THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 191& fiTiNEUMONIA I air Call a physician. Immedl II ately begin "emergency1 treatment wiLh Todav at noon at Grove Park Inn, lh marriage of Miss Virginia Ritchie Hurrlaon. daughter of Mrs. George H. Harriaon, of urandon-on-me Jamra Vs.. and Mr, Frederick Mc C'ormack, of Baltimore, Md., will fake place. The marriage of these vg young people la of great Interest throughout the south owing to the prominence of the families. Only out-of-town guests have been invited to the ceremony. J Interested and enthusiastic were the members of the Woman' Missionary torlety of Central Methodist churc.i who gathered at the church on Mon day for the all-day service In observ ance of the 'Harvest Day," which It is customary for the society to observe In December of each year. The morning service at 11 o dock was given ovor to the social work and was presided over by Mrs, A. O. Bur nett, locul superintendent of social service. The program opened with an ImpresHlvo. uplifting and Inspiring devotional service by Mrs. H. A Dun ham, corresponding secretary of the Woman's Missionary society of the W. N. C conference, and was follow ed by the discussion of topics of a social service nature by Mrs. J. W. Wolfe, Mrs. J. L, Bmathers and Mra W. R. Harris. Interesting features of this program were a questionnaire on social service led by Mrs. Barnett and the reading of Vandyke's beauti ful poem, "Legend of Service," by Mist Gussle Bmith. Lunch was served In the dining room of the church at one o clock each member having brought a lunch for herself and one guest The afternoon program was opened with a Scripture lesson by Mrs. A. L. Wiley and prayer by Mrs. M. E. Child after which an Interesting program was given, which stressed especially the financial department of the so ' ciety. Each branch of this depart ment was Impersonated by one of the members of the auxiliary, viz: 'Membership Offering," by, Mrs. H. H. Bown; "Retirement and Relief Fund." Mrs. H. W. McKay; "Confer- ference Expense Fund," Mrs. J. C. Orr; "Pledge," Mra J.- T. Sevier; "Scarrltt Scholarship," Mrs. Lee Dale "Local Fund," Mra A. O. Barnett; . "Week of . Prayer Offering," Mrs. J, W. Wolfe. ' A vocal sola by Mra J. 0.- 8 1 Ike- leather and vocal . duet by Mra. W, R. Griffin and Mra Nora Burns add ed to the afternoon program. At the . close )f the afternoon officers for . It0 were elected as follows: Presl ' dent. Mra W. R. Harris; vice presl ;. dent. Mra J.' W. Wolfe, recording secretary, Mrs. Lee Dale; correspond ing secretary, Mrs. H,W. McKay: 'treasurer, Mra J. P. Coston; superln- work, Mra Chauncey Lawrence: su perintendent mission study, Mra X T. Bledsoe; superintendent social service, Mrs. W. K. MaOuire; super intendent supplies, Mrs. H. C. John- eon; agent missionary voice. Mra J. D. Miller. The following farm the Wlnston galem Journal will be of Interest to Ashevllle club women and friends of Mrs. Grady Marler: "The meeting of the art depart ment of the Woman's club yesterday afternoon proved to be a most de lightful one. A large number of ladles were present, and with Mrs. J. L. Graham In the chair an Instruc tive discourse was presented by Mrs. Grady Marler, on "Karly Greek Art," dealing with the period too B. C. "Among the several most Interest ing sketches given were those of Phi dias and Sco pas. Mra Marler reveal ed a most Intimate and far-reaching knowledge of her subject, and with rare ability, was able to convey her own conception of ber subject mat ter to ber audience. Augmenting the Interest of her discourse with illus trative photographs and well select ed notes, Mrs. Marler gave real pleas ure to her hearera "Current events In art were dis cussed In an Informal and delight ful manner." J J The marriage of Mra Alice Wood Paxton and Mr. Coa Paxton, of Bre vard, was solemnized quietly yester day at high noon at the First Pres byterian church." Rev. Dr. R. F, VICKS VAP0R1 YOUR BODYGUARD" -30 CO. mm 7C20 free concerts that will be given dur ing the season under Mr. Cunning ham's direction. J J The Ashevllle Mission hospital alumnae