THE SUNDAE" CITIZEN, ASHEVILLE, N. C, DECEMBER 7, 1919. PLAINTIFFS SEEK Around Town $11,000 AS DAMAGES Fastor IllRev. R. V. Self Is very til at hla horns on Third avenue in West Asheville. The Mammoth .Furniture Store O O o One of our Small DESKS, with Chair to match, will be a sensible Gift for your Boy. They're the exact duplicate of a regular office deslj, only smaller. vWhat boy would not appreciate one for Chrtmas? Call "and see them before you decide on anything eUe. 4 L. SMATHERS & SONS 15-17 Broadway Phone 226 24-26 Lexington To Re-open Office Dr. Jennie I-u cena Spalding has recovered from her recent Illness ana will re-open ner office tomorrow morning. Col. Moid Col. C. 8. Floyd Wat In Asheville yesterday for a visit to the army local recruiting station. To Speak Today Rev. E. K. Mc- Larty win apeak at the T. M. I. this afternoon at 6 o'clock. The reg ular program will also take place. Jmlaon Circle The Judson circle of the First Baptist .church will meet Monday afternoon at $:30 o'clock, with Mrs. W. G. Britt, 4S Starnes avenue. Never Worry About What to Buy We invite you to see for yourself that our splendid 6tock of Holiday Merchandise offers ... . you an easy selection of your XM AS GIFTS. Latest Fiction, Popular Reprint Copyrights, Juvenile Series, etc. Standard Authors In Gift Seta O. Henry. Kipling Mark Twain Lowell Thackeray Everyman's Library,-Etc, Toys and Games Trains on Track Machine Guns Chemcraft Seta , Building Sets v Building Blocks Paint ahd Stencil Seta Puzzle Bets Erector Sets, Etc. Gift Suggestions Box Papers in Gift Boxes Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens Leather Writing Pads Eversharp Pencils Nu-Art Carved. Picture - Frames Bibles and Prayer Books Juvenile Series, Etc. ROGERS BOOK STORE Office Outfitter, 39 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C; Phone 254 Board to Meet The governing board of the Good Samaritan mis sion will meet tomorrow night at 8 o'clock at the mission house on Spruce street. Police Arrests The police made a number of arrests yesterday, Includ ing one for larceny, three "drunks," a vagrancy charge and one defend ant charged with carrying a con cealed weapon. Vetera ml to Meet Commander .T. J. Mackey yesterday ordered that all Confederate veterans of the Zeb Vance camp, meet on Pack Square this aft ernoon at 2:30 o'clock to attend the funeral service of Captain F. N. Wad-dell. four Men Bring Suits Agaln Moun tain Retreat Association Alleging Damage to Their Property. Black Mountain Club The Better ment club of Black Mountain will on Friday prepare a number of chick ens which will be sent to the sol diers at Oteen. Those in-charge of the plan have asked that all those interested send dressed chickens to the club on that date. Play Presented The play entitled "Clubbing a Husband," presented by the Toung Women's Bible class of the Haywood street Methodist church was greatly enjoyed by the large au dience which saw It. The piano duet 'by Mrs. T. A. Howie and Miss Edith Pugh was also greatly enjoyed. Four damage Hiiits in which the plaintiffs are seeking: to recover an aggregate of $11,000 from the Moun tain Retreat association, owners of the Southern Presbyterian assembly grounds in which Is situated Mon treal were Instituted in superior court here yesterday with the filing of compMnts with the elerk. The plaintiffs complaining allege that by reason 4t the installation of a sewerage system oy tne uerenuaut association in me assembly grounas, which system Is said to empty in a stream meandering through the city, they have been damaged, in that the air has been made foul and the stream polluted, therefore the price of property adjacent to tho stream has decreased in value. Those filing complaints are: Ed BurnetH asking $2,000 damages; W, A. Kelly, seeking $5,000 as damages; W. C Nanney and W. L. Arnett, each suing for $8,000. These cases are expected to attract considerable interest, as the South ern Presbyterian grounds have been developed, and cut up into lots, own ers of which reside all over the south ern Btates, and it Is apparent that they will have an Interest In the outcome of the suit against the Mountain Re treat association. GOOD