THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, ASKEVTLLE, N. C. DECEMBEK 7, social er I Boeiety throughout both the eastTthe-Hiidson;, Mr. Oliver Taylor, of and the south will be greatly Inter. sited In the marriage of Miss vir . ginla Ritchie Harrison and Mr. Fred ..rink MnCormack. which will be 1 noted social event of Wednesday. Thm ceremony will be performed at noon In one of the drawing rooms at arove Park Inn, by Rev. KODeri ren, president of Converse college, In the presence of a smart gathering of thirty or more guests. Miss Har rison will wear a wedding gown and conventional tulle veil and will bo given in marriage by her uncle. Mr. M. Mercer Walker, of New York. Khe will have as hsr matron of honor, her alster. Mrs. Louis Fagen. of Mem- phis, Tenn., and as her maid of hon or. Miss Mary Minor, of this city. Mr. McCormack will havte as his best man. Mr. Itobert H. McAdoo, son of Mr. William G. McAdoo, of Washington, D. C. Acting as Ushers will be: Mr. fiamuel Welsh, of Philadelphia, Ta.i Mr. Henry Graves, 3rd. of New Tor; Mr, F. B. Christmas, of Prince ton, N. 3.1 Mr. Hiehard Farley, of Trvington-on-Hudson; Mr. Oliver Taylor, of Morrlstown, N. J., and Mr. Warrenton Gillette, of Baltimore, Md. The wedding musio will be furnished on the organ by Mr. Maurice Long hurst. Immediately afterwards there will be an elaborate wedding break Morrlstown, N. J., and Mr. Warren ton Gillette, of Baltimore. Other guests far the wedding will be Cap tain and Mrs. Louis Fagen and Miss Evelyn Byrd Harrison Fagen, of Mem phis, Tenn.; Mr. Noble, of Spartan burg, 8. C; Mr. H. .Mercer Walker, of New York; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Graves, Jr., of New Tork; Mr. HOD ert H. McAdoo, of Washington; Rev. KobertjPeH, of Spartanburg, and Mr. William Gordon Harrison, of Savan nah, Go. J J Many friends in Ashevills will be interested in learning that Miss Bes sie Johnson, formerly of IOuiHvllle, Ky., and Mr. Charles' E. Henderson, Patton avenue Jeweler, -were quietly married last night at 9 o'clock at the residence of Kev. J. 8. Williams, No. 66 Annandale avenue. Only members of the immediate families were present for the ceremony, which was performed by Kev. Mr. Williams. The Ashevllle Cotillion club will rive a special dance Thursday eve- Ing from 9 o'clock until 1 o'clock tn the ball room at the Battery Park hotel, at which the famous Wright's saxaphone orchestra from Columbus, Ohio, will be featured, Mrs. Michael Lxtz entertained fast held In the private dining room Friday faternoon,, at her apartmlt in ie Carolina apartment nouse, wim a small auction bridge party. at the Inn to which the wedding - truest will be Invited. Miss Harrison is the daughter of Mrs. George E. Harrison, oi wranaon-on-the-James, Va., an old prominent and distinguished southern family. Hhe Is a voting .woman of unusual cjilture and charm and .is a lovely petite brunette type. With her moth er she has been residing in Ashevllle since June, where ehp -has made a number of friends. Mr. McCorihack Is the son. of Mrs. I. E. Kmerson, of Baltimore, and .is prominently con Bected and well known throughout tlie south , Among the out-of-town guests who will be present for tbe affair, arriv ing the first of the week, In a private car from the east are: Captain and Mrs. I. E. Emerson, parents of the groom,' from Balti more, Md.; 'Mr. And Mrs. Francis . tf. M,cAdoo. of New York; Mrs. Far ley, of 1 Jrvlngton-qh-t he-Hudson; Miss Ethel McCormack and Miss Is abel McCormack, of New Tork city; Mr, and Mrs. Hlnes, of Baltimore; Mr. Samuel Welsh, of Philadelphia; Mr. Henry Graves, Ird, of New Tork; Mr. F. B. Christmas, of Princeton; Mr. , Richard Farley, of Irvington-on- M Jt Mr. Eugene Ward was host during the week at a small stag supper party, having several of his friends as his guests. J Jt Mrs. O. V. Parker delightfully en tertained at a beautifully appointed luncheon Thursday at 2 o'clock at her home on Spears avenue, in com pliment to the members of the Time twenty, the entire membership of the club. The pretty bungalow was dec orated with pink carnations, the qlub flower. The dainty little hand-painted place cards were In pink carna tion design with the name engraved. Every detail of the luncheon, served in seven courses, was beautifully car ried out Immediately afterwards the following club program was given: Ron call was answered by "house hold helpers." "Living , Well on a Small Income," was the subject of ! Mrs. J. P. Coston'a paper. In which the writer gave many helpful points to be used in this age of thrift. Mrs. J. W. Neely In her paper on "Evo lution In Housekeeping," told of many ways In which a, housewife can meet the problems of today and compete with the present night cost of living. Mrs. K. C. Hawkins, a chairman of the thrift stamp campaign, gave a short talk on thrift. This meetlrfg proved