association will meet tomor row afternoon at S o'clock until 6 o'clock with Mrs. D. U Simpson, at her home 121 Annandale avenue. All members are urged ft be present as election of officers will take place. J Ji Mra. Mattle Balrd entertained at her home In Kenllworth park In hon or of her sister. Mrs- Tripietu or Paak, Canada. Among those invited to meet Mrs. Trlplett were, Mr. and Mrs. L. Teasley, Miss Sarah Test and Mr. Jack Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. J. M .Lacy announce the engagement and approaching marriage of tssslr daughter, Miss Bdith C. Lacy to Mr. George w. .Ben son. The ceremony win mice piace at the home of the bride-elect's par ents, on Fulton street, December 17. Both Miss Lacy and M. Benson are from Ashevllle and have numbers of friends here. There will be a meeting of the Co lonial Dames this morning at 11 o'clock at the Toung Woman's Chris- Han association on Church street, It Is especially desired that each member bring a suggestion as to the work for next year and also be pre pared tp vote en the historical re search work to be undertaken. Sug- aatlnn. frn nn vlaltlnor itamni will h wouipuo,., . v.. "-riartiy received flclatlng. Mr. Paxton Is sheriff atBm ' t,"v':u Brevard and la well known In this section of the state. Immediately after the ceremony, Mr. atd Mrs. Paxton left for a bridal trip to Wil mington. J J Invitation have been received in the city to the marriage of Miss Hat tie Moore Berry, daughter of Mr. and Mra John Henry Berry, of Dur ham, to Mr. Rufua Henegar She ton of this city. The ceremony will be performed on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, December 17. at the First Baptist church at Durham. Mr. Bhelton is the son of Mra R B. Shel ton and a brother of Mrs. C. M. Beam, both of this city. He recently return ed from France, where he served with the, 871st Infantry as a lieutenant foni over a year. He Is now manager of the Tanning Extract company at Ros man, N. C. Great Interest is being shown In the piano recital which Miss Coder will give at the higli school auditorium Thursday afternoon , at 4 o'clock. Complimentary tickets may be ob Cendent young People's work. Mra.ltalned at Dunham's muaio ' house. J,, T. Sevier, superintendent children's This will be the first of a aeries of are guests at Grove Park Inn for sev J J Mrs. E. F. Wilson nas returned to tre city after a visit at Red Boiling Springs, Tenn. Miss Louvenla Dent, who has been attending the University of West Vir ginia, will come the end of the week to spend the Christmas holidays with her mother, after which she wll re turn north to continue her studies. tt : v w Mrs. William E. Robinson and her daughter, Miss Paulina Robinson, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Rob inson's sister, Mra L. C. Murrow, on Chestnut street. Miss Grtdley, an aunt of Judge Martin Grldely, of Chicago, 111.. Is the guest of Miss Elizabeth Weeks. Mrs. Henry Harrison Briggs will leave next week for Washington. D. C, to accompany her daughter. Miss Henrietta Briggs. who is attending school there, home for the Chrlstnfas holidays. Captain and Mrs. I, E. Emerson, of Baltimore, Ma., arrived yesterday and Attractive Gift Articles That Are Really Useful As Well i A few items selected from the comprehensive assort ments in the women's department. New Neckwear For Oirotmas Time Soma wonderfully beau tiful collar and cuff sets of real filet lace $8.50. Sets in imitation filet $2.50 and $3.50. Crowley hand made neck wear in many 'new styles- mourning seta with plain hemstitching, also the bias bordered, are' priced at $2.50, $4.00 and $6.50. Organdie sets with tucks and narrow lace edge $5.00. Sets of wash organdie with buttoned cuffs, are $4.50. Sets of net with Iaca trim ming $7.50. t Pique sets, plain and fancy $1.25 and $1.50. Separate collars in new point lace designs are pric ed at $2.00, $2.25 and $3.00. Long roll collars in many new designs and trimming effects are priced at $3.00 to $5.50. Jabots of net and lace are $3.00 to $7.50. Vestees of organdie and net in beautiful new styles are priced at $3.00 to $7.50. Christmas Hosiery Plain and Fancy Silki Gift Boxes. Plain silks black, brown, grey and white, at a wide range of prices, $1.50, $2.50 $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50. Fancy white lace hose at $7.50. Fancy black lace hose, $5.00 and $7.50. Fine quality lisle hose black, white, brown and grey, 50c to $1.50. Wool hose, black only, $1.25. 