7 :: TflE ASHE ELLE CITIZEN, '.r-.fr;V.' DECEMBER '1919. FLOODS DO GREAT DAMAGE AT MANY PLACES IN SOUTH co?JTiNtTKD rnoto page one) tumpka ferry is five miles wide ajici rising rapidly. Reports her from various sections " Of th state Indicate enormous losses to road and bridges which have been awept away by flooding rivers and email streams. Railway traffic la do moral fd with several tralna from thla city annulled ' on account of washouts and breaking up of treaties. tlon and hamper the city Water sup ply. The three deaths from the flood came late tenlght. when Eutaw creek, ordinarily a email stream, became a raging- flood and undermined the foundation of a bridge six miles from here. An automobile passing? over crashed through Into the stream. J. D. Clements, of Atlanta, who recently enlisted In the a rmv XTr Tn If !.. big, of Atlanta, and an unidentified! woman were drowned. Two other men In the machine were rescued. It was estimated tonight that dam age to county road ground Atlanta amounted to 150,000. MINERS EXPECTED ' TO AGEEE ON PLAN AT MEETING TODAY CONTINUED rOMiAOg ONE) i i . RAIXFAIX HEAVY. MOBIL.K, Ala.. Dec. . 1'reclplta tlon of one and one-half Inches 1 within an hour here this afternoon seriously crippled aS train service ex cepttng the Louisville and Nashville railroad service between Mobile and New Orleans. Reports from the weather bureau here tonight suited thst the Tomblgbee and Warrior rivers have risen to a height un equalled In the last 10 years. Zn Mobile, the street car service was Interrupted early this evening in . some parts of the city. Storm sewers , were overtaxed and streets In the 'business section were flooded for a while. Reports .from central and . northern Alabama caused general flood warnings to be displayed. Low lands already are inundated, and ap prehension is felt for the safety of .' livestock In the river bottom sections. AH crops have mostly been gathered. No great damage is expected from : that source. The train service la Interrupted on I the modus and Ohio, between Enter prise, Miss., and Quitman. Minn., where a washout occurred. The dam : age Is reported so serious that pas sengers cannot be transferred. Trains Nos. 1 and 2 on this road were cancelled this evening. Streams In that territory are reported to be on a rampage. Louisville and Nashville train No. arrived In Mobile hours late because of a washout between Montgomery . situ unm, ail, omer scneauies were Interrupted. The United States ena-i . n ear's office at Mobile in direct charge or areagina- the warrior river an nounced that such work would be dla continued until after the flood season had passed. HIGHEST COURT IN MEXICO IN CHARGE OF JENKINS CASE CONTINUED JTIOM PAGE ONE. the government and the people of the United States. Abuse Wilson. "If you publish this statement, I insist that you publish also the fol lowing evidence; truth of above state ment should be found in the fact that the committee have today given pub licity to Carransa's lettera of instruc tions to Berlanga, of June at and August It, 1B1. s stowing hir active Interference in affairs here. Also of distribution here by Bonlllas, ambas sador, and Mexican consuls, revolu tionary literature. Also of Carransa letter directing Miss Oalindo to abuse the United States and -particularly President Wilson. Letters between Mexican officials showing negotiations with Japan. Also blue book, letters 'rfu.tri.. i.iJL abusing President ' i . MAJTY HOMEXE88, MERIDIAN, Miss., Dec. 8. One thousand people were-homeless and train service on six railroads was in- oennlteiy suspended here tonight be. , cause of a flood from swollen streams . at the south of the city. .One ner . son, thought to have been a negro, lost nis lire. Damage has been done In hundreds or thousands of dollars. -. With' th Avnentlnn nt HTitifl n , Ohio trains running to and from the . north, Meridian was cut off from the 'V outside world following the 41-hour rainraii wnicn reached 10.10 Inches. The small valleys to the south are completely flooded and the residents. , mostly negroes, had to flee to higher i uruunu. neverai manufacturing plants are in inese vaueys. Trie railroad tracks are under water for. miles and it is estimated that the flood will ' not recede within less than three days.