1 ..' le THE ASHEVILLLE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1919. ,.. t. TO PROSECUTE ALL GIRLS' RESERVES WILL HOLD.BAZAAR DECi 13 "Y," REACHED 3,668 HEALTH LECTURER WILL LEAVE TODAY NEW "ELECTRIC TAX DODGERS HERE PERSONS LAST MONTH PORTABLES 9 An Unique Assortment All out of the ordinary in many style not shown elsewhere. Look over our stock before you buy. Every one is good. And the prices are right, too. J. H. LAW 21 Haywood St. OFFICIALS NOW CHECKING t'P ON FROFERTV NOT LJ5TKD. Buncombe Has S1S,6S Acres Land Worth $fl,664,687, Accord ing to list Given la. of X&41es who are dtsciimlnat tnv in their selection of China and Silverware will find hers vrythlng- one could wis, for. THE I-X-L STORE SO PATTON AVE. PHONE 107 PRESTIGE It No Mushroom snence .doesn't grow over night Wa eFar both qualities and cor rect fitting. . Spectacles and Eye Glasses. V a'-: Charles H. Honess . . 1 , OPTOMETRIST Eye-Strain Specialist mm rattrm Arm. odi. Fo isaa WATCHES Repaired, Cleaned and Adjusted Our Specialty. J. E. OABPENTEB Jeweler N. Pack Sqnara ; -J, Weed or Rid-O-Skid Chains Make motoring safer during n winter month Vulcanising "'. ? ! and retreading-. . , Agents for Mlchella Tires and Tubes. . , y ATIFlBe' STETSON TIRE "COMPANY 7 and Wahrot Sta, aad Moouisiaa Ave. , Phonas I1M and I0t a Stamp i.e a a Life WARD ELECTRIC CO. 11 Battery Park Place, Dek light Product. ". PHONE 449 miopia' LET US SUGGEST t Ivory Toilet Sets, Manicur ing Sets, Toilet Articles, Shaving Set; Stationery, etc It will be easy to select an appropriate present from oar assortment of useful gifts mone: -io In Buncombe county there are 112,648 acres of land, estimated to be worth ft, 664,687.00. according to the 1919 statistics compiled from the tax levy books. Last year there was Hated In this county 318,416 acres with a value totaling 16,630,867. From these figures it appears that 6,773 acres have disappeared. This dis crepancy in the 1919 list Is said to be due partially to the large areas which have been cut up and divided Into I lots, therefore not given In as acreage, and partly on account of the failure on the part of owners to list their land. County Auditor E. M. Lyda and his office assistants are now busy check ing over the various township list books, and are re-checking- the town ships against each other where land owners had transferred their listing. On account of the system of books kept by the county auditor, it will be possible to ascertain who failed to list his land last year, and this is now be ing done. Persons who gave a full address will be notified by the auditor and given' an opportunity to pay the tax they had endeavored to dodge. They will be charged double tax how ever, as such is the state law. Those falling to remit when notified by Ihe auditor or those who are found to have failed to properly lint their1 property will fall into the hands of the solicitor, and criminal proceed ings will be instituted. It Is learned that an average of 111. SI per acre is the value of Bun combe property. Of course those fa miliar with this county easily under stand that the great number of acres undeveloped and rough mountain land Is the reason for this low average. Arrangement Are Being Completed for Booths at the Y. M. X A. Next Saturday Night. The Olrl Reserves of the city will have their first bazaar at the Y. M. O. Brewster Chapman, J. Dan Earl and E. K. Wheeler, Elected Mem bers Board of. Directors. Through all departments of the lo cal T. M. C. A, 8,868 persons were C. A. auditorium on next Saturday, reached last month, according to the night at 7:80 o'clock. The members secretaries, who made reports last of the different corps will have charge of booths representing different countries, and In most cases are mak ing their own booths and the things which will be sold. A. Christmas play will be given by the Central group and afterwards the booths will be opened. Kach group will represent some country. The Montford avenue girls will have charge of the postorflce, where nanta Claus will have a girt for everyone this group working hard under the direction of Miss Bennett and mak Ing most of their gifts: the Ked Bird group will be In charge