'The Handkerchief Display is Unusually Good Prices range from 10c to $3.00, and all are pretty. A nice soft handkerchief with embroidered corner all white at 10c White with color borders, 15c and 25c. Linen handkerchiefs, em broidered or initial, 35c juid 50c. Linen handkerchiefs, hand embroidered, 75c to $3.00. M a d e r i a embroidered handkerchiefs, $1.00 ' to $3.00. Crepe de chine, fancy colors, 25c, 35c and 50c Silk Umbrellas Green navy, purple, brown and black all silk, with hew ring, leather and novelty handles, are priced at $8.50 to $12.50. Black umbrellas mix tures and silk, are priced at $2.50 to $12.50. , Bags and Purses Velvet bags in pretty full shapes, with ivory, shell and metal frames, in taupe, brown, navy and black, are priced at $4.00 to $29.50. Beaded Bags some handsome imported bags, $35.00 to $50.00. Cross leather bags in colors. $10.00 to $29.50. Small leather purses envelope shape black, tan, purple and green. $6.50 to $25.00. KID AND FABRIC GLOVES Only the best makes carefully inspected In gift boxes. Glace gloves in grey, brown and tan, at , $3.50 Black and white glace at $2.50 and $3.00 Black with white embroidery, and 'white with black $3.00 Mark Cross heavy cape gloves . . $3.00 Medium cap gloves, tan and black sit - $175 New gauntlet gloves with adjusting wrist P v $5.00 and $6.50 Wooi lined gauntlets $6.50 Wool Gloves at 75c to $2.00 Lined silk gloves grey, brown, tan and b $1.50 Chamoisettes in black, white, tan and Krey . . . . $1.00 and $1.50 OPEN FROM 9:00 to 6 :0(X ELEVATOR SERVICE. (five yourself A (jift from Jhese garments v jflt omred Prices I Handsome Coats Greatly Reduced. Coats to $200.00 now priced $125.00 Coats to $135.00 Ww priced ..... $89.00 $100.00 Coats now priced ...... $79.00 $95.00 Coats now priced $76.00 $89.50 Coats now priced ....... .$72.00 $85.00 Coats--now priced ...... .$68.00 $79.50 Coats now priced $64.00 $75.00 Coats now priced .L .$60.00 Just Received In The Toy Department VELOCIPEDES- Plain and Rubber Tires $4.50 to $21.50 Ladies' and Misses' " Coat Suits .Regularly Priced at $125.00 to $225.00 Now Price at All Coat Suits Regular Priced $75.00 and under Now Priced at Off This is the Coat Suit opportunity for you to take advantage of. Handsome models of styles, beautifully trimmed with Quality Fur. Broad Assortments of Colors and Materials. Dresses At Lowered Prices In Satins, Taffetas, Tricotine. Tricoletta; and other Wanted Materials '4 $100.00 Dresses taMl.,M.nW $75.00 $75.00 Dresses m.. $56.00 $59.50 Dresses $45.00 $45.00 Dresses $34.00 $35.00 Dresses $26.00 Every Dress In Stock Reduced. eral days. They cam to attend the marriage ft their Bon, Mr. Frederick McCormaek to Miss Ritchie Harrison which takes place at the Inn today. . Mr. H. C. Cooley, representing W. Irving Young and company, of Win ston-Salem, is here for an Indefinite stay. Mrs. R. Strellts has returned from Norfolk, Va., were she has been visit ing her daughter for several months. ; Mrs. Maurice DuPont, who has been spending some time In the- north, wilt return the end of the week to her home on Montford avenue. Mr. Elliott, of Baltimore, Md., spent a short while here the first of the week. Mrs. William T. Morris arrived sev eral days ago to join Mr. Morris, who is here for an Indefinite stay with his parents, from Chicago,' 111. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. King, who have boon here for an extended stay have returned to their home at St. Aug ustine, Fla. member of the New .York Colonial Dames. Mr. N. C. Nottingham, of Chatta nooga, Tenn., came the first of the week for a brief stay here. Mr. Eugene Hester will leave to day for Tampa, Fla., where he will 'spend the winter season. Mra Enroy, who has been In Ashe vllle for a week, leaves today for a stay In the north. Rev. Pell, of Spartanburg, S. C, In In Asreville for a stay of a few days. , Mr. and Mrs. Hines, of Baltimore, Md., came yesterday to attend the Harrison-McCormack wedding today. Mr. Mass., S. J. Dunnlngham, of Boston, Is here for a brier stay. Mr. Walter Smith of Henderson vllle, motored to the city and spent yesterday. Mr. Charles French Toms, Jr., who Is attending the ' University of North Carolina, will come next weak to spend the Christmas holidays at his home on Montford avenue. Mra Samuel O. Sinclair and daugh ter, of Waycroes, Qa., will come short ly lor a stay here. Mr. Clyde Payne leaves today for his home at New Orleans, La., after a few days In Ashevllle. Mr. and Mrs. H. B Rucker, who have been here for a fortnight, left yasterday for their home In Virginia. Mr. Edward S. Mann, of Chicago, IU, la among the gruests stopping at the Manor for several weens. Miss Marie Louise Swopa, who has been at Baltimore. Mfl- ror an ex tended while. Is expected shortly for a stay with her' mother, who Is on Chestnut street. Mr. Julius Martin Is at Raleigh for a brief stay. Mr. Carl I Tenbree has been at Charlotte for a few days' stay. Mr. S. R. Alfor'd Is spending ee' eral days at Charlotte this week. Mrs. V. J. Rector and small daugh ter. Miss Vlnrinta Rector, have re turned home in South Carolina, after a visit here and at Hendersonvllle. Mra J. W. Williams and Miss Elis abeth Williams have returned to their home In South Carolina, after a stay In this section of the state. Mr. and Mra Alexander Crlnkley and son. Master Alexander Crlnkley, Jr., of Black Mountain, are spend ing the winter season at Miami, Fla. Miss Ida 'Mae Dougherty, of Black Mountain. left recently for Nebo, where she has accepted a position In the state high school. Miss Edith McKellar, of Flat Rock. has returned to her home after a Stay of .several days as the guest of Miss Christine Memmlncer ad Her resi dence on Victoria road. Mr. and Mra Jackson, prominent memoeis of New York society, are smong the guests spending soma time at the Manor. Mrs. Jackson is Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Memmlnger have returned to their hame on- Vic toria road after a stay, of several days at New York city and Washing ton, t). C. Mra Thomas S. Rollins left yester day for Washington D. C, where she will visit friends. Hon. W. R. Webb and Mra Webb, of Bell Buckle, Tenn., are in the city on a short visit to their daughter. LMrs. McD. McLean at 65 Henrietta BLreei. mr. vveuu im me wen nuuwu teacher and founder of the famous Webb school at Bell Buckle. He was also United States senator from Ten nessee at the time of President Wll- fenn'. flrnrfr .liintlnn. TTa'.-Ih . native of North. Carolina and has ; many friends and reiauves in tne state. 'M Colds Can be "nipped to the bad" OjllH. Jfyos will, right at the start, W-StssSlsMBa FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE Has a large new stock of , PLAYER PIANOS PLAYER ROLLS COLUMBIA RECORDS Give os your patronise, will appreciate) It. 16 Patton Avenue Wo Unsurpassed for quality. Blue Rib bon Vanilla and Lemon. Used by the best cooks, sold fey the leading grocers 3 oz. bottle, full measure. "Best and takes less." Advt. HaveVou tried the Edgemont Tea Shop, where only the best Is served? 80 Edgemont Road. Grove Park. Telephone 18 IS. Luncheon, teas and dinners, a la carte. 12-10-5 Picture Fraoies and Pictures framed to order at Law's. II Hay wood St. 13-9-2 PORTRAITS FOR CHRISTMAS A Specialty at RAY'S STUDIO No. 2 Paek Square. Phone 1704. WESTERN CAROLINA AUTO CO. "HupmobUe," '"Cadlllao." "Oakland." It XL College St. AaheviUe, N. C. GARDEN COURT Face Powder as pictured and de scribed in the October La dies Home Journal and Cosmopolitan, can be had at WALKER'S DRUG STORE It is the finest face pow der known of Come and see it, if Official Willard Service Station ASHEVTLLE BATTERY CO. Cor. College & Market SU. DON'T WAIT UNTIL TO-MORROW BUY TODAY - V The Morning Hours Are Better. !, . ; 27 29 Haywood . 5 9 0

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