THE ASHEVILLLE CITIZEN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1019., ' - 10 BATTERY PARK BANK Member Federal Reserve System Our greatest pleasure in the future will be in helping YOU to greater success and in assisting you to make your present prosperity permanent Every employe of this Bank knows the meaning of the word COURTESY and applies it. i We invite you to call. Battery Park Bank SAFETY, COURTESY and SERVICE Member Federal Reserve System .TV IT a n IT T? T RECOVERY OF EXCHANGE CHIEF FEATURE OF WEEK Logical Rebound From Acute Pressure Given as Reason for Rally. MEWS LOW UD HIGH LEVELS - ON THE COTTON MARKET Eased Off Somewhat Under Liquidation on the Long Side. NEW YORK. Dec. 21 Hpecine rea sons for the more hopeful feeling NEW ORLEANS. Bee. 21. The cotton market last week stood at Its manifested In atock market circles lowest levels on the ODenina session last week were furnished chiefly by I and went to the highest In the session me. rally in forelsn exchange and greater momentary ease than was ex- pectea at this period of the year. He in the middle of the week and eased off somewhat toward the close under liquidation on the long; side. At its AUDITS Books Opeaof aatf J. E. WILSON 8oott!-f1J'w Public Accountant Room 0-aO4-9OS Drbnmov Bldg. l.Nr WleVlsdlftVAl I OVI 1 V 11 mdl UIUIL I til Ih W1 M I S A -1 I 7 if v rboae tm I J II - It I I eovery in exehanae notablv the Rrit. lowest It was. 2fi to 88 Dolnts under Ish rate, was not due, so far as could the close of the preceding week and , be learned to any definite forward at Its best it was 11 to 204 points I step In the International credit aitua-, higher. It closed at net gains of iiun uui ratner to a logical rebound 80 to 175 points. The last price on from acute and unreasoning pres-, January was 88.25, which compared sure. I with 40c as the closing price on mid- Relaxation in the market again dllng spots, applied only to dally or call loans. ) Foreign exchange, in its upturns, Time funds remained quiet at recent was one of the main stimulating fea quotations, with greater scarcity of tures of the week. Better freight and offerings on further reserve withdraw-, fuel conditions, large exports and the V y out ' town Institutions. very large mill taskings for the week, The most impressive feature of the' together with the decrease in the 2? financial situation was the vlnsible supply, encouraged operations shifting of huge sums to meet in- on the long side. Mill takings of come tax returns and other federal American cotton were 461,000 bales fered considerable depression some of them reaching very low levels with' la the past few days, notwithstanding rwucr;rl bar and there. The state or things at Waa-jra Dae not Deen encouraging, and from day i4 ft has been feared that the opposition of "radical" senators would prevent jany early or perhaps any satiafactory'ac lion with regard to pending railroad measures. - Nevertheless the advance ment of the Cummins bill towa-d passage has been steady, and to that extent encouraging. The final form of the legislation will not, however, be settled by the adoption of the Cum mins bill in the senate but will ne cessitate almost the preparation of a new measure designed to harmon ize conflicting views. That no such measure can become a law in tne im mediate future is evident, and in con sequence the postponement of the date for the government's return of the roads to their owners has become al most a necessity. Possible compro mise might be found in the adoption of a measure or resolution simply ex tending the present government guar PRICES ARE FIRMER NEW TORK, Dec., 20. Large op erators have been absent from the cotton goods market for some time yet