- Several washouts o,n railroads have been reported. , The unverified report of loss of life was that of Milton Jones, negro, . who was said to have Jbeen swept away by the water wall attempting to rescue a negresa marooned In her i house,: , . . . .. Th dams of sake privately owned - have, broken. The damage to these Jakes including the loss of flsh with wnicn tney were stocked, is estimated St f2VVV. and expressions WlHon. "This action la taken to Impress upon the world that in event the Mexican people themselves, do not bring pressure to bear sipon their present government to' cease persecu tions of Americans and British and others and unwarranted inter ferences in affairs In qther coun tries an denormous paid propa ganda In this country, abusing Americans in Moxlco, Interfering with their peace and safety and with .our government here, that some country win, in my judgment, be compelled to intervene P'Vfibly hy force of arms and restore order out of the chaos in the republic of Mexico.. I am exerting every effort to bring about such a solution that neither .armed Intervention, nor war may ever be necessary. Remember that in the. presidents letter to me he does not indicate that he will not break off relations and withdraw recognition but that he Is gravely considering: ths committee memorandum." . today with the most severe curtail ment In passenger service that the nation Baa ever known. While on many of she eastern roads, service was redueed sharply yesterday, It was not until today that the orders of tho Irallroad administration began to be ffelt In other parts Ibt the country. In stlii other sections, many trains made ineir last trips today. Railroad administration officials s- tlmated from informal reports receiv ed rram regional directors that ap proximately 200.000 train milea will be cut from the Passenger schidirfcs each day before the end of the week. The saving of fuel based on this esti mate of the reduction In service was placed at about If, 000 tons a day. asnausuve stuay is being made to certain whether .additional curtail went can be affected without causing me pudiic too much discomfiture. ' All of this reduction Is necessary, officials said, even though the holiday cmsuii m at nana, io check the drnlrj un (ne nation s rapidly dwindling coal reserve, wnen tne strike began the railroad administration's central coal oommittee had supervision ov.r ap proximately 22,000,000 tons of enal. in tne meantime, however, production has not reached 50 per cent, on any day of the normal amount mined. The railroads needs have been supplied as have the- so-called "essential" In- It may be de BERWICK-Win. ' 1 CORDON -Win, .Arrow MCOLLARS curve cut toftshaMas ptrfecdy. dUETT. KABOOr CD ! MctitaLtn NEW ATTACK MADE ON RAILROAD BILL TRACKS SJjOODED. ' IIATTIESBURG, Miss.. Dec. 9 nign water irom tne small streams nas riooaea tne tracks of three rail . road -line to Hattlesburg and caused the suspension of railroad traffic on them following the heavy rainfall f the last 24 hours. Trains to Jackson on the Gulf and Bhlp Island could not run tonight and one passenger train was maroon ed near Mount Olive because of washouts. Several . washouts on the Mississippi Coal have prevented traf fic in places on that read haimn BrookhisVen and Prentls, according to jepuris , TO ESTABLISH COCRT. - WASHINGTON. Dec? 9. A soviet government Is to be established in the siate or xucatan, Mex., according to Excelsior, of .Mexico City, December s, a copy cos which was received to. day in Washington. Unless the mili tary authorities take prompt action. the paper says, the first soviet state in Mexico will soon be a reality. Yucatan has been the mecca fore large number of Russian "bolshevlst agents In Mexico and a few weeks uo there was a wholesale massacre or men, women and children in Muna, a town of that state, which Is referred to In the Mexico Citv . nresa am xico s ox. narcnoiomew a day." General Alvarado. who until re.nt ly was governor of Yucatan, is a close personal and official friend of Presi dent Carransa. The liberal party In Yucatan .formerly was atron hut nnw uiviaes ins sulia witn mnnim i ). with freguent and often bloody clashes dc i ween tactions, according- to