC , ... .. , - World Follows Wilson Street comment. nn Mr Mj,v. dress was enthusi as tlcallv favnr&hi, and he ha gone to Qlen Alpine for an were, tonigni. klEIOH. Pec. 6 NorthCarollna the sake of the campaign, but for the Bapuots nave reached me top. tsiignt-1 sake of our churches and our people ly ovA- six million uollars in pieuges I who ' have not had the blessing of a lur tne Baptist 76-million campaign I part In this great movement eLt this worn go on, everything ' given or pledged by. any member of any church will count -on the 76-mllllon campaign. We confidently expect another million to be added the North aOrolna total lh uW 1 ioEionisiiii SENTENCE OF 21 YEARS KNOXVTLLE" Dec 6-- Maude Moere late today was convicted of murder in the first degree gnd sen tenced to 21 years In the penitentiary at Nashville by a jury which, had neara ner trial on the cnarce of kill ing LeRoy XX Harth. A motion for a new trial was entered and wl come up later. Her bondsmen surrendered hex and she 'was again incarcerated in the Knox oounty jail. It was the ' theory of the prosecu tion that Maude Moore and Martin Hunter planned to lure Harth away from the city and rob htm of a) large diamond ring which he wore and a large sum of money which he was reputed to carry. The prosecution con tended Maude Moore telephoned Harth and arranged to meet him at :3l) o clock and took a revolver in her hand-bag, and that when they were wnat sne consiaerea a safe dls tance from the city she attempted to rob Harth and a nght ensued in the automODiie, pointing out there was one bullet hole in the top of the auto mobile and two bullet holes in the coat which Harth wore. uim oeweja here : nxtw Mr. HoAy'a ci Daniels win ednesday in behi candidacy, tuna being ' reported oiflclaliy by Ulrector Walter N Johnson. The baptist women have gono "over the top'' with $1,2G5,60 reported from the women's organizations of (15 Churches according to Miss BeUha Carroll, tbe corresponding secretary pof tne Womaa's Missionary union of of the state. The women of Nortn Carolina were asked to raise one mil lion .one hundred thousand dollars. Miss Carroll says there are stiy many more ctrurohes to be heard fcom. Less than one-half of the Baptist churohes renorted trt Tr- .Tnhmnn anrl ther is reason to expect a big swell fin the total when the final reports come In Sunday night ' State campaign 'headquarters will be open all night tomorrow night and every assoolational director is expect ed to telegraph a final report Tele graphic advices today from Dr.' L. R. Scarborough at Nashville, the general director, were not very encouraging." Dr. Scarborough said todayr "We now lack ten million dollars of .being over. The next '48 hours tells tha story of whether southern Baptists will reach their objective in time set. I know North Carolina Is doing its best Put on a lttle more and report the last possible dollars by Sunday! night," To Continue Work Dr.. Walter Johnson, state disactor, sends ou this message: "North Car olina is at the top. There is six mil lion dollars reported in the Baptist 175,000,000 campagn. Just ready to go over passing the top Is hot vic tory. It is only the beginning of the batttle. Many a battle has been lost after .it had a been . won. Every church is urged to ke4p its campaign organisation Intact until every member pledges or refuses to pledge, It Is mort Important to reach our people than to get -the money." , Central headquarters reports that the south is ten million dollars beloV the totaL, of '.seventy-five millions. Floods and impassable, roads in the. southwest have delayed! the progress of the campagln. Over 1,000'churches In North aCrollna have not yet been heard from. May the reports from them ; put TJorth Carolina Over e mark arid help make good the totals for the whole campaign. Central headquarters at Nashville has extended the victory period until December It. for the southwestern section.' But in Nbrth Carolina vic tory work' closes tonight as hereto fore announced. However we will held the doors Open, for those whose i Much interest Is -attached to thalnledeges are. delayed and for others announcement that was made today Met to pledge. We shall continue the THINKS BIG DRIVE WEtiL BE OVER TODAY NASHVILLE, Term.', Dec . If teere Is fair weather in the south Sun- aay, he Baptist $76,000,000 campaign win, complete us goal or i7B,ooo,ooo by Monday morning, in the opinion of Dr.. R, L. Scarborough, general, uirecior. oeven states ana two for eign fields are already bver by good margins, seven other states, are in close striking distance of their goals and extremely unfavorable weathef had delayed- the drive in the other lour states during the past week. Saturday's returns brought an ad- ance of more than $2,000,000 from Texas, where the weather has hjnder ea tne progress toward the Ul.000.