THE ASUEVILLE UITIZJfljN, V&DNiMDAy,)EyEZL2m 10, 1919. 12 I i t f 'I:''- f DE MOGRATS BUSY N9TH DISTRICT Many Speeches Mkde for Clyde Hoey, I V, Secretary Daniels to Make j Several Addresses in I the District. t he By JOE I. BAKER. ,ntmir rkwmiDoiMlant The Cittaen.) CHARLOTTE, Deo. . Democratic weaker are laying down a veritable barrage or oraiory gur mo ongresslonal district this week. In the various oountlea of the district, there will probably be half a hundred nukin on the stump before tae week-end. ' , . th vrMntr fiart of the campaign In 1 being don la Mecklenburg- iMimtv. where the worker! are un- oeually buiy In aa effort to get put a heavy vote and roll up a big majority or the, democratic nominee, uj i. Hoey. luit by way of resenting the Insinuation that the democracy sr Mecklenburg J Indifferent In lta sup port of HoeyslmpIy because Meck I lenborg'a olalm that ehe ought to be allowea the privilege 01 nanuui u Semocratio candidate u not allowed fcy the other oountlea. Beginning Monday night, rallies were arranged for point In Meck lenburg county for every night up to " end Including next Monday, the eve 6f the election. Local speaker are visiting every section of the county, whllei men of national reputation are to address big central rallies being f planned for Charlotte. Secretary of the Navy Joseph us Daniel will address a big rally here Thursday night at 7:80 o'clock. The rally will be held in the auditorium, and several thousand people are ex pected to - hear the popular North Carolina cabinet member. If .Senator Simmons la sufficiently recovered from the cold from which he hu been Buffering for aeverai days. he will apeak here Friday night, while Secretary . of Treasury Carter Glass 1 will be here for the big closing rally next Monday night If he 1 able to get away from Washington. Being busy arranging to surrender his cabl . net -cost to take a seat in the Unlt- ed State aenate, Secretary Glass has not yet been able to eee nis way eiear to leave the capital, dui nas promised 1 n come if It is nossible to get away. ' and It la hoped confidently that he will come. Hoev la Oomfna. Mr. Hoev apeak in Charlotte Wed ' nesday night, and la aaaured a cordial welcome and a big crowd. He will make three apeechea at Mecklenburg county points next Saturday, at Huntersvllle. Cornelius and Davidson, ' Congressman Bob Doughton, of the eighth distriot, Is also in the. district this week. He spoke at Sharon, In thla county, tonight, Tuesday and will make two or three other apeechea in - the district this week. Secretary Daniels will arrive In ' North Carolina Wednesday morning, speaking at Morganton that after noon and at Catawba that night, com : lag to Charlotte Thursday. . It is also likely that Representative Heflin, of Alabama, who spoke at unanotte ana uasionisj last weex, am make a splendid impression, wllf b back In the distriot next Monday. If he is able to return. Mr. Heflin will apeak at Uneolnton next, Monday at one p. m. ana at Hickory tnat nignt. The democrat seem to be center ing much of their effort In Catawba county In the hop of redeeming Ca tawba for democracy.. While It has of "late years had the habit of returning republican majorities, sometimes , of several hundred, the demooratlo lead- era over there say that they won't do worse than draw aa even break for Hoey. and may. carry the oounty. Lincoln seems certain to land in Hoeys eolumn by a safe margin, al though It is ordinarily a close county. If democratic expectations in Catawba and Lincoln are fulfilled, Hoey will eome to Mecklenburg with a lead over Morehead, and Mecklenburg will fin- lsn tne Job. wniie avis usually diffi cult to get out a very heavy vote In a by-election, the amount of work be ing done thla time makes it appear certain tnat tne vote win be fairly heavy, and Hoey Is certainly going to Win,, or there are some badly fooled democrats' In the ninth district, and they will be bitterly disappointed. Several years ago, it was a political maxim that the democrats uld be depended upon to do some fool thing at tne most opportune time to work their undoing, but if they ever played the fool's game any more completely than" reptfblioan in the present eon- f gross have been doing, uiey are go ing some. The last fool republican stunt i . the effort of Senator Moses, of New Hampshire, sometimes termed "Dr." Moses, to revive the old "force bill." On top of the Moses' action. Senator Curtis, or Kansas, repuDiican