the duced that officials consider that the reserve stock is running low. While the railroad administration officials have not received untatiaii statements as to the identity of trains eliminated irom the schedules, rpnnrt. hAwl kll , . , . T 'w . m sriiarni revision or psS i"r iram service naa been or wouia be made In every section. Lux urious trans-continental trains, hith erto run great distances without stops, are oetng made to do the work of locals. Ho-caued express trains car rylng only sleeping car equipment nve naa meir time extended between terminals and coaches added, permit ting the annulment of slower trains. fimTATspif IMPROVED ROANOKE. Va.. Dee. B The ! and coke situation In the Pocahontas region continues to imnrnvn n i. above normal compared with a week otfrr, the car supply being able to meet all requirements, according t the weekly statement of th of the railroad administration Issued here today. 15 EGGSADAYFROH 23 HENS, III WINTER Mr. Dunl's His Insreasea (very Day. Plsn Is Raslly Tried. DIscuHslon of Measure Occupies Nearly All Day in Senate WASHINGTON. Dec. . Given a renewed ODDOrtlinltv hv nulnratlnn or tne measure to th mmmiitaa nt tbe whole, senate critics Of the Cum mins railroad bill today launched a new and heated atTack on varlmm provisions of the lerislation deslamed to meet condition Incident to the forthcoming return of the railroad properties. , Senators m LaPolIette. republican Wisconsin, and nial. A Carolina, led the renewed attack (and i.ic.r uipcuwiion or tne out occupied virtually the entire session. T re- suit at adjournment was that the measure was no nearer nanmro Leaders, however, expressed hope to- nignt that a final vote would be reached before the end of the week. Huring the debate today, repub lican leaders of the senate and house ...... , v, ivsaiuiiis iiuijuoy recess g4 plans and leaders of the lower branch W were assured that there Is every pros- ysi.-i vi naving ine railroad legisla tion sent to conference before the holiday .recess, planned to hearfn De cember 20. Final enactment of the legislation Is not probable, the lead ers agreed, until" after congress re. convenes next month. Confldfence was expressed by the conferees, how ever, tnat President Wilson wnuM await enactment of the lao-islation in January oeiore luring back the prop- vi wen. . "We have 23 chickens and hadn't had ? f H winter. In Ave days after feeding Don bung, we got four to re girs a day j in three weeks, we were Retting 10 to 12 ejres a dayi in five WV" irot 15 to 19 eats a day," John Dunl, Box 102, Cherry Talley, Pa. Mr. Dum sUrted giving his hsns Don Bunjf In January, in sero weather. He now kteps hi hsns busy in eold weather, when hens usually stop laying. A trial costs nothing. Here's our offer & Give TOUT hens Don Run inH Watyli results for one month. If you don't find that 'It par for itself anil YOU m ffOOd brOflt beaifiea. aimnlv toll us and your money will be promptly refunded. Dpn Runir (Chinese for egg-layin) works directly on the ero-laying or tans, and is also a splendid tonie. Tt Is easily given in the feed, improves the nens health, makes her Jitroncer sad more active In any weather, and starts Uvi imjinii. Try'Don 8unjf for 80 days and If It doesn t jret you the esrs. no matter 'L or wet the weather, vonr money will be refunded bv return mail. ho Get Don Sung from your lnirsist or poultry remedy dealer or endA cents J?r a package by mail prepaid. Burrell Duiffsr Co 284 Columbia Bldg.. Indian apolis, ind. s - 'We Are Agents for "DON SUNG" i. K. Davis Grocer. Oak Street. Phone 2176. Mail Orders Solicited FORDNEY BILL PASSED BT THE LOWER HOUSE W0NDROU-S amhis WAYS It it not possible that we look with too much wonder upon the 'SUCCESSFUL. MAN no that we conclude that the METHODS of 1 gaining 'wfalth are also wonderful, and perhaps beyond our power to grasp? ' In truth, the ways of the successful man are not wondrbus. They are exceedingly sim ple. They are such as anyone may pattern af ter. And here is the complete formula: EARN. SAVE.MNVEST. t; BANK .& TRUST Company S c u t h Pack S GEN RAL q u a to CHICAGO MAY GET 1920- CONVENTION WASHINGTON, Dec. 9.