- 000 goal, and the leaders there and in other states announce they ' will continue the drive until their alms nave Deen reached. Native Christians of South Brasll have cabled they are over the top pn meir quota or $460,000, as did those of central China. Every foreign field Is expected to complete its' drive by Dunaay nignt. Georgia arid South Carolina are rac lng for first honors In over-subscrlo tlons of $1,750,000 tonight on a quota of $7,500,000, while South Carolina wun a quota jt $5,500,000, Is 11, 250,000 beyond that yim. . NEWBERRY WILL BE IN COUBT TOMORROW GRAND RAPIDS. Mch.. Dec. . Deck are cleared for the appearance n United States .district court here Monday of United. States . Senator Truman H. Newberry and others in dicted -with him on charges of fraud. conspiracy and corruption in the Newberry election who have not yet come oerore juage u. w. Sessions. Ninety-eight defendants alreadv have Deep arraignea. Eighteen of the 135 indicted, in cluding Senator Newberry, are ex pected to answer charges contained in me second indictment for alleged makngand fling of. false affidavits with relation to expenses' incurred in tne eieouon campaign. AMERICAN RED CROSS MHVPPY NEW YEARVi CENTRAL 3ANK & TRUST Company k i af cut h r a c-k--o q u a r M(DME Y tto 1LO AM at 6 Simple Interest ON THE EQUITABLE HOME PURCHASE PLAN No Bonus. ; No Attorney Fees. r;, ': i J. J. CONYERS & C. B. LYNCH, Agents. Phone 682 Room 27, American National Bank Bldg. speak all of WORX OB VACATE HOMES,' DECISION OP . TENN. OWNERS OierTNTJEp FROM PAGE MINERS ENJOINED FROM CONSPIRING TO FOSTER STRIKE CQNT1NUKP PROM PAOB ONE) ASHEVILLE BUREAU . T T A Ta Art n, m . . V- Aiilt w OTATJ5 ww vuna or vi rer Cent, of All Who Applied. Wilmington and Ashevilie to the u..m.lur or employment bu- 'J?r the. pa,t wek how that Ashevllle again tpok the lead In the " " f jods ior soldiers and others. . . The Dlacements fnr .. 17 out of 146 registrations, or 4 per z """ tuuna lor 76 sail led laborers, 14 unskilled laborers and for 14 clerks. COAL PRODUCTION i IS .INCREASED IN SEVERAL STATES fCQNTTNTTED FROM PAGE OSR) Vnent and the miners, were lining up Uieir respective arguments in the con tempt cases set for Tuesday, and the government agencies continued their preparation of evidence for presenta tion to the federal grand Jury Mon- . day sen the investigation of charges of violation of tbe Lever act and .anti-trust laws by miners and opera ten to funat. . . . , .. managers of railroads in the .southern region Degan toay announcina de tails of curtailed passenger schedules. to be effective at 11:01 o'clock next Tuesday morning, in accordance with oraers rrom me railroad adminis tration for the conservation of feul supplies. inese oraers. it was stated, are similar to those issued in other re gions o fthe country. They provide for the complete suspension of apt- cm trains ana ror tne abbreviation of so-called luxury service such as parlor cars, club cars and sleeping cars. Wehere local trains am taknn off, through trains will pick up their Among those roads which alroadv have issued orders curtailing serv ice are the Atlanta and West Point. Naabvllle. Chattanooea and nt. Tiuta Tennessee Central, and the Birming ham and Northwestern. Them nroh. sbly will be no changes on the At lanta, Birmingham and Atlantic, it was said. i . Trunk lines enterlns- tha south mriit be governed by orders Issued by east ern ana central rea-ionai d iwtaM SEND TROOPS TO MIXES TAOOMA. Winhn . r,. a .r... clal train carrying troons of h irmt and thirty-fifth regiments ef in fan. try under command of Colonel p. C. Endicott, left Camp lewto fop Butte, Mont., Thursday, night for duty at Montana mines. This annonncement made at hMidaHirti r,Mn Lws tonight. Upon report- being 17 1118 soiaiere naa ar riveJl afsly at Butte. aressea tne meeting; to