of the gypsy camp, where young men and women will learn their fate; the True Blues will re d resent Ireland. and will sell candv and DODCorn balls: the Kskl mo hut will be in charge of Mildred Rlngenberg and will, serve Ice cream and cake; the West Ashevllle group will be in charge of the French booth: the Oolden Stars will have charge of the Chinese booth: the Al lohwestee girls Willi have charge of the Japanese house,, where hot tea ana rice canes win oe soia; me it-ttm-bow girls will have Charge of the American Indian booth, where many Interesting things will be sold; the Asheland avenue girls will represent all the other groups of the city and will be seen throughout the evening. The profits of the bazaar will go to the baby wards of the city and other places where a fund Is needed in the work of the T. W. C A. Recently land in Buncombe has brought as high as $300 per acre. All orchards listed were given in at high figures per acre. .. 'El THE HALLMARK STORE. Sterling Silver Mesh Bags are, if possible, more stylish this sea son than ever before it is some thing essential, something that is needed to make the costume complete. The beautiful new line we have just received is extremely pleasing. The wonderful silken texture of the delicate, yet strongly woven mesh, combined with the pretty designs,' re most attractive. Arthur M. Field Co. H I THE HALLMARK 8TOrE. mr; I Our Stock is Very Complete on Ladies' Writ- ing Desks. ,We would consider it a privil- ege to show you our Holiday Goods. Ourton fir. Holt Furnitore. On the Square night to the board of directors. Of this number the religious department reported an attendance of 860 to the Sunday meetings, and Tuesday night boys' Bible classes; through the ex tension work, 1,884 were reached, and 1,424 participated in the athletic classes. Becretary Edwards submitted a lengthy report on his trip to Detroit to attend the International T. M. C. A. convention, and informed the local board of directors concerning the work nationally, giving a resume of the reports made at the convention. C. Brewster Chapman, capitalist. was elected as a member of the board of directors, and J. Dan Earl and E, E. Wheeler were alsd elected. Matters concerning the erection of a new building were discussed, while the location of a site was gone Into in detail. A committee will make an pther investigation to determine the best location and report at a special meeting of the board at an early date Dr. Hannah Morris Will Finish Lea tures Today and Go to Waynesville lor Series, SUPT. FAVORS THE GIFTLESS CHRISTMAS Bupt. M. K. Weber, of the city schools. In a formal statement issued yesterday, calls on the teachers and pupils to refrain from giving Christ mas presents this year. The statement is as follows: "Owing to the real financial needs In many homes, 'as well as in the af fairs of many teachers, that call for measures of wise and sensible econ omy, I desire to earnestly reouest that there be no . giving or receiving of Christmas presents in the schools be tween teachers and pupils. I strongly urge that this request be uniformly accepted by all the teacherfe and that suitable announcements of the same. as coming from this office, be made at once to all the pupils. Dr. Hannah Morris will finish her address here this afternoon by show ing a moving picture entitled "The End of the Road," at the Princess theatre at 8:80 o'clock. This picture a furnished by the United States health service for the . use in the health campaign which is being carried on throughout the state. This picture was shown In Charlotte and other cities of the state and will be shown in Waynesville the latter part oi mis weex. Dr. Morris will leave late this aft ernoon for Waynesville. where she will conduct another series of leo tures. She addressed the business women of the city last night at the T. W. C. A. rooms on Church street and her address was greatly enjoyed by those who heard her. The ad dress which she will give with theJ picture this afternoon will be for then girls of the schools of the city and their parents and teachers. A large attendance is expected to see this pic ture and hear the address. SANTA CLAUS Wears Our GLASSES ' Sure he does I . He's a jolly old fellow, requires good sight, and knows his business. ' Santa says Take care of your eyes, wear glasses if you need them. "Bscomlng glasses cost no mors" DR. DENISON (Eye-strain Specialist) S Patton Avenge. Next door to Bon March. Lounging Robes Mean "At Home" Comfort Winter months "find" every man with a lot 'of evenings "at home." That's when he wants com fort real solid comfort. And he can enjoy greater comfort with a lounging robe than without one. Anyone of these is sure to please him. Beautiful Assortments Third Floor. 