- Although Chicago admittedly was the favorite tonight for the 1120 convention cltyj mo iciiuunwn party, cjioice or which will be made here tomorrow by the national committee, boosters for Bt. Louis still were making a de termined campaign -and were assert mg mat mev naa a fla-htinc chance to win. Discussion as to the date of the convention, which also will be fixed by the committee tomorrow, centered aoout Tuesday, June S, Selection of a time .and . place for ma convention will conclude the Tnr. mal business of the committee meet- Mexloo City naoer. which Za. 1"B'.""': """V01."1 nunareas or par the socialists seem to enjoy TmnTun Uy iJ TL naVB. c0J'to Wah" there and preclplUte street rights Ton W.B 5? expected the highest provocations. Th. " session oi state onair- per also charges that disorders whloh I mn wnich convenes Thursday. Some occur every week In various parts of I i A wu remain until the end the republic, almost without xcep- i,t.hI,0 wa!k' e?tog discussion of tlon have been stirred un bv thunn. ciausi elements. SESSION TAKES UP NEGRO QUESTION CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONH. political "candidates and nniinioa which -has been proceeding in the numerous cet-tosethar nialnm nrhlah have featured the gatherings here. - ' THREE DROWNED. s ., ATtXNTA, Dec. . Three persons f WAM - llMamajl wash V. A 1 T . . railroad trahks were under water. aireec car service nattea on many lO' cat lines ana the city waterworks system tnreaienea, , as a result of the heaviest rains In 40 years. More than , 10 inches of rain has fallen here since : Saturday, the weather bureau an nounced. ' j Southern railway tracks between fcere and Macon were washed out i late today, and trains were being de , toured over the Central of Georgia. North of here the Southern tracks were reported to be under water, but not to such an extent as to sten :. wvjv ueinf operaiea on ' slow schedules, however, between i-naitanooga and Atlanta. The same conaiuoes were said to apply to Sea' hoard Air Line tracks between At. lanta and Birmingham, and also on the Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlanta ranway iracxs west of here. The Chattahoochee river, normally only a few feet deep, had reached a stage of 28 feet tonight and still was rising. Tnree reet more, it was said uy tne engineer at the city water , t -worxs, wouiq nooa the pumping sta- PEItSHING INSPECTS CAMPS COLUMBUS. Ga.. Dec. n.n.roi Pershing arrived here late tndnv nn sentative Wm. S. Greene, chairman of his Inspection trip of army posts and the house oommittee on merchant ma- mP Despite the weather the gen- nne ana nsnerles. while Renresanta. maae a Drier inspection of the uve d. a. uurrougns, a member nf vamp denning, wntcn the same committee, addressed the 1,8 WB" expected to go over In detail seoqon on "The Restoration of the Merc nam Marine." ine session of the association of mayors, with Mayor O. Glenn Toole. of Macon, Ga., presiding, discussed questions relating 'to municlnal effi ciency. The principal addresses'were made by Clifford W. Wilson, mayor ui onugeport, conn., ana Mayor Bla iook, vi uoiumoia, B. c. tomorrow. He will a-n tn Atlonfo from here, leaving tomorrow. LIVING COSTS ADVANCED f. I.S PER CENT LAST MOJTH JEW TORK . Dec. . The cost of livlngtas based on 96 staple com modities, advanced l.S per cent dur ing the last month and now stands at 111 per cent above the pre-war level, or the highest ever known, ac cording to figures made public today by Bradstreeta. Textiles, provisions and groceries constitute the bulk of ine commodities. The basis of the computation la the total price of a pound of each of the articles included. The totul v aa $20,176.80 on December6, which, was eight tenths of one per cent, above the previous high level of August 1, last WASHINGTON, Dec. . Without a record vote the house today passed the Fordney bill designed to prevent, foreign manufacturers from flooding America j markets with -products sold at a. lower price In the United States than in the country of manufacture. .The measure wld 'authorise, the secretary of the treasury to send agehts to Inspect tht books and plants of manufacturers of exports to the United States and to study prices of such merchandise abroad Should the producers refuse to Sub mit to such Inspection their proucts wouia be exciuaea from