ASHEV1LLE CITIZEN PUBLISHED EVSRT MORNINO rUEj' CITIZEN COMPANY. ASKEVUXE N. C. P. M. BOBDETTK. ;T, ....... .General iaT &aSSi.:::..: Editor Entered t the postofflc Ashevllle. S. C..' i ocond .?' class matter under act of Marcn o. m. ? -,:-; TELEPHOXFJ i ' ' j Business Office sO. Editorial Room St'BSCBIPTIOJt RATES rwii and Rundav. 1 year, in advance. .... .!?? Daily and Bunday, I months, In aavne... Holly and Sunday, months, Jo advaac..,... Daily and Bunday, 1 week, in advance..,, J 1 A(B Mall In United SUMS.) Dally and Sunday, 1 year, in advnne Dally and Sunday, a month, in advance... Dally only. 1 year. In advance Daily only, I month t, in advanea.... Hundgy only, 1 year, in advance. ....... . .88.00 . 1.50 . 4.00 . 1.00 . S.00 7 I MEMBFlt THE ASSOCIATf-tt ?RF-SS, T1a Associated Press to exclusively ntKtd 1 ta the une for republication ot a'.l newt dis patches credited to it or not otherwise red lte-1 tn this paper and also ta lecal news published ereln. All rlhta of republication ot special dispatches herein are alao reserved. The K. KATZ SPECIAL ADVKRTISIN3-AGENCT, 181 Ea'.t Twenty-slxth street. New York Cyr fm-4?5 Harris Trust Building, Chicago. JUL. and 7tt Waldbalm Building, Kanaas City. Mo. .... Monday, Prewnber 22, 1919. . , . Uproatiinf Radicalism. In a democratic government Justice Is alow to lay Jta hands on radicals to imprison or deport those who. plot the overthrow of-, the government Hut : the- department :of Justice now bas It, ma chinery in smooth working order. Yesterday the srmy transport Huord set out for soviet Russia, with Emma Goldman. Alexander Berkman and more than 300 other aliens whoso presence is. menace to American institutions. . Last week in federal court at Kansas City 27 I. W. W,' were convicted' of, conspiracy against the government and sent to Leavenworth, , In deporting te soviet territory the 'ringleaders f anarchy the United States 'might' address this note to Lenlne:' ' " . --, - ; t ',' The United States herewith returns to yoo gome of your beet agents in sowing the seeds of bolshe- vlsm. " These men and women have done-you faithful service in America, and it Is not their fault that the harvest ha.heen nualC Thai work has been m vain Because, in spite or. aamuieo. a' foots In the political and social arrangements, the great body of the oitlscns Vre devoted to the peine r I plea of government of all the people in the lrr tcrest of all the people, instead of government Vy any one group of cltisens, The. American! people in not trust to violence in seeking every year to make . government a better instrnmont fW the" at tainment Of, Justice anJ Eapplne to- thesjrestet n unbr poestbiev- Th-Afnerfearr people believe fa jn ogress, but they know that m the same of pro gress you and your follower have bound; Russia la political cjiains more autocratic than those of the despotic Romanoffs, -"becauss your, governmen tal quackery has deprived all clause of peaoe land order.wbioh- are, attained lit sum meaeurw untTer an ffle4etrt despotism. "We know that your- suc cess In Russia depends upon revolutions hereaqd elsewhere J Ike that you have brought about. We send you, this warning, that. Aw erica will have, uoue of your ideals 'whlok, mean the. destruction of the home aad of religion, as well as the denial' of the primary rights of. man, to protection in the work ing out of his llbertand welfare. To the Industrial Workers of , the World, the conviction of 2? of their number carries this warning: ; " ' v, , The United Stales opens its gates "to all- those who; seek. lager. opportunities to Join the great task of making free Institutions an. kccoiaplliihttd fact. It there are. grievance in the Indus trial, or political ord,er, they must be heard and rlglOed. The government guarantees to- all men the right of peaceable assembly to discuss their, wrongs, to advocate reforms by orderly methods even if such reforms' mean, radical change In the plan of gov ernment existing, . As long as you do mot take, ac tion to 'overturn government by force & persuade men, toj defy the law ; of the land or to obstruct by violence ths operation of essential Industries, you