PROGRAM AT SCHOOL MEETING Small Fire The fire department was called to 75 Park avenue yester day evening, where the roof of house, belonging to T. C. MacKay, had caught fire. Two alarms were turned In, the first at 6:24 o'clock and the second. one at 6:28 o'clock, although slight damage was done. To Return Here Mrs. William Cal vln Chilton, monodramlst of Oxford Miss., is now making Asheville her headquarters, and is expected to re turn this week from a ten days' tour in this state and South Carolina, Mrs. Chilton is booked by the Piedmont Lyceum bureau, of this city. Recent ly she appeared before, the business and professional women of the city at their banquet andvas heard with delight. Anticipating Government Action We offer special bargains in RAIL ROAD TRAINS com 'plete with track, stations, and other equipment. 24 Train Se'ts, at . . . . . $ 75 per set 48 Train Sets, at ... ... ... v. . 1,00 per set 12 Train Sets, at......... 1.25 per set 24 Train Sets, (American Flyer) at. . 3.50 per set : Extra Cars, Stations, Tunnels, Signals, Etc. We have a large stock of the most durable and instructive toys on the market. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Northup-McDuffie Hardware Co. No. 33 Patton Ave. ' Headquarters. Phone 142. Brief Session City commissioners were in session but a few minutes yesterday, giving their attention to the transaction of routine business and granting the following building permits: Mettndist Episcopal church. Buffalo street, two room addition, estimated cost $3,500; Miss Batter ham 74 Hillside1 street, ona room ad dition, estimated cost $100! Brandl and Ware, Henrietta' street, four room residence, estimated cost, -12. 600; Martfn Rothan, 65 Washington roaa, garage, estimated cost, $150t City Auditor Frank I Conder was in attendance upon yesterday's meet Ing for the first time In several dars. He has1 been quits Hi at his home for some tune past but his condition la sufficiently Improved to- permit him to resume his duties. FUNERAL SERVICES FOR G.W. DUNN HELD Many Relatives and Triends From Other States Were Present. Funeral services for G. W. Dunn who died early Friday morning, were conducted yesterday afternoon at 8 o'clock from the residence, 45 Mad ison avenue, by new R. F. Camp' bell, of the First Presbyterian church, or which church the deceased was a memoer. music was furnished by a quartet consisting of Horace Seeley, C. T. Carr. J. K.' Cowan and Frank Smith. Songs used at the services were those selected by the deceased before bis death. Interment took plaee at Riverside cemetery, t Surviving relatives and many friends from other states who were here when Mr. Dunn died, attended the services yesterday, ' and the floral offerings were many and beautiful. OFFICERS ELECTED BY THE KIWANIANS A TIRE SAVED Is MANY DOLLARS MADE . ... We'll do your Tire Vulcatnizing and Retreading like veterans. Our equipment is modem-our ' men experienced. Asheville Tire and Vulcanizing Co. 12 E. College St. . E. E. Wheeler Again Heads Local Club Other Officers, FIVE POMTS Corner College ahd Oak Streets SERVICE STATION : " . v Every Motoring Convenience. . At a meeting of the board of di rectors of the Klwanis club yester day the following offloers were elected for the ensuing year: K. ' K. Wheeler, re-elected president; William Red wood, vice president; H. B. Oruver, secretary and R. C' Currence, treas urer. . . The directors who selected these officers were elected at meeting of the ciuo held. Friday night and the new officers will probably be in stalled In January. At this time It is planned to bring here one or more high officials of the' organization, to assist In the installation ceremonies. ' LOCAL MAN BUYS v. A LABOR WEEKLY The Parent-Teachers association of the Murra'y school hnd a very suc cessful meeting last week. A short seen ion was devoted to the neces sary business and then the program was rendered. Mrs. Bradford gave a reading which was very amusing and en tertaining. After her reading the members were Invited Into tho kin dergarten room where other pleas ures were In store. Mrs. Griffin ren dered a song and afterwards the tirst grade pupils gave folk songs. Following the program