the united mates. - TWO KILLED IN ACCIDENT , TAMPA, Pla., Dee. 9. W. C. Ham mond, aged 4S, a prominent contrac tor of tlTla city, i and his daughter, Louise, 16, are dead, the result of a collision oetween trim mitnmnhiu i wnicn tney were driving, and a train near uuca Airred this morning. Mr. Hammond was killed instnntiv wh.h the locomotive smashed the automo- m gin uvea a few hnun SONGS FOR THE SOCL Men and women ar ' vn. Si .t lonely, discouraged or III? Read' Songs for the SouL. Thev iPor. writ. ten for you. On sale at T. M. C. A. and T. W. C. A. Prim fin .n. Agents wanted. . " Advt M'ICHTE ELECTED CAPTAIN CHARLOTTESVILLE. V A rw o 'Hewson Mlchle, right end of this season's university of Virginia foot ball team was elected todav nntain of the 1920 eleven. Michie a native of Charlottesville was raduut nrhiia fighting In the Argonne forest with the 29th division. SUPREME COUNCIL REPLIES TO GERMANY PARIS, Dec. t. (By The Associ ated Press.) The supreme council's notes dealing with the peace treaty were delivered to Baron von Lersner, neaa or tne German delegation, this evening. - 'ine first note denies the. German demands for modification of the treaty on the surrender of Germans charged with crimes against interna tional warfare and the return of prls oners. It agrees to- consider the eco nomic effects of the indemnities re quired for the sinking df the war ships In the Scapa Plow on Germany "in a spirit of eqdfty, after a hearing oy ine reparations commission." The note warns Germany "for the last time" that denunciation of the armlstioe would give the allied armies all latitude for necessay military measures ana adds: "In this spirit we await without delay signature of the proctol and the exenange or ratification." .Electric Portables. New and unique variety Just received at Law's, 21 Haywood. 12-9-2 HICKORY. Deo. 9. JacobP. New ell, of Charlotte, opened the repub lican campaign in Hickory last night before a crowd that, despite rain, completely filled a local tneatre. He discussed the tariff, league of nations and taxation and opposed all three. He was presented by W. H. Sarkley. Mr. Newell urged the election of John M. Morehead, of Charlotte. MONEY to WAN at 6 Simple Interest ON THE EQUITABLE HOME PURCHASE PLAN No. Bonoi. No Attorney Fees. ' A.J. CONYERS & C B. LYNCH, Agents. ' Phone 682 Room 27, American National Bank BIdg. NEW CONCERN HAS ADVANTAGE TODAY NEW TORK, Deo ...Executives of the Lafayette. Motors company of Indianapolis, aim to capitalise to tne fullest exnt on the enormous ex penditures made by Uncle Sam in the war.time scnooi of automotive re search and development. In equipping the new Indianapolis plant they are Installing tools and machinery that th.A government fnimrf most efficient In the' manufacture of airplane motor parts and 'adapting mem to tne Bpeciai production re quirements of the new LaFayette car. "We consider our position in regard to ptent equipment most advantage ous," said D. McCall White, designer of the Napier Dalmer and Cadillac eight, now of the LaFayette Motors company. "The very fact that we are a new company, opening a new plant tor tne . manuiaciure or- a new, car, i-J enables us to install machinery and tools 6f the moat modern design and the utmost' efficiency. We have no old tools and machinery trat must be dis carded at a heavy financial loss if we Install plant equipment that will make the LaFayette engine a more com petent and reliable source of power. Without the l'ast restriction we can purchase machines and tools that will produce the finest o parts. "We can equip the plant to suit the advanced specifications of the La Fayette car; In no detail Is it neces sary to suit the car to the equipment.' mm .d MAwnSnA s.:iinm kw i iiiiiK mmASivM 1 K&epYour Eyes Clean - das'- Haetlthy (UN for fw ly Kmtm M imm t. tmrt.,im g TeZZf ttow to Stop a I -. a Bad Cough t flarferfitiig' pessHs frees tMs ffsnens JS els Iiiii ! smip. KaeUy Ik srasMed aad eeste UMle. Tf you have a sever eouRh or client ' told accompanied with sorenesi, throat tickle, hoarseness, or difficult breathing, , or if your child wakes up during tbe :- night with croup and you want quick , kelp, try this reliable old home-made . irougli remedy. Any'druRsiit can supply ?ou with