prices either have held steady or become firmer and.Jilgher. . The weakness In a few numbers of print cloths was dissipated at the first signs' of buying and spot goods continue relatively scarce at any price. The ending of the fuel restrictions led to the acceptance of further con tracts for delivery in the first half of next . year, especially on fine cloths and some of the sheeting numbers wanted by the manufacturing trades. There are said to be several large or ders for European account that can Wants WANTED ecords rree Wo want you to have thm frea with a nice Cabinet Phonograpn priwm . at $100.00- or over Deo. J 0th to 25th. You choose the records. Oet yourr while our stock-la large. f Phonograph Shop On the Square Next Central Bank. 12-18-T TWO or three rooms, furnished for light nousexeeping, warned oy wen couple. Here penitently- and want good surroundings. Will exchange references. Address C. H. 11., care Citizen. i 12-18-? antee for some time to come, the be taken at any time financial ar maria accord inaiv s-olno- back Into the nnnmanti are made, and the Das hands of their owners at the end of sage of the Edge bill is thought to be the year to be operated by them upontt move in that direction, such an assurance of income pend-. u J( ft seMonttb,y wM tlm, for ing a final action. (ho j0DDing trade yet miscellaneous money " -tlMon buyers of small lots are about the Mn bi"k, v0nd.uWe" "M'. picking up any offering, and i a , l 11.. riohlii nave cunuuucu iiravuiauj . , aealtln.. inv mnrla fhftl ran ha flit k,.i,An, iKn nat the most eeeKing any gooos tnai can do ae noteworthy development being a de cided easing in call money. This has hainari conditions an the exchange. althourh It has been well understood llvered promptly. It is felt produc tion will Increase during the remain der of the winter. The printers and finishers are very that any very great Increase in the busy and are far behind the deltv- demand for funds would send the call I ertes asked for. The demand tor rate to a materially higher level. ! knitting yarns has been broader than This understanding is doubtless re- usual at this season, while the weav sponsible for the relatively small vol- lng yarns have been quieter. Efforts unie or business wnicn nas oen are Deing muue to operate mms over transacted at many recent sessions, time again and this will be done- as Market Situation. While there are thus many factors requirements. This was accomplished against 277,000 the same week Ant n the industrial and financial pros- with scarcely a ripple on the surface year. The visible of American de- Ju mony market. creased by 1 7.300 bales against an The advance in stocks which mark- Increase In tho same week last year ed the week's later and more active of 143,108. A decrease at this time operations was ascribed less to actual of the year is unusual, demand than to trady recognition by This week the market will proba- snorts that the flontlng supply of pop- bly see trading considerably restricted nerts which should serve to encour age genuine optimism, banking aid money conditions are such as to en force the need for conservative Judg ment on the part of investors. There is little ground to look for a marked or very general advance In prices In the near future, although individual uiar ifmnea ht Bta.rfii,, i . .l. . .. . i . i in i n fl.A I nM tail W.d.u.u n ahf ...v f h . J-ir(.,mnj V ' 1 L " " " " " ' j . r u..u . , vi. ... ..... ."r"- . ..... v ... ........... . -.,,tf J-.f nntA haws Are Not Electrical Appliances the Most Practical Christmas Gift? NAIMAN ELECTRIC CO. 29 W. College St. Open Eveninga Phoa 340 Another factor u-hiph the rise with the incrensed inquiry holidays, not to. reopen