wnip in the senate and standpatter of stand patters, submitted to the republican 1 controlled rules committee of the sen ate a motion to permit cloture to be Invoked by a majority vote, in other words, to shut off debate by a mere majority vote. At present, it may ge done only py a two-tniroa vote, ana therefore cannot be taken merely as a party step. In Washington, it is re ' ported that there is more than a mere coincidence in tnese steps, to south ern senators, there Is a significance attached that does not bode well for southern representation. Some of . them fear that the republican m&jor ' Ity la going to attempt to either re- enfranchise tne negro in tne south ern states or cut off southern repre sentation in congress from those states where the negro Is not permit ted to vote. Either would serve the republican purpose. In many states and scores of congressional districts the negro vote would be predominant. and of course it would be republican. It not only nearly everywhere has been so', but the negro would feel greater obligation o the G. O. P. than ever before. If the negro were not re- enfranchised, then-southern represen tatlon in congress would be based, ur. der the republican plan, on the num ber of votes cast rather than popula tlon, and as a result, the south rep resentation in congress would be cut down not less than one-third, and may-be more than that. The upshot would be there would never be an other democratic congress, and the south would never again be "in tne saddle" as republicans have claimed Bucn a threat as this against the south, raised at this time, isn't calcu lated to help the candidacy of John M. Morehead. the republican nominee for congress, for a party threatening the south with, a "force" bill isn't going to add anything to its popular ity in this part of the land. If Moses and Curtis had deliberately aet out to add to the democratic party's prestige in the south, they couldn't have chosen a more effective way. More power to "em. T FIGHT Franklin FRANKLIN. Dec. Mrs. John THE DOWELS THE MOST PLEASANT WAY TO TAKE IRON ' Vorce, vigor, energy, the kind that I simply overflow! with rich red blood I is produced by the special compound ing or iron and quinine Into the Fa-1 mous Make-Man Tablets. Make-Man I Tablets create new, epulsatlng, disease- resisting red corpuscles, strengthening I tne tissues tnat nave pecome weaken-1 ed by long overwork or sickness. Easy and pleasant to take nd con-1 tain no injurious drugs or habit form ing chemical. Nothing but iron and quinine.' Increase your weigh. Watch I the scale from the day you start tak ing Make-Man Tablets. " Make-Man Tablets are sold at all I reliable drug stores. Fries 60 vents 1 a box. Oeiy genuine if our monogram 1 i-a-f appears on eacn box. Dis-1 Mi W. Madison fu Chicago. IllAdvt ' Use Gentle Remedy to End Constipation Some "physics" fight the bowels. They rend their way through the ten der Intestinal membranes like so much dynamite. They clean the body, true, but they do it much harm. Other laxatives are habit forming. Once the bowels bow to them, they will answer to no, other call. Don't contract "laxative habit" Sloan's Reiief Tablets are as gentle aa nature. They don't fight the bowels, but easily and painlessly cause them to perform their natural functions. They form no habits. They will even release those now in the toils of habit forming physics. Constipation, the poisoner. Is best ended by Sloan's Re lief Tablets. Use them alwaya ThevZre safest Distributed by The Sloan Products Co., 18 Factory street, Derby, Conn. , l -' Aav- Trotter is spending severer days in Knoxville. Miss Lynn Johnston, who is In the nfflra of the euDervlsor of the census at Sylva spent' the week-end here with her parents, Mr. ana airs. r. a. juuii ton. . i Mr. and Mrs. Will Moor have sold their home end are boarding at Junaluska inn for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Nat Gennett have re turned from a two weeks' stay In New York city. Mrs. Lvle Jones has returned to her home here after a four months' ab sence on account of her health. j. B. KODinaon is in me city iur a few days. B. G. Campbell, of Atlanta, was here for a few daysthls week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ourney, former resident of Franklin. BDent Thanks giving in the city, the guest of f r. ana jxiim. r . 