are free! to believe and teach any fantastlo doctrine that may please you. If you caj beace. fully convert the people to the prlnolples of com munismt no maw shall molest yoii or make you afraid. I But denrocratlo liberty does mot Inclw t rlghf ta bomb publlo ofllclals, and substitute bul lets for ballots. : And as long as your 'doctrines bring forth, such, fruits you, will be hunted down as enemies' of the republic, and you should rejoice that the freedom yon assail allows you life instead of standing you against a wall to face a firing squad. ' . mf.nrv. or worse stUl it Is an ln4utry VSf neg lected. In every western county the travel will ee orchards where the trees have been allowed to sprawl their arms in form urtfoveijr and ueoo nomle. Prunnlng, spraying. e surgery Would yet make these older trees pay handsome dlvi- deads. I ' ' ' ' Mr. Schooley emphasised the imperatlva need of greater production and better methods n. grading and packing. Quantity production Is necessary so that buyers may know that a regular supply Hi large volume will be offered then The conference aroused muck- rotexeet. and among definite results there is prospect of an apple skew a4 the establishment of a factory for mak ing the lower grade fruit Into preserves, Vinegar and other products. A Senator Knox, Peace Obateucter. Although the aDlrlt of compromise brooded over the senate In its closing hours, Benato Kno forced through the foreign relattons oommlttee resolution that would mdefinUoly postpone peace on earth. Senator Knox would) 4mroy treaty and covenant, repeal the declaration ef war no is. .u. r.Li.n n mm hU name to document which wold say that America shirks all responst- Wllrr fr world tosn by strife ana conius.on, j Partly m despair an partly a hllenge, to KboW Senator Underwood declared last week that he would support raftscatlon of Uio treaty wlta the league omitted; but Bsnatoo KBo' latest move wouML doprlv tb world, of all foundations on whiek. to. build a aw order- The unity of. the nllle. would be broken and Germany would be fre W Begetlat sepats treaties wltk those who lately stood, together against neir. A4J hop ot dia- armametvt would vanish , with tne treaty leagWH th United State would b forced into, cwmpetttloii with Europ In creating armies and navies, the military system h Oerraany woura b restored artds a nation would Uve la dread ef another and mor 1 terrl Armageddoo. 01 oourse. Senate KnoX doe, noti, expept that the President wouM lg resolution whlck ataa at the destruction of a that ta ame oom pushed at Paris. Knox Is a forme secretary of state and Is not ignorant of the effects of his pro posal. He belongs to that lgaobl. rolaarity cx i who tecognised no national duties to the-world od. whose conception of Americanism cannot even be catted enlightened selfishness. The moderate reservations among. tk p llcana have Jolnad democrat Ur opposing the Knox resolution, and, la. supporting the Underwood pro ponai for a committee to cemsomlsa? Alt group of the eujht senators who favor, a. ratine treaty with" a league covenant ar much close together than, the have, bea i or six. months. The country expects thm to unite In January and let the wold know on what kael it must begl the new year. THE HOLLAND UMf-jtf&ifa nnm nf (ha noiitielnns who went from New Tork to Washington, to- tK pars, in m receov oft the Natlonar KepubUcan eemnuttee, or "' ait the ground whe he dlcu'ot b Un,e nd place for holding the convention were In progress, but cblelly for the purpose ot discovering what the disposition of republicans with respect for nomina tion for president may. be, hav returned t New York and have Interested their friends by telling some of the feature ot the meeting whloh have not been publicly disclosed. It is noticeable that thar aaema to be aa-reement among those who Today Is the fiftieth birthday of Bulnbrldge Colby, who- served' during k. ... . ...mbrr of the United State shipping boar rMt Colbytt i a leading lawye ot New, Tork. city, with . ,ri nf Krtlra eo-ODeratiow commercial enterprise and civic re t . K.hmH him. Ha la a native of were at Washington that tha convention of nextjg,, Loulli