until the fol- iii anl "on Pruuct. Leading lowing Monday morning. Interna mills are weeks behind in unnlled tlonal flnanftel developments will be tonnage and the flrst quarter of 1920 closely watched and any real improve is expected to witness an Impressive! ment In foreign exchange probably . wie country's rormost in-1 would 'Stimulate buying Just as uti uunn y , Improvements' in copper and kind red metal shares also proceeded from better trade conditinnii. i by higher prices while th I oils, motors and affiliated issues was 1 : reminiscent at times of the October-i xiovemoer Doom. favorable fluctuations in rates would stimulate selling. CLEWS' REVIEW. ward as a result of good news from time to timP. Definite adoption of a railroad policy should, however, pro duce a condition of greater strength in transportation issues, and the rail way list now offers not a few attrac tive opportunities for the discrimi nating buyer. Relatively quiet condi tions in the market as a whole con tinue to be expected from now until the turn of the year. Underlying business conditions throughout soon as fuel becomes plentiful. Quotations current are as follows: Print cloths, 28 inches 4x4s, 14 l-2c; 4x0s, 13 3-4c; 38 1-2 inch (4x(4s, 20 - l-2c; brown sheetings, southern standards, 29c and 30c; tick ings 8 oz. staples, at value 45c; de nims 2.20 southern indigo, 42 l-2c; nominal; staple ginghams 22 l-2c; prints, 21c; dress ginghams, 27 l-2c to 82 l-2c. WELL. KNOWN prvy witn long ex perience in hotel business, desires lease on small hotel or very large boarding house in Western North .Carolina. Write Hotel Lessee, cars Asheville Citizen 4-34-Sun tf YOU TO HAVE one of my hats. Few nice styles left at your own price. Have you seen ray line of children's dresses. Prices reasonable. Mrs. Edwards, 26 Charlotte St. ; , P12-21-T WANTED To rent, reasonable terms, six room house, outbuildings, land for garden and chickens within half mile Asheville car line. "Small place" care Citizen. P-l 2-21-8 WE WANT- tw w.aKe annual contract to purchase tqe entire output of Cooperative Creamery and Cheeie factory. The Cooperative . DairjsM New Bern, N. C. P-12--l WANTED Three rooms and bath nice neighborhood, with board, for five from January until June. An swer immediately. II. A. 8, care Citizen. PI 2-21-3 I' WHEN IN NEED or A-l painter and ' finished, call 3484. Reflnishlng old furniture a specialty. Make old furniture look like new. P12-20-3 BOARDERS WANTED ueiveaerc "J" WAeiuS.eUm.?,tl'I.f Located 29 Ravenscroft Drive. Steam ments, removal of all restrictions on light, neat and snip bunkering, re opening or speeding up of closed, or partially idle mills, factories and fur? naces, active buying of Iron and steel, augmenting of unfilled orders, further advances in these and other metals. ments within a sharp cold weather stimulating- buv. the ! lng of heavy wearing apparel, a country are steadily active, and goods J raly in foreign exchange and the vpw vnnic tv... i ri, 1 are in strong aemana. wun currrs- ikumso . i.un uui rew- ...... - ww, - ,, . . i In. ..nn... h1n mIm k Rail, repeated their -familiar move-' vesfment ou'uooTha. Porate'eVrn.ngl J deipiThe Tnfluence prWucts.- r'-iffbt Siin. in the ents of weeks, backing and filling ?",aIlra2,,a"a i"Le"mfn: 0"tI?-.JIu of heavy taxation and other diffi- weekly food Index, due to lower heat, new boiler and plenty of coal keeps "Belvedere" warm. Every room has been freshly kalsomlned and painted, new plumbings. Spe cial winter rates. American or Eu ropean plan. Phone 2906. P-12-11-7 THE KENWOOD 112 Haywood Street A few choice rooms with board at rates that will satisfy; steam heat. Mrs. E. Beam. Telephone 1925. 