a social hour was enjoyed during which the committee served hot chocolate and wafers. SCHOOL SOCIETY AGAINST LONG DAY The Blue Bird society of the Ashe ville high school met last week In the music room of the school. Aft er the regular business had been dis posed of the program was carried out. An Interesting debate was held, the subject being "Resolved. That longer schools days are better than short ones." The affirmative was represented by Klolee Harmon and Dorothy Nichols, and the negative by Annie Cantruell and Aueril Sirica. fus, the negative side won. Recita tions were given by Nell Cauble and Mildred Erichson and a solo was ren. dered by Elolse Harmon. Imnromntu speeches were made by Ruby Evans "I Know Just the Gift They Need Correct Glasses" "Eyeglass Gift Certificates will easily solve my Christmas Gift Problem." "1 can picture my friends now. In the very act of receiving the Certificates each Will reveal one of the three 'eyemarks' by which you can. always tell people who need glasses. One will peer awkwardly over his reading glasses; one will immediately shift glasses; and the third will be wearing her old-fashioned bifocals with their ugly seam. But when they wear Kryptoks, as I do, all their eyeglass troubles will end, and no one can tell that their eyes require double-vision glasses." Kryptoks enable the wearer l JSrVl xV. one tne eyemarks of near and distant objects with Tm IMVtSJBLC BIFOCALS 010 Person who needs glasses win greauy appreciate . inem aa Christmas Gift. Drop in and let us tell equal clearness. They do not have the age-revealing seam or hump of old style bifocals. Any friend of yours who ex- you how easy it is to make somebody a present of a pair of Glasses. Becoming Glasses Cost No More . Dr. DENISON 25 Patton Ave. (Eye-Strain Specialist) Opp. Kress Store and Sarah Irwin. Margaret jarrett gave several good Jokes, and Eliza beth Brown also gave a reading. The Indian women of the Isthmus 1 of Tehauntepeo, proclaimed fcy many Judges to be the most beautiful women In the -world, add to their picturesque attractiveness ' by wearing . whatever fortune they way possess in the form of gold coins strung about the arms and. neck. -, , , A woman's foot . should equal la length one-seventh of her height. l SB& L 1 tor, nrHE. i Kiin M M. L. FM1KELS.TEM - ASHEVILLE'S GREATEST CHRISTMAS GIFT STORE - n . Where Your Purchases Buy a Guarantee of 20 Years of Satisfactory Business Dealings ROGERS and OMEIDA Com munity Silverware 12 Piece Sets $3.95 70 $7.95 26 Piece Sets $5.95 TO $12.45 Charlotte lather Paper Taken Over by X F. Barrett of AsherUIe. 'Announcement Is made that the Charlotte Labor Herald, weekly pa per published in the Mecklenburg capital, has ' been purchased by 1. F. Barrett, of this city. The new owner will move to Charlotte at an early date, It is stated, and either move the plant of the Asheville La bor Advocate to Charlottee or a new plant will be secured there. . The local . labor paper is on qf the best known in the state and the announcement will be of interest to organised labor members in this sec-', tion. ,. - -. - i - i - - - ' Decorated Tea Pots. Chinese. Japanese, etc. Fine variety at Laws. Zl Haywood St. Women of St. Paul have organised a movement to place every'famiiy la the Elgin and Waltham Bracelet Watches, .$25 17 AC Values...... P If e70 Other Good Makes $7.45, $9.95 and $14.95 '1 MS. DIAMOND RINGS j; Kt. White Brilliant. $70 W 9 t Value, At . . . $54.50 Gold and Silver Open and Hunting: Case Watches, best makes. Variety of prices. RIFLES AND SHOT GUNS Everything for the Hunter. Card Cases, Sterling Silver and very best plate $5.95 T0 $13.50 Mesh BagsTUilver and Gold Plates $4.50, $6.50, $9.50, $11.50.. - ..-1. ' :.-...,.., Large selection of rings 'set with various gems in solid gold ; and gold filled mounting. Reasonably priced. ' . 23-25 BHtmore Ave. Phone 887 . ; French Ivory and Silver Man ipuring and Toilet Seta . $3.45 TO $14.95 Wardrobe Trunks, Suit Case or Hand Bag make an appre dated gift. Visit our Trunk and Leath er goods department, where you can choose your gift from the largest stock in the city. , city on a budget system, to encourage thrift.. . .' .- , ... . t I