to be one of the most inter esting of tBe 'present club yesx and much good was derived from the sub ject of "Home Economics." . '. ' Jt Jt The following Interesting program, the subject of which was . "English Music," was rendered at the meeting of the Saturday Muslclub held yes terday'at the auditorium of the Ashe vllle high school: Currents events, Mrs. Lawrence. Paper "English Composers," Mrs. Smith. " Intercessory prayer by German, chorus. King's Hunting Jegg by Dr. John Bull, Mrs. Llplnsky. Have Tou Seen But a White Lily Grow? anonymous, Mrs. Reuben Rob ertson. . , . Molly on the Shore, by Bercy Grain ger, Mrs. Ellas. An Exclamation, Life and Death, Coleridge-Taylor, Mrs. Cunningham. A Nocturnal. Danse Neere, Cyril Scott, Mrs. Swain. Queen Mary s Farewell tq France, He Stole My Tender Heart Away, from melodies of revolutionary, times, harmonized by Samuel Endlcott, Miss Atkinson. Chorus by an English composer. . Jt J A. number of couples of the young er adancing set of the city were pres ent for the dance given last evening at Grove Park inn from 9:50 o'clock until 11 o'clock. Jl . The American War Mothers of Ashevllle Willi meet on Tuesday aft ernoon at 8: SO' o'clock in the Sunday school room of the Central Methodist church. All members are urgently requested to be present. Jt t Jt The following announcement has been received in the city: Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jackson Jayne announce the marriage of their daughter, Meada, to Dr. Hugh Her rick Trember on Wednesday No vember the twenty-sixth, nineteen hunflred and . nineteen, Ashevllle. North Carolina. A jt jt 'P , Mrs. ICharles Malone entertained Informally Friday evening with a small dancing party at her home on Hillside street. Jt Jt Under the direction of Mr. Willis G. Cunningham, the first of a series of concerts will be given Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the audito rium of the high school building. The affair will be a piano recital by Miss Mabel Coder, director of mu sio at the Normal and Collegiate in stitute, assisted by Mrs. James G. Stikeleather. soprano. The tickets for entertainment will be free but admission will be by complimentary fROUP vicirs VAPoie your bodyguard-SO'. 60 Spasmodic usually relieved wun one application oi ticket only. These tickets may ' be received Tuesday morning or after at Dunham's musio store. Jl Jt The Woman's Foreign Missionary society or the Chestnut street Meth odist church held their regular meet Ing Friday afternoon at the parsonage with Mrs. W. F. Cann, wife of the new pastor, as hostesses. Dr. and Mrs. Cann have recently come to Ashevllle from Canada. After' the business of the meeting a delightful social hour was enjoyed during which Mrs. Cann assisted by Mrs. J. H. Weaver and Miss Amy Hackney, served the guests with delicious tea, waffles and sandwiches. The mem bers present Included: Mrs. Cann, Mrs. J. F, Bates, Mrs. James Gray, Mrs. Matthews, Mrs. Holden, of Flor ida; Mrs. W. H. Wilson. Mrs. How ard, Wright, Mrs. David McFadden, Mrs. Jessie Smith, Mrs. C. W. Malone, Mrs. Josephine Hineman, Mrs. J. H. i Weaver, Mrs. J. O. Chandler, Mrs. I A. J. Owenby, Mrs. O'Shaughnessey, Mrs. V. L, Owenby, Mrs. W. C. Burt, Miss Nannie Alexander, Miss Amy Hackney and -Miss Josie GrifUn. - r, jt 'jt , .... . The Knoxville Sentinel gives the following which will be of interest here. ."Among the (Christmas entertain ments will be several beautifully ar ranged dances, given in honor of Miss Marion McLendon, who is attending school at St. Genevieve's academy Ashevllle, N. C but who will be num bered among the school girls home.for tbe holidays. "Miss McLendop '.. Is to have two lovely girls as her guests for the holidays, and among those entertain ing win be her parents, Mr. and Mrs; McLendon. who will arlv a riant,, nf tholr lovelyhorae In Circle park on tne evening; or the .twentieth. - "Miss Harrie Babcock Is also plan ning to give a, dance at the Cherokee Country, club on the evening of D- cemoer zs,- for Miss McLendon and her guests." jt J There will be a special meeting of St. John's auxiliary of Trinity chrch Thursday afternoon at o'clock in the auxiliary room of the churoh house. All members are urged to be present as election of officers for 1920 will take place. Jtjt The Mary Alexander circle of the First Baptist church will .meet with -to I (CONTINUED ON PAGE ELEVEN) REMODELING. SALE VY. Monday Morning we will place on sale all Hats and Trimmings at the very lowest bargain prices. Wearegomgtocloseouteveryliingre. gardless of price to give way for repairs that are going to be done before the opening of the Spring Season. i .Come early while there is a selection. . Grantham Go. Haywood and Government Streets. M From the Women s cms Deb artment T Shop Early, 7 in the Month ;'.' -'ill- . f ( in the Day Mornihg Hours ; are Best Gifts which