4 OPEN FROM 9-00 TO 6 rOO ELEVATOR SERVICE FURNITURE VANS FREIGHT TRyCKS MORE COMFORT r MORE HEAT LOWER COST i GOOD COAL ought to give you those three things. OURS WILL ATLAS BLACK DIAMOND PARDEE Phones 25-981. Terms Cash. Citizens Transfer and Lumber Company 1 11 Diraseii "Wagons For Rough Roads A reliable and easy rnnnins wason is the kind ' you want You buy "Service," when you buy a wagon but the Hirdsell not only gives better service, but in the end proves to be the cheapest and most dur able wagon made. It has special features in con struction that cannot be obtained in other wagons. Call ana see or sasspl aad we will prove these statements.. Wag ens differ in eoaatructian vary mash. ' True, they aQ seesa to look alike, but they are not. The "BirdseU" is known as "The Wagoa ef Quality" aad it vindicates its asm. T. S. MORRISON & CO. Aaheville, N. Carolina. SO-84 Pattoa Ave. IDEAL FRUIT CAKE The Ideal Fruit Cake is more Nuts and Fruit than Cake Batter. But the Nuts and Fruit must be fresh and clean and of the finest flavor. Our stock of candied Orange, Lemon and Grape Fruit, Peel, Citron. Cleaned Currants and Raisins, Glace Cherries. Pineapple, Shelled Nuts Figs and Dates is absolute ly fresh and the best that money can buy. Order your Cresca Fruit Cake today if you are not going to bake one. SAWYER GROCERY CO. Bneeesaora to Sawyer Btradley The STORE 6anltry Where QUALITY la Paramount rbooe 1S0O. SS College ROOFING Just received car load of Barrett's 4 in 1 Mults Shingles Green and Red Prices right. W.H. ARTHUR ' 75-77 Broadway Sheet Metal Works PHONE 2116 mm AMERICAN RED CROSS BUY RED CROSS STAMPS In the past many of our friends have done their Christmas shopping late in the afternoon. Coal con servation now requires that we close each afternoon at fous P. M. We therefore ask that they do their shop ping eatlier in the day. (t)hthanda fp J VdHAPPY new ytai HEALTH AND A 'NEW YEAR .... - HENDERSON .. . Your Jeweler 52 Patton Ave. Near Postoffice CANARY BIRDS A Merry Chrutmas In Every Note These happy little captives appeal to the interest an4 imagi nation of young and oId reminding your friend, long after other gifts are forgotten, of a Christmas thought simple, beautiful and alive. ASHEVILLE SEED COMPANY OUR SEEDS GROW Cor. College & Lexington. Phones 2177 and 2178. What Shall I erve Christmas Dinner 4 . One glance at our attractive well filled store will suggest hundreds of new treats. For instance, we have: Nuts, all. varieties, in the shell, shelled and salted. ' Candies of all kinds. Medium priced bulk candies and . highest quality bon bona in one-half to two pound packages. Marischino Cherries, all size jars. Red cherries in jars for salads. , Brandied peaches. Calf a foot jelly, rum flavor. Olives, pimento, almond and celery stuffed, 20c to 90c bottles. CRANBERRIES AND BROWN SUGAR,' Fancy large olives in bulk, stuffed and plain. Malaga Raisins, imported, in one pound packages. Seeded and seedless rais ins. Cleaned currants. Fruit Cakes, Oxford and Martha Ann Home Made. EDWIN C JARRETT 12 N. Pack Square and Gty Market AJI Bulk Ceods Kept in Sanitary, Dnst-Proof Bins. T H E BEST O F E V E R Y T H I N G .'AN ELECTRIC IRON will make an jaleal gift for any mem ber of the family, and it will be used and appre ciated the year 'round. EASILY ATTACHED TO ANY SOCKET Asheville Power & Light Co. Phone 879 Salesroom 102 Patton Ave, FOP ROASTING: .A Veal, Lamb Pork X4 arid ' Larded Pot Roast STAR MARKET three phonesi917 "We are SBceeasfdl caterers to variety oX appetites.' CHARMING STOCK' -OF-Boudoir and Desk Lamps FOR Gift GiVing 64 Patton Ave. lSecfrical Bid. ; Opp. P, O. 0 6