BBd 4 p;saduate X WiUlam THE BATS SEWS," " The Professors Organize. .... W i a rsereUable condltto tb force college professors to organize union for afflltatlon with ih. Amlmin Federation Of Labor, inese men. ... i.' . ...Ja nubllo ' aervatsi and W .ace,!; iu , . possible -should be Independent of? any orgAnia Uon, whether of employer' or worker,- . f ' But the promoters ot unions which ar now rapidly recruiting member make out ? a strong case in their contention that ey roast take step that- wiH asaur: living. saliei aodv wkat 1 more serious, make them tod-pendent of Interests which the "rofcsor allege are Interfenw treeaom of thought Jn college halla uch evEs the unions hop t. remedy, : without resbrHng to- th strtk. AW salnrle worker r ulenng ,Uout n. us arrangement of conbjmi ootid ltlo, hot ' th ee4 Wt teacher r- prticuJarIy- unfortunate. : U. K Hurt; wU.Ittg la. School I4tv"ay th average salary for a college teacher wno nas spent 18 year preparing for his profession., , i ,, i,3 o. On,.thl. coiwnfttln., Jb. 1. expected. ,tft supvPrt , famlly-'and " maa of fore n personality . leader. - A the- Tor 1 - worta i- cents, the man who this year receive 11,000 has a purchasing power of only 1498. , , . This economl slavery 1 driving- t abler men into other work; "the" results to education In an era when there I need f the strongest men to guld. tho Amatlcan youth, cannot but be deplor able. , All th allle agree to- keep bands oft in the " ' ' . i... . . . X l.nI f. Russian, war, pays a neaaune. oui exactiy a new resolution en the part of th allied governments, i As not vk Senator TM. caik sug gest a constructive remedy for Mexican evils, so the wisest of the allied leaders confess their Ignor aoce to th fac -fit th Bussln problem. The people of; allied countries have long "ago despaired Ot learning what sctuaf JJussiao. conditions ace In detail One day Petrograd la falling; the next day it besieger-- retreating. It nd a alarm ing report say that Kolcbak in- despair ot ether atd i ceding prt ot Siberia to Japan. "Germany Is. Of course, doing all posiW to gtv her; eott- trol i th Battl. province a l t ot comJa aad political domlnaUoa of western. Rusaia. Rus sia may be working ut her salvation, but it la In a mysterious way an with feer and trembHng that occasionally spreads from Russia around the world. ' -.; Opportunities in Orchardin;. A cqnfersnc last Saturday at : th board ot Trade offlces brought out facts with reference te orcharding that should eaus every farmer and orchardist to ask himself If he I neglecting ' crop that ha swiftly risen te primary import ance. This year North Carolina marketed 420, 000 bashels of apple valued at IS40.004. That portlo ot th crop used at horn would bring the total valne of th apple harvest far above $1,000,- ,000. '.Apple worth bver IS0O.0OS were shipped outsid the state. Carolina growers allowed 20,000 bushel te re on th groand at a loss of 180,000. ; Paul T Schooley, t th state agricultural de partment, told the conference that no ; eastera stat can grew apple of better quality than North Carolina's, Western apple grower still dominate North Carolina market because their fruit ts carefully picked, graded and packed. The high price paid for Oregon apple can be realized by Tar Heels if they will follow the method which hsve mad the, western product popular. That it is not a question of superior quality in the western apple is shown by th quoted state- ment ofN William Stark, originator of Stark's delicious, who recently said that the best speci mens, of this famous variety he had ever seen came from Western North Carplina.. Outside of it few large orchards in Western Carolina, the industry In this section la (tm i K tniu ! tn ia in one resDect similar to so many ether republican conventions since 1st. In other j word It seems to be the opinion, that a wld open race Is to take place, in which the contestants win be found In favor of different candidates for- the nomination, almost all of whom hav now been mentioned In public. The visitors, at Waahlngtoa discovered a dispo sition of th polltlclana to concentrate In such man ner as t make the nomination of General Wood Impossible. - In fact, the opinion, seemed to prevent that unless there should come- a nationwide, spontaneous and.