0. junanvn. Horace Harrison, of Boston, former ly of Franklin, Is visiting his father's family here. Masters Lloyd Klngsbery and Ne ville Sloan. Jr., are confined to their homes with dlptherla. Miss Irene Weaver has returned from a short visit to relatives in Clay ton, Ga. W. D. Mitchell, of Dalton, Ga., spent several days last week in Frank lin. Mrs. L, B. Hayes was hostess to the semi-monthly meeting of the 1915 McDowell club on Monday afternoon. The subject of study was Verdi's Rlgo- letto. Mrs. Ed Taylor cave the story ; 01 me opera in a very cnarmingman ner and sang, with Miss Eleanor Taylor the duet from RlgolettoV "Over the Summer Sea." Mr. Shields played a piano arrangement of the famous Rigoletto. quartet, which was also given onthe Vlctrola. Mra F. 87 Johnston, who ha Just returned from Atlanta, gave the club a mst Interesting description of the Krelsler Vecital and the performance by the Vatican choir. The following announcement was made in Franklin this week: "Mrs.! E. R. Klnnebrew announces the en gagement of her daughter, Nannie Mae, to Mr. James Cook, of Athens, Ga., the wedding to take place Decern- per a. jno caraa" Mr. Jim Cook la spending the week end In the city. CALLS MERCHANTS TO RALEIGH AGAIN (Special to The eltisen) RALEIGH. Dee. . In order to further discuss the high cost of living proDiems with a view to arriving at ways and means of reaching some con clusions on ways and means of lower ing costs in North Carolina, Food Ad ministrator Henry A. Page has called a conference of the merchants and the general public for December 11. Thla meeting will be held In the hall of the house of representative and ever one Interested is Invited to be pres ent. The several conferences with the CASTOR IA' For Infutg tod Childrea In Use For Oyer 30 Years iwaya bean the cagnator ei merchant failed to bring about com mon ground on which Mr. Page could work in gettlna at the profiteers. The merchants were very firm in tneir opinion that nothlna- they could do would materially lower the cost of living. They declared that the buying public was largely responsible for the high cost of living because they de manded those classes of goods which were seasonable and rashionaoie, rather than the staple lines of goods which could be sold at a lower mar gin of profit , S3 A rUsC-N I f uvu Calomel is 'a dangerous drug-. It )i mercury quicksilver; and attacks your bones. Take a dose of nasty calomel to day and you will feel weak, sick and nau seated tomorrow. Don't lose a day's work. Take "Dodson's Liver Tone" Instead Here's ray guarantee I Ask TOr druggist lor a bottle of Dodson'i Liver Ton and take a spoonful to Bight. If it doesn't (tart your liver and straighten you right up better than calomel and without griping or Buttog you sick I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Take a spoonful of harmless, vege table Dodson's Liver Tone tonight and waka up feeling great. It! perfectly harmleti, so give H to your children any time. It can't salivate, so 1st them eat anything afterwards. ; 1 I?- X;v , ;; a'V A 1 - x t.'; if f J ' Secure Your Pathe For Christmas NOW! The PHONOGRAPH the instrument of such that it is. called the WORLD' moat distinguish ed Music maker. The Pathe coat no more than the ordi nary Phonograph. -, I nHH" Chas. L. Sluder Co. 20 S. Pack Square Phone 1509 J A. J Coemepeeftan for m year mak so ejteeffent Chrktm Gift. A hantbomt cmrJ. with Jcormtiona by W.T. 1 awsiaswcfaig its comtng will e mtaiUM ay th avMuAer re reewa) (Ae recuMcnr ott Mnarssos anornoig. iwmr, etoeJrr srtg te glad to receasa year Chi iwajiaa Gift mtbutriptimnt mud t formmrd tAem e Ikm pmbEtkm. THETUNI VER SXCfCXR The Ford Model T One Ton Truck TOstfte first low price truck to carry the worm-drive that tremendous power delivering mechanism'' had previously been an exclusive feature with' high priced motor trucks. In the Ford Truck,1, however, you get the worm-drive of manganese bronze material, absolute in strength and positive in the delivery of power, at a verv low price. ' Come in and let us point out the many superior merits of the Ford One Ton Truck, because you need one in your work- We give prompt and efficient repair service. Richbourg- Motor Co. 52-60 Broadway ASHEVILLE, N. C. Oi THE NEW REO LIGHT SIX SAW YER MOTOR CO. 18-20 Church St f Oak Fire . Wood. Cut to Measure We can. make prompt delivery of good, seasoned OAK FIRE WOOD, cut to fit your cooking stove, heater or fire-plac SOUTHERN COAL COMPANY ' e , - Phona 760. . . 10 North Pack Square. J Citizen Want Ads Bring- Resufe- - o 0 C