i ounces of Pinex. Pour his into a pint bottle and fill the bottle j with plain granulated sugar syrup. Or . " you can use clarified molasses, hotiey, or : corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup, if desired. This recipe makes a pint of ' Tesily remarkable cough remedy. , It tastes good, and in spite of its low cost, ; H esa be depended upoa to civ quick and lotting relief. Yon can -fed 4his take hold of a cough U a wsy that mean business. It loosens and raises ths phlejrm, stops throat tickle and soothes and hesls tne . Irritated membranes that line the throat and bronchial tubes with such prompt- aesa, ease and certainty that it is really ajtenithing. Pinex is a special and tlgUy eoncen ' t rated compound of genuine Norway pis cxtraet, and ia probably th best ; kaowa means of overcoming sever cooghs, throat and cheek colds. ' There are many worthless imitations of this mixture. To avoid disappoint eat,ssk for "2 ounce of Pinex" with full directions snd don't sceept say thing else. Guaranteed t give absolute . satisfaction - or money DronjDttv re- Jb Puex Co, ft. Ways a. funded. 9'- MATNARD SPEAKS. SAVANNAH, Ga., Dec. . Speak-1 ins oeiore ine notary cluo of Savan nah today, Lieutenant Belvin W. Maynard, who recently won the trans continental air race, declared: "ine united States ale anrvlna (. I noi a.iriena to commercial aviation. insieaa or encouraging commercial iiyniK, me service seems to be discour aging ic instead or selling, airplanes to an airplane company They should have been sold to those who were anxious io enier commercial flying." Lieutenant Maynard will Ioav. sa vannah at 10 o'clock tomorrow morn ing ana iaxe l o'clock luncheon at I ui norai in north Carolina. RECOMMEND TWO NEW BATTLESHIPS (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) battle of Jutland, because they re aucea "tne maneuvarlnv anrf a vu. i ine enure iorce. " bcout urniser. Smohaslsinff th ri.ii.t nsv a k American navy in scout cruisers, the board, recommendinar h nn.. tion of 10 of these ships, cites the value of- such craft to the British fleet during the war and Amimmt them to be essential to 'any well bal anced navy." Recommending nn. iruciion or nve snips of the super- uosuviBr lyDB. ins DOard mniaal.j m usciuiness or sucn ships In con necuon wun d est rover nnmti... As a means of applying and develop- " ,cMu"i vi me war in aub marine construction, the board reo ommended construction of six tvn raa uuuainr nrosrram tn uoe aesiroyer and on hk. marine tender completed Itha -ram. For -development and .nn.i.iu. of aircraft during th year the board recommended an appropriation of $27,000,000 with $(,000,000 to be used for experimental construction. MESSENGER SENTENCED BRISTOL. Tiin .v. r ' '. W. Livingstone, American railway express messenger was sentenced to serve on year n the federal prison at Atlanta charged with haflng loot- n if 1?Snr In transit and u. V. Channe 1. mun. i i Indicted on a like charge, was acquit ted In Lnited States district court at AOingaon, Vs.. todav an-nnii.. . vtoea received in Bristol tonlfht, i . f Its natural tor the J tea 0r coffee drinker j I relish ' I far this table beverage has a most satisfying- 1 ' J coffee-like flavor:. I I thoiih it leaves none of j ... the harmful afterreffecte ' I 1 that so often attend ' fi j tea and coffee drinking. . . EcoAomical. too ' ' - A ; I ' .O.-iP0SrDM-CEItCAI.La0MPANtBik &..T4lifigrtj V SERVICE IS A PLEASURE ROAMER MOTOR GO. Phones 1171-2826. AshevOleyN. C harmful after-effects You Have the Key To the padlock, which in this instance is our guarantee life insurance policy, that seals every title which goes from our institution. If you have any reason whatsoever for dissatisfac tion just insert the Lev and re-open the transaction for adjustment 9 Bankers Trust and Title Insurance Co. 55 College St - Pbooe 1351. 'Asherill, N. C CHRISTMAS At The Paramount Drug Store A nice Tine of Perfumes and Toilet Waters. White Ivory ,-. Brushes, Combs, Mirrors, Jewel Boxes and many other articles. Writing Pa pe?. Correspondence Cards, The Celebrated Nonp's" Candies. Call early and do your shopping before the stock'' is exhausted. ' '' ' ' -' ';- PARAMOUNT DRUG CO. 556.- 43 PATTON AVE." - ' PHONES - 557 mo lo 6 0 o 'I'