-very strong, popular feeling, not to. b controlled or be directed by the polltlclana, In favor ot the nomination 9f General Wood, then it will be possible to perfect certain combinations which way ultimately lead" to- the selection oP one wlut is not now numbered among those who re prominently suggested as available candidate for the nomination.- ' " ' . ft ami admitted at Washington mac u snoum be demonstrated or made clear that an overwhelm ing majority of those who are sometimes spoken of a the plain people favor the nomination of General Wood, then no, political- maneuvering or political strategy can prevent mat nomination- n might, and in all probability would be made upon th first, ballot. Tue arg iiorsc. tint n nt itva others- whose names havs been spoken of- wUh favor by political friend la likely in MuuiiuA tan nomination, at leaai mai is me nresent outlook. Bul wae oeeeeved. that eaa. there, occasionally., tentatively mention was mauc ot Senator il-anh Billings Kellogg, of Minnesota. No objections to tho nomination or senator rvej- legff wer heard. Ho was spoken of as combining qualities. HI. abilttv ia unauestioned. His intesrltv 1 beyond any douoi. m wouia nui iu t han.1 tn secure the oresidentlal nomina.- tion. And yet he is believed to combine qualities which might be of utmost value were ne ia uc .m tha. auncessor of President Wilson. There 1 esobably no man tn senate, pernaps uv man tn the United States, who to a greater master of the rallroaa situauon ana. prooiem iuivn ooimuu. Kellogg. He 1 known to regard the rallroadt sit uation the most important oi me pruu- lems which congress must answer. He doe not ! In arrruernment ownerskiD.but Is understood to favor government aid during toe period when th railroads, after having been, returned to me own ers, are again getting upon ineic iee. jib i arvtoaonlnHfr ta reasonable labor unions. But be does fear .that organizations ef this kind may b tempted to go' too far,, with, the inevitable result tha., that atvmnatkv and' suDDOrt of the publio of reasonable oalon erganixatlon wljl be lost, . A a liwvw ha la without sunerior. so it is said. And is mu hta brilliant .. handllN of th litigation brouaht by tha government against th Standard OH company- which resulted, in. th dissolution ot that company. That was an. experience which tested to th utmost hi Intellectual, and professional abil ity and hi labor which was Incessant, continued far: into- the aignt wauo tnis litigation ww.u progress, seemed at one time to have overtaxed his atreatgh. but a brief vacation thoroughly re stored Ms health. Such were some ot the- com rseats whloh' were occasionally heard at Washing ton, at th Urn ef tb meetiag of. the Republhn National committee. These comments Ml men ethlng-. On tb other band, they may point to. the .possible selection, of Senator Keliogg as the so eaUed 'dark horse," who, in bi nomination, would reflee the various aoaapremises, and eombtnatlmta by which, other candidates for the nomination, were ieteatsd. -. ". . . A Ijabos at Xlnetj-KlKht. . . -Wklle the precise day. of the month which Idea- tines the birthday of John A Stewart la know, oar to .hi intimate ' friends, yet It . It common knowledge that he had. either recently - celebrated hi nmety.-lghth birthday or wtU soon be able to do that. -, (. -'---- I There 1 no recorded precedent, fori th active Ufa, which Mr. Stewart ha been permitted to live, and to lead even though- h b ninety-eight years of age. He is- to be xounoy four days every wees ar hi desk in, the offices ot the United States Trust Institution. He ran go back t the day when by reason ef hi iafluenoe this, really first of the true truet tostituUoavU-ite'--seyw who ehief occupation was to act as truatjen,wa organleea. nt can recall tn lime wnen inline adminlstiwtioni of President Lincoln he was assist ant treasurer Of the United States at New York. ; ta all psobabtltty but. for th ffhahciar Uppet WhlCB. was given vy avir. eiewan .10 uumes . mn, the construction