12-16-14 The Sign of a High-Grade Dealer ' When you tee this sign; It mean a superior oil old by a dealer who nil A . able , ' In bL tracts and adi of their after the 5 In vol - ''In hundre. of ths - instltt which these c had been almoll by reason of thu Mr. Garrett in "Commercial ; pr" aoanaonea ana i .t.. t i a tu.t. cility had been bf8" www uwwicnwM wiv wa .-w . war needs of thet, ordinary oil because it it made by the Faulkner Process, laboring rnewT. i66101 iU heat-retittinft- and wear-resisting properties. supermost Importal ' weal that thesa Inst . mmercieaproduclotor Co. Thrash Motor Co. hina Motor Co. Coston Motor Co. :rermrt.,, Skyland Filling Station e ration In eonneetiot . ''" - " 1 ' tlomOntR, and It Bh' tmmmmm mmmmmmb bered that many tiMM,lM -"m-mJ In the winter and sjf Sold in Asheville By rt..i piace aunng me pasi ween, . ., , h,v. nnnfaHon. rt.w n. . dealing with their murn. to h.. bVl. thene have been deY.lopmtt "" WARM, we 1 ru.n shed, heated, law OWnershln becama m ;;;,:r."ln'M "Ola OUt nope lor a oetter r ,, . r, -'"y. . hlHea nd lilh t oil rooms, wu noi com runmn-j-a. and uncertain. . WEEKLY KEVIEW OF THE COTTON MAEKET BRADSTREET REVIEW. -Bradstreet's hides and leather and to crown all new high record volume of holiday trade, are among the outstanding events making for unusual activity at this season of the year. Weekly bank clearings, $9,531,-881,000. Notice. - To 3. Walter Wright ad wife, Blanche lfrVlfr Mm. a1t m... . & Snodrraaa Lumber Co., a Tenneaseo rtkAM heated rooms uuipviaiivu, v. ai. x urv( n unicv, r. ASHEVILLE STATION Trains Arrive (Eastern Time) Arrives , - dltions have ' since JBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBOSSSSSS. nesa, these settlem - - EVm?M5JE SAVED to. forecast my ' VklW lIANY DOLLARS MADE .. talned is .. finite vart. i ana skm't We'll do your Tire Vulcanizing and vnt vail "., , ' J ...v-'.. ,r-fi ; .....:-..:,' . Retreading like veterans. volved. This statea . tlcular refers republicans tU . . . , thsstti7nnsi:'ur equipment is modern our ment lost large . failure to hoi4 men experienced. For months mlttee has sometime staff of "expert plants- which k tracts and nd fraud which froi bsr of contrac believed eould Junkets of the the Ulk of the !tode ( ntha i u ridSl In prill eville Tire and Vulcanizing Co, 12 E. College St. lVi.iaiT?.D 1? 25e'opm5"" and rislna costs It production. There beef and potatoes. lower prices for l nn:n Ho.u out nope iur . wiuir . mQ in.,a. a in ao- hides and lnnfhor and In rrown all ""1ate or things. Folltical factions are ";","' .L" " ;;u;-. .tanHatin evidently approaching much closer to V . .n i.l; i. u. an aureement with regard to a ratifl- J?n . mrit?nlr Them- however catinii nt tha nanna traatv am! if tie use in enumerating them;, however, wnV.M m , HitatS ?ha rtennita they are all of such a nature they can wouiii sem jiK6iy tnac some opnnite . . , . L- m adjustment may be arrived at in tho L" ""wH?r-,f..n- i5 market has been firmer during the in trade and through it for domes- tor , . Him ince8 almost entirely uc Dusiness iz many orancnes. me ' HENRY CLEWS. 7t ' " iueB wnicn lOllOW- uuuJUU ui .jji; bUHU Mill vy t;uiisrceB ed the publication of the oflialal cropin Decembsr. 1 opens the way to the estimate on December ll. The cron establishment of foreign credits and figures evidently mnH. ll.tlo i i hetterlna- of relations with fnrelirn ! lon on the south so far as Indicated countries if peace treaty-action can ' NEW YORK, Dee. 21.