are beautiful enough to charm the most feminine of femininity and prac tical enough to please the most sensible. Gifts of Ready-to- . Wear are often the most Appre ciated of all and there's a splendid savings opporturl ity in buying them here now. Tailored Suits in the most popular models and fab rics, and a good range of colors nnd sizes plain, braided and fur trimmed, are Half Price. COATS Are All Substantially Reduced A PLEASING NEGLIGEE WILL SURELY PLEASE There is a wonderful assortment here from which to choose. Alluringly beautiful creations of Crepe de Chine, Georgette and lace. Soft, frilly, clinging, they enhance the beauty of the most beautjul, and delight the heart of any woman. All sizes in all the dainty pastel shades, alone or in com bination. Charming new Boudoir Caps in quaint new styles in shades to match. , Gloves Strike the Right Gift Note No matter how many pairs of Gloves a woman may own, she will always welcome more. There are always occasions for the use of a perfectly fresh pair and a mod ish new style. You will enjoy selecting gifts of Gloves here, as only the best makes arearried, and the assortments are excellent. Dress Gloves frcW Centemeri and Mar shal Field plain an fancy. ' Mark Cross Cape Gloves; Heavy Wool lined Gloves; Gauntlets; Single and Double Silk Gloves; Wool Gloves. . All sizes. Hosiery Gifts Will Be Remembered Long after the thrill of anticipation and the exclamation of delight, as the dainty Christmas package is opened, have become memories, the one who gives Hose will e pleasantly remembered. Each time Mi lady wears the luxurious silken covering she will send a grateful thought to you-wards. Assortments are at their best now, in cluding all- the popular solid colors, lace stripes, embroidered and clocked effects. A RACK OF DRESSES Satin, Crepe de Chine, Serge and "combination, of fers exceptional values at $12.75, $18.75, $24.75, $34.75 All Luxury Taxes are De ductible From Your. In come Tax Returns. That's the silver lining in the- cloud of Government Taxation. Keep allj your tickets showing Luxury Tax and use them in making out the return next year. This is a late ruling by the Treasury Department. DAINTY NECKWEAR A Gift of Quality Doubly acceptable if it bears the Crowley trade mark an assurance of originality of style and beauty of workmanship. Ev ery piece entirely 'hand made. Dainty Collars for blouse, "dress or' coat; chemisettes and sets in netyid organ die, embroidered and lace trimmed, are priced at $1.00 to $12.50 SWEATERS And SWEATER SCARVES In assorted colors and patterns, are popular this winter and sure to find ready acceptance. A good assortment of - sizes and prices now. 1 HIKIISIIIS'S OUR SHOES STAND for ABSOLUTE . DEPENDABILITY In Footwear And that means style, material, workmanship, ser vice and just prices. Your first experience with a pair of our Shoes will - convince you so that your next pair will come from our store. We carry Shoes that earn your confidence and, having earned it, retain it. Our business has - been bifilt on the Good Will of Customers. Our Patrons are Boosters! Because our Shoes have earned a reputation for goodness. a . ... Boston Shoe Store. Clements & Chatnbers New Home Jan. 1 ' 47 PATTON AVE. GARDEN COURT Face Powder as pictured and de scribed in the October La dies Home Journal and Cosmopolitan, can be had at WALKER'S DRUGSTORE It is the finest lace pow der known of -Come and see it CLAIRVOYANT - ARE YOTJ WILLING TO BE CONVINCED? PROF, LEONARD Too Well Known to Need an Introduction. I da hereby agree and ruarantes to make no charge U I fall to tell you your name, occupation ana wnat you call for. I promise to tell you wheth er husband, wife or sweetheart la true or false; tell you whom and when you marry; in fact, tell you every hope, fear or ambition of your life, giving advice on matters of business or pro fession you are suited for, what to de and where to fco to bring success. I reunite the separated, restore lost af fections, cause happy marriages; give good luck, develop a secret you should know the Powers of Control. Parlor quiet, business confidential. iTlce wiuun intra ui mi. Hours 10 a. m. td S p. m. CIOSFD SUNDAYS. Offlcs at 119 Hv"od St. Fine assortment Wall Vases at all prices at JLaws. 21 Hay wood St. THOUGHTFUL people are conscious of the importance of keeping themselves mentally fit. Worry and anxiety al ways unfit any individual. When you order from a ' drug store and wait and wait and worry5 and wor ry you get, fretful and nervous. Goode knew that and the result was his "minute-service" drug' store system. - It helps to keep the customer "fit." Use the Phone. The Easy Way. Designated Prescription Depot For The U. S. Government DOLL WIGS We Have Just Received a Large Shipment or DOLL WIGS All Sizes. They Are Going Fast MRS. DALE'S MAWNEULO SHOP .36 Haywood St ' . Phone 1671 J