of the Great Northern Railroad cornnanvwould have been lonsr delayel. in the, seeond administration of President Cleveland th .secretary of the treasury. John' C. Carlisle, came to New Tork for the purpose of securing "from banker fifty millions In gold. The bankers- betd back. Mr. Carlisle had not been tactful In ap proaching them and It was due entirely to Mr. Stewart that this reluetance was endedv h in sisting that it was their, duty to come to the aid of the aovernment. No American displayed in a more enrDhatlc manner the true spirit of Ameii canlsnv than ,dld Mr. Stewart while the European war was In progress. He Is certainly In his men tal vlnor. his' health, hi activities and ' his per sonal appearance a, pheaouanon. And hi friends are now congratulating him that although ninety eight years of age he sits at his desk four times a Week, earrying on -business as though h were a man ot arty. , J. . owij,-sjj. rnnva Ula lnsal education Wl " talned at the Columbia ta hool. Llkeln New Yoelt elty, he, settled there and began to seek clients, and in the course of time-they came, not only in the form of private Individuals ., .,, naarilna- evbls advo- oate. who appeal for Jtistic b heard. Wrenkdaer in. in railway transportation, and' financial worlds began to fin him arrayea sealnet them a ait. inveatlgatoraotlng I behalf- ol soolety. For many, year Ur cnihv was a liberal republican. and whe the Roosevelt break cam In 191Z. he-entwe ardently into th ,k. inuMiMlMit movement. In m he. suppocted. M Wlson for th presidency. TODAY'S AXJVERRARIES. 1819 -Fran Abt, celebrated (ierman composer; born at Bllenb-urg, : Saxony. ' Wed In Wiesbaden, Anrll lft5. ' ' ' 1823--Thom9 Wenrworth HlBinon, tn, a,rvlver nf the famou au thors k'TOWir as th Camrld Kroup, born at uamorrosw. mm Tiied there. May i IM1. 1845 Tha bill for the annexation el Texas passed th United State ' - senate. ... i 1869 Th Ocean drove ' (Methodist BRhicopaUl associatlorr wa organised- ' 4 1880 George Eot (Mary Ann Evans) famous English novelist, die. BortfNovemberAlSl-. - ISHA autt to test the constitutional'- itv nf the income, tax law was begun in the Supreme court of the United States, '.' 1914 -Dover. Eusland.. was bombed by a. squadron of aerman. aJr - planes. 1915 Japanese liner Y,asak& taru. with 83,000,000, sunk In Med itarrauean by submarine. 1918 Vienna reported a defeat for the Russians in, Dobiradja. 1917 Premier Borden announced, that as a war measure the Import a- ' tfon of intoxicating liquors mto Caaada would be prohibited. . OXK'VEAIi MiO TQAV TSi TMK, ' General Pershing paid, first visit, to the Rhineland. .' First elections to new Goemaa as sembly resultoA la defeat, ot ooisne- vliu. ' -.--le , Practical and. Welcome Santa CUug is not always practical' in the typ of Chiistma. gift he bring Pretty luxuries the! wear out. toy, that ar. deatroyed. book thtMA . torn,, rx tiun4, ia the wreckage, oi the hoday geagon, . , 1 t Thew b oa gu tht doe't wev out, but Thi i the thrift account which draw bank interest ai. regular intervals. . "Surpriie gome boy or girl gome relative or friend, with such. gift, practical and ajway acceptable. ONE DOLLAR WILL OPEN-' SUCH; AM ACCOUNT HERE WACHOVIA RANK & TRUST CO panital and $2,00(K00 Mershtr Tedital Reserve 3yten . Ex-Kalser William i reported to he ready to stand trial It he ca choos th tge setting and may have German lawyer.1- If thr are no Ger man aa th Jury, there 1 no- objection to. th pleading the exile's w attry; who- ele would tak th cae, nywayT I William simply tlreft of th qutet of country Ilf In Holland, and. doe n look forward to th Mmellghi as com pensation for any. Judgment that might be rea dered? Kow that discussion among the aUle eeem to aasur hlra 'rhat hi life will be spared, th kaiser probably welcome the publicity aad the opportunity to harangu th world thrwugh hi attorneys. " IiOGIC. i , ' (Detroit rre Pre. If less work men mor pay with still higher price, then total rest should mean infinite pay without being bl te buy anything at alt In other word, th mor a fellow loafs tb nearer he comes to starving. - --'-- ' -' ' ... :.