- oy reports from the spot markets - ""cured as a basis. The events of review Saturday said: and the absence of pressure from that tnB PaRt few days also seem to show Favorable features constitute a source started covering i,v ,.,..,. , a disposition In congress to deal defi- larsre majority of the unusually . full sellers of futures. The demand waai'n,tely wltn tne railroad, situation, list of important trade and industrial Wright. Mountain City, Tennessee; Buck stimulated by talk of better pros Anroan- estaDiisnment or an anti- pects for an early ratification of peace, inflation policy In Great Britain In- - C rT7m iiT the oontinued firmness of the goods fludlng an effort to curtail further SOUTHERN RAILWAY markets and the earlv weak Y increase of note, currency, has coin-! "r ' .7 . exchange rates. There was also soma cldd' wlth apparent growth of ex-1 i trade buying around the ring here poTt,nf Power to encourage belief In' and the volume of spot business to d.ecWed improvement In British con-. the south showed some Improve-, dJtln. Buying power continues ment, but generally speaking thl throughout trfe country and! bulk of th. trading i I"! foreign nations are anxious to take Train. supposed to reflect a rL,uZ,tr. i Vk n" ""ch of our output as we are will- SrS ?r !&te-p!r they can ob tlvZ h,Z h.,a I nas fen. a,n O0-, triat unrest ' the VOH month or two. nonnt- ?I C0Ver st"ddlo ac- Estimated losses due to the coal and 2 , "nnrl!B of the Eng. steel strikes are. of course, only ap .lm ii ..the. 'aoe, of heavy! proximate, but even on the most con straddle liquidation, is pointed out by servatlve basis run up enormously, local bulls as indicating the need of The fact that many plants, as a re more cotton abroad. There has been suit of the fuel shortage, will be little further discussion of the crop obliged to defer the fulfillment of outlook, although weather conditions their orders necessarily tends to have been unfavorable for the grade, throw otfcer business more or less and picking of late cotton lr north- out of gear, and in many parts of western parts of the belt and nm. the country renorts of inn.hH It v to h. paratively light ginning figures are 1 tain merchandise for which contracts expected from the census bureau to- have been made indicate the loss to morrow, a southern authority esti-ilne community notn m convenience mates them at 9,280,000 bales against and income. These conditions have 10,281,139 last year and a leading tended more or less to affect the val Brltlsh trade authority estimates th uc of industrial shares of various I total crop of 11,700,000 bales in.i groups, although on the whole they I eluding llnters, while placing the have fared comparatively well and worms consumption at 12,500,000. "iuuh mure invoraoiy re- Aocording to the census bureau onlyarded than oven the standard rails 26,00 bales of llnters had been ob-1 noteworthy development is seen in talned from this year's crop up to I th erfec.' these condition- upon VnvamK.. n nnmn ih ,AA?n, public utilities stocks and utility Re lent vtr anri oatimata. nt th. curltles generally. Consolidated Oas IX THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE .UNITED STATES, FOR THE WEST ERN DISTRICT OF NORTH CARO LINA NO. 10J5, AT GREENSBORO. United States vs. IMS. 87 Acres of Land Situated in Avery County. North Cam- KrUZZ' rvngni ana umers THE PALMS 0 N. French Broad. rooms, witn not ana coia runnin'i water In each room. A-l locatlorT two hlocks from postoffice. Ncff1' 37 Ravenscroft drive. Phone 468. P12-20-28 ' BUPERIOR BOAR, and room, pri vate family. Steam heat and all conveniences, couple preferred. On car line. B minutes to square. 19 Merrlmon Ave. 12-11-80 NICELY furnished rooms in the Charlotte street section, hot water heat. Private and connecting bath. Good meals. Phone 939. 