explain the miners- attituae. He declared If the operators would nromlsa t aniap'.' conierenoe to, determine the wage question, ha would renew his efforts to evo men- oaca to worn. noDert B. Young. sDeaklte- for th operators, said they hd poatetl no nces onering a 14 ner cent. u-rA m. crease and were ready to restore pro duction to normal but coniri not VOTE TO R,ETCRN. rJKiBXUI. VL.Tunn . r. a STJl,n? mlner n the Lee county i- oT i-rL '""". i caiiea meeting in fit. Charles tonight, voted to return w lueir w urn an nnnov mrtiinins. cordfiig to advices received In Bristol" k KiCJLon ff ,he mln,rs calla off pro- ---.j m.o -ivnaesi eu-iKe period ever witnessed In this section. The an nouncement, according; to reports, was T," uu,.n omciais 'ton.lg!,t. 7'"- ".-a neia out aoout six weeks, ncludea considerable disorder by rad- I OS. I si Bkvii a vl . " V " many or whom, forK th.A .f . wn ,cntry "IWI U III Kt. Ph..!.. T ZlA"tlci riirn to ' Z normal praBueMon within tha next : Uon with, the strike, will be K "fio"- 1' bought that TEe ul ine iee countv bv .imii;. 1 .V"'":.w'" louowed which was taken foIIoVing"the kimS of a private detanfiv. ,u" I' early Frldav .::,"...l'amP by similar mi mlu'""Z mine wot. " otner Quiet prevails in that section i Pl'BUC GETS BULK " OF FBJCK FORTUJfE CONTrmjED FROM PAOTTmsnn entlstTaent campaign among the churchies of this state until we have tried td carry thethrlll of- Joy of the movement to every chnrch: .. herev enigW said? xSThe 74-mllCon - campaign Is already a suc cess 141 North Carolina. ..From noVpn the work, - not for another hour for RAISE HARES AND CAVIES FORTS Astonishing Profits Easily Made we pay you 17 to J10 a pair for Bares and St. 25 to J1.50 a pair or Cavies ana Kxpress cnarges. we furnish high grade stock reasonable and bur all too raise. ' Illustrates Booklet and- Contract mailed FBKH. . , UNITED FOOD FUR ASSOCIATION, 2 W. 48th 8C, Daat, 04, New, York. sT bellishment of the park, 1W DIVIDED INTO SltARES. About IBO.Onn nnn 1riT7, Krlck ordered rtivM Ji . Mr: ?rh.ruettd T?r ' SSon !s aiv'en10.. J55!?"!! TechnMU8eU of JJ nloy nd the educational fnUSrt.Vh,Clh"-,U 0ffl"' Mr" atSSjft PV- Iron master's lnV.i . J' 7!.. to the public, charitable . W Not having made protons foris S-ni,m lK neo.tfence Miss Helen ees fit No restrictions are nli upon her bv the win P'41! r J5f U,or" 55. U. under Its dl- Frick. and w.Vr.o " W Ln"0 ritwourgh. McEldownev mA aC. rwerve 1250,000 each a. their fees. BREAK IN UNION RANKS ,M'ALE8TEa Okla., Dec t Th. "f re to tha rank, of th. union union men formerly occupied in the Dawley mines, six miles soqth of here returned to work this morning in response) to An ultlbt&tnm . n.. J ky OoTarnor J. & a. Roberuoa. PRICE REDUCTION ON ALL MEN'S and WOMEN'S SHOES ENDS MONDAY Don't Overlook the Last Day of This Occasion IT MEANS MONEY TO YOU Store ': . , ' 4 Biltmore Avenue Do You Know That the record gystem ii our office holds abstracts of title, to every parcel of land in greater Ashevilie, and is so complete that in a few minutes weare able to put a very complete; history before our experts, and at a very slight expense our title department will, if the title can be made so. issue a TITLE GUARANTEE POLICY which wilt remove any possibility of'trouble forever? Perhaps you have such title that should be looked over. Consuitingwith us will cost nothing, and we are always ready to serve. - ' ' ; Bankers trust and Title Insurance Co. 65 CwQega St Phona 1351, AehawiDc N. C CHRISTMAS At The Paranfount Drug Store . A nice line of Perfumes, and Toilet Waters. White ivory Brushes, Combs; Mirrors, Jewel Boxes and many other articles. Writing Paper, Correspondence Cards, The Celebrated Norria Candies. Call early and do your shopping before the stock is exhausted. . , PARAMOUNT DRUG CO. : - 43 PATTON AVE. : PHONES 556 557 ' - 1 SERVICE IS A PLEASURE ROAMER MOTOR CO. Phones 1171-2826. Ashevilie, N. C TOLEDO SCALE CO: Ashevilie Sale and Service Office, ' ' 9 E. College St Ashevilie, N. C AU Makes ot Scales Repaired. CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS. Bissell Carpet Sweepers, price. . ...... ... .54.50 to $6.50 lONCAlDSWAIN FURNITURE CO. tTBreaehsey , ;Vherw-Vetoes FresmO m MONDAY LAST DAY OF PRICE DISCOUNT ON STOES Don't Miss It '' : . ' ' ECONOMY,;! Sample Shoe Store 12 Biltmore Ave. . J 50 to i 9