- .v" .. THOROUGHLY ENTERTAINED. (Washington Star. ' "Three-Finger 8am alwaj-s wtna whea he plays nrlll "Yes. That's why he allu say he never play exoeai' for amusement" ; . . -- ncnox. : (Ufe.) '".t- -- .y The successful author's her bas humor, clever repartee, daring, cool nerves, athletic skill,- mag netic presence, an Insatiable thrlat for adventure. The success! ui author ha cae of thee; he kas Imaainatie, --" '.. --... , THE SCISSORS ROUTE , HARVAJtD'8 TUIBIT fc TO THE HrG rkjllOOtlft tNew Tork "World. J' ' -' ' ' ' An analyst niade. bjt investigator- r-HrvT university of tha college records ot 4,000 students who entered Harvard as freshmen during the years from 1(02 pa 1912 Inclusive Bhows results of great interest in ineur oearni on um iiuj ui iiuuuv ehool education. Boy from private schools passed more creditable entrance examinations, but once In college the stu dents prepared at high schools displayed a higher percentage of scholarship.- They won a larger rjrODortkm of degrees with honor and they more over' had, a much lower percentage of admonitions. probation and disciplinary punishment. It is the conclusion of the lnvestieutors that while the prlvat School fits boys for college more success fully 4 - given a boy of fair Intelligence trained with his fellows fat a democratic public school and you need have no fear that he will suffer in hi college record either in scholarship or deportment i comparison with .h,h more for- " tunat classmate who was carefully tutored- at private school. la th' light of this tribute, which is sustained by th earofully complied stausiica, wnai Decomes oi the sweeping criticism of public school methods of education? A school system that fits boys for the highest rank in scholarship at Harvard must b a nretty satisfactory system. Perhaps the pUbJiQ school have suffered from the fact that they are too near home to permit of a view of their real merit tn the proper perspective. Their advocates hav reason to b gratified by th testimony to their thoroughness from the country's " reading educa tional institution. - OUR RIVERS WOUI.D SAVE. COAL . . . , (Birmingham Ledjrer.) -" . Again the Importance of our navigable river courses has been shown. On account of the scarcity of coal, hundreds of railroad train were ..n..j --- . . Tna wer cent, of the locomotives of the United State are engaged In hauling coal for the other to per sent. . ... " . a. andard tur boat has the pulling power to mra. IS standard frelsht trains. ' A at earner consumes 20 per cent, of the coal co- svmed by locomouv puiung n swrnqiwu. jB ; moving the same amount of freight by steamer we would save 80 per cent, of the coal bill w Py for -moving it ty locomotive. it aa adeauate steamship service waa available oa th Mississippi, the Missouri, th Warrior, the Columbia, th Tennessee, the Ohio end other rivers of th country, w might almost smile at any status of th coal supply so rar as transportation is con earned. A portion of r river fleets might be oil burn, era. so that we would be safe in any emergency. t.Th Warrior to jthtbma neat t. aweCV--.-X' Viral. da:V ef- winter. Ceatenanv of tha birth. e rraaa Aki. famous UnrnM conuiosev. - - Rt. Rev. Patrick u, ttfilKon. wtwu.- alL2 .bbih0u. bt WUmmw. -today eele- breree the- 8th - annlvt'isttiy "tf"Tifa nrdlnatlon. , Oeneeal Pershing is to- b tk. guest ot the clte -St.-i.oul today,, and tonhrht will leave for his old home at Laclede. Mo. School teachers Ot Utah will gatner im Sal hate Cky today for the annual convention of. their state association. James E. -Watson,- ItUed States senator' from India,... -.will- be the speaker tonight at the annual banquet of thex New England society of St. LOuta. - The- executive commmee- or tne new American party in Texas uieets at Dallas toUay to tx the dat foe -the state nominating convention. Provincial by-elections are to be held in various constituencies iiv On tario today represented frf ministers elected in the Farmer-Labor govern ment last October. . The case of William J. Oliver, noted r.nrta.lia anit ftidnatrtal leader, who Jis charged) by , th gavrnwaent with sabotage and fraud. Is docaetea tor trial today in the Kederau court at.' VQStAX'i CAUCJtIAI Os? fcPOWH, , TODAY'S, BUlIHVAY6k "rank B. KellOKir. United State seaalor from Minnesota., borst at Pwts fUi.m. M. V.. 6.1- Veara. &s today. Balnbridge Colje rmier mom her ot the united Bta.a sow pro, irorw harn o.l St. 1nula. aK year tea new Udiut (iaodnich. a aetea ascrressi or the Amerlea stage, bar art jjogo nnrtL UidL. s Tear ago. locmj: Opi Kpad, weil . known Chlca author and lournaltst. bona at Nash- ville. Tenth, 7 year ag today, . . Harvev . ML McCuslta, utUlty ln- fielder. ot the Chicago Araertoaa leagwe baeebalk team. bora, at Cyatklanav isr. 25 yeaa.ap today. 