12-21-8 K. Miller, trustee; Charles A. Weller and Alice a. weiier, jvnoxvuie, "xennessee; . Bertha Terry, widow of Rob't. S. Terry, t Lynchburg, Virginia; Anna A. S.tewart, widow of J. W. Stewart, and J. 8. Stew art, Knoxville,' Tennessee; Carolina Min erals Corporation, Harriet J. Maxwell, Marlanna Maxwell, Knoxville, Tennessee; .r. S. McLean, R. L. Johnson, Frank L. Washburn, Florence, Alabama; William Cochran, deceased, heirs at law of, names and residences unknown: L. F. Ureure and wife. S. A. Grarff. State of Tennessee: 11:20 a. m. J. H. Orur and wife. M. C. Orajrar. State juuuiio, oi Tennessee: jonn m. uragg ana wue, or First class board and rooms. Rea sonable rates. Phone 2204. Mrs. W. B. Ray. -10tf in private home. Excellent meals. 18 Col lege Park. Phons 794. 12-16-7 From. is New York. Washlncton. Salisbury, Local Stations 2:80 a. m. 16 New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore ana Washing ton 41 NJttta ' ftrlAiana. Montgomery,, Atlanta. . ..H:S a. m. Hester B. Ui 20 Murphy and Local Sta- Hannah Oragg. tions - 1:15 p. m. , beth Gragg and husband, name unknown. 13 ;nuiianooga, monipnia ana Knoxviue i:io p. m. State iramr. g. State of Tennessee; Eliza- Tennessee; whose residences are unknown; Margaret Gragg and husband, name unknown, whose residences are unknown; J. W. Stewart, deceased, heirs at law of, whose names and residences are unknown; Har- rlutn Hp... riA4.Ma.w1 llnlmnvn hlrn nt .d Louisville. ..11:25 a. m. . law nf: William Tate, deceased, heirs at "PURITY and ACCURACY" OUR MOTTO iMgnt ueric wet store Phone 3091 sfTT AND i.TS nA. n, cn avp.n's nRi in storf. transactions hnmAuo ram nwmi nw of the commit-1 iwiu vsun srciAbi I have been obvf fraud," the co) the nature of W. Asheville Car Line, one instance. i Speaking orlty report. snowed that which Invok vestlgatom. t part of the ' ilcans. Mr. O the most cs the house cim of hir mlttee as , "I wish that those whom I I gruelling ' majorltjv than hu . that in gentl m tlemen commf taeret rj can. ths der to' I' ' llnters for the season are being reduc ed to about 600,000 to 700,000 bales. I has sold as low at 70 1-4, while trac tion issues, although temporarily In fluenced by reports of possible public ownership or operation, have been In an unsatisfactory condition. This state of affairs prevails generally throughout the country, even where rate advances have been granted in favor of municipal utilities, the period of readjustment and recovery to new Income conditions requiring more or less time. Foreign Investment securi ties, to which buyers might ordinarily turn, have been the objects of uncer tainty, and in spite of very attractive prices, due to the low quotation of exchange, have -not been widely taken. Prices of railroad shares have suf- Jacksonville, Savannah, Columoia ana spartan- burg 2:20 p. m. Zm cnicago, incinnau, ldu. tanoosa and Louisville... 11 New Tora, xaanington, i law of. whose names and residences are Rlohinona ....Tw. .. 1:10 p. m. unknown. 18 Murphy Waynes vine and And any ana an other persons, firms. . . ? i"ki""U ,n corporations or associations who may i ' V"1 k.. .a ,nave naa any right, title, interest, ciaim POSITION wanted as bookkeeper, by young married man. Bookkeeping graduate and some experience. I am not atrald of work. Reference furnished. Address box 440, Par mele. N. C. PI 2 -14-14 WANTED -By experienced middle aged white woman, to nurse one child. Will stay at night. $2.75 per week. Recommendations, phone 3283. Apply 78 Park Ave. P12-20-8 ' A first class barber desires, a posi tion in or near Asheville after Jan. 1st. Or will buy a shop. Jack . Crawford, Luke Placid, New York. P-1Z-18- 21 Golds bo ro. Raleigh, Dur ham. Greensboro. Win ston-Salem and Local Sta tions .. 103 Bristol, rlatown Knoxville, Mor- 8:50 p. m. .11:65 p. m. Depart to or claim In any of the above described Irs ci s or land. Vr.1T WIt.I. TAVVt KnTmm that an action entitled as above has been com- FOr RENT Basement. Suitable or REAL ESTATE. TRAINS DFPART (Eastern .time.) Train t To sa oannDurx, nwuinKwa tx Richmond . . .... . . ...... . . :00 a. m. 101 MorrUtown, Bristol and -Knoxville 8:10 a. m. 4j Local Stations to Colum bia 8:80 a. m. 22 Wlnston-8aIfcm, Greens boro, Raleigh, Goldsboro and local Station? 8:10 a. m. it Wavneavllle. Murphy and Local Stations :40 St Soartanburg, Columbia. I Charleston ........11:85 a. m. 12 Salisbury, Kicnmona, Nor folk and Local Stations.. 2:30 itN York. Philadelphia. Baltimore and Washing ton .......4:50 p.m. 19 Murphy and Local Sta- tlons 2:20 p. m. 10 Columbia, savannan ana menced in the District Court of the United States, for the Western District of North Carolina, at Statesvllle, for the condemnation of certain real estate sit uate, jyins una using 111 urorr Luuiuy, f North Carolina, and are known as the MEW BRICK store at darner of Ulan storage or will make good work shop. Phone 2904.' Tlddy & Hall, Cor. Penland and Walnut. 12-17-7 J. Walter Wright lands, composed of two tracts, one being situated on the head waters of Wilson's Creek, adjoined on the north, south and west by lands of the Caldwell Land & Lumber Company, and covered by a State grant No. 692, issued to Harrison Uragg and B. c. Dug- ton St and South Bide Ave. Ap ply to N. H. Grady. 52 Arlington St. P-U-19-7 1 p. m. or character in and to the d remises de ger, June 24. 1857, and the other tract scribed in the petition In said proceedings, lies on Oabe Prong of Wilson's Creek defendants named as aforesaid. WILL and Gragg Prong of Lost ove Creek, a FURTHER TAKE NOTIC1S that they ar . v. .. . .. A tvilsAM'M .ilininl An raniiirwl tn ,!)- r In Raid District Cmirl m ! the north, east and west ' by lands Of of the United States for the Western the -Caldwell Land & LUmDer company, jjisinci oi worm Carolina m urcenauuru. both tracts In the aggregate containing on tho 23rd day of January, 1920,-and 1148.87 acres, all ot wnicn same naving answer or urniur i inn linuuun or cuni. been selected by the Secretary of Agrl- plaint in said action, or the plaintiff will culture, with the approval of the National apply to the Court for the relief demanded Forest Reservation Commission and found In said petition. necessary for the purpose of carrying out This notice Issued by order of Court an Act of Congress of the United States, direcilnp that i.unllcatlon be made once approved March 1, 1911. being Chapter a week for four successive weeks in Th 11- JacksonvIUe 2:80 p. m. . "ge 61, vol. 3. tat. at Large, as Ariievniti iiiien. jacKBOiiTiiia ............. k ui. ' , , K . Awa. in 1I19 Thla Iftth rfav nf Deeemher. .vnnwtu Chattanooaa. Bristol - 2:30 p. m. 27 C h 1 e a g o, Cincinnati . T n..M.rlllA 'AA n M M. b schedule floures printed as In. whomsoever owning or claiming to own Carolina. fermatlVn and Set Guarantied. lany estate, lien or Interest of any kind By H. M. CAUSEY, V. C. 87 Stat. 269-300, Chap. 284. (SEAL) R. L. BLATLOCK. tha aalrf - nnn.raaldent dafenitanta Clerk. District Court of the United States above named, and all other persons for the .Western District of Nortb-vl Carolina. . Mav 12-22-29-5-Tir, The Knowing Wink Was Worth Just One Dollar to Jeff by bud Fisher I 1 W r r" 1 - au ..oa M rc ...t- o-- Lion.nPl V : v lVao imrr u, li a-r no I a . - - v. i i gi - ...a- II t'mON. iwr . p HP uumiLtiU'T BE c , rtV21 13 OUOOAl 1 I Xu r-ifciVM tSX tUCAtrNt I I COUlhfteT H.ID6- SOMC IrW or IU. I II .1.7. ..W WZL a e U I H V. MC? THISAItfT eu out privatc Tocfc "niT- TcA imutT "WN 2SU---5a WJHAT RABii tuff1 tifiX s " - - ' . - - . .. : 1 I

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