'T TODAY'S EVENTS TMGift that; grow and becomes move, valuable sJl the time ia a Saving Account It i a Christina preenli that teacJbs thrift, and builds character. Start one ia this strong national bank ton each, or ycmr children or any othee youngster in whom yourare: in t '' terested, '' - AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK ONLY NATIONAL, BANK. IN. ASHEnLLV 4- on, Sftvmga, apsl Certificate of DpouB Travefcrt' Cheqqee and. Foretgn Exchange hatted The Famo3 Dreadaaught P RES S U RE COOKER It'a th riw on thi unasket Iamadex of heavy cast aluminum with bras fittings, and so consrtuctetl a to, suake it abgolutejy safe, sanitary and reliable ia every Why not give, her one fog way. . . Every hotwe wife wants one. Christma,. .- .. ... , j ",-Si.l";j: lif 1 1 ttoi 1 in a BROARWWY. . WON X3M Ak Racljurr'" Winter meeting of Cuba-American Jockey club, at Havana. Winter meeting of Jefferson Parish Fair association, at New Orleans, Tennis. Junior . and boys' Indoor national championship: begin at. New York, Cheget ; ' Yale -Harvard -Columbia -Priceton Intercollegiate tournament opens at New York. ; -'v.v ;' -- ' Boxing. Benny Leonard va - J&k Abel, 10 rounds, at Atlanta Frank Moran" rst 'Jack" BurkS, eight rounds, at Newark. Joey Fox vs. Joe Lynch, 8 rounds at Newark. Pinkey - Mitchell vs. Eddie Fitzslm mons. 8 rounds, at Newark. Jack Sharkey vs. Patsey, Johnson, 8 rounds', at Newark. """ Joe Benjamin vs. Mickey Donley, 8 round, at. Newark-- 1 ' "' ; ".': Johnny Dundee-va- WHrle Jackson, 10 rounds, at Detroit. PROMINENT PEOPLE , . MARRIED AT GIBSON L. Julmsuo, Former Hemiewe- vUle .CJtUfn, Married. . , '. GIBSON, Dec- 1 A amlenl -cial event In the state th past week was tho- wedding ;o)miaed- in St. John's Methodist church here last Wednesday evening When WVL. Jeha- son, rormeriy o nenuereuuvniB, uut lately Of Orsenaboro. wa Miss Lela. Wright, a vers puir 1 iiuim , winu 01 uui piseev- - siev, Harry M. Nonn, presiaina iuer vi the Kocklagbam district, omciatmg. The church wa tsatefulty deco rated for tke-ocealon-a was " the Write home where a reception was held Tuesday, evening following the rehearsal.. - , u .---.. ... M Las Kvety jokason, of AshevUIa, a sister of the groom and maid of honor, was among the out-of-town people in attendance.' Mrs. and Mr Johnstfn left Imme rllatelv after the ceremony for a bri dal trip to New York and other north eastern cities after which. .tUcy wW Ua UUaxus. ' The first small Sedan finished aa well aa the jexpmdve one. ' " Don't buy until you see it. OVEROU-ASHEVOXE SALES COMPANY 12-16 E-AValmit Phon2967 NEW DORMITORY FORT ' THE STATE COLLEGE To Construct Buudtns; Which W03 AocoDimodate 21 Boys. ,,,,Ik. x.eoBllveJ'v committee of ths North Carolina Stat College of Agrl culture and Engineering, at It meet ing on December -18. after thoroughly considering th question of dormltore in consultation with th state archl- AeeidaA ta, adODt for fUtUT CQ- itmvlf n tsv eett a typ ef )nii- trle new m use la most ot th ; larger coliegea. ' 1 . Arrangement wer mad for th; construction of dormitory room to j ac commodate Ilf students, Werh will? begin on these building not later 1 than February 1. and they will on- j doubtedly be completed in time or , the opening of the next session - in 9eptembr. 111. ; , . . , - This does not provide the necessary dormitory spare, but It re all the com- ' mlttee felt Justified In undertaking at the present time. Vegetarian Caftri opposite post- ' office. Dinner 12 noon to p. tn